Magic Everything by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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He taps Thirsty on the shoulder with the scoop in hand and Thirsty takes it from him.

“What’s all this about, Thomas? Aren’t you hungry like you always are?” asks Thirsty in disbelief as he eyes the scoop and he really wants to bite down into it if he can, but he worries Thomas wants him to save it for later.

Roger sits there and watches the door close behind them as they leave. He is happy he is getting a ride and he is more thankful he is getting to go to New York Pashal, as he knows fun and magic are everywhere there.

“You know his belly is clean, but did you know it’s empty? Think about it, he hasn’t had the really good food in awhile. Maybe if someone driving Pop was nice, we’ll stop and feed Mr. Pop quick? Hey, Roger, isn’t Pop the best, like ride wise? I love riding, Mr. Pop, like way a lot!” asks Thomas smoothly as he rubs his cheek and lips to remember Kim. He feels so good it is like it is his birthday again.

Thirsty inspects the scoop and he secretly wants to eat most of it himself, but he hears Pop growl and try and lick the scoop out of his hand, and he knows Pop is dying for some food. Then Thirsty looks around for somewhere to stop and still be on the skyway.

Thirsty rides Pop up into the skyway and looks for a bathroom spot to stop and feed him, as they ride along at a leisurely pace and Thomas waves back to Kim. She can see him doing this through an upstairs window. And she knows it is love then and she starts pretending she is dancing with Thomas around the ice cream cones.

“Hey I see a place, just hold on a second. Old Mr. Pop will get his food, I’ll make sure of it. Thomas, do you mind me having some of the scoop? My belly isn’t full, and it would make me drive a whole lot better,” asks Thirsty coyly as he grimaces and lets out a fake moan, as he wants Thomas to think he is hungrier than he actually is. Secretly Thirsty just wants that full feeling to really make him happy.

Pop keeps trying to lick the scoop with his huge tongue and Thirsty sees this and snatches it away from him.

“NO WAY, no faking I know you’re not hungry. Thirsty, you are a person, and you know you can find food. Mr. Pop doesn’t have the hands we do, he has to wait for food. Boy I tell ya, Roger, I have seen low and then I’ve seen this. Thirsty, just feed the Pop, he needs us. Now, does anyone mind me going back to my daydreaming? I was just about to kiss Kim and tell her I love her again. Boy, I tell you what, I am not happy with all this stuff, not one bity. Now, Thirsty, I thought we were stopping?” asks Thomas firmly as he sits there with his arms around Thirsty’s neck and rubs his collarbone. And he loves to kid

around with Thirsty and touch his neck and head, because he knows Thirsty is a bit uptight and it helps him open up to new people.

Thirsty groans and pushes Thomas’s hands away at first, but then he sighs and flies Pop into a nearby bathroom shaped like a 2 story witch’s hat with the words,” Magic can breathe life into everything. It’s the things it can’t you need to buy here.”

Thomas sees this sign and he thinks it curious as he worries they sell rubber hats which he doesn’t like. Thirsty pulls into the bathroom and stops Pop on a white and gold trimmed ivory table. Pop lays there and smiles and sticks out his tongue, as he knows he is going to get some food.

“Alright, Thomas, Pop needs me here, Pop! Boy he looks to be really eating the scoop. I may have not known how hungry he had gotten. Hmm, well I’m sorry, Mr. Pop, I won’t let that happen again.

Roger, if you have to go the bathroom you should go now. Thomas, you should too and then we’ll leave,”

says Thirsty firmly as he eyes Pop eating the scoop and loves every second. Thirsty knows he himself would be a smiling Pop too if he had gotten the scoop. Now he just wants to go and buy one more for himself, but he knows he’ll have to wait.

Thomas and Roger hurry and use the bathroom. They quickly wash their hands thoroughly and come back out and sit down on Mr. Pop.

“Ok I feel good let’s get to the going part. Roger, don’t fall off the side, I can’t fly down and get you.

Thirsty, there will be other scoops, trust me. Now…who wants to listen to me daydreaming? Roger, you seem to want to, yes or no? Hmm, you’re slow with your answer, I wonder what that means,” asks Thomas warmly as he sits down and pats Thirsty on the top of the head.

Thirsty flies Pop back out to the skyway and heads for New York Pashal. Roger sits there and grins as he’s not exactly sure what Thomas means when he asks him if he wants to listen to him daydreaming.

Because what if he doesn’t?

“Yeah that’s fine, Thomas, I can’t wait,” says Roger sadly and reluctantly as he grimaces and looks out at the city of Best Root. It is a modern day village with 5 story huts and a gold plated palace that rises up from on top of a manmade grass covered hill. It looks very quant and Roger likes the look of it as he wants to stop, but doesn’t want to be a killjoy and ruin the trip.

Thomas spins around and grins at Roger and then closes his eyes and starts daydreaming. Roger sits there and grins as he watches Thomas daydream. It is really cracking up his funny bone with the funny look on Thomas’s face.

They ride for several hours and get close to the outer limits of New York Pashal where they can clearly see the Gramaden gate. It is green fortress that surrounds New York Pashal. It has 100,000 slots for Pops and dragons that rise up the front. There are also several million more that go for 3 miles out around New York Pashal. They are made to look like little living rooms with the words,” New York Pashal, if you had a dream while you slept. Then you were living here and it wasn’t a dream at all,”

glowing on the front of the gate in large fire filled letters. It sends a shiver through Thirsty’s system when he sees it, as he knows then they have to be careful in what they do and say or face the consequences.

The gate also has a dome above it that goes up high enough that Pops and dragons can’t go up that high without passing out, and it glistens in the sun most days. This day however it is gloomy and overcast. The rivers of magic flow out of the gate colored red and are due to the bad intentioned wizards that try to sneak into the city. The guards in each stall check you and your Pop (or Dragon) out to make sure you aren’t going to harm anyone in New York Pashal. They do this by using a chunk of untamed magic and they douse you in it. That way if you are hiding anything bad it will turn bright blue. Now if you aren’t thinking mischief it will turn golden. They have a few people every day actually sneak through, but they are a rarity.

There behind the gate can be seen the now mostly wizard inhabited New York Pashal. With soaring 2,000 story high dark brown wooden castles that house wizard sanctuaries and places for gifted wizards to learn the bulk of known magic in a University called Endless Spell.

“I really think we should sneak Roger in. Just put him under the belly of Mr. Pop and tie him there.

Just think, then he won’t get caught for the criminal person he is. Hey, Roger, we’re just tryin’ to help. So help is what you’ll get. Thirsty, where’s that pesky rope? You know, the rope we use to tie people like Roger up with? Fine, ignore me and be a silly laughing head so whats. I guess my smart head is just SO

smart, you can’t even speak human words to me, hmm? Roger, slap Thirsty he’s acting weirdo man,” asks Thomas as he grins ever so slightly and bops from one side of his seat to the other as he rubs Pop’s belly.

Roger and Thirsty laugh at this and they know Thomas is having a bit of fun.

“OH that rope, I ate it! Sure was a tasty rope, but the aftertaste was like goat neck. I don’t like me no goat neck. That’s for people who don’t know you’re supposed to play poker with da goat. Thomas, look who’s the laughing head now, now I’m the funny person oh ho ha. Watch out, I got fists that pound down the round!” says Thirsty sarcastically as he grins and throws awkward punches in the air.

Thomas is too busy as he has heard of Endless Spell and he badly wants to go there after he graduates high school, but he knows if he doesn’t master the proper spells beforehand he won’t have a chance.

The rising 300 story high villages float on red magic rivers and house many witches and warlock communities. They look like a collection of hat shaped homes with lush gardens, but they have many secrets hidden in the ground and in those very homes. The city also has its sports stadiums set high in the sky and made to look like a Faberge egg. You can park in the clouds and ride elevators on rivers of soft magic down into the stadium. Musical acts play there and the sky will always come alive with holograms when they do. The city has its small neighborhoods of criminals that refuse to leave. They will push

people out of their businesses and then turn that business into a place to plot their crimes. Ragiton owns most of them and uses them to create a much larger foothold in the city.

“So, Thirsty, I see we’re almost there. Hmm, I bet you thought I wouldn’t notice, nope, I did. Hey, Thirsty, are they going to let us through? Like I ask because maybe they won’t let, then what?” asks Thomas warmly as he puts his hands on Thirsty’s cheeks and feels around his face. This makes Thirsty giggle and have to look through a gap in Thomas’s fingers to see the Gramaden gate, but he knows they are safe regardless.

Roger sits back and eyes all the amazing things to look at. His mind races through all the fun things he hopes they’ll get to do, but Roger worries because he doesn’t have any money he might not get to have any fun. He grimaces and is bursting out of his seat to take it all in.

Thirsty laughs and drives them towards the stalls on the very top row, because he doesn’t see anyone using those ones and he thinks it will be faster. When they get there they see why no one is. The top of the gate is so far up it looks like you are going to fall off a cliff. And even Thomas and Thirsty know they aren’t totally comfortable with being up that high.

“Well, Thomas, I wish I hadn’t gone this way now. Boy, we are way up, and I mean touching the clouds. I really wish we had thought about this because I feel nervous in my stomach. Roger, I’m sorry I brought you this way, but I thought it would be faster. I’ll tell ya what…we’ll all eat on my money tonight. I think that’s fair. Alright, clear your minds we’re docking now,” says Thirsty quickly as he grimaces and shakes his head. He feels terrible for scaring Thomas and Roger with his bad decision, but he really thinks it will be better in the long run. Thirsty’s thoughts turn rather quickly to the guards at the Gramaden, as he knows they are going to test them all and he prays they all pass.

Roger feels a knot in his stomach and he starts to sweat profusely, as he knows he has to remain calm and just that thought is making him nervous.

“I’m fine, Thirsty, I bet they’re nice. Maybe, you let me do all the talking? See, that way we won’t say anything stupid and they won’t be mad at us, and we’ll get through! Ya know, yes you do. So, Roger, I can hear you sweating back there what’s up? Are the nervous sweats grabbing you? I had those once, but I think it was actually Thirsty that had them. Roger, maybe talk to me and answer, my good questions? It helps ask people,” asks Thomas smoothly as he sits there and rubs Thirsty’s neck and pats him on the forehead.

“I am sweating, and I do sweat, that would be ahh…yes!” says Roger in a quivering made up voice as he waves his shaking finger and Thirsty laughs.

Thomas grins and then reaches back with one hand to get Roger to slap him low five. Roger looks down at Thomas’s fingers moving around and then they flatten out for the low five. Roger starts to grin slightly and not feel so nervous. He slaps Thomas low five and then lets out a chuckle and Thomas says happily,” Thank you for the low fives, Roger, it was nice of ya. Don’t worry my friend and brother, they let people like us through, I heard that. Roger, I’ll tell ya what, when we get to the city, the one there. I’ll buy you a hot dog, and you can do the eating. Just think, that’s 5 cents I’m spending, like a good lot of cash flow. It’s what friends do, they share cash flow and slap low fives. Now whoa, look at this guy coming,” says Thomas in disbelief as he eyes a green skinned troll with seal black curly hair and white crooked z shaped eyebrows named Edward Crawly.

Edward has huge hands and size 18 feet and he is only 4 foot 3 inches tall, but he is 4 feet wide at the shoulders. He has on a t-shirt that reads,” I love New York Pashal, but it only likes me as a friend!”

written in white letters on a black t-shirt. He also has a long crooked nose with hairs coming out from it in the middle.

And when they all look at Edward they worry he might try and snatch their Pop or food money.

Thomas and Thirsty see this and hide their money.

“I see him stay calm, it’s alright,” whispers Thirsty calmly as he nonchalantly looks back in Thomas’


Edward waves them into the stripped orange and white walled room. Where there is a TV set up and several fridges there with treats you can buy while you get checked out.

Thomas grins and eyes Edward. Then he starts to shake his head and talk under his breath, as he does not want this troll to eat him.

“HI there, Mister man, I’m Thomas, that’s Thirsty and that one back behind me. Well that’s my friend Roger, he’s a good guy. So, what’s your namo and don’t say Thirsty. I only want to know 1

Thirsty, or it will get confusing,” says Thomas smoothly as he watches as Thirsty drives them onto a white and black colored metal ramp.

Then Pop is secured into his stall and they all get off of his back, as Edward grins slightly at Thomas.

He hasn’t had someone be so nice to him in quite awhile, as he usually gets most people clamming up when they get close to him. Edward likes Thomas and wonders what he should say to him.

“Yes, hi there, Thomas, I’m a troll and my name is Edward,” says Edward nervously as he fidgets.

“Hi Edward!” replies Thomas quickly as he waves to him with his right hand.

“I hope you know, you’re the only person to ask me my name in years. That means a lot, but I can’t let you through if you’re bad people. Sorry, Thomas, just the rules and that’s it. Now, go ahead and have a seat, and watch some TV. I’ve got to douse your Pop and then you in magic. So if you’re thinking bad things, just get up and get out of here. I hate to say it, but it saves time ya know. So, anyway, Thomas, let me check your Pop first,” says Edward firmly as he has a grin wash across his face and he goes and grabs a chunk of untamed magic to douse Pop with. He sees Thomas, Thirsty, and Roger getting comfortable on the couch watching the cartoon,” Hey Eggs are Clothing,” which follows a group of eggs as they walk

around and trick people into thinking they are celebrities. This makes Edward happy and he suddenly doesn’t feel so bad about being at work.

Then Thomas eyes Edward and grins as he sees him douse Mr. Pop with magic. He likes how nice and not mean he is and he thinks he must always be nice to people. Then the magic glows gold in color and Pop lets out a humming sound. Edward knows Pop is well intentioned and now he just has to take care of the boys.

“Edward, is it alright if I talk to you now?” Thomas asks warmly as he sits there on the couch and watches Edward go and get some more magic.

“That’s fine, go right ahead, Thomas, I could use the conversation!” yells Edward from the back as he grabs 3 chunks of magic and puts them under his arm. Thomas grins at this answer and then starts to think of what he wants to say.

“I like you, Edward, and I usually like all troll folk. I was just wondering, do they let you get comfy and watch the TV on your break? Because I like being comfy, and this couch certainly is, let’s face it.

Sorry, ah you can answer me now,” asks Thomas smoothly as he grins and sees Edward wave him over to the place where Pop has gotten doused with the magic.

Thomas pulls on Thirsty and Roger’s arms and they all go over. Thomas walks into the stall first and grins, as he knows this will be really fun and he loves fun.

“Yes, if no one comes up here, I get to get comfy and watch TV. And most of the time, there aren’t many people up this high. It’s just a really good job, and it provides for my little ones. Thomas, here we go, please close your eyes and keep them shut ‘til I tell you,” says Edward brightly as he grins and then starts to smile at the nonchalant grin on Thomas’s face. He has never seen someone so calm when the magic is about to be thrown on them.

Thomas stands there with his eyes closed and his hands on his hips. Edward throws the magic on Thomas and it turns gold in color. And to Edward it is a big relief and then lets out a sigh and Edward says,” Alright, Thomas, you can open your eyes, you’re clean to go through.”

“Well, thank you too, Edward, the magic on my skin tickles, like bad. I just feel so giggly and not able to feel bad. Thirsty, you’re gonna LOVE it. Just stand there and keep them eyes ah closed. So, Edward, how old are your little troll kids? I ask because I could be their friend someday. I could always use a new friend, just how I am. Thirsty, your eyes are open. Roger, why so quiet and looking around?

You don’t have to be the nervous person, who thinks they’ll steal their hat. Just relax, and if you do, I think you’ll be pretty good,” says Thomas as he sits back down on the couch and faces Edward, Thirsty, and Roger.

Thirsty gets doused with a much larger handful of magic than Thomas had. This makes him howl with laughter and look through the space between his fingers.

