Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


I awake to find that Maeya is still lying against me in the same position she was when she fell asleep! She must have been so tired that she didn't even move during the night. She is still sound asleep so I just lay here with my eyes open, listening to the villagers moving about as they start out their day.

I'm just thinking... the noisy morning "wake ups" that I had in my old apartment back on Earth are just a dim memory now. Here, it's just the sounds of nature and people quietly going about their business knowing others may be still asleep. Maeya stirs and I feel her pulling herself close to me again. She whispers a quiet "I love you" in my ear and kisses me on the neck. I tell her, Good morning beautiful! … turning around towards her as I pull her close again.

Looking into her eyes, I whisper... and how was your first night in our new home? "I can't believe how well I slept Zhimm. I must have been more tired than I realized. It seems that I’m still dreaming... lying here with you in our home with new furnishings!" I know how you feel Maeya... part of my dream seems to be waking in the morning with you in my arms! She smiles at me, closes her eyes and kisses me as she pulls herself against me. We embrace for a few minutes and attempt to build up enough ambition to get up and start our day...

Getting out of bed, we slowly gather up some fresh clothing for a trip down to the bathing area. We’re making our way down the path with our clothing and part ways as the paths diverge at the creek. Entering that cool water…this is really waking me up! The men bathing in the creek are in a happy mood, joking with each other. They’re telling me how happy they were for us when they first heard about Maeya and I, and our journey. I'm sure Maeya is getting the same attention at her bathing area.

We return from bathing and make our way back to the hut to eat. Terra calls from outside our hut and says, Zhimm, Maeya... would you come to our hut and eat with us? "Sure, we haven't yet prepared anything to eat." Following Terra to our families hut, we enter and sit down with her parents, along with Sar and Terra. They’re all so happy that we have stopped in for breakfast. We sit down and pass all that good food around! While eating, Leea says, we were surprised to see you coming into the village yesterday! We really didn't know what day we would see you come back. Leea, I understand. That was such a long way to travel for us to keep to a schedule. We really didn't know when we would get back either.

Finishing our meal, the four want to know all about our journey. Sitting with them in the hut, we tell them about the things we saw all along the way, and also the people we met. We tell Sar about meeting his parents, and that they send their love to him. They're especially interested to hear us as we describe the Land of the Waterfalls.

After we tell them about the beauty of the Waterfalls, I say; well all, Maeya and I are still tired from our travel and we'd like to just take it easy for the rest of the day. Do you mind? Leea smiles and says, "We understand... but remember... you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow", so we hug them all and leave the hut.


Maeya and I spend the day just walking around the village. We talk for the first time about the merging of our inner beings that we had shared together at the Land of the Waterfalls. She stops walking, turns toward me, wraps her arms around me and says; Zhimm, I believe that the gift from the Life Force that we experienced back in that land has drawn us closer together than two people could ever be in this life. There are no more words to express how I know... really know... the love you have for me!

I can't speak anymore... I just embrace her as we stand... I have tears in my eyes just thinking about her love that poured out upon my innermost being at the falls. She's not speaking either... her arms wrap tightly around me. I feel her warm tears falling upon and running down my chest...


Walking along... we chat briefly with many of the villagers who ask about our journey. Afterward, Maeya and I leave them and we proceed to walk down to the flat rock near the bathing area. We take a seat and just spend some time talking with each other. We talk of the experiences of our journey while watching the sun go down. Our journey was wonderful, but it's sure great to be home!

As it is getting dark, we walk back to our hut and get ready for bed. We know we'll be quite busy tomorrow! We climb in bed, and kiss each other good night. Maeya curls up against me and falls asleep so quickly! I really have too much on my mind, I guess, to fall right to sleep. I'm thinking about my last chat with the Life Force, and my life here since I first arrived.

Are the Sarn inherently different from humans? There is no violence here, no wars, everyone seems to respect and love one another. I think the worst case of violence I'd ever see here would be a squabble between two men over a potential mate! There really isn't much else to fight over! Could it be that the obeying of the Principles has brought so much abundance to this people that there is so little to fight about? Or could it be, since their life is so uncomplicated by the lack of technology, that there is a lot of "space" left inside their being to develop a spiritual, loving nature?

On Earth, our lives have to be so complicated to comply with all the demands upon us of everyday life by the system itself, not to mention our desire of possessions… baubles that we think will make us happy, that there is very little space left in us to develop any kind of spiritual life. Other people just become an annoyance to us because they want space in our lives that we just don't have any more of. We get frustrated, angry, and sometimes lash out at those around us because we just have too much stuff in our lives to handle. We turn to... television, alcohol, Hollywood... anything that will dull the senses so that we can turn off the world around us that increasingly demands more than we can supply. Multiply all this stress by the number of people crammed into a given location, and what do you think the result will be?

What has all of this complication done for us? Why do we think we need it? Hasn't this path of technology just taken us away from where we really should be?

Why am I laying here, losing sleep, still dwelling on Earth's problems? I should take the Life Force's advice... and just get on with my life. That old life is over... gone forever, I live here now. The problems that I’ve had there are over for me... thank god! I've got to quit thinking and get some sleep...