Magic Everything by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Thomas just grins and almost chuckles as he knows he is totally tough and will do what has to be done.

“I was worried about you, Bells, hmm do I need to show my muscles? I hope not, because they are so big it might crowd the hallway. And, it might strike fear into everyone who wants that?” asks Thomas sarcastically with a wink.

“I’ll take it,” says Roger as he watches an old man trying to free himself.

“Ok, Bells, I gotta tell ya me the man with the biceps made from marble. I know he’s ready, which means I’m ready, so be a riding like maybe 5 seconds ago or soon. Do you know what soon means?” asks Thomas as he grins and looks at Bells as she smiles. Thomas knows she is acting a bit odd, but he doesn’t mind because she is Bells and that is all he needs.

Thirsty and Roger go and line up on either side of the hallway and get their wands ready for the exact moment Bells and Thomas take out the guard.

“Let’s ride! Yes, I know what soon means, come on,” says Bells playfully as she smiles and Thomas gets onto the broomstick.

They lift off into the air as Thomas grins, as he thinks Bells has some sweet smelling hair. He doesn’t mind not being able to see anything in front of them through Bells hair.

Paul Jackson starts to slowly stretch out his non-sword hand. Paul thinks the hallway is quieter than normal for some reason, but Jackson (as his uncle calls him) just sits there unconcerned.

“What, what Ma you want me to clean? I thought I said no to that weeks ago. What, you want me to clean your room, oh…I already did last month. Boy, Ma, you really need to start remembering things. OH

yeah Dad said I could eat all the delicious pie. He said and I quote, pie, yeah. So see the whole pie thing is a none-issue,” says Jackson as he sits there looking around. He sets down his sword to cross his arms and take a breath. He works on the lines to tell his mum so he won’t have to do all the different tasks around the house. Jackson knows she is a big pushover.

Bells eyes the sword and throws down some Bain root onto her wand. She aims it at the sword as they get within 15 feet. The sword starts to slowly get sucked towards her and Thomas while Jackson doesn’t notice.

Thomas eyes the sword and knows he can almost run and grab it. Although he worries there are more men around the corner that will nab him or hurt Bells and he isn’t going to let that happen.

“Thomas, I’m going to yank the sword then snatch it up. And I’ll cast a spell while you’re grabbing it. Now here we go, oh I have to do this first,” whispers Bells warmly into the ear of Thomas and then she kisses him on the lips. Thomas really loves this new “getting the sword from the guard technique”. It means he gets a good smooch and the guard has to not feel so good. Thomas grins and nods his head firmly as he looks Bells in the eye. Bells smiles as Thirsty and Roger see this and they both smile and shrug their shoulders. Then suddenly they hear the sound of people coming and they both raise their wands and get ready to fire off some spells.

“Sounds good, I just wish you would ask me like that all the times. It’s because a smooch helps me answer,” whispers Thomas as he speaks into Bells ear. Then she turns and focuses on the sword with Thirsty and Roger unable to tell them people are coming.

Bells yanks the sword and it flies through the air and heads right over to where Thomas can grab it, but Jackson looks to his right and sees the sword is gone a second later and says angrily,” Hey, hey where’s my sword?!

“Rubber Bounce Jastopa Now!” yells Bells as she swings her wand around. And when she does this Jackson spins around and sees her first, but what he doesn’t see is the orange wad of goo that shoots at him. When it hits him in the chest and shoulder it bounces him hard against the wall across from him knocking him out cold and breaking his jaw.

Thomas and Bells fly over to Jackson to see if he has more weapons or is still awake. When they do they duck around the corner just in time for them, Thirsty, and Roger to hide behind one of the walls between the cells. 5 burly wizards and 1 blonde haired boy wizard (named David Knuckles) walk past Thirsty and Roger and no one notices them there. David hums his favorite song, “I like magic for breakfast Mum.” He grins and looks in at his favorite prisoners, as he thinks these people should have known not to come into their forest.

“Thomas, he’s out cold, good. Now, we have to check on Thirsty and Roger. Although if we don’t look into the next hallway we won’t know if it’s a dead end. So let’s take a look,” says Bells as she takes a wand and a piece of a mule’s neck hair from Jackson. That way he can’t come up behind them with a spell or enchantment and trap or kill them.

They see several magic filled TVs set up lining a long stairwell into the ground. There are several bright flames illuminating the stairwell and showing it leads to where they need to go ever deeper.

Thomas nods and sees a bright tapestry that looks like the Bow Maker. It shows him making a bow and he looks to have bright red eyes with a blue circle surrounding each eyeball. He also has black and red tipped horns that poke out from between his eyes. He has a set of fangs and a large round chin on a massive muscular body with wings poking out the sides. It shocks Thomas only briefly and then he pokes the tapestry as he wants to punch it. Thomas isn’t afraid of the Bow Maker regardless of how evil he looks.

“Hmm, I see the Bow Maker thinks he’s quite a big person hmm. I bet, and I would know, if we spelled him he’d probably die like a fish in mud boots. So I’m not worried, but we know this leads to where we’re going. So, you wanna go and get Thirsty and Roger with me hmm? Could be a good trip,”

says Thomas warmly as he grins and looks at Bells out of the corner of his eyes. Thomas wants her to kid with him for a minute to ease his mind. He also needs it to keep his courage at maximum at all times. The Bow Maker is making him wish he had Thirsty and Roger there to help.

Bells grins and looks around as she sees there is a small tunnel that leads up through the marble walls big enough for a Pop. There is a breeze blowing out of it and it heads right into the room. Bells knows that could be a good escape route if they get stuck.

“Yes, I would but this…do you hear that? Someone’s coming, hop on the broomstick quick!” says Bells quickly as she lifts the broomstick up into the air and Thomas hops on. She knows they can’t go down the stairwell without Thirsty and Roger. And she knows if they do they might get captured or worse. Bells flies them into the tunnel and they head up through the wind just before David walks around the corner with the 5 wizards.

“Uncle Robert, is it alright if I hate all the people from outside of our world? Like, I know they don’t like me because I’m a powerful wizard, like dad the Bow Maker. So can’t I just say well, right back at ya?” asks David Knuckles honestly as he walks along and sees Jackson lying up against the wall and points to him and says in disbelief,” Hey what happened to Jackson, is he sick?”

“Well, David, what, what happened to Jackson? Everyone look around quick, actually, no we’re heading into the tunnels. They had to go that way there’s no route for any adult otherwise,” barked Robert. “David, good work you did what all great wizards do, they notice everything. Let’s go tell the Bow Maker what a great son he has alright, let’s move it!” says Robert snidely as he glares at Jackson’s body and wants to hold whoever harmed him accountable.

David beams with pride and looks at Uncle Robert with his head held high. David knows he will be the most powerful wizard someday and it is soon to be his way of life. They all hurry down the stairwell and leave Jackson alone. The Bow Maker’s code says everyone has to protect themselves or their fate is death.

“Bells, I see this tunnel leads, ya know to the park. Hmm, this is a good way to escape, but we have to go back and get Thirsty and Roger,” Thomas says as he rubs his chin.

“Yes we do.”

”I know my brother those men didn’t get him, he’s sneak-y. Now let’s ride down slow with your wandy ready, and my swordy ready. And if they try something well then they’ll be wishing for a new coffin. Now, let’s go back and quick they need us ok, Woman of my dreams and awake? It’s true,” says Thomas warmly as he grins and puts his arm around Bells. He knows she is the best person you can get to save a good brother like Thirsty and good friend like Roger. Bells also smells good and is smiling at him which he likes.

Bells looks around and she has to chuckle and then turn on her brave face. She spins them around and aims the broomstick down the tight tunnel. They fly slowly down the tunnel and luckily they don’t hear anyone talking.

Then Thirsty and Roger get in the perfect spot and Thirsty shouts firmly,” Line of metal Breaksudus!” He waves his wand and aims the condensed purple line of magic down the row of locks for the cells. It quickly melts all the locks to all the cells on his side.

Roger sees this and he takes in a deep breath and gets ready to do the same spell.

“Line of metal Breaksudus!” yells Roger powerfully as he waves his wand the same way Thirsty had. Then he aims his line of magic through all the locks destroying them all. The wizards and witches come pouring out of their cells along with some trolls and other beasts. Thirsty and Roger look at the stunned looks on all their faces and they are taken aback. They know if it were them they would have wanted badly for someone to rescue them.

“Wow, Thirsty!”

“Good work, Roger, these wizards especially with the witches might help us. For now though I would oh no I forgot about THOMAS!” said Thirsty as his eyes grew large. “People, can you listen for one second I need you all to help us! The Bow Maker has taken my brother and our female friend Bells. If you can cast a spell, or you can use magic at all, we need your help!” says Thirsty boldly with his hands up while he looks at everyone with sad eyes.

Then a short, stark white haired with blonde curls at the tips wizard named Steven Adams steps forward and grins. He has a thick black beard to boot. He raises his hand and looks up at the ceiling.

When Thirsty and everyone look up they see nothing and look back at Steven.

“Be born in rising beginnings Singrat!” shouts Steven loudly as his voice cracks and then out of his beard comes a swirling mini-lightning cloud rising to the ceiling. Once it hits the ceiling it smashes the roof and forms a staircase leading down. Steven watches happily as his hidden blue wand floats down and into his hand causing him to smile and say boldly,” I could not help ya without this little wonder of the wizardly world woo hoo! Let’s go get your friend and brother, I’m Steven by the way, it’s always great to

meet me I know,” says Steven warmly and in a high pitched voice. He walks over to Thirsty and Roger and acts like he is going to tap them on the shoulder, but he stops an inch short.

Thirsty doesn’t know if Steven is all there, but thankfully he is willing to help thinks Thirsty.

“Nice to meet you, but we’ve gotta hurry! Anyone else willing to help?!” asks Thirsty quickly as many of the wizard’s look at each other and just want to leave after their ordeal. They run out of the room leaving only a Troll and a witch named Janet Jones. Her green skin and bright white teeth make her very striking to look at.

“Please!” pleads Roger as he offers his right hand.

Janet has on a purple flower dress and dark red leather boots with the words,” Spells and Breakfast,”

sewn down the toe in tan leather letters. She raises her hand and winks at Thirsty and Roger as Thirsty says boldly,” Then it’s us, let’s hurry. Pop, where are you?!” asks Thirsty anxiously as he looks around and sees no sign of Mr. Pop anywhere, but then Pop lowers down from the roof of one of the cells.

Mr.Pop flies over to Thirsty and Roger with a smile on his face and his tongue wagging like a whip.

“Hey, Pop!” says Roger brightly.

“That’s settled, everyone hop on we’ve gotta move!” says Thirsty boldly as he gets on Pop and Janet gets on behind him. Steven uses the tip of his wand to create another seat for the back of Pop. He sits down behind Roger and then Thirsty gives Pop the command and they race down the hallway. Thirsty is a bit nervous, but feels better with Steven and Janet there to help out.

Steven knows what is right and he knows you don’t abandon someone that needs help when they’ve helped you.

“Yes, then we’re riding quite right. I love a Pop, they always know where the food is, ha he!” says Steven happily as he sits back and looks around for any signs of the Bow Maker or his men.

Janet rides along wanting to do what is right and she feels deeply for Thomas and Bells and their plight. She knows they need her help and they will get it.

They turn the corner and see Jackson lying there out cold. Thirsty knows to keep on going and find Thomas and Bells. Thirsty drives Pop down around the stairwell and sees there is a long stretch of people locked in irons in cubby holes on either side of them past the TVs. He knows then that Thomas and Bells are in a bad place.

The hallway they are in descends and continues heading towards a bright red hot wall of flames in the distance. This hides the Bow Maker’s chamber of Talking Stones (from which very few people he doesn’t like have ever escaped from).

Thomas and Bells fly out of the tunnel behind Mr. Pop some distance ahead, but they have no idea they have taken the wrong stairwell. Bells scans the room and she knows something just feels different, as the smell of the room is different.

“Thomas, something just happened here, do you smell the burnt metal?” asks Bells as she eyes the room and sees no signs of movement out of Jackson yet.

Thomas looks and sees no one around and he knows they have to go back and get Thirsty, but something tells him he is somewhere else and he doesn’t know why.

“Yes, smells like they were roasting daggers. I bet, I bet Thirsty and Roger are not back in the hallway, watch and see,” says Thomas as he nods his head softly and looks back at Bells.

Bells squints and flies them towards the hallway. They come around the corner and see all the cells open and no one around. Thomas knows it when he sees it that Thirsty has freed them.

Bells is a bit shocked that Thomas is right, but she also knows Thirsty and Roger have freed the prisoners.

“That’s quite a foresight, Thomas, but where are they? Actually, if they freed them, they would have gone to find us. Now that means they oh no…,” says Bells sadly and in disbelief as she realizes Thirsty and Roger have gone down the stairwell looking for them.

Thomas looks back at her and grimaces as he says sadly,” I know, they have to be down the stairs. I think if we are smart, and we don’t do the not so smart thing. Then we’ll not rush down the stairs, but try and go as slow as possible. That way, we might find a way to sneak in through a secret door before we get caught,” said Thomas as he started to sweat from his brow and then continued, “I say this because I know Thirsty and Roger are caught, don’t ask how are you asking?” asked Thomas timidly. “So if they are, then we can’t go the way they went in see. Bells, maybe we be smarter than the Bow Maker. Maybe ya know,”

Thomas says warmly as he looks over his shoulder at Bells and gives her a nod. She knows he means to not rush in and keep their wits about them. Bells nods and rubs the side of his face.