Thomas knows Thirsty doesn’t want so much magic on him, because it might make him laugh too much. Edward laughs at Thomas’s reaction and then waves Roger in.

“Thomas, that’s not quite right to laugh, less laugh more less talk. Boy, I feel like everything’s funny and I know it’s gonna last, ugh. Roger, be sure you don’t breathe that in, I made that mistake myself. It’s making my lungs tingle, Thomas, oh I should have known. Thank you, Edward, it’s not as bad as I’m saying,” says Thirsty happily as he sits beside Thomas and puts his head beside Thomas’ and taps Thomas on the back of the neck.

Thomas giggles and tries to slide his finger down the front of Thirsty’s chin. That always makes him laugh and Thomas knows it. Thomas does just that and Thirsty squirms away and chuckles.

Roger has been in the stall all this time now and sweating from head to toe. He is having a panic attack and thinking all bad thoughts. Edward is starting to think Roger has bad intentions, as Edward gets a big chunk of the magic ready. He flings it onto Roger in one quick hand motion.

“There you go, let’s see if the nervous boy is the guy to go to the city. Hmm, it’s taking longer for the magic to change, I wonder what’s causing that?” asks Edward quizzically as he looks at Roger intently and Thirsty and Thomas do the same. The magic doesn’t change with every passing second, as Roger gets more and more terrified. Roger knows if he can’t go to New York Pashal they will have to ditch him. And he doesn’t know how he’d get back home making him grimace and look around nervously.

“Its fine, Roger, we’ll get you a new LARGE scoop if you calm down a bit. Just think, tasty ice cream, chewy cone, it’s good and you know it. Hey, I see golden on his legs LOOK!” says Thomas reassuringly as he gets up, leaps over the couch and gets down on the floor and points to the golden magic with his finger.

Thirsty gets up and hurries over too as he sees the golden magic as well. And this is a good sign, but Edward knows the whole body has to turn the right color or he can’t let them through.

“Just wait a bit and you’ll be alright I know it. Edward, how much gold do you have to see, because now his whole leg is gold see?” asks Thirsty as he puts his hand near to Roger’s leg and grins up at Edward.

Roger feels better now and he is thinking about that tasty scoop he has been promised.

Thomas gets close to Roger and eyes the magic as it slowly changes. He thinks because Roger is so sweaty it is taking the long time that it is.

“The whole body, Thirsty, no exceptions. I think its fine, we just need to wait. These things are usually fast, but occasionally someone’s body isn’t the same as other peoples. Really, we don’t know why

either just one of those things. Roger, it’s up to your waist now, don’t worry one bit. In my experience, if it goes that high, it usually goes the whole way up,” explains Edward as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. “Thomas, would you like a soda we’ve got plenty?” asks Edward warmly as he smirks and continues to watch Roger, but secretly he is lying about the magic always going all the way up. He knows it could just turn blue at any moment even if it is partly gold. Edward doesn’t want Thomas to worry unnecessarily.

Thomas grins and points to the magic as it goes up a bit further. Thomas is preoccupied with Roger getting through the gate, but then it dawns on him there are sodas. And he stands up quickly and starts pointing in different directions for Edward to tell him where to go.

“Which pesky way is it, Edward? I don’t want to go the wrong way and maybe fall out a hole. I wouldn’t be liking that I can tell you. Thirsty, keep an eye on Roger, he’ll be fine but just in case,” says Thomas as he stands there and points in different directions and eyes Edward intently.

Edward has his eyes on the magic and Roger. He had a feeling this child was bad news and it was going to go badly from the start, but Edward does look up at Thomas and points at the left wall and a red picture of a duck eating a hamburger. Thomas goes over and finds a fridge hidden behind the painting.

Thirsty looks at how intense Edward is and it makes him nervous.

“So, Edward, you can tell me, he’s not gonna pass is he? I mean…if he was going to, then he would have judging by your face,” says Thirsty sadly as he stands there eyeing Edward now with his arms folded. Thirsty knows then that Roger isn’t coming with them and it is breaking his heart.

Roger meanwhile hears this and his eyes grow wide and he looks at Edward nervously. Roger is scared to death of being stuck there with no way home.

Edward looks at Thirsty and is about to nod yes when the magic starts to rise up Roger’s torso and then up and off the top of his head all gold. Thirsty and Roger let out a yell that echoes through the room.

Thomas races over to see what has happened with a smile on his face.

“Thank you for that luck, I needed it. Boy I was nervous, Thirsty, I couldn’t stop it. Now though I just want to do something fun. How ‘bout we get going and get into the city as soon as possible?” asks Roger happily as he breathes a big sigh of relief and smiles.

“Of course, let’s get going before Edward changes his mind. You wouldn’t keep us here would ya, Edward? Hmm, you are shaking your head no I know what does that mean? Thirsty, Roger, we got places to go and we have to hurry. Edward, thank you for the delicious soda. Could I maybe get another one for Mr. Pop? He really loves him some soda, and I know he would thank you if he could, ya know,” says Thomas as he sips his soda. He stands there and hugs Roger and Thirsty all at once. Pop hums and smiles with his tongue out, as he knows what the word soda means and he loves him some soda.

Edward stands there cackling and puts his hand to his chin, as he thinks these are good boys and he is glad to help them. He waves to the fridge and they all run over and grab sodas.

“Enjoy, Boys, enjoy your youth! Go ahead and take 3 each, it’s fine I don’t mind. So, Mr. Pop, are these boys good to you? I mean, do they feed that big head of yours OFTEN? What’s that they do, but they also flirt with all the girls you say? Well, Boys, you gotta only flirt with one girl, that’s what a real man does,” says Edward jokingly as he grins and pats Mr. Pop softly on the side of the head making Pop hum and try and lick Edward’s hand.

Thomas, Thirsty, and Roger have their sodas now and are walking back over to Mr.Pop. Thomas quickly opens one and starts feeding it to Mr. Pop, as Thirsty sits down in his seat and grins at Edward.

And he knows trolls can be really bad people, but now he has found one he thinks is as good as anyone and it is changing his mind about them.

Edward just grins and shakes his head at the boys, as he knows they are going to get into harmless mischief and that is fine by him. Roger is drinking his soda fast and blinking his eyes repeatedly from how cold it is as it makes his eyes sweat. And he is so happy to be free to keep going with them he doesn’t know what to say as his thoughts race.

Thirsty sees Mr. Pop start to straighten out his back which means he is beyond happy and is eager to fly. It also means they will have the extra speed to escape if need be.

“There you go, Pop, if you’re happy then everyone is, you know that. See, Edward, when I meet good people like you I always feel a lot better about everything. I hope you don’t have to deal with ya know, those bad riders. That would not be fun so, Edward, thank you for the sodas firstly. Then I gotta thank you for being so friendly, thanks,” says Thomas warmly as he sits down and wraps his hands around Thirsty’s head and moves the skin around beneath Thirsty’s eyes in a circle. And this makes Thirsty grin and then chuckle, as he loves it when Thomas kids around with him as he loves Thomas more than anything.

Edward smiles and lets out a raspy laugh as he nods his head in agreement, as he knows these boys are a rare type and he likes them.

“You’re welcome, I’ll see you later, Thomas. Hey, when you come back, be sure to ride up high and say a proper hello. I will be waiting bye for now, Boys,” says Edward happily as he tries not to laugh, but the warm calm look on Thomas’ face makes him giddy.

Thomas looks back at Edward as they pull out of the stall and he gives him a wink and then holds up the soda he has in his hand as high as he can. Roger grins at this and crosses his arms and looks around at all the millions of wizards, witches, and whatnot that are riding through the gate. And to him this is the greatest day of his life as now he has seen it all.

“That Edward was a really good person, Thomas, he didn’t have to give us those sodas. And, he was very patient with me when the magic wasn’t working. It made me think that if it had been someone else.

Ya know, someone who didn’t like us. They would never have let us through there. I’m just glad we made it and now everything is cooked dinner fine,” says Roger happily as he sits back and looks out beside him and is stunned to see a flying witch not 3 feet from his face. It makes his eyes grew wide and causes him to shot back away from her.

Thomas looks over, sees her and smiles softly at her as lifts up his soda can.

“HI I’m Thomas, Young Witch! I think you scared Roger, but he won’t die, trust me. So, you like looking at people huh? Me too, what is your name?” asks Thomas smoothly as he grins slightly and adjusts his hat to show more of his face. And Thomas knows witches don’t like people being shy. He worries though about Roger and his obvious shyness and lack of saying hello.

Thirsty flies along not sure if he should ditch the young witch or stay beside her.

“I’m Isabella Hamon call me Bells and I like you, Thomas, you talk. I need someone to hang out with today in the city. So…are you going to hang out with me or do you have things to do?” asks Isabella as she eyes Roger as he cowers away and tries to hide behind the seat. Bells can only grimace and assume he does not like witches so she does not like him.

Thomas puts up one finger for Bells to wait and then he leans forward and smushes his cheek against Thirsty’s. They ride through the floating art gallery called Artoti Air. It has millions of floating paintings on lighted pedestals that have their high prices on them. It makes the sky look like it is more than just a sky it is a work of art. Thirsty and Bells have to swerve out around a painting of a bear falling into a cake on opposite sides. Then they met back up on the other side with Bells smiling at Thomas and throwing her hair back from her black brim witches hat. Bells knows they are going to talk it over and Thomas just looks so cute.

“Thirsty, I say yes! I think Bells is a good witch, and won’t try and spell us. So if she does need us, maybe she needs our company for a nice amount of money? We need money, Thirsty, how else are we going to EAT?! I think you should nod yes, and then accept yes, and I’ll go tell Bells oh yeah yup. I see you nodding, is that a firm nod? Yes it is, ok I’ll tell her!” says Thomas excitedly as he pats Thirsty on the chin and nose gently and then turns around and goes to tell Bells, but he stops and looks around for a second with his mouth open.

“What, what is it?” asks Bells.

Thomas grins and says,” We say yes, but we need to get paid, Bells. I mean if you can wait ‘til we do one thing, and then do your stuff that’s fine. But since it takes so much of our time, we need money to do it, I’m sorry. I tell ya though we are great hosts, and I mean that. Bells…I’m going to need an answer, yes or no?” asks Thomas coyly as he bows his head and puts both his hands out towards Bells. He knows if she doesn’t think it is a big burden on them she may not pay them as much as they need. And Thomas is thinking Darcy will need some food and drink when they save her, because bad people don’t feed good people and he knows it.

Bells sits there on her broomstick with a cushion floating behind her back and pushing her forward.

She debates paying the money because she knows they could ditch her and take all the cash.

“Well, Thomas, I know it’s a big burden and a good deal for both. So I say hmm…yes I’ll do it. How much money do you want, because I only have 57 dollars and 98 cents? I know it’s not a lot, but it’s all I brought with me,” says Bells sadly as she rides along ducking under a large painting of a trash can floating in the ocean. Then she meets back up with them on the bottom half of the art gallery. She really hopes Thomas will say less than 30 dollars, but she fears he will go for the big bucks.

Thomas looks straight down with a blank look on his face, as he has never heard of any kid having that much money in his whole life. And he knows if he acts surprised it will ruin any chance of getting the

big money. He puts his hand over his face and nods his head and let’s out loud sighs, as he has to act like he is really disappointed with the sum.

Thirsty flies them down into a series of enchanted floating castles. The actual rock ground they are floating on can be seen. The wizards and witches have uprooted their castles to go and live in New York Pashal for awhile. And to Thirsty it looks like he has just flown into a different dimension.

“Ok, Bells, I think I have a fair offer. Now there are 3 of us, so that’s why it is more, just telling you.

How about…15 dollars? Is that a fair amount for you?” asks Thomas sadly and hopefully as he feels a panic attack grip him mid-sentence. He has never asked for that much money for anything in his whole life. He smiles with a blank look in his eyes and looks right at Bells.

Thirsty lets out a sigh and looks away from Thomas, as he knows that is way too much money and Thomas has sunk any chance of them getting anything now.

Roger sits there thinking boy is Thomas greedy, as he can’t believe he asked for so much just to hang out with him.

Then Bells has to swerve out around a tower in the shape of a donkey that is part of a dark brown floating castle that they are riding past. It sends a shiver through them all as they think she is ditching them for someone else. And this makes Thomas instantly sweat and wish he had only asked for 1 dollar or 50 cents.

Bells comes back around to where they are with a bright smile on her face. Thomas, Roger, and Thirsty all think she is going to cast a spell on them.

“Hello, Thomas, I accept the deal! Just let me give you THIS. Now you have to hang out with me AFTER we do whatever you had to do first. Now…if you want, I can help you with the thing you need to do? I’m good at spells and I’m crafty, way crafty,” offers Bells hopefully as she reaches over and hugs

Thomas as they fly between 2 large bat and cow shaped ivory white castles. And she can’t take him sitting over there so cute and not hugging her just then.

Thomas grins at this and he hugs her back for certain. He has to swallow when he does as he now has the 15 dollars in his hand. And he nervously (and with a shaky hand) puts it into his pocket good and deep. Then he twists the pocket from inside his pants so there is no way it can fall out. And then he breathes a sigh of relief and taps Thirsty on the shoulder.

“Good work, Thomas, you hid the money I mean?” asks Thirsty coyly as he knows Thomas has gotten the money, but he has to double check that Thomas has hidden it away without telling him too.

Thomas puts his head over the shoulder of Bells and onto the shoulder of Thirsty and Thomas says happily,” Oh yeah, Thirsty, its SO DEEP and I gave it the twisty. Now, Bells, thank you for paying, now to tell you what we’re doing. Well I guess I can tell you, but you can’t tell anyone,” says Thomas as he smiles at Bells.

“What is it?”

“Bells, my sister Darcy was taken from our home in the middle of the night, I know it’s bad. And we know or really THINK, it was Ragiton that did it. Now, we can’t take him on by ourselves, so we’re going to get the Shadowman’s bow. Then with that we’ll have a fighting chance, and that’s something.

So, you said you’re good at the spells. Well we need those spells, Bells, bad ya know? Can I count like not actual counting, but more rely on you count, on you to help? It’s a big question, take your time,” asks Thomas as he looks up at Bells from his bowed head. He worries she might be working for Ragiton and they will all be killed.

Thirsty cringes when Thomas tells her, because he knows anyone and everyone could be a Ragiton spy. And this is the true test of Bells to see who she really is.

Roger sits forward and eyes Bells carefully. He is intrigued by the task of getting the Shadowman’s bow, because he is an expert marksman with the bow and arrow. Roger knows if it is someone trying to outrun his arrow, it or they will lose.

Bells looks at Thomas, smiles brightly and kisses his ears, as she can’t get herself enough Thomas.

“Thomas, oh am I going to help you! I am WAY GOOD with spells, as I said. And I can kick some tail when I need too don’t you think different. I will gladly help you and quite frankly, your task is a lot more important than what I had to do. I mean it’s your sister we can’t let her get harmed. I feel so bad for you and Thirsty, because this is a big loss and a big heart ache. I’m going to make a promise, until your sister Darcy is safe, I won’t even mention what I was going to do today. Now, let’s go and get Darcy!

Thomas, we’re doing this!” says Bells boldly as she looks sternly at Thomas and then Thirsty.

They know she means what she says and she means business. Thomas and everyone are thrilled they have Bells helping them, because they need all the help they can get. Thirsty also wonders if this is the break they need to save Darcy.

“Thank you, Bells, you’re enchanting to say the least!” says Thirsty thankfully as he smiles and reaches back and squeezes Bells on the shoulder. She giggles at this and pats him on the top of the head like Thomas has done. This makes Thomas roll with laughter and pat Bells on the chin softly and this makes her giggle some more.

