Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 33


Morning finds us waking to the sounds of a village in preparation for a celebration! Time to get moving down to the bathing area. Getting dressed, we grab some clean clothing and head out. Down at the bathing area, everyone is in a festive mood and all are looking forward to the day's activities.

Walking back from the bathing area, we place our damp clothing out to dry, and head over to Trem and Leea's hut. Yesterday, Leea told us to come for breakfast again. Noticing that preparations are being made in the feast area, some of the men are placing the stalks of sibannac on either side of altar. The women are placing mats down in the area where we'll be sitting.

Arriving at the hut, I call out to her and she says, come in! We enter as Leea clasps her hands and says, Oh, this is such a wonderful day! Come and sit down so we can eat breakfast. The four of us sit, pass the food around and begin eating. Terra is with us; Sar and Trem are out taking care of details for the feast. Among other things, they're probably talking with Bren about officiating the ceremony for Maeya and I.

While we’re eating, Terra speaks up and says, Zhimm, we women are going to be very busy today making preparations in this hut for the celebration. I would like you to leave Maeya with us after we eat breakfast, and you can go and help Sar and Trem, if you would. "Sure, I don't think I'd be as helpful to you women anyway as I would helping Sar." Terra says; Thanks Zhimm. While you are gone, I think that Leea and I will work on making some of the decorations and food. I'm also going to visit some of the other women in the village and see what foods they will be making. I'll make sure that we all make something different so that there will be a nice variety of foods for all.

She turns to Maeya and asks, "I know you will be so busy, but will you please find time to make the ganzhia for this feast? The ganzhia that you made at Giff's and De-nay's celebration... Wow! ... Absolutely delightful! "Sure Sis, I'm so glad you liked it!"

I finish eating and say, Well, I think I'll go and find Sar. There's plenty to do around the village, and I'd better get going. See you all later! Giving Maeya a kiss, I turn and leave the hut. On my way, I happen to look back towards the hut and notice De-nay' entering, carrying what seems to be a large purse or something. Most likely she is bringing Leea decorations for the feast area. I finally find Sar. He's gathering containers to bring some water from the creek. "Sar, give me two of those and we'll both walk down to the creek." He says; Sure, take these, as we walk down to the creek and fill our containers.

While walking back, I tell Sar; you know, Terra ran me out of the hut and told me to make myself useful and go help you! Sar just about died laughing and says, "I know what you mean, and she tells me just about the same thing quite often"! We know that we're just kidding, but we also know Terra has her own way of taking care of things that need to get done.

Sar and I give the water to the women that were waiting for it near the feast area. We catch up with Trem and he says, I've been to see Bren. I gave him the leaves to make the sibannac wreaths for you and Maeya, and for himself. He'll leave his hut and walk to ours when he gets word from one of the children that we will send to him. I tell him; well then, that detail is taken care of. Sar, I think I'm going to stay in the feast area and just help the women here that need someone to carry all the utensils and cloths to the mat areas where people will be sitting. "Fine, I'll make sure that there are shortened sibannac stalks for the children to dance with". Trem says, I'm going to inquire about the ceremonial mat that you and Maeya will kneel on. I tell them, Ok, sounds like we all have our jobs. I'll see you later men!

So we were all quite busy the entire morning and into the afternoon, other than for a few short breaks, and for lunch. A couple times I walked to the hut to check on Maeya, but Terra saw me coming, came out the hut (blocking the entrance) and promptly shooed me away before I could enter! She said, Maeya is much too busy to be distracted, Zhimm. She has so many things to do! I could tell that she didn't mean it in an unkind way, she smiled the whole time she said it... (But she did mean business!).


Everything is in place for our ceremony at last! Sar and I are finishing up the last of the jobs that need to be taken care of for the women at the feast area. We notice that the villagers have their heads turned and are looking past the hut area to the path that leads to the bathing area.