“That’s what we’ll do, and we’ll do it right. Hold on,” says Bells boldly as she flies them back past Jackson and then slowly down the stairs. When she sees the line of people in irons she knows it could be them in the future if they aren’t careful.

“Yes I’ll holdy on, but who’s gonna hold you, hmm? Whoa, these people are stuck here for goods, not a fun spot to be. I wonder if Thirsty and Roger know we’re alright,” said Thomas nervously as he fingered his shirt. “Ya know, because Thirsty always worries about me even if he THINKS, maybe my pinky toe hurts. Bells, I hear people up ahead maybe we should go up to that ledge up there quick!” says Thomas quickly as he points to the golden ledge. There is the image of a 3 headed eagle holding swords on a tapestry floating in the wall behind the ledge.

For sure Bells knows that might be a good place to hide and think for a second. She flies them up there and just as they get to the ledge (and are obscured from view) they see Uncle Robert come walking down the tunnel laughing and carrying Roger’s wand. Thomas recognizes the broken wand by the

markings on it and the color. His eyes grow wide and Thomas worries Thirsty is dead or dying with Roger.

Thomas leans back on the silk eagle and he falls backwards through the wall and rolls down a small hill and then up another dark blue brick covered hill. Only to get his pants caught on some arrow shaped helmet poking out the wall. Bells races after him and sees Thomas sitting there stuck to the helmet. And before she can say anything the helmet starts lifting up into the air and carries Thomas by his pants up a spiraling set of hidden stairs. Bells rides up behind him and follows him nervously some 10 feet behind, but she knows she can’t call out or they are cooked.

Thomas is carried through a 4 foot tall arching door and dragged up a small ramp. There are 30

different bows on either side of the room in magic enclosed glass shrines with names like,” Kyle’s Favorite Birthday,” and,” The Invisible Wound.” They are illuminated by glowing balls of magic and dancing faces of spells cast centuries earlier in most cases. It brings him along a long dark blue and yellow colored smooth marble floor and towards a clock. And if he doesn’t get loose quick he is going to drop off the side of the clock tower and land at the Bow Maker’s feet.

Bells rides into the room carefully as she keeps her eyes on Thomas. When she sees Thomas heading for the front of the clock and his demise she knows it is time to floor it. She flies as fast as the broomstick will take her. She snatches up Thomas by the back of his shirt just as he goes over the ledge. Bells hangs onto him with one hand and the broomstick with the other. It is all she can do not to drop him to the hard spike covered floor below.

Thomas sees that if he grabs the letter X in the letter clock he can climb up to safety. He grabs the middle of the letter and he and Bells are able to lift him onto the ledge.

“Quiet, Thomas, let’s go inside,” whispers Bells as she pulls on Thomas’ hand back into the room with the bows. They quickly take in a few deep breaths. Bells knows enough to go and check to make sure the way they had come in isn’t still open for everyone to see. She flies down and sees the silk Eagle

is back in place. She nods at this and then flies back into the room with Thomas. Bells sees him smiling as he holds The Shadowman’s Bow and she smiles and asks quizzically,” What have you got there that has you smiling?”

“I found it, ya know, the Shadowman’s Bow the good one. I wonder if he hid it here, because he knew no one would ever find it?” asks Thomas as he grins. “I mean, we never would have looked in here unless we were thrown in here. So we never would have looked in here. Bells, this bow is all we need, BUT, but but, that’s 3 buts, there are other ones look,” Thomas says as he starts to smile. “This one says, Sam Horn’s Screaming Talon Bow and it has endless arrows like the Shadowman’s also. With all these magic arrow and both of us using them,” said Thomas softly as he waved his right hand. “I know some things, this thing I know, we would kick some boot, I mean butt. Even be able to get Thirsty and Roger back. Hmm, Bells, I think I get a smooch and bow hug?” asks Thomas as he grins and hands the gold body Shadowman’s Bow to Bells.

The Shadowman’s Bow has a series of smaller and ever larger drawstrings going up and round the front of the bow. It has dark green glowing arrows made from magic already set up on all the black strings with the words,” Brave is a reflex for me,” written in dragon’s blood on the side of the bow.

Bells can see it has tiny windows all over it that seem to show what you are aiming at from every angle. She aims it at the wall and she can see what is on the other side. She sees that Thirsty and Roger are being glared at by the Bow Maker and David. They have their hands in irons above their heads and it makes Bells eyes grow wide and she looks at Thomas and waves him over to look.

Thomas asks,” What’s the new thing you wanna show me? OH, it’s Thirsty and Roger, I knew they had them. Bells, we have to go get them, but we can’t leave these here. Hmm wait, where’s Mr. Pop?”

asks Thomas nervously as he looks through the wall and scans the room where the Bow Maker is.

Thomas sees there are hundreds of white marble thrones with statues of people sitting in them set up with flames engulfing them. There is also a 10 foot tall white skinned dogs called Kilters. The Kilters’ are

walking around the room and protecting the Bow Maker and his tools from being taken. They have dark red fangs that can eat you whole and have large hulking muscles.

“Do you see Mr. Pop, Thomas?” asks Bells anxiously as she looks around and eyes Thomas intently.

Thomas starts to chuckle as he shakes his head.

“Oh gee, Pop’s riding around in the rafters while this wizard tried to catch him!” says Thomas as he watches Mr. Pop. “Hmm that Mr. Pop sure is sneaky! Well, Bells, let’s think for a bit, just a bit. I know I can get Mr. Pop over here I know it. Now, if I had him I could try and save Thirsty and Roger but. Now this but is not a good one, do these magic arrows go through metal, and will they kill the Bow Maker?”

asks Thomas hopefully as he hands the Shadowman’s Bow back to Bells and he squints as he looks at her.

Bells watches as Thirsty and Roger get whipped with a leather whip across the chest. It makes Bells cringe for a moment.

Meanwhile the Bow Maker and David get ready to turn Thirsty and Roger into marble statues and add them to their tourist collection. David is going to use magic and searing hot metal to melt them away.

Then the Bow Maker is going to encase them in marble forever.

“Thomas, the Bow Maker is about to harm our friends so we have to take our chances. He’s got a small wizard there that I can take on, but you have to take out the Bow Maker, you have to!” said Bells sternly as she patted Thomas on the shoulder. “You need Pop so we can run for it when we have Thirsty and Roger free. Get Mr. Pop first then meet me at the Bow Maker once you see me fly down off the ledge. And oh, don’t stop firing arrow. I’m going to use this Sam Horn Bow. You take the Shadowman’s, and if anything happens to me I love you,” says Bells warmly then she kisses Thomas quick on the lips and they both smile at each other.

“Thought you might invade my home did we? Thought I was your friend, again did we? NO, not so much, Children, if anything I’m the worst friend you ever had!” snarled the Bow Maker. “Just think, what sort of friends melt you to dust and then encase you in marble, hmm? Yes, I am that friend in spades. I wonder though, that Pop of yours does he mind being eaten?” asked the Bow Maker snidely. “A good Pop always makes me SMILE. So, how’s your vacation to the BIG CITY working out for ya, having fun?” asks the Bow Maker coldly as he prepares the mixture of magic and metal with a trio of sharp jagged tools.

David smiles and prepares the (cast upon with magic) marble to attach to them the second they are gone. The Bow Maker hates Thirsty and Roger and sees them as the pushy bad people that cost him so many nights of sleep in his youth.

David looks into Roger’s crying eyes and he only sees an enemy and not a real young man at all.

Thirsty and Roger stand there knowing Bells and Thomas are the only hope they have for living.

Thirsty looks at the reflection on the Bow Maker’s eyes and sees Thomas climb out onto the ledge with Bells. And when he does he has all he can do not to yell out. He knows then Thomas and Bells are going to let the Bow Maker taste some of his own medicine.

“But how do you know?” asks Thirsty coyly as he looks right at the Bow Maker and shows no emotion. Thirsty knows he has to buy some time and fast so he blurts out the first question he can think of (but he doesn’t even know what he is asking).

The Bow Maker freezes and looks at Thirsty quizzically as he grimaces. He wonders what this insolent child is trying to do using his voice in his presence.

“What do you mean, Child, KNOW WHAT?!” asks the Bow Maker fiercely and in disbelief as he eyes Thirsty. He gets his molten hot tool not even 2 inches from Thirsty’s face and glares at him.

Roger looks at Thirsty and is just as unsure as David as to what he is asking.

Meanwhile Thomas and Bells call Mr. Pop down from the rafters. Mr. Pop flies as fast as he can over to Thomas and starts to lick him. Thomas grimaces and gets on the back of Pop as fast as he can.

Bells checks out the Sam Horn Bow and sees it can fire perfectly straight for several miles. She knows even with her aim she can’t miss, but it says on the side,” Don’t aim at the person you want to hit with this bow, aim around them.” Bells squints at this and as it makes her wonder if she dares take a chance and not aim directly at the Bow Maker or David.

Roger looks over at Thirsty with tears in his eyes and shakes his head no, but Thirsty just looks back at him confidently. Thirsty can see Thomas and Bells getting ready to unleash an attack of epic proportions.

“One thing, the thing all people know if they ever took a breath. I’m smarter than you,” says Thirsty coldly as he smiles from ear to ear and winks at the Bow Maker.

This makes the Bow Maker fill with an unbelievable rage and he starts to shake as he takes in quick breaths.

Thomas and Bells fly towards them with the Sam Horn Bow and the Shadowman’s Bow in their hands. Thomas gets ready to shoot the Bow Maker when David hears the sound of Pop breathing and spins around to see them.

“BOW MAKER, LOOK OUT!!” shouts David quickly and nervously as he ducks under the nearest table and pushes the Bow Maker out of the way of Thomas’ arrow.

This makes it sail on by and stick into the table just beside Thirsty. Thomas fires again and again hitting the Bow Maker in the arm 3 times. This causes blood to ooze from his various wounds, but he doesn’t drop the molten hot tool.

Thirsty and Roger fight to free themselves from the irons, but they are too thick and won’t move an inch. Bells sees this and raises her wand.

“Dust me my metal, my metal my dust!” shouts Bells sharply as she flies in close to Thirsty and Roger and swings her wand like a hammer. She smashes the irons holding Roger and then Thirsty.

Thomas tries to pin the Bow Maker down and hits him in the chest. The Bow Maker decides to make a run for it and darts into the long line of statues. Thomas gives chase and David tries to get a decent view to cast a new spell.

“Thirsty, Roger, I can only take one but here! This will protect you until we can get your wands back!” says Bells boldly as she hands Thirsty the Sam Horn Bow and smiles at Roger.

Roger runs and jumps onto the front of the broomstick. He knows without a weapon he is probably cooked.

Thirsty inspects the Sam Horn Bow and then his eyes meet with those of David under the table and Thirsty smiles menacingly.

“I see you there are you looking for a hat, or a piece o’ pie? I got what you need and it’s FREE!!”

says Thirsty snidely as he glares at David and goes to fire the Sam Horn.

David scampers away from Thirsty by crawling under the table. He sprints out around a large set of blades and tools on a blood red rack. Thirsty runs after him as fast as he can.

Bells and Roger take to the air to help Thomas out. He is now gaining on the Bow Maker and tries to get the perfect shot. Thomas can see the Bow Maker is bleeding and not running evenly.

“There’s a gift for you here, gifty! Maybe you slow down and I give it to ya good? Bow Maker, I found a diamond ring here, LOOK!!” yells Thomas as he flies after the Bow Maker and fires off some 10

arrows. He wants to trick him so he can get a decent shot without having to weave in between the statues.

The arrows start going right through the statues and coming out the other side as flaming balls of fire and

electricity. They only clip the Bow Maker’s left hip and slow him down a bit. Thomas knows one good shot and he has him.

Thirsty runs and leaps through the air and lands on David. This smashes his face hard into the ground. Then Thirsty punches him again and again in the back of the head.

“Let me go, we were only kidding, please!” pleads David coyly and tearfully as he cries and pulls his dagger out of his waistband unbeknownst to Thirsty.

Thirsty sees there are Kilters eyeing him with spit coming off of their fangs. He shoots back from David and starts firing arrows at the 5 Kilters facing him. The arrows go at the Kilters, but then splinter off into orange and yellow fingers with sparks of magic clinging to them. Only to combine to form the 8

foot across claw of an eagle to Thirsty’s surprise. And when the claw gets to the first of the Kilter’s it clamps down on her torso and rips the Kilter into 2 pieces. The legs are still running towards Thirsty for a second then crash into the wall. Thirsty doesn’t know what just happened, but he likes it.

The other 4 Kilters get the same treatment by the claws and are ripped to shreds. Soon they are just aimless (soon to be dead) torsos running around aimlessly.

David sees this and he knows he has to take care of Thirsty with his dagger and fast to save the Bow Maker.

“SO CAN YOU LIVE FOREVER!! I DOUBT THAT SERIOUSLY!!” thunders David angrily as he runs at Thirsty from behind.

David raises his dagger high, but when Thirsty hears this he instinctively ducks and rolls off to the side. This makes David swing his dagger at air and nearly trip and fall over. Then another Kilter comes out of a secret passageway and eyes Thirsty from one side and David eyes him from the other.

Meanwhile Bells and Roger see Thomas firing his arrows at the Bow Maker and missing, because the Bow Maker is hidden in a large dark brown wooden box with magic surrounding it. This means the arrows can’t get to him, but Bells knows just what to do.