Roger sits there grinning and feeling fortunate he has the new friends he does. He knows he needs a proper meal and with the newfound money he hopes Thomas and Thirsty will get him one.

“Ok everyone, we’re going through some ominous castles, maybe we should keep our eyes up. That way we don’t..,” says Thirsty calmly, but before he can even finish his sentence one of the castles shifts and almost smashes into them. Thirsty and Bells maneuver into the rose and vegetable garden of the castle, and they fly out around several bushes and then through the blue marble head of a dragon.

They come out in the middle of a young wizard’s first wand party. Thomas looks at this and he nods and waves to the 2 dozen people sitting there and looking at him in shock. Thomas doesn’t want to be rude and ruin the party they are having.

Bells looks up ahead and sees a large golden fountain that goes up 3 stories. Bells knows if they don’t start flying up soon they are going to run right into it.

“Thirsty, look out ahead!” says Bells loudly as she points to the warrior shaped fountain with her wand and then she shouts firmly,” Gobasid I’m passin’!” Then the fountain folds backwards into itself and they are able to ride over the top of it safely and out into the open air.

Thirsty is very happy and thankful he had Bells just then. And Thomas is loving him some Bells, as she is such a great person and spell caster.

Roger sits there meanwhile breathing heavy and worrying they might have angered a powerful wizard at the party. He knows they aren’t going to be none too pleased to see their expensive gold fountain damaged. Bells grins to herself and rubs the side of Thomas’s arm, as she knows by his smile he likes her and her spells.

“Bells, maybe the greatest spell ever! So perfectly placed, because that fountain would have hurt Pop, then us, and maybe you. But you knew the right spell and when to let her FLY! That’s the sort of thing I’ll be doing someday, everyone knows it, everyone. Thirsty, you look a bit glum, was that almost dying got ya worried? I know Roger behind me is using both lungs to breathe right now. Hmm, Bells, you’re just too amazing, everyone knows it, everyone,” says Thomas smoothly as he grins slightly and then rubs his hand down the side of the Bells smiling face. This makes her want to kiss and snuggle with him bad, but they will crash if she tries to do that this high up.

Roger watches all this and thinks boy some people get all the luck, as he knows Thomas is getting every woman in sight and he can’t get any.

Thirsty is a bit shaken up, as he knows he froze when he should have cast a spell. He wonders if he really has the courage to save Darcy.

“Thomas, I just, I feel quite bothered by my indecision. I must, I just MUST be able to cast the right spell FASTER! Darcy’s life will depend on it, and I’m not letting her die. Thomas, if we think about things Bells and Roger are a true lucky thing. Bells, you are especially fast with your cast. That little trick just saved our lives. I need to tell you, thank you, thank you, and oh did I say thank you. Bells, that was awesome,” says Thirsty thankfully as he flies them out around a buffalo shaped dark brown castle with green glowing towers all around it. Thirsty is so happy that Bells has the gift of spell-casting that he doesn’t know what else to say. He gets them around this latest castle and then smirks back at Bells.

Bells grins and reaches over and tugs on Thirsty’s earlobe playfully. This makes Thomas giggle and tug the other earlobe of Thirsty. Causing them all to chuckle and Bells feels really at home with her new friends now.

They ride into an orange shaded floating wizard colony and they see spells cast everywhere they look. There are creatures and wild bursts of magic blowing targets to pieces left and right. Thomas eyes the colony and he loves every little bit of it.

“Everyone keep your eyes looking forward. This is a wizard colony, they’re not as nice as you would think, Thomas, why don’t you keep your eyes on mine? That way I can make sure you’re not stealing any looks at other little women,” declares Bells playfully as she smiles at Thomas and pulls his head in close to face her.

Thomas makes his eyes look up and then left and then down, as he wants to kid with Bells and she laughs at this.

Thirsty flies along unsure if he can completely avert his gaze from all the wizards, but he does look and see they have several houses made from wood and magic. They look like they are glasses on a

person’s head. And to Thirsty this is too intriguing not to take a gander, but when he does a young man looks him right in the eye and Thirsty freezes. Thirsty for the life of him doesn’t know what to do or say.

“Thirsty, watch out, he’s raising his wand!” says Bells quickly as she goes for her wand to cast a spell and save all of them from getting destroyed.

Thirsty beats her to the punch as he stands up on Mr. Pop and then shouts,” Bodus of Stonii!” And the young man starts to cast his spell, but dark purple pendent races at him with flames shooting out the sides. And when it hits the young wizard it morphs into a grey liquid and makes its way into his nostrils, mouth, and ears. His body pulsates red and green and his fingers yellow. Then his nose starts to turn into solid stone. Before long his stomach, head, and legs are pulsating and dust clouds are jumping out of his skin. And soon he is turned into half stone and half person with the rest soon to turn to stone as well.

Thirsty and Bells know enough to get away from there fast, but Bells is stunned by how quick Thirsty had cast that spell, as she know he has large powers unlike any she has ever seen.

They fly as fast as they can out of the colony and make their way into the garden area of where Central Park used to be. There are lush fields of every kind of vegetable you can imagine that grow there.

The people of New York Pashal all share in the harvest and it is very lucrative.

“I love this place, look at all the nice vegetation they have. Hmm, if we weren’t rich I’d probably be thinking about, ya know borrowing some. Although, if we eat now we can then go and get the Shadowman’s bow?” says Thomas implying a question as he rubs his eye.

“That’s a good point,” replies Roger as he balances himself.

“Just think, once we go after it we won’t be able to eat at all. That means a snack right now would be really smarty. Thirsty, Bells, Roger, why don’t we go and find a place to eat, close to the entrance to the Torned forest? Then we’ll go kill the bow-maker, dead like dirt. Bells, do you know where Torned forest is?” asks Thomas as he smirks and grabs Bells on both sides of her face and looks her in the eye.

They are now down to ground level and they ride through a massive marketplace of huts, mini animal shaped castles, and even a bread basket shaped tan and golden colored bakery called,” We make Sandwiches Taste Good!” And there is a long line waiting to buy bread and other treats there that goes for half a mile out into the park.

Bells looks down and feels a sudden intense fear as shock takes her over. The Torned forest is well known to kill all who aren’t welcome and no one is. Bells worries now they are goners for certain as she wants to sit and think for a second.

“Are you ok, Bells, we can stop?” asks Roger anxiously as he grimaces and lets his hands hang down to his side. Roger knows she is scared for some reason. Thomas worries it is something he has said.

“Yes, I think yes we should stop. Ahh I need something to eat and drink before I can talk anymore.

Let’s find a good spot and then eat some. My head is spinning and I can’t for the life of me stop it,” says Bells nervously as she steers her broomstick in close to Thomas and puts her arms around him. She needs to hold him then and keep him close to her to feel better.

Thomas smirks and holds her tightly with both hands. He really loves Bells and hates to see her in any kind of pain.

“How ‘bout we stop just up here, at that bakery? Then we can maybe get a good sandwich? Yes, that I would think would work for us,” says Thirsty coyly as he tries to act like nothing bad is happening, but he knows Bells is not well and hopes he can make her feel better with a bit of joy.

They fly into the parking lot for We Make Sandwiches Taste Good and then set down on a 300 foot wide circular padded deck. The Deck is where wizards and witches alike are landing every few seconds and some bounce off the ground.

“This is fine, it’s…it’s ok, Thomas, can we just lay down here? Like, I need to lay down and I don’t mind the dirt,” says Bells sadly as she feels sick to her stomach and her head is spinning. Bells knows the

Torned forest is one of the biggest and most dangerous places you can go in New York Pashal. She worries it will cost them all their lives. Thomas lies down with Bells on the red rubber deck. They snuggle with each other and Bells feels a lot better.

Thirsty and Roger sit in their seats and look around. Thirsty needs some real food and he worries they might lose the added power of Bells due to illness. Roger looks and sees they have a secret entrance to We Make Sandwiches Taste Good. And it is essentially a large thick wall of oak tree limbs and once you touch them with your hands they fold inward and reveal a secret passageway. Roger watches a few people go in through that secret entrance and he knows that will help them get their food the fastest way possible.

“Bells, if you don’t feel good than I can’t feel good either. I think we need to get you well before we do anything. That might mean a large meal, or a kiss from, Mr. Pop but we have to, we just do,” says Thomas as he looks into Bells’ eyes.

“Thank you, Thomas,” answers Bells happily.

“So, you’re smiling and snuggling me pretty good, I’m not complaining. I can smell the good food here, Whoa Baby. I think they must use some sort of magic in their food, because it doesn’t smell moldy like the food I know. Well, we’ll see, we got lots of money to spend. And when you have the money, someone will always let you spend it, that I know. Hmm, Bells, you’re giggling now and rubbing my chest. If I didn’t know better I would know you weren’t sick belly girl no more. So, are you sick belly girl?” asks Thomas as he looks into Bells eyes and doesn’t want to look away for all the money in the world. He knows she is someone very special to him and to the world.

Bells laughs hard at this and she moves Thomas’ head to the side so she can whisper in his ear.

Thomas lays there and grins as he looks around as he waits for her to say something.

“Thomas, the Torned is a terrible, dangerous, awful place. I really worry about us going there, I think we might get into trouble. Maybe there’s some other way, to get the Shadowman’s bow I hope, is there?”

asks Bells nervously as she holds onto Thomas tight around the neck and looks him in the eyes. She really hopes he will say yes and they can avoid almost certain death.

Thomas grimaces and looks at Bells with a concerned look. Thomas knows there is no other way and they might not be able to stay together for the whole time.

“Bells, I can’t lie to ya, there is no other way or Dadums would have told us. He doesn’t want us to get injured, so no there’s no different way. Bells, it’s ok if you don’t want to go, we won’t hold it against you. Sorry it’s not a good break for any of us,” says Thomas sadly as he grimaces and nods his head softly. He watches Bells try to figure out what she is going to do.

Her eyes dart around and her mouth is almost saying something several times.

Thirsty and Roger get off of Pop and start walking around the red rubber deck. Thirsty jumps up in the air and bounces on the deck 10 feet high and it startles him. He laughs and motions for Roger to do it as well and Roger nods happily yes.

“Go ahead, Roger, it won’t harm you! Serious, you can conquer this mountain just try,” says Thirsty happily as he stands there and bounces just a few inches off the deck over and over again. Thirsty knows this is a fun thing they should all do.

Roger stands there and looks at Thirsty and grins. He doesn’t know if it is smart for him to try it, but he decides he’ll just give it a try and see what happens.

“Alright, here I go!” says Roger as he eyes the red rubber deck and then leaps high into the air.

When he comes down he hits the rubber deck and goes up some 12 feet in the air. His arms flail in mid-air and he comes down to the deck on his side. This makes him bounce an additional 6 feet on his side as Thirsty laughs.

“Thomas, I’m not leaving you. I’m going, I don’t know WHAT, will happen to me. But that doesn’t matter, we’re tough and we’re strong, and together we will overcome all challenges. Now, Thomas, now I feel a lot better let’s go eat, Thomas,” says Bells boldly as she pulls on Thomas’s chin and then kisses his left eyelid. This makes Thomas grin as he lets out a mischievous cackle. This causes Bells to roll with laughter and hug him some more.

“Ok…then we should be fine then if we don’t get eaten. Bells, is your head done with the hurting? It looks pretty done,” asks Thomas as he reaches over and starts to rub Bells’ forehead in a circle with his index finger. She smiles at this and has to shake her head, as she loves him just so much for being such a good person. Thomas can sense she has the kind of loving eyes that makes him happy. And he isn’t going to do anything stupid to hurt her.

Roger and Thirsty stand on the rubber deck laughing and pushing each other down onto it, this only to have them bounce back up and push the other one down when they get there. Thomas and Bells look over at this and they both have to giggle at how funny it looks.

“I feel great I just needed to rest for a second. Well, Thomas, they sell food here I mean…you wanna eat?” asks Bells reluctantly as she worries she might be asking a stupid question and the answer is obvious.

Thomas doesn’t make fun of her or bite her head off at all for saying this. Instead he simply nods yes and puts his hands on Bells face and moves them around like a roller. This makes her laugh and stick out her tongue as she tries to lick Thomas’s hand. And when she does this he shakes his head no and laughs loudly with her.

“Hey, Thirsty, Roger, they sell food here. Let’s eat some! Ya know I’m trying to helpo them right, Bells? I don’t know, sometimes Thirsty gets into the wood portion of his brain. And when that happens he talks like a goat and falls down a lot, I don’t know why. Bells, let’s stand up and go over and stop Thirsty, and Roger from making fools of themselves. I think if we don’t, no one will so,” says Thomas as he starts

to rise up with Bells at the same time arm and arm. They almost make it to their feet before falling down again. They quickly bounce back up to their feet after hitting the deck. Thomas and Bells have to look at each other in shock and giggle as it is way funny to them and they know it.

“Ok, Thomas, we’ll eat then we’re off to Torned forest! Boy, I am anxious to go there and get that bow for Darcy’s sake. I know if they are harming her, well I won’t be just calling them names, if you know what I mean. Those men, those despicable men they’ve got a bad feeling coming their way,” says Thirsty angrily as he walks with Roger, Thomas, and Bells up to the secret entrance.

They all put their hands on the branches and when they do this the wall opens up and they all rush in.

Inside there is a long torch lit hallway that has little cubby holes with tables and chairs in them for people to dine at. Thomas looks at the tables and chairs and knows they have to choose quickly, because he sees several people coming their way.

“Thirsty, Roger, Bells, we have take this table here, quick sit down!” says Thomas quickly as he pulls out a red and green cushioned chair that was cut into an old wine barrel. Bells sits down on the chair and touches Thomas on the wrist as she does. Thomas feels this and he has to grin, as he goes over to the barrel chair beside her and sits down.

Thirsty and Roger sit across from them and pick up the menus immediately. Thirsty is dying for some real food and he knows that 15 dollars will buy him a big steak.

“Hey, they’ve got a 1 dollar and 10 cent steak and potatoes meal, Thomas. OH, I really need this meal right now and boy is that money coming in handy. Bells, I hope you like to eat, because these are good prices, just saying. Roger, I know you thought we were going to stiff ya, but we’re not. Go ahead and order something for up to 1 dollar and 20 cents. Thomas, this may be the perfect place and the perfect table to eat at. There’s no way we could have found Maine prices anywhere else, I just know it,” says Thirsty as he smiles.

“I know huh,” replies Thomas as he eyes the menu.

“Ha ha, I want a soda and a bag of plumes for Pop too, only 75 cents hmm,” says Thirsty excitedly as he reads the menu and smiles to himself. Thirsty knows they have lucked out and found the best place for the money they can to eat at. And he just can’t wait to eat steak again for the first time in months.

Thomas and Bells hear this and see how excited Thirsty is and they have to giggle and watch to see what Thirsty will do next. Bells knows he must be hungrier than he is letting on, but she can’t tell for sure.

“Bells, look here, they have a cheeseburger and fancy pants Sunday. Hmm, I think I NEED the cheeseburger and the Sunday, so that means I want them too. I might even buy a snack for the road. Then we could all have something later, wouldn’t that be great times? I love that you nodded yes, because I agree with what I said. Now, oh they have dumplings, Thirsty, dumplings,” says Thomas happily as he moves his menu over to Thirsty and points to the magic menu picture of the dumplings floating.

“WHERE? Oh there they are wow Pop loves him some dumplings. Ok new plan, we buy a bag of dumplings for…1 dollar and 5 cents. Then we can feed Mr. Pop the whole time we’re here. Thomas, I think we need to find a waiter person, what do you think?” asks Thirsty warmly as he can’t wipe the grin off his face. He looks at everyone and they have to smile.

Thomas chuckles and he knows Thirsty is too Mr. Happy jeans and he has to reel it in a bit or Bells might get annoyed by him.

