Magic Everything by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Thomas knows he isn’t going to punch him because they have a no punch rule that has embarrassing consequences (like having to go to school naked and eating a cow patty). Needless to say they have no plans to break the no punching rule.

“I’m still laughing at how funny you looked when I yelled you awake, Thirsty. Your eyes went crazy baby, and your head hit the armrest. For me Thomas so funny I may be laughing again later. But that I won’t say, or maybe I won’t say ‘til later. But I won’t say about that either so stop asking. Let’s head out, oh WAIT, I need those cookies and sodas ohhh baby!” says Thomas happily as he smiles then goes and gets an armful of cookies and 5 sodas. He carries them over to Pop and puts them in the sack of skin on Pop’s belly.

Thomas sits down on his chair and waits for Thirsty to come and put his sodas and cookies into Pop’s belly, but Thirsty is upstairs writing Fred a letter in his studio. Thirsty writes the words,” Dear Fred, our new boss, thank you for the good sleeping and soda drinking hospitality. We really couldn’t have enjoyed our sleep without it. Thank you for being our new best friend and also thanks for just being Fred! I’ll be back someday and we will be RICH. Friendly yours, Thirsty and Thomas. P.S., Pop thanks you too hee he.” Thirsty runs and jumps down the stairs as he giggles and waves goodbye to Fred.

Thomas sits and watches as Thirsty sprints around the corner and jumps through the air and lands on his chair on the front of Pop. Then all in one motion he flies Pop out the front door and high into the sky.

Thomas is quite a bit impressed and he thinks Thirsty some sort of trampoline man.

Chapter 4

Then they ride for several hours through the newly christened state of New Hampshire Fluff (that is filled with large red skinned beasts called Boggets). Each Bogget has a yellow horned head and a muscular man like body. There are also huts and small wizard’s mountain castles everywhere. The wizard’s love living in New Hampshire Fluff because it has the best wand and spell shops in the world. It also has several 50 mile wide villages that look beautiful to all and everyone with eyes.

Thirsty looks down and he knows they might like to see if they are going the right way. He hasn’t been this far down in quite a long while. Thirsty flies out of the low flying clouds and into the city of Nashua Witch. It has the largest green skinned and wart covered witch population in the world.

“Thirsty, holy moly boly, look at all the witches! I didn’t know they all lived here, is there some sort of fish they like or something here, ‘cause I don’t know?” asks Thomas jokingly as he pretends he’s about to vomit on Thirsty. “And…they are flying all over the place on their brooms. It just makes me so nervous is all. Witches’ can spell cast on me so I don’t like. If you like them, I take back my not liking them, Thirsty,” says Thomas warmly as he sits back, drinks a soda, and then burps. He eyes a brown haired witch coming towards them at full speed.

It looks to Thomas like she is going to spell cast him. He ducks his head behind Thirsty and tries to hold on as best he can.

Thirsty sees her coming and knows most witches are anything but violent towards strangers. Thirsty isn’t worried he just doesn’t like how fast she is coming at them. The witch flies down and then up fast just missing Thomas and Thirsty. Thomas says slowly and in disbelief,” Thirsty, that witch got frisky, Thirsty, I no like. Maybe we go a different way, like back? ‘Cause if you get spell cast you turn into a goat or smell funny. I really think I wouldn’t look good as a goat…I do,” says Thomas sarcastically as he

winces and gets ready to duck any new witches. “I think if I am alive I get to be human boy, and not goat head. Thirsty, you’re not agreeing with me you better not be wishing me goat. I would never wish you goat. Boy you sure have changed since an hour ago can’t say I didn’t see it coming. Now I got no real friend. A witch trying to turn me goat and Pop won’t turn and smooch me, will you Pop?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he bows his head and grimaces.

Pop spins around and gives Thomas a smooch on the lips. Thomas perks up and starts bouncing up and down in his seat at this.

Thirsty reaches back and gives Thomas a one handed hug. Thomas suddenly feels a whole lot better about things.

“I’m always your friend, Thomas, that’s the way of it. Now we must be careful not to antagonize the witches. If we do we’re gonna be running for our lives, Thomas, and that’s not fun,” says Thirsty firmly as he watches witches flying in every direction. “I say we land and ask directions, because I don’t know where to go from here. Thomas, finish off your soda and get ready to go walking. I think I see a wizard’s restaurant and wand shop to ask in. HEY, I can get a wand with my share of the money. YES, I always wanted a new wand and I might as well get it. Thomas, I hear you smiling back there so yes I’ll let you hold it. But no spell-casting, Thomas, you could hurt someone namely me. Let’s land, Pop, bring us down!” says Thirsty boldly as he smiles and then points Pop downward.

Pop spreads his wings and quickly flies them towards the wizard’s restaurant. Thomas grins to himself and drinks his soda with big drinks. He doesn’t want to waste any of the delicious soda. He looks around and the witches are flying around making floating living rooms with spells. They have created triangular fires in the skies that they are roasting marshmallows in. Several witches are doing twisting spins on their brooms and making pink colored rain over people they don’t like. When Thomas sees this he has to giggle and nod his head happily. He wishes he could do things like that and cast spells.

“Thirsty, the witches are so get to the even with people’s. I don’t want them angry at me, no sir. I like not being a goat or even getting rained on, it’s wet!” says Thomas as he scrunches up his face and raises one eyebrow.

Thirsty hears this and he can’t help but laugh out loud. He knows Thomas has a way of saying things that he really likes.

“I don’t want them turning me into a road apple either, Thomas, but we just need to ask directions.

And maybe…I need to buy a wand and you need a scoop of ice cream. Then we need to find a snack for Pop and ride for a bit and relax,” explains Thirsty as he flies cautiously through the witches. “Then we need to somehow figure out when the best time is to go into New York Pashal? All these things take bravery, Thomas, and I know you’ve got some. So let’s just fly down a bit and do not make fun of a WITCH! I shouldn’t have to tell you why, Thomas,” says Thirsty calmly as he flies out around several triangular fires in the sky.

“Ah, why again?” asks Thomas. “NO wait; oh they might goat me. That makes some sense like none. Boy, Thirsty, you really turned out to be a boob, just saying. I think you knows what I mean, but I don’t even know. OH, I can smell the scoop, Thirsty. It smells good, I know that smell!” says Thomas jokingly as he sniffs right beside Thirsty’s ear. This makes Thirsty laugh for a few seconds.

They dart down the chimney of Sydney Green’s Tower and Wand Shop as Thirsty is dying for a decent wand. He knows they might have to defend themselves against the witches and soon.

Thomas feels the smooth, petrified tree trunk chimney walls as they fly down through it. He likes the soft feel and the different little rooms you can look into through tiny windows in the chimney. He sees a beautiful young girl with brown braided long haired dancing in one room. Thomas really wants to go and dance with her, because he likes her quirky dance moves a good bit. He sees a man levitating above a

sleeping lion. It looks to be some sort of madhouse to Thomas, as he knows all madhouses need him to have his extra guard up. He knows if he doesn’t they’ll cut his hair and steal his hat.

Pop flies down smiling and with his tongue wagging. Pop loves going down chimney’s more than any other place to fly, because there are usually no bats or birds to get in his way.

“Thomas, behave or at least don’t fall off and knock your head off. Thomas, I know one thing…that you only know 2 things hats and scoops. And you’re getting both, ha ha!” says Thirsty warmly and half jokingly as he grins. He reaches back and rubs Thomas around the nose with his fingers like a cat’s claw.

This makes Thomas giggle and play with Thirsty’s ears.

“Thirsty, this chim’ sure looks somethin’. I bet when we get to the bottom there’s no fire and we don’t burn. You wait and see, I am smart, and I know things. Hey, Pop, I bet you’re lapping this up aren’t ya?!” asks Thomas as he rubs Pop’s side. “Pop’s smiling he’s lapping it up, Thirsty, look at him! Old Pop, can’t stop loving his chimney rides. I bet if you built a house in here he’d be smiling all day long.”

“I agree.”

“Hmm…they better have an ice cream scoop here, Thirsty, or what. Ya know I didn’t know hat to say, it hat-pens! Boy this one goes WAY DOWN!” says Thomas loudly as his voice echoes off the walls.

“We‘re going right into the basement I know it. I just hope they’re smart enough to keep their scoops in the basement. Most people are at least people I know. Thirsty, why are you laughing head so much? I thought I was the laughing brother? I still could be if you ever stop laughing like a hyena. That was funny wasn’t it, now I’m laughing head,” says Thomas jokingly as he laughs with Thirsty.

They rocket around a gentle corner and through several flashing lights with the words Wizards

Welcome glowing in the middle of the chimney.

Thomas and Thirsty feel a thrill of exhilaration go through them. Thomas knows his brother is the funniest person he has talked to all day. Thirsty laughs so hard he almost falls off the side of Pop. He only catches himself at the last second and then holds on tight.

They ride down and then up a purple glowing slide. They bounce off a mattress on the wall and land in a pit of orange feathers. Then some wizard’s assistants hurry over and help them up out of the feathers and Thomas says warmly,” Thank you, I got feathered again.”

“Thomas, this is my kind of place. Look at all the new wands and they have hats! Gee…I know where you’ll be the whole time,” says Thirsty excitedly as he gets off of Pop and walks briskly towards the GREAT WALL of WANDS as the sign reads (it goes up some 20 stories and has every color and kind of wand known to man). There are pixies that fly up and over you and will get you any wand you want out of any illuminated case. Thirsty’s eyes dart all over the GREAT Wall of WANDS

as he can’t decide which one he wants. He knows if he gets the right wand he can work some serious spells.

Thomas continues to ride in his chair behind Pop as he sees no sign of an ice cream scoop anywhere.

He wants to slap Thirsty’s fat head for this as he knows there has to be a catch to going down the chimney, there just has to be. He grits his teeth and keeps acting like he wants to say something but stops short each time.

A few women in gold dresses and blue hats look at Thomas. They think he is about to burst out and start hurling swears left and right. They plug their ears and shake their heads no when he looks at them.

“Thomas, don’t volcano again they’ll kick you out. And if they kick you out then I’m having to leave wandless. So, let’s think of my feelings and my wand first. Hey, don’t swear I see you about to, DON’T

DO IT! Please, Thomas, you could really hurt some ears I know you can control the urge. Let the thoughts of scoop fill your mind and don’t BLOW IT YOU DORK!” says Thirsty boldly and half

jokingly as he eyes Thomas and wants to wrestle with him. He thinks he’s being silly, but he also knows if Thomas goes volcano on him they are getting kicked out for certain.

“Boy, I really care about your precious wand. I hope the GREAT Wall o’ wands will forgive. Boy you sure are milking this I thought we said NO MILKING! Now you go and break the rules, I’m on the edge, I’m going over!” says Thomas slowly and coldly as he glares at Thirsty and mouths swear words in between sentences. Thirsty quickly puts his hand over Thomas’ mouth and looks around to make sure no one has seen him.

He just keeps right on doing what he is doing as he tells himself they had better have some scoops and fast or he is losing it. Pop can feel the anger coming off of Thomas and Pop peeks back at him wide-eyed. Thomas raises his fist and shakes it at Pop, as he is not in the mood to be cheered up by Pop.

Thirsty has no idea what is happening as he scans the wands, but he suddenly feels the breath of Thomas and he thinks he hears a half-swear. Thirsty spins around and says quickly and reassuringly,”

THOMAS, they got scoops upstairs I know it! Please don’t burst and do something you’ll regret just don’t do it! I can grab a new wand and we can go right upstairs after I do. Calm down; just hold on for a little while. I’m sorry the scoops weren’t here, I’m really sorry.

“Yeah I’m pretty want to slap some head sorry too! Tell me there’s scoops, THERE BETTER BE!

Boy if I get the shaft people are get some kick and yell, Thirsty! Boy I am riled now and I can’t stop my feet’s from giving thought to a random person trip, Thirsty. Hey, I’ll do it don’t you tempt me, Mister Man. Pop, stop being so happy it’s bringing me down. Scoop or nothing!” says Thomas coldly as he glares at every face he sees and shakes his head slowly from side to side. He has had it with the scoopless wand shop and he wants some scoop fast!

“OK just think about our manners and sweet sis’ Darcy. Thomas, are you pulling hard on my neck?”

asks Thirsty happily as he tries not to laugh. “I feel your little hands come on. Hmm, I’m actually

thinking scoop myself. Thomas, now soft slaps on the cheek? Stop it!” says Thirsty firmly and happily as he tries as hard as he can not to laugh, but he knows Thomas is having a moment.

