Magic Everything by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Standalone Novels


Dear Camy, the Lost Letters

Short Stories for the Long Haul

Table of Contents



Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 1

“Is anyone awake yet, anyone awake?! I need to know where is Darcy! Thirsty, Thomas, come here and come here right now! I swear if you don’t I will probably not survive!” yells Richard Nickel loudly and coyly as he lays there in bed with strings holding up his legs and tubes in his chest pumping in medication to keep him alive. He is fully bearded with grey streaks through his mid-length black hair, as well as he has arrow shaped eyebrows. He stands all of 6 foot 3 inches tall with a wry smile and wears his daily purple and red trimmed robe.

His two sons Thirsty age 13 and Thomas age 11 are asleep in slanted 45 degree bunk beds. There is a spiral wooden staircase that leads up through the middle of the beds to Thirsty’s bed on top.

Richard worries their older sister Darcy Feather is hurt or has gone somewhere without permission.

He needs her to give him a back massage and quick, because he is feeling pain.

Richard’s bedroom is filled with dim light from a dust covered window. It has several costumes he uses to scare and make the kids laugh, that hang from hooks around the small bedroom. The painting of his beloved wife and mother to his children Kelly Love as he called her (who has perished) hangs at the foot of his bed with the inscription,” I loved my family, because they didn’t know the difference, just kidding love Mom,” in gold letters. Every time Richard looks at it and reads the inscription he tears up slightly.

Thirsty and Thomas run out of their slanted floor bedroom and across the long wooden hallway that leads to Richard’s room (with sleepy-eyed smiles on their faces). They go as fast as their little legs can run.

Thirsty knows it is his job to watch the wild child Darcy and keep her from disgracing the family anymore. Thirsty is the sensible one and always tries to help any person he can. Unless of course they are

bad people, then he is said to stick it to them awful. Thirsty stands 5 foot 4 inches tall and is painfully thin. He has short dark brown hair that goes down to his eyes in the front. He is handsome and has baby blue thoughtful eyes (that the girls go crazy for). He loves wearing the suits Darcy will make for him, as she always makes him a gum and nickel pocket secretly hidden inside the actual pocket. She does that because Thirsty doesn’t like people trying to steal his gum and there is no way he is letting them steal his lucky nickel.

When Thirsty had been a baby his parent’s fed him over and over again and gave him all the milk and water he could drink. He continued crying loudly for hours until Kelly dropped a nickel out of her pocket. Thirsty stopped crying immediately. When she handed him the nickel he smiled and started giggling. From that moment on every time they wanted Thirsty to stop crying they showed him the nickel, end of story, and that’s how he got his name. He just loves to guzzle any beverage you got, thus Thirsty.

Thomas is 4 foot 11 inches tall and strikingly handsome, as he looks like a smaller version of Thirsty. He has a small potbelly from eating too many borrowed for good strawberries and drinking cow’s milk. His eyes are almost clear blue and he has red hair that goes down to just above his eyes in the front.

He has big feet and he walks like he’s knows something you don’t. He is wearing a lime green t-shirt that reads,” I’m letting you borrow my girlfriend, but she doesn’t know it yet,” that Darcy had sewn for him.

He also has some patched together blue jeans that Darcy had made for him. He is wearing his dark brown homemade sneakers that have a lightning bolt down the side (they are made from thrown away shoes).

“Dadums, why are you yelling we were sleeping with dream people?! Gosh, Dadums, don’t we get to sleep too for God’s sake? Well, what did you want this time?” asks Thirsty sadly and in his soft spoken way (Thirsty really wants to sleep in all morning and then go hunt some bugs for a pie).

Thomas runs into the room, stops at Thirsty almost drunkenly and smiles at Richard. Richard grins slightly and points to his little bed beside his own where Darcy is supposed to be sleeping and Thirsty lets out a sigh.

“That’s right, My Lovely Boys, Darcy has ditched us! We need to find her before she ruins her life.

Now I could be wrong, as I am every 10 years, but I don’t think I am in the wrong,” explains Richard as he scratches his chin vigorously. “So here’s what, I want you to go and search this house. And the first boy that finds Darcy gets a piece of my candy bar from last night. That’s a sweet deal, seeing as there’s a whole bite left. Now be rid of me, and find your sister as fast as lightning!” says Richard firmly as he coughs in between sentences and grimaces, but then waves for them to go looking.

Thomas really needs that candy bar, because he hasn’t tasted a bit of chocolate since he found a bite of chocolate in the trash 4 months earlier.

Thirsty darts out of the room after fighting with Thomas briefly, as he wants that chocolate bad as it’s his favorite food in the whole world. He looks first in the small dining room in the converted train car, but he sees no signs of Darcy only a half eaten bird wing sandwich perched on the mushroom shaped bright red spotted table. This angers Thirsty as he rushes out of the room, but out of the corner of his eye he sees a shiny gold helmet with the imprint of a large bird devouring a man. And to Thirsty this is not anything he has ever seen or ever would. He looks at it and wonders if it can be sold for actual groceries in the future, as he rubs the helmet and his own belly on the right side.

Thomas runs around yelling his battle cry and looks for Darcy. He ducks into the crooked 2 person reading box attached to the house library. He sees there is no sign of Darcy in the white horned reading helmet or sitting in the dragon shaped red and green reading chair. He knows she virtually lives in there when she is home so he is none too happy about this.

“THIRSTY!” yells Thomas as he shakes his head.

“What, Thomas!”

“Are you lazy yet? I am! So what about that stuffy, hmm?” asks Thomas warmly as he grins.

“Thomas, I’m only tired of listening to your yap. Keep looking!” says Thirsty sharply as he sighs.

“Werty goop, Werty goop I need that chocolate or my head will fall offy. Come on, Darcy, where are you hiding? Werty goop, Werty goop, I am not happy,” says Thomas sadly as he looks around and shakes his head over and over again. Thomas knows he is not going to get the chocolate and he can already taste the bug pie in his mouth and just the thought makes him sick to his stomach. He wishes for a nice rose covered in syrup to eat.

Thirsty hears Thomas swearing when he says Werty goop (which is the same as saying the f word, because it is Richard’s favorite person to hate). He told the boys not to say his name, but he also told them not to swear and Thomas can’t think of a better swear word for the life of him.

Thirsty walks over to Thomas and slaps him on the hip and grabs his ear. Thomas lets out quite a yell and jumps up and down as Thirsty pulls him around the corner. Thirsty lets him go and nudges his shoulder. Thomas nods yes and gives Thirsty a look that tells him he won’t do it again.

“We have to find Darcy or we’ll have to dig Dad’s ditch. I don’t want any digging for me today, Thomas, so help me out alright?” asks Thirsty warmly as he grabs Thomas on the chin and moves his head around in a circle.

“Help, my help costs chocolate. How ‘bout new plan? All chocolate goes to me, or I sleep on the rug.

Boy it’s so comfy down here mm I love it,” says Thomas warmly and coyly as he grins and stretches out on the rug. Thomas knows Thirsty just doesn’t want to dig so maybe he’ll just let him have the chocolate if he helps look.

Thirsty stands there and grins and then he pushes his feet into the side of Thomas. Thirsty knows Thomas is being his devious self, but still he knows he doesn’t want to dig.

“Fine, you can have it all, but your body seems to be sleeping on the rug right now. I’m just wondering how it’s going to help, hmm?”

Thomas rolls over and gently bats away Thirsty’s feet.

“It’s o.k. I think I stopped a second ago. Yeah I think I’m awake. Boy that’s lucky and not the bad kind either. Ok so I feel ready,” says Thomas as stretches out his arm into Thirsty’s cheek, while Thomas can already taste the chocolate.

“It’s not ok, Thomas, be smarter I don’t like pulling your ear. Now let’s go find Darcy and we better find her quick! Where do you think she could be hiding, Thomas?” asks Thirsty firmly as he and Thomas walk along and look around for their beloved Darcy.

Thomas can only shrug his shoulders and point in every direction (as he has no idea where she is).

Richard laughs quietly as he hears the boys talking and he knows they’re sneaky, but they are good boys under it all.

“BOYS, you’re not finding her if you’re talking!! Find me Darcy and do it post haste!” yells Richard loudly and happily as he smiles and sips on his glass of water and a lemon peel. He knows that Thirsty and Thomas are prone to getting off track and they have to be guided to do tasks. It is Richard’s job to guide them properly into adulthood, but he also knows they are mischievous and he can’t fault them for that.

Thirsty hears this as does Thomas and they run right into one another. This knocks the helmet right out of Thirsty’s hands. He scrambles to pick it back up as Thomas tries to take it from him. Thomas knows he can sell it for big bucks and get some food he can actually chew.

The morning crows start to caw and flap their wings against the window. They are blocking out most of the sunlight as they wait ominously for Richard to die. Richard hates the crows and he only wishes he could afford a bullet and shoot a couple and make a stew, but there isn’t the money.

“Thomas, Darcy is not in the helmet! Look somewhere ELSE!!” says Thirsty sharply and loudly as he moves Thomas to the left using his leg.

“Thirsty, let go of my helmet I found it! Let go and I won’t be mad honest. Just give me my helmet please?” asks Thomas quietly and warmly as he tugs on the helmet and has a sly smile on his face. He knows he needs the helmet and the money that old man Klarf will pay him for it.

Thirsty looks at Thomas with angry eyes and clears his throat. He needs the helmet to buy everyone a goose and he isn’t letting go either. Thomas thinks this is really funny and he giggles and pushes on Thirsty with his head. Richard sits and listens to this and smiles to himself as he wonders “What is this helmet they are fighting over?” He assumes it is the neighbor’s helmet and there will be no money made from it, as it has to be returned.

“Look, Thomas, the crows are getting in!!” yells Thirsty as he points to the windows. Thirsty knows Thomas is scared of crows more than anything.

Thomas looks over at the window and Thirsty snatches the helmet from his hands. Thirsty walks with a smile on his face and the helmet high above his head where Thomas can’t reach it. Thomas tries to reach up and get it, but it is no use. He can only shake his head and shrug his shoulders. Then he runs off and looks for Darcy to get the piece of delicious chocolate.

Richard hears the deception and he completely approves, as he lays there eyeing one crow as it tries to work its way in through a broken part of window. He knows if it just puts its whole head in he can smash it with his wooden hammer. He reaches down beneath his bed and pulls out the hammer and then waits patiently for the crow.

Thirsty meanwhile looks around and then he remembers the root cellar. He goes into the spare bedroom and pulls back the rug to take a look and then Thirsty says hopefully,” Please be home, Darcy, please.” He pulls up on the handle of the round door with the words,” Magic’s gift to us all.” He looks down in and he sees no sign of her in the blackness. He decides to go down 2 steps and look and once he does Thirsty sees it is empty on every shelf and in every corner and it breaks his heart.

“Boo, boo I says!” says Thomas jokingly.

“Boo ba boo says me,” kids Thirsty.

“She’s not in there, Thirsty, I think she went to town last night,” whispers Thomas quietly as he pokes his head into the doorway. This startles Thirsty as his eyes shoot back at Thomas making him giggle. Thomas runs off screaming and Thirsty runs after him.

“You’re gonna get it, Thomas, I’ll make you cry!” yells Thirsty angrily as he hates people when they scare him. That is his number one pet peeve and he is always prepared to give them a good hard slap if they do it to him.

Thomas runs all the way to Richard’s room and hides behind his father under the blankets. Richard laughs at this and pulls the blanket back and looks underneath at Thomas as Thomas whispers,” I really got him this time, Dadums, he was sooo scared. I think he’s gonna kill me this time, but I can’t care it was toooo funny,” whispers Thomas happily as he looks at his dad and then kisses him on the lips and chin.

They both laugh at how angry Thirsty gets when you startle him. Richard has done just that a few times for the incredible fun of it. In comes Thirsty with a scowl on his face and Richard looks up at him.

“Yes, Thirsty, what is it?” asks Richard coyly as he raises one eyebrow and purses his lips at Thirsty.

It is all he can do not to burst out laughing.

Thirsty’s scowl races off his face as he fears Richard more than anyone, but he knows Thomas is hiding under the blankets and laughing at him right then as he hears his giggles.

Thomas wants to poke his head out, but he decides to wait ‘til Darcy is found as he is tired.

“Dadums,, no I don’t want to ask. I couldn’t find Darcy, but I did find this helmet. Do you think it’s worth a trip to the pawn shed? It might warrant a goose, Dadums, hmm,” says Thirsty as he walks over and sits the down beside Richard as he hands him the helmet. Thirsty knows Thomas is

giggling a bit too loud to not get another slap of the hip, but he isn’t going to do much more than that to him.

Richard takes the helmet from Thirsty with a smile on his face and then Richard’s face goes white.

He sees the imprint of the man being devoured by a bird and he knows that is Ragiton’s mark (the king of the evil and ruthless wizard murderers). Richard knows since that mark is there they are all in danger.

Richard remembers the time he had fought it out spell for spell with Ragiton when they were young and Richard was but 10 years old. He remembers Ragiton getting the right side of his face burned black by a good spell by Richard. Then Ragiton ran off and shouted,” I will steal what matters to you, Richard, and then we’ll be even!!” Now he knows just what that means and it is his beloved only daughter Darcy that is taken.

Thirsty can feel his Dad getting scared and he looks over at him wide eyed.

“Oh God no…no not this,” says Richard in disbelief as his hands tremble and his eyes look down and then dead at Thirsty. He knows Thirsty could be the next one taken and he feels terrified.

“What, Dadums, what’s gone wrong?” asks Thirsty anxiously as he looks intently at Richard. Thirsty grabs both of his trembling hands. Thomas hears this and pokes his head out from under the blankets and looks quizzically at Thirsty and Richard. Thomas knows someone has stolen Richard’s prized pig again and he will soon be furious. Richard looks at Thirsty and then at Thomas and it all crystallizes in his mind.

“Boys, My little men of Maine, Darcy has been taken! Now as shocking as this may be, they will soon come for you, Thirsty, and you, Thomas. And that I cannot have!” explained Richard nervously as his thoughts raced. “Ok Richard, think for just a moment…I’VE GOT IT!! Thirsty, I know how to save Darcy and you and…Thomas here from death. There is a way the Shadowman’s bow, the one I told you about at bedtime so many times. It’s real, and you must go and get it,” said Richard boldly as he grabbed the headboard.

“I remember, the best one ever,” said Thomas as he grinned slightly at Thirsty/

“If you had that you would have a good not great chance of saving your sister Darcy. The bow lies in the Torned forest in New York Pashal, the former New York City, but I want to make this clear…that doesn’t matter. Go there; secure the bow by killing the Bow Maker. He or she will put up quite a fight, but they can’t deny your will, Thirsty. Remember those spells I taught you, they will save your life,” said Richard as he patted Thirsty on the head and then looked away quickly.

“I know them all by heart and I practiced them,” said Thirsty reassuringly as he slapped fives with Thomas. Thirsty feels good now that he’s been practicing those spells so much.

“Now once you find the bow and kill the Bow Maker, head out of Torned forest and back out into the city. The last I knew Ragiton had a large portal leading into his realm on ahhh...oh damn I don’t remember. By gum I’ve failed your sister, and you boys,” said Richard as he slaps the bed sheets.

“It’s ok think slower,” says Thomas hopefully as he rubs Richard’s neck.

“Wait Wall Street in the center of a large skyscraper! Now see the old man is not dead in my mind boys, no. Now when you go looking for Ragiton, if you see Darcy just free her and flee. I will take you all far away from here when you return and we won’t have to worry. If he chases, and he invariably will…fight him to the DEATH!! Kill him in his mind first, remember, the mind must die before his body,” explains Richard sternly as he points to each of them.