“Hey, Young Man, put it down and I’ll let you live! Drop the blade or that’s it, and you know what that means! One last chance drop it or die!” says Thirsty coldly as he glares at David, aims and fires off a pair of arrows at the Kilter. The arrows tear it into 2 pieces and the torso runs at David and knocks him down. Even so, David isn’t backing down no matter how tough Thirsty is (as he knows he is tough too).

“NO, THAT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, FRIEND!! You came to our home, our place to live, and you RUINED IT!! If I let you live I’d never feel safe again! Go now, go and try your arrows on me, they won’t work!” says David snidely as he swings his blade in front of his face as he walks towards Thirsty.

Thirsty backs up and keeps his eyes on David, as he doesn’t want to kill him, but he knows now he has to.

Bells flies up above the boxes trying to figure out what to do next. She gets her wand ready and smiles at Thomas for a second.

“Bells, make that bad man feel bad, real bad! Let him have it, and it better be the bad it!” says Thomas as he looks around with the Shadowman’s Bow for anyone else that might come into the room.

Then he sees uncle Robert and 2 other blonde haired wizards come running in. Bells looks and sees them and she knows what to do.

“Thomas, go take care of those wizards, I got your friend here!” says Bells boldly as she nods and then raises her wand high as Thomas and Roger fly away waving back to her. Bells knows Thomas can muster the strength to do great things if someone just believes in him.

Roger wishes he had his wand back so he could help. Roger knows anything can happen and he is wasting his powerful wizard hands. Bells grins, then raises her wand and shouts,” To drop a stone is to drop the sky fregatta!!”

Then out of Bells’ wand comes this rumbling and a royal red cauldron of interconnected pieces of gold and stone. Once they are formed above the Bow Maker’s wooden box he knows something sounds bad. The Bow Maker pokes his head out the top of the box just as the heavy boulder falls down on him.

His eyes pop out of his head and he is crushed flat, dead as the wind in a soda can and Bells knows it.

“Stay back! I’ve had it with you, Young Wizard! Now it will all change your heartbeat to silence!”

shouts Thirsty coldly as he aims the Sam Horn at David.

David runs at him with his dagger swinging wildly. Thirsty fires off some arrows and the claw forms and snatches David through the midsection. He is torn into 3 pieces and his lifeless head rolls down to Uncle Robert’s feet. When he sees it his eyes turn blood red and he wants to personally kill Thirsty.

Thomas and Roger fly towards Uncle Robert and open fire, hitting his left arm with an arrow at the shoulder. It makes his arm fall helplessly to the ground as he scrambles into the row of statues.

The other two wizards try to duck behind a pair of wooden bins filled with swords, but Roger takes dead aim and hits the nearest wizard in the chest and the arrow bursts his chest like a water balloon. He is instantly killed. The other wizard (named Frank Cooper) raises his wand and is about to cast a spell when Roger fires 5 arrows into his head all at once. This kills him and sends his wand rolling across the ground.

“Thomas, take me down there, I need that wand!” yells Roger quickly as he keeps the bow aimed around the room looking for more wizards. He sees a trio of Kilters heading for Thirsty and he takes dead aim. He hits the farthest one away right in between the eyes exactly, killing it dead and causing it to careen into a wall of books. The other 2 Kilters go after Thirsty unbeknownst to him, as Thirsty hides

behind a large gold shield. He can see Uncle Robert trying to work his way to him, but Thirsty isn’t going to let that happen.

“You can come out now, there’s no way you’re sneaking up on me! Just leave, and if you do you live. Stay…and die it’s your choice!” yells Thirsty as he takes aim at the spot where Robert will have to walk to get to him. Thirsty knows this is the time to shine and he has to be perfect to survive.

“THIRSTY!! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU QUICK!!” screams Thomas frantically as he flies Mr.

Pop towards Thirsty and waves his right hand.

Roger aims and fires some arrows at the Kilters, but they duck into some boxes. One continues heading for Thirsty only a few small strides away. Thirsty hears this and spins around to see the Kilter just feet from him. He fires off 3 arrows at the last second. The Kilter leaps through the air, but before it can sink its fangs into Thirsty the claw snatches it out of the air and tears it to pieces. This leaves Thirsty lying there now fearful of Robert, as he knows Robert is too close.

“THANKS, THOMAS!” yells Thirsty as he tries to get to his feet and prepare for Robert, but as he does Robert comes running out from behind a box with a sword in his hands. He goes to kill Thirsty with 1 mighty lash, but Bells fired off some arrows from the Shadowman’s Bow and they shoot through the air and then go through Robert like nothing happened. Robert looks at Thirsty with a not at home grin. Then his body falls to the ground in pieces and he dies at Thirsty’s feet.

“Are you alright, Thirsty, are you good?!” asks Thomas frantically as he and Roger fly down to Thirsty. Thomas knows Thirsty can be hurt and not even know it. Thomas lands Mr. Pop beside Thirsty and jumps off and rushes to his side.

“Hey, Thomas, I’m ah, I’m perfectly fine but I feel my nerves are racing a bit. Can we get out of here and then talk about it? I think that would be best,” says Thirsty anxiously as he scans his torso and legs

for wounds, but he sees none and moves his head slowly to the left. Thirsty knows just how close he came to dying right then and there.

Thomas hugs Thirsty and then helps him to his feet. They quickly get back on the middle seat of Mr.

Pop. Bells flies down and lands right beside them with a determined look on her face.

“Is everyone alright I hope? Please say yes, Thomas, Thirsty, and I didn’t forget you, Roger?” asks Bells hopefully as she grins ever so slightly. She looks at Thirsty as he sits back and blinks his eyes a few times. She knows he is going through a rough patch there and needs emotional support.

Thomas gets Mr. Pop into the air and then looks over at Bells and winks at her as he smiles.

“We’re fine, and that means we didn’t die thankfully. If anything bad had come our way, OH that would have been really smelly, Bells, like stink,” said Thomas jokingly. “So let’s get out of here and then like Thirsty said we’ll gab. Roger, hold on tight. What are you looking at anyway?” asks Thomas as he grins ever so slightly and looks at Roger. Thomas looks down at a box that is moving to the left. Thomas wonders what is hiding underneath it. Janet and Steven emerge from underneath. Both Thomas and Bells don’t recognize them and Bells goes to shoot, but Roger reaches over and stops her.

“Wait, they’re our friends Steven and Janet they tried to help us. Janet, Steven, are you alright?” asks Roger hopefully as every moment he spends in the Bow Maker’s work room the more nervous he feels.

Roger swallows hard and rubs the side of the Sam Horn bow.

Janet and Steven climb to their feet and take a quick look around.

“I’m fine he’s fine too! We all have to get out of here before more come. Is there any room for us on your Pop or your broomstick?” asks Janet hopefully as she runs her fingers through her hair and looks around for her wand. All’s she sees though are several swords and a broken bow lying on the Bow Maker’s work station. She knows they might have to walk out.

Steven looks at Thomas and Bells and nods his head firmly as he offers Thomas his hand. Thomas shakes Steven’s hand and points to the back of Pop where the other seat is. Steven knows enough to not ask, but simply sit down and hold on for dear life. Janet on the other hand sees Bells wave her over and she smiles quickly at this and gets onto the back of Bells’ broomstick.

“Nice to meet you, Janet, and you, Steven, I’m Bells and he’s Thomas. Well then, talking can get you killed in here so let’s leave,” says Bells half-jokingly as she motions for Thomas to fly out in front of her. She knows he is a bit nervous to be flying Pop, but needs to go first.

Thomas flies back the way they came in with Bells close behind. They fly for a minute and are soon riding past the people in irons lining the hallway. Bells wants to help them and Janet can see that on her face.

“No, Bells, no those people are the Bow Maker’s own family. If you help them escape they’ll only hunt you down for the rest of your life. Please, leave them be?” asks Janet sternly as she motions with her hand for Bells to not cast a spell.

Bells looks back at Janet and knows she is telling the truth as she lowers her wand.

Thomas slows down to peek back at Bells when he sees her starting to race towards him and he knows to floor it. He speeds around the staircase and back into the room where Jackson is, but Jackson is waking up and rubs the back of his neck. Thomas stops dead and spins Mr. Pop around and heads for the tunnel to the surface.

“HEY, COME BACK HERE!!” shouts Jackson angrily as he sees Thomas and then Bells ride into the tunnel and away from him. Jackson knows they are not supposed to be there and they have to die for coming. Jackson goes and searches for his wand to give chase.

Thomas races Pop up the tunnel and then bursts out the end into Torned forest. There are large purple dragons prowling around, but they don’t notice he and Bells as of yet.

“Thomas, follow Bells from now on, she knows the way. It will work out, I know it,” says Thirsty firmly as he sits there, shakes his head, and then shrugs his shoulders. He worries he doesn’t have the bravery to fight off Ragiton and save Darcy.

Thomas looks briefly back at Thirsty and then slows Mr. Pop down. Bells flies up beside him and pats Thomas on the shoulder playfully.

“I’m gonna follow you, so lead!” says Thomas smoothly as he grins and then waves to Bells with his right hand. He suspects she will lead them to their next spot, Ragiton’s lair.

Bells smiles at this and flies them up into the air by going around several large trees and a red castle.

Thomas follows just behind and wishes he could talk to Bells for fun.

“Thomas, if you don’t feel good about something, tell Steven I trust him. Serious, he’s one of us now. And Oh thanks for saving me. I knew you had the guts to do it, I always knew,” says Thirsty thankfully as he pats Thomas on the shoulder and then puts his hands on the sides of Thomas’ face.

This makes Thomas feel proud and he smiles from ear to ear as he touches Thirsty’s hands. He knows he has the best big brother ever and he loves him. Roger wonders if they are being followed. He spins around and looks over Steven’s shoulder and sees Jackson burst out of the trees.

“HEY, that guy followed us! THOMAS, BELLS, we gotta turn and fight!” shouts Roger frantically as he takes the Sam Horn bow off his shoulder and spins around facing Steven and Jackson.

Roger knows they are sitting ducks with a wizard riding behind them with wand in hand. Steven on the other hand knows if Roger misses by an inch he is going to get shot and killed. Steven lowers his head and holds on by his legs.

Bells’ realizes what is happening and looks around for a place to stop and use as cover. The problem is with the forest so dense (and filled with bad people) she knows if they stop now they are just as good as dead.

“Thomas, follow me close I got an idea!” says Bells as she sees there is a floating Wizards Only hot dog stand just on top of this small hill. And with it being shaped like a large mouth eating 10 hot dogs Bells knows they can hide behind it and take out Jackson.

Thomas hears this and he jerks dead right when she says to follow her, but as he does Roger is just starting to fire arrows. This makes Roger’s arrows form claws, but they go and destroy nearby trees and a blue tower poking out of a small castle by ripping it to shreds.

“Thomas, you have to trust me and fly straight! I can get him if I get a clean shot!” yells Roger sternly as he aims and fires off some more arrows, but they too miss and tear an antique car into 2 pieces.

Roger knows they are blowing it by not flying straight from the beginning.

Thomas meanwhile has to do what Bells says, because he knows she has a plan that will work.

Thomas can hear the stress in Roger’s voice and wonders if it will work.

Bells slows and drops them down through a large painting of a wizard and his dog, sending pieces of the canvass flying through the air and destroying the painting momentarily. The spell cast upon it makes it fix itself just in time for Thomas to crash through it.

“Bells, wrong way, wrong way, hurt face! Bells, find a way to go not through things!” yells Thomas angrily as he grimaces and flies after Bells. He doesn’t like being slapped by the canvas in the nose.

Just then Jackson ducks 2 more claws that Roger sends his way. He knows if he gets close enough he has the angle to cast his spell and take them all out.

Meanwhile Roger looks down and sees Steven barely hanging on and it worries Roger tremendously.

“Steven, do you need help?!” asks Roger quickly as he offers Steven his leg to pull himself back up with.

“Are you still going to shoot arrows?” asks Steven.

“Yes, of course!” says Roger in disbelief as he squints at Steven.

“Then no, I’m fine,” says Steven sadly as he hangs onto the seat and tries to slow his breathing so he won’t pass out. He knows now they are all in serious danger.

Roger looks at Steven quizzically and then has to chuckle for a moment, as he knows Steven might be missing a screw or two.

Bells ducks behind a statue of Ragiton with her eyes on the hot dog stand beside it. She flies behind the hot dog stand, stops dead and waits for Thomas.

“Ahh, Bells, where’d you go now?! OH, there you are hiding eh. I like a good hide!” Thomas says happily. “Now what are we getting a snack? I think that might be dumb, just saying,” says Thomas as he sits there beside Bells with a grin on his face. He already knows the best time to eat is when you are hungry and not being chased by people.

Bells looks out around the corner and sees Jackson coming right towards them. Bells takes dead aim with the Shadowman’s Bow and aims right at Jackson’s chest. She lets out a sigh and blows Jackson a kiss as she fires off 5 arrows. She watches as they go right at him and through him leaving electricity and flames in the chest of Jackson, killing him dead.

“YES! Now we can relax for a minute and clear our heads. Thirsty, are you feeling better now?” asks Bells hopefully as she sets down her broomstick next to the hot dog booth and walks over to Thirsty. She knows everyone is a bit freaked out and in need of conversation.

Thirsty looks around, stretches out his neck, and then sighs. He knows they have one more hurdle to climb and it worries him still.