“Hey there, Son, what can I do for ya ya know, what do you want?” asks Scott Pudding brightly as he smiles at Thirsty with a full mouth of rounded white teeth and a twinkle in his eyes. He uses a twinkle spell to always have a twinkle in his eyes for sales purposes. Scott is 5 foot 9 inches tall with a dark brown mustache. He has a hairy neck and hands.

When Thirsty looks at Scott in his red suspenders and white dotted shirt, Thirsty knows Scott is the guy who gets you to pay 50 cents more for things. And as Richard always tells Thomas and Thirsty if a guy looks to be your friend, and you don’t know him, he’s trying to take your cash or he’s about to rob you. Either way you need to be very wary of the brand new friend you didn’t expect. Then Thirsty looks at Scott for several seconds not sure what to say in light of the Thomas situation.

Thomas wants to swear more now than ever as his throat is filling with every swear he knows. The only thing that keeps them inside is Thirsty’s promise they have scoops upstairs.

Pop tries to lick Thomas’s face to make him happy, but Thomas doesn’t even flinch. He calmly grabs Pop’s tongue and sticks it under his armpit. Pop is none too happy about this.

“What DO YOU THINK AN ELEPHANT! He needs a wand you Idiot!” yells Thomas angrily as he glares at Scott and waves his fists around in front of his eyes.

“Ahh well I don’t know,” says Thirsty coyly and sternly as he walks onto the wand purchasing spell chair. He then sits down in the tan recliner and instantly the wands Thirsty is looking at make the recliner fly up to the different levels. Now he can take them out and look at them. Thirsty knows never tell a wand salesman you like a wand or you’re paying double.

Thomas watches Thirsty go up some 20 stories and head right for the Magical Mist wand. That very wand is the one every kid wants, but only if it has been signed by the famous wizard Glothic. Thirsty is

no different as he eyes the purple and red energy contained 3 foot long wooden wand, with a dark purple hand grip having owl’s eyes looking out at you from inside the wood. It also has mini-lightning bolts shooting out of the tip constantly.

“Hmm, they sure are wands aren’t they?” asks Scott coyly as he tries to trick Thirsty into thinking he’s his friend.

“Hmmm, do you realize you’re really smelly? Sorry, but I feel like I’m going to pass out, just saying,” says Thirsty firmly and coyly as he grimaces and shakes his head like something smells. He knows he has to keep Scott on his toes.

“Hmm, no I hadn’t,” says Scott nervously as he smells his shirt.

As Thirsty gets close to the wand he wants his eyes light up and he is having trouble slowing his breathing. He knows if he is to get this wand he has to bargain and get a lower price, but he can’t do that nervous.

The wand floats out of its case and over and into the hand of Thirsty. Once it gets there Thirsty says happily and coyly,” Yes, it is here! Oh…it has the autograph. That’s pretty good I guess,” says Thirsty quietly and coyly as he feels the wand in his hands and his eyes blink from one color to another as he holds it.

Scott is flying up beside Thirsty on a petrified brown bear chair. He knows he is going to take Thirsty for a ride and get all his money before he leaves the building.

Pop fights to free his tongue from Thomas’s armpit, but it is no use.

“Easy, Pop, that’s my tongue now. Thirsty, don’t blow it!” yells Thomas jokingly as he grins and waves up to Thirsty. He really needs his scoop before he empties his happy tank from lack of a delicious scoop.

“Shut up, you’re milking it!” yells Thirsty angrily as he shakes his head and looks down at Thomas giggling.

“OH, I see you’ve got the Magical Mist wand there, a very pricey item. I hope you weren’t thinking of taking that homer today,” says Scott coyly as he is implying a question. He lowers his head and shakes it from side to side. He knows he has to trick Thirsty into thinking the wand is in high demand and that he has another buyer that wants the wand.

Thirsty hears this and his eyes dart over to Scott, because he knows Scott is trying the old new potatoes trick. That’s where you actually sold new and old potatoes from the same potato sack for different amounts, but they are all just the same exact potatoes only you make them seem more valuable by saying someone else wants them. Thirsty hears this and he instantly starts to put the wand back into its case.

Thirsty flashes 2 dollar bills in his pocket and sighs loudly. He knows Scott can’t let a sale just walk out of the store once he sees the 2 dollars.

Scott eyes the 2 crisp dollar bills and he starts to sweat buckets. He worries a sale might be heading for the exits and he isn’t letting that happen no way no how. Scott asks coyly and quickly,” Oh aren’t you interested in the wand, it’s very affordable ya know? I could even let it go for a minimal price say…2

dollars and your brother’s hat?” asks Scott brightly and coyly as he smiles from ear to ear and eyes Thirsty intently.

Scott takes the Magical Mist wand back out and moves it closer to Thirsty’s eyes. Scott knows that 2

dollars is 1 dollar more than the wand is worth, but he has to go for the much larger amount to get the 1

dollar and the hat.

Thirsty hears this, grimaces and lets out a couple loud sighs. Thirsty knows he has to act disinterested because he has to get the deal back into dollars only.

Thomas is about to swear his head off as even the mention of the hat is about to set him off.

Scott moves the wand around in front of Thirsty’s eyes. He makes sure the product is what he is thinking about and not the price, but Thirsty knows that trick all too well.

“SCOOP, THIRSTY, SCOOP ME!! I’m dying scoopless, my thoughts hurt ahh!” yells Thomas sternly as he lays back on Mr. Pop and acts like he is dying.

“Yes, you’re friend there is acting quite odd. So how ‘bout 3, I mean 2 dollars and the hat hmm?”

asks Scott coyly as he tries to trick Thirsty into 3 dollars.

Thirsty glares at him the second he says it. He knows he can’t pull that trick on him.

“Well…it sure seems to be a bit used. I came here to buy a NEW WAND. Makes me wonder if you’re taking me for a ride, ya know,” says Thirsty coyly as he implies a question. Then Thirsty grimaces and takes several deep belabored breathes as he keeps his eyes moving away from the wand.

Scott keeps the wand right in front of Thirsty’s eyes as now Scott worries the play for the hat might have upset Thirsty and cost him the deal. He tries to think of a deal without the hat, but he really wants that hat and he was willing to trade the wand straight up for it if he can.

Thirsty sees the slight bit of worry shoot through Scott’s eyes. He knows Scott is acting bright and chipper, but that flash of worry means he is about to lower his offer. Thirsty is willing to pay 1 dollar and fifty cents if the hat is off the table.

Thomas holds Pop’s tongue in his armpit and chuckles to himself as Pop tries to escape. He is now not as angry as he was. The swearwords though still for some reason (he can’t explain why) still come out. He remembers the ice cream scoop and he knows why he is so angry. Thomas glares up at Thirsty and Scott.

“Hey, Thirsty, why are you wearing pink underwear? Aren’t those Darcy’s? You loser, take those off RIGHT NOW!” yells Thomas sarcastically as he grins and watches Thirsty cringe.

Thirsty glares down at him.

Thomas knows that glare is sweet heaven, because that means he got Thirsty but good.

“I assure you, Sir; I would never try and deceive you. If anything, I’m your new friend and person you can deal with,” says Scott brightly and coyly as he flashes his perfect white teeth and keeps his eyes warm and inviting. He keeps moving the wand in front of Thirsty’s eyes, but all’s he is doing is buying time and feeling Thirsty out. He has to have the good deal ready for Thirsty to fall into and take, because he knows that Thirsty is close to being a walker. This means he is just going to walk right out the store in a huff and he doesn’t want that, but what he does want is that hat.

Scott sucks in a long breath, then opens his mouth and nods his head. He tries one last gasp to get Thirsty to make the final offer first, but Thirsty doesn’t even flinch. He looks around like he is bored and ready to leave. Scott knows then it is dealing time and then Scott asks brightly,” Ok, ok, Sir, I got your deal right here, I got your deal. Let’s go nuts and forget about the first deal, ok.”

“Fine I guess God it’s hot in here,” says Thirsty coyly as he rubs his neck.

“Now…I think we’re close to a new deal, I really do. Here’s my second and final offer, here it comes. 1 dollar and 50 cents and I take that ugly hat off your companion’s head, how’s that sound?” asks Scott warmly and coyly as he smiles his best thoughtful warm smile and puts out his hand like they have a deal.

Thirsty has to keep from laughing at this old,” we’re friends aren’t we,” technique that tries to shame someone into a bad deal and get you to think you are letting them down if you don’t take it. Thirsty knows this one, because he’s done it himself a few times. Thirsty reaches into his pocket and instead of

grabbing the cash he pinches his own leg hard. He knows he needs his wits about him just then or he will end up in a bad spot.

“Hmm…that doesn’t sound MUCH different to me. Maybe, and I’m talking deal now, maybe just the dollar and forget the rest? It’s kind of a shabby wand anyway and I don’t know. I hope it works, looks so old and all. Do you know of any other wand shops nearby?” asks Thirsty coyly and sadly as he eyes the wand and looks around bored and sad. He now has the deal he wants within his grasp.

Scott is essentially telling him with the lower price he will take close to that. Thirsty just has to convince him to drop the hat, knowing Scott will lower the dollar amount and he’ll get the wand for a reasonable price.

Scott looks down wide eyed and holds his breath. He has been out-dealed by Thirsty with the old,”

do you know of another wand shop close by.” Now Scott knows he is up against a shrewd person and the deal is slipping away. Scott tries with all he has to stop from losing control of the sale. He knows the wand has to be eased into Thirsty’s hand and without hesitation.

Thomas down below looks up quizzically as he sees Scott really struggling with something and breathing heavy. Thomas knows then Thirsty is working him and about to buy the wand. Thomas has seen him work people many times before. Thomas lets go of Pop’s tongue and then hugs and kisses him.

Thomas is sorry he kidded around with Pop for so long. Thomas has even forgotten what had him so mad in the first place. Then a trio of witches breeze into the room from the chimney entrance on broomsticks.

When Thomas sees the green skinned 2 older ones he thinks they are not attractive to his kid eyes, but the small witch is. Her name is Fregilda and she has soft warm hazel eyes and long beautiful seal black curly hair. The longer Thomas looks at her the more he wants to talk to her. She looks at him and winks at him a few times, but Thomas isn’t the best at winking and has to use both eyes.

When he does this Fregilda giggles and waves to him as she blows him a kiss, which he promptly catches the kiss on his cheek and then moves it to his lips and grins.

“Hi there! You look very beautiful, Witch Girl. Thanks for the smooch! I needed one, how did you know that? You can come over and talk can’t you?!” yells Thomas coyly as he grimaces and acts sad. He knows he has to lay it on thick for Fregilda to come over and talk to him. He worries she won’t like him since he is so far away and a wizard’s son. Most witches don’t like wizards because they become very powerful when they grow up and it leads to many deaths.

Fregilda looks at Thomas and she feels a tingling sensation come over her body. And before she knows it she is smiling at him and heading over to talk to him. She thinks he sure is confident and looks really cute too. She worries he might be stingy in letting her try his hat on, as she thinks it is one sweet looking hat.

“Hmm, I don’t know if I need a wand now, I don’t know. I …boy it’s a lot of money you’re trying to pull out of me. I may need a snack before long, I just don’t know,” says Thirsty coyly as he grimaces, puts his hand over his mouth and shakes his head.

Thirsty jerks his shoulder again and again quickly like he wants to leave. Every time he does Scott cringes and goes to say something but stops short. Scott knows this deal is door bound and will walk out the door if he doesn’t do something quick. And if he doesn’t sell this wand to this sap now he might never sell it he thinks.

Thirsty knows the Magical Mist wand is more valuable than the shop owner knows, because everyone who now owns one keeps their mouths shut about how good it is in public. That way the young wizards can all get their own one for cheap, as it should sell for closer to 15 dollars and Thirsty knows it.

“Boy I know wands, and that one sure is special. It’s a real shame I mean…gosh gee I just,” says Scott sadly and slowly as he lets out a loud almost hissing like sigh. He wants to yell at Thirsty for making such a low deal, but he keeps his eyes on the wall of wands in front of him with wide eyes and doesn’t blink.

“THIRSTY, YOU’RE HEADS EXPLODING!! RUN QUICK AHHH!!” yells Thomas sarcastically as he is doesn’t want to wait and needs that scoop or he might actually spit on someone. And no one wants that including Thirsty.

Thirsty sits there, then shakes his head and grimaces again. He knows the art of wand dealing isn’t for the faint of heart, but he had to learn it being so poor or he’d never get the things he wanted. Thirsty sees Scott’s forehead get really sweaty and for a split second he thinks about making an even lower bid, but he thinks better of it.