“We can do it I know we can!” said Thirsty boldly as he hit the wall with his fist.

“Ok, Thirsty, you will need to take Mr.Pop with you and it will rain there a red rain. So you’ll have to Dundy no matter how much you hate it!” instructs Richard as he tries not to cry. “DON’T say a word, there’s no point arguing now. Ok, Thirsty, I know you have your lucky nickel I know because I gave it to you. But I have this for special occasions...see it’s an actual quarter. That kind of money will save you from dying of STAR-vation. Here, take it and hide it in your pocket quickly, Son, Darcy needs us”.

“Thirsty will save, saves her I knows it!” says Thomas he waves his right arm like a wand in the air.

“Now when you go through the other farmers lands’, I will allow you to steal enough food to get by each day, no more. They are our friends we don’t steal from our friends, unless we’re dying. Now, Son, if I don’t see this beautiful face of yours again, I’ll Let you know now I have seen it, and I did love you every day of your life,” said Richard as he put his hands on Thirsty’s shoulders and then hugged him.

“I know, I know deep inside. And I will bring Darcy back I promise,” says Thirsty as he hits his fist into his other hand.

“Even when you spoiled my cake I have forgiven and I still love. Even though I miss the cake often but that’s not here nor there. Thomas, please look at me..., Thomas, I don’t know what to do with you. If I let you go you could die. If you stay here you’ll surely die! You’re staying and that’s final! Go lay down in your bed and don’t miss your brother, NOW!” thunders Richard causing Thomas to smile.

“That’s kinda sucky,” says Thomas sadly as he kicks the bed with his heel.

“Thirsty, I can’t walk you out but I bid you farewell, My Son. Remember kill his mind first. That will serve you well, Thirsty, well indeed,” says Richard sternly as he clutches a now teary eyed Thirsty and tries to be strong, but that is not to be. Richard starts to cry uncontrollably. He knows the family he holds dear will never be the same again.

Thirsty holds him tightly and doesn’t want to ever let go. He grabs the sides of Richard’s face and Thomas climbs down off of Richard.

Thomas debates running away or giving him a hug, as he goes out of the room and then ducks back in twice. He runs over and kisses Richard on the cheek and rubs the side of his face. Richard nods at this and Thomas runs out of the room and into his bedroom.

“Dadums, there won’t be a moment, not a second I breathe again. That I won’t think of you, Thomas, and Darcy, I love you, Dadums. This Ragiton I won’t let him ruin us I WON’T! Darcy will smile and hug us all once more, Dadums!” declared Thirsty triumphantly as he pulled out his wand. “Ahhh I’ve got to go get my sister and I’ve got to go now, Father. I’ll save all of this quarter I can I promise! Bye, Dadums, I love you!” says Thirsty tearfully as he kisses Richard on the cheek and grimaces as he looks him in the eye.

Richard sees the determination on his face and knows this is a boy to be spoken off to everyone. He also knows Thirsty will do his best to bring home Darcy. Thirsty looks into his father’s loving eyes and sees the look of love and hope in there. He turns and sees Thomas down the hallway and he waves goodbye to Thomas one final time.

“Bye, Son, I will think of you often. NOW RUN, RUN FOR US ALL!!” thunders Richard boldly as he claps his large hands together 3 times fast. Then he breaks out laughing and eases back in his bed. He knows his children are a blessing and that Thirsty will save the family if it can be saved.

Thirsty races out through the kitchen’s triangular door and then down the red carpet covered rickety steps. His eyes scan the black fields and the barren trees for Pop, but for the life of him he doesn’t see him anywhere. The clouds are thick and lightning strikes can be seen hitting the next farm over’s barn and lighting it on fire. Suddenly the rain pours down on Thirsty and he curses it under his breath. He runs out into the u shaped fields in search of Pop with their barn looming large behind him with the words,” I know a thing, but I am not a thing forever,” emblazoned on the barn in faded and burnt out green with gold trim letters. The face of Richard sits in the shadows of the words. Thirsty sees this as the worst of omens and he feels sick having to deal with such a fierce storm when he could be inside with Thomas and his Dadums.

“POP, Come to your master NOW!!” shouts Thirsty loudly as he runs out around the barn and has to catch his breath from the anxiety he is feeling. There is still no sign of Pop anywhere. Thirsty knows Pop often times will hide in hard to reach places, but he is hoping this time he is nearer to home.

The rain is coming down in buckets and a burst of lightning crashes not even 30 feet from Thirsty. It startles him and he ducks into the barn to catch a break from the rain. Once he is inside he sees Pop’s head poking out of the ground. Mr. Pop has buried himself as he sleeps and only pops his head up to see if the lightning is close to him. When Thirsty sees Pop he feels total exhilaration and he knows he has caught a fortuitous break. He runs over to Mr.Pop and pulls on his smiling tongue wagging head to come out of the ground.

Pop has a round head with round bright yellow eyes and a pair of brown ears. His neck is long and almost made to look like a rope. His body is short and round with grooves on the sides for feet to go in and fly him with. His skin is orange with yellow streaks of what looks like lightning bolts. He is 10 feet long and has a dark red squiggly tale like a pig, as well as a square bump on his back to tie ropes to.

Pop comes slowly out of the ground and grunts as he does. Pop really wants to sleep another 10

hours and then eat, but he is happy to see Thirsty and he licks his face. Thirsty gets on the back of Pop once he is out of the barn and spins him around to leave and Thirsty says boldly,” Pop, we’ve got New York Pashal in our future I hope you don’t mind!”

“Hey, Thirsty, I can’t let you ditch me like this. Trip takes brothers not one brother without me. I am attaching my sled to the back of Pop and I don’t want to hear any guff when I do. Just keep your mouth good and closed!” says Thomas sternly as he attaches his rubber, with black leather back rest, floating chair to the bump on Pop’s back. He calmly walks over to Thirsty and hugs him. Then he calmly walks back over and sits down in his chair, all the while Thirsty looks at him like what gives.

“Thomas, if Dad knew you were coming he’d cook me in oil! Take off and go back to your bed! I’ll be back in a couple of days honest. No, stop grinning and GO!” says Thirsty firmly and half heartedly as he secretly does want some company and Thomas is the logical choice.

Pop floats up into the air and starts slowly riding back towards the storm. Pop loves him some Thomas and he wants him to go with them. Thomas just shrugs his shoulders and giggles loudly, as he isn’t being left behind when it comes to a new trip. Then there is a double lightning strike just outside the barn and it startles Thirsty, but Thomas just acts like he is scared to kid with Thirsty. Thirsty laughs at this and waves at the sky.

“How you leave the Thomas boy behind you need me. I won’t sit back home and worry, and worry some more about where is Thirsty. When I can watch where Thirsty is all the time. Why you so not letting me, Thirsty, go and help you huh?” asks Thomas calmly as he grins and does a fun little side to side motion as he winks at Thirsty. Thomas knows Thirsty and Darcy need him and his smart head or they won’t make it.

Thirsty shakes his head and rolls his eyes, as he knows there is no arguing with Thomas.

“Fine you can go, but don’t beg me for the quarter. I plan on bringing back at least 18 cents of that quarter and none less! Now hold on because I want to go fast, Thomas,” says Thirsty sternly as he shakes his head, turns back and looks forward. He sees there are many things being blown around by the wind like a small cart. He knows it will be dangerous flying today, but they have no choice in the matter. Pop laughs and sticks out his tongue as they inch closer to the barn door.

“Thank you, Thirsty, you’re not the weirdo people say,” says Thomas jokingly as he sits back against his chair and giggles loudly. He loves trips and he loves kidding with Thirsty even more. He wonders if New York Pashal will be nice to him and Thirsty, as he knows they love big spenders and they have a whole quarter.

Thirsty grins and grabs each side of Pop’s head. He looks out the barn door and yanks back on Pop and off they go. They fly outside and a large cow flies past. It barely misses hitting Thirsty in the head.

Thomas waves goodbye to the cow and laughs loudly, as he loves their cow, but not cows in general as he knows they would eat him if they could.

“Whoa that was close, Thomas, we’ll have to be weary of everything we see. I can get us to safety, but you can’t fall off. Remember if you fall off, I probably won’t even know. Now, Thomas, HOLD ON

TIGHT!!!” yells Thirsty boldly to get his voice over the sound of the fierce wind and debris flying past them. He flies them down under an old bicycle flying through the air. Then they fly around a kitchen sink heading right for them.

The whole black countryside is now littered with all sorts of different things none of them trees.

Thomas loves flying through the wind with all the different items in the air because he loves danger. He thinks he is the sort that doesn’t get hurt often. In his mind he thinks why should I worry? This while he plays with Pop’s tail and smiles a warm and happy smile. Pop giggles and flies them up suddenly to duck a flock of geese that Thirsty doesn’t see and Thirsty says thankfully,” Thank you, Pop, we needed that one.”

“Thirsty, it sure is windy. The wind man is piping mad 'cause the wind woman broke his pipes, it happens. Oh I think a road apple just hit my eye! No wait it was just a cinnamon bun,” joked Thomas as he enjoyed the fierce lightning. “I really wish I could have snagged that baby. So sure is windy BIG

WINDY! I hope we don’t crash ya know. Hmm, I just saw a goat knock over Mr. Parker I feels for ya Mr.

Park! Oh I just remembered we forgot Mr. Pop. Turn a-round and we’ll ride back on this not Mr. Pop and get him. Thirsty, why so glummy?” asks Thomas. “Do you wish I’d snagged that cinny bun, can’t help,”sayss Thomas jokingly as he screams every so often like he’s dying, as he wants Thirsty on his toes for safety’s sake. Thomas loves flying through the wind and seeing all the different things. He thinks he is

the sort that doesn’t get hurt often. In his mind he knows he doesn’t have to worry, as he plays with Pop’s tail and smiles a warm and happy smile.

Pop flies them up suddenly to duck a flock of buzzards and Thirsty says thankfully,” Thank you, Pop, we needed that one.”

“Boy did we, Thirsty, you almost blew it,” says Thomas slyly and jokingly as he snatches a carrot out of the air and bites into it. He grins and starts eating the carrot next to Thirsty’s ear, as Thomas loves food that comes right to him and carrots are his favorite.

Meanwhile Thirsty has his eyes set squarely on getting them out of the farming area and over Sebago Lake. He knows if they do it will cut their travel time to New York Pashal by a third.

Pop burps, then looks back at Thirsty and grins. Thirsty has to straighten out the head of Pop to make sure they don’t crash.

“Thomas, I need you to not use your mouth for speaking human language. It only runs me into the ground, and I don’t like a dirt blanket. Come now, Pop, duck those waves of untamed magic!” says Thirsty boldly as he flies them out around 2 waves of dark green untamed ghost magic. It clips the carrot Thomas is eating and turns it into a chicken head. Thomas eyes the blinking chicken head and he decides he isn’t that hungry and throws it at Thirsty. Thirsty asks angrily,” Hey what was that, Thomas?! And you better say nothing!”

Thomas giggles as he jumps up and down in his chair and says jokingly,” Chicken! It wasn’t anything you would mind, just a chicken head made from measly carrot. It tasted good as a pesky carrot, but the chicken head blinked at me too many blinks. So I had to throw it,” says Thomas happily and jokingly as he snatches a tomato off a bush and then sees it is rotten and beams Thirsty in the back with it.

“Ouch what was it this time?” asks Thirsty angrily and begrudgingly as he loves Thomas and doesn’t want to be the one who yells at him.

Then a cow floats up beside them and Thomas reaches over and pets it.

“Tomato, Big ripe and rotten one too the kind your back likes. Hey you wanna stop and cow pet? I see a smiling cow close, he needs pet,” says Thomas as he sits there with his arms folded and a bright smile on his face.

Thirsty lets out a groan and then he has to laugh at the tomato. He knows that is just Thomas and he loves him as he is.

The cows are in need of a pet and they are surrounding Thomas and Thirsty. A fierce wind blows the McCormack family’s car up into the air and it heads right for Thomas and Thirsty. Pop notices this and he lets out a goofy yell that makes his tongue bounce. Pop does have to be told where to go, but he can let Thirsty know to turn him.

“Thomas, I don’t believe you beaming me with a rotten tomato was an accident,” says Thirsty half jokingly as he pulls Thomas’s fingers out of his mouth.

“Yeah I never said it was! Be a tough boy you wimp. Wimp’s ride dirt, I ride Pop’s learn it,” says Thomas jokingly and firmly in a deep voice as he leans over the side holding on by Thirsty’s neck.

“I’ll wimp you! Tomato and cow pet, Thomas, you’re wearing me out. Ya know…fine, cow pet and snack but we need to find a place to hide from the storm,” says Thirsty calmly as he himself could go for a good cow pet, as that makes him happy because he loves animals of the moo persuasion.

Thomas cheers and kicks up his legs as he sees the cows so close and he can’t go without petting them.

The car continues heading right for them and Thirsty suddenly sees it and says quickly,” Oh NO! We gotta get moving to the RIGHT!!” says Thirsty quickly and loudly as he steers Pop hard to the right with

a look of determination on his face. They barely avoid the car with Thomas’ little feet running up the side of it, but the bucket of cow’s milk flying beside it douses Thirsty and Pop.

“Huh, you sure are covered in milk. I didn’t know you wanted milk and cow pet! I can pack these things ya know, Thirsty, bottles. At least let me know how tasty it is?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he looks wide-eyed at the hat collection of Miss Scott fly by as he tries not to laugh.

Thirsty is really mad and all’s he can do is blink his eyes a few times as he lets go of Pop. Pop sees this and flies straight for a yellow house shaped like a goat’s head. Once there they duck behind the chimney, but a log hauling truck destroys it and just misses hitting and killing them all (with Thirsty knowing they need a hiding spot and fast).

“Ok, we need to go somewhere and fast! I’ve got it!” says Thirsty boldly as he smiles and his eyes grow wide. He flies Mr.Pop through several old trucks and a man sleeping on a couch flying near. Then Thirsty quickly darts Pop into a cave behind the McCormack’s apple cider shed. Once they get inside a large group of bats flee out into the storm (bats hate the smell of all Pop’s).

Pop smiles, then looks and sees a nice weed growing and he snatches it up and starts chewing it.

“So we’re caving it ahh. Well I like this cave, smell and lack of food and TV and ALL! But I won’t say a word about it nope. Boy the smell of wet is STRONG, can we leave?” asked Thomas sarcastically as he covers his nose and grimaces. “I’ll go ride around and you stay here and stink. Ya know Pop hates stuff, and he and I could just go. Boy this sure is an uncomfortable cave I hate. Hey, how ‘bout we leave this filthy bat poop cave I hate?!” asks Thomas as he grimaces and is sure to keep his nose plugged, because of the pungent smell of bat guano.

Thirsty chuckles to himself and rings out his clothes, as he doesn’t like being in the cave either. He also knows the McCormack’s don’t like him cutting through their property on the way to school. That means get going as quick as they can.

“NO, you won’t be flying Pop. And who told you that Pop wanted you to ride him, think of that smarty larty?” asks Thirsty as he rings out his shirt and brown pants some more. He knows Thomas is going to say something funny and he doesn’t want to laugh just then.