“Well, yup I feel better, but boy do we have a hard task ahead,” replies Thirsty. “Thomas, I’m worried you might get gobbled up by this Ragiton. I mean he’s a lot more savage from what Richard has told me. Even more than that Bow Maker could ever be, just saying, I’m worried,” says Thirsty sadly as he paces around in front of everyone and then puts his arm around Thomas. Thomas looks at Thirsty and grins and raises one eyebrow.

“Me, I’m worried about YOU! I mean I can handle any kind of fighty there is. Just ask the wizards I just shot, they’ll tell you by dying. See, that’s their way of agreeing with me, ya know?” joked Thomas as he rubbed his belly. “Oh, Thirsty, we need to get to the going Darcy needs us. Hey, Roger, I wanted to yell at you, no just kidding. I wanted to tell you nice shooting you didn’t miss and blow it. Now you can feel good and we can say hey, Roger he’s not an apple head,” said Thomas happily as he spun around in a circle. “See, that’s a good thing trust me. Bells, why don’t we eat some hot dogs and then go, go, GO! I mean I feel GREAT! I want to save my sister and kick some butt, hey, it’s me. Now who’s got a hungry stomach me, me oh yeah me?” asks Thomas playfully as he raises his hand and smiles from ear to ear.

They all laugh at this and raise their own hands. Thomas knows he’s got some warriors for friends.

“Hot dog me, I’m dying for some food,” says Thirsty as he struts over to the hot dog stand using a swaying walk. Thirsty is ready for anything now. Thomas follows him over and they all pull out their money.

The hot dog stand owner (a dark green skinned troll man named Phil Lutter) waves to them and smiles revealing his yellow teeth. Phil has a scare on his left eye that makes it look like his eye is cut into 2 pieces, as well as a round almost tennis ball shaped nose. He has on a dark blue silk shirt with the words,” Magic is reality without the sadness,” sewn down the front.

“Hey you kids there! What is this a peep show are you ordering or what? I got the hot dogs you want because they are cooked and that means let’s eat,” said Phil playfully as he waved his right hand around.

“Hi I’m Phil the Hot Dog King, you’re welcome to meet me, I know it. Little One, you can’t have my free ketchup unless you’re buying a dog. So put that bottle back before I slap ya, gees,” said Phil as he sipped his soda.

Thomas slowly looks over the ketchup.

“You I see your money, but you ain’t piped up go figure. Maybe you order before I die, hmm, Goober?” Phil is dancing and shaking his head. “Boy this is a crowd of deadbeats like I’ve never seen.

Can any one of you speak with real words? Just say something and I won’t assume your robots. Gees, I gotta look at ya, what a collection of weirdoes. I can tell you I’ve seen better faces on dogs. Don’t glare at me, Sonny, I can whoop butt starting with yours,” says Phil angrily and half jokingly as he grimaces and leans over the counter to take the ketchup bottle out of the hands of Thomas. Phil knows these kids are bad news.

Everyone bursts out laughing and they don’t know if they even want hot dogs with this bad service.

“Look, I want 3 Blaster Disaster dogs and I want extra cheese. Oh, I want them cooked too, and no hairs on them ya follow?” asked Thirsty as he waved to the cute girls walking past. “Hey, I got money look its right here. What you’re scowling at me and you want me to get scared? Nope, I think with my wizard friends we don’t get scared by people like you anymore,” says Thirsty boldly. “How are the dogs I asked for coming? You working today? Boy you got a really lazy way of making hot dogs are you near death? Hmm, oh now you’re going to make them, THANK YOU SO MUCH!” says Thirsty sarcastically as he smiles and motions for Phil to go get cracking on making his hot dogs.

Phil glares back at Thirsty and if it weren’t for the Shadowman’s bow in Bells’ hands Phil would have kicked some Thirsty butt. Everyone looks at each other and then giggles, as they know Phil can’t do anything to them and they love it.

“You better have that cash ready or these dogs are getting THROWN OUT THE WINDOW!”

snapped Phil as he prepared the hot dogs. “I won’t tolerate a deadbeat smart-alecky kid giving me guff.

So where’s the box you live in, close by? I bet it’s filled with dirt and lost socks, I know it already. Kid, I’m the one with the hot dog stand, I matter,” said Phil snidely and then he slapped the counter. “Gess you little brat laughing at me I’ll hurl you off a cliff, test me. Here’s your dogs where’s the money?” asks Phil angrily as he slides the 3 hot dogs across the counter.

Thirsty catches them with a smile. Thirsty acts like he doesn’t know where his money is as he looks deep in his pockets. This causes Thomas to laugh and have to walk away for fear of ruining Thirsty’s joke. Bells and Roger hand Phil their orders written on his menu. He glares at them and shakes his head, as he is really mad now, but they laugh anyway.

“Oh, I think I left it..wait HERE IT IS!” said Thirsty coyly as he produced the money. “There you go, real money for top notch dogs. Hey do you work around here? I was just wondering how you shower?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he eats his hot dog and laughs in between bites.

Thomas walks back over and sees everyone laughing as Phil is still mad. Thomas knows the fun has really starting rolling.

“Kid, I live in a HOUSE! Ok you Brat, and it has real beds!” growled Phil as his eyes turned red. “I bet you sleep with cows and wake up in horse crap. Sorry, Kid, but you’re nobody and always will be.

Remember I’m the hot dog man, I’m somebody! Now eat somewhere else, I don’t want to smell you,”

says Phil angrily as he wipes his nose on his sleeve and stands there glaring at Thirsty. He knows kids like these live in dirt and don’t know what a bed is.

Thirsty stands there cackling while everyone else laughs, as he knows Phil is a loser and he doesn’t deserve any respect because he’s sour and not nice to people.


“What do you want now, Kid?!” asks Phil angrily and sharply as he throws Roger’s and Bells’

hotdogs onto the counter. He knows Thirsty is about to show how dumb he is.

Thomas slides his order to Phil on the only spare menu. Phil glares at Thomas and points his index finger at him, as he knows they’re all bad seeds.

“Are you one of those rich people that work jobs because they feel ashamed about their money? I ask because I see you nodding and I know you’re not. You’re a bum aren’t you, admit it?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he pouts and then walks away. Thirsty knows Phil is chomping at the bit to slap the taste out of his mouth.

Thomas has his dogs handed to him and smiles at Phil and chews loudly.

“Nice of you to do your Job, you’re so nice to me. Oh, this dog is so good I don’t want to hurl it at you,” says Thomas jokingly as he goes to throw the hot dog at Phil and then stops short. This makes everyone laugh and Phil shakes his head as he sits down in his duck shaped chair.

“Thomas, let’s get out of here I don’t want him watching me eat. OH, Bells, thank you for handing me the bow that’s was very nice of you. So, Steven, Janet, are you really going to fight with us against Ragiton?” asks Thirsty as he sits down on the front of Mr. Pop and then flies up off the ground a few feet.

He knows he needs Steven and Janet for the help they can provide in saving Darcy.

Steven looks at Janet and then at Thirsty and nods yes.

“Of course, you saved our lives, Thirsty, we won’t forget that. That said, we need our own weapons, and I don’t know where we can get them,” says Janet hopefully as she holds onto Bells’ broomstick and they start flying along a busy street lined with huts and round trees. Janet knows she is a person of her word and she is helping them until the end. Thirsty looks at Janet and Steven and he almost tears up, as he knows they are people of the good way.

Chapter 7

“They need wands or swords, Thirsty, the sharp ones. I like the sharp ones, just saying,” says Thomas happily as he eats the last of his hot dogs and puts his free hand on Thirsty’s chin.

“Yes they will need at least that, Thirsty,” says Roger firmly.

Bells eyes a magic and wand shop down the street some 100 feet (it is called Spells Take Inspiration and it is made from red wood). It looks like a lion in shape and juts out of a much larger blue castle.

“I know what to do, Thirsty, follow me!” says Bells boldly.

Bells shoots down to street level and flies her way around the many wizards and witches (as it is the time of day when wizards play music and work on spells). The street is covered in blue grass and has several magic spouts. The magic spouts shoot yellow magic high into the air and then it bursts into clouds.

Thirsty follows close behind, but the street is swarming with people making it difficult.

“Thirsty, when people almost run into you do they almost get angry? I mean, I am angry at the witch that just hit my leg, but is she angry at me for having a leg? I would say yes, but it’s my leggy, so there.

Hey, whoa looky there’s some sort of battle up ahead!” says Thomas as he sits there, grins and rubs Thirsty’s ears. He wants Thirsty to be good and calm.

There in front of them are several dozen wizards battling spell for spell in the street (as it is some sort of turf war). Bells examines the situation and sees they have to go through the wizards to get to the wand shop. She plots a course to the far left of the street past a 7 foot tall red haired wizard named Larry Right. She flies in and around several magical creatures beating up wizards. Then she ducks down through the legs of Larry, with Thirsty following her through. Pop goes as flat as he can much to the

surprise of Larry. Larry sees them take off and he debates casting a spell on them, but stops because he is getting punched in the head.

“Keep close, Thirsty, we’re almost there!!” yells Bells triumphantly as she raises her hand and grabs some sky. Bells knows they are doing the right thing and it is their moment to seize.

Janet is on back and is wide-eyed and her mouth is wide open. She is scared out of her wits at Bells driving. Thirsty sees Bells take a hard left turn into the wand shop and he quickly follows.

“Hey we’re not dead that’s a relief,” joked Thomas he did a little shimmy. “Thirsty, maybe we should find a wand for Steven and Janet then run like we stole the Thanksgiving goose! Steven, My Man, are you not dead back there? You sound like you can’t decide with the dragon breath on my necky.

Roger, did you have as much fun as I did?” asks Thomas as he watches Thirsty and Bells park Pop and the broomstick.

They walk over and everyone hugs everyone else. Roger looks out through the purple spiral window on the front of the shop and he sees wizards dying left and right.

“I think we need a different way out of here. Like one where we don’t die by using it. Bells, can we not be picky and just take whatever wand doesn’t fall apart in your hand? Good, I’m just a bit nervous, like swimming in sweat,” says Roger nervously as he walks back and forth and frets with his hands. He knows they are still in serious danger.

Thomas and Bells laugh at this and hurry over and give Roger a hug. They know he is filled with less ugly stick and more nervous one. Thirsty looks through the wands with Steven and Janet and they see there are 3 for 1 dollar each.

“Steven, I know they aren’t much, but can you make do with this one? Janet, this one…can you?”

asks Thirsty as he hands the wands to Steven and Janet. Thirsty shrugs his shoulders and waits for their response.

“Can I…I guess I mean maybe yeah!” says Steven excitedly as he waves the wand around and nearly pokes himself in the eye.

Janet waves her wand around and smiles.

“Thirsty, I love it, let’s go buy it and get moving!” says Janet happily as she eyes the wand and smiles to herself.

Thirsty pays for the wands and makes his way over to Pop.

“Hey we got what we needed, Thomas, let’s get going now! Boy, that street reminds me of the stories Richard used to tell. Remember, Thomas, about towns fighting wizard for wizard?” asks Thirsty as he gets onto Mr.Pop and looks out the window. Everyone else gets back into their original seats and look out the front windows for a few seconds.

“I ‘member Caribou got spell cast into a trash heap. And the streets turned into junk piles. I hope we don’t have that happen to us or I’ll flip out. If you have seen me flip, you no want that flip, flip this!” said Thomas jokingly as he did a chicken dance with his neck. “Now can the people that MATTER, GET

GOING! That’s me firstly and my buds, let’s go buds! Bells, oh wait one more thing I still love you like most big. I had to tell you or you wouldn’t be feeling my love vibe. So, Bells, aren’t we a lucky girlfriend of Thomas?” asked Thomas he kissed the air.

“Yes I am!”

“I bet you can’t stop thinking about my snuggles? Thirsty, I got your snuggles too, I didn’t forget ya, Buddy!” Thomas started to hum quietly between sentences. “Now how do we get out? Like is there a window, or a bigger window we can fly out? Because I don’t like the small ones, I’ll just say it. There’s that ho hum,” says Thomas warmly as he grins, winks at Bells and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Bells smiles and kisses his hand as they fly up into the rafters of the shop beside some large hat displays on animal heads.

Thirsty sees there is a long hallway that goes through one of the animal heads. Thirsty flies into it and pulls on Bells as he does, just as the wizards down below burst into the shop hurling spells at one another.

“Whoa!” says Roger nervously.

“Whoa is right, I say WA-WHOA! Thirsty, get us out of here!” says Thomas loudly as he clings to Thirsty and looks over his shoulder down the colorful hallway.

They fly past many of the offices used by the shop and people are doing their work and surprised to see Mr. Pop go racing past. The wizards that own the shop spill their coffee and dart into the hallway.

“It’s not fun in here! Thirsty, is this better?!” asks Bells as she grits her teeth and flies to the left of Thirsty. They see there’s no way out at the end of the hallway and everyone groans.

“Now what we’re completely trapped?!” asks Steven nervously.

Thirsty eyes a garbage shoot and he flies over and looks into the dark brown shoot. He sees it has daylight at the bottom and he turns and smiles at everyone.

“I hope you like me after this one, he hee!” says Thirsty slyly as he grins and then flies Mr. Pop into the shoot with Bells following him in. They burst through several bags of garbage and then blast out the opening at the bottom. They find themselves in this dark green grassy bush covered field in between cottages. There are wood nymphs cooking pots of stew on their rooftops, but Thirsty isn’t hungry and needs to get back to where he can get his bearings.

“Hey, I think we need to go straight trust me. Thomas, I still love you just saying he ha!” says Bells slyly as she smiles and then races past Thirsty leading the way down the alley.