We turn to look to see what the attraction is. Up the path and into the hut area are so many people coming in from the other villages! I've never seen so many people coming in to our village at one time! I see Romm and Kara... also Devun, and Maeya's three friends... others that I don't know their names. Sar says, I'm seeing a number of people also coming in from the village to the east of us. These people all had backpacks, and were also carrying food with them that they have probably gathered before arriving here. What a turnout!

Sar and I make our way to Trem and Leea's hut. Leea comes out to meet us, smiling, and says; No farther Zhimm ... you wait right here! I simply say, "Yes Leea"... and I just stand by the door. She adds; "We’ve already sent one of the children to tell Bren that it’s time to walk down to our hut". She turns and goes back into the hut. As I look around us, many villagers have assembled themselves around our hut. The rest of the crowd is gathered near, but not at the feast area... they stay behind the mats that are placed there.

I hear someone say; Shhh, here comes Bren now! He approaches our hut slowly, smiling with his head held high. He stops about fifteen feet in front of the doorway and turns his back towards it, standing tall. Trem and Leea exit their hut and stand side by side behind him. Terra steps out of the hut and Sar, who was standing next to me, joins her and they both stand behind Trem and Leea. Terra has a flower that looks like an orchid pinned in her hair. She looks so beautiful and her face just radiates joy as she smiles. I'm next... and where's Maeya?

I see De-nay' exit the hut. She's standing alongside the doorway and pulls the heavy cloth back and holds it open. Everyone in the crowd is watching the hut as Maeya steps out... Wow! ... I've never seen her look like this before! Her hair has been put up in a lovely style with a tiara woven from small yellow flowers. Strings of yellow stones are around her ankles, wrists and neck. She's wearing a beautifully embroidered, layered skirt and belt with matching sandals. What intricate designs! Now I know why De-nay' went to the hut this morning. She's given Maeya these things as a ceremonial gift. What a beautiful gift! She's holding a bouquet made from the sibannac flowering top with yellow orchids in a ring around the base of the plant. Now I know why I kept getting shooed away from the hut! Terra and Leea wanted me to be so surprised when I would see Maeya dressed for the ceremony... and believe me... I am! Stepping alongside of her, she offers me her arm and looks at me with such a beautiful smile. She is simply gorgeous! Smiling to her, I take her by the arm, and the entire party starts moving along with Bren leading.

As we proceed ahead, the villagers start gathering behind, walking with us toward the ceremonial area. As Bren nears the area, Trem and Leea, Sar and Terra step aside and allow us to follow directly behind Bren. Taking his place between the sibannac stalks, we turn towards the crowd and stand alongside him.

Turning towards the feast area, he stands still, with the basket at his chest. Bren nods and our family takes their seat near the altar. As they are seated, the villagers take their seats. As the villagers sit, the children come from the small hut nearby with their stalks. Music can be heard, starting in a low volume. The children dance with the stalks but this time they stop afterward and bend down on one knee with one end of the stalk on the ground, the flowered end resting on their shoulder. They move their arms and hands to the sound of the drum and the soft flute.

After the dance, the children place the stalks back with the others and go back to the hut. The villagers acknowledge them with cheer. Two of the children come from the hut, bring the ceremonial mat to us, place it in front of Bren, then leave. Bren pauses just a moment, arms uplifted, for the crowd to quiet and says:

Today is such a wonderful day in the life of our village. Let us celebrate with much joy, the union of our beloved Maeya and Zhimm. I need not remind you of what Maeya has meant to our village. Her love for us is so very special, and we now return that love to her.

We are so blessed that the Creator of All Things has seen fit to give her to our humble village.

He motions for Maeya and I to leave his side and kneel at the ceremonial mat, facing him. We kneel, as I hold her hand and look up at him. He reaches into the basket and takes the wreaths made from the sibannac leaves and places them on our heads. He speaks:

"Oh Creator of All Things, as we lovingly obey the Principles of Life, smile upon us and continue to prosper our people and our land. Thank you for bringing Maeya and Zhimm into our lives and bless their union with children that will bring joy to their hearts and to our village.

Zhimm, you have demonstrated your love for our people in so many different ways. We are so proud to have you as one of our own. We love you, as we do our own flesh and blood.