“Thirsty, I knows you want to be the cool brother, but I needs you to be the brother that lets me ride Pop ok? That’s the funny thing if I go ride him you can sit here. I don’t know how you can pass that up like really?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he bounces up and down. “I hope someday you’ll stop being so older and be the sharing brother. Like share that quarter with me, by giving me the whole thing. Doesn’t that sound good?” asks Thomas warmly and slyly as he sits there and has his legs crossed. He looks at Thirsty with one eyebrow raised. Thomas wants that quarter as he has strawberry ice cream on his mind and a sandwich bad.

Thirsty just laughs to himself and takes out the quarter to look at it. He himself wants some ice cream and a bag of chips to eat, but he knows they will need that money later and they can’t blow it.

Thomas eyes the quarter and whispers warmly,” Quarter come hang out with me ditch Thirsty. I’m your friend come sit in my pocket. Look, slide over to me when he’s not looking ok good.” Thirsty hears this and has to chuckle. He waves the quarter in front of Thomas and laughs. Thomas can only shake his head and then Thomas says,” Cold, Thirsty, that be cold water in my eye. Never do, never do that to you.”

Thirsty laughs and puts the quarter back in his pocket, as he knows Thomas will eventually get the quarter, but Thirsty is going to get his fair share of ice cream before he does.

Pop sits back and starts doing his giggle laugh. He knows someone or something is approaching and he is a bit scared about that.

Thomas sees the figure of a large man in black leather suit and cowboy hat. It makes him very scared and not sure they will live another second.

Thirsty looks at the man and he knows they have to be crafty if it is a stranger.

“Excuse me, Sir, we’re just getting out of the rain for a bit. Didn’t mean to use your cave, honest,”

says Thirsty apologetically and calmly as he keeps his hands on the reins of Pop and his eyes on the man’s hands. He can tell by the slow way the man is entering he is bad news.

Thomas squints at the man and doesn’t know if the bad is in him or not, but he does look like old man McCormack to him.

Then the man lungs forward for a step scaring Thirsty just barely. Thomas laughs, because now he can see the familiar straight nose of old man McCormack.

Thirsty hears Thomas laughing and he asks quickly and sharply,” What is it, Thomas, what’s so funny?”

“He knows it’s me, Thirsty, Mr. Dugga McCormack nice to see you, Boys. What are you doing in here shouldn’t you be home with your father?” asks Dugga as he walks over and sits down on the back of a smiling sheep next to the wall. He takes off his hat and reveals his dark red hair and clean shaven face.

Thirsty looks at Dugga and grins as he thinks him a good guy, but he knows he can’t tell him about where they are going.

Thomas grins at Dugga and waves to him happily.

“We’re heading out for a joyride so Pop can get used to the ahh…rain. That way when we need him in the future he’ll be ready for anything! Boy you sure look different in your hat, Mr. McCormack, where’d you get that one?” asks Thirsty coyly and brightly as he grins and sits there facing Dugga with his legs still facing forward.

Thomas is doing the same and he grins at Dugga.

Thirsty still has a bad feeling something is going to happen, but he doesn’t know what.

Thomas looks at Dugga and he sees he is drinking the bad cider. He fears that people on the bad cider are not always trustworthy. Thomas decides to keeps his eyes on him while Roger grins, sits there, and looks around at everything.

Roger knows Thirsty and Thomas have been the boys eating his best strawberries and he has to chew them out for it.

“OH this thing, I’ve had it for years. A bit of a reminder that I used to live in Texas,” replies Dugga as he folds his arms. “That precious state I don’t care to see again. Boys, what was it I wanted to talk to you about? I can’t…remember for the life of me huh. OH, oh I remember now did you boys eat my best strawberries? You can tell me I won’t be mad at ya,” says Dugga firmly and coyly as he forces a smile and taps his hat on the cave wall 3 times deliberately. He wants to shake the confidence of the boys to get them to admit to the truth, because he heard them talking about a quarter and he wants it as payment.

Thomas starts to laugh and he pats Thirsty’s chair hard on the back several times. Thirsty looks back at him and smiles nervously at Dugga. He knows that is Thomas signaling him to make a run for it.

Dugga looks at this and asks sternly,” What’s so funny, Boys; you’re not mocking me are you?

That’s the sort of thing I might get angry at.”

“Well, those strawberries they sure were SWEET!!” says Thirsty slyly as he laughs and gives Pop the pull to get him to fly out.

Pop shoots up off the cave floor and out into the storm. Thomas laughs the whole way and waves to Dugga as they leave.

Dugga is taken aback by this and isn’t ready for them. He sits there in shock for a few seconds too long, perplexed at what just went down. Then he runs out of the cave and tries to conjure up a spell, but the wind and storm make it impossible for him to see where Pop, Thirsty, and Thomas have flown off too.

He stops and curses the night a blue streak, as Dugga knows they have fooled him good.

Thirsty and Thomas meanwhile are still cheering and laughing as they shoot through Dugga’s strawberry patch and grab a handful each of his best strawberries. They don’t like older than them people trying to attack them, no that makes them mad and then that makes their bellies ache, so eat they do.

“Oh, Thirsty, that was sooooo booodo funnyio!! I can’t get the image of him out of my kid head, and I trying!” said Thomas excitedly as he eats a strawberry. “Woo and we got the strawberries, so awesome, Thirsty! I just wish we could eat strawberries all the time then I’d be a red flavored kid. Hmm, I would be the best kid for women to kiss all a-round! So, I see we’re heading towards the mini city. Are we gonna avoid people or go in and spend some quarter? I say spend,” says Thomas warmly and slyly as he waves his arms around like a bird. He is having a ball and doesn’t want the trip to ever end.

Thirsty laughs to himself at this and keeps eating his last strawberry. He knows they can stop for a minute in the min city as long as they don’t tell people where they are from. They see a purple warrior as she dances across the sky and shows them they are riding above some people partying below. Thirsty thinks that this is a perfect place to be just then and he smiles.

“Thomas, we can’t spend all our money now or we’ll be starving in New York Pashal. Just sit and we’ll find a good apple tree, and we’ll eat some apples. I’m sorry, Thomas, but now all meals can’t be ice cream and chocolate,” says Thirsty firmly as he rides them down under a perfectly normal looking dark brown arching bridge. There underneath the bridge they see people lounging around on couches and spell cast red glowing animal shaped chairs. They also see wizards smoking the tips of their fingers after casting a spell. They both know not to say anything to a wizard or look them in the eye or they will face bad times for all.

“Hmmm, I said hmmm boy, Thirsty, you acting WEIRDO! I say we sing all day for a NEW pair of smiling quarters! I can sing baby, like notes!” said Thomas jokingly as he nearly falls off the side of Mr.Pop. “Where’s my favorite singing, Thirsty, where?! Boy I’ll slap someone if I don’t get a good

scoop, and soon. That’s all I’m saying and I’m using words woo hoo!” says Thomas jokingly as he shakes Thirsty’s chair back and forth and messes up his hair as he laughs.

“Hey Dadums just sent me a letter telling me to tell you shut that YAP! Thomas, if I could get you all the scoops I would get you scoop city. Now just sit downs and don’t move, like a normal wizard would do. Hey I just want you to know, you don’t smell as bad as you usually do,” says Thirsty sarcastically as he tries not to laugh, but he can’t stop himself and bursts out laughing, He nearly falls off the side as well but Thomas pulls him back up.

This makes Thomas chuckle and clap his hands close to Thirsty’s ear, as he knows Thirsty is embarrassed and trying to hide it. Then there’s an unexpected throat clearing by Thirsty and Thomas knows he has to act better. Thomas sits there and licks his fingers and smiles brightly, as he really loved eating those strawberries and he loves seeing magic. He watches a grey and green streaked long haired woman named Greta Fodud as she casts a spell on the chest below her feet. It turns into a padded pink and yellow colored footstool with the glowing words,” I’m happy to serve your feet Greta,” on it.

Thomas sees this and he smiles as he raises one eyebrow as he looks at her. Thomas wants to do some magic himself bad, but Richard won’t teach him anything until he can control his spells and be able to deal with the consequences of making a mistake. Thomas feels he is already there and he should at least get an invisibility spell for funs.

“Hey spell people and people sitting next to spells’ people hey. Hi I’m Thomas, just ridin’ through. I hope you like our Pop he’s air broken, seriously yes,” said Thomas jokingly as he hung off the side of Pop and made funny faces. “Well, Thirsty, did Dadums teach you some magic spells? ‘Cause I could have sweared I heard you casting in the backyard. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m right. Let me know a spell, I’ve earned it?” asks Thomas as he grins warmly at each face he sees and winks at the good looking female wizards.

They go under what is only a 10 foot across bridge for 143 feet on their way to the mini city. There are wizards drinking beer right out of their staffs. It makes Thomas wonder if that is the good not water soda or the other kind he does not like. He swallows a few times and then grimaces.

Thirsty sits there not happy with Thomas asking him all these questions. He knows he isn’t supposed to ever tell, but tell Thomas does want him to. He doesn’t think Thomas, as young as he is, should be using spells or he might hurt Thirsty for certain. Pop flies down under a floating poker game with 6

wizards and a Cheshire Cat playing alongside one another and singing their favorite song,” Wizards rule,”

by the local band Spells.

Thirsty sees this and he thinks it looks fun. Thomas meanwhile thinks the cat is pudgy and needs more walks around outside or he might die.

“Ok, Thomas, what do you think would happen if you had a spell? I think I already know, but you go ahead and tell me,” asks Thirsty happily as he sits back and flies slowly through the crowd of warlocks and dark green skinned trolls. They are drinking their way through a bottle of pure wine and are happy.

Thirsty knows Thomas is going to say something funny and he is ready for it.

Thomas sits there smiling and taps Thirsty on the shoulder.

“Well spells would be cast, things would float, and I would eat wood that tastes like candy. That’s where I would start, but I wouldn’t let my start end, no. Then I would buy a nice hat, and cape, and start walking around casting spells on fruit and make it pie. Just think pie for breakfast, pie lunch, pie dinner, who wants pie snack? I think you need to be giving me that spell, and I’d start now,” said Thomas jokingly as he rubs Thirsty’s forearm with the back of his hand. “Thirsty, don’t under breath laugh, I heard that! You will get a good tongue lashing from Dadums if I tell him about that. So…how soon are you going to spell me I mean give me the spell?” asks Thomas warmly and coyly as he knows he can get Thirsty to give him a spell if he plays his cards right, because Thirsty knows what a great younger brother he is.

Thirsty giggles and nearly drives them into a floating picture of a man hunting a purple manned lion, and the picture is alive. If he could he would have released the lion and the man from the painting for good. Then a small female wizard who is glowing dark blue and orange walks out around Thirsty. She smiles at him and hands him a pair of donuts. Thomas sees this and he instantly smiles and wants him a donut.

“Thank you that was very nice of you!” says Thirsty brightly as he smiles and watches as the woman walks away and her head spins around to smile at him. He isn’t sure why she randomly gave him donuts, but he knows not to look a gift wizard in the mouth. He continues to fly through the wizards while he looks down at the donuts. And one is Boston cream and peanut butter filled inside and the other one is a glazed with a thin layer of apple pie inside of it. They are both Thirsty’s favorites and he wants to eat them both. He feels Thomas poke him in the back with his index finger and Thomas clears his throat.

Thirsty knows Thomas can eat them both and Thirsty asks coyly,” Yes, Thomas, what do you want is it water?”

Chapter 2

Thomas pokes Thirsty hard in the back several times and makes him laugh loudly. Thomas knows he is hogging donuts and should be sharing with his younger brother. Thirsty laughs hard and nearly falls off the side of Mr. Pop before he catches himself.

“Hey donuts are for sharing, share with me you donut hoggy. I say, and I get to tell you stuff, let’s let me choose which donut ok? And if I can’t choose well then I guess I get them both,” said Thomas as he pretended to be starving. “I think that’s only fair and I’m young enough to know what fair means, Thirsty.

Why are you giggling and about to bite into a donut? Where’s the deal we talked about deal me? See if I had a spell, there’d be 4 donuts and I’d give them all to you. I wouldn’t even take a nibble that’s the kind of brother I am, Thirsty, remember that,” says Thomas as he rests his head on Thirsty’s back and grabs both of his shoulders and pulls him back.

Thirsty laughs at this and knows Thomas is trying to butter him up to get the donuts.

Thomas lets out a few sighs in the hopes of hitting the donut jackpot and getting both to chew on.

“Well I could eat them both and tell you how they tasted? Seems fair,” says Thirsty sarcastically as he acts like he is about to bite down on one.

Thomas quickly taps his back and shakes his head no.

“NO, no, Thirsty, I need to taste myself! I don’t trust your tastebuds they’re not mine!” said Thomas quickly as he feared the donuts would disappear into Thirsty’s stomach. “How ‘bout better deal the kind people always want, always? You don’t crash us into this wooden Indian walking around in front of us first, see look. Ok good, Thirsty, good swerving technique. Then we go and pretend like the donuts you’re going to give me you really got to eat. See, then I get to eat them and we both get to taste them, pretty sweet deal eh?” asks Thomas as he rests his head on Thirsty’s back.

They ride out around the wooden Indian that is running beside them and then they go down a slight decline and through a small boutique (that is where you can buy staffs and wands in any color and shape you wanted and it’s called Durther’s Magic! It has several chairs set up at a counter where you can sit and check out the new wands and staffs and use the steel wall in front of you. The wall is 30 feet thick and has many spell dents all throughout it. There are grape and blueberry juice drink called Funty Hoses that can be gotten from an actual hose. The wall is cleaned using magic and you can drink all the soda you want for a quarter.

Thomas eyes the hoses and he has to shake his head at the soda he can almost taste, but not drink. He really wants some Funty and bad. They also have disguises you can buy that hang from the walls without hooks. They look like rubber people and will change you into them if you put them on. They cost you usually a whole cow to get one or 300 dollars and a chair.

“Boy I love it down here I LOVE it! Ok, Thomas, here’s the deal; I’ll let you have one delicious donut. If, and this is a big if, you don’t’ try and steal the quarter out of my pocket as we ride. How’s that for fair dealing, Thomas?” asks Thirsty slyly as he waves the apple filled glazed donut at Thomas to make his mouth water.

Thomas eyes the donut and even though he wants them both he knows enough to take the donut and be happy with it. So he does and when he starts eating the donut he is in kid total happiness.

They ride around some ghosts hanging out chewing red gum. The ghosts don’t have much to do just then and are talking about their favorite people to scare.

“Fair deal, Thirsty, I say deal,” says Thomas as he isn’t happy about having to share Thirsty’s donuts with Thirsty. He can already taste the donut that Thirsty has, but he doesn’t like its air taste.

Thirsty laughs and pretends to slide the apple pie donut back to Thomas. He instantly perks up and taps the back of Thirsty’s head with the donut a few times and then says thankfully,” Thank you, Thirsty,

you’re not a warlock in disguise or a rubber unicorn, I know it now! Boy, the smell of my donuts sure is sweety. I bet this donut fills up maybe…half the right hand side corner of my tummy. Which is where my grapes and potato skins usually go, so it’s good,” jokes Thomas as he eats the sweet donut. “Oh, Thirsty, you sure got the bad end of that deal. I mean this donut is so the best that I bet you’ll wish you had it the WHOLE way there. I know I will,” says Thomas as he taps Thirsty on the back of the head with his donut in between bites. Then he giggles to himself and continues wishing Thirsty will cave and he will get the other donut.

Thirsty grins and eats his Boston cream filled donut. He knows Thomas is a good brother and is just a hungry belly kid and can’t help it.