Scott has to let the wand go and he knows it, as he stands up straight and then says brightly and coyly,” I’ll tell ya what, and I don’t usually do this sort of thing. What say we go a dollar fifty and forget about that darn hat? I know that’s fair dealing and I can live with that one, let me tell ya. Fair deal and all that is it, what do you say?” asks Scott brightly and coyly as it is all he can do to force the fakest looking smile you’ve ever seen. He knows he is taking a ride on this deal, but at least that cursed wand is out of his sight and that makes him feel good.

Thirsty goes to burst out laughing, but he masks it with a hearty fake cough. He had no idea this Scott was such a bad salesman, because if he had known that he would have been in here all the time buying everything.

Thomas looks down below and grins softly. Thomas sits there with his arms around Fregilda, as she has asked if he would give her a hug to remember him by. He sold her on the idea of a long arm around the neck, as he wants to keep his option of a smooch open if she gets the feeling.

Fregilda smiles at Thomas and feels giddy. She wants to laugh at how calm and handsome he is. She can’t figure out how he could be so confident and loveable, but she doesn’t care his hand feels great on her neck. She never wants it to end.

“So, Thomas, I bet you like apple pies don’t ya? I bet you do, hmm?” asks Fregilda playfully as she can’t stop smiling and she doesn’t know why.

Thomas grins back at her and looks away for a second and then back at her with warm eyes. He wants her to think he is really thinking over her question, because that means he cares more about the question than a normal person does. Thus he likes her and it makes it easier for her to like him.

She starts to laugh and pat him on the shoulder.

Thomas raises his left eyebrow and adjusts his hat to the other side.

“I like ahh; ya know pie really any kind you can eat. I don’t like pie made from rocks, or dirt, no dirt pie. I once ate a whole pie and it was a mighty good tasting pie with sugar stuff in it,” explains Thomas as he puts on his cutest face. “Then there’s the pie I made, yeah that pie tastes good and I can’t see myself telling you this for lying’s sake. Ya know I bet the pie you’d make, without dirt in it, I would eat I bet I would. Do you like making pie for me, or me? I can tell you if Thirsty heard us talking about eating he’d be hogging all the pie. Then we’d be pie-less, without pie and with stomach pain. Hey, Fregilda, can you kiss my forehead I think I have a fever?” asks Thomas coyly as he has to talk his way into some sweet free pie and get one more smooch. He might die in New York Pashal and he knows it, as he looks down and then up slowly up at a laughing Fregilda.

“You won’t die without food will you, Thomas? You’re not actually starving are you?” asks Fregilda nervously and intently after kissing his forehead and then rubbing the sides of his face.

“Yeah, I could, you never can tell when there’s pie involved. I mean, your love may be the only thingy, keeping this poor, hungry for pie boy alive. I hate to say it, but can you have a pie with you the next time we snuggle and smooch? It would help, and I’m a little disappointed there wasn’t pie this time, I mean, where’s my pie?” asks Thomas coyly as he pouts and looks at Fregilda with pursed lips. Thomas

hopes she’ll run and get him a sweet delicious pie, because he knows Thirsty is going to blow it and spend all their money.

“Oh, I’m sorry I should have thought to bring a pie. Well, gosh I don’t know what to do. Let me try and hug and smooch you some more, so you don’t die,” says Fregilda sadly as she grabs Thomas. She is madly in love with him now, as she knows he has the sort of way she likes people to talk to her. Thomas is handsome and doesn’t look away when she is talking.

Thirsty eyes the wand and slowly pulls out the dollars, as he knows he can’t just slide the bills over to Scott or it will cost him further deals when he comes here again. He slowly plays with the bills and shakes his head like it is hard to part with them, as well as he has the added task of getting his 50 cents change. And he knows many shop owners will say they lost it or they can’t make change. Thirsty knows that scam and he isn’t going for that one without getting something of equal value in the store for the 50


Scott sees the 2 crisp bills and everything in his body says just take them Scott, take the bills and run, but he worries a wizard like Thirsty with wand in hand will cast a spell on him. He doesn’t like his odds against someone as shrewd as Thirsty.

“I’ll tell ay, Scott, I’ll tell you what I’ll….I might want to know where my change is first. That way I won’t forget to ask you about it, later ya see. So, have you got my 50 cents change on you, Scott?” asks Thirsty coyly as he starts to put the bills back into his pocket slowly, as he knows Scott would be a fool to not produce the 2 quarters just then and lose the deal.

Scott’s eyes light up and his fake smile fades away. He sees the deal running for the exit and he has to think fast. He shoots his hand into his apron and then produces the 2 quarters shinny and new. Thirsty smiles warmly and put his hand out and waits for him to give him change before he pays him. Scott knows Thirsty has him and it is dumb to not give him the quarters at this point.

“Yes of course, your change, here you go! Now might I have the 2 dollars, Sir? Sure would love it if you handed me those, I would,” says Scott anxiously as he watches Thirsty bite the quarters to make sure they are real and then put them in his pocket.

Thirsty grabs the wand and slides it into his pocket and then hands the 2 dollars over to Scott and gives him a firm nod.

“There you go, Pip!” says Thirsty as he grins.

Scott smiles and then says happily,” If you need another thing, we got the thing you need. You might want yourself a scoop of ice cream, up the stairs and to the right, have yourself a bite. Bye for now, I hope that wand works. You never can tell with a wand of that quality, sorry in advance bye!” says Scott brightly and slyly as he has to stick it to Thirsty before he leaves, as he wants Thirsty to feel a bit of nervousness and shock that the wand won’t work at all. Thirsty smiles as he already knows it does and Scott laughs under his breath as he flies away. Thirsty grins and debates casting a spell on Scott for being so frisky, but he decides not to.

“Noramamis Santoo!!” shouts Thirsty as he looks at Scott. Scott cringes and looks back, but Thirsty was just faking him out and he laughs at this.

“Hey, don’t do that!” yells Scott nervously as he doesn’t like little bratty kid’s who play tricks on him.

“Neprahna Cantoo!” says Thirsty quietly as he waves the wand in a swirl motion and glares at Scott’s back. He just wants to try the wand out to see if it works. Suddenly the back of Scott’s head has an albino Koala with a purple head sitting on his head and shielding his eyes. Scott is unable to see and he drives right into a trio of robes and denim wizard’s hats. Sending clothes flying and it trips a few wizards in the process. Thirsty giggles at this and hurries down to where Thomas is, as he knows they had better get moving before someone figures out that he did it.

“Oh hey, Thirsty, I see the wand works. I’m very happy it doesn’t smell like the last one. OH, I thought we had talked about a scoop, but I can’t remember. Did we talk about it, or was it the real me that did? Because I don’t know?” asks Thomas coyly as he grimaces and looks around like he’s sad, as he wants that scoop even if he has to trick some Thirsty to get it. Thirsty sits there on Pop and he has to laugh at Thomas and his ploy.

Thomas looks up at Scott screaming and trying to get the affectionate white and purple faced koala off his head, but he has no idea where he is going and he runs and falls headfirst into the fountain next to the wizard’s dungeon room (this is where wizards hang out and talk spell casting of yesteryear). Scott gets soaked from head to toe and Thomas sees this and he has to laugh and clap, as he knows by the grin and wink Thirsty gives him Thirsty is enjoying it. Thomas is so happy they have the new wand and it worked out so well. Fregilda stands there and hugs Thomas as she doesn’t want to let go. Thomas just smells so good and he has great hands for hugging. Thomas quite frankly doesn’t mind.

“Hey, Thirsty, I like your new wand it’s not taped together in the center, nice. This beautiful young witch is Fregilda, why don’t you give her a quick look?” asks Thomas as he sits there and grins while he looks at Fregilda with one eyebrow raised. This causes her to giggle and hug him some more.

Thirsty spins around and sees the new girl that likes Thomas. Thirsty sees how beautiful Fregilda is and he wishes he had the magnetism of Thomas with women. Thirsty taps Fregilda on the neck and she spins around slowly and looks at him.

“Fregilda, Thomas, needs his neck and body back, sorry. It’s just; we have to get going, very important trip and all. I bet though if we saw you again Thomas there would give you a good smooch and hug. Wouldn’t ya, Thomas, please say yes?” asks Thirsty coyly as he pouts his lips and looks at Thomas with sad eyes. He wants to get Thomas stuck having to hug Fregilda just in case more than one of the girls he likes see him all at once. That way he will get caught in his many hug giving ways. Thomas looks wide-eyed at Thirsty and is just about to start swearing like mad again, but he feels Fregilda’s hand

around his waist and it snaps him out of it. Soon though he has to let Thirsty taste some of his own medicine.

“Aahh, yeah I can’t WAIT, Thirsty! Boy, you know me I love this, Fregilda, here. OH, Fregilda, Thirsty here wets the bed sometimes. He just can’t stop himself from doing it, don’t know why. OH, and he tripped the other day into a manure pile. Face first and he yelled for 30 minutes afterword. Yeah that Thirsty, he’s a clumsy Gus, and he ain’t even named Gus.”

“Maybe we should talk about something else,” asserted Thirsty as he started to sweat.

“Boy there was a time he got slapped by a cow once, and he didn’t even know his name for an hour after. Kept saying, is my name Daisy, am I Daisy? You can imagine his embarrassment, I know you can.

So…we’ll be seein’ ya, can’t WAIT to hug you again. I hope you don’t mind Thirsty’s mad eyes you see there or his smell, can’t help. Let’s ahh…I’ll see ya!” says Thomas warmly and coyly as he loves giving Thirsty some of his own medicine, as he sees Thirsty make the mad person’s eyes and he knows he is ready to tip.

Thirsty lets out a loud grunt and then has Pop floor it away from Fregilda as she goes for a smooch.

Thomas laughs the whole way and kicks up his heels. They ride up a spiral tunnel in the roof and head for the ice cream scoop, as Thirsty knows now he wants some ice cream to celebrate the new wand.

“So, Thomas, I’m mad, but not that mad because I got a WAY, WAY cool wand. And, I got it for WAY, less than what it’s worth. I literally got this wand, and now I have plenty of money for food. We don’t have to worry we can eat all the way to New York Pashal. Thomas, can you stop rubbing it in and listen to me?” asks Thirsty as he flies them up around several 10 foot tall dark blue and white haired wizards. The wizards are hanging out in mid-air and playing some ghost chess, where the actual pieces are ghosts who have nothing to do.

Thomas elbows one of the pieces and he giggles as he does. The piece nearly falls off the side of the board, but he knows since he is just a kid they won’t do anything. The upstairs room has 3,853 different kinds of ice cream set up all the way around the circular room in see through bins. The bins have energy pulsating through them to make the ice cream the perfect temperature and ready for anyone to eat. They have flavors like,” Deadly Doom Day,” and,” Flying Strawberry Boy Crunch,” and they taste extra good because they have small amounts of eatable magic in each of them.

“Fancy room I love it, Thirsty!”

“You ain’t kiddin’!”

There are recliners made to look like warlocks that sit in the center of the room and float just 10

inches off the ground. They will play movies only you can see if you are sitting in that chair, as you eat your delicious ice cream. The ceiling bows downward towards the room as there are wizards upstairs fighting one another as bets are being made on who’ll win.

The extra magic and different beasts they create weigh down the roof. The room smells of ice cream and has candles on top of owl’s heads that fly around the room and make it seem alive. There is fiddle and guitar music rising up out of the royal red carpet that sounds otherworldly. The walls have several wizards asleep in their paintings (that have their snoring masked by the sound of children playing as it is well known old wizards snore). Everyone in the wizard community knows there is nothing you can do about it, but it is so loud you have to try and hide the sound.

There are mini-warlords who walk around and smoke bubble pipes. They have lost their ability to wage war and use magic a long time ago, but they still like to hang around wizards and try to stick it to them, as it gives them a rush. The warlords look similar to trolls, but they are decked out in gold and silver covered uniforms. They have their tongues tied literally as they had their tongues tied into knots using a spell that can never be undone.

There are also several large purple snake people who are walking around, that look like snakes right up until the moment they shapeshift. They love being able to be anything they want or anyone. There are also several children lying on floating rugs, as they ride around the room while their wizard parents shop or bet on the wizard fights.

Thomas eyes the kids and he doesn’t ever want to be on a rug like that no way no how, as he likes being able to do what he wants.