Thomas knows she loves him almost as much as he loves her. Thirsty scans the different cottages for anyone who might attack them. He sees a large group of drunken trolls up ahead that he knows are going to try something.

“Thirsty, do you see the trolls up ahead? Yeah, there they are I love me some trolls,” says Thomas warmly as he eyes the trolls and keeps the Shadowman’s bow ready for anything. He knows he can take out a lot of trolls if he has too.

Roger sees the trolls and he doesn’t want to waste any time, as he sees them racing towards them carrying mallets and swords. Roger fires off some arrows from the Sam Horn bow. The arrows race towards the trolls and the nearest one gets snatched up by the claw. The 2 pieces of his body that are left are flung into the wall.

“There, try and hurt my friends!” says Roger boldly as he glares at the trolls and fires off some more arrows.

Thirsty and Bells go up and over the last of the trolls. They round a corner and are right in the middle of Wall Street (with lime green walls of bushes lining the street). There are also several white and purple unicorns running about and grazing, with the springs of pure magic flowing from several fountains nearby. There are also a hundred slides from 1 side of one building to the other, with many going upwards instead of down. There are thousands of wizards, witches, trolls, and lumberjacks buying illegal magical goods from vendors in houses with large black rubber wheels. In the middle (some half mile down) they can see the lion shaped lair of Ragiton, with flames and a river of electricity shooting out of the mouth and eyes of the lion.

The lair of Ragiton is flanked on both sides by statues of Lord Ted, the wizard who had owned the property before Ragiton killed him and took it. They can see there is red goo pouring out of the mouth of Lord Ted’s statue. You can hear the music of a thousand wizards booming out of Ragiton’s lair. The

smell on the street is of baked goods and dried blood. This is the most dangerous part of New York Pashal, as murders are how most things are purchased.

“Oh no, we’re here, Thirsty, the bad place. I hope they don’t eat me whole, I’m a 2 bite kid. Thirsty, hurry to Ragiton so we can die already or kick some butt!” joked Thomas he swung his head like an elephant’s.

“Don’t be too hasty,” says Thirsty as he rubs his temple.

“I know it hurts when the butt gets kicked, so we got that going for us. OH, oh we also got magic going for us and that doesn’t make bad people happy pants to die. Bells, be ready to save me, I usually need a bit of saving this time 2 bits. Roger, Steven, Janet, maybe don’t blow it just saying. Wow I can smell the food and maybe a touch of Darcy’s perfume too. Can we please keep the people staring to a minimum, please? My eyes don’t like your laser beams stares, just saying,” says Thomas jokingly as he smiles and he rubs Thirsty’s neck for luck.

They fly along the street going past several angry looking wizards in the midst of beating up trolls.

Thomas knows that isn’t the right thing to do and he knows they might try and do that to him next.

Thirsty flies them high enough off the ground so that the wizards can’t snatch them up, but he worries the tide could turn at any moment.

“Thomas, we have to pour the brave juice into our stomachs now. Just accept it’s hard, and then forget what you just accepted,” declared Bells as she fussed with her wand. “That way you’re in the present and ready for anything. I can tell you if Ragiton knew what we were going to do we’d all be dead.

So no one mention it again, mum’s the word. Thirsty, are you ready to ya know…go for it?” asks Bells timidly as she reaches over and touches Thomas on the shoulder and then Thirsty on the arm. She knows they have a hard task ahead of them and it worries her.

“Bells, I’m not ready, but that doesn’t matter because life tells me it’s time. We’re going in, and we’re getting Darcy. My hope is she’s in a cage in the front part. That way we can grab her and not have to worry about fighting Ragiton,” said Thirsty as he glanced at Bells. “The problem with that is I don’t believe it can happen like that. Thomas, if you spy Darcy slap the back of my neck hard. Its ok, I’ll allow it this 1 time with no slap repercussions. Now we’re getting close everyone check your weapons and try and breathe normal. I should take my own advice unfortunately,” says Thirsty as he looks at Ragiton’s lair and swallows hard. Thirsty knows they have to be very lucky to survive.

Thomas takes in a really deep breath and holds it. He sits there holding it for several seconds then slowly blows the cool air on the back of Thirsty’s neck. Thirsty looks back and Thomas nods and smiles at him.

“There, I gave you my bravery breath, you needed it. Now I’m ready and when I get ready people get deady, that’s dead for you, Roger. Roger, I hear you breathing heavy, stop. Roger, just shoot everyone that doesn’t look like you know Darcy. Then we can grab sis’ and run, run, I said run. I said 3 times run for fun, it was too,” says Thomas as he sits back and gently slaps Roger on the side of the face. This makes Roger laugh slightly and it calms him down. Thomas looks around and sees there are people going into Ragiton’s lair, but no one is coming out. He knows that’s a bad sign for them and Darcy.

“Thank you, Thomas, I feel better now!” said Roger warmly.

Thirsty slows down, reaches back and hugs Thomas one last time. Bells sees this and she hugs the 2

of them at the same time.

“Hey, Thirsty, like thank you!” said Thomas happily. “You know where I sit on things, on my tushey. Hey are we the best friends ever?” asks Thomas as he looks at Thirsty and then Bells. Thomas knows already they are but he wants to hear them say it.

“Yes, Thomas, AND if there’s a longer time than ever, we’re that too! And that’s how great I think you are,” says Bells warmly as she rubs Thomas about the face and smiles.

They all look at each other, nod, and hold up their weapons. Thirsty knows now they have at least somewhat of a chance.\

“Thirsty, what happens if we get separated? Is there a place we can meet?” asks Janet hopefully as she sits forward and grins at Thirsty.

Thirsty looks back at her and ponders where they should meet. Thirsty looks around and he sees a bagel shop called Big Bad Bagel Buddy and he knows that’s the perfect spot.

“See that shop Big Bad Bagel Buddy, we’ll meet there. And if you don’t see us by the morning you can just leave. It’s fine, hard decisions have to be made and you have to save yourselves. Bells, Everyone, we’re going in NOW!” says Thirsty boldly as he takes in a deep breath and then exhales, as he knows he is ready.

Thirsty and Bells ride towards the electricity oozing out the front entrance and they see they have to find a way through the electricity.

“I got the entryway watch! Frame me make it Stalonis!” shouts Bells confidently as she raises her wand and waves it with a smile on her face. Then her wand has a small steel box come out of the tip.

Bells moves the box towards the entryway and it gets bigger and bigger and before long it is big enough for them to ride through. The box gets to the electricity wall and she stops it right in it. This makes an entrance for them to ride through and enter Ragiton’s lair.

“Nice, I knew you weren’t a moose neck, but now I can say it. Way to go, Bells, you didn’t blow it!

Hey I like riding through here can I laugh a bit as I do? Ha, hee, ha ha oh that felt good, too good,” says Thomas jokingly as they ride through the box and into Ragiton’s lair. This makes them all laugh briefly and feel more relaxed.

They see several half animal and half wizard people hanging from bloody racks on both sides of the red tunnel leading in. The people are being poked with flames by a floating magic torch every few seconds. It even sounds as if the screams of these poor souls can’t give them much relief.

Thirsty sees there are 3 tunnels leading into the cave walls with each having the possibility of leading to Darcy.

“I feel bad for these people, but we’re here for a certain mission. See, those tunnels there! We have to try one and hope it’s the right one. I’ll leave it up to you, Thomas, because you’re usually lucky,” says Thirsty boldly as he grimaces and keeps his eyes on the tunnels just in case.

Thomas sits there and looks at each tunnel, as he knows he is the best tunnel picker ever and he will find her.

“Hurry, Thomas, we haven’t much time,” says Bells anxiously as she keeps her wand raised as Janet and Steven do the same.

Roger meanwhile is eyeing the walls as they seem to be breathing. Thomas smiles and he wildly starts flailing around his right hand with his eyes closed.

“I know it’s…that ONE!” says Thomas excitedly as he opens his eyes and he is pointing to the far left tunnel. Thomas smiles and turns Thirsty’s head to face the tunnel he has chosen and then says happily,” Yeah, that’s it. Let’s stop hanging around in Nothingland. Let’s go, Darcy is this ah way. Bells, you can tell me I’m awesome later, I’ll be waiting,” says Thomas as he grins and takes the Shadowman’s bow and aims it down the tunnel he chose.

Thirsty and Bells head into the far left tunnel and instantly hear music playing in the tunnel in the distance. This strikes Bells as odd because she can’t figure out why you’d listen to music if people were dying all around you. And as they fly along they see trolls walking out of sunken dirt covered beds in the walls. Roger debates shooting them out of fear for his life as he aims at them.

“Do we shoot, do we?!” asks Roger loudly and nervously as he aims and glares at one large troll with blue hair. He knows the sword that troll is carrying could kill Pop easy.

Thirsty raises his wand and eyes the dark blue spinning flames blocking the next part of the tunnel.

There are couches and golden statues sitting around the edges of the tunnel that are alive (as Ragiton has turned people into objects for the fun of it).

“NO, NOT YET!” shouts Thirsty. “Just hang on, they’re not attacking us! Wait, I TAKE THAT

BACK FIRE!!” says Thirsty quickly as he sees several of the golden statues fly through the air as they wield small swords.

Roger fires several arrows and continues shooting as fast as he can.

“Daracus white killer be born!!” shouts Bells boldly as she waves her wand and eyes the golden statues fast approaching.

Roger’s arrows get to the closest of the golden statues and the claws form and tear it to shreds.

Bells’ spell creates a white fur covered half bear on the bottom and half green lizard on top beast called a Luckor. The Luckor flies through the air while bashing the statues and trolls hard in the head.

This knocks out 3 of the trolls with 3 quick punches. The Luckor then bites into the arm of one troll and rips it clean off.

“Bells, remind me to not make you angry. OH, watch this shot baby doll!” says Thomas happily as he smiles and fires off 10 arrows from the Shadowman’s bow. The arrows turn purple and then into smoke just before the golden statues. Thomas wonders if the bow is broken. Also, whether it will grab the statues and melt them. When suddenly ooze falls on the trolls and it starts cooking them crispy.

“Thomas, I don’t know what that bow is doing, but I LOVE IT! Keep FIRING!” says Bells happily as she smiles and raises her wand high.

Thomas fires off 12 more arrows and this time they turn into rubber green bush shaped balls. The balls smash the statues to pieces and throw the trolls hard into the tunnel walls.

“I think my bow is awesome, like someone I know named me. Thirsty, let’s ditch these trolls right about 5 seconds ago, hurry!” says Thomas as he giggles and fires 8 more arrows. The arrows go through the walls and hit a sleeping blue dragon in its cage, with the dragon getting his head blown up while his body is still alive.

Thirsty and Bells race down the tunnel and past several blue windows that (as far as they can tell) don’t go anywhere. They now see in front of them there are dark blue flames blocking the tunnel and Bells has an idea.

“Watch me and you’ll see I’ve found the answer. Frame me make it, Stalonis!” shouts Bells sternly as she waves her wand and then points at the blue flames. The box comes out and heads at the flames getting ever larger. Then it enters the flames and becomes very long through the 25 foot long wall of flames. Bells sees the other side and a cauldron of flames some 101 meters from the blue flames.

“Bells, you’re almost at my level of awesome, close, I would say close. Now everyone aim and shoot it’s easy!” said Thomas happily as he licked his index finger. “Thirsty, don’t go too high in here we might get our hair burned off. Thirsty, when you saw me that time eating all of your birthday cake did you want to bury me in a hole? Like, make me a hole person?” asks Thomas sarcastically as they fly through the box.

Thirsty chuckles at the question Thomas has asked, as Thirsty knows Thomas can make any situation better.

Bells pops her head out the far end of the box. She sees that the room they have entered is vast and goes for many miles. There are flames bouncing off the walls and then shooting into pots as well as people hanging from the ceiling. There are also several thousand cages with people in them, hanging on

either side of the cave beside a stone walkway. The center of the room has a giant red ruby covered throne that is flanked by spinning balls of electricity and yellow magic. The balls of magic take different forms and become even large muscular beasts. There is a lake made of red water and you can see several dragons drinking the water there. There are also 3 castles in the room shaped like the head, arm, and leg of Ragiton and are 50 stories high. Along the red dirt covered floor of the cave there are several thousand enslaved trolls digging into the Earth. Ragiton has them digging for a certain magical item that will make him immensely powerful. There are also several robotic bands playing Ragiton’s favorite song,” Ragiton is everyone’s favorite everything,” that Ragiton wrote. There is a red rain falling and several swirling light blue clouds near the ceiling in the cave. A large TV is set up against the right wall that is 15 stories high.

“Here, here I know she’s here. Look those cages on the sides. I bet she’s in one, but how do we get to her?” asks Thirsty in disbelief as he eyes the cave and all the different people in it. Thirsty knows now the hard part hasn’t even started yet. He flies Mr. Pop to the far left and hides behind a large red rock.

Bells follows him over and stops right beside him.

“Thirsty, what if we split up and check both sides?” asks Bells as she surveys the cave. “Then we have a much better chance of finding her. If we don’t, we’ll be here a long time. What do you want to do?” asks Bells intently as she peeks out from behind the rock and sees a troll walking around drunkenly.

She suspects that if a single troll sees them he could blow the whole rescue.

Thirsty looks at all the cages as he tries to figure out how to find Darcy.

“I got it, I got it, Thirsty! We will fire an arrow at that big throne if we find Darcy. That way Ragiton the loser will think we’re attacking him while we escape. And the other group will know we found Darcy.