“I don’t know about that, because..people and waiters are people, can get mad when you look for them. I say, we let the waiter person come and find us, because I know they will, hmm? I’ll answer for you yes what a great idea Thomas thank you. That was me saying thank you, you knew it didn’t ya, Bells? I’ll answer for ya yes, Bells knew,” says Thomas as he smiles and chuckles with Bells and Roger.

Thirsty sits there and eyes the menu as he smiles from one ear to the other, as he can’t believe their luck. Thirsty suddenly thinks about having left Pop out there alone and he worries someone might steal Mr. Pop.

“I’m going to check on Pop and maybe see if they’ll let us bring him in. We have to be careful you know, someone might steal him, not good, Thomas. I’ll be right back save my seat,” says Thirsty anxiously as he fears the worst and he hurries up from his seat and then races down the hallway.

Thomas feels nervous that they have forgotten Pop like that, as he knows Pop must be feeling pretty lonely right about now. And that lonesome feeling Pop feels now Thomas can feel. And Bells has a concerned look on her face as she wraps her arm around Thomas, as she knows the worry Thomas feels she now feels.

“OH, I am worrying for Mr. Pop he’s all alone. Bells, am I bad Pop owner? Because, I didn’t even think of Pop until Thirsty, said something. That’s so bad Pop owner,” says Thomas sadly as he sits there and shakes his head as he looks Bells in the eye. He wishes badly that Pop is ok and Thirsty will come in and ride him down the hallway smiling.

Thirsty goes out through the secret doorway and he sees Pop meandering around with a sad look on his face.

“Pop, it’s Thirsty! I’m so sorry I left you. Can I get Pop hug, and snuggle?” asks Thirsty brightly as he runs over and hugs Pop around the neck. Pop licks his head and puts his legs around Thirsty’s body making him laugh. Mr. Pop’s feet have a certain feeling to them that they can tickle anyone.

“You’re good, Thomas, you didn’t know, I mean we were doing something. It’s easy to forget when your mind is on something else. I know Mr.Pop will forgive you, I know it. We’ll just wait here, and when Thirsty comes back with Pop, we’ll all cheer. Hey, Thomas, look the waiter’s here, hi there waiter,”

says Bells brightly as she looks at Kevin Fairchild standing there in his dark blue suit with an orange feathered hat and a fish head on the front.

Kevin is 5 foot 8 and he is slight of build with a spiraling blonde mustache. Kevin looks at Bells and he raises one eyebrow and then does a quick tap dance step. He wants them to know he is one great waiter. They all smile at this and then chuckle a bit.

“I am Kevin, I am your waiter. I will see to your needs and you will get the delicious food we serve.

As your waiter extraordinaire, I will make sure you have never-ending bread. That sort of thing we do for everyone, but also special for you. That was my joke, I won’t tell another one. Now, you look very hungry are you ready to order?” asks Kevin slowly and in a monotone voice as he spins around in a circle as he speaks to them.

This makes them all laugh and wonder what is going on, but then in bursts Thirsty with Mr. Pop. He rides him down the hallway to their table and Kevin sees Thirsty and Pop and he asks slowly and in a monotone voice,” Would you like an additional chair for your Pop?”

“HEY, Thirsty, and Mr. POP!!” yells Thomas happily as he stands up.

“You better believe it,” replies Thirsty as he smiles.

“We were worried so bad that Roger ordered a rubber Pop to keep us company. No, he didn’t it was a fish, but I don’t like fish so I sent it back. Oh, Kevin, we would love a chair for Mr. Pop. And, we are ready to order if the food ya know, is ready to be made. So, there goes, Kevin, and I think he’s a good person from all the nice things, he’s doing. Now, Thirsty, is Pop ready for some delicious food? Mr. Pop, is that tongue wet and coming towards my face? Ohh, Mr. Pop, are you licking my used to be dry face?

That’s ah yes and my nose and forehead are now so wet. Bells, do you think if we order Pop a plume he would really love it, or the dumplings? Because I’m leaning towards the dumplings,” says Thomas as he

grins and already knows Pop will want the dumplings, but he wants to say dumplings twice to get Pop to smile. And when he does Mr.Pop smiles from ear to ear and starts humming loudly.

Kevin comes back with a large dark brown chair with the words,” I’ll only eat when I’m ready, which I am,” and this is written down the side of the chair in mahogany wood panels. Pop snuggles in close to Thomas and Bells. Then Pop flies up into his chair and smiles at Kevin while they all giggle at this.

“Hmm, sure is a happy Pop, well I think all new Pops get a Sunday. Does he like Sundays, not all do?“ asks Kevin coyly and in a monotone voice as he pretends he doesn’t know all Pops love ice cream and Sunday’s especially. Kevin grins and tries to act like he is not sure.

They all giggle and Pop reaches over and touches Kevin on the arm with his foot. This makes Kevin laugh and nod his head and then Kevin says happily,” I’ll take that as a firm yes. Now, what else shall I take you down for?”

Then they all look firmly at their menus and Bells leans in and shares Thomas’ menu, as she snuggles in close to his face with her face rubbing up against his.

“I want the cheeseburger and the Sunday for me, please? OH, we need some dumplings to go for Pop please? I sure feel like maybe, we found the best spot since someone started looking for dinner ever. I mean, these chairs are perfect for kid, and Pop size, who knew? Bells, what sort of dinner are you getting?” asks Thomas as he grins and rubs his cheek up against the side of Bells face. And he loves the fact she has such soft and snuggly skin. And he knows she has to be a good face cleaner and that means a lot.

Bells smiles and then pats Thomas on the top of his head with her hand. And she isn’t sure if she wants the same as him or something like the magic and lobster pasta, because that is a really tasty meal and she knows it.

“Ok, Thomas, I want the lobster and magic pasta please? I thought maybe the steak, but the pasta sounds like the magic will clear my head when we’re flying. Huh, they even have good music here, listen,” says Bells warmly as she looks around and sees the wall has a speaker in it.

Thomas and everyone listen intently, but Kevin wonders why they are taking so long if they are supposed to know their orders.

“Good tunes,” says Thomas as he rocks back and forth.

“I want the steak and potatoes, Kevin, thanks again for the seat for Mr. Pop. Yeah, I can faintly hear what sounds like music. Is that a local band, Kevin?” asks Thirsty as he sits back and puts his head firmly into the cushion in his barrel. Thirsty just feels great that they have Pop and he needs to relax for a bit to clear his head.

Kevin smiles and then writes down Thirsty’s order. Then turns to Roger who mouths the words,”

The same it’s fine,” and Kevin nods firmly and smiles at Roger. And he thinks Roger a fine young lad and he likes how easy going he is with his order. Kevin gets a lot of kids that aren’t so nice on a regular basis.

“Thank you, Sir, this band is my friends group The Broken Wands. They try hard, and they are actually playing their instruments and singing their songs in this one. OH it’s hard knowing someone so famous in a certain area because people suddenly want Your autograph as well. I mean, if you all wanted mine, I’d have to give it, that’s the rules. So…,” says Kevin coyly and in a monotone voice as he tries to get them to ask for his autograph, because he really likes giving people autographs as it makes him feel important. He lowers his head and looks around with a sad expression.

Thirsty has to grin at this as he knows what he is doing along with Bells. Thomas is too busy listening to The Broken Wands to know what’s going on. And he thinks they have a nice drummer and he likes their drummer not the other people in the group.

“Boy, that drummer! He is really hitting those drums, like in sync with the band! I love it when they do that. Kevin, you seem a bit glum, that is the word I like but I choose odd. Maybe ya know you can tell us and we can help? I know, Bells, is a good helping person aren’t I Thomas?” asks Thomas jokingly as he grins and pats himself on the back with his left hand. Then they all laugh and Thirsty gets up and walks over to Kevin. Thirsty isn’t going to let Kevin go without a good feeling because he has made them feel so good.

“Hey, Kevin, can I get your autograph? I know you’re somebody important, I just know,” says Thirsty coyly as he smirks and offers Kevin his shirt sleeve to sign. Thirsty sees a wave of joy wash over Kevin’s face and he knows then he is doing the right thing. Roger gets up and goes over and offers Kevin his sleeve too. Kevin is beside himself with 2 autographs at once, as he usually just gets about one per week. Thomas and Bells see this and they both get up and offer their sleeves while lying on the table smiling up at Kevin.

“Hey, Kevin, don’t leave us out. We think you’re a big star too. Hmm, I never got a big star to write on me, well I’m all the peaches now. Hey, Thirsty, let me see your signing on your arm. Hey, that looks like the actual word Kevin. Good penmanship, Kevin, you really know how to make readable. Oh, Kevin, can you write a little smiley face with mine? I want to see how good your penmanship really is, and your drawing abilities. It’s just a thing with me, I’m a big drawer,” says Thomas as he offers his sleeve with Bells right beside him doing the same. And they both smile at Kevin and wait for their autographs.

Kevin hears this and he really feels important now and he loves these children. He finishes up Roger’s autograph and he examines Bells and Thomas’ sleeves to see just where he will write on them.

Bells is moving her head to make Kevin choose her first. Thomas is doing the same thing as they both continue to smile. It strikes Kevin as funny and he bursts out laughing, as he knows he’ll never see kids like this every again and they are really funny kids.

“How about the Thomas first?” asks Thomas slyly as he grins.

“Just write on Bells first Thomas is trying to get all the first’s again. Its ok Thomas heals up faster than most people, I’ve seen it,” says Thirsty as he smiles and points with his elbows to Bells. Thirsty doesn’t want Thomas getting his way all the time. And he knows if he did he would be telling jokes relentlessly for the rest of the trip.

Thomas sees this and puts on his cutest and most charming face. And he moves his head slowly from side to side looking straight at Kevin.

“Let’s go, Kev’!” says Thomas as he tries to be his cutest.

Kevin is not sure why Thomas is doing this, but he likes him and it makes Kevin smile just to look at him. Soon he is laughing at just how cute the look on Thomas’ face is.

“I’m sorry, but, Thomas, is the cutest, Bells, he gets it. Now, Thomas, slide in close I’ve got to do this right. Boy, I don’t think I’ve met people like you and I’ve traveled a lot. Here’s your autograph, Thomas, now for the smiley face. I think with this smiley face I’m going to do the best drawing I ever have,” says Kevin as he draws.

“Good idea,” says Thomas as he rubs his forehead.

“Let’s see, just a line down the side and then I’ve got to look around here. Yes it looks good, and I can see it’s only getting better. Now the eyes, got to have good eyes in a smiley face, there those are. And lastly the smile, very important the smile let me tell you. Hmm, it looks to be…the best I’ve ever done!

Thomas, I hope you like it because I couldn’t have done better, there enjoy,” says Kevin proudly as he backs up from a smiling Thomas and eyes his smiley face.

Thomas inspects the smiley face and autograph and he sees they are perfect. He then smooches Bells on the cheek and sits back down quickly in his seat. This makes Bells shake her head slightly and smile back at him.

“See, I asked for the best and then the best arrived. Huh, I love my smiley face, love it. I guess if I had 2 smiley faces, maybe it would be better, but I don’t know that. Hmm, maybe even 3 smiley faces would be better than that. Well, Bells, I hope you get the one you’re dreaming of. Hey, Thirsty, look at the old man over there, he’s eating a whole pie in one bite. Wow, he really doesn’t want to sit and eat long does he?” asks Thomas as he grins slightly and eyes an old man as he eats a small pie carefully.

Thomas doesn’t want anyone catching him being a peeping Thomas.

Thirsty sits there and looks carefully at the old man. And just as he does the old man loses his grip on the pie and it falls into his lap and ruins his white suit. Thirsty and Thomas have to turn their heads and laugh uncontrollably, as the man flings his bread bowl and his drink into the wall. And in his zeal he slips and gets his drink all over him and his table.

“Holy cow, Thomas, that was really funny! I think, no I know that was second funniest thing this week. That’s big time, and I know you already know what that means. Thomas, stop looking at him he’s trying to find someone to yell at,” says Thirsty quietly as he looks away from the old man and eyes the old man on a glass painting next to him.

Thomas does the same thing and they both smile as they look at the old man. Kevin dreads having to go over there and clean up after the customer, but he knows he will have to if another waiter doesn’t come within one more minute. Kevin acts like he is taking Bells order and he looks intently at her.

“So, Bells, would you like to try our delicious soups? We’ve got soups that are so good, they will make you happy all day long. Bells, you really are beautiful I can see that,” compliments Kevin as he grins and bends down to be at eye level with Bells. This is Kevin saying to Bells without having to say

it,” I need to stay here and talk to you a bit longer.” Bells sees him wink at her and she nods her head and winks back at him.

“OH, I love soup, but I’m not sure, what flavor to go with. Do you have the head of a duck soup? I heard that was pretty dog gone tasty,” says Bells coyly as she smiles and feels Thomas as he puts his head under her arm. This makes her giggle and cover up his eyes for fun. Thomas chuckles at this and peeks through 2 of her fingers at the old man. He sees him get up and trip and fall hard onto his side. Thomas and Thirsty can’t help laughing at this, but they look directly at Pop and rub his belly as they do. They want the old man to think they are kidding around with Pop and that’s why they are laughing.

The old man glares over at them, but thankfully no one is looking at him. Then the old man storms out of the restaurant and heads for the secret door.

“OH that is awesome, Thomas, he left. Kevin, can we get our food please? I don’t want to be here if he decides to come back, ya know. I really love how great this is, we got autographs we got a good laugh.

Thomas, I am loving this spot and it really is the type of place I could come to again and again, I mean that. Thomas, stop making me smile. I see those puppy dog eyes, hmm, I can’t help it I’m smiling.”

“I can’t either,” jokes Thomas.

“Well, I guess you’ve got me good, I don’t know why though. Hey, after we eat we need go and sit for a bit. Then we’ll be ready when we go there, ya know Torned. How’s that sound?” asks Bells as she hugs Thomas and looks deep into his eyes. He is happy he has met Bells and he loves how nice and happy she is. He also loves how she knows how to be so smart when they need her too (that is not easy for anyone to do).

“Sounds like a butterfly burp, good. Bells, let’s remember we don’t have much time. So if we do sit for a bit, it can’t be a long bit, ya know. So, I think getting a Kevin autograph was good, he’s a good guy

and I think, Bells, he is a smell good person. Now Thirsty and Roger they might be guys, but they’re not Bells, are they? NO, they’re not, and I know this on good authority.”

“I’m with ya,” answers Bells as she tucks in her hat.

“Now we can’t let the journey bring us down, it’s the adventure that fuels our success. I think, that if we find the bow maker, we can take him out. Also, I know we’re going to find Darcy, I just don’t know if we can save her. Ragiton is no joke, he’s a person who does bad things, Bells. I mean, if we have to run, I’m sorry to say we’ll have to. Thirsty, I am doing whatever I can to save Darcy, because she’s my sis’.

That means the power of Thomas will be unleashed!” says Thomas as he sits there playing with Thirsty’s wand like it is some sort of toy soldier. And he has them all laughing and Thirsty realizes Darcy is in a bad place just then while they are having fun. He can only smile to put everyone at ease, but he is scared inside.

“Thomas, it could be a good time to just play with Mr. Pop. Because the food might take awhile ya know,” says Bells warmly as she reaches over and touches Pop on the belly and this makes him smile.

Mr. Pop loves it when people touch him as he is a soft skin Pop. And being one of the soft skin Pop’s just means they take joy from anyone grabbing their hands or rubbing their head or belly.

Bells reaches up and touches Pop around the top of his head and he wraps his tongue around her hand and she giggles at this with Thomas and Thirsty. Roger sits and smirks and waits patiently for his food, as Roger really just wants to eat and that is it.

Then Kevin comes back with the food and he sets it down in front of them all. Then they all start eating and Kevin stands there smiling happily.