“Thomas, don’t just buy the first scoop you see like you always do. You always get one and hate it then you beg me for a lick of mine. Walk around and inspect every scoop, and make a smart person’s choice. I know what I’m getting, so don’t try your, I just need one lick routine. Serious, I heard you giggling and I know what that means. Now, let’s get Pop a treat, and then we’ll walk around. Oh, make sure no dumb kid tries to feed Pop Poptarts. I still remember the last time that happened, and it was not fun,” says Thirsty as he rides Pop over to the exact middle of the ice cream scoops. Then he and Thomas get off of Pop and look around for a tasty apple to give him and some soda. Pop sits there smiling and sticking out his tongue at every person that passes, as Pop knows he is getting a treat and he feels like rubbing it in.

“Ya know, if we get Pop some soda, and maybe a plume. He would probably be happy for awhile.

And a happy Pop means we would be ridin’ safe, Thirsty, ridin’ safe. That I think would matter, to people who don’t want to crash, like me. Now people like you, the crashing and breaking neck people, don’t mind so much, or at all. Hey, Thirsty, can I use your wand to turn you into a tasty treat for Pop? Ok I see your scowl and I won’t ask again, until later he ha. Oh I am the funny boy now, and I am making the funny jokes. OH, I see my scoop. Look, at the scoop over there. It looks to be some sort of cherry and pancake scoop, mm, mmm. I guess I should ditch you, Thirsty, and go scoop hunting,” says Thomas as he pokes Thirsty in the back with his index fingers a few times in a row.

“That’s fine, but when you’re sleeping in a dragon’s mouth, can you bleed less and think about choices? That way you’ll remember why the Thirsty’s of the world told you not to go. Hey, dragons love little Thomas joke telling boys, because I’m pretty sure you taste like chicken, Chicken Boy,” says Thirsty sarcastically as he winks at Thomas and then points both his index fingers at him like they are guns. Thomas meanwhile grimaces and nods softly, as he thinks this is classic not getting the joke Thirsty and he does not like.

“Oh abouty that, I heard dragons only eat Thirsty’s, but even then they spit them into mud pits. Bad flavor and all, just saying. So I’ll be taking Mr. Pop now and you can just ask some nice person for a ride, hmm. Mr. Pop don’t laugh behind my back I heard that distinctive giggle, no giggle. Thirsty, can you walk any faster? Boy what do you think they’re gonna run out? I know they did once, but still it’s funnier if I say they didn’t, jokes, Thirsty,” says Thomas sarcastically as he eye’s each scoop and tries to visualize the flavor in his mouth.

They both giggle at this and Thomas knows Thirsty will lend him one big lick and soon. Thirsty shakes his head and eyes the different sodas they have for sale and the ripest apples. Thirsty knows Thomas is just a certain way and there is no point changing him, but Thirsty loves him regardless of his schemes.

Pop sticks out his tongue and licks the side of a woman’s face named Sue Luggy. She turns and looks firmly at him and debates snatching that tongue and tying it into a knot.

“Ahhh, Pop, what have you gotten yourself into? Stop licking the lady, Pop, she’s not Darcy. Sorry, Young Lady, but Pop is missing my sister and his snuggle partner Darcy something fierce. I hope you can forgive him, he doesn’t mean anything by it,” replies Thirsty apologetically as he looks at Sue with his best puppy dog eyes and Thomas does the same. Thirsty knows they don’t want some wizard going off on their beloved Pop.

Thirsty sees by the way she holds her dark brown leather clutch she is of the wizardly way, as her wrist is arched upward so she can grab her wand quickly and all in one motion. And for Thirsty he knows that she is not to be trifled with as Richard had taught him of wizard’s.

Thomas looks at Sue and he thinks she is whoa momma pretty. He wants to ask for a snuggle, but he worries it isn’t a good time for that sort of thing. Pop smiles and has his tongue dangling out the side of his mouth, as he loves Sue Luggy and he thinks her cheek tastes like cherries and he wants a second lick.

“Well, I don’t know, my cheek is wet and my mood has been tampered with. I don’t like Pop’s anyway, and this one even less! Now I should do something bad to your Pop, but if you buy me a scoop, I’ll let it walk thusly away. So, scoop or no scoop?” asks Sue sternly and coyly as she plays with her hair and looks up at Thirsty with doe eyes. Sue knows if she plays her cards right she can get that scoop of ice cream she wants for free.

Thomas has to hide his eyes quickly, as he knows she is working them for a scoop and it will cost them scoop money later. Thomas moans and hits the chair he is sitting in.

Thirsty grimaces and looks at the woman sadly, as he has seen enough scams to know one when he sees it. He looks back at Thomas and shakes his head no, but he mouths the words,” we’re ditching this scoop stealer, hold on,” and Thomas winks at Thirsty. Thomas leans back and latches himself in casually.

Thirsty leans forward and starts to nod his head like he is giving her the scoop, but he is going to escape and he just needs to rub Pop’s ears to get him ready to fly on an empty stomach. And when Pop lets out a low purr Thirsty knows what to do.

“My money’s outside I’ll be right back!!” says Thirsty coyly and excitedly as he grins and then floors it away from a startled Sue Luggy. They head up the chimney and outside for some sweet open air, as Sue stomps her foot and glares out the window. She sees them flying away, but she isn’t going to let this go without a fight. She stands up straight and pulls out her pink and orange tipped wand from her purse.

“Snakidius be Done!!” screams Sue angrily as she floats there on the window sill and her eyes glow yellow. Then out in the field in front of Thirsty, Thomas, and Pop a huge snake is transformed into a 13

foot tall dark green skinned snake for a head man. He has a long tail and a glowing dark orange barbell shaped energy redirector, as well as he is breathing fire from his mouth.

Thirsty, Thomas, and Pop look up from laughing and see the snake man right there in front of them.

He breathes fire at Thirsty, but Pop shoots out around the fire and then back the way they had come.

Thirsty and Thomas know that is a bad idea.

“Thirsty, why aren’t you giving the big snake man a smooch? He’s a lonely Gus, and just wants to talk some that’s all,” says Thomas sarcastically as he grins and rubs Thirsty’s neck playfully.

“Stop, Pop, we’ve got to face the snake man! Turn around and I’ll see if my spell studying is what it should be. Thomas, don’t move around much, I’ve got to concentrate. I see you, Snake Man, how ‘bout a bite to eat, hmm? Dinbaterus Gravo!” yells out Thirsty coldly as he waves his wand down and then upwards sharply.

When he does the area round the snake man’s feet turns into gravy beneath him. He starts to sink down into the gravy pit at lightning speed, but the snake man swings the energy redirector through the air.

It sends a rolling ball of flames and electricity through the sky. Thomas’ eyes light up when he sees this as he wants to shout out as every way Thirsty turns Pop the ball of flames chases them.

Thirsty shoots straight up in the air and the ball of flames and electricity continues to follow them.

This makes Thomas and Thirsty nervous and they wish there was some sort of way to disappear from view.

“Thirsty, how is this better? You killed me, I knows it. Sucks bein’ dead I don’t like it already. I’m not ever gonna like it, and that’s a long time, think about it, Thirsty. Can you at least TRY another spell?”

asks Thomas as he throws up his hands and then says,” Maybe one with water or a bigger ball of flames?

That’d be my guess ya know,” says Thomas nervously as he sits there and clutches the seat and looks wide-eyed back at the fireball as it nears. Thomas knows they are such goners just then and he won’t even get his scoop and he hates it. Thirsty sits there and tries to think of the perfect spell, but nothing is coming.

“Wait, you’re right, Thomas, that’s it! A spell with a tasty bit of water to drink. Raindropa Adafa!!”

shouts Thirsty happily as he stands up on the seat and faces the ball of flames. And when he shakes the wand sideways and then up and down out of the end of the wand rockets a deluge of dark blue water in the form of 1 foot across projectile.

It goes in the direction that Thirsty is aiming and he laughs, as he watches it extinguish the flames.

This sends a bolt of lightning down from the ball and it hits a large oak tree and splits it like a loaf of bread. The smoke from the flames inexplicably falls down instead of up. Thirsty smiles and then spins around and sits down, as he knows they are out of the woods so far, but he has to go check on the snake man.

Thomas is scrunched up in his seat afraid to look when he feels the cold breeze and hears Thirsty laugh. He opens his eyes and then leans forward to ask Thirsty what has happened.

“So, we didn’t die, well that’s good. Hey, Thirsty, why are we heading towards the snake man?

Shouldn’t we be running away, which means in a different ah…direction or something? I don’t know why you have to be the tough guy all the times, I don’t like it one bit!” says Thomas while he hugs Pop.

“I have an idea just relax.”

“I’m telling Dad on you, and you’re getting a STIFF, tongue lashing when he hears. NO, no don’t try and sweet talk me, won’t work. You have to keep me safe, first job. Second job, I want my scoop! I tell ya, you’re slacking off on the job, all the time. It makes me think hey Thirsty, maybe he doesn’t like me anymore. But if I got my scoop, I might change my mind just saying. What’s so funny, Pop, I hear you

gigglemiester? Laughing at me, that’s an all time ban now. I want better treatment, and I want it in 5

seconds, 1, 2, 3,5! Ok time for the good treatment, let’s see who was listening,” says Thomas as he eyes the nighttime sky all around them and he feels nervous for not having a wand of his own.

Thirsty and Pop laugh then fly down close to the snake man. All’s they see of him now is his hand as it reaches out of the gravy with the energy redirector in it. Thirsty wonders if he can snatch it out of his hand. He rides down and uses both his feet to grab the energy redirector on both sides. Pop flies upward and rips it out of the snake man’s hands. Thomas sees this and he is in shock and wonders how Thirsty was able to pull that one off so easy.

“Thomas, here take this, and be ready to use it. This will be your weapon, and no you can’t have a wand. Just be thankful you can help, because we will need more protecting in the future. Now, we’ve got to get some food or I’ll never hear the end of it. So keep your eye out for the scoop shop, any one will do,” says Thirsty as he reaches back and tickles Thomas. Thomas brushes Thirsty away, as he just wants to play with his shinny new gift from Thirsty. Thomas has never owned a weapon as good as this one before and he likes it. Thirsty flies them out over the city and heads for the Wizard’s Magic Expressway, as it is a highway in the clouds for wizards only with several lanes to fly in and it goes all the way to New York Pashal.

“Thirsty Bear, this thingy, this odd thingy I do like,” says Thomas as he inspects his new weapon. “It doesn’t smell, laugh at me, or even poke my eye. It’s good, it’s good baby, and I need some good in my life. I just wonder, I just, ahh how do I tell you? I need a scoop! There I said it, so now I hope and hope some more you don’t hate me because I’m scoopless. Thirsty, are those I’ll go get you a scoop soon giggles perhaps? Oh those are my favorite! Boy, now I feel good, I feel like a person who has a brother named Thirsty! That’s pretty good I must tell ya. So Bear Head, where are we now?” asks Thomas jokingly as he sits there knighting Thirsty on either side of his head with the energy redirector. This makes Thirsty giggle and try and snatch the redirector from him half-heartedly.

“Oh the Wizard’s Magic Expressway, I just saw it on a sign. Well, I just feel bad I don’t have my own Thirsty, ya know. If I did I could borrow clothes, have him dig Richard’s ditch. Maybe laugh at you when I’m sleeping, just the things that matter. Thomas, don’t sleep on my neck. I heard that snoring sound even if you kid I don’t like those kid’s! Now can anybody on this Pop named Thomas tell me without speaking how scoop crazy they are?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he pushes Thomas back off his neck as he is fake snoring. This makes Thomas giggle and then poke Thirsty a few times playfully in the ribs.

The Wizard’s Magic Expressway consists of 100 single lanes for wizards only, with bright colored magic walls on either side some 22 feet across. They need the holes to show wizards when they are close to their destination and they use bursts of flames with each town’s name as you near. They also have bread and scoop shops in the lanes for riders on both sides of the wall, that are not open to the public and you have to be an advanced wizard to buy their wares. They are also well known to have the best food in the state. The shops themselves are made to look like the heads of mythical beasts poking out of the walls with names like,” We Think it’s an Ice Cream Scoop Shop,” and,” The Coffee has Actual Flavor Coffee Shop.” They are big enough inside for 5 Pops and 10

people. Each of the shops has couches set up inside facing out the windows. And if you want them too they will rotate and you will be looking straight down at the city below with a spell cast upon each couch that holds you in place. They also have wizard style video games, where you use your wand to cast spells and defeat large purely magic dragons or Goliaths. They have the added benefit of you being able to bet on whether you can defeat the beast or not. The shop’s sometimes will fly out of their spots in the expressway and go back to where they are from. You have to run for it if this happens, because they don’t alert you they are about to do this.