They fly through the boutique and Thirsty sees a dark purple and black spotted wand with the words,” Destiny’s Other Route,” carved into the wood. He really wants it bad, but it is going to cost him 15 cents and they need that money for food. He slows down just to look and then speeds away.

Pop lets out an almost little girl like laugh and flies them up a slight hill.

“Boy that was good, ahhh I needed to be the donut boy today. Thomas, have you finished yours yet, because I wanna go a bit faster through here?” asks Thirsty happily as he rubs his belly and feels really good about being full of good food. He loves being on this adventure with Thomas, because it would be really lonely and dangerous otherwise.

Thomas giggles and taps the back of Thirsty’s head with the half of donut he has left. He knows Thirsty is going to want all his donut, but he isn’t going to give, because he needs his donut fuel too.

Thirsty feels this tapping and he turns his head quickly as he tries to take a bite from the donut, but Thomas yanks it away as fast as he can.

“Thirsty, not fair, not fair, you tried to trick little old me. Well that’s not the kinda of Thirsty I remember, nope. I remember a good Thirsty the kind that would give a person 25 cents if he tried to steal

their donut. Don’t you worry though, that Thirsty must have died and his twin is riding this Pop,” said Thomas sarcastically as he savored every bite of his donut. “Nice to meet you, Twin, can you check your pocket and see if there’s 25 cents in there? If yes, then just hand it to me I put it there awhile ago?” asks Thomas jokingly as he eats his donut and whistles a waking up in the morning song his Dadums taught him called,” Wake up now or I’m wearing your pants.” He likes that song because it tells him everything he needs to know and makes him wake up quick.

Thirsty laughs to himself and shakes his head. He is aware Thomas is going to try every trick in the book of Rapier’s Tricks and Ploys to get him to give up that quarter, but if he does he knows Thomas will spend it on a new hat or some tastes like steak gum. Then they would starve to death and Thirsty doesn’t want to die.

They fly down and around several floating, glowing dark red horses. The horses hang out in between pulling sessions as Old Lady Mitchell has gotten her wagon stuck in 5 feet of wet mud that day. She is still trying to get the wagon out as she wants to go to town and get some flowers. It looks to Thirsty as if Old Lady Mitchell is still sitting in the wagon judging by her hat. He wonders how she expects to free her wagon with the extra weight.

“Boy Old Lady Mitchell got her wagon stuck, I wonder if she’d pay us to help her get out, Thomas?

Ya know we could use the coin if she was so nice,” said Thirsty hopefully as he slows down Pop and pulls into the area where the wagon is.

Thomas hears there could be more money and he shoots forward and rests his head on Thirsty’s shoulder. He knows if they get 25 or 30 cents that Thirsty will give him some. He really wants some tastes like steak gum or a new hat.

Pop is shy around the large horses as Pop knows most horses like kicking him and he doesn’t want to get kicked on a night like tonight.

“Yes, Thirsty, we have to we need the loot. Just let me ask her she likes me more than cake. Watch this as I speak in my big boy voice,” says Thomas as he speaks into Thirsty’s ear so Old Lady Mitchell can’t hear him talking about her as they ride up.

Thirsty knows all too well about the sweet honey voice that Thomas has. He has seen all the older women love talking with him every time they see him. Thirsty pulls Pop in close to the open wooden window that leads into the wagon.

Thomas reaches over and grabs the railing and pokes his head in to look for her and as he does she kisses him right on the lips and he moves back quickly from her. Thomas knew she’d try something like that being an old hag. He doesn’t like her going for smooches on him without asking and he says sweetly,” Oh…hey, Old Lady Mitchell, how have you been lately? Oh that was a nice kiss too, just caught me off guard.”

“Oh, Thomas, my favorite boy to talk to I have been great. It’s nice to see you and Thirsty out here, where are you heading? Is it down to the end of the fields and then back on a joyride?” asks Old Lady Mitchell warmly as she pats Thomas on the head and he smiles back at her showing off his white teeth.

Thirsty knows a whopper is coming from Thomas and quick.

Thomas knows he has her almost lying for him giving him the great already made lie.

“Yes, Old Lady Mitchell, that’s just oddly enough what we’re doing, a big joyride. Now we see you and boy do we want to help you, but we lost our 30 cents and we need to find it first. Sorry, but maybe next time Pop can perfectly pull you out of this hole ya know,” says Thomas coyly and warmly as he grimaces and reaches over and rests his smiling head on the railing to the wagon.

Old Lady Mitchell hears this, smiles, and licks her thumb and comb’s Thomas’s hair back, as she wants him to always look his best. She thinks if they did help her it can’t hurt.

She reaches back and grabs her purse and starts rummaging around inside for her pocketbook.

Thomas just peeks over at Thirsty and they both know it is working, but they also know don’t laugh no matter what.

Pop sits there and eyes a carrot up ahead that he wants. Pop is debating going and getting it.

Old Lady Mitchell turns around and she has a quarter and a dime in her teeth. She makes a goofy grin and tries to get Thomas to laugh as Thomas giggles a bit and then says coyly and warmly,” That’s very funny, Old Lady Mitchell, I can barely stop the laughing. I know I’m talking right now, but it’s just because I like talking to you. Is that money between your choppers I see? Boy who’s the lucky boy or girl gonna get all that sweet loot?”

Old Lady Mitchell grins at Thomas and combs his hair to the side as she says playfully,” Thomas, you know it’s for my favorite boy. I wonder who that is, who I’m combing his hair right now and he’s smiling back at me? I’d like to tell ya, Thomas, but the boy who deserves this dime and quarter already knows,” says Old Lady Mitchell cleverly as he rubs the side of Thomas’s face and smiles lovingly at him.

She knows he is the best and cutest boy in the whole state and she loves him.

Thomas just nods nonchalantly and lets a tiny wry grin creep across his face, as he doesn’t want to lay it on too thick and scare her off with the 35 cents.

Thirsty marvels at the calm, cool, and collected way Thomas is, as he knows he just doesn’t have any fear for a kid his age.

Pop meanwhile purrs and likes it when people smile and are affectionate around him. Then the horses bay and bring Pop back to reality.

“Is it me, Old Lady Mitchell, me Thomas? You can tell me honest its fine with me,” says Thomas coyly and warmly as he smirks and then peeks at Old Lady Mitchell from beneath her arm.

She and Thirsty roll with laughter at the confidence of this kid. Old Lady Mitchell always wanted a boy just like him and now she just wants him to be happy, because he has such a vibrant and joyful smile.

A smile so warm that she likes coaxing it out of him anytime she can. Thomas knows he is soon to be 35

cents richer and he has his mind on hat and nothing more.

“Of course it’s you, Thomas, my sweet boy. Aahh…I tell ya what, I’ll let you have this 35 cents if you help me out of this mud. Heck, you don’t even have to get me out just do your best, Thomas, ok, My Darling Boy? God did you know I’d give you the 35 cents, Thomas? Come on, I won’t be mad?” asks Old Lady Mitchell warmly as she pats Thomas on the top of the head and then slaps him a few times more on the cheek gently.

Thomas grins and tries not to laugh, but he is actually not too happy about the gentle slaps. He knows that makes a hat not fit so good, but he knows the loot will ease his sorrows. He shakes his head no and then Thirsty has to look away and laugh. He just can’t believe the nerve of this kid.

Old Lady Mitchell smiles at this and hands Thomas the 35 cents and then combs his hair back and smiles.

“We’ll be sure to help move that wagon that I tell ya true. Why don’t we go ahead and strap your wagon and your horses onto our Pop here. Then we can pull you out and break you free, ok?” asks Thomas as he watches Old Lady Mitchell get ready to put some more spit in his hair. “I gotta go back to my seat now sure was great seeing you, Old Lady Mitchell, you’re the best in my book. Bye for now, have a nice trip somewhere you’re going,” says Thomas warmly as he calmly puts the 35 cents into his pocket and nods his head softly at Old Lady Mitchell as he grins ever so slightly. He knows he has the sweet hat buying loot now and he just has to help move the wagon. He knows he has at least 1 good try in him at this point.

Thirsty grins and waves goodbye to Old Lady Mitchell. Then she blows Thirsty and Thomas each a kiss.

Pop flies them around to the front of the wagon and Thirsty reaches down and grabs her reins as he puts them around Pop’s neck.

“So, Thomas, I hope you like this new hat, because I’m using the rest of the money for food. We gotta eat, and if we don’t it won’t be good. So…how did you get to be the best liked kid anyway? I thought she always liked me for awhile better?” asks Thirsty in disbelief as he smirks and squints back at a smiling and dancing with his 35 cents Thomas. He knows something must have happened he doesn’t’

know about and he wants Thomas to tell him.

Thomas already knows that he has helped pull up Old Lady Mitchell’s weeds in her garden a year ago. And ever since then she has always liked him the best among all the kids all around everywhere.

Thomas meanwhile doesn’t want to lose his best liked kid status so he pretends not to hear Thirsty and dances around in his chair.

“What, Are you still talking to me? I’m trying to enjoy my riches, Thirsty; you should be yap shutting by now. I wonder if the mud will move or we’ll end up muddy and stuck too. What do you think will happen if we got Pop stuck in the mud?” asks Thomas coyly and warmly as he hides his 35 cents back in his pocket and grins as he rocks side to side. He knows that Thirsty will almost always forget whatever question he has just asked of him if he asks him at least 2 questions back to back.

Thirsty sits there looking around now not thinking about Old Lady Mitchell, but instead whether they’ll get stuck too. He doesn’t want to get out of his chair and have to push Pop out. The horses get ready for one good push as they float a few feet above the ground.

“Thomas, if we get stuck in muddy, because you wanted a new hat. Ohh that would be so angry making to me. Then I would take your new hat and wear it all the way home. So for your sakes I’d hope we don’t get stuck and muddy, Thomas, or else. BY the way we have to travel most of tonight. So, if you wanted to sleep, you have to grab that sleep later in the day, but not at night, Thomas, ok?” asks Thirsty firmly as he waits to be given the signal to tell Pop to pull Old Lady Mitchell out.

Thirsty grits his teeth and keeps looking back at her hand as it is sticking out the window and waiting for the perfect moment to leave.

“Ahhh wait a minute oh, why?” asks Thomas as he sits there and grimaces. He doesn’t want to sleep during the day, because he knows Pop’s belly is warmer at night and makes a better pillow.

Thirsty grins and shakes his head, because he knows Thomas is not going to like the next thing he says. Then Old Lady Mitchell waves for them to go and Thirsty makes Pop lung forward. And within a few seconds the wagon is breaking loose of the mud.

“Because, Thomas, it’s too dangerous to be sleeping out on Lake Sebago at night. I’m not dealing with ghosts or vampire people while I sleep. And you know they always go and try and steal your clothes if they catch you Dundy. So no, Thomas, I’d think about the spot you want to sleep BEFORE night time, Ok?” asks Thirsty warmly as he watches the wagon over Thomas’s shoulder rock back and forth in the mud. Thirsty looks at Thomas and sees him shake his head with an angry look on his face.

Thomas has been counting on that warm Pop belly and he is not happy at all.

“I want to sleep...oh; I’ve got the perfect place, the nighttime. Hmm, that place is never crowded and it’s good and dark which I like. Hey what if you sleep during the daytime and I’ll sleep all the time? No, someone has to fly Pop, hmm, I am not as happy as the future hat I’ll own will make me,” said Thomas sadly as he moaned. “Thirsty, do you at least think we can go and watch some wizards making bread?

‘Cause that I will not wanna give up unless I have to, then I will,” says Thomas sadly as he grimaces and he rests his head on Thirsty’s back. He knows Thirsty won’t let him watch the bread making, but he thinks maybe he could guilt him into it.

Thirsty chuckles and tries to focus on dragging Old Lady Mitchell out of the mud, but he knows Thomas is still deal making and he has to be careful or Thomas will talk him into giving him the shirt off his back (and using it as a pillow).

Old Lady Mitchell drinks a cup of warm coffee and looks out at the rain coming down with a smile.

She worries Thomas might get his little head all wet and get sick. She starts to look for a scarf she can give him. She suspects he will love a good warm scarf right about now. Then a lightning bolt splits a large round tree in two and sends sparks and a burst of flames out in a straight line into a nearby potato field. Thomas sees this and he knows it might be hat time already and he has asked for the wrong thing.

“I don’t mind watching them make bread, but what about your new hat? We can’t go bread watching AND go buy a new hat at the same time, Thomas. Maybe you think of a better deal as we tug out Old Lady Mitchell,” says Thirsty as he keeps his eyes on the wagon and he can feel Thomas sigh loudly on his back. He knows Thomas always wants it all or he can’t sit still.

Thomas sits there and grits his teeth. He scratches the back of his head and then Thirsty’s. He wants them both to be itch free for the next deal. Thirsty giggles at this and tries to snatch up Thomas’ finger, and when he does Thomas lets out a brief yell and tugs his finger back.

“Thirsty, you went for my finger; I need you to do that none. Ok, Thirsty, the brother I love, I’ve got a sweet sweet deal for you here. We’ll go hat shopping and I’ll get the perfect red hat, or maybe blue.

Then we’ll go and watch the bread making wizards, because it’s on the way. THEN, we’ll ride a little while and I’ll look for the perfect place to sleep,” says Thomas as he smiles. “Then I’ll use you and Pop’s body heat to warm me up and maybe I won’t get bad sleep. I think that could be the fair deal and all at once, the best deal. Now…let’s get this wagon out! Gosh I don’t wanna tug this wagon all day it’s embarrassing, Thirsty! And you know she’s gonna mess up my hair and smooch my cheek if we’re not careful people,” says Thomas into Thirsty’s ear as he holds onto the sides of his head by the ear and nose.

Thirsty laughs at this and tries to break free halfheartedly. He thinks Thomas’s little hands are quite ticklish and make him laugh. A trio of wizard’s scorch by them literally as they left flames in their wake and a pair of smoke filled waves.

When everyone sees the black robe wearing wizards they are scared they must be Ragiton’s wizards.

And when Thomas catches the eye of one the wizard’s his eye turns yellow and flashes into Thomas’s eyes. This makes him grimace and shake his head at the wizard.

The wave of flames makes its way to the mud Old Lady Mitchell’s wagon is stuck in. It melts the mud and loosens it, making it loose enough for Pop to pull once more and her wagon comes right out.

“Hey the mud has turned to slippery, save the slippery. Thomas, I think you can stop pulling my ears off my head. Just sit and act like a normal kid, I know it’s hard,” says Thirsty jokingly as he smiles and eyes the black robe wearing wizards intently.

“What your ears were begging for the big pull! Boy tell me where I can tug ears will ya, Soup Eater.

Hey it is to my chagrin, which is a word I learned once, that I tell you nope. Nope what you ask, NOPE

YOU! I’m getting my hat and you’re going to like it, Mister Blister. Do those wizards have to be so louds? Shut your yaps and I’ll spare you the slaps!” yells Thomas as he nearly falls off the side of Pop.

“Tell them this, say you want to pound them all and you think they’re total wimpy losers. Then act like you’re gonna kick them and see what happens, Thirsty, hmm can you?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he sits back and eyes Ragiton’s wizards. He shakes his head in disgust, as he doesn’t like their loudness.

They hear a deathly sound it seems to be several thousand children calling out for something. The voices soar across the countryside and go right through where Thirsty and Thomas are. And to Thomas it sounds like a thousand ghosts that have just called out for their parents. He doesn’t like the sound as it makes him feel the creep in the daytime. Which isn’t good in his mind and he knows it.