How’s that for apple in your pie?” asks Thomas as he smiles and literally pats himself on the back.

Everyone laughs but only briefly.

“Sounds good we’ll see you in a little while. OH, Thomas, luck I’m sending you luck, hmm. Oh you are so sneaky with that look away. I want my luck sent back to me now,” says Bells playfully as she pulls on Thomas’s shoulder to get him to look at her. Thomas giggles and keeps looking away, only to turn and kiss her on the lips.

“Luck, I don’t give luck back but I do smooches. OH yeah my smooches are free for one Bells let me tell ya. Thirsty, let’s roll like a bowling ball, woo baby!” says Thomas as he smiles and bounces up and down in his seat.

Bells looks at this and chuckles as she waves goodbye. Bells flies close to the ground out around some rocks and old boxes. Thirsty starts Pop up the stone walkway heading for the cages.

“This is incredibly dangerous, moronic, and quite frankly insane. So yes, I am loving every minute of it! Thirsty, Thomas, Roger. I haven’t always known friends but I know you now. Just keep me safe and I’ll do the very same,” says Steven honestly as he gives each of them a gaze. “Thomas, aim that bow at those dragons up there, see them. Then shot them in the side of their stomachs just do it,” says Steven as he points to a pair of large dark blue dragons that are asleep near the cages. Thomas takes in a deep breath and shoots the Shadowman’s bow at them. He sends 5 arrows that turn into a white powder just before they arrive. They blanket the dragons in a sugar like layer.

“Hey the bow’s messing up again, what gives? Trust me I always know my way around a bow, so no blame this way,” says Thomas in disbelief as he eyes the dragons and then looks down at the bow.

Thirsty and Steven eye the dragons quizzically as it looks to them that the dragons are getting ever smaller. Suddenly large layers of wrinkled up skin starts falling off of the dragons. The heads of the dragons start contorting and letting out puffs of smoke. Then the blue dragon’s head falls off and her body tries to fly away. Only to fall short and literally fall down into a pit filled with jagged rocks. The other dragon has its legs fall off and it sits there unable to move or call out.

“I don’t know what you did, but do it again,” says Thirsty happily as he smiles and flies them up the walkway to the first of the cages. Thirsty knows the Shadowman’s bow must be using a rare unpredictable magic or it’s had spells cast upon it. Either way he is itching to try it himself.

Thomas looks into the first cage and sees someone sitting against the far wall in the dark. He climbs off Mr. Pop and heads over to the door.

“Darcy, it’s Thomas and Thirsty we’re here!” says Thomas excitedly as he holds the door handle and tries to pull it open but it won’t budge. Then a dark green, shriveled up yellow fingernail covered claw grabs his arm from inside the cell. Thomas nearly shouts as he tries to get away from the claw. Roger sees this and he fires into the hand, severing it from the old troll’s arm.

“Thomas, get over here quick!” says Thirsty sharply as he flies Mr. Pop in close to Thomas.

Thomas looks at the claw still clutching his arm and he is scared out of his wits. Roger jumps off the seat and hurries over and grabs Thomas by the hand.

“It’s ok, Thomas, you’re safe now. Let’s just keep going its important,” says Roger reassuringly as he snatches the dead claw off of Thomas’s arm and throws it back into the cage.

Thomas blinks his eyes quick and then hops back on Mr.Pop.

“I don’t need that happening to me again, oh no way on that. Wow, that person was a troll! Darcy’s not a troll, do you think they made her one, maybe?” asks Thomas half jokingly as he rubs his dirty left knee. “I hope no because then we’ll never find her, and she might try and eat us. Hmm, I’m not so good on the getting eaten. Thirsty, I think that dragon just died. Boy he shriveled up then found he liked not breathing,” joked Thomas as he smiled. “I like breathing more than a little bit. Thirsty, do I have to check every cage? Maybe we can switch and you do 100 in a row then I do 1? That way its fair and someone is always watching Mr. Pop hmm, say yes already,” says Thomas warmly and coyly as he shakes his head

and rubs the side of Thirsty’s face. Thomas snuggles his face up close to Thirsty’s to butter him up so he’ll check the cages.

Thirsty pulls into the next ledge with a cage and he stops dead.

“Thirsty, I can do it, you don’t have to,” says Roger.

Steven steps off the back of Mr.Pop and heads over to the cage before anyone can say anything.

“Darcy, it’s a friend of your brothers. Are you in here, you can say now?” asks Steven quietly as he presses his face against the bars and looks into the darkness. Then he is punched in the eye by a witch who is angry she doesn’t get to eat that day. Steven looks up at the witch from his spot lying on the ground and she tries to grab him with her left hand.

“Steven, just move backwards but don’t stand up! If you do she might get a hold of you, be careful,”

says Thirsty firmly as he keeps his eyes on Steven and the other cages as he knows they might have someone watching them that will do harm.

Steven inches backwards and he can feel his adrenaline rush through his body.

“Thirsty, if Steven needs us then help he gets!” says Thomas boldly as he aims and fires 2 arrows into the witch. The witch turns into a flowing water filled statue. Then out of nowhere she splashes to the ground as green water and it flows over the edge.

“Thank you, Thomas, many thanks. Thirsty, you got the next one not I said the fly,” says Steven nervously as he sat back down on Mr. Pop and tried to shake off his nerves. Steven is startled this happened to him and he needs to sit and relax for a minute.

Thirsty looks down and he knows he can die at any moment, but he also knows Darcy needs them.

“You’re right, I got this!” says Thirsty boldly as he flies them up the walkway and up to the next grey metal cage. This time the cage is spinning around on a metal pole. Thirsty knows there must be a prized catch inside there.

Meanwhile below them Ragiton does his hair and drinks a soda, as his sister is coming to visit on that very day.

Bells and Janet ride up along the other walkway. Bells sees a trio of 5 foot 5 inch tall troll guards walking back and forth near the cages.

“Thirsty, don’t do anything dummy like someone we don’t like would. No, no I would think the smart move would be the one to do,” said Thomas as he kicked the air. “So how are you supposed to look in this cage when it’s spinning like it is? You can tell me, I’m Thomas your brother,” says Thomas warmly as he watches Thirsty get off of Mr.Pop and wipe the sweat off his hands and onto his pants.

Thomas knows Thirsty is beyond his most scared and he might need his help.

Thirsty looks at Thomas, Roger, and Steven and he knows they have his back and that’s all he needs.

“I’m going to use a spell of course. Here we go with said spell, it better work too. Metal bending never mending tagigey!” says Thirsty hopefully as he waves his wand and grimaces. Then out of the wand comes 2 dozen tiny white birds with red eyes. The birds fly over to the metal spinning cage and they start eating their way through it and using their eyes to melt the metal. Soon the cage is filled with holes and they see someone lying on the ground in a heap inside.

“DARCY!” yells Thomas quickly and unexpectedly as he is so excited that this might be her.

Thirsty walks closer and he sees it is a woman, but when she turns he sees she is a wolf woman. He feels all his hope drain out of his body and he hits his leg in disgust.

“It’s not her that really makes me feel bad, worse than ever. Thomas, be careful when you yell out it could make people find us. Roger, Steven, don’t lose hope don’t ever lose hope,” says Thirsty sternly as he runs and jumps on Mr. Pop’s back.

They start back up the walkway with all of them feeling very disappointed.

Meanwhile Bells and Janet have gotten off their broomstick. Now they are checking the nearest cage not but 30 feet from the troll guards.

“Darcy, Darcy are you in there?” whispers Bells as she bends down and looks in through the bars. A small red hand pokes out of the bars and touches her on the shoulder.

“No, Dear, not Darcy, Susan Grim,” said Susan Grim softly. “Sorry, I hope you find her,” says Susan softly and painfully and with a dry cracking voice as she removes her hand. Susan disappears into the darkened cage a moment later.

“Oh no wait,” whispered Bells as she tapped the bars. “Susan, do you know of anyone named Darcy?

Have you heard that name?” asks Bells quietly and hopefully as she bends down and looks in at the darkness. Bells prays they can catch a break before they get caught and find Darcy. She hears Susan sobbing and Bells feels sad, but she is not sure what has done this to Susan. She knows it has to do with her being trapped inside.

“Wet hands, dry arms unharmed Posat!” says Bells firmly as she waves her wand in the pattern of a Z. Then out of the tip of her wand comes this large set of purple skinned muscular arms. Bells aims the arms at the cage Susan is in and they tear the metal off in large chunks.

Susan feels light in her eyes for the first time in years and it is blinding. The last of the metal is torn away and Bells rushes in and puts her arms around Susan. The hair on Susan’s head is grey and falling out, but she’s only 28 years old.

Then the troll guards hear the commotion and look around to see what’s going on.

“Bells, we can’t wait here, the trolls are coming!” says Janet quickly as she raises her wand and prepares for the trolls just in case.

Bells looks Susan in the eyes and she can see worlds of pain looking back.

“Bells, what a nice name. I know of Darcy she was my talking friend for an hour. Then they switched her cells to keep us from feeling any good at all,” said Susan sadly as she cried. “I think…I think they took her up this walkway. Maybe all the way up because I heard her screaming get fainter and fainter. Bells, I can’t make it out but I saw the light again that’s all that matters…all that ever will. Thank you,” says Susan tearfully as she smiles through her tears and then shows Bells her yellow chipped teeth.

Bells is taken aback by this, but she can’t take Susan with her there’s just no room.

“Susan, thank you for helping us I will do what I can for you but for now I must go. When I find Darcy I’ll tell her all about your help ok,” says Bells warmly as she stands up and peers back. She sees the dark green satin and silk woven hats of the trolls bobbing up and down behind some rocks. She knows the troll guards will be upon them in just seconds. Bells runs and hops into the air with the broomstick below her. Janet hops on and they speed out around the very rocks the trolls are walking around. The trolls have no idea they have just missed Bells and Janet on the other side.

Bells flies swiftly under several tan covered bridges that lead out from the magic mines below. The bridges have witches paroling them, but the witches are inside and can’t see Bells and Janet pass. There are also several bins filled with gold coins that Ragiton stole from the neighboring businesses and wizards. Ragiton knows all money that can be taken is his money now.

Meanwhile down below Ragiton watches the sandy ground behind his throne as he knows his beloved sister is soon to be arriving.

“Sister, always late and ruining my LIFE!” shouts Ragiton as he throws a rock. “I COULD, break your neck but I will not! Joey, get my glasses, don’t glare at the ground it’s done you no wrong! Boy the life I have to live to live the life I want,” says Ragiton angrily as he glares at the sand and is desperate for Monica to burst out of the sand. He knows when she does he can feel home again as he hasn’t been back to his boyhood home since he left at age 10.

“Here, Ragiton, your glasses. I also brought your favorite skull to crush. I thought you might like the initiative,” says Joey happily as he hands Ragiton some flaming red sunglasses shaped like screaming heads and a large skull. Joey knows Ragiton is in a good mood which happens only about once a year.

Ragiton takes the sunglasses and puts them on as he scowls at Joey. He knows Joey is buttering him up for something and he debates crushing his skull instead. Ragiton inspects the large skull of the wizard Michael Dusted. He knows the day he killed such a powerful wizard as Michael was a fine day indeed.

“Michael, no match for my enormous power! WELL THEN let’s send old Michael off in style!

Here, tell me if you feel it!” shouts Ragiton angrily and snidely as he lifts off the ground and starts floating high in the air. Ragiton spins around softly and screams out as loud as he can. It’s a blood curdling scream that wakes up all the prisoners in their cages. Then he shoots a steady stream of flames from his mouth at the skull. His eyes roll back into his head revealing a pair of dark blue oceans of water behind them. Then the skull starts to shake and blue bursts of electricity shoot out of it in every direction.

“Thirsty, that’s him Ragiton! Watch out he might see us,” says Thomas anxiously as he pulls on Thirsty’s ear to get him to go behind a pair of platinum statues of witches holding babies in their arms.

Thirsty is transfixed on Ragiton and he freezes in his tracks.

“WHERE’S YOUR MAGIC NOW?!! MICHAEL, TRY AND KILL ME IF YOU CAN!!!” screams Ragiton crazily as he shakes violently and spins in mid-air with flames shooting into the skull and

electricity shooting out. Joey down below looks at Ragiton and admires the power of him as he knows no one can harm Ragiton.

Thomas slaps Thirsty hard on the cheek and it snaps him out of his bewilderment.

“Oh, yes I will get us to safety hold on!” says Thirsty sternly as he flies them out around some cages and then behind the witch statues. There they see several cages in a line to be melted in a giant furnace.

Their hearts stop as they worry Darcy could be in one or was already.

“OH NO, Darcy, Thirsty, Darcy!” says Thomas frantically as he grimaces and glares at the walls.

Thomas wants some sweet revenge on Ragiton if Darcy is hurt even a little.

Thirsty flies them down the line of cages and peeks into each one. He sees small wizards, witches, and humans in the cages and most of which look frail and in pain (but no Darcy).

“I don’t see her! Look, if we think about it then we’d know she’s outside. You know why, Thomas, Roger, and you, Steven?” asks Thirsty happily as he smiles and then turns Mr. Pop around and heads back the way they came.


“Yeah why, Thirsty?” asks Thomas intently as he smiles and knows Thirsty must have figured something out or he wouldn’t have said it.

“Because all those people are frail and weak, Darcy hasn’t been here long enough to look like that. I say we find her outside prove me wrong,” says Thirsty as he flies them out from behind the statues.