The expressway also has bright balls of red, purple, and lime green star shaped magic, that bounces around the lanes and leaves trails of light behind them that you can see from miles away. They want the

rider’s to be awake and not crash into their pristine new walls. The song,” We Might be Friends in that Pesky Hole There, ” by the band Strictly Magic Moms plays in the background and it sounds like a good pop song without the electric guitars instead with wands being played.

“Hey, Thirsty, now that we’re in the expressway, why don’t we stop at a scoop shop? Ya know, we don’t have to ride all night we could stoppy and grab a scoop? What’s that, you wanna but your voice doesn’t work, well so do I. That settles it, we’ll stop and get our scoop, I love it! Hey, Thirsty, is that what they call laughing that you’re doing? Yeah, I don’t care for that, stop already. Now back to my request, I got money, I got empty hungry stomach after riding so longgy. I bet if you put a scoop in front of my mouth, I’d eat it. Yeah, there’s that laughing we discussed again, stop it. Thirsty, I’m starting to think you don’t wanna, play by the rules. These rules, Thirsty, I did not make, they are everybody’s rules. Now you get it, stop the Pop and get me my scoop. There, I said it and even you can understand stop the Pop! I see a scoop shop coming, sure would be a nice gesture to stoppy,” says Thomas as he shrugs his shoulders a few times, as he knows if Thirsty is going to laugh hard at his request he will eventually cave in. Then Thomas can get his tasty scoop and go back to enjoying the ride.

Thirsty laughs and debates stopping, but he doesn’t want them arriving at New York Pashal in the morning. And if they do they will have to deal with all the different wizards from all over flooding into the city, as Thirsty knows nighttime will be perfect. Then they fly past a hamburger shop called Yes We Think Dust is a Condiment! It smells really bad and is shaped like a 2 headed yellow toothed dog. Thirsty cringes as they go by knowing the food must be terrible inside there.

“Hey, Thomas, guess what?” asks Thirsty coyly and warmly as he tries not to smile.

“Oh I hope it’s the scoop or what. Or, Thirsty, you getting slapped on the cheeks for smiling head, what?”

“Thomas, I got scoop on my mind too, but you know we can’t stay long. If we do we’ll end up heading into New York Pashal during the morning. That, Thomas, is way bad news, and you know it too.

It’s not proper in the morning light, so decide if you’ll eat quick or no. Because I will leave you in the scoop shop if you decide to dillydally. Thomas, why are you giggling I’m not kidding around with you?

Ahh, ok you rascal, we’ll stop at the next scoop shop but Pop has to get a soda first. I won’t have Pop going any longer than he has to without food. And he’s needs a plume and we’re both paying for it. So, you better plume him and then he won’t be so moody. Thomas, look what’s up ahead,” says Thirsty happily as he grins a goofy grin and flies them out around a sign reading Yes Some of the Ice Cream is Actual Steel Cans, Sorry Scoop Shop.

And when Thomas looks up and over the shoulder of Thirsty he sees the light green scoop shop lit up by bursts of magic. It is shaped like the ancient warrior Sir Henry the Wise. And Thomas just starts shaking his head up and down and he grabs Thirsty all over his back, as he really wants that scoop and he can’t wait any longer.

Thirsty feels his hands grab him and it makes him smile from ear to ear and laugh loudly, as he knows the second they get inside Thomas will run to the counter and order the plume and soda for Pop.

Then he will start scanning the different flavors of scoops, as Thomas always thinks of Thirsty and Pop first.

Pop perks up when he smells the warm milk brewing and the ice cream inside. And now Pop is happy for the hope of some food.

“Oh yes, I thought you were not so smart, now at least I don’t’ know, Thirsty. Look Pop is even smiling through his Pop head. The world wants me to have this scoop, I know it. I hope they don’t make us do any hand washing before, because my hands are already as clean as bread. That, Thirsty, is as clean

as anything, and they know this. I just hope there’s not some pushy wizard, hogging the good scoops. I need to be able to walk right in, and not waitty, and grab my scoop.”

“We’ll be fine.”

“I think I’ve earned it and so has Pop, and one other person, oh that’d be you, Thirsty. Go ahead and get happy, your scoop is coming too. Well aren’t we a happy scoop getting bunch, I love it. I knew we’d catch our luck and I guess I still know it. Pop, snuggle with Thirsty, he’s doing a great thingy. I love you, Thirsty, and you, Pop, I do. I just hope you’ll allow me to have the first scoop, seeing as I love you so much,” says Thomas coyly as he sits there and rubs Thirsty’s back and grins softly. Thomas knows if he gets them thinking about love they might let him go first, but he knows he does love them and they already know that anyway.

Thirsty smiles warmly then reaches back and gives Thomas a one arm hug, as he loves that Thomas is being nice. Pop loves it too and he tries to lick Thirsty by swinging his long tongue back at him, causing Thirsty to have to duck the tongue.

“THOMAS, what about Pop?” asks Thirsty as he looks around.

“Oh Pop, yeah about him I think he deserves the first plume. Now, who knows who’ll get the first scoop, me, me. I love you, Pop, and, Thirsty,” says Thomas warmly as he sits there and rubs his arm.

“Thank you, Thomas, I know that was hard for you to say. I guess I can let you go first, but don’t hog the sprinkles! I love two things you and sprinkles. And I don’t want to live without my tasty sprinkles ever again. Now, Pop, let’s fly in through the floor of the scoop shop to avoid the tourists, hey ho!” yells Thirsty boldly as he flies them sharply down and then right up under the scoop shop.

They come out right in the front of the line for scoops. The 5 people behind them look at them with angry eyes, but they haven’t stepped forward to the ordering spot soon enough. Even though there is

nothing they can say about them skipping ahead. Thomas and Thirsty know this and they try not to giggle, as Thomas walks right over to the counter and then clears his throat twice.

“Ok, I am a PLUME needing boy, one plumey. I also need some soda and I want DR. Pepper, without the lip. I also need to go examine your fine scoops, so give the plume to Thirsty here and don’t forget the soda. Thirsty, I’m checking out the scoops, be sure to remember I am right over here, bye,”

says Thomas firmly as he winks at Thirsty and then Pop as he turns and goes right down the circular row of animal shaped 5 foot tall scoop containers.

The nearest one to him is shaped like a deer playing poker with cards that are made out of tiny shirts and the flavor of the scoop being Some Sort of Red Berry and Gummy Bear Sweetie. Thomas eyes this one carefully as he knows this can be an important one to have as his safety scoop. He isn’t picking the first scoop he sees because he knows the best scoops are almost always the last ones in line. He keeps going down the aisles with the Lilly pad floor panels. Every step makes the floor panels move around from to side to side. Thomas looks down and he worries it might not hold him up, as he looks back at Thirsty as he’s handed the 1 pound plume and the large can of Dr. Pepper that looks like a wizard in shape. Thomas has to raise one eyebrow and nod his head at this, as he wants Pop to have his feast just like him.

“There you go, Son, where ya headin’?” asks Young Man Doug Smith warmly as he stands there and looks at Thirsty and Pop, as he knows they are going on a long trip because he sees the dirt on the belly of Pop. Young Man Doug knows they must be or they would have washed him.

“Here, Pop, I hope you like the big juicy plume. Yeah, we’re heading to my uncle’s house. It’s not far from here, and he’s cooking us a whole goose tomorrow, can you imagine? And that pesky goose he shot while it was talking to him in the front yard, can you imagine? Those geese, they talk all the time, and all’s they need is to be shot! Pesky goose, well, why did ya ask anyway? Seems like a question for

friends or family and we aren’t related, Sir,” says Thirsty brightly and coyly as he flashes his brightest smile and laughs in between every one on of his sentences and as he slaps the counter. Thirsty knows a man like Young Man Doug Smith can just as easy be a criminal that stole his scoop shop. And when a crook asks you where you’re going Richard taught Thirsty and Thomas to always say an uncle’s close by, because it makes the crook nervous you’ll go get your uncle if they try to rob you.

Young Man Doug Smith stands there nervous and he looks around, as he was going to rob Thirsty and Thomas and take their Pop, because he knows he can sell Thomas’ fine hat and the Pop for gambling money. Now with this uncle in the picture he has a sudden change of heart.

Thomas hears Thirsty say this and he bursts out laughing. Thomas has to cover his mouth and run to the nearest window to laugh out of it, as he knows what is going on.

“Oh, run along, Son, it doesn’t matter. Go ahead and get your precious scoop. NEXT!” yells Young Man Doug Smith angrily as he slams the counter with his fist.

This causes Thirsty to laugh and do the same thing and then walk off as he waves to Doug. Thirsty knows not only do you never show weakness to a crook, you have to stick it to them to scare them out of robbing you. And there is no way Thirsty is getting robbed if his sister Darcy needs him to help her.

Thomas sees Pop coming his way around the corner of the ice cream bins. He sees how happy Pop is to eat his plume and drink his Dr. Pepper. Thomas is made happy by this and he waves to Pop, which makes Pop fly over to Thomas and lick the side of his face.

“Hey, Pop, you sure are licking me a lot, why so lick? Pop, you ignoring my first question, that’s not supposed to happen by anyone. What’s this, Pop, Top of the Mountain Maple and 5

kinds of Strawberry Butter Baby Crunch? Oh, just the name makes me the hungry.

Pop, don’t try and lick my scoop, I need it. Just stay back and be your Pop usual self. You should be full of plume and Dr. Pep’ goodness, but you sure are lick. Here we go, I’m pressing in the button for my

cone here it comes. Now I’m pulling on the slot machine troll handle. And there’s my ice cream, Pop, and they kept it cold for me too, how nice. I bet you’ll try and lick, Pop, but I don’t have to feed you until later. You might go a whole day without food huh. Tried to warn ya, but you sure look lick eh? Oh the scoop is ready, stand back, Pop. I got scoop on my mind,” says Thomas happily as he grabs his 20 ounce ice cream super scoop. He takes a large bite of it and then he feels like he is floating, because it is so good and perfect.

Pop tries to sneak in over Thomas’s shoulder to get a lick, but Thomas bats him back with his free hand and giggles as he does.

“Thomas, is that one any good?” asks Thirsty as he walks up to Thomas having not gotten his scoop yet with a grin on his face and his hands in his pockets. Thirsty knows Thomas has the best nose for scoop’s and he trusts his taste buds.

Thomas laughs and keeps batting Pop back by his nose gently, as he thinks the question is so funny because he knows he will never pick a scoop that isn’t. Thomas thinks Thirsty is being silly.

“Thirsty, I picked it of course it’s the bestest scoop. Here, you get one lick, but I want a refund of lick when you get yours,” says Thomas warmly as he slides the cone over to Thirsty and holds Pop back with both hands. Pop really wants some ice cream to wash down that plume.

Thirsty looks at the scoop and then takes a lick as he doesn’t recognize the flavor, but he knows it is so good it can make a dragon sleepy. He hands the scoop back to Thomas and quickly gets his own scoop.

Then he gives Thomas a sly look like he isn’t going to pay him back and Thomas asks firmly,” Thirsty, am I being stiffed? I sure feel stiffed and without scoop lick. Huh, I give and I get the big air present back.

Well I sure would like to be repaid, by someone with a scoop. Oh not you, Pop, someone else close by.

Hey, Thirsty, let’s forget about me letting you borrow my blue shirt, take it off now! That shirt is mine, I found it, go ahead now, just ease it off,” says Thomas as he continues eating his ice cream and looks at Thirsty with only one eye. Thomas knows he has to one eye him to get back the lick he is owed.

Thirsty chuckles and eats his scoop as he knows Thomas is that serious about his ice cream and will do just about anything to get his fair share. Thirsty laughs so hard he feels like he has hurt his back. He extends out his hand and gives Thomas ample time for a lick.

Thomas instantly licks the ice cream, but makes sure to get a second lick for spite, as he doesn’t like waiting so long for what he is owed.

“Thomas, I think we need to get going. Why don’t we eat fast and then get back up in the air?

Because right now is a perfect time to be flying, look how dark it is. Maybe you’ll eat your scoop and I’ll do the same, instead of licking maybe? Pop, do the front flip and you’ll be able to steal a lick from Thomas,” says Thirsty playfully as he grins and they walk down the aisle back towards the exit.

Pop does just what Thirsty says and does a front flip over the head of Thomas and takes a lick on the way down. Thomas can only shake his head and feel like the swears might be coming back, as Thirsty laughs and gets up onto the back of Pop. Then Thomas gets right up in Thirsty’s face and shakes his head no and looks at Thirsty by squinting, as he wants him to know that it is not the look of a loving brother.

