Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


A couple days later...

It's early evening now. Today was quite a tiring day for me physically. We were in the fields for a couple hours early in the morning when we noticed that the sky was growing very dark toward the east. We saw distant lightning flashes in that direction and I thought to myself that the village to the east of us was probably having a rough time of it! Knowing the storm could get worse here, we quickly left the fields as the wind started picking up around us, hurrying back to the village to help everyone prepare for the storm also.

By noon, it was getting darker over our village and strong winds began to blow through our area. It seems that we were on the edge of the storm front because we missed getting the lightning and the heavy rain. After the winds started blowing, there was some light rain but the winds really increased in strength and blew steadily for about an hour without letting up. Even though the rain was light, the wind tore some of the thatching off of a number of huts and the rain came in making things uncomfortable for the families affected. As soon as the rain started to let up, all of the men gathered thatching, rope, bamboo and sibbanac stalks that were kept dry inside an unused hut set aside for that purpose. We went from hut to hut and repaired what was damaged or missing.

After a couple hours of making the repairs, we finished up and took a needed break from our labors. Even though all of us were quite tired, we had the good feeling of having accomplished something that was appreciated by all in the village... especially the women. They feel somewhat distressed when rain comes into the hut and furnishings get wet. They take great care in making the huts comfortable for their families, and when rain water comes inside and soaks things... well, it just isn't a very pleasant situation!

My hut seemed to have survived the storm this time without losing any thatching. When I came in, I noticed that I did have some rain on the floor under my "windows". I didn't have the heavy window flaps tied down tight enough, and the winds blew the rain past the flap. It ran down the wall and made the flooring a bit wet... no problem, I just dried the walls with a cloth, and I'll avoid stepping on that part of the ground until it dries out!

Later in the day, a couple women that had housing damaged in the storm, got together and prepared some food for me. They came to my hut with a fish and vegetable dish that was similar to a salad. The salad had been marinated in an herb and mushroom mixture... it was really tasty! It's amazing what these women can do with their food preparation skills. I thanked them for their thoughtfulness as they left the hut to return to their families. I know they really appreciated the quick work we had done in repairing their homes.

So now, I'm just taking it easy after eating that wonderful meal, (and feeling rather exhausted from the storm repairs), sitting here with the door open and looking out into the village. Shortly before the women came by with the food, I looked around the village for Maeya. I asked a few of the villagers if they had seen her, they said no. After asking De-nay', she said that she saw her walking on one of the trails into the forests about an hour after the storm was over. A thought came to me that perhaps she just felt the need to get away and sort things out in her life before we set out on our way to the Land of the Waterfalls. Most likely, she's having some anxiety about leaving her family for the number of days we'll be gone. I'll bet she's also thinking about what it's going to be like traveling such a distance... with me as her mate! I couldn't blame her if all this is on her mind... so much change in her life in such a relatively short time! I know that my relationship with her has added some complication to her life. I know she loves me, but she also has to balance that love with the nature of the inner being she was born with. I'm sure it isn't easy for her. I've learned to give her the "space" she needs in her life to be what she must be. I accept her just the way she is and let her follow wherever her inner being leads her. Sometimes that means spending some time by myself as I am now. I love her so much... being alone for such a short time every now and then is a small price to pay to be part of her life!

The following morning...

Maeya has arranged for us to talk with her parents about us traveling. After we had decided how we would bring up the subject to her parents, we enter the hut and not only Trem and Leea are there, but also Sar and Terra. Terra has tears in her eyes as she walks over and hugs Maeya. Sar puts his arm around me and says, "I am so happy for you and Maeya. Everyone in the village is so happy for you also." Leea is still so excited she can hardly speak! Trem speaks up and says; let’s take a seat now because Zhimm and Maeya wish to speak to us.

After everyone has taken a seat I say, Trem ... Leea... Maeya and I wish to tell you that we have a desire to travel to the Land of the Waterfalls as each other's mate. After that statement, you could have heard a pin drop! Leea and Trem don't know quite what to say! Sar and Terra are quiet also. They all just look at each other, Trem looks at Leea, and they both look at us and smile. Trem says; our protective parenting skills are coming into play for Maeya, because she has never been too far away from us. As you know, the village also depends so much on her for all the help she gives us when problems arise... (Trem pauses and looks around at all of us as he considers his next statement)... however, we have to realize that Maeya has her own life to live and that we have to let go. We also know that you love her so very much Zhimm, and will keep watch over her in your travels. I wish you the best, and as her father, I give my blessing to you, as she becomes your mate while you are on your way. May the love you have for each other and for our world grow stronger on your journey.

Terra looks over at Maeya and says; I think that the both of you traveling to the Land of the Waterfalls is such a wonderful idea! Leea, wiping away the tears in her eyes says, I'll miss you so much Maeya, but I know that Zhimm will be beside you always. Sar speaks up and says; Zhimm, you and Maeya will really be glad you made the journey. The villagers near that land have told me that it is breathtaking!

It's late afternoon now, and Terra is helping Maeya with the backpack that she will be taking on the trip. She'll carry extra clothing, sandals, a blanket, and extra pouches for food and water. Sar gives me a backpack to use for the journey, and I'll be carrying the same items plus a few more. "Maeya, I'm going to leave now, and go back to my hut. I'll take this backpack that Sar has given me and finish up the evening preparing it for the journey." Trem, Leea, Sar, thank you for all your help and I'll be back in the morning to meet all of you here at your hut. All of them wave and Trem says; see you in the morning Zhimm... get a good night’s sleep! Maeya gives me a hug and kisses me goodbye. They all wave again as I walk off toward my hut.

Entering my hut, I put the backpack on the small table and proceed to put in my extra clothing, sandals, blanket, and the food and water pouches. Oh, almost forgot, I'll bring a couple stone knives also. Hanging the backpack up on the wall of the hut, I walk just outside my hut. Taking a look up at the sky, I don't see any threat of storms. I think I'll relax a bit and just stand here and watch the people of the village as they prepare for the evening.

I've sure grown accustomed to the easy pace of life in our village... the memory of the frenetic pace of my old life is pretty much a distant memory now. I'm not sure if I could cope with it if I had to return to that life! Thankfully, I doubt that the option to return will ever be presented to me. I guess I'm spoiled now. Looking around, I see children so full of energy and life, playing and laughing. Young couples like Giff and De-nay' are walking hand in hand, looking at each other lovingly. People here love and respect each other and the land they live their lives on... what a wonderful place to live!

As darkness draws upon our village, I'm trying to mentally prepare for a good night’s sleep. I hope I can turn my mind off and try to put the trip out of my mind so that I can get a good nights' sleep. I'm rather excited about going on this journey with Maeya. Besides the fact that I wish to share the experience of seeing more of this world with her, I know I can also count on her instincts and knowledge of this world to really make this a memorable time in our lives. I think I'm up to the physical side of this journey. I've been working hard around the village for well over a year now, and know I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in my life. Well, enough of thinking. It's time to go to bed. Lying on my back, I close my eyes and try to think of nothing at all... hmm, is everything packed? Will I oversleep and leave Maeya standing there at her hut? Turning on my side I slowly close my eyes...