Thirsty is literally 20 feet from Ragiton, but Ragiton has his back to them. Thirsty sees this and his eyes nearly pop out of his head, but he is aware enough to fly behind a cage just in time.

Ragiton spins around and his skull is growing ever larger and about to explode, with flames and electricity shooting up to the ceiling and down to the ground from his skull

Joey hears a muffled train whistle and it makes him squint and look around.

“DIE YOU WORM!!” screams Ragiton angrily as he crushes Michael’s skull, causing a massive burst of flames and a ball shaped electricity to engulf Ragiton. He screams out in agony as he takes Michael’s spell casting power for his own. Then the explosion pushes out like hands and fluxes into Ragiton’s mouth.

“Did you see that, Janet, he’s not of this world?” asks Bells in disbelief as she watches Ragiton as she flies from cage to cage in search for Darcy. There up the walkway she sees a cage hanging just over the side of a cliff. It looks to have been cleaned lately. Bells wonders if that could be Darcy due to the fact she was taken recently. Bells flies up to the cage and then does a flip off of her broomstick. She walks over to the cage, sighs, and then asks hopefully and timidly,” Darcy, is there a Darcy in there?”

She hears someone cough and start to slowly walk towards her. Then the beautiful black soot covered face of Darcy pushes up against the bars.

“YES! YES I am her, please help me?!” pleads Darcy nervously and tearfully as she knows this is her only hope of ever getting out of there alive.

Bells eyes grow wide and she starts hitting the bars.

“Darcy, ahhh I’m here with Thomas and Thirsty. We’re here to take you home! Oh yes I am so happy! Now move back from the bars and I’ll break you out!” says Bells excitedly as she smiles at Darcy and gets her wand ready.

Darcy meanwhile is overcome with emotion and she laughs through her tears. She knows her lovely caring brothers have saved her in the biggest way possible. She wants to kiss and hug them both.

“Thank you, thank you so very much! OH, wait ‘til I see Thomas and Thirsty. They’re getting my best hugs!” says Darcy painfully and happily as she backs up from the bars and then looks down through

the crack in the back wall at Ragiton. Ragiton tears a man into 2 pieces and then feeds him to his pet dragon. Ragiton told Darcy he was going to do kill him that very evening.

Just before Bells can cast her spell she hears a psychedelic train whistle, as it shoots sound out of a pair of holes in the sand behind Ragiton. Bells and Janet look down and they see the nose of a dark purple 20 story train coming out of the sand. The train is covered with spell proof paneling and has red flames shooting out the train car windows. The train lifts up out of the sand and splits into two pieces right down the middle. Revealing a thousand small brown wooden cages inside with thousands of wizards from all over the world trapped inside. It also has a blood red, heart shaped bedroom on the top floor with a yellow spiral staircase that extends down to the ground with Monica walking down it.

Monica has dark red skin with black circles all over it. She is ugly to look it with a set of different sized yellow glowing eyes, as well as a nose like a horse that you can see inside. Her hair is purple with tiny wood nymphs the size of your hand in it (as they curl and braid her hair for Ragiton). She is massive in size towering 12 feet tall and weighing enough to crush a car. She has on a white flowing dress and golden round sunglasses, but no shoes on her large slightly claw shaped feet.

“Monica, oh thank you spirit world for releasing her! Monica, come here and hug your brother! Now woman, I will not wait!” thunders Ragiton as he eyes Monica and continues clenching his jaw. Ragiton misses her deeply as she is the only family member he likes or he knows won’t kill him in his sleep.

Monica smiles at Ragiton and reveals her jagged yellow teeth. He knows that she is going to ask him for a favor, but he doesn’t think he’ll kill her for it.

“Oh no there’s another one of those monsters, Bells! We’ve got to get out of here!” says Janet frantically and quickly as she pulls on Bells’ arm and grimaces.

Bells takes one final look at Monica and then blinks her eyes quick as she raises her wand.

“Pool of metal, pool of water make the both meet Nekemba!” shouts Bells tearfully as she waves her wand around 3 times in a circle. Then she touches the now molten flaming tip of her wand to the cage.

When she does this the bars glow red and pulsate. Within seconds the bars are melted halfway down and Darcy runs and leaps out of the cell over the bars using pure adrenaline.

Ragiton sees the melting cage out of the corner of his eyes and he is enraged.

“YOU’RE GOING NOWHERE TONIGHT!!GUARDS KILL THEM ALL!!” thunders Ragiton coldly as he glares up at Bells, Janet, and Darcy. He won’t hear of any of his food escaping his home.

Ragiton fires off a stream of molten flames that sail over the head of Bells as she turns the broomstick around.

Thirsty, Thomas, Roger, and Steven see what’s happening and they know they have to help, but they also have to stay close to the way out.

“They need us, Thirsty, hurry please I SEE DARCY!!!” says Thomas frantically as he points to Darcy and Thirsty looks and sees her. Thirsty and Thomas know they have to save her at all costs.

Thomas especially sees she is frail and in pain and this infuriates him.

“I will HANG ON!” says Thirsty boldly as he spins Mr. Pop around and heads down the walkway.

Roger meanwhile takes his time and aims right at Ragiton. He fires off 10 arrows in rapid procession and then sits back and hopes they hit him.

Thomas sees this and he aims the Shadowman’s bow and fires off 8 arrows of his own. The arrows from the Sam Horn bow turn into claws and latch onto Ragiton, but he instantly shoots a pulse of red magic off his skin. This sends the claws flying off into the nearby castle. Thomas watches his arrows turn into a green wall of gel and when they splash down on Ragiton it encases him in solid rock.

“THERE, THOMAS, YOU’VE DONE IT” yells Roger triumphantly as he smiles from ear to ear and raises his right hand high. Monica runs and dives into the stone encasing Ragiton. The force of her dive makes the solid rock surrounding Ragiton smash to pieces. Ragiton falls to the ground gasping for air.

“Kill them, Monica, kill them all!” says Ragiton coldly and painfully as he tries to catch his breath and coughs loudly in the process as he drops onto his back. Monica looks at her brother and then up at Thomas as she knows that boy will die a horrible death at her hands.

“Uh oh that woman is going to kill me! Thirsty, fly faster and escape better! Like, you know, get Pop going super fast, real fast,” says Thomas quickly and nervously as he aims and fires off some arrows at Monica. Thomas knows they are in serious trouble if Monica hits them with a powerful spell.

Bells, Janet, and Darcy meanwhile are stuck trying to get past some 15 foot long flaming magical swords (as there are 4 trolls wielding them).

“I got this, Bells, watch this spell!” says Janet boldly as she raises her wand and glares at the trolls.

One troll swings his flaming sword and almost hits Darcy in the arm. Janet yells boldly,” When gravity calls it will crush you all Flotamist!” She aims the wand over the heads of the trolls and a dark green cloud of smoke (that is perfectly flat) forms above the trolls that Bells sees clearly. It starts falling quickly flattening the trolls and their swords as it does. Until the 4 trolls are crushed into flat circles of red magic, causing Bells to nod her head in approval.

“Janet, that was truly amazing!” says Darcy happily as she clings to Bells for dear life and eyes Monica and Ragiton below.

Thirsty rounds the final cage and turns Mr. Pop to face Monica. “Fire everything we’ve got at her, it’s time!” shouts Thirsty boldly and triumphantly as he raises his wand with a bright smile on his face.

Thomas and Roger fire arrow after arrow at Monica and Ragiton. Thomas sneaks a few peeks at Darcy heading down the walkway (as he really wants to hug his big sis’ again).

“If time is wasted, then wasted is air, breathe smoke gorlum!” shouts Monica coldly a she raises her wand. Her eyes glow and start shooting out spinning yellow flames. Then out of her wand comes this barrage of smoke filled glass manlike creatures made of flexible glass and filled with black smoke. The arrows get to the first of the 8 glass men and Roger’s claw grabs the smoke man and rips him to shreds.

The smoke that is released melts the next claw that draws near. This worries Roger it might be more dangerous that he thinks.

Thomas watches his arrows turn into sharp orange spinning triangular shaped knives. The knives don’t stab the glass men, but instead burst into a wall of steel balls that go so fast they’re like bullets.

Smashing and destroying all the glass men with ease. Monica sees this and knows she has to flee. She runs down the ramp with Thomas and Roger firing arrows at her. The arrows are tracking her as she runs for her train.

Thirsty meanwhile gets ready to kill Ragiton, but he remembers what Richard had said about killing the mind first. Thirsty knows regular weapons won’t work, but he doesn’t have the answer yet.

“Thomas, I can’t figure out the riddle, how do we kill Ragiton’s mind?!” asks Thirsty quickly and anxiously as he looks back at Thomas. He maneuvers them so they’re ready to leave the cave if need be.

Thomas looks at Thirsty and he doesn’t know the answer either.

“I mean, we can just shoot him with an arrow in the head? That will kill him I’m pretty sure. Hey, try a sleeping spell on him? Make him dreamy and we’ll get him then,” says Thomas happily as he smiles at Thirsty and they both think this is a good idea.

Roger meanwhile watches Monica race up the spiral staircase as she shoots bursts of magic from her fingertips. She hits the claws and turns them into 1 ton boulders that crash into the ground and roll down the steps. Roger sees one of the arrows Thomas fired turn into a pointy gold filled helmet. The helmet (which is the size of a basketball) shoots up the stairs and then through Monica’s back and out through

her stomach. She stops dead in her tracks and then looks down at the green vortex that is churning in the hole in her stomach.

“WHAT’S GOING ON?! STOP THIS!!” screams Monica angrily as she reaches down and puts her whole hand into the vortex. Then her body breaks into 6 parts covered in red magic. The parts are sent high into the air to explode and create a black rain. The rain comes down like the biggest downpour you ever saw, as well as lightning strikes hit all around Ragiton making him duck for cover.

“Sister, my sister what happened to us?” asks Ragiton tearfully as he covers his crying eyes with his hands.

Bells flies over to Thirsty and pulls up beside him.

“Thomas, are you ok? We’ve got Darcy, take a look,” says Bells as she reaches over, hugs Thomas and kisses his cheek. Thomas meanwhile looks Darcy in her crying eyes and he knows she has been through the worst kind of pain.

“Thomas, do you still recognize your big Sis’?” asks Darcy hopefully and tearfully as she timidly reaches out her shaking hand.

Thomas grabs her hand, pulls Darcy in close to him and kisses her all over her face.

“Of course I do, of course, Big Sis’! I love you you might as well accept that, just is,” said Thomas warmly as he hugged Darcy. “Big Sis’, I knew you were alive I told everyone! Do you like that little nugget? So, if you’re strong enough let’s get out of here quick. I love you, I love you let’s go, Darcy!”

says Thomas excitedly as he smiles at Darcy and she smiles back. Thomas sees her blood stained front 2

teeth, but Thomas doesn’t let on he sees this.

Thirsty meanwhile has to hug Darcy before they move one more step.

“Darcy, I love you more than ever, come here for a second!” says Thirsty warmly as he reaches out and hugs and kisses Darcy. This makes her whole life and she knows she’ll be fine now.

Ragiton meanwhile has sent word to the troll army to go and kill Thirsty and the group. This has all 3,000 of his trolls pouring into the cave from secret holes near the cages.

“Look, the trolls are coming!” says Janet frantically as she points with her wand and grimaces.

“Then we’re going. Darcy, we’re getting you home safe just accept it!” says Thirsty boldly as he turns Pop around and heads back the way they came. Behind them hundreds of trolls flood into the tunnel.

Bells sees the box they used before and it is still making a tunnel through the blue flames for them to use.

She and Thirsty rocket into the tunnel and Roger shoots some arrows at the trolls on the other side. The claws form and tear the trolls to pieces.

Thomas decides he wants to show off for Darcy. He aims and fires the Shadowman’s bow even though he doesn’t know what it will do. The arrows turn into bricks and start multiplying in mid-air several feet in front of Thomas. And before long they have formed a 7 foot 8 inch tall woman made of bricks, with a bat made of bricks in her hands. Thomas grimaces and pats himself on the back, as he knows this is the perfect impress Darcy big time spell.

“Thomas, I don’t know where you got that bow, but I like it. I can’t wait to see what that brick woman does. I mean really, this will be fun!” says Darcy happily as she smiles and winks at Thomas.

This makes Thomas feel the big time love thing and he smiles from ear to ear.

Bells sees this, smiles, and flies over to smooch Thomas on the cheek.

“Boy, I am not an unloved boy! That’s pretty good, I mean those trolls don’t like me and Ragiton doesn’t either. I need someone to love me or I’m just not me,” said Thomas jokingly as he giggled.

“Darcy, Bells, you’re my favorite women in the whole world. Well, accept for this brick woman, she’s the helpful kind,” says Thomas warmly as he smiles and bounces around in his seat.

“Hey!” says Bells and Darcy in unison causing them to laugh.

The brick woman starts bashing trolls into the wall with her brick bat. She hits one so hard he gets stuck in his impression in the solid rock wall. Then the brick woman hits another troll man right in the chest. He flies up into the ceiling and gets stuck in it by his butt only. This makes everyone laugh and Thirsty glances back at the flood of trolls racing after them. Thirsty knows that if the trolls catch up to them they are all dead for certain.

“Thomas, Roger, shoot the trolls behind us! Or destroy that way through, we can’t let them catch us its dire!” yells Thirsty boldly as he glares back at the trolls and then motions to Thomas and Roger.