“Hey, Kids, I don’t want you here, get out of my shop! Get your bodies out, and don’t come back!”

snarls Young Man Doug Smith angrily as he glares at a smiling Thirsty and stands there behind his counter. He wants to slap Thirsty for being so cocky, but Doug knows Thirsty is a wizard and has to be left alone. He also knows it is his shop and he doesn’t have to let them stay there.

Thomas cackles and sticks out his tongue at Doug, because they are halfway out of the store when he says it. Thomas knows Doug is a bad person and they can’t trust him or his cowardly words.

Thirsty turns and waves his wand around just to scare Doug. Doug freezes in his tracks and puts his hands up and backs away from the counter.

“We leave when we’re ready, not because you tell us we must go, Sir. Bye, thanks for the tasty delicious scoop!” says Thirsty boldly as he waves his scoop at Doug and then his wand. Then Thirsty, Thomas, and Pop shoot out of the shop and back out to the expressway.

Thomas smiles and touches Thirsty on the shoulders, as he is proud of him.

They ride through the Floating rainbow shooting gallery, as it is a rainbow shaped floating rainbow some 25 stories high that arches over the expressway. It lights up at night with magical lightning bolts that will encircle the rainbow and then go straight up into the sky and turn into mini-planets. And they do this for hours and make hundreds of planets and it creates a dreamlike skyline.

Chapter 5

“I love it here, Thirsty, I love it more than home. Look, they have all these planets here, kinda special. I bet if we went up to one, it would be a fun ride I betcha. And, I can see Pop eyeing the rainbow because he thinks its candy. So that’s not good, and maybe Pop needs to get a good rest once we get there, I say. Well, even the air tastes good, like way good. The kinda good air I always loved when I used to really like tasting air, Thirsty. Hey, can we go faster I wanna see more stuff?” asks Thomas warmly as he eyes the rainbow and the planets in wonder. He loves every second of it and really is blown away at how perfect and surreal it looks. Thomas knows the kids back home don’t get to see stuff this special.

“Huh, what is that human language?” asks Thirsty jokingly as he reaches back and tickles Thomas’


Then Thomas gives him a couple soft nervous kicks and says jokingly,” HUH, yup you person without the ears, Thirsty, you need ‘em! Boy if I had known this, I would have told people you smelled less. So, that’s what I’m doing now and let’s hope those ears start working or you’re SCREWED!”

“Well that’s actually a good idea, Thomas, but are you ready for the super speed?” asks Thirsty as he grins and watches as several wizards turn dead right into the area beside the expressway (they want to cast a certain spell and create their own place to sleep for the night).

He sees them turn the empty sky into a triangular house one story high that is yellow in color. And he wonders how they got so powerful and can do such wondrous spells.

Thomas sits there and grins as he nods his head. And then he grabs onto Thirsty’s back and moves him playfully from side to side, as Thirsty breaks out laughing and acts like he is hurt by it.

“Oh no, Thirsty, we’re gonna crash! Isn’t crashing fun, I love it! Why don’t we if we’re smart, listen to my expert knowledge? Go a-head and go faster. Trust the Thomas, I can put on my new seatbelt and I

won’t fall out. Well, Mister, doesn’t even like my ideas what’s your big plan now?” asks Thomas playfully as he continues to move Thirsty from side to side and laugh.

Thirsty laughs and sees they don’t have any wizards in front of them for hundreds of miles judging by the lane signs. He shrugs his shoulders and puts his feet into the different slots. Pop shoots forward and Thomas shoots back, as Thomas giggles and hurries to get his seatbelt on. Once he has it on he sighs and puts his feet on Thirsty’s back. This makes Thomas grin and fold his arms proudly, as he knows there is nothing Thirsty can do about it. Thirsty grimaces and isn’t happy about the smelly shoes on his back, as they race past the first series of castles floating in the sky (with each of them brightly colored and full of mythical beasts guarding the inner walls).

“Thomas, your feet stink! Can you be normal person for 6 or, 70 years? Oh, wait I have a SMOKIN’

IDEA! Let’s tie you to Mr. Pop’s neck and then hurl you into the ocean. Oh, I don’t know where these ideas come from, but they sure are good ones. Thomas, I still feel the feet. I thought we talked about HURLING YOU, no? Oh you didn’t just rub your foot against my mouth. Now it’s slap silly and no more food for years time,” says Thirsty jokingly as he tries to get away from Thomas’ feet that are rubbing all over his face, but Thomas keeps rubbing with a different foot from a different side.

“Thirsty, what about my cute feet and their feelings?” asks Thomas sarcastically as he sighs. “Feet don’t let him brings you downs, not tonight. So, I see you’re riding like a boob what else is new? Hey, I need you to apologize to my talent. Let’s hear those silver words, warm foot hug and another scoop and plume, both for me this time. The FEET mind!” says Thomas smoothly as he pokes Thirsty in the nose with his big toe. Thomas knows if he can annoy Thirsty long enough he’ll want to go do something fun for a little while, as the riding on Mr. Pop is wearing him down, way down.

Thirsty looks at a blue castle and sees 2 dragon head’s poke out from behind a 25 foot high wall with red eyes. He knows maybe he should not go near that castle if he wants to live, but he always loves the look of a dragon (because they are made primarily of pure magic).

Thomas eyes a red castle that has several little blonde and brunette girls playing on the walkway between the towers. Thomas thinks they are very cute and that he’d like to talk them up, but he doesn’t know if he will ever see them again. He grimaces and puts his feet up on Thirsty’s bare neck. This makes Thirsty cringe and push the feet back off of his skin, as Thomas giggles and sits there and admires the scenery.

“Thomas, those feet are dirty, and quite frankly they are smelly. I don’t want Thomas feet on my neck, they are too cold and clammy. Now let’s have some real speed, Thomas, hold on!” says Thirsty boldly as he looks around and then gives Pop the signal and they race off at even greater speeds.

They go so fast Thomas grins from the stiff wind in his face, as he loves him some good wind and taking the big chances.

Thirsty meanwhile has to keep them racing through their lane and he has his eyes on the Troll shaped mountain some 20 miles in front of them. It rises up 1 mile into the air and is called Jimmy Kraft Mountain. The owner is named that and has built it using 300 wizards, as he pays them all handsomely and makes it so they can all live there with him for free. Thirsty dreams of working and living there as he knows he can raise a family there and enjoy the good life.

Thomas eyes the mountain and he just wants to go exploring inside and maybe get locked up in a dungeon. Then he would have to have Thirsty come bail him out, as he knows Thirsty won’t let him rot in a dungeon or suffer. No Thomas knows Thirsty would break him out and then they could laugh about the whole thing.

They ride for another hour and a half and they ride up and around Jimmy Kraft Mountain. The expressway has to divert out around the giant mountain. Thomas eyes the mountain and he loves every second of it as it looks like a fun zone for young Thomas he surmises.

“Thirsty, why don’t’ we pit stop, and get some plume without pits? I think Pop just growled and that means he’s hungry again. Which wasn’t he fed like a little while ago? Like why is Pop getting so hungry all the time now? I’m not even hungry and I ate at the same timey. Not fair to me, because we both know if Pop gets food I am getting food too. Thirsty, I wasn’t going to mention it, but Pop smells. I can’t take the belly odor he needs a hose down, big time hose down. Can we PLEASE, get some water and clean him?” asks Thomas as he winks at Thirsty as he peeks back at him.

Thomas undoes his seatbelt as Thirsty slows them down. Thomas wraps his arms around the neck of Thirsty as he is dying for some brotherly love to tide him over for awhile. Thirsty smiles at this and slows them down even more to pat Thomas on the back, as he doesn’t want his brother to suffer for no reason.

“Ok, Thomas, we’re stopping and we’re cleaning the Pop belly,” declares Thirsty.

“Yes, that’s talkin’ words and all!”

“You’re right though, he sure is getting hungry a lot. Makes me wonder is he a sick Pop, does he need some medicine? I hope not, I don’t want Pop to be hungry and injured. Maybe we can go in this mountain and if we’re lucky they will lend us a hose? I think if I thought about it that would be the smartest thing to do. What do you think about this predicament, Thomas?” asks Thirsty calmly as he rides them towards the off ramp to the mountain.

Thomas smiles and hugs Thirsty around the neck, as he thinks how happy he is to get a good hug all of the sudden from Thirsty. Thomas burps and then lets out a long happy sounding sigh, as he needs to think this over. It already looks like they are going to the mountain anyway. Thomas doesn’t think he should have to say anything.

“Well does it have to be the big deal that we have to worry about? SO WHAT, so what I say if we stop. Darcy would understand she’s our sister. She’s knows if Pop was hurt she’d save him for certain.

Yes I think we’ll stop, but we need to be dreaming and thinking of Darcy, because she is going to need us,

Thirsty, and soon. I’ve been dreaming about her for 10 minutes, that’s commitment, Thirsty. And I might think another 5 how’s that? Darcy if you can hear me somehow, I love you! Darcy, we’re coming to save you, stay safe please. See, I think that sort of thing helps in my mind anyway. Thirsty, call out to Darcy, she needs you,” says Thomas warmly as he pats Thirsty on the cheeks and snuggles his own head right up against the head of Thirsty.

Thirsty giggles at this and slows down even more so they just slowly ride along, as he knows Thomas is right and he has to do something to help Darcy even if it doesn’t work.

Pop lets out a low humming sound that makes everyone smile at how funny it sounds.

“Seems Pop has beaten me to it eh, Pop? Well then, DARCY I LOVE YOU MORE THAN


MORE THAN MUFFINS WITH STRAWBERRY JELLY!!” yells Thirsty loudly as he grins and gets patted on the head as he does. Thirsty feels a lot better about Darcy now and he doesn’t feel so guilty for stopping.

Thomas cheers and rubs his cheek against Thirsty’s head good and hard. Thirsty and he giggle as they ride into the entryway to the front of the mountain with a huge sign reading For Every Spell the Magic Flows Through All of Us. Thusly Magic Everything. And between magic and everything the word is has been darkened due to the fact the lights have gone out. And for Thirsty and Thomas they smile at this sign and think it is a good one to put up to make people happy.

Thirsty knows he has to be ready for a spell as he has to keep Thomas and Pop safe.

The mountain has the mouth of a Cyclops as its front door, as it is lime green and rises up some 50

feet. There are chairs made of magic that can seat 5 people going into the entryway. And all’s you have to do is sit down and ride in.

Thirsty sees this and he plops down him, Thomas, and of course Pop on the tangerine colored chair and they ride in.

“Yeah, I am happy now!” yells Thomas as he holds onto Pop and Thirsty and they all giggle as they ride in.

“Thomas, Mr. Pop, we got ourselves a goodtime to be had by all! Thomas, can we MAYBE not get in quite so much trouble? And you, Mr. Pop, I am going to get your belly clean I promise. Boy, Thomas, this room looks good. I can see they sell uh oh, HATS,” says Thirsty playfully as he shakes his head and sits back with his face covered by his left hand. He knows once Thomas hears the word Hats he will be dying to go and try on every one.

Thomas hears this and he slowly but surely moves to the edge of the couch. He eyes 20 floating rows of small and large multi-colored-and in most cases glowing-hats. With so many young and old in and around the hats it looks like the biggest hat fair ever. Thomas grimaces and wants to say something, but he is on hat overload. He knows if he could afford to he’d buy them all and Thirsty knows it too.

Pop burps and out comes a lint ball the size of a softball with even a small plastic figurine in the lint.

Thirsty looks at the lint ball and he knows it might have caused Pop’s sickness, as Pop is still growling and looks to need a place to lay down and get cleaned badly.

Thomas doesn’t notice the lint ball at first, but when he does it causes him to double take. He goes to say something, but then he sees the hat of all hats the Dazer.

It is a cotton and silk stripped beanie hat, with a trio of goofy looking dragon’s and wizard’s heads hanging off the sides of the hat. It also has a secret compartment inside the brim for cookies and lollypops. With it also having a feature where you can reattach 3 of the rubber red buttons and it will turn into a top hat. Suddenly Thomas feels a bit sick to his stomach as knows he needs to lie down or get the Dazer.

“OH, Thirsty, Thirsty, oh, my bad hat wearing head needs help! Help I say, and that help has to come SOON, soon I say! Thirsty, this is the day, the one I need it!” says Thomas loudly as he lays back and starts acting like he’s hyperventilating. He knows he has to lay it on thick or he can kiss the Dazer goodbye. He also knows the crummy hat he’s wearing he’ll still be wearing for a long time with high embarrassment in the hat wearing crowd if he doesn’t sway the Thirsty.