“I see you like the food, that always good. Thomas, boy you eat a lot faster than most kids, I’m impressed. Well then…watch this little number,” says Kevin as he takes a few steps back and then he jumps and does a spinning kick like a ballerina.

They all stop eating as they see this and they instantly clap for Kevin. This makes him smile brightly from ear to ear and Kevin says slowly,” Thank you, you’re too kind, but keep cheering. Little joke there, the kind you can step on if you’re not careful. Well then I am leaving the check, but I hope to see you again someday. You were all splendid guests, we loved having you, bye, bye,” says Kevin warmly as he smiles and then lifts up his nose, turns and walks away. He has never felt better about people and sharing his artistic gifts.

Thomas nods and watches Kevin walk happily and briskly away. He thinks Kevin might actually be a star someday which he likes. They finish eating and head outside and get on the back of Pop and Bells on her wand. Then they take to the air and go into the city to find a good place to stop and sit for a second.

“Thirsty, I love this city, it’s got people and food. That’s always good to have in a city, ha hah, I kidded you and you didn’t laugh. Bells, Thirsty is clamming up, let’s hug him ‘til he says something,”

says Thomas as he reaches forward and hugs Thirsty around the neck and face. Thomas knows Thirsty is too nervous and needs to be happier.

Bells grabs hold of Thirsty’s leg and arm and this makes him shake his head and giggle as they all giggle at this. Thirsty knows there is no point feeling sad for Darcy he has to be strong for her.

“Thirsty, don’t die from being unhappy, live with us in snuggle-land. Thirsty, you’re not laughing hard enough I want bigger laughing. Hmm, you’re starting to really laugh good finally. Thomas, your brother has the glum look, he needs more snuggles. Hey, Roger, what are you looking at?” asks Bells as she hugs Thirsty on the arm and leg making him chuckle and steer away from her. She does this while she is holding on tightly and he can’t steer properly.

Roger is looking into a small park with several small castles and tan huts. They are set up going up in a spiral formation to the top of a small mountain with a dark blue castle on top. Roger knows this is the perfect spot to stop and sit for a bit as he points to it.

“I’m looking at this great park! Why don’t we stop here and sit,” says Roger happily as he sits forward to get a better look and as he does a wizard casts a spell and 2 small red dragons appear. The dragons start cooking the wizard’s stew and he goes and lies down on a cot out in the sun with his hat over his head. Roger thinks this is the greatest thing he’s ever seen, because it is so amazing to see wizards and witches in action.

Thirsty flies them down and into the park and past several hundred people milling around in the market. There are people playing magic strings on guitars and pianos that are made up of only the black and white keys. And to Thomas it looks like the kinda place he might find a new hat. Thomas needs the perfect battle hat or he might get killed he thinks.

“Well, look at all this, Thomas. Let’s ride through until we see a spot to sit, then we’ll feed Pop some more dumplings. You’d like that wouldn’t ya, Pop, yes you would,” says Thirsty slyly as he rubs Mr. Pop around the neck. Then Thirsty flies by only hanging onto Mr. Pop from his neck upside down. And everyone looks at Thirsty doing this and they have to laugh, but Thomas worries Thirsty might fall off and hurt himself. Thomas climbs up into the driver’s seat and slows Mr. Pop down. Then they are hardly moving at all and only 1 inch from the ground and Thirsty loses his grip as he yells out. And when he hits his head only a moment later, he looks up at a smiling Thomas, Roger, and Bells and he knows they are going to laugh at him for this and laugh they do.

“Way to go, Thirsty, you survived a very high fall. I worried, like I always do for ya, now look at you. I bet you’re not hurting as much in your back, as you’re hurting in your PRIDE! Hey, Bells, he’s almost dead, let’s save him,” says Thomas sarcastically as he rolls off the side of Pop and gets on top of Thirsty and grabs his head and shakes it gently.

Bells and Roger pile on top of Thirsty too and this makes them all laugh and the people around them clap. Pop smells the dumplings and he wants to fish them out of Thirsty’s bag on the side of his belly, but he can’t quite get to them.

“Thomas, Bells, Roger, you’re crushing the part of me I like!” yells Thirsty sarcastically.

“Yeah, we are,” answers Thomas jokingly as he blows on Thirsty’s eyes.

”Thomas, no smooches ‘til you let me up. Ooh, that hurts my pride, oh it hurts. Can anyone cure my pride please?” asks Thirsty as he looks around at the park.

“Is it badly broken?” asks Roger.

“Hey, Roger, you’re smiling and looking happy, about time. Let’s go and sit on that couch over there, looks like it won’t blow up. Thomas, I owe you one tap on the chin, sorry those are the breaks.

Bells, one chin tap and a firm look tough, but you smushed me. Roger, you get nothing, because you were the last one on. That means you were only following the herd, you’re forgiven. Now help me up I gotta sit down,” says Thirsty jokingly as he chuckles and then they slowly get off of him. They walk with Mr. Pop over into the park and sit down on the couch. Thomas looks and sees a wizard turn a barrel into a small troll and he wonders if that is how Edward was made. Then he sees the wizard’s wife turn the flowers she is carrying into a bag to carry groceries with by blowing on it and waving her wand. And he knows then he really wants to be a great wizard and learn everything.

Bells look’s at Thomas and she thinks his cute factor is going up with every second she’s close to him.

Then a small boy named James Kreprechan walks over to them and stands in front of them with his dark red wand in his hands. James has red curly hair and dark golden eyes that look almost like an animal’s do. James has on a dark blue corduroy suit and dark red boots with green balls attached to strings hanging from the sides.

“So, I’m James, nice to see someone using my couch. I sure am tired, could use a spot to sit down. I don’t know where I’ll sit, but I feel lightheaded and need a spot. I’m James by the way, I own this couch.

So, what’s got you sitting on my couch?” asks James as he taps his temple with his wand.

They all look at him perplexed as Thomas watches the wizards making boxes into soda cans.

“You don’t look local, I mean you’re actually looking people in the eye. NO one, who lives here would ever do that, dangerous. I’m James by the way that’s my couch. So…so again I don’t, know where I’ll…sit down. Hmm, there’s almost enough room on my couch if I were to slide in right here. Could you just move an inch to the left, please? There, I finally get to sit down and on my couch no less. Yeah my back doesn’t hurt so bad, and my neck isn’t really aching me as bad. Good, I knew I bought this couch for some reason. So, are you going to answer me, I’m James?” asks James coyly as he is snuggles in between Thomas and Thirsty with him barely sitting on the couch.

Thomas and Thirsty look around like he isn’t there, because James keeps telling them his name and they think he is dork.

Meanwhile Darcy is sitting in a black coal encrusted and grey mud covered cell that is swinging halfway on land and some 100 feet above a pool of flames below. She has to kill the rat in her 10 by 10

foot cell or she doesn’t eat. And she cries and watches Ragiton some 200 yards away as he tortures a young woman like her in a pair of flaming handcuffs. He whips her with a long lightning quick whip.

Darcy knows if she says one word to anyone she’ll get the whip and be killed.

The massive cave is filled with 5,000 cells like hers lined up in rows going deep into the ground, as well as into a room with walls on fire and bloody bodies hanging from the roof. The way Darcy sees it she has to hope her family will come and save her, because she knows she could die at any moment.

The young woman being whipped gets picked up and spun around above Ragiton’s head. Then flung into the fire while she is still alive with Ragiton laughing and stomping his foot. Darcy sees this and she knows if that is her fate it is a horrible one. This makes her weep and hit the walls of the cell, as she can’t take much more.

“So James was it? You’re nodding yes well, James, we’re here on vacation. Yeah, we’re going to spend our time doing everything from eating a lot, to walking around, and maybe even sleeping someplace nice. It’s the kind of trip we’ve all been waiting for. I guess it’s going great, I just wish I had more room to spread out. I don’t know where I would go to spread out, hmm. With my back aching and my arms tired, I just need a good couch or bed to lie on. Hey, James, is that your name, I mean right it is.

Why don’t you show us one of your best spells? Like GET up, and then spell cast on something not near us?” asks Thomas coyly as he fights back the urge to laugh and he keeps spreading out his arms into the face of James. This makes Thirsty look away and nearly keel over from wanting to laugh so bad. Thomas knows James is ruining their time on the couch and he wants to get him casting spells that way Thomas can sit down between Bells and Thirsty.

Bells hears this and she puts her face into her bag and starts laughing into her wallet. She can’t believe Thomas is so sneaky and so brave all at once. Roger sits there controlling his breathing with shallow breaths so he won’t laugh, but he knows he is going to the second James gets up.

James thinks about what Thomas has asked him to do and he thinks he could really show them some magic. He gets up and struts out onto the cobblestone walkway near the shops. Then Thomas looks back over the back of the couch and laughs his head off, as he can’t take it anymore and has to laugh. Thirsty and Bells force attentive looks for James so he won’t know what’s going on.

“Thomas, please stop laughing I need you for moral support. Thomas, turn your head,” says Bells as she pulls on Thomas’s arm and gets him to come back and face forward. Even though Thomas really just wants to laugh as hard as he can for an hour.

Thirsty pets Pop and decides he’ll feed him some dumplings as he grabs 2 of them and slowly but surely slides them over and into Pop’s mouth. This makes Pop bounce up and down like he is having the best time ever. And this makes everyone happy, but it startles Roger as he hasn’t seen a Pop bounce like that before.

“Ok, James my new best chum, let’s see it baby!” says Thomas as he grins and rubs his hands together like he is trying to get warm. This makes Bells, Roger, and Thirsty smile and fight back tears of laughter. Bells thinks she isn’t going to be able to not laugh in James’s face even though she likes sitting on the couch and enjoying her day.

Thirsty sits there feeding Pop and he sees James pace back and forth and he knows James is nervous and he will probably do something really stupid. Thirsty knows he has to keep his wand handy because of this.

“Here we go first spell…first spell. Here we go first spell! I’m going to do the old seamstress spell, huh you’ll love it. Now keep your eyes on me, I’m the man to see. I got the talent see, and I’ll make you cry like a little baby. That’s not the spell here it comes,” says James nervously. Then James jumps in the air and when he lands he twists his ankle. This makes them all laugh and have to look away instantly.

Thomas knew that was the worst move ever and he isn’t going to look at James for a good long while.

Thirsty slowly turns around and sees James lying on the ground writhing in pain and he has to chuckle it is too funny to him. Thirsty gets up and goes over and tries to help James to his feet.

“You alright, James, it looked really awkward and like it hurt bad? You might need a healing spell.

Ya know, I can do that spell if you’re too hurt,” says Thirsty as he helps James to his feet with James grimacing and showing the pain of his sprained ankle on his face.

James knows he still has the magic in him he just has to accept he completely blew it. Thirsty looks back and Thomas, Bells, and Roger are still looking away and laughing to themselves and this makes Thirsty feel like laughing good and hard.

James pushes Thirsty around the chest and neck softly, as he doesn’t want another wizard helping him no way no how.

“I don’t need your help! I’m a wizard, hi I’m James. Watch what I can do, just watch!” says James but as he says this he trips and falls hard onto his back just as Bells, Thomas, and Roger spin around to look at him. They can’t believe their eyes and they look wide eyed at James as they have to hide their faces again.

Thirsty punches and pinches his own leg, but this is off the charts funny to him. “James, was that your ahhh…I think you’ll be fine I do. I bet with your magic 6 or7 minutes from now you’ll be fine. Just lay there, and try and cast the spell from your back. Serious, you can do it, James, I believe in you,” says Thirsty reassuringly as he knows James is going to blow it.

“Ya know people usually doubt me, but you believed, you get the couch it’s yours. I don’t want anyone else sitting on it, and I mean that. Now, stand back I got magic to make. Boy I didn’t realize how sweaty I had gotten, that’s what made me slip the sweat. Now, I could harm you with this one, so I’d start moving back, Thirsty, move on back. Here it comes, the spell that will heal, my hurting ankle good,” says James painfully as he writhes in pain and rolls around on the dirty ground with his wand in his hand. He is in so much pain his whole body aches, but he is bound and determined to heal his aching ankle and now his back.

Thirsty runs over to the couch and tells everyone to hide behind it and they do.

“Thirsty, is he going to hurt himself more, because he doesn’t look like most people do when they’re about to cast. Doesn’t that worry you?” asks Thomas as he peeks over the back of the couch and sees James jerk his head quickly forward. This makes Thomas howl with laughter and duck his head from view.

Thirsty laughs and eyes James as he knows then James is either going to heal himself with ease or blow something up. Thirsty just hopes he doesn’t blow up the couch, because he wants to sit on it after.

“OK!! Here comes James and his magic that HEALS!! BONES OF BRUISED MAKE MY OLD

BODY NEW!!!” shouts James painfully as he waves his wand and it flings out of his hand mid spell into a store behind him. This makes the spell hit a man in the face and heal a bruise he has there as well as make his beard fall out. The man is flung through the air and hard into a hut behind him knocking down the wall. Then all the prized piglets in the hut come running out of it over the wall of magic.

“Ahh, I think James might have messed up. And, Thomas, I think if we stay here, we might be messing up a good deal. Hey, why are we sitting here waiting for James to hit us in the face with his wand or a spell? I think we should get going, let’s go,” says Thirsty firmly.

Thomas, Bells, and Roger laugh their heads almost clean off. They run out from behind the couch as they see James writhing in pain and crawling towards the wand.

“OH boy James is a bad wizard. I bet if we asked him for a spell he’d hit us in the face. He might even hit Pop in the face, whoa. I don’t want to get hit in the face, no. Bells, can we go sit somewhere else like maybe a mile from here? I know you picked this spot, and I don’t blame you much for the James situation, but we need to go. Bells, giggle later I don’t want James, turning my head into a cake or half eaten pie or WORSE! Bells, I have to save you from James, we’re going come on. Thirsty, Roger, let’s climb on Pop,” says Thomas as he scratches the side of his head and eyes James picking up the end of his wand with wide eyes. Thomas knows a boob wizard like James can really blow it at any moment so they’d better run.

Then they all get on Mr.Pop and head down the walkway into the heavily forested park. Thomas looks back and sees James cast another spell and he loses the wand again, hitting an old man in the back and turning him into a man with a frog head, as the old man starts charging into people and mooing.

“Whoa, I said the whoa I think if we stayed there we’d all be moo people. Bells, I saved ya from moo, you’re welcome. Don’t…don’t thank me yet, we’re not out of these woods. Thirsty, when do you think we’ll be out of these smelly green woods? I wanna know because Bells, was just about to ask me.

Roger, clam it, no heavy breathing while I’m trying to think clam it,” says Thomas as he turns around and is one inch from Roger’s face as he shakes his head no at him.

Roger is breathing heavy because he has never come that close to death. Roger wishes he was home and in his warm bed

Bells hears this as she rides on the side of Thomas’s seat. Bells bursts out laughing and pats him on the back. Thirsty negotiates his way out around several homes carved out of massive magic cast upon trees. He sees if he hadn’t been so careful they could have ridden right through someone’s front window and into their living room. All the trees are lit up with candles and have gargoyles flying around the front door of each for protection.

“Thomas, you’re not being so nice. Maybe you could tell me how great I am and Roger, would forgive you? Just start with my hair, and then tell me all the great things you can think of,” says Bells happily as she smiles and brushes back Thomas’s hair from his face. She knows he loves her just then by his warm eyes that he looks at her with and his bright smile.

Thomas looks at Bells and she is making his heart ache as he wants a no heart aching spell cast on him as he loves her so much. Thomas starts to think of all the best compliments he can give her. Thomas knows it is important to let her know often what he thinks of her, but this is making him not be able to look at her. He instead looks into the different people’s tree homes and sees one wizard making dinner while floating upside down in his knickers. This makes Thomas less than happy about that.