The rain turns into white baseball sized balls of magic without the wetness of rain. Thomas loves it when dry magic rains down on him because it makes him happy and lets him feel what a wizard must feel all the time. Thomas smiles from ear to ear and reaches out and snatches a pair of magic balls from the sky. He chews on one of them and giggles as he does.

“Thomas, don’t chew that! You don’t know if that magic’s clean or what. I am telling you, don’t chew magic unless you know where it comes from. And that stuff there probably came from those bad wizards from before, not good, Thomas,” says Thirsty sternly as he takes in a deep breath and then slowly blows the air out as he rolls his eyes. He does not like Thomas chewing magic that isn’t clean because it can make him sick and then he’d cough for hours.

Thomas giggles and keeps right on chewing the magic, as he loves the flavor and won’t let Thirsty ruin his new tasty treat. Thomas takes one of the balls of magic and slowly pushes it up over the shoulder of Thirsty. When Thirsty turns his head Thomas pushes the ball into his mouth. Thirsty grabs the ball of magic and tosses it hard over the wagon of Old Lady Mitchell and says sternly,” That’s not clean, Thomas, ahh! Keep the magic AWAY from my mouth! I swear you are a bit of a joking Jenny and you don’t know it. Now…let’s go before Old Lady Mitchell changes her mind about the 35 cents.”

“Boys, Thomas, I got something I want to talk to you about! Just come a bit closer to my wagon and we’ll gab it up!” yells Old Lady Mitchell warmly as she waves to Thirsty and Thomas to come close.

Thirsty can only shake his head and mutter under his breath that Thomas has cost them 35 cents.

Thomas knows he can work Old Lady Mitchell and get the 35 cents. Pop smiles and licks some white magic out of the air as Pop loves fresh magic and will fly all night if he gets some.

“Yes, Old Lady Mitchell, did we not get your wagon out all the way? Because it looks like you’re out and you can fly now,” replies Thomas coyly as he leans in and nods his head slowly to Old Lady Mitchell and then rests his head on her guardrail. He knows she will always go for one last hair comb and cheek smooch, but in his mind if he gets the sweet 35 cents he doesn’t mind one bit. And her kisses aren’t as slippery as usual, because she hasn’t been eating too much salt.

Thirsty has to look away when he hears Thomas using,” the voice” with Old Lady Mitchell, as he knows he is already working her and it is all he can do to not laugh.

Old Lady Mitchell leans forward and puts a purple and pink floral design scarf around the head of Thomas. It is all he can do not to grimace and move his head away. He knows the scarf smells like lipstick and is a woman’s scarf to boot. He just wants to tell her to give it to Thirsty instead as he kicks Thirsty in the butt gently, but Thirsty doesn’t react and keeps looking in the other direction.

“Thomas, this scarf fits you to a T! God I love seeing you in this scarf! Maybe you wear it all the time and every time I see you, hmm? I know you’d just love it I sure do. And this scarf is for free, can you believe it? Sure is a nice gift I think, well then, Thomas, I hope I see you in the scarf again real soon!

Bye for now, Thomas, and thank you,” says Old Lady Mitchell brightly as she smiles and ties the scarf good and tight around the head and chin of Thomas. Thomas has all he can do to not let the scarf accidentally fall off his head and never be worn again.

Thirsty chuckles and rocks back and forth in his seat, as he knows that is a woman’s scarf and Thomas is being tortured just to have to wear it this little bit.

Old Lady Mitchell smiles and plants a long kiss on Thomas’s cheek and then waves goodbye to him.

He just gives her a single nod and forces the best smile he can, but these are desperate times and he is wearing an unwanted and smells of woman scarf. In Thomas’ mind all bets are off, as he ducks behind Thirsty with the Barnet twin girl’s riding by on their pink headed Pop. They see Thomas and unluckily for him he sees them. He knows at school he is never going to live down this scarf as hard as he tries.

“THOMAS, oh hey nice scarf! Is that a new one it looks great?!” yells Jill Barnet brightly as she likes Thomas in his new scarf and she wants to borrow it from him.

Thirsty sits there and chuckles as he looks back at Thomas. Thomas is going through the worst kind of embarrassment, as he tries to hide his eyes from the girl he loves. He knows she will just come over and lift up his chin if he doesn’t look at her. He lifts his eyes up slowly and peeks out only 1 eye at a time.

Then his grimacing mouth forces a smirk at Jill and he feels all sweaty for some reason.

“Thomas, its Jill Barnet be sure to show her your SCARF! Pipe up already it’s not the least bit embarrassing!” says Thirsty jokingly as he grins and flies Mr. Pop right over to where Jill is and Thomas groans.

“BOY I HOPE YOU DON’T FALL OFF THE SIDE OF POP! NOW CLAM IT!” says Thomas sharply as he pulls on Thirsty’s sleeve and Thirsty laughs at Thomas as he does.

“I don’t like being told to clam I won’t clam. If I have to take this guff you’ll be walking! Now, where can I get an identical scarf to that one?” asks Thirsty sarcastically and then he laughs as Thomas pokes him in the side of the neck with his thumb medium hard.

Jill rides over to him and starts fussing with his scarf as she tries not to laugh. She knows Thomas is a bit embarrassed about the scarf, but she likes it on him anyway. Emma Barnet sits there and smiles at a laughing Thirsty, with her smile bright and wide. Her beautiful blonde hair and smiling face make Thirsty one thing all the time NERVOUS. He swallows hard and tries to act tough for Emma.

Emma reaches over and straightens out the strap on Pop. Thirsty sneaks a peek and slowly grabs her hand and moves it back from Pop.

“Hi, Jill, sure is great to see you again. I wonder why I got so lucky to see you out today in this rain.

‘Cause I was just thinking BOY, I hope beautiful Jill Barnet comes riding up and sees me in my new scarf. Let me tell ya, I couldn’t be more thrilled to see ya, thrilled I says. Thirsty, here, Emma, he’s been talking about you all the time. I bet he wishes you were his best girl just ask him. Right, Thirsty? Oh you’re done laughing now I hadn’t noticed,” says Thomas coyly as he tries to muster the strength to be happy, but the scarf and the embarrassment he is feeling makes a bit hard. Thomas does feel good about sticking it to Thirsty and shutting him up, because he knows Thirsty would be laughing (and laughing hard) if he hadn’t exposed his love for Emma.

Emma and Jill giggle and look at one another as they both love Thomas and Thirsty in their own way. Jill really wants at least one hug this year from Thomas or she knows she’ll die. Emma is now sweaty and nervous because Thirsty is the handsomest boy she knows. She wants a good hand hold if she can get it from him.

Thirsty is way mad at Thomas now and his jaw drops as he pushes back on Thomas’s head with his back. Thomas can only grin at this and tap Jill on the arm a few times.

“I love you too, Thomas, I always say I wish I could see Thomas. And Emma knows that and she won’t tell, because I swore her to super pinky swear secret keeping. I wonder though, Thomas, if you’ll ever let me have one of your world famous hugs? I know I would like it if you would, but I’ll understand if you want to ride around in your scarf and not hug girls,” says Jill nervously and sadly as she smirks and looks down at the ground wide-eyed. Her hands play with Thomas’s scarf and comb his hair. She starts to sweat from loving Thomas so much.

“Hey, Thomas, remember when you tried to kiss a goat and you feel face first into a pile of manure?

I don’t know why I just brought that up,” says Thirsty coyly as he glares back at Thomas.

Thomas has to fight hard to hold back the swears. Thomas sits there looking at him and shaking his head and wanting to slap Thirsty.

“No memory sure that wasn’t you? I thought you tore the butt crack in your underwear this morning, did you? Don’t mind the women here it’s not anything they’ll gossip about at school all day,” said Thomas as he grins at Thirsty and waves his arms high. He knows Thirsty is really not happy with him now. Thomas remembers what he heard Jill ask. He calmly looks at Jill and gives her a big grin. He knows Thirsty always plays it too tough with girls. He knows that is why they rarely ever end up going out with him, but Thomas on the other hand plays it just right. He reaches over and puts his hand on Jill’s hand and leaves it there for a few seconds. She freezes in her tracks and looks at him wide-eyed and nervous.

Thirsty clears his throat good and loud and bumps back into Thomas kind of hard. Thirsty doesn’t like Thomas always knowing what to do and say with girls, because he is his younger brother after all and should respect him more.

Emma looks at Thomas about to do something good and she wants her own Thomas hug now if Thirsty wouldn’t give her one.

“HI Thomas!” says Emma warmly and in a sultry voice as she bats her eyes.

“Jill, Jill my Darling Girl, I’m not the stingy boy with my hugs. I give only the people I love hugs, but I won’t not give someone hug if they ask nicely. Now you went ahead and gave me the nice ask. I wonder what that means ya know. Maybe you turn your hand over and let me put my arms around ya? I promise I won’t be mean to ya,” says Thomas warmly as he shows his puppy dog eyes and grins slightly at Jill. He knows she loves him now and soon he will be dating her, but it all depends on this hug coming up. Thomas knows he can’t hug too tightly or too soft.

“You can put them around me,” says Thirsty jokingly and in a really deep voice. This makes Emma laugh and put her hand over her mouth.

“Can someone else talk for awhile? I hear someone who smells like manure speaking and I wish he had changed his underwear this morning. OH clam it, Thirsty, you party poop. Now I’m going to hug you

, you won’t burst into flames, Jill,” says Thomas warmly as he smiles and winks at a now really mad Thirsty.

Jill and Emma hear this and they both get instantly sweaty and happy all at once. Jill needs this hug bad and she slowly turns her hand over to face Thomas’. When she does that, Thomas wraps his arms around the head and neck of Jill and smiles at her. He puts his cheek against hers and gives her a good medium hard hug. He can feel her heart beating faster and he knows he is working his magic again.

Thirsty coughs and pushes back into Thomas a few times, as he is not very happy that Thomas is going for hugs and he can’t just yet.

“Thomas, has that bad poison ivy rash you had gone away yet? Or did you cover it with toilet paper?

Just asking you know me,” says Thirsty coyly as he tries to ruin Thomas’s hug and get back at Thomas for sticking it to him.

Thomas can only smile at this and slap the side of Thirsty’s face softly to kid with him. Emma sees this and she hugs the air in front of her, making Thirsty wish he could be the air. He decides to go for broke. Thomas sees Thirsty thinking about going for the hug and he knows it is time for action. He uses his feet to push Thirsty up into the outstretched arms of Emma. Once he gets that far Thirsty knows enough to hug her and so he does.

“Hey, Jill, look Thirsty stepped out of the loser line. That was all his doing, but I helped,” says Thomas as he grins and continues to hug Jill. Thomas and Jill hug for a little while as the magic rains down around them. Jill is happy as can be to finally get that yearly hug she needed so badly. Thomas likes how warm and loving she feels all of the sudden. He grins and looks her in the eyes. He knows the strawberry juice she is using in her shampoo smells good and he likes it.

Thirsty and Emma keep right on hugging after Thomas and Jill have stopped.

“Thank you, Thomas, that was a loving hug and that’s all I ever need. If I got one or maybe 3 a week, then I sure would be happy. I’m just saying if it were to happen I’d be happy. It’s a shame you can’t come with us to the dance tonight, but I think you’re going somewhere else aren’t you?” asks Jill sadly as she grimaces and looks at Thomas as she adjusts his scarf again. She knows he doesn’t go to very many dances because Richard needs the kids at home. Although, she always wishes he would for the slow dances.

Chapter 3

“Hey, Thomas, you smell!” yells Thirsty jokingly as he plugs his nose and waves to Thomas.

“No that manure deodorant you’re wearing smells of dead people, but I’m sure Emma loves it, don’t you?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he can barely keep from laughing out loud as he knows Thirsty can’t out joke him.

“Whatever, Thomas, if you think that…you be brat. I hope a fishy bites your lip!” says Emma as she smiles slyly at Thomas.

Thomas raises his eyebrows and grins softly, as he thinks that Jill is suddenly girlfriend material. He needs some hugs every week too and at least they have that in common. The more Thomas looks her in the eye the more she starts to smile, as he has that certain warm relaxed way about him she likes.

Thirsty and Emma finish up their hug and look around with smiles on their faces, as Thirsty wipes the sweat from his brow and lets out a quick sigh. He hasn’t had a hug for at least a month and he needed one. Emma loves Thirsty and wants to hug him for a long time, as she smiles and straightens out Thirsty’s hair for him.

“Jill, I think what we should do is be boyfriend and girlfriend. That way, we can both get the hugs we need every week and get some love in our lives. I think this is the best way, and I’m really trying to think of a better way,” says Thomas as he grimaces and rubs Jill’s shoulder. “I also think that since you’re smiling right now that means yes. Well then it’s yes from me also, also yes. Now, Jill, the dance and my favorite slow dances will have to wait. They have too because Thirsty and I have someplace important to be. I feel bad, real bad to not be going with my best girl, but these things happen. Now, if I could get one more hug before we go I wouldn’t shrivel up and die. Hmm, is a hug what you might want too?” asks

Thomas smoothly as he smirks and pushes the hair back from Jill’s face, as he wants to look at her pretty face and watch her eyes light up.

She smiles and tilts her head nearly sideways as she sticks out her tongue. She likes being silly and she knows Thomas is a bit of a silly boy too. Thomas nods at this and sticks out just the tip of his tongue at her. Jill laughs at this and he grins, as he knows she is a good girlfriend with the warm smiles (and hopefully weekly hugs). Jill looks at Thomas in his scarf and the tip of his tongue sticking out and she has to laugh as he just looks too cute.

Thirsty and Emma laugh to and Thirsty wonders if he should ask Emma out. Emma hopes he will ask her and get it over with already, as she grins and looks nervously down at the ground.

“Yes, I would love to be your Girlfriend!” says Emma and Jill in unison as they both want to have a boyfriend so bad Emma accidentally answers for Jill at the same time Jill is answering. They both look at each other and grimace, as they know they have just embarrassed themselves big time.

Thomas and Thirsty don’t laugh as Thomas knows he has to smooth things over or the young ladies nervousness will ruin the moment. He won’t get the hug he wants either if this embarrassing display continues.

“Oh my I ahhh, think the weather is good,” says Jill nervously and quickly as she puts her arms behind her back. She looks around nervously and taps her leg.

“Oh yeah weather I love it! Can’t get enough, it comes every day too,” said Emma nervously and coyly as she tries to ease the tension.

Thomas looks around nervously and hopes the embarrassment train will stop somewhere else.

“I heard that it’s true!” says Jill nervously and quickly as she grimaces and puts her hands up like she’s going to hug Thomas, but he ducks her sweaty nervous hands.

“Then it’s settled, Jill, you will go out with me. And you, Emma, I think you and Thirsty should go out as well. So we’re all going out now I think we should have one last hug. Then we have to get going.

Can you come a bit closer, Jill, I can’t reach you on your Pop from here?” asks Thomas as he reaches out with his arms only half the way. He does this because he wants Jill good and close for a good bear hug.

She giggles and smiles as she moves her Pop in close to their Pop.

Thirsty is sweating and blinking his eyes, because he can’t believe he and Emma are finally going out. Then she smiles and he knows this is the real deal. Emma meanwhile loves Thirsty and she is just as nervous as he is, but she doesn’t know if he wants a goodbye hug or not.

Jill hugs Thomas and he shakes from side to side playfully. This makes her giggle and press her cheek against his smiling face. Thirsty and Emma sit there for a second then Emma just grabs him and gives him her best (and biggest) hug.

“Thank you, Thomas, you’re so nice! Hey you wanna talk about the weather?!” asks Jill as she figures that’s her best subject to use for conversation.