Maeya, you are so blessed to have such a fine mate as Zhimm. May you cherish him all the days of your life, with all your love.

Zhimm, you have our beloved Maeya as your mate. May you always love her with all your heart. May you cherish her, and always be at her side".

He pauses briefly, and says; "It is time for the sacred bowl of Ganzhia to be brought to our new couple!" As he finishes, we see De-nay' emerging from the nearby hut. The villagers' eyes are upon her as she brings the bowl and presents it to Bren. He holds it in front of his chest and waits. After handing the large bowl to Bren, she picks up the basket he had set down and holds it in front of her, standing on the right side of Bren. De-nay' takes one spoon out of the basket and gives it to me. She takes another spoon from the basket and smiles as she gives it to Maeya. Bren kneels down, holding the bowl in front of us. Taking my spoon, I dip it into the ganzhia and hold it up to her mouth. She eats the mixture from my spoon. Maeya places her spoon into the mixture, and I eat from her spoon. De-nay' takes both spoons from us and places them in the basket, standing alongside Bren.

We rise to our feet, holding hands. Bren again holds the bowl of ganzhia to his chest and smiles at us. Taking Maeya into my arms, we kiss. The crowd cheers as we embrace. We turn and face the crowd, waving to them. Bren whispers to me, Do you wish to speak to the people now?

"Yes, I do Bren."

Bren speaks in a loud voice and says, Our dear brother Zhimm wishes to speak to everyone in our village. The crowd hushes...

I say...

"To our people from every village present here, I want you to know I love you all so very much! I came to your land from far away, a stranger, with no one to share life's journey with.

Even though I must have appeared so different from you, from the very beginning of my arrival in your village you have welcomed me into your heart and into your homes. You have treated me with love, and as you would your own flesh and blood. I thank you so much for all of your love!

My life is so blessed to have Maeya as my mate, and all of you as my family! I want you to know that Maeya and I were so surprised to see what you had done for us when we returned home from our journey! We appreciate your gifts for our home that you so lovingly gave. Thank you so much for coming to celebrate the love that Maeya and I have for each other! This is the happiest day of our lives!" I put my arm around her, and we wave again to everyone. The people respond with such a great cheer and music for us... they love us so very much!

Bren raises the bowl of ganzhia above his head and says, everyone, take from the sacred bowl of ganzhia and let the feasting begin! So we sit with our family and celebrate our union. We eat our fill of all the wonderful food prepared by the women of the village.

Afterward, we pass the bowl of ganzhia between us to complete our ceremony. After we eat, everyone in the village is coming to congratulate us. The women hug Maeya and recount the times that she helped their loved ones with her medicinals. They hug me and say that they are so grateful for my help when I was getting to know them in their homes.

A couple hours later...

I'm watching Terra and Leea dancing with each other. Their dance appears to be sort of a mixture of Irish jig and... I'm not sure what! Both of them had their hair up in a lovely hairstyle, but have long since shaken it all down! Sar and Trem are watching the two women and are laughing so hard they can hardly stand up. While I'm watching Terra and Leea, I glance over to see that Maeya and De-nay' are also dancing together to the music... both of them are moving their hands like hula dancers and swaying their hips around. Neither of them has ever danced that style before, so their dance really looks awkward... I can't help but cover my face and laugh!

As I look around, people are simply having a wonderful time celebrating life and love. Children are hugging those around them. Couples, young and old are embracing one another or dancing. Everywhere, I see people enjoying their lives in complete freedom... the freedom that all of us were meant to live our lives in. The freedom from control and domination of others that are merely our equals and not our masters... freedom to be ourselves, and accountable only to the Creator of All Things.

A few minutes ago, Maeya had left Denay’, and came over to sit with me. Without speaking a word, she wraps her arm around me and smiles. I kiss her, then she whispers in my ear... Zhimm, I love you. I wrap my arm around her as I look in her eyes saying; Maeya, I love your world, my life, and you know I love you so very much!


                                             The End

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