Thirsty hears Thomas and Bells talking and he wonders if Thomas even wants this question answered.

“Thomas, I think it goes for awhile. So, in awhile maybe, that would make sense. Thomas, are you seeing all the odd wizards? Like the one flying beside you now and smiling at you and Bells? Yeah, he’s

not going away,” says Thirsty as he looks back and sees a green and white stripped haired young man (named Zackary) flying beside Thomas and Bells.

Zackary has bright white large teeth and an upturned handsome nose. He also has dark orange almost glowing eyes. He has on a dark brown robe and white hat like the one Thomas is wearing only a different color.

Thomas and Bells look over and Zackary is 5 inches from Thomas’s face. This makes Thomas shake his head and reach out and poke Zackary to make sure he is real.

“He’s a real person, Thirsty, I am impressed. My name is Thomas and this is the beautiful, amazing, funny, smart, hugs me a lot, laughs a good bit, and knows what to say to people Bells, nice to meet you.

What do they call you, like not insults, but your name?” asks Thomas.

Thomas reaches out and offers his hand to Zackary.

“Hi, I’m the Zackary, or the Zack man, that’s what they call me. Well I gotta tell ya, people are talking about ya. They say you’re friends with James and you even helped him not blow it big, like he usually does. Did ya? Wait, did you like the Comfy Kenny couch, I sit there a lot?” asks Zackary as he shakes Thomas’s hand so fast Thomas doesn’t know if he is serious or not. Bells and Roger grin and look at Zackary smiling back at them and think he must have been drinking too much soda pop that day.

“Hmm, yeah, we helped James not blow it so big, that was us. Oh, Comfy Kenny couch, that’s the couch we were sitting on. Ahhhh…it’s pretty good, has cushions and all, Zackary. Boy, you really smile a lot, and your teeth are white, that’s somethin’. I bet if you ate a whole steak, those teeth wouldn’t be so whitey. Hmm, run off and get a steak and then come back and find me. Then we’ll see, huh, we’ll see if those teeth can TAKE IT! Now go and find your steak, it’s what you’re meant to do. Admit it, the steak is out there somewhere, you can at least give me that,” says Thomas smoothly as he sees Zackary is mostly smiling at Bells. Thomas knows that means he is trying to steal her away from him. He thinks maybe

Zack Man would love a long look around for a tasty steak and then an even longer never finding Thomas and his friends look for Zackary.

Bells smiles at this and she knows what Thomas is doing. Zack Man starts thinking about this and he knows there is a tasty steak shop only half a mile from where they are. He knows he can win Bells over with a good steak bet with Thomas that he will win.

Thirsty sits there flying slow and eyeing the scenery as they go by The Duke of Neck’s silk wand case shop. Thirsty wants to go in and get one of the good looking new wand cases. Thirsty slows them down even more as he wants Zackary to think he is safe, as he knows Zackary will like ramming into the large tree in front of them. Then Zackary smiles at Bells and Thirsty hits the breaks with inches to spare.

Sending Zackary into a giant tree and it makes his back hurt more than anything, but his pride hurts too.

Zack Man is lying on the ground as he cries and rubs his aching shoulder.

“Sorry, The Zack Man, didn’t see that coming. We gotta go, we’ll see ya,” says Thirsty flatly as he grimaces at Zack Man and waves goodbye. Then he flies Pop quickly away from Zack Man and the tree.

Thomas, Bells, and Roger wait for a few seconds and then burst out laughing. They know Zackary is doing stuff he shouldn’t in smiling at Thomas’ girlfriend. Meaning he basically got what he deserved and they hope they won’t see him again.

“Thank you, Thirsty, that boy was really bothersome to me and Thomas. Now, we can go back to what we were doing. Thomas, what were you thinking about just before Thirsty made Zack Man kiss that tree? Think back, it’s so easy you’ll get it,” says Bells lovingly as she reaches over and moves Thomas’

hat so that it is facing her.

Thomas grins at this and looks at her with loving eyes. He knows what she is asking of him, but he has to have his best compliment ready to go. Thomas looks behind Bells and then he sees the dreaded Zack Man flying there and smiling. This makes Thomas sigh and bow his head as he points at Zackary.

“Zack the Zack Man Zackary, he’s right behind you. Look I’m not kidding so much,” says Thomas as he feels sick to his stomach and he knows he is not catching the wizard’s luck just then.

Bells smiles, spins around and sees Zackary look her dead in the eye with a flower in his hand. Bells wants to grab the flower and throw it, but she isn’t raised that way for the most part.

“HI, Zack Man, I see you’re not dead, that’s a good thing. Hey, how are we coming on the tasty steak? Ya know if you get it, I’ll be very happy. So happy I might even I don’t know, ya know,” says Bells as she smiles and nods a goofy nod to Zack to get him to go.

“Oh I was thinking, would you like to come to my house? I’ve got cool-aid and some chocolate cookies, and a nice living room. Think, if you and your friends did, you could relax out of the sun, right?”

asks Zack Man coyly as he hopes he can get Bells alone and get a smooch and hug. Zack man flashes his white teeth and winks at Bells. Thomas doesn’t like this one bit, as he knows Zackary is horning in on his girlfriend. Thomas wonders if he should pummel Zack or hang out at his house and eat all his cookies instead.

Thirsty starts to think about what Zackary is saying, as he knows it will be really good to get to sit in the shade and eat. Thirsty nods his head and slows Pop down to an almost stop in front of a troll shaped clock tower some 5 stories high. The tower has the troll standing there in a dark green corduroy suit and smoking a pipe.

“I don’t know, Zackary,” says Bells sadly.

“Wait, Bells, I think it’s a good idea, Zack Man, let’s follow you over. It’s good, Bells, we’ll be fine,” says Thirsty happily as he cuts Bells off and he knows it is too good an opportunity to pass up.

Bells lets out a loud sigh and looks at Thirsty wide eyed, because if she knows anything Zack is a steal your girlfriend away person and she doesn’t like him.

Thomas throws his hands up and then he leans forward and puts his hands all over Thirsty’s face and rubs his face. He wants Thirsty to know he is really not doing good by telling a snake like Zackary they’d go to his house.

Roger meanwhile is anxious to sit on a couch and eat some snacks. They follow Zack through a tunnel made of bushes that goes for 5 miles and has houses every 50 feet set into the bush.

“Thirsty Old Chum, so were you happy with me enjoying my life, and wanted to ruin it? I don’t think, and maybe I’m just a Thomas, a small person with feelings. But you’ve got to be kidding me so much my back hurts with this. Hey, let’s ditch Thirsty and take off with Mr. Pop, hmm. You can make it on your own, little kids always do! And if you end up starving and begging for bread, you’ll remember dear old Thomas and Bells. And we’ll be somewhere else thinking, boy that Thirsty, he sure can beg for bread. That, My Brother and Friend, that’s where I see you heading sorry, oops. Bells, I need a smooch and hug and I need it very badly. Please can I? ” asks Thomas sadly as he reaches out his hands for Bells and she hugs and smooches him instantly.

“Thomas, please smooch me my neck hurts. Bells, carry my heart in a sack, I can’t carry it myself,”

says Thirsty jokingly as he mimics Thomas’ voice and puts his hand over his own heart. This makes Thirsty and Roger laugh heartily, as Thomas and Bells hear this and they each have embarrassed grins on their faces.

Thomas pings Thirsty in the ear and laughs with Bells as he does.

“Now that ear ping has been coming and you know it, Thirsty. I wonder, is there a second ear ping in your laughing head future. I don’t know, but I want to. Bells, boy Thirsty and Roger are laughing like idiots, losers I say. Bells, let’s not care about them they’ll be eating dirt soon. Instead, we needs to think about this Zackary. I think he’s trying to steal you away, that’s what I would say. So, if that’s what’s going on, then we need to get GOING, THIRSTY! Hmm, I HOPE I TALKED LOUD ENOUGH FOR

YOU TO HEAR! Because you never know, but wish you do. Bells, I think that broomstick you have is

quite nice. Did you buy it or did your parents give you that one?” asks Thomas as he sits back and rubs Pop’s belly and smiles. Thomas is not mad at Thirsty and Roger anymore, because he let them have it.

Now Thomas just wants to be happy and look around the tunnel they are in.

They fly around a corner and they see a golden castle made to look like a coffee pot. It rises out of the bushes and stretches for half a mile. Thomas sees it and he is speechless at how beautiful it is. Bells looks at it and she really wants to go inside and walk around for fun. Zackary flies towards the castle swerving from side to side as he does, as he loves having fun flying.

“Wow I love it, look how big it is, Thomas. I bet a million people could live in there, maybe 2. Hmm too bad Zackary doesn’t live there huh?” asks Bells in disbelief and awe as she smiles brightly and puts her hands on Thomas and shakes him by the shoulders. This makes him giggle and rub the side of his head against hers. They race through a long stretch of bush, but the top of the tunnel is missing, showing a clear blue sky. Thirsty eyes the castle and wishes that he could have grown up rich and been some sort of king’s son. He always hated being so poor and having to scrap for every little thing he got.

Roger stands up and puts his arms out like wings, as he really wants to feel the wind and breathe some fresh air. This makes Thomas look back at him, as he marvels at what a free spirit Roger is. Thirsty flies along shaking his head and smiling from ear to ear, as he loves the castle and he knows you don’t see things like this in Maine.

“OH I would LOVE IT! If we got to go inside can you imagine, Thirsty, Bells? I bet the food has gold in it, and the soda has diamonds, I betcha. OH, I wanna squish my toes on their carpet and lay on their bed. I know they would like me, I’m Thomas come on. Then I could go over there all the TIME! The food would be great, the carpet would be snuggly, come on! I deserve to go in that castle, because I have good jokes, let’s face it I’m a joke machine. Hmm, well now I’m begging for Zackary to go in there.

Please go in, please go in for my snuggly toes sake! Please ride in the front door and let me and my friends and brother in please. I know we won’t eat all the cheesy dip, or the crackers and more crackers.

Please, oh please let me walk around and say things like. Hey, I love your wall here, it’s sooooo flat. Or, boy the million dollars you just gave me sure is great. Please, cheesy dip, please,” pleads Thomas as he sits there and clutches Bells as he speaks into her ear.

Bells giggles and hopes they will get to go in as well. Thirsty smiles at this and keeps his eyes pinned on Zackary. He needs him badly to go into the castle and let them in, because Thirsty has to know how the other half lives.

Zackary does a full spinning flip and then he flies straight towards the castle. And with every passing second Thirsty, Thomas, Bells, and Roger are getting more and more excited and giddy as they wish more than anything they can go in.

Thomas looks up and sees a dark blue fire breathing dragon poke its’ head out from behind the front wall of the castle. Thomas’s eyes light up and he feels a warm feeling as he looks at the dragon. The dragon looks happy and friendly like Mr. Pop. Bells looks at the dragon and she starts smiling, because she really loves dragons and she knows they are good.

“Hey, Zackary, how much farther is it?” ask Thirsty loudly as he rides after Zack Man and really hopes he will say not much farther or we’re here.

Zackary doesn’t respond and instead keeps riding for about a minute. Then he turns his eyes around and they are glowing red and he points to the castle. This scares everyone a bit, but they are excited it is this luxurious castle where Zackary lives. Thomas knows it is easy to get red eyes if you eat a small amount of magic.

Zackary flies into the front gate that is actually just a spell and looks real, but you can ride right through it. Thomas sees this and he is a bit nervous they might crash into it. He has seen spells go awry many times and knows they could all die. He also knows he has to see that castle so he bucks up and sits forward as he holds onto Bells and Thirsty with one hand each.

“Hey, Thirsty, hey!” says Thomas implying a question as he rubs Thirsty’s chin and giggles with Bells.


“I think he went in the castle, maybe we should too. Like, ahhh..just ride through the gate. Maybe it isn’t rea, and we can go through, but if it is only you will die, so that’s good. I’m just kidding you let’s go fast through the gate for the fun. Hey, Bells, Roger, did you really think we were going into the castle?

Because I knew it all along, I did,” declares Thomas as he grins and looks back at Roger and squeezes his nose as he laughs at this. Thomas pokes Bells in the stomach gently and hugs her while they giggle.

Thomas knows he has the best brother, friend in Roger, and girlfriend and best friend in Bells and this makes him happy. Bells wonders how Thomas is always so funny and lovable, as she just wants to smooch Thomas all the time.

“I knew it all the time, ha, ha he,” says Roger jokingly as he sit there eyeing the last 100 feet to the castle’s front gate intently. Roger knows it will be awesome once they burst through.

Thomas grins and shakes his head at Roger as he knows Roger didn’t know they were going to the castle, because he’s Roger the guy that doesn’t know stuff.

Bells looks and sees the gate coming and she turns Thomas’s head around to face the gate and he smiles.

“Here we go, dying and all, but Roger knew it, didn’t ya? Here we go who believes Roger not me and not anyone else? Roger tried to sneak one by he knew it though, castle and all. Thomas, Bells, Roger the person that knew it, hold on here it comes!” says Thomas as he holds onto Bells and Thirsty good and tight. Then they shoot into the gate and ride through a long chamber in the front wall (there are guards sitting and fixing up their guns and crossbows). There are fireballs floating around the chamber and illuminating everything and the sound of a dragon breathing is loud and echoing off the walls.

“Hmm, this sure is not the castle I thought it’d be. Thomas, are you impressed with this dingy chamber? Because I’m Roger, and I knew it all along,” says Thirsty slyly as he flies them quickly through the chamber and smiles as he does.

Thomas and Bells giggle and look back at a grinning Roger and shake their heads. Then they burst out of the chamber and into a grass front lawn with red stick shaped flowers made from magic. And to Bells and Thomas it is beyond beautiful. There are statues framing the front of the house that are of ancient warriors and demons. The front of the house is golden and rounded outward. It also has white marble made to look like a wizard’s journey from the children’s book of the same name A Wizard’s Journey that Thomas and everyone in the group have read.

Thirsty notices this with everyone else and they all feel happy and safe because it is there. There are also rounded out white marble revolving doors in the front of the castle. Each door has a large hand shaped deck above it with Zackary’s parents sunning themselves on it and drinking wine.

Zackary comes out of the bushes riding a purple faced Pop. He flies over to Thirsty and everyone and stops just short of them and throws Bells a bright smile.

“Hey, Bells, Everyone, let’s hang out for a second and let our Pops rest. Then they won’t be so sweaty and smell up the house. Ya know I’m glad I know you, Bells, and the rest, I really am. I think this is going places, I really do, Bells. Hey, let’s sit down hmm?” asks Zack Man warmly and coyly as he gets off his Pop and walks calmly over and then sits down on what looks like just air. He can be seen sitting there on what is an invisible couch.

Everyone has to try this and they hurry over to the couch and reach out to feel for it. Thomas keeps his eye on Zackary, as Thomas doesn’t like where Zack Man is going with things.

“So, Zack Man, nice couch I like it. Where does your girlfriend sit when she ya know, comes over and snuggles with you? Hey just curious, Zack Man, you know,” asks Thomas coyly and warmly as he slides down over the back of the couch on his belly in between Bells and Zackary.

This makes Bells giggle and Zackary scowl at Thomas. Thomas knows he is trying to sneak in on his action and ruin his shot with Bells. Thirsty and Roger just laugh and can’t for the life of them hold it in.

Roger knows Thomas is too smart for Zackary and he will win.

“Yeah, Zack Man, I don’t see your best girl anywhere, very odd to not see. I wonder too, where is she and what’s she doing with her time? Because as I see it, that’s one lucky girl, because she’s not me, he hah. Hey, Thomas, isn’t this the spot where Zackary kisses and hugs his gal? It has to be I would assume,” says Bells coyly as she has no intention of kissing or hugging the Zack Man anytime soon.