“NO, you can’t have it, ahh! Stop asking for the Dazer we both know only I deserve it. And I don’t want Dazer, I want another scoop. Thomas, stop acting like you’re dying I’m not buying it. Ok are you really gasping for air or not? Tell me or I will have to spell cast on you,” says Thirsty coyly as he tries to trick Thomas into showing his hand and let him know he’s faking, but Thomas gasps for breath and beats his own chest as he’s not losing his 1 chance at a Dazer no matter what.

Then they ride into a different part of the room. The room itself is filled with 4 mini-restaurants that can float up to other floors through winding ramps in the ceiling. Each restaurant serves the best meal of that kind of food for hundreds of miles. Thirsty can smell the steak tips and red gravy and he would love to eat there it if they had the money to blow, but they are on a budget. The walls have kid wizards who hang off of them literally, as there are sticky magic posts lining the walls (where you stand on an upside down magical energy waterfalls and get tossed playfully up the sticky walls). Each kid can float up and stick to the wall and then swing into that floor’s rooms through doorways made to look like animal heads (like a Toosit or Garmth).

“Huh, Thirsty, is there some reason you need money? Like I bet if you gave it to me, you’d find lots more. Hmm, I want that hat, Thirsty, you know the one, the Dazer. That hat has been out of stock at Misses Long’s shop for 3 years. I go there every day looking for it, and nope. Now I see the Dazer and it sees me, and we wanna hang out. Thirsty, can I interest you in a deal? It’s a good one too, the kinda of deal people say yes to,” says Thomas smoothly and coyly as he eyes the Dazer and a seal black haired

young boy putting it on. Thomas sees the boy’s face turn from glum to smiling the second the hat is on and Thomas wants that hat and he wants that smile.

Thirsty grins and shakes his head no. He tries not to laugh as he knows Thomas has been looking for that hat for a long time, but Thirsty isn’t giving up his money for a hat when Thomas already has on a hat even if it is the Dazer. Pop groans and then moves his arms and legs around like you would if someone touched your nose as she slept.

“I’ll sweeten up the deal, you get snuggle and air sandwich hear me out, hear me out! And I get to keep all the money for food lat-er? Hey, deals like this are rare, like never happen. Boy if it were me I’d be taking that deal quick,” says Thirsty coyly as he makes his head push back into his neck as far as he can and moves it from side to side as he sticks out his tongue like an iguana.

Thomas does an obvious fake laugh and taps Thirsty on the top of the head fast. This makes Thirsty laugh and reach back and tap Thomas on the shoulder.

Thirsty knows Pop needs all their focus before any hat. Thomas himself looks over at an ailing Pop and he nods begrudgingly. He knows they have to heal Pop first and Thomas says sadly,” Ok, Pop, you need me, you got me, Mister. Thirsty, let’s go and get us some hosey and clean the Pop. Then though I gotta know we are THINKING, about the Dazer. ‘Cause if I knew that I wouldn’t mind so much not getting it ok? Now, where’s this pesky hosey, where are you? Thirsty, we might want to ask somebody,”

says Thomas hopefully as he eyes the Dazer and even goes so far as to wave to it as they ride away.

Thirsty grins at this and scans the room for any hose they can get. He sees that there is a play area for Pop’s and he sits forward and points at it.

“Right there, Thomas, they let Pop’s play there, they should have a hose. I’ll steer us over you keep comforting Pop, I’m worried about him awful,” says Thirsty firmly as he starts driving their couch

towards the dark red sign marked Pop’s with a big smiling Pop on it. And he knows they have to hurry or Pop might get even sicker and they would be stuck there until they could find a doctor.

Thomas nods yes and rubs the side of Pop’s face as he wants him to feel ok and not be sick at all, as he loves Pop and wants him always to be a happy Mr. Pop.

The children and the adults that are playing around the room look very happy and Thomas knows that means they must have filled their bellies with soda or scoop. He wishes then he was a rich boy and could have all the scoops he wants. He tells himself that someday if he works as hard as he can he will get all the money and scoops he can ever eat. He knows he just has to be the hardest worker he knows and it will happen like his Dad said.

“Hold on, Mr. Pop, don’t let your heart give in! Thomas, don’t let his sadness make him cry. We have to keep Pop happy until we can get him clean. Maybe sing some song or tell him some Pop jokes,”

says Thirsty as he flies them around the room looking for a hose, as Thomas blinks twice while he throws his hands in the air, as he can’t bear to watch Pop sick.

“Hey, Mr. Pop, are you eating my soup? What, you’re eating a dirt Sammy, oh that disgusting! Now, Mr. Pop, I know you like plumes, but what about road apples hmm mmm? Those babies are so tasty, and all Pop’s love ‘em! Hey, don’t you grumble at me, I do the grumbling, grumble, grumble. Now, seems one Mr. Pop is purring and letting out his usual hum. I don’t know but I think, that means he’s a happy Pop now. Hmm, that means he thinks old Thomas quite the good little person. Well, I am let’s face it, can’t help. Thirsty, are you done with the Pop worrying? I ask, because you’re not your usual riding into worryville about Pop self, get with it,” jokes Thomas as he sits there and twiddles his thumbs as he looks around with his face scrunched up. Thomas suspects everywhere he goes the people are looking at him and wondering what he is doing.

Thirsty sits there laughing to himself, but he has to find that hose and fast.

“Thomas, it’s going to be alright Pop is using his Pop strength to hold on. Thank you, Pop, we know you wouldn’t quit on us. Now Thomas he’d quit if the bacon was cold, Quit Boy, would in a second. Hey, this is the weirdest play room all the kid’s are running around like chicken people. Thomas, watch out they may try and poke your eye, poke, poke,” says Thirsty happily and jokingly as he flies them above the crazed kid wizards below.

They ride fast through the smiling dragon head and into the exclusive Pop play area. Once they get inside they see at least 100 Pop’s at play with rubber dragons and giant rubber cakes, as all Pops love to eat cake and will tackle any cake robber if they have to. There are also several leaning in balconies going up and around the outside of the room, with bookshelves on them filled with fun books for kids to read.

The Pops play and it makes it look like the greatest library ever. The floor has a thick bouncing orange carpet that has several hundred different couches and chairs setup for parents to watch their kids enjoy the room.

“Wow, Thirsty, I can see now where all the fun times are, here. I bet Pop here would like some fun times of his own. Wouldn’t ya, Mr. Pop, I say yes for you. Well then I think we need to find that hose and I think I know where. Look at the back wall over there, Thirsty, there’s a drinking fountain WITH yes with hose. Let’s go help Pop and then sit for a minute. Boy I really love it in here and I’m not even trying to love. Hmm, I like the people hanging out in here, and they seem to be the friendly kind, Thirsty. That means our money, and my hat, are safe and should be soundy. I love this place I said it ha hee!” says Thomas happily as he sits forward and has his smirking head pressing cheek to cheek against that of Mr.

Pop. Thomas realizes they have found a real great place to hang out and help Pop.

Thirsty hears the way Thomas is speaking and it makes him smile from ear to ear, as he knows if Thomas is happy anyone near usually is as well.

“Hmm, Mr. Pop, are you going to eat the biggest plume or the air plume?” asks Thirsty as he reaches over and rubs the side of Thomas’s cheek in a circle. This makes Thomas giggle and nod his head happily.

The couch is driven by Thirsty over to the fountain and then they ride up and over the lip of the fountain. Only to splash down in the center of the fountain and have a purple skinned young boy roll his eyes at them, as he is playing in the fountain and doesn’t want any company. An older boy named Roger Timothy stands there smiling and watches Thirsty, Thomas, and Pop as he can tell they are the jovial sort he likes.

Roger Timothy has short blonde neatly trimmed hair and hazel snake design eyes, as he stands all of 5 foot 6 inches tall. He also has on a dark brown corduroy jacket and white dress shirt underneath with the words Fun happens Today sewn on the lapel.

“I see you’ve found the fountain. Hi I’m Roger Timothy, just call me racing Roger though. You having trouble with your Pop, is that the way of it?” asks Roger warmly as he steps into the fountain and starts to sit down on the rim of the fountain when he sees Thirsty’s wand in his pocket. Thus gives Roger pause as he knows wizards are not the sort of people to be trifled with.

Thirsty and Thomas get up off of their couch and offer Roger their hands to shake. He takes both right and left hands and gives them both a firm handshake. This makes Thomas and Thirsty smile as they know Roger is alright in their book. Then the little boy splashes some water at Thomas and Thomas just shakes his head and grimaces.

“Yes, he doesn’t seem to want to be his happy normal self eh , Pop, here. I’m Thomas, that’s, Thirsty, my older brother and best friend by the way, Roger. I like you, I know you’re a good guy, I can tell. Can you help us and our poor Mr. Pop? If you did we might, and I mean only maybe, might buy you a scoop. I think a small scoop is payment enough for most things, I hope you do too, do you?” asks Thomas smoothly and hopefully as he grimaces and looks at Roger like he is in pain, that way Roger

might take pity on him and let him off on the 1 scoop promise. Thomas hopes to use the scoop money to feed Pop once they get him clean.

Thirsty grimaces and rubs the belly of Pop, as he sees what Thomas is doing and he wants to help him in his rouse.

Roger hears talk of scoop and he is all ears considering he is very hungry. Roger nods his head and raises both his eyebrows as he inspects Pop for sickness or damage.

Thomas and Thirsty watch him eagerly checking out Pop and they worry it is bad news.

“Hmm, Pop,” says Thirsty firmly as he wonders if Roger is going to try and trick them into raising the scoop offer.

“Yes Pop, I worry he’ll diey, Thirsty. Like dead, where we can’t hug and smooch Mr. Pop. Boy that would be sad, so sad for me and you even! Hmm, Pop,” said Thomas quietly and sadly so Roger can’t hear him as he talks into Thirsty’s ear.

Roger bends down and feels the center of Pop’s belly and moves around his 2nd stomach. He feels what he knows is a plume and that tells him just what is wrong. Roger stands up and dusts his hands off and then purses his lips like he is thinking about something serious, but actually he is just adding suspense to make sure he gets his scoop.

This while Thomas and Thirsty watch him with concerned looks on their faces and some sweat on their foreheads, as you never know what it could be with a sick Pop and they fear the worst.

“So, is he in some kind of bad shape?” asks Thirsty sadly and in a concerned voice as he grimaces and fidgets with his hands in the water.

Thomas sits beside him and shakes his head instinctively no again and again, as he doesn’t want to hear anything bad about Pop.

Roger stands there with his arms folded and nods his head up and down yes and then no, as he doesn’t want them too comfortable when a scoop is concerned.

Pop lets out a grunt and then flops down onto the lap of Thomas and Thirsty and pushes them back into the cushions of the couch. They chuckle momentarily and then look at Roger wide-eyed.

“Yes, I can’t lie to you, he is but…I guess if I had a scoop. I could let you borrow my Pop Mr.

Glowing Torches stomach soother cream. Ya know, the kind you use when you let your Pop eat a bad peach, or plume. In that case, yeah I would think your Pop would recover fully. So, it’s your money, what do you want to do?” asks Roger coyly as he scratches the back of his head at a feverous pace.

“Hmm, wants the job done after scoop. I don’t know, feels a bit scammy, Thirsty. What do you think?” asks Thomas firmly and quietly into Thirsty’s ear as he grimaces and shakes his head no and lets out a snake-like sigh from the side of his mouth.

Thomas and Thirsty feel better there is a treatment for Pop, but now they see they are being conned and they each grin and try not to laugh at Roger’s antics. The more they smile the more Roger scratches, as he worries they are figuring him out and his scam for a large scoop is floating away.

Thirsty clears his throat good and loud and startles Roger.

“I’ll tell ya what, Roger, because we like you so much, we’ll make a special deal. You give us the Mr. Glowing Torches soother cream. And then we’ll go get you a SMALL, scoop. I think that’s only fair considering all’s you’re giving us is a small amount of cream. I gather that cream can’t be, more than 4

cents, 5 cents tops. So, what do you want to do?” asks Thirsty smoothly and coyly as he tries to act sad and grimaces and lets out sighs, because he knows he has Roger now and there will be no large scoop changing hands.

Thomas buries his face in Pop’s belly and laughs hard into the side of it. Tickling Pop and he lets out a bit of a Pop laugh. And when Roger starts to scratch his neck again and looks around quickly, Thirsty

and Thomas already know he is going to give them the cream. They just think he is milking it now for a better deal that isn’t coming.

The young boy in the fountain grimaces and splashes Thomas as he walks past. And Thomas is none too happy about this so he splashes him back and giggles. Making Thirsty smile and touch the side of his own head to the side of Thomas’, as Roger shakes his head and then walks over to Pop and pulls out a small royal red colored tin of cream. And then he pulls out a small finger full and rubs it under the chin of Pop, making Pop instantly perk up and start to purr, because he is so happy.