Thomas meanwhile looks around and grimaces, as he really doesn’t want to be bored off Mr.Pop and then to death.

“Maybe not yeah no, let’s talk in hug language and just hug,” says Thomas flatly as he hugs Jill and frowns. He still fears the conversation might bore him into a coffin.

“I really love you a lot, Thirsty, sorry but I had to say. Ok we have to go now I’ll see you tomorrow, bye, Thirsty,” says Emma warmly as she finishes up with her hug and then smiles from ear to ear, while she does a curtsy. Thirsty smiles and waves goodbye to her, but he is too emotional to say anything to her including goodbye.

Emma pulls Thomas and Jill apart as she drives the Pop into them.

Jill loves Thomas and she would never stop hugging him if she had her choice. Thomas thinks she is such a nice warm person and that is just the kind of young lady he likes. He smiles at her and raises one eyebrow.

“Bye, Jill, I hope you enjoy the dance. Can you bring me one of the potato skins with cream cheese from the dance, ya know tomorrow at school? I sure would like to eat and hopefully not waste away to nothing,” says Thomas sadly as he smirks and looks around while he rubs his belly. He hopes she’ll bring that potato so he can snack during wizard history class. That class doesn’t allow anyone to leave the classroom until all their homework is done. He gets bored sitting there looking around and being quiet the whole time. Jill reaches over and rubs the side of Thomas’s face and nods yes. She doesn’t want him getting too skinny and dying, but she also knows he probably will eat half of the snacks in the class and no one will mind.

“Hey do you like chocolate food like the kind you can eat?” asks Jill nervously as se grimaces and then forces a smile, as she tries to make some conversation.

“What is that human language you’re using? Maybe I have idea, we both actually think about what we’re going to say before we blabber mouth. It’s a pretty sweet deal don’t pass it up hmm,” says Thomas warmly as he really doesn’t know why Jill is acting like she is meeting him for the first time in a cave. He sees her smiling and now he can barely remember the great hug from before.

“I’ll take care of it, Thomas, potato skins are ah comin’! Bye, Boyfriend!” says Jill brightly as she blows Thomas a few kisses. He catches the kisses and puts 2 on his cheek and saves 2 in his pocket.

Thomas worries he might get lonely sleeping in the ground and might need a good kiss. Jill sees this and she bursts out laughing as her and Emma ride off.

“Hmm, she gave me the big laugh not so happy, Thirsty. Thirsty, I see you’ve got a new young lady to hug and smooch and smooch some more. Boy I just wonder who helped you get such an amazing gally.

Was it a clown person no, that’s a no. Was it someone on the back of Mr. Pop? I don’t know, what do you

think, Mr. Thirsty?” Thomas asks jokingly as he grabs Thirsty around the cheeks and moves his head up and down yes.

Thirsty looks at Emma and smiles from ear to ear, as he loves her and he finally got the nerve up (with the aid of Thomas’s foot) to ask her out. He is proud of himself for that, as Thomas grabs a droplet of white magic from the air and starts licking it.

Pop flies up into the air and they soar across the Donaly’s farm (it has full grown trees with giant purple apples growing some 134 feet exactly above the ground. Those apples have been grown using spells and incantations).

Thomas and Thirsty eye the apples, but they know they have to keep going and not eat any food they don’t need. They both feel really full and happy about what they have eaten.

“Thomas, oh that was quite a bit if niceness from you. I have decided to let you have some of the 25

cent food budget to get a single scoop of ice cream. Now don’t thank me all at once we have to hurry and get to New York Pashal. So that means we’re going to be traveling for a few hours at full speed. If it were me, I’d hang on, Thomas, because here we go!” says Thirsty boldly as he pulls back on the reins and then whips them forward. This lets Pop know to go high and race towards Sebago Lake at full speed.

Thomas holds onto Thirsty’s back for dear life and wishes they had already bought the ice cream scoop. He doesn’t mind, seeing as they need to find and save Darcy. Then he realizes how much he is missing Darcy and also how much he wants to talk to her and sing some songs with her. She really makes him happy with her beautiful singing voice.

They ride for several hours at 300 MPH (which is about normal for a Pop if you feed them right).

Soon it is nearing the time they will have to stop and get some sleep. Thomas is none too happy about day sleeping, but he knows it has to be done.

They ride down onto the spellbound Lake Sebago, with there being 10 story dark brown mud huts lining its shores. They have multi-colored roofs that slant down towards the ground sharply. There are also several large people shaped trees sitting on the shoreline. They have once been real life people, but they had broken the wizard’s code and that comes with a stiff penalty.

The Lake is now a dark red marble like substance as the wizards have condemned the lake after one of their sons drowned in it. Leaving mile after mile of 3 story black wooden log cabin like houses on it with glowing yellow roofs and large magical springs shooting out from underneath them. The sky above the lake has an artist community living on a floating platform covered in dark green grass. The wizards have put that there as a present for a painting the artists had done for them. The platform goes for several miles and has breathtaking oddly shaped huts and homes. They are all close to staircases covered in green rugs that lead down to the lake.

“Thirsty, I sure would feel better about sleeping Dundy if I had my new hat. I bet I might even LET, your head touch one side of it as I slept. That’s’ kinda a good deal both ways if you ask me. Maybe you think about it, seeing as we could ride a bit down Lake Sebago and go to Melissa’s Hat shop? I know you’re not thinking about it, Thirsty, you’re eyeing the huts again. Why don’t you give my idea some of your prime thinking time? You know I would do the same, just saying,” says Thomas slyly as he rests his head on Thirsty’s shoulder and they fly low to the Lake to avoid the bat people.

The bat people look and sound like people, but they like wizard blood too much for Thomas or Thirsty’s liking. Thirsty peers into the huts and makes sure no bat people are waiting for them behind one.

Thirsty knows they could get jumped at any moment. Thomas whistles and looks up at the artist community’s platform, he wonders if they would sell him a nice fancy new hat.


“What pie head? Wait, I meant blueberry and hat pie head, do you want me to spend all of the quarter? I don’t know I guess maybe I would, but it would be hard. Thirsty, hand over the quarter and I’ll

do my best to spend it all,” says Thomas coyly as he puts his hand around Thirsty’s stomach where he can look down and see it. Then he opens and closes the hand a few times.

“Thomas, not now the bat people love sneaking up on wizard’s. I’m not losing ANY blood on this trip and neither are you. We need out strength and that’s it. Now about that hat, I THINK the artists up on the platform may make hats, I think. So we can fly up and see what do you think of this, Thomas?” asks Thirsty firmly as he eyes the blackness and wonders if Pop is rested enough to make a decent escape from the bat people. He also knows that Thomas needs that hat or he will not be happy until he gets it.

“Mmmm, are these hats made from goat neck or something a real hat is made of? I won’t wear the goat, I won’t do it! Don’t you even THINK I’m going to be goat boy Thomas!” says Thomas jokingly as he breathes in Thirsty’s ear. “What you boob I thought I heard a loser grumble. It is not going to happen like Mr. Pop knows it already, don’t ya, Sweet Pop?” asks Thomas as he thinks Thirsty is trying to get him to buy one of those hats that aren’t made from the comfortable animal. He only wants a comfy hat or he’d rather wear the scarf (embarrassing as it is).

“Thomas, a hat is hat if it’s made from goat so what, just saying. Hey…I know that’s what you like, Goat Boy, but where are the hats people actually LIKE wearing? See I got your hat situation covered oh baby yeah baby,” says Thirsty half jokingly as he smiles and grabs Thomas’s hand. He pulls it up to Mr.

Pop’s ear and puts it in. Thomas recoils and shakes off his hand from Pop’s ear germs. Thirsty doesn’t like an unhappy Thomas, because then he won’t tell any of his world famous jokes. Thirsty needs the stress release of a good hearty laugh.

Thomas sits up in his seat and squints at the platform up above, as he knows it will save them some time, but he longs now for Melissa’s Hat shop.

Pop grunts and spits onto the side of one of the huts. When Thirsty sees this he has to grin, as he knows Pop is tired and needs a drink before he’ll go back to riding happy.

The bat people are now inching out from the shadows to look at Thirsty and Thomas. Thirsty sees this and he feels instant terror as he worries they’ll overpower he and Thomas. He decides it is the artist community or nothing. He flies them up as fast as he can and when he does the Bat people give chase with wings that flap wildly.

“Thirsty, I see the bat people can we please escape?! I won’t complain about hat if we do,” says Thomas nervously as he leans forward and clings to Thirsty tightly. He worries they will take all of his blood and he will be blood sick again. He once had a bat person suck his blood 5 years ago. He was tired for a whole 3 weeks and had trouble sleeping without bat people dreams.

“Yeah sounds fun! Thomas, try not to die when you’re talking!” says Thirsty jokingly as he looks around for his knife. Thirsty hears the tone of Thomas’s voice and he knows he is scared. He takes great care to weave in between the odd looking houses in the artist community. He does this in the hope the bat people will get tired and stop giving chase. Thirsty remembers the wooden bullet gun Richard had given them. He slows Pop down and spins him around all in one motion.

“Thirsty, usually when you’re being chased you RUN A-WAY! Just a heads up maybe you think you’re getting away in slow motion? I heard a man did that once and he got eaten alive,” says Thomas sarcastically as he thinks of the hat that is coming his way. “Boy your plan sure is a bummer let’s not do it,” says Thomas sarcastically as he sighs. “Thirsty, don’t you glare me down I got good ideas for help!

Hmm, well are we going to get eats alive or not so much? I prefer not eats,” says Thomas jokingly as he sits back and throws his hands up. He knows he’s going to get eaten and Thirsty will be killed if Thirsty doesn’t wise up quick.

Thirsty aims the gun at the nearest bat person and fires with the wooden bullet piercing her chest and killing her dead as cement. Thomas sees this and his eyes grew wide and he smiles a wry smile, as he watches as all but one of the remaining bat people take off. He knows Thirsty can handle one measly bat person.

Thirsty takes dead aim and glares at the remaining bat person. The purple haired, handsome bat person named Michael freezes in his tracks and his eyes glow red. Thirsty doesn’t want to shoot him, but if he makes a move he is going to kill him where he stands.

“RUN ALONG, WE DON’T WANT ANY TROUBLE!! Just turn around and head back!” shouts Thirsty angrily as he glares at Michael and doesn’t waver even slightly.

“YEAH, GET OUTTA HERE THE GOOD BLOOD’S IN THE WOODS! Every bat person knows that why are you so dumb head? Man I’m losing my cool, if I lose it…its lost!” shouts Thomas. “Hey nobody wants that nobody!” Thomas says sharply as he glares at Michael and gets his fists up. He’s ready to punch his lights out.

Michael eyes the gun and the look in Thirsty’s eyes and he knows Thirsty and Thomas have the blood he craves. They also have the strength to kill him as he looks around and continues scowling at Thirsty.

Thomas shakes his finger no to Michael to let him know he should just leave. The artists are watching from their front windows and hoping Thirsty will kill Michael because Michael had killed 2 of their own not long ago.

“I can’t let her death stand, Son! You know what you did, and you have to PAY for it! Now there’s only one way you’re living that’s if you set down the gun and run! What’s it gonna be?!” yells Michael coldly and coyly as he worries Thirsty will gun him down and he has to scare Thirsty to have any chance of living. Michael glares at a smiling Thomas and flashes his fangs.

“Yeah those teeth suck, you can hardly chew anything. Boy why don’t get some good teeth then you don’t bite your lip all day long? Thirsty, this guy’s a loser with medals for falling down hills and breaking his own nose by tripping on the stairs,” says Thomas sarcastically as he grimaces. “Just shoot he’s too dummy to get his butt out of the way. Let’s go…he’s making my coolness fade not good, Thirsty, like

bad,” says Thomas coyly as he hopes Michael will get mad and rush at them, because Thirsty is a good shot and will kill him like a vat of butter in a desert.

Thomas grins and giggles slightly, as he has seen people get nervous and try and act tough. He’s aware that’s what Michael is doing. He folds his arms and smiles at Michael while he waits for Thirsty to shoot him. The artists are watching eagerly and praying Thirsty will pull the trigger, as Thirsty keeps his eyes firmly on Michael. He is debating shooting him dead, but he knows the bat people will try again to kill he and Thomas if he does.

“I’ll give you one chance! You run now, and you live now. You stay…and you die like a coward!

I’m not asking I’m telling you, get out of here!” says Thirsty angrily as he kicks the sides of Pop to get him to move closer to Michael.

Pop fly towards Michael against his will, as Pop is scared he’ll be killed by Michael as well.

Thomas grins and raises one eyebrow as Thirsty aims his gun at Michael. Thomas knows there is going to be a mix it up and soon, but he loves it when bat people get shot, as it gives him a good snack time story to tell at school.

“Get out of here, Bat Person, git! You know you’re beat, so…are you just gonna get shot? How dumb is that I’d run if I were bat. But I’m not bat, so I don’t know what the bat folk think. Do you ever think about hats? Ya know a really comfy good looking hat?” asks Thomas as he waves goodbye to Michael. “Boy I could go for one of those and I’m gonna get one after you’re dead. So what’s up? It looks like you’re still hanging out here, dumb move. Thirsty, just shoot him he’s too dumb to run,” says Thomas as he drapes his arms around Thirsty’s neck and giggles. He knows he has rattled Michael by the sweat on his face that drips down to the platform. Thomas doesn’t mind the bat people, but he does mind the blood sucking a lot, because that’s his blood that’s not to be borrowed.

Thirsty looks at Michael and tries to act as tough as possible. He knows he is faking it, but Thirsty just doesn’t want to shoot him and waste a perfectly good wooden bullet.

“You’re making a big mistake, just do what’s right! No one is here to judge you. So just turn and fly back to your life! I know your friends and family would like to see you again. I mean…don’t you think?”

asks Thirsty sadly and coyly as he grimaces and acts like he’s about to cry. Thirsty hopes he can get Michael thinking about his friends and family and want to go see them.

“Look you 2 may think you’re tough, but I can BREAK both your necks with ease! What you think some stupid gun is going to stop me? Try again you little Brat, it’s not gonna happen! Which is it, I kill you both…or one of your gives yourself up? I’m not asking again who wants to die?” asks Michael coldly and coyly as he shows off his fangs and lifts up off the platform. He knows if he scares them enough Thirsty and Thomas will do something stupid.

Thirsty just wishes he’d leave and stop being an idiot.

Thomas looks wide eyed at Michael’s fangs and smirks at him, as he knows all bat people are dumb or they’d be wizards. He just wishes the bat would eat like steak and strawberries and leave necks alone.

Pop can sense the fear in Michael and he pushes out his chest as he rises up into the air.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re taking this too far. You try anything and I’ll kill you as you stand! GET OUT OF HERE!! Leave us alone!” says Thirsty angrily and hopefully as he eyes the hands of Michael and his heartbeat. Thirsty knows all bat people accelerate their heartbeats just before they attack. Thirsty looks good and hard as he sees what he hoped he would not. Michael’s heart is beating like crazy and Thirsty knows what he has to do, but Michael decides it is time to kill Thirsty and Thomas.

“LOOK OUT, THIRSTY!!” screams Thomas quickly and frantically.

Michael flies up and then down sharply at them and startles Thomas, but he is able to pull out a rock and fling it at Michael. It hits him in the eye and dazes him slightly as Thirsty is startled only

momentarily. He fires the wooden bullet and pierces the right arm of Michael, but he isn’t mortally wounded and Thirsty knows it.