Thomas giggles and buries his head in the invisible cushions. He loves how Bells is sticking it to Zackary and being a good girlfriend to him. Thirsty has to walk off with his hands on his hips, because he is just laughing too hard to talk to anyone.

Zackary is getting nervous, because he does have a girlfriend named Betty Kilbread, but he wonders how they know this. He fidgets with his hands and forces a smile.

“OH I don’t have one she died. Yeah her name was Betty, and I loved her, but she died. So now I just roam the Earth looking for a girl that doesn’t exist, woe is me. I tell ya, what I wouldn’t give for just one hug, and one long rub your back kiss, hmm. I’m so sad, but I know I must go on, so I try, Bells.

Boy…it’s hard to take, so hard,” says Zackary sadly and coyly as he hangs his head and forces up some fake tears as he grabs and then slaps away Bells nonexistent hand from hugging him. Zachary knows he has to lay it on thick to get Bells away from Thomas.

Thomas doesn’t believe him for one minute as now he is just wondering how to catch him in a lie.

Thomas thinks he has heard some bull in his life, but this is lying to your parents about your name.

Bells looks at Thomas and they both wink and know Zackary is lying. Bells sits closer to Roger and scrunches up her face at Zackary in disbelief.

“Betty huh, how’d she die was it from eating too much pie? I’ve heard of pie death, it’s scary, so scary, Zack Man. OH, where’d did she live? I wanna go over there and tell her parents I feel for their loss.

Ya know, that’s the type of kid I am, always am,” says Thomas smoothly and coyly as he grins ever so slightly and looks at the Zack Man as he sticks out the tip of his tongue and pretends it is an accident.

Thomas knows he is lying, but he wants to make it harder for him to lie further as he isn’t going to quit trying to catch him.

Bells scowls at Zachary and how fake he looks to be pretending to cry when there are no actual tears.

Bells knows it is all a big hoax.

“Ah what, oh she ahhh..ya know dropped dead. I think it was because she was poisoned, or maybe it was a knife in the back, yeah that might have been it. I really don’t know because her parents wouldn’t let me see the body, hmm yeah,” says Zackary sadly and coyly as he hangs his head and then puts his hands over his eyes. That way Thomas can’t see how mad he is for Thomas asking him that and making him lie further. Zachary knows if he keeps lying he’s going to get caught and he wants to slap Thomas good and hard across the mouth.

Thomas sits there staring at the Zack Man and trying to look out around his hands. Thomas knows Zackary is hiding his eyes to keep from showing how mad he is. Thomas has done this himself so he knows the maneuver. Thomas gets up and walks over and looks Zack Man in the eyes. This startles Zackary and makes him glare back at Thomas.

“Hey, Zack Man, good to see you’re still HERE, at your HOUSE! I had another question, where does she live I gotta go talk to her parents right now? I can’t wait, I feel so darn bad and I wanna help!

I’m a helper, I help people and Pop’s I love Pop’s. OH, this castle is big are they here right now? Love to talk to them, boy would I ever. So, you’re mumming me, mum’s the word. Did your mouth break I’ve

heard of that?” asks Thomas warmly and coyly and when he asks if they are there he sees instant shock on Zack’s face. Thomas knows then they are there and the once dead Betty is there too. Thomas looks quizzically at Zack as he squirms and he knows they have to go inside the castle to expose him. Thomas walks over to Bells and whispers firmly,” Bells, the girlfriend she’s here at the castle I knows it. I need you to beg the Zack Man to let us go inside. Make it so he’ll believe you too.

“NO, Thomas, they’re not here! They’re in Scotland, and they’re gonna be living there for years, maybe more. I wish, I really wish in my heart, they could have met you. Now though, I just need snuggles and kisses to help me through,” says Zack Man coyly and sadly as he hangs his head and then hides his eyes again.

Thirsty has all he can do to not laugh. He has heard some whoppers in his day, but this is like the one where you tell people you’re invisible and they can see you. Thomas spins around and he walks briskly over to Zack Man and gives him a hug.

“You’re the best,” says Thomas coyly as he hugs Zachary hard.

Zackary says in disbelief and coyly,” I meant, ya know maybe lovely, Bells, could…maybe. Ahh, Thomas, thanks for the hug, thank you. You don’t have to go any further, it’s quite alright.”

“NO, I want to, you’re my friend, Zack Man, let’s face it. Now, I wish I could hug away all your sad, but that’s not gonna happen. Maybe this hug was enough, how’s that sound?” asks Thomas coyly and warmly as he puts his hands on Zackary’s shoulders and looks at him with sad eyes. Thomas suspects he has him now and there is no way he is sneaking a Bells hug on his watch.

Zack reluctantly gets hugged by Thomas and shakes his head angrily. Zachary knows this Thomas is a sneaky person like him and he doesn’t like that.

“GOOD, GREAT, THANK YOU! Now can we just lay on the grass and be friends? I love you all, I mean that for helping so MUCH! Now, Bells, you look happy, is there something you want to ask me?”

asks Zack Man warmly and coyly as he knows his lie can still work if Bells believes him.

Bells walks happily over to him and she looks down at the ground. She hopes to really trick Zack Man into letting them go inside.

“Zackary, I need to see the inside of your castle, I need to. Will you let us go inside? We’d be good guests,” says Bells warmly and coyly as she stands there swaying from side to side and grinning happily.

Zackary freezes up and he knows Betty and her parents are just inside in the front living room. And if they even go in one single door they will stumble upon him. Then Zack man gets wide-eyed and starts fake coughing. He has to trick his way out of this one and Bells asks warmly,” Are you alright, Zack Man, you seem no?”

“OH, yeah, Lovely, Bells, I gotta leave you all I’m sick. I just can’t bear to think I, got you infected.

It was great meeting you all, bye!” says Zackary coyly and sternly as he coughs and wheezes and then all out sprints for the castle as fast as he can. He doesn’t know if his coughing lie worked so he runs for it.

He can’t take another second of Thomas sticking to him.

Meanwhile Thomas and everyone look at each other and burst out laughing. They all knew Zack man was a bit of a weasel and they are glad they don’t have to talk to him anymore.

“Yeah, Zack Man, that was mighty nice of you! Bells, I don’t like sitting here for long which means at all. Why don’t we, Thirsty, Roger, Bells, leave? Like fly away, so we don’t hear anymore lies from Zack Man? Does that sound good hmm, Brother Thirsty, you up for leaving?” asks Thomas as he walks over and flops down head first into the cushions of the invisible couch. Thomas kicks his heels up like he is running and it makes them all laugh and Thomas peeks out and grins at Bells and Thirsty.

“Ya know, I feel rested, so we can leave anytime. And we have to ask someone where we are, because I don’t know where this is? Bells, do you know where we are?” asks Thirsty as he sits there with his legs crossed and his eyes on the skyline behind the castle. Thirsty knows they probably have to go back the way they came to get anywhere.

Bells stands up on the couch and flies up into the air on her broomstick to see over the trees. She looks and doesn’t recognize anything at first, until she sees a mountain covered in huts and trees and she knows that is Torned. It frightens her a bit as she looks at it. It has flames shooting out of holes in the mountain on the left side and it reminds her people die in there all the time.

“I see it!! Torned its right over there! Come, Thomas, Thirsty, Roger, ride Mr. Pop up here!” says Bells excitedly as she smiles and eyes Torned. Everything tells her to go back, but she knows she can’t do that now. She won’t let her friends down no matter what.

Thirsty, Thomas, and Roger climb aboard Pop and then fly up to Bells. The first time Thomas sees Torned he feels a burst of excitement go through his body from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. He wonders what could have caused such a thing to happen to him.

Thirsty looks at Torned forest and sees the massive flames shooting out the side and he is in awe. He knows they are risking their lives to save Darcy’s, but it is well worth it no matter what they have to do.

“That’s it uh, well then let’s go find that bow maker. I’m sure he’ll like us to keep him company.

Bells, hold onto Thomas as we fly, I think it’s safer for us all. Thomas, kid around a little, I don’t mind its fun for all. Roger, keep not saying much it’s who you are, LET’S FLY!!” says Thirsty boldly as he eyes Torned and then he flies them all together as one group over the trees and over the side of Zack Man’s castle. They see Zackary kissing Betty on the side deck and Bells is none too happy at this.

“Look, the Zack Man’s got his Betty smooch right there! Oh that is not cool Zack Man, what a bad liar. Zack Man you gotta at least kiss inside, I mean whoa. Bells, I guess we won’t be worrying about the

Zack Man, his precious Betty is smooching and snuggling him. I still feel though I would have wanted to meet this Betty, just saying she seems nice. Bells, I see you mad at the Zackary Man, well I wouldn’t worry Betty seems a smarty, Betty will catch him I knows it. Thirsty, your laughing head makes us all happy, just thought you should know. I love you, Thirsty, Bells, Roger yes you too, you’re my friends and close family. So hmm, where’s my Thomas we love you, you’re the greatest everything and we’ve always knew it? Boy you’re all so stingy, I don’t like the sting’,” says Thomas as he moves from side to side in his seat and lets out a couple obvious fake sighs.

They laugh and pat him on the back and arm. Bells loves it when Thomas gets a little grumpy, because he is just too cute then. Thirsty loves how Thomas always tries to worm compliments out of people (as it usually works).

“I love you, Thomas, big time love I do!” says Bells happily as she leans in and snuggles and smooches Thomas. Thomas nods his head and then smiles at Bells and gives her a wink out of the corner of his eyes. Thomas knows she has that I love you and snuggle in her. He just didn’t think it would come so slowly, but he doesn’t mind the smooch either way.

Thirsty flies them from side to side to make it hard for Bells to kiss Thomas.

“Thirsty, Thirsty, what are you drunk on cider?! You’re crashing Bells smooching lips into my head, stop the bad drunk head driving. Thirsty, no need to laugh that wasn’t a laughing joke, the other kind.

Thirsty, you’re laughing harder at me, what is this blueberry pie made with mud? Bells, I gotta let go of you for a second while I see what’s wrong with Thirsty, ok,” says Thomas as he hugs Bells and then smiles at her and winks. Then he leans forward and starts feeling all over Thirsty’s face.

Roger sees this and he finds it really funny and laughs hard, as he knows this is not the family he grew up with. Bells holds onto Pop and watches Thomas feel Thirsty’s nose and move around his cheeks.

They fly through a spell cast floating green colored hallway that has an invisible doorway that Thirsty doesn’t see coming. They all freeze and look at the 10 people sitting at tables playing chess. Bells wonders if they have been spell cast into some sort of trap.

“Thirsty, this is not the sky, I know sky, and this isn’t it. So, what are we doing in a hallway anyway? Did someone drive us into a trappy?” asks Bells as she shakes her head and looks at a pair of troll men with blue and green skin playing a contentious game of chess. They glare at each other and have their fists clenched and ready to punch the winner. Bells thinks this very odd and worries she might have to use her wand and soon. They ride around a brief corner and see more people drinking soda and watching TV and they are primarily witches, wizards, and trained warlocks eating steak and eggs. There is this brilliant river of sparkling water weaving in and around the statues of ancient wizards on the left hand side of the room.

Thomas looks to his right and sees there is open sky down a red hallway and he grabs Thirsty’s head and turns it to face the way out.

“Look, Thirsty, a way out of this nightmare room of smells! Gee the warlocks have been eating the cheesy, I’m not saying anymore about it though. Bells, I’m sorry I made Thirsty not answer your question. You can stick it to him, I allow it, so let him have it. Thirsty, I know why the grumbling as you turn us around, because you BLEW IT! Roger, I agree with your laughter. Bells, I think when you laugh, good things start to happen all around the world, it’s massive.” “

“Thank you, Thomas.”

“And ah, I see we’re heading down the right hallway, hmm spiffy. Now if Thirsty could stop being a blow it person, we’d get there already. Sorry, Bells, I get steamed sometimes, that was a big time steam too, woo,” says Thomas as he sits there and watches the wizards in the room get up and look at them perplexed. Thomas knows along with everyone else in the group that you don’t want to make a wizard angry at you. If you do they’ll put you in a bubble with no doors out.

Thirsty grins as he sees if they go down the hallway that there are arcade games set up in some of the rooms on either side. He starts to think this is some sort of wizard and witch fun pad. Thirsty knows some wizards and witches don’t always like it when normal people stare at them.

“It’s ok, Thomas, everybody gets steamed sometimes. Hmm, well whatever this is, I like it. Wait, there’s some wizards blocking the way out, Thomas! Ahh, I didn’t want to have to use a spell, but we can’t be stuck here another second. Thirsty, fly the group steady, I’m not taking this,” says Bells boldly as she gets up onto her broomstick with 1 foot on and her other foot on the chair on Mr. Pop.

“Go, Bells!” says Thomas happily as he rubs his wand.

Bells shoots her hands back and a cauldron of flames and bursting black balls surround her. Bells glares at the 3 red, blue, and seal black haired young wizards and shouts,” Dooranimus has taken your size!” Out of her wand shoots a burst of blue tiny birds that take the shape of a running giant.

The 3 wizards lose their smiles and their eyes grew wide. And when they try to punch their way through the mass of birds the birds turn solid like stone. Then they beat the young male wizards up with lightning quick roundhouse punches and head busting kicks. And before long the 3 wizards are cut down to size and lay on the ground in a bruised and bloody heap.

Thirsty knows enough to shot over their heads and Bells spell. Thirsty shoots outside now directly facing Torned forest and the flames clearly come out of it startle Thirsty and he freezes in his tracks.

“Whoa, that’s trouble! Everyone hold on, I’m going to find a better way into the forest. Just don’t try and move much, we’re about to go really fast before those flames can get us the next time they shoot out!” says Thirsty boldly as he shoots Mr. Pop and Bells on her broomstick sharply down just before the flames come out again and burn the spot they just were black.

Thomas looks back and sees this and he is scared as he wishes he could go far away from Torned. He likes being a whole person who isn’t a flying meal.

Bells eyes the area behind them and sees that one of the wizards has picked himself up and he is chasing them.

“We’ve got trouble someone’s chasing us! Thirsty, either lose him or I’ll have to cast another spell!!” says Bells quickly as she sees the red haired wizard (who is barely holding onto his green and white headed Pop). She thinks he must be badly hurt.

Roger looks back at him and his Pop and he figures I need to settle this now it’s too dangerous not too. Roger climbs up out of his seat and turns his body around with wand in hand and says boldly,”

You’re not hurting my friends! Now, let’s see if he can counter-spell! Featheram with hands made of mud!” shouts Roger as he is barely hanging onto the back of the chair. He waves his wand hard right then left and out of it comes a bursting, pulsating man made of pure magic. He flies towards the red haired wizard named Tyler. Tyler sees the spell coming and he fights the pain in his back to rise up and glare at Roger.

“You’re killing me, not even my memory fried or fiend! Featheram knock-tile!!” shouts Tyler painfully and angrily as he waves his wand in an S shape and then falls onto the back of his Pop and coughs.

When he does this out of his wand comes a similar man made from magic. Tyler knew the perfect counter-spell and now it cancels out Roger’s, but Bells sees this and she stands up and has Thomas hold her tightly in place.

“Thomas, don’t let go, not now not ever! So it’s a wizard of note, then I’ll use it against him. I will hold Latemvery!!” shouts Bells as she waves her wand in a semi-circle and then a gust of wind hits her and knocks her away from Thomas (as he can barely hold on). Her spell of an ever changing golden shield hiding swords behind it races towards Tyler and he has no idea what is about to happen as he gasps for air.

Thomas sees Bells is in danger of falling off the side if he doesn’t get a better hold of her and slow down.