Thomas and Roger start firing arrows while the brick woman clears away the trolls at breakneck speed.

Thomas watches his first arrow turn into a dark blue ram’s head on a jet engine. The ram smashes through the box and takes all the trolls and carries them through the air, only to crush them all against the back wall dead as sand.

“Whoa baby I think I may be the best shot, Roger. My spells crush things, how ‘bout you? It’s ok to be second best, at least that’s what people tell me,” said Thomas he bowed a few times. “Rog’, I mean, Roger, I can’t help how good I am it’s a curse. Now my handsomeness, that’s a curse I don’t mind. OH, Rog’, I mean, Roger, maybe you can TRY and shoot something in the future?” asks Thomas as he waves his bow around in front of Roger. “I just ya know don’t like having to kill all the trolls. You can do it, just don’t blow it and fall off Mr. Pop, shoot yourself, or drop the bow. Then, Rog’, I mean, Roger, then you won’t be a loser. I mean I wouldn’t know,” says Thomas jokingly as he gives Roger a wink and a nod as everyone laughs.

Bells hears this and she is dying to snuggle Thomas something fierce. She eyes the tunnel ahead of them and she sees a dark blue bouncing light.

“I’ll try,” says Roger firmly and jokingly as he smiles and pats Thomas on the back.

“I know you will you’re a second good down deep. Hey…you got to meet the first good that’s more than most. Thirsty, what is that blue light up there ya know in front?” asks Thomas as he eyes the blue light and aims the Shadowman’s bow at it just in case.

Thirsty flies them out the end of the tunnel and sees a dark blue 20 foot tall energy man (that is Ragiton’s friend Corruptor Jones). Corrupter has received a telepathic message from Ragiton. He is there to kill Thirsty and everyone in the group to avenge Monica.

Corrupter looks at them with cold eyes and shouts,” THERE IS NO ROOM FOR YOU NOW!!


screams Corrupter angrily as he jumps in the air, lands on one knee, and shoots a wave of blue flames and electricity at Mr. Pop and Bells.

“Not today you don’t! Cold kisses, lost moments, near miss’s frigady!” shouts Bells angrily as she has to toss her wand in the air and catch it in her mouth for the spell to work. The wand spins in the air, comes down and is about to miss landing in Bells mouth when she jumps off her broomstick and snatches the wand out of the air in her teeth. Then a wall of solid ice rises out of the floor and the wall moves forward towards Corrupter. It gobbles up the wave of flames and electricity and bounces them towards Corrupter, but he turns and flies out of Ragiton’s lair as fast as he can.

“I think we might be stuck on the cold side of ice. Maybe not the best side,” sayss Thomas jokingly as he grins and puts his head beside that of Thirsty’s for support.

Thirsty grins and laughs to himself, as he knows they have a tough task ahead.

“Go after the ice, Thirsty, it will go right outside! Thomas, be ready for anything!” says Bells boldly as she flies at the ice wall and as she does it races away from her heading out of the lair.

Thirsty follows her closely and eyes the people being freed on the racks on either side of the room.

Thirsty knows this is the best day of their worried lives.

“Thirsty, do I shoot all the people when we get ya know, outside? Because the bow says yes, I’m just saying,” says Thomas warmly as he rubs the Shadowman’s bow and then taps Thirsty on the side of the neck. Thomas knows Thirsty clams up when he is stressed, but he likes ending the clam and making him talk to him again.

Thirsty watches the wall of ice smash through the box they have left in the entrance, but it doesn’t dislodge the box. Thirsty and Bells rocket through the box and look around outside as Bells feels great, but she is worried they aren’t out of the woods yet. Then out of nowhere Bells has to duck a silver spear thrown by Corrupter from the rooftop. She narrowly escapes the silver spear.

“I saw that, everyone hold on tight! Thomas, Roger, let’s see some arrows flying!” says Thirsty boldly as he eyes Corrupter as he leaps from the rooftop and falls down to the street. Thirsty knows they aren’t safe on this street or in this city now.

“I don’t minds neither does Rog’, I mean Roger. Hey, Blue Guy, how ‘bout some arrow soupy?”

asks Thomas jokingly as he aims and then fires off 10 arrows in succession from the Shadowman’s bow.

Roger sighs and fires off 7 arrows at Corrupter and glares at him fiercely. Roger knows no one is hurting his friends today if he has anything to say about it.

Bells makes sure she is slightly behind Mr. Pop as she wants the arrows to provide cover. Then she and Thirsty race in and around all the fighting wizards, witches, and trolls riding unicorns as the battle grows by the second. Thomas’ arrows turn into air not but 5 feet from Corrupter. He laughs and pounds his chest at this, but as he does a ball of red energy and light crushes him into a hole in the ground.

Roger’s arrows turn into claws and start tearing wizards to pieces that are chasing after Mr. Pop and Bells.

“Good then let’s hope that’s the last of them. Thomas, I don’t know what’s gotten into to you, but that bow is awesome! I sure would like to try it sometime,” says Roger as he implies a question as he

knows he would love shooting the Shadowman’s bow. Roger pats Thomas on the back and smiles like a young hunter with their first catch.

“Yeah, I would say yes I’ll think about it. Can’t say when, my thinking head will get to it though.

You can’t rush these things, Rog’, at least that’s what people who say things say,” says Thomas as he plays drums on Roger’s back. “Rog’, I mean, Roger, I won’t stiff ya someday, someday whenever, then.

So is anyone else hungry for this stuff I call food? I ask because there’s no one left to kill, and what’s the point of trying to find someone?” asked Thomas as he stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth.

“There’s no point let them be and we can save some bow and arrows. That’s big savings, bigger than any I’ve seen before with mine own eyes. Thirsty, where are we going?!” asks Thomas as he sits forward and grabs Thirsty by the ears moving his head from side to side. Thomas knows Thirsty is getting them lost in New York Pashal and quite frankly he never likes being lost as much as eating and having fun.

Thirsty flies them around a statue of warring witches and 1 wizard that rises up some 157 stories. He frantically looks for a spot they can hide for a minute and catch their breath.

“Thirsty, I need to eat very badly. They starved me and fed me poison. Can you please stop and buy me something, I feel lightheaded?” asks Darcy sadly as she wipes the sweat from her brow and coughs a few times into her hands. She knows she has to eat right now or she might not make it. Thirsty hears this and glances back at Darcy and when he sees her suffering he knows he can’t be picky. He flies them down into a floating grass and white marble park called,” Trickery and Nature Park.” He lands Mr. Pop beside a fired dough and salad shop and when he does Thomas, Roger, and Steven rush and buy all the food they can for Darcy. They get her 3 pieces of fried dough with cinnamon and powdered sugar on top, as well as a large salad and 4 bottles of orange juice, apple juice, milk, and water. Then they put the salad up to Darcy’s mouth to eat, but she is too frail to eat it. Thomas grabs some lettuce and a tomato slice and puts them in her mouth. They keep feeding her for about a minute and Darcy finally smiles.

“There you go, Darcy, boy that really makes you look very happy. Would you like some orange juice to wash it down with? It doesn’t actually clean anything, but it tastes good,” says Thomas warmly as he watches Darcy smile and she goes to say something and then stops.

“I want the orange juice, but I want to go home more. Take me home, Thomas, I want my father’s arms around me. Please, I feel stronger now let’s get out of this odd place,” says Darcy softly as she has the orange juice poured into her mouth.

Thirsty and everyone get back on Mr. Pop with all the snacks they have bought. They start for the warm comfort of Maine, with Roger feeling bad the whole time they fly that he is losing all his friends.

Bells meanwhile wishes Thomas lived closer and she could see him every day. They drop Janet and Steven off at their homes and then set off again into the skyway. They get out of New York Pashal and pull into the modest underground hut that Roger lives in and stop to say goodbye.

“Bye, Roger, you’re a great friend to us all,” says Thirsty warmly as he hugs Roger and then pats him on the back.

“OH, Roger, I’ll miss you but not the burps you secretly let sneak out. So see ya, Roger, you’re great!” says Thomas warmly as he hugs Roger with one hand and pulls on his ear with the other.

Bells hugs him too and Darcy stays seated in the seat Roger was in on Mr. Pop. Darcy finds this a very loving thing to do for Roger.

“You’re great friends I mean really great! Oh if you need me for anything, just come here anytime.

Trust me I’ll be glad to help. Bye everyone,” says Roger tearfully as he his eyes well up and he hugs them all.

“It’s cool, Roger, you can come visit us anytime,” said Thomas as he grinned. “We got a lazy cow to look at too. He’s not as smart as you, but I’d watch what you say around his good ear. Bye, Roger, we’ll

miss ya,” says Thomas happily as he smirks at Roger and then pats him on the forehead softly. Thomas knows friends like Roger are hard to find so he is thankful he found one.

“You too, I’ll see you soon. Ok have a safe trip home and I wish you well, Darcy!” says Roger tearfully as he turns around and wave’s goodbye to everyone over his shoulder and cries.

Darcy smiles as she waves goodbye to Roger.

“Well then let’s get going and, Thomas, when we part, I don’t want to cry so I’ll just hug you and not say anything. I will miss you every second, but that doesn’t mean I won’t come visit. I got my directions and I will use them soon. Ok, let’s get going,” says Bells as she kisses Thomas on the lips and rubs his back in a circle.

Thomas grins at this and bobs his head happily as he already misses her and she hasn’t even gone anywhere yet.

“I know I’ll miss you when I don’t see you as good as I’d wanty. So, Bells, come visit real soon, like follow us home soon. No, I know you have to get home bye, Beautiful Bells!” says Thomas tearfully as he hugs Bells and then kisses her around her face. He hops on Mr. Pop and they fly away.

They drop Bells off and continue on to Maine and their home.

“Boy this is such a beautiful sight to behold, Thirsty! I love being back where things make sense, love it more than words. I can’t wait to see Dadums and tell him how much I love him,” said Darcy anxiously. “He deserves a better life than worrying about me all the time. Thomas, were you scared when you had to come and save me? You can tell me,” asks Darcy happily as she smiles and plays with Thomas’s hair.

Thomas grins and nods his head happily as Darcy sounds like her usual loving Thomas self.

“Well nope I was more scared for Thirsty, scared legs and arms he is. I’ve seen him run from crows, CROWS, DARCY! You can’t fool me, Thirsty, those legs are made for running. Now my super nerves and brave legs well we know what they can do. They don’t run, they pummel and POUND PEOPLE! I don’t want to brag, but I’m the best since birth, just a fact. Darcy, I see our house LOOK!” says Thomas as he points to their house and nearly falls off the side of Mr. Pop in the process.

Darcy eyes the family home and a tear comes to her eye as she would have given anything when she was in that cage to see it once more.

“Thomas, Thirsty, I’m going to cry now don’t look. I’m crying, keep your eyes and jokes away ok, Thomas, are you peeking?” asks Darcy playfully as she smiles through her tears and sees Thomas as he peeks over his shoulder with one eyebrow raised.

“Yes had to, I was worried you might cry so hard you'd hurt your eyes. Don’t do it you can’t see without those eyes trust me on this one. Hey I think I just saw Richard put his hand out the window and wave. Thirsty, set us down quick!” says Thomas excitedly as he smiles and starts tucking in his shirt as he wants to look his best.

Thirsty lands Mr. Pop near the front door and everyone hurries inside.

“DARCY, COME HERE DARCY!! I LOVE YOU, DARCY!” shouts Richard joyously and tearfully as he cries and turns his body on the bed so he’s facing the door leading in.

Darcy is helped into Richard’s room by Thomas and Thirsty. She runs 2 large steps and leaps into Richard’s waiting arms.

“I missed you, I missed you so much! They were going to kill me I couldn’t get away. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” says Darcy tearfully and sadly as she hugs Richard and rubs the side of his face with hers.

“NONSENSE!” replies Richard as he pulls the hair from Darcy’s face. “I WON’T HEAR OF IT!

You were attacked and abducted by a cowardly murderer! You never need apologize to me for that, or anything else. I love you, Darcy, and that will never change. Just let me protect you and I always will!

Thomas, Thirsty, someone is knocking at the front door. Go see who it is please,” says Richard sadly and tearfully as his tears roll down his cheeks like a broken faucet. He knows if you have a child they have a friend for life in you.

Darcy looks at Richard, smiles and then buries her head in his chest and cries.

“What weirdo would knock here right now, Thirsty? Isn’t it rude to ruin our coming home party?

Hmm I’m not so happy a clam right now nope. I may even look at them sternly, I might you just watch me. Now when you open the door, I’m going to aim the Shadowman’s bow at them just for fun. Here we go!” says Thomas as he aims the Shadowman’s bow at the front door and grits his teeth. He loves scaring people and these people are going to get the scare of a lifetime. Thomas nods his head and grabs the door handle.

“I hope they think we’re friendly, because we’re not today!” says Thirsty slyly as he pulls the door open slowly and then in one quick motion opens it.

“THEY KNEW!!” screams Roger painfully and crazily as he stands there covered in his own blood.

He stands there for several seconds and then falls face first dead onto the steps of their home. Then when his body hits they hear this blood curdling scream of 50 ghosts being destroyed.

They both stand there motionless and in total shock, but Richard hears the scream and he says softly under his breath,” They knew.”


What a wild one right?

Author Biography

John has been writing for 15 years. He’s penned 51 novels, 1 novella, and 1 book of short stories titled Short Stories for the Long Haul. It’s been a crazy stretch of time. All said, the warm winds have occasionally blown his way. In all honesty he’s just happy to be alive!