“I almost had you, you won’t be so lucky next time!” thunders Thirsty coldly as he glares at Michael and prepares his next shot.

Pop flies out around Michael while he attacks. This gives Thirsty some time to reload. Once Thirsty has a second bullet ready to go he starts looking for his pet shot. Which is anything to his immediate right and he sees that Michael is angry and letting out shrieks. That means the blood is draining out of Michael through the wound that Thirsty has made, which makes him weak at a rapid pace if he doesn’t suck some new blood and fast.

“Give him the He can’t wake up from slumbers shot! That baby is better than a warm glass o’ milk!

Hey, Bat Head, do you really think we’re gonna let your bat teeth steal our wizard blood? Boy the dumb that comes my way from you, too much, like ease back on the dumb, ok, Bat Head,” says Thomas sternly as he hopes to distract Michael so Thirsty can get his shot. Thomas grins slyly and shows Michael his bare left forearm as he waves it around.

“You can’t kill me, WIZARD! I’ll devour you and your idiot brother WHOLE! Now who’s gonna cry?!” thunders Michael angrily as he flies out around the biting mouth of Pop and goes for Thomas’s neck. Thirsty keeps his emotions in check and his aim true. Thomas is freaking out and waving his scarf out in front of him.

Michael goes to sink his teeth into the neck of Thomas, but Thirsty fires and shoots him right through the eye. This kills him and makes his dead body fall limp on top of a scared and not happy Thomas.

Thomas hates the blood and guts that makes Michael’s breath smelly. It sickens Thomas so much he almost wants to vomit, but he holds it in because he knows they can’t get more food for awhile.

“Hold on, Thomas, the worst is over. Now for the part that no one likes, forgetting this awful day.

Are you hanging in there, Thomas?” asks Thirsty warmly as he grins and reaches back to touch Thomas on the hand. Thirsty spins Mr. Pop around and lands them on the green grass lawn of an artist. The house is triangular in shape, tan in color, and has lip shaped purple windows. The baby shaped white front door swings open and out walks a 6 foot 1 inch tall, seal black haired artist named Fred Bed.

Fred is wearing a dark blue and white trimmed robe with a yellow and orange swirling design wizard’s hat. He won it in a bet with a wizard friend of his. Fred is odd looking, but he has a good heart down deep as people have said of him.

“GET HIM OFF ME! Thirsty, he’s smelly and he’s dead, help! Thirsty, stop the laughing the bat people are not my favorites! Boy…the next time you get trapped under a bat person I won’t help. Not one bit after this mm hmm!” says Thomas as he struggles to get out from under the carcass. “Thirsty, I can’t move the body it’s too heavy for my hands. Can’t you find it in your head to grab the leg and pull?” asks Thomas as he feels like a clam in shell.

“Maybe,” replies Thirsty as he yawns.

“I swear if you do I’ll let you wear my new hat one time for FREE. That’s a sweety hat deal and that’s like me giving you my best shirt, just think about it,” says Thomas as he tries not to vomit. “Why I ask you smiley is because your arms are folded and I’m covered in bat? Can’t you stop being Thirsty for one second and be helping man? Ahhhh…I’m going bat crazy please, Thirsty, save me from the dead bat smelly?!” asks Thomas nervously and firmly as he doesn’t want to touch Michael at all, because he knows bat people don’t shower much and sweat a lot. Plus, he has just gotten his nice new scarf that he is going to trade at the hat shop for an apple. He knows if it even touches the bat guy for one second he’ll be starving.

Thirsty sits there and laughs as he looks at Thomas with his arms folded. Thirsty knows Thomas is just being dramatic and trying to get him to do his own work for him. Thirsty isn’t going to give into him just yet.

“Maybe when I’m dead I’ll help, just maybe though. Hey how do you like the smell, ‘cause I don’t?”

asks Thirsty as he flips a hair off of his hand. “Oh maybe you can strap him to your seat and trade him for a cooked clammy? I would if it were me, but it’s your bat person do what you want. Did I just see you smooch that bat…weird?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he sits there with his arms folded and tries not to laugh.

“I‘ll BAT your head, Thirsty, say that to me. Boy when you blow it and you need me, nope no help.

How dare you leave me under this bat he’s not the cleanest person in the world, Thirsty! I’ll make a deal with ya you take the disgusting bat person off of me ok,” says Thomas as he fumbles with Michael’s body. “And I’ll forget to mention that you once fell face first into a goat’s butt the next time we see Emma. How’s that sound, huh you SMELL HEAD?” asks Thomas firmly as he sits there breathing heavy on the back of Thirsty’s neck to bother him. Thomas knows if Emma hears about the goat butt incident she’ll ditch Thirsty for sure.

Thirsty sits there grimacing and knowing Thomas will bring up the goat butt incident if he sees Emma again.

“Hey you boys there, can I have a word with you? Yeah hi there I see you’re having some bat trouble. I hate it when these vile bat people come and they tackle and hurt. If I had my way they’d be burning in a pot somewhere. I’ll tell ya what, Boys; I’d like to take this bat man off of your hands. I know it may sound strange, but I’ll give you 2 dollars for him, how’s that sound?” asks Fred warmly and in a deep voice as he stands there and grimaces as he folds his arms just like Thirsty. Fred knows Thirsty is the one you barter with by how much bigger than Thomas he is.

Thomas sits there and looks at Fred out of the corner of his eye, as he has never heard of someone actually wanting a bat person to keep. It makes him think maybe this Fred is a secret bat eater, because those are not allowed and make the wizard’s very angry with you.

“I don’t know ahh,” says Thomas nervously as he wonders if he’s going to get duped out of some serious money for the bat person.

Thirsty looks at Fred and he can see he is acting a bit odd. He knows Fred is mimicking him to get a better deal. Thirsty thinks this a very underhanded trick to do. Thirsty decides to have a bit of fun with Fred. Thirsty starts kicking the ground with his leg and sure enough Fred does the same. Thirsty clears his throat and blinks his eyes rapidly 10 times. Fred does the same and when he does Thomas and Thirsty break out laughing and Fred knows he is caught.

Fred stops doing it and looks around nervously, as he really wants that bat person and he knows it might take a bit more money to get it. Fred blurts out quickly,” 3 dollars final offer ok?”

“Well that sounds like a lot of money for a lowly bat person. Heck I heard bat people weren’t worth anything huh,” says Thomas coyly as he gently taps Thirsty’s cheeks. “I guess if it were my time to decide I’d sell the bat head. I mean, Thirsty, who cares if he wants to eat it just sell the bat! We could use the 3 dollars, Thirsty, because it takes cash to buy things did you know that? Thirsty, I still have the bat man on me, I mean come on. Let’s make deal, Sir, move this bat off of me and we’ll take your deal,” says Thomas smoothly as he pokes his head out from under the dead wing of Michael and smirks at Fred.

Thomas knows 3 dollars can get them some serious food and maybe a wizard’s wand.

Thirsty himself is already thinking about buying a wand with his half of the money. Thirsty moves quick and blocks Fred from taking Michael off of Thomas. He wants to see the 3 dollars first.

Fred looks at Thirsty quizzically, smirks and rubs his chin a few times quickly.

“Well I’m not going to eat it…no way, I only eat steaks. No I want that bat man so I can stuff him and put him in a new art project. See I like the idea these vile bat people have to pay for what they do.

Because quite frankly they killed a friend of mine a month ago and I am having a hard time forgiving, if you know what I mean,” said Fred sadly as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and chin. “I’ll tell ya what…here’s the 3 dollars and Fred’s my name by the way. If you want the deal take the 3 and push the bat off of your friend there. If you don’t want the deal then GET OFF MY LAWN! This is private property and I don’t want you sleeping here. Now sorry to rush you, but it’s time for my evening snack so,” says Fred sternly as he secretly wants the stuffed bat man so he can sell it for up to 200 dollars to a dealer in the city. He knows Thirsty and Thomas have no idea how valuable Michael’s body really is.

Fred is low balling them big time and laughing on the inside, as he puts on a brave face and tucks his hands into the pockets of his robe.

Thomas and Thirsty look at each other and nod yes, as they know they don’t need or want the dead bat person, but they also know Fred is not being totally honest.

“Stuff him, boy if I had a stuffed bat person I wouldn’t put them on the wall. I’d throw them in the gutter and light a match. Bat people and me don’t go together,” joked Thomas as he grinned and pointed to Fred’s hair. “I say this, Fred, let’s see 4 dollars, because you tried to tell me what to do and we’ll call it even. Let’s go, before I start screaming Fred’s trying to kill me. I hate to do it to you, Fred, but you did get a bit frisky a minute ago,” says Thomas sharply as he grins, frowns and puts out his little hand. He knows Fred is too eager to not go for the deal, but Thirsty is sitting there thinking Thomas has blown it and they aren’t going to get anything. Thirsty grimaces and looks angrily back at Thomas, but Thomas just nods and blows Thirsty a kiss.

Fred raises his left eyebrow and nods his head, as he knows this is the deal of the year. He pulls out the 4th dollar and hands it to Thomas. Thirsty sees this and he is blown away they got so much for the dead bat man, but Thomas had faith and knew they’d walk away with the cash.

“There you go thanks for making my day. Ya know if you want you can bed down on my lawn. I see you’re both tired and it is deep enough grass for your Pop. I’m just offering because you seem normal enough, right?” asks Fred warmly as he walks over and picks Michael up off of Thomas. This makes Thomas clap and cheer he is so happy to be free of the Michael carcass.

Thirsty sits there squinting and fidgeting in his seat, as he isn’t sure if he can trust Fred, but he knows they probably can’t trust anyone else either. He looks at Fred for a second and then waves him over. Fred sets down Michael on his front step and then walks over to Thirsty, as Thomas bounces around on his seat and dances with an imaginary Jill. He is thinking of her just then and missing her bad.

“Jill is my girlfriend; she’s not your girlfriend, Jill! Well I wonder if Jill is thinking of me right now.

She better be or I’ll steal your girlfriend, Thirsty, so watch it! OH I got 4 dollars; oh I get to spend 4

dollars!” says Thomas happily as he kisses the cash. “Hey I like owning things that cost 4 dollars. Thirsty, how ‘bout we go and watch me buy things? I know that’s your sort of fun isn’t it?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he bounces around and smiles from ear to ear. Thomas waves the 4 dollar bills around, as he knows the sweety tasting scoop is coming his way and he loves it.

“Fred, I’m Thirsty that’s Thomas nice to make your acquaintance. Now this lawn, we thank you for the lawn nice gesture. Now…does snack and sip of soda pop come with it? Because I know Thomas has a hard time sleeping if he goes without his precious soda and snack. I’d hate to have to go looking ya know for soda right now. You can imagine how long that would take, eh? Of course you do, so what do you say?” asks Thirsty coyly as he puts his arm around the neck of Fred and looks him right in the eye.

Thirsty knows this technique works because he has seen Richard do it a million times.

Thomas looks away and buries his face on the tail of Pop. He wants to laugh so hard it would make the neighbors unhappy, but he needs that snack and soda real bad to sleep properly.

Fred grimaces and then chuckles to himself, as he knows they are good kids and it is the least he can do for them.

“Fred Head, it’s such a good deal, let’s say the yes word ok? Of course you want good company like me who wouldn’t?” jokes Thomas as he smiles his cutest smile. “Now tuck that tongue in and yap the word yes. You can do it, just remember what cool dudes we are and how we like eating. That sort of stuff will make the word just pop the poppy out! Boy…if it were me and I got to hang out with me, I’d gladly do it. Oh, Fred, you’re killin’ me!” says Thomas coyly as he knows if he can sway Fred they might even get to snooze on his comfy couch. Thomas looks at Fred with his cutest puppy dog eyes and Fred just grins back at him.

“I’ve got some ah.., don’t worry I’ll be right back. Oh…do you like chocolate chip cookies and ice cream? Because I have them and they’re a good snack if you ask me,” says Fred warmly as he stands there rubbing his right ear and looking at Thomas and Thirsty. He hopes they will like cookies and ice cream because he has a lot of it left over from a party he put on a couple days ago.

Thirsty smiles and looks back at a smiling Thomas. They both look at each other and say in unison,”


Fred knows that it will be a good time for all if he gets the ice cream and cookies. Fred races into the house and then comes back out a few minutes later with the ice cream and cookies. Thomas chuckles as his eyes light up and he examines the cookies and ice cream.

“Boy ice cream still tastes good. Been so long and all, Thirsty, like I like to say TOO long,” says Thomas as he takes a big bite.

“Tell me about it,” replies Thirsty as he eats a cookie.

“Now I’m an ice cream boy again and I feel older and new about it. I think I was supposed to always be an eater of ice cream. But my fate watcher screwed me,” says Thomas sarcastically as he throws punches at the sky. “I am steamin’ mad about it too like a clam in summer mad. So, Fred, what sort of things do you like to throw down to the lake? Ya know if there are any hats I’d gladly take them off your

hands just sayin’?” asks Thomas coyly and smoothly as he eats his ice cream and takes a bite off a chocolate chip cookie. He grins slightly at Fred and watches Fred out of the corner of his eye.

Fred knows Thomas is a good deal making kid and he likes him. Fred chuckles and then laughs a little bit, as there is just something about the easy way Thomas looks at him and speaks that puts him at ease. Thirsty has seen this affect on people before and he already knows it works in getting free stuff.

Thomas doesn’t blink and continues to eat and look calmly right at Fred. The rain starts up again and they get wet much to their surprise. Pop sits there dying for some food himself or at least a sip of Thirsty’s soda. Pop spins his head around and grabs the can of soda from Thirsty with his tongue. Then Pop starts to down the soda as Thirsty looks at him wide-eyed.

“Hey, Pop, give that here! Soda is for the people, not the Pop. I am telling you, Pop, don’t drink it all! Serious, hand it back to me or I’ll be piping hot mad,” says Thirsty sternly as he pulls on the neck of Pop, but Pop just can’t stop drinking ‘til his belly is full.

Thomas watches this happen and doesn’t bat an eye at it, as he works Fred for a new hat. He sees the way Fred grins and he knows that means, hat.

“Well, Thomas, I’ve got some old hats and coats,” starts Fred as he points to the house and then says,” You’re welcome to them. They don’t match any of the coats or even your coat, sorry,” says Fred apologetically as he grimaces and looks at Thomas. Fred is hoping Thomas won’t be mad at him for not having a suitable hat for his coat color.

Thomas laughs loudly on the inside, but keeps his cool on the outside, as now he will get the hat he wants. He’ll also still have all the money he needs for a new wand for Thirsty. He knows Thirsty has been good to him and he deserves a new wand once in a while Thomas thinks.

Thirsty sits there and fights with Pop for the can of soda, but Pop polishes off the last of it. Pop lets Thirsty fight the can way from him. When Thirsty sees it is empty he slides the can slowly up to Pop’s eyes. Then he dumps the empty can out making Pop grin.

Thomas sees this and so does Fred and they both have to chuckle. Thomas has other plans for the other hats he will get from Fred, as Thomas only needs one and he is going to sell the other two.

“Sounds good hats are good, I know people who like them, me. Hmm I guess since Thirsty doesn’t have a soda he’ll be dying for one. Hey, Thirsty, are you in need of some soda because we can go someplace else and get one? Sorry, Fred, we know you don’t have a soda to give right?” asks Thomas coyly as he smirks and looks at a grimacing and squinting Thirsty. He looks at Fred and Fred’s mouth opens wide and he points back into his house with his thumb.