“Bells, hold on tight, I can get you back! Thirsty, slow down Bells is about to fall OFF!!” shouts Thomas frantically as he clings to Bells leg and refuses to let go. Bells works her way to get back beside Thomas and she grabs his left index finger and holds on tight.

Thirsty has to negotiate a thick wooded area with huts everywhere and Pop is starting to get nervous they are going to crash as he hums to himself.

“I’m trying, but there’s no way to stop and avoid hitting a hut. I see a way!” says Thirsty nervously as he slows Mr. Pop down and rides around a spiral staircase and it has several tight corners. They just barely miss hitting a pair of kids sitting on the steps by inches. The slower they go the more Bells can be reeled in.

Thomas lets go of her foot and reaches out as fast as he can for her waist. He snags her around the waist and Roger pulls them both back in. Then the shield hiding the swords gets close to Tyler and he looks up at it not sure what it is. The shield falls flat and the swords rocket into the body of Tyler. They rip him to shreds and knock him off the side as he slowly dies.

“Bells, maybe you fall less and snuggle more? I don’t, ya know, think I can always save you. I’ll try, and I probably will, but what if you get slippery and I can’t get my usual gripo, then what? Then you’re falling a long ways down, and you’re gonna get hurt pretty bad. I say we be quite careful, and we don’t lose our footing, Bells, ya know. That said, I am SO, happy you’re fine ahh,” says Thomas as he smiles at Bells.

“Thank you, I’m happy you’re safe too,” replies Bells as she rubs Thomas’ forehead.

“I knew you would be, because I was trying to catch you, obviously come on. Now though I still think we need to be better Mr. Pop riders, Thirsty. Pop can twisty and turn, but hey he’s just Mr. Pop, not

a Pop DRIVER. So yeah, there’s that,” says Thomas as he hugs Bells and rests his head on Thirsty’s back. Thomas wants everyone to know he will save them if he can.

Roger sits there wondering if he could have used a better spell. Roger thinks that counter should not have come so quick and he knows it, as he feels like a bad wizard and it troubles him.

“Thomas, I’ll remember that, but only when I’m asleep. Roger, Bells, how are you both?” asks Thirsty as he looks around the spiral staircase and sees toys strewn about. Then out of the corner of his eye he sees the flames from Torned. This makes him feel powerful to look at the flames and know they can’t harm him.

Bells, Thomas, and Roger also see the flames and they are all in awe of it, with Bells knowing it is going to get rough and soon.

“I see the flames, I am the fire, let me burn,” whispers Bells as she holds her hands close to her chest.

Bells loves being with her new friends and doesn’t want bad luck to befall them.

“I heard, Bells, what are you turning me into a goat? If not, why not, goats just eat all day? Well they do and they can eat their way out of fences, I need that skill,” says Thomas jokingly as he reaches over and touches Bells on the back and gives her a good back rub. Thomas can see she is very tense and needs it.

Bells smiles to herself and looks down, then she looks up at Thomas and nods her head firmly. She has something she wants to tell him.

“It was an incantation that I learned from my mother. If you use some Bain root and a pulverized chicken bone, and you mix them together and then dump a chunk of pure magic on them. It turns the area 20 feet around you into a bubble, from which no one can hurt you. See, I have the chicken powder and Bain root here in my bag. You can smell it, see,” says Bells as she is proud to show Thomas and Thirsty the dark red spotted root with yellow fingers. She wants them to accept her for the witch she is.

Thomas smells the Bain root and touches the yellow fingers. He thinks it smells like lunch and he wants a mouthful of it, but he doesn’t want to go borrowing things he doesn’t own.

Thirsty is intrigued as well as he knows they might need Bells if things get really bad. He is impressed with her as are Thomas and Roger.

“Smells like dinner and lunch hmm, I likes it. Bells, I love how you’re a witch, because I was always scared a bit of witches. But now I’m thinking all the best people might be the witch, I just think so,” says Thomas honestly as he looks lovingly at Bells.

“Yes, that is nice of you to say.”

“And your Bain root should be hid Roger was eyeing it, I saw him. I’m just kidding you, Roger, I know you want the chicken powder. No, I kid again so, Bells, can you make me a pizza pie out of that very Bain root? I ask, because my belly has a spot picked out for 3 slices, with pepperoni. You know, without pizza little kids turn into old people, it happens. Hmm, everyone’s laughing again at me I don’t mind, just not laugh me to death. I COULD fall off the side mid laugh if you let your whole heads laugh.

And who wants that malarkey happening, Thomas says no!” says Thomas jokingly as he sways back and forth.

“We’ll try, Thomas, count on it,” answers Thirsty as he grins.

“Bells, I saw you had a mouse in there, I seen it. So what’s the namo of your mousey? Is it Blue Neck Bubblehead like mine? Or, maybe Powder Leg Mumble Mouth? I heard that once, no I didn’t I lied, didn’t hear it. So you got me here, what’s the answer?” asks Thomas as he rubs Bells back in a circle and she giggles.

Bells is impressed he doesn’t mind she is a witch, as she was worried he might mind a little underneath.

Thirsty flies them through the thick forest and he can see with all the blood red huts and arrow shaped huts going into the ground, that maybe they are in the Bow Maker’s backyard and have to be careful with what they say. Many of the huts have walkways made of purple marble spiraling deep into the ground. Thirsty knows that means they aren’t just humble forest people at all.

Roger yawns and almost falls off the side of Mr. Pop, but Thomas snatches his wrist and Bells pulls Thomas and Roger back onto the seat.

“Roger, as Thomas would say, you’re blowing it! No, I’m just kidding you, but you can’t fall off out here! They might harm you and it could harm us all if they catch us. Thirsty, do we know where we’re going at this point?” asks Bells sadly as she leans forward.

Thomas leans forward and eyes what Thirsty is eyeing, as they race past several huts that rise out of the ground. It startles all 3 of them as they have no idea what is happening. Thirsty eyes the river some 200 feet ahead with a large windmill on it, as he knows that river is heading into a cave on the mountainside. It will be a fine place to sneak into the mountain and the Bow Maker’s hideaway.

“Bells, do you have any idea where to enter the mountain? I’m thinking by the river, but I’m not sure,” says Thirsty firmly as he peers into the cave at the end of the river and he sees candlelight. Thirsty knows then it has to be some sort of secret entrance.

The huts continue to rise and a thunderous metallic symphony starts to play. The huts have pipe organs built into their walls and it echoes through the entirety of New York Pashal when something big is going to happen.

Thomas hears this and sees the people sitting on the decks of each hut with red eyes and red robes.

He wants to find out where they can hide, as he knows it isn’t good for them to be out in the open.

Suddenly Roger sees 3 identical young ladies with purple eyes that glow. They have seal black hair and tan skin and they are holding flaming spears and eyeing Mr. Pop. Roger knows they have to hustle to safety.

“Thirsty, LOOK OUT FOR THOSE GIRLS!!” says Roger frantically as he pulls out his wand and gets ready to cast a spell.

Thirsty looks at the little girls and he knows they have to move it. He gives Mr. Pop the sign to go as fast as he can and they start flying away as the little girls start using magic. The girls spin around and fling spears at Mr. Pop one after another. One sails towards Bells, but Thomas sees it and he ducks her head down with his hands. This makes the spear miss her but just an inch. Then the next one is heading for Mr. Pop’s belly, but Roger stands up and shouts,” Blockradivus Wall!!” Around the entirety of Pop forms a brick wall that when the spear hit it goes through, but it doesn’t go far enough through to get to Pop. Then the bricks fall to the ground in a large mass.

“Thank you, Roger, way to go you saved us! Thirsty, watch out!” yells Thomas frantically as he sees the 3rd spear just about to be thrown.

Thirsty looks over and sees it himself, but they are stuck in a thicket of trees with only reverse as an option.

Bells stands up and she is about to cast a spell when the wind picks up and blows the spear hard to the left and into a tree beside Roger’s head. Bells is slightly relieved at first, but then realizes they aren’t safe yet.

“Move it back, Thirsty, move it back fast! I can do what needs to be done, here we go. If the sun does shine, then on you it does all the TIME!!” shouts Bells boldly as he she waves her wand in a tiny circle and up towards the sun. Suddenly out of her wand shoots a white burst of smoke and electricity and it rockets up into the sky and heads for the sun. While this happens the 3 young girls get ready with three

flaming swords with tiny red balls of molten metal on the tips. They go to hurl the swords at Bells and everyone and as their hands go back the sun shines down on them with such ferocity (and with sunshine you could hold in your hands it is so thick) that it melts the 3 little girls and they wilt away as they fall to the ground with their spears melting in their hands.

Thirsty turns Mr. Pop around and then heads out of the trap.

Thomas looks at Bells with a little bit of fear in his eyes, as he didn’t know she was so powerful and nice at the same time. He smirks and slowly reaches out to touch her with his hand.

“Hmm yup you’re still Bells, I had some worrying going through me, don’t worry it’s gone. Bells, nice spell casting, I would have helped, but I don’t know a lot of good spells. Will soon, real soon let me tell ya, just not at the moment,” said Thomas nervously.

“Maybe it just takes time,” says Bells as she tucks in Thomas’ shirt.

“Hmm, well those girls sure are melty now I wonder why they attacked us? Ya know, was it me and my cuteness that offended them, heard that before? Or did they catch a whiff of Roger’s, cologne?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he looks around.

“That’s the culprit,” replies Thirsty jokingly as he steers them around a large Elm tree.

“I mean lack of any sorry, Roger, but had to clarify. I guess it had be the cuteness, what else makes sense,” jokes Thomas. “Thirsty, I see you’re not riding us into a trap, good idea. That way if they chase us down we won’t be so suckered, good idea I’m James. OH, Thirsty, we are riding through trees, I love me some trees yes! Can someone not pinch me I’m enjoying this dreamy, way much! Oh, Roger, about my joke, sorry about that slipped out. I’ll try and stick it to Thirsty and Bells from now on,” said Thomas as he sighed.

“That’s fine with me,” says Roger as he pats Thomas on the back.

“Me too,” says Thirsty as he watches a troll trip over his feet and fall and hit a rock.

“OH, I love me some flowery and smells good. Thirsty, Bells, Roger, I hear a giggle attack, big attack. I guess I’ll just keep yapping along, and saving the bad vibes from my body. Did any of you ever wrestle a goat?” asked Thomas sarcastically.

“Twice,” jokes Roger as he watches the flames on the mountain.

“Me neither, but I thought you were goat wrestlers, can’t say why. Now I sit here, riding through some huts, what’s this all of the sudden? Are these huts that are rising out of the ground like floating on more huts? I think so,” says Thomas warmly as he grins ever so slightly and eyes Bells and Thirsty as they fly through a dense forest. There are huts continuing to rise out of the ground and showing spiral tunnels that lead into the ground.

Thirsty, Bells, and Roger laugh good and hard, but Thirsty has no idea what to think.

“Hey, everyone get ready for trouble! I’m going into the mountain through one of these tunnels. If it doesn’t lead in be ready to fight our way out. Thomas, I want you to use your fists and kicks to fight. I know you can don’t worry. Now, let’s have some now,” says Thirsty sternly as he grits his teeth and rides them down and around a spiral grey marble tunnel. Thirsty has a good feeling about these tunnels as a secret way in. Thirsty worries that if Darcy or Richard could see him doing this they would be none too happy with him or his decision.

The walls of the tunnel (as they fly in) start to fill up with ornate and neatly woven area rugs. Many have large heads of sinister warlords sewn on them.

Bells knows that all warlords have crooked ears due to the weight of their thoughts. She recognizes the men and women on the area rugs and they look to be warlords to her.

“Thomas, if you need me I’ll always be here. Just yell or wave your hands, whatever you can. Oh, I know we’re in danger, but at least we have each other. Thirsty, Roger, you’re all my friends now and you always will be,” says Bells as she tries to calm everyone down.

“Same here,” replies Thomas as he straightens out Bells’ collar.

“Thomas, ya know I have a blade, and it’s been cast upon. Here it is take this and if you get trapped use it to save yourself. The magic in it will blow a person back from you if they get touched by it, but don’t drop it! If you do it might send you or me, or any of us flying back away from it. Thomas, don’t drop it, so here,” says Bells as she shows Thomas a cherry colored blade with a series of round silver filled holes along the blade. The blade has the words,” Through all things good love must pass,” engraved on it in glowing pink letters.

Thomas takes the blade, squints at Bells, and then snuggles up close to her.

“Hmm, I can’t say I didn’t hope you had a secret blade for me, I didn’t. Thank you, Bells, boy this blade seems to be very how do I say, good for blowing people into the wall,” said Thomas jokingly.

“What’s wrong with that?” asks Thirsty jokingly as he watches wizards talking to themselves.

“Yeah so I like it, and I know the peoples that get blown away will too, better than getting sliced.

Hmm it fits in my pocket perfect, yes pocket. You never know when you’ll need a pocket, and they are always waiting there for ya to fill with dirt, or bread pudding, or even a Bells hmm, oh yeah. I can put you in there I just can’t get you out. So, there’s that, Thirsty, whoa what’s this place?” asks Thomas as he looks at the walls that are pulsating in and out. There are large coffins stuck to the walls filled with unwitting tourists that have strayed into the tunnel. They are being pushed out by bursts of air from the giant flames of the Bow Maker’s shop.

It looks as if Thirsty can get Mr. Pop injured if he flies too close to them. Bells eyes the coffins quizzically as something tells her that isn’t just a wall behind those area rugs.

Roger looks up ahead and sees people lined up and lying around a heart shaped diamond studded octopus shaped shrine. They are all there to die for the late Bow Maker’s wife Beth (as she had died when she fell into one of his mixing pots for metal).

Thomas looks at the 50 or so people lying flat on the floor with their arms outstretched towards the shrine. Thomas knows they are not themselves and act like people act when they have been drinking spirits and he feels bad for them.

“Be quiet, Everyone, I’ll try to fly over them without being noticed. Mr. Pop, don’t burpy or let the Pop gas fly, please. Boy I sure hope we catch a break,” whispers Thirsty anxiously as he eyes the people as they lie flat. Thirsty knows if one looks up right at the very moment as they fly over them they are all in deep probably death causing trouble.

Thomas holds his blade firmly in his hands and gets ready for anything. He eyes the people below and wishes they would never look up for any reason. The shrine shoots out some bursts of flames from the eyes of the octopus and it nearly burns everyone and Pop to a crisp.

Thirsty’s reflexes are good enough to turn them hard left and into an adjacent hallway to the one they were just flying in. The hallway smells of cooked chicken feet and burnt hair. It has several purple and royal red duck shaped spinning chairs in glass tubes. They have people sitting on them against their will and being tortured with magic. The people are locked onto the chairs and screaming out for help. A young man holding a sword sits at the far end of the hallway facing away from Mr. Pop.

“Thirsty, look we have to help! We can’t leave these people, please?!” pleads Thomas as he eyes a young boy in one chair going so fast it makes him cry in the chair. Thomas knows that could easily be him in there and they have to help.

Thirsty sits there and eyes the different chairs and the people inside and he knows they have to do something. He stops Mr. Pop and looks back to see if they are being followed.

“Well, I tell you this, we’re not ditching these people. Let’s figure out a way to get rid of that man down there and break these open. Roger, you and I will free the people. Thomas, Bells, I need you to get rid of that man, we have to do this! Ok, we’ll take Mr. Pop and you can use Bells’ broomstick or can we, Bells, is it big enough?” asks Thirsty as he keeps his eyes on the young man (named Paul Jackson) as he knows that is the man between them and escape.

“Yes it’s fine and we’ll be fine. I’ve got a spell that if we’re close enough will knock him out for days. Thomas, are you ready I hope?” asks Bells as she grins and rubs the side of Thomas’s grinning face.

Bells knows he is the type of person you can always rely on, but he doesn’t know how to use magic just yet.