“What’s wrong with your thumb, did the bat person bite it?” asks Thirsty coyly as he stands there trying not to grin at his own deception.

“The Fred man just wants to live HIS life. I think the very least we can do is let him blow it by himself. Fred, I’m rooting for you all the way,” says Thomas warmly and coyly as he wants to show Thirsty just how sneaky he is and how much he knows about people. Thomas knows he is working Fred to such an extent he’ll still get asked into the house after sticking it to him.

“I got lots of soda, you want another one? Yeah let’s go inside, Boys,” says Fred awkwardly as he nervously turns and heads for the house. He feels bad for being such a bad host and not offering sooner.

Fred has got the feeling the boys are accustomed to better treatment.

Thomas and Thirsty get off of Pop and touch each other’s fingers quickly, as they know they have tricked Fred good. They think they will get the hats and sodas they want, as Thomas wonders if they should bring Pop with them because of the bat people around. Then he stops, waves and whistles for Pop to come. Pop hurries over to him and they all walk in.

Once inside they see the endless rows of books, small paintings and drawings of things like half a strawberry and a boot with a bare foot in it. It seems all quite odd to Thomas, but he knows Fred is a good guy and he doesn’t worry.

Fred emerges from the kitchen and back bedroom with a handful of sodas in one hand. He also has the 5 multi-colored hats he promised Thomas. Thirsty sees the sodas and his mouth starts watering, as he knows that will wash away his bad temper head right quick.

“Here we go, Thomas, and you, Thirsty, Sodas and Hats! I am very happy to have met you boys and that bat person you gave me, thank you again. Ya know I don’t mind you sleeping on my couch. Like really, I’m just going to be upstairs painting. I guess what I’m trying to say from my big dumb head is, it’s fine if you want to sleep here. Do you want to, Thomas, Thirsty?” asks Fred nervously as he folds his arms. Fred walks over to his paintings and adjusts one with his elbow. Fred really just wants the company to make him feel less lonely.


“Yes what!”

“Are you sure?” asks Thomas jokingly as he grimaces and looks wide-eyed at Thirsty. This is their code language to tell each other they are kicking butt.

“Don’t talk to me using words!” says Thirsty jokingly as it is all he can do to keep from laughing.

“Are you alright? I got some snacks if you’re interested?” asks Fred hopefully as a grin washes across his face.

Thomas and Thirsty hear this and they try hard to contain their glee. They really didn’t want to sleep Dundy in the first place. Thomas grins and both his eyebrows lift up one after the other as he nods to Thirsty. Pop sits down on the couch and lets out a quiet burp.

“Yes we sure would love sleeping on your fine couches and all. They look like maybe the kind that are comfy,” says Thomas as he stretches out. “I have to admit…I am a comfy fan person. Must be in my DNA or I just like to hmm. Well, Fred, I guess we’re gonna hit it, thanks again. You know if we wake up and just leave, it’s because we have someplace to be, not because you smell. I’m just saying, so yeah see ya later, Fred,” says Thomas warmly as he grins and looks at Fred. Thomas walks over to where Pop is.

He snuggles his head up close to Pop’s belly as a pillow. He stretches out his little legs on the couch and a second later Thomas is out cold.

Fred and Thirsty see this and they both look at each other and laugh, as it is just typical Thomas being Thomas stuff.

“Hey, Fred, can I see you paint a bit? I’d just like to see what sort of stuff, ya know you’re working on,” says Thirsty quietly as he grins and walks over to Fred. He knows Fred might say no, but he really wants to see someone make something artistic for the fun of it.

Fred looks at Thirsty in surprise and he nods yes. He really loves it when people take an interest in his art as it makes him feel better about what he is doing.

“Yes, let’s go up to my studio, Thirsty, I’ll show you around,” replies Fred as he grins and then heads for the bouncing staircase (once you step on the first step it will bounce you clear to the top in 3


“So the stairs seem to be filled with air, Fred, hmm. Good thing you don’t own a chicken,” says Thirsty jokingly as he eyes the steps and wonders if he is going to hurt himself on them.

“Great thing this is a no chicken house,” says Fred jokingly as he taps Thirsty on the shoulder with his fist. Fred steps on and bounces up 8 feet, then 8 feet more, and then onto the top floor.

Thirsty sees this and he is amazed and is dying to try it. Thirsty steps on and then bounces high in the air, and then again even higher, and then a third time higher still and he lands on the top floor. He looks at Fred and he has to laugh at this, as it is the best staircase he has ever seen.

“WOW, Fred, my mind is way filled with good thoughts now! How’d you get such a great staircase?

I ask because I want one bad, Fred,” says Thirsty excitedly as he laughs and they walks down the hallway towards Fred’s studio. They walk past statues of large animals and several small rodent statues. Thirsty sees these and he loves his time in Fred’s house.

Fred doesn’t feel lonely for the first time in a long time, as he really likes the company of Thirsty and Thomas. They are free spirits just like him.

“It took a lot of rubber and a lot of trial and error to get it just right. The first time I tried it I bounced up into the ceiling. I don’t have to tell you how un-fun that was. Then over time I figured out the exact amount of bounce it needed to have. I’ll tell ya, Thirsty, there’s a lot of people that would love to have my bouncing stairs. Now this room here is my studio what do you think?” asks Fred warmly as he takes a hard left hand turn into his studio and Thirsty follows him in.

“I only hate it, Fred! Hey is that real dirt on the floor? Where’d you get it?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he grins to himself and chuckles.

“That’s mostly stolen beach sand, I’m gonna return it,” says Fred nervously as he feels embarrassed only briefly for borrowing the sand from the beach. When Thirsty gets inside he sees it is filled with white walls covered with paintings and odd rubber creature statues. There are 3 chairs set up jutting out the side of the house, as Fred likes to see people and the outside when he paints. There beside each one of the chairs sits a small fridge filled with soda and snacks. Fred’s easel is set up facing out the window and the floors are covered in thick sewn together rugs with images that Fred has created on them.

Thirsty likes the lion flying through the air image, because it is a nice fun thing to see. There is a bouncing slide in the far end of the room in case you want to go downstairs.

Fred doesn’t have time for stairs and Thirsty looks at this and he loves it as he wants to try it later.

“Good, VERY GOOD I love it! I think houses like these are from dreams. I think that way because…I always wanted to live where things looked new. In our house everything’s so old if you trip you’ll poke a hole in the wall. If you sneeze you’ll break a window! If you yell the bathroom door comes off its’ hinges!” said Thirsty sarcastically as Fred chuckles. “Then if you run too fast the floor boards shoot up and slap your face! I’m talking old, even for old nearly falling down houses. Though I must say we like being ya know…house living kids. Because our friend Beth O’Riley lives in an apartment,”

explains Thirsty as he looks around

“Really, that’s a hard life, Thirsty.”

“And that apartment is the size of our shoe room. So me and Thomas would be sleeping in the same bed, with Thomas waking me up all night because he talks in his sleep. If…we lived in that apartment, but thankfully we don’t have to. Hey, Fred, how’d you get so rich? I just wanna know so maybe someday I can be rich too,” says Thirsty as he sits there beside Fred and smiles as he fidgets with his hands in his lap.

Fred laughs and thinks Thirsty to be the smartest, cutest kid ever. Thirsty likes talking with Fred as well and thinks him a great new friend. They both hear Thomas shout out the words,” THAT HORSE

HEAD mine!!” and they both laugh and rock back and forth in their chairs.

“Really hmm that’s ahh, really?” asks Fred as he doesn’t know what to say and he thinks about the weird thing Thomas has just yelled out.

“NO I was making it up, yeah really, Fred. Hey you ever tried getting punched in the head? What, no?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he smiles and punches the air in front of him.

“I hear…God that would wake anyone up, but not me I’m a deep sleeper. Well, Thirsty, the secret to getting rich is the same thing my daddy told me when I was young.”

“What did he say, Fred Head?”

“He said make something people want and sell it. That’s it, I sell my paintings and they make me rich. Plus, I sell clothes and other things so money doesn’t concern me. I’m surprised your Dad doesn’t put you and Thomas to work making t-shirts. Like, doesn’t he know how creative and funny you two are?

Because you could make a lot of money with the right funny t-shirts, Thirsty, think about it,” says Fred seriously as he looks at Thirsty and raises his eyebrow. He wants to impart to Thirsty he can do anything just like his Dad had imparted to him.

Thirsty looks down quickly and fidgets with his hands. He knows Richard doesn’t have the money to start any company. In Thirsty’s mind he feels uncomfortable with that question.

Fred sees Thirsty struggle with his question and he deduces he must come from a poor family. He realizes there is no way he can buy the fabric and material and Fred says brightly and coyly,” Oh wait, ya know…it takes a lot of money to sell t-shirts. I forgot sorry, I should have known your family couldn’t afford it. Though if you boys want to split it fifty, fifty I would love to start a company with you and Thomas. Think about it for a week and then come and tell me if you’re interested. Remember…a dream needs a net to be caught, but finding the net takes effort,” says Fred as he forces a good convincing smile and nudges a smiling Thirsty with his shoulder.

This makes Thirsty giggle and tap Fred on the head. Thirsty is ecstatic to have a company in his future. He knows Thomas would love to be in his own company. Thirsty can already see himself spending the money. He knows Richard will be taken care of if they can raise even a hundred dollars. Fred chuckles and loves that he knows Thirsty and Thomas will be his business partners, as he can tell Thirsty is definitely in.

“Fred, I like you and this company sounds great to me, but I will have to run it by Thomas,” answers Thirsty happily as he rocks back and forth.

“Of course,” replies Fred as he looks around for a certain paint.

“I can’t imagine though why he wouldn’t want to do it. Boy if we became millionaires I would be so happy. I’d eat ice cream and steak for every meal,” proclaimed Thirsty proudly as he marched in place.

“Wouldn’t that kill ya?”

“I’d buy my Dad the proper equipment he needs to walk. I’d get Pop a good bed and blanket, which he’s dying for. Oh, I’d have to get Thomas some new comfy hats and coats. He loves clothes and especially hats. There are so many things I would do, and oh I’d help our school get some instruments for band practice, where now we just imagine the instruments,” says Thirsty happily as he pretends to play the flute.

“Pretending is not the same. They need real steel instruments if you ask me.”

“OH if I was rich then I would buy Pop a dog to hang out and play with. Because all Pop’s love to hang out with dogs and it makes them smile a lot. Fred, I’d even buy you some more paint and a canvas as they call it, to paint on. Yup, Fred, the happy times are coming and I can’t WAIT! I’d wake up Thomas and tell him, but he always growls and pushes me away when I wake him up. I think it’s because he dreams big and it’s so real to him that he doesn’t want it to stop. Fred, wow where does the good luck end with you, can you tell me that? Fred, let me in on the good luck scoop?” asks Thirsty as he sits there and smiles from ear to ear. He fidgets with his hands as he is beyond happy and wants to start making t-shirts right then and there. Thirsty gets up and walks around the room jumping up and down every so often as Fred laughs and claps for him.

Fred knows they are great kids and will be great t-shirt partners. Fred moves his paintbrush around in circles and then knights Thirsty on both sides of his head. This makes Thirsty jump up in the air and yell,”

YES!! I love me some T-SHIRTS!!”

“I LOVE ME SOME SOUP!” yells Fred excitedly and awkwardly as he jumps and crashes into a canvas on the left wall. Thirsty looks at Fred and grimaces.

“Fred, did you sprain your brain again? Fred, maybe you cheer and jump less and not get hurt and embarrass yourself more? I’m just saying when you cheer I have to go for the helmet, not cool, Fred,”

jokes Thirsty sarcastically as he tries not to laugh, but Fred has his hand poked through one painting and another sticking to his hair.

Fred tries to stand up straight with limited success.

“Thirsty, we can move mountains together, even planets! This partnership will make us all rich and happy comes with rich my Boy! I tell you I have been waiting for a true friend like you and Thomas for a long time,” confesses Fred as he rubs his forehead and then wipes paint from his arm. “Now I see this was fate, it had to be fate, or why else were you about to sleep in my lawn? Think about it, Thirsty, fate! Now when you tell Thomas, make sure he knows quick there’s a lot of money involved. That way he won’t be mad for thinking he’ll be working for free. Now, Thirsty, now is going to be our future. Hey why don’t you watch me paint for awhile and then we’ll grab some sleep?” asks Fred happily as he messes up Thirsty’s hair.

Thirsty tries not to laugh and smirks back at him. Thirsty smiles an enthusiastic smile and hurries over to jump into his seat.

Fred taps his own temple with his paintbrush and then Thirsty’s. He starts painting a long blue wavy line as Thirsty giggles. Thirsty loves watching the paint change the white canvas. Thirsty sits there watching Fred paint for 2 hours and then he and Fred go to bed. Fred goes up to his bedroom and Thirsty

crashes on the couch downstairs. Thirsty had ridden the bouncing stairs down to the living room. He grabs a couch and sleeps all day long.

Thomas rolls over at 10:32 and sees the moon is up and is shinning right on him. He smiles and picks himself up as he kisses Pop on the nose. Pop requires 1 nose kiss per day or he is moody all day long. Pop smiles and then licks the side of Thomas’ face. Thomas tries to brush him off as he smiles brightly.

Thomas looks at Thirsty still sleeping and thinks Thirsty looks peaceful. He doesn’t want to disturb his slumbers.

“Pop, I think we’ll ride a long time. I know we’ll make it to New York Pashal, Pop, I just wish it wasn’t so far. Good, Pop, always my friend and always my best chum. I love you, Pop, and I always will!

Now, Pop, how long do I wait for Thirsty to wake up? Because I don’t like waiting more than a minute.

HEY, THIRSTY, WAKE UP!!” yells Thomas jokingly as he runs over to Thirsty and pushes into his stomach with his head.

Thirsty instantly wakes up and rubs the dirt out of his eyes as he shakes his head. He knows Thomas is getting frisky again and Thomas giggles at him.

“Thomas, why are you waking me up with yelling? Actually, no don’t let me know it might make me not happy. So…let’s get going it should be about nighttime by now,” urges Thirsty as he squints. “Hey, Pop, you want another soda before we go? You are smiling and nodding yes I wonder what that means.

Just playing with you, Pop, I got your soda,” says Thirsty warmly as he hands Pop a soda. “Thomas, Fred said you could have all the cookies and sodas you can carry. So, I’d load up if I were you we got a long trip ahead. OH…he also had a great idea, but I’ll tell ya later. For now we have to get moving for Darcy’s sake. Thomas, are you giggling at me?” asks Thirsty warmly as he squints at Thomas and gets out of bed.

He pulls his shirt down over his thin muscular body and grins. He knows Thomas is laughing for a reason he probably doesn’t want to know.

Thomas smiles a mischievous smile and pushes in his dimples.

“OH, just the stock market got me laughing. Yeah my half share of what’s it name I’M RICH!OH, no I won’t lend you any money that would be wrong in too many ways,” Thomas says sarcastically as he spins around and grabs the air. “Thirsty, someday I will show you my money, but not touch no touch, Thirsty. Its good being rich I can buy a whole bowl of soup. I’m the soup king, ha, ha, ha! WHAT?! You want me to pound you, fine!” says Thomas sarcastically as he grins and hauls back like he’s going to pound Thirsty and then stops.

“Boy, I dodged a close one there hmm. So…do you always smell like butter, Thomas? WHAT?! It’s the neighbor’s fault! Boy those pesky neighbors sure do smell. I outta pound your head!” says Thirsty sarcastically as he raises his fist and smiles at a laughing Thomas.