“Hey Pop looks happy and his usual smiling self! Well I knew it could happen, but not would so much. Huh, well we’ll see ya, Roger, nice knowing you,” says Thomas brightly and coyly as he waves goodbye to Roger and starts hugging and smooching Pop. Thomas thinks he might be able to trick Roger into leaving if he says goodbye quickly to him.

Thirsty has to look away for fear of bursting out laughing, as he knows what Thomas is trying as he has seen him do that scam before.

Roger turns to leave and puts his cream back in his pocket, but then he freezes 3 steps into leaving and spins around.

“Hey, you forgot my scoop! I thought we had a deal?!” asks Roger defiantly and sharply as he stands there with his mouth agape and his eyes looking sternly at Thomas, He knows they are trying to deny him one small scoop and he is getting it no matter what.

Thomas and Thirsty just nod and act like it is a harmless mistake, but they really want to laugh. And Pop rolls over onto Thomas and burps, as he is happy to have his snuggle buddy Thomas back again.

Thomas is happy he has a happy Pop to hug and smooch as well as ride. Thirsty looks around for the nearest scoop station and he sees one 3 floors up at the end of this large leaning inward bookshelf. He points to it and then Roger’s eyes follow his hand up.

“See that spot up there, the scoop station? That’s where we’ll ride up to, and we’ll get you that agreed upon scoop, Roger. Now I’m sorry, Thomas, in his haste, almost deprived you of your scoop, but it was a harmless mistake. I hope you won’t hold it against him, ya know, for life. That wouldn’t be much fun for anyone, now would it?” asks Thirsty firmly and coyly as he walks over to Roger and shakes his hand. Thirsty just wants Roger to think they are friends, but they are not friends in any way.

Roger looks at Thirsty with a stunned expression on his face, as he feels he has misjudged Thirsty and Thomas and they are actually friendly with him.

Thomas rolls Pop over and then gets the seats ready to ride up to the 3rd floor. He knows he’ll have to share a seat with Roger and he hopes he isn’t a smelly. And that’s what Darcy would call people who smell that bad. Thomas thinks he might get the smell sickness and not be able to hold onto Pop. Pop floats there in the air with a bright smile on his face, as now all’s he can think about are hugs, smooches, and getting one more delicious plume, as he loves the flavor of a delicious plume.

“O.k., Roger, are you going to come with us or what? ‘Cause I’d really like to get going, seeing as we are late for something important. I’m just saying, you seem to be daydreaming our time away, that’s all. Boy, the Pop belly is still dirty, Thirsty, shouldn’t we hose it off? I know I would,” says Thomas as he has to stick it to Roger one last time for fun, as well as he wants Roger to clean off Pop’s belly so he won’t have to do it Thomas knows if he makes him feel guilty he might do it.

Thirsty looks at Pop’s dirty belly and he knows he has to be cleaned better than he is. And when Thirsty goes to grab the hose Roger snatches it out of his hand.

“What’s this, Roger, why are you going around snatching hoses?” asks Thirsty sternly and in disbelief as he eyes Roger intensely and gets ready to use his wand if need be. He can tell Roger is acting like a boy who wants a sleeping spell or for Thirsty to turn him into a warthog. And either way Thirsty is ready for him and he has the spells at his disposal.

Thomas watches eagerly and hopes Roger will get frisky and get a spell cast on him, because it is way funny to watch. And Pop floats there and smiles and moans from the happy feeling he has now in his belly.

Roger takes the hose and he starts to spray Pop’s belly and smiles as he does, as he just wants to help keep Pop clean and make some new friends. He knows Thomas approves of him cleaning Pop’s belly and he likes that.

“I got this, Thirsty, I just want to help is all. See this Pop of yours, Mr. Pop, he loves it when you wash him up and then down. I think he does, because he knows that way he will get his little invisible hairs clean in the right direction. So, I like your Pop, seems to be one of the happy ones. Why did you go and name him Mr. Pop? I mean, mine’s called The Tinkle Brigade, after my favorite book,” says Roger brightly as he hoses Pop off and whistles his favorite whistling song,” I stole your basket of bread, but not the cheese,” written by his father last year at the backyard picnic.

Thirsty and Thomas grin slightly and watch Roger hose off Pop, as Thomas knows he has duped Roger into cleaning Pop. Roger did try and get them to buy him a large scoop so he doesn’t feel sorry for him.

Thirsty looks around and then at Roger, who smiles and hoses off Pop in a way that Thirsty thinks is funny. He doesn’t know what to think of the whole thing, as he figures he might have just made a friend accidentally. He hopes Roger is a good friend indeed.

“Yes…alright, about Mr. Pop or just Pop, I came up with the name. I thought about it a long time, and then when he smiled at me as I called him, Mr. Pop. I knew he liked it, and if he liked it, I liked it.

Then, Thirsty, here liked it too so that was it. He’s a good Pop too, never wakes us up at night for no reason. He even once found me a whole SACK, of warm bread and jam. I must have eaten that bread and jam with Thirsty for a WHOLE week. Now that is one great Pop, I say anyway. I wonder, Roger, if you’re not too busy cleaning Pop, could you tell me if your Pop can dig a good hole? Ya know, to sleep in

if you need to be sleeping,” asks Thomas warmly as he sits there on the edge of the fountain and he grins slightly at Roger and splashes the water at the little boy from before.

Thirsty and Roger grin at the funny way Thomas is describing naming Pop, as Roger knows Thomas is the kind of honest person that has a hard time lying. He feels lucky to find friends like this when he is all alone in a strange place.

Thirsty stands there and grins and wonders if Thomas is going to trick Roger out of his scoop, as Thirsty can tell Thomas is hungry by the way he rubs his belly every 10 seconds or so.

“Yes, The Tinkle Brigade can dig, but he’s a bit of a lazy Pop. He sleeps all the time, and he eats all the food we don’t want him to eat. I guess it’s my fault for letting him in the house so much. But I just love hanging out with him, and snuggling close to him, it is fun! I thought once I saw him bring home a large apple, but he ate it before I could tell. So Pop here is almost clean, just gotta get his back and then we’re off. I wonder why your Pop is so happy?" asks Roger and then he continued, “He really makes me wanna smile.” Roger continues to clean off Pop and whistle in between everything he says, as he knows that he is winning them over and that means a lot to Roger.

Pop purrs and rubs the side of Roger’s face with his foot when Roger cleans off the top of his back, as that area has some tiny dirt specs in his hair he doesn’t like. Roger giggles at this and then hugs Pop good and hard making Thomas and Thirsty smile and clap for Roger. They know he has to be a good person if Pop likes him, because Pop doesn’t like just anyone.

“He must have eaten a happy apple once, and he never burped it back up,” starts Thomas he smiles.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of those,” replies Roger.

”Ya know I heard of that happening, not all the time, but some. Then there’s the thing he likes to do when we’re home, like letting us use him as a table. He didn’t have to do that, Roger. He’s just good and likes to help out. Now you see, we have ourselves one special Pop. Oh, Roger, what flavor scoop are you

going to get? I’m just wondering so I can dream about it, if I had gotten the scoop,” asks Thomas warmly and smoothly as he stands up and walks over to Pop and sees Roger is done cleaning him.

Thomas climbs up onto his seat and gets good and comfy there, as he likes the new clean Pop as he feels softer to the touch.

Thirsty gets on the front of Mr. Pop and rubs Pop around the neck, as he is very happy Pop is feeling much better and ready to go flying again.

Roger climbs on the back of Pop and he reaches forward and holds onto Thomas around the belly.

Thomas thinks his hands are a bit cold and clammy, but he decides to let it slide this time.

“I think I’ll see if they have a wizard’s witch green scoop. That sort of scoop has the flavor that lasts for like, I don’t know, hours. I mean, if you had one, you would love it, Thomas. It’s too bad you can’t afford your own scoop. I can see your mind is thinking scoop, and that means your belly is talking scoop too. Hey, Thirsty, are we ready? I just wanted to not get thrown off the back when you take off is all,”

asks Roger brightly as he grins and holds onto Thomas tight, because he knows a newly clean Pop always flies faster than a dirty one.

Thirsty and Thomas have to grin when he says that, as they each now see it would have been good if he had fallen off. Then Thirsty and Thomas could have shared the scoop meant for Roger, but they like Roger now and they are fine buying him a scoop after his cleaning and helping Pop. Pop hums and Thirsty gives him a pull back on the reins. Pop lifts up and Thirsty makes sure to not go too fast for Roger’s sake.

“Fine, I never had the wizard’s witch green scoop, but I heard good things about it. Now, Roger, why are you hanging out in this play area? Are Mum and Dadums up stairs buying you presents?” asks Thomas smoothly as he eyes a young boy climbing up a slide and then he slides down with his Pop. And Thomas wants to go Pop-sliding really badly, but he knows they don’t have the time.

Thirsty looks around and he sees more than a few young witches and wizards mingling. He worries they might be at each other’s throats before long. And he knows that wand is going to come in handy at some point.

And Pop is flown up and through some pages of one book falling from a reading war above them.

A reading war involves 2 wizards who read from the back of the book and the front of it simultaneously and quickly. The first one to read to the center wins all the money in the other one’s pocket, but if you are found out to not have any money you lose your wizard’s cap and wand with no excuses. That’s something which no young wizard dares ever let go of.

Thirsty eyes the winner of the reading war and he is a freckly orange haired kid named Nick Dawson. Nick looks like really bad news, as Thirsty thinks he has what Richard calls,” Bad deal eyes,”

which means he will glare at you when you speak to try and break you down. Thirsty does not want to talk with or go near Nick. And he hopes he won’t come near him either, as Thomas grabs a few of the pages and tucks them under his hat. He just wants to see if the knowledge in the pages will go through his skin and into his brain without reading them. And so far he thinks he is a bit smarter and he nods.

“NO, no me Mum and Dad are home, making ahh…dinner. Yeah, they love making me a big dinner with 20 courses! It’s just the way they are, so nice and not arguing all the time. So, why are you two here, your parents own the store or something? I ask because you seem to be the people the other wizards are looking at,” asks Roger brightly and coyly as he smiles and pats Thomas on the brim of his hat, as he tries the best he can to trick Thomas and Thirsty into thinking he has dinner waiting at home, but actually his parents told him if he wants to eat he has to go find dinner. And he knows that means they don’t have any food and he has to go find work.

Thomas grins and feels the hand of Roger tapping his brim. He doesn’t really mind as long as he doesn’t try brim snatching, but he is going to watch the situation carefully to make sure.

Thirsty hears Roger’s story and he knows it is just that, a story, because no kid with 20 courses at home would beg for work for a single scoop. And Thirsty sees Roger is a poor kid like he and Thomas and he feels bad for him, but he also knows they can’t give him more than the scoop, because they need the money.

“I’ve got 50 courses ah waiting for me when I gets home. Can’t wait! One thing I love, eating 50

courses when I get home. Boy, I tell you what, I sure am going to be a little piglet, but I don’t mind the swine baby! Oh, the bread, the cheese, and the bread again, can’t control my hungry mindo. Hey, Thirsty, can you wait for your 50 courses?” asks Thomas coyly and jokingly as he knows Roger doesn’t have 20

courses waiting he has dirt and air. And Thomas reaches back and slaps Roger on the cheek a few times.

Then Thomas moves forward and hugs Thirsty and blows air on his right cheek.

“Wow, I guess we’re all rich! I’d love to eat at your house, BOY WOULD I!” says Roger coyly and anxiously as he makes an awkward hand motion and forces a smile, as Thomas looks back at him and shakes his head like are you kidding me? .

Thirsty and Thomas look at all the other kids and they see they are all looking at them and they wonder why, as Thomas figures it is because Mr. Pop is so shinny and handsome now. Thirsty wonders if they are being marked as people to rob, as he knows a young wizard will rob you if they are hungry.

Thirsty watches as Nick Dawson smiles at him off the reflection of a mirror across the room. And he feels instant terror at this as he knows something bad is going to happen and soon.

“UH oh, I just saw bad deal eyes, Thomas. We have to hurry hold on, Roger, we’re using the power of Pop!” says Thirsty boldly as he waits a few seconds and then floors it up and around the bookshelves.

Thomas and Roger hold on for dear life and Roger is not sure what is happening, but Thomas knows all too well bad deal eyes is the worst news yet. And Thomas scans the room for this person and then he sees Nick as he rides his own purple Pop up and after them. Thomas wishes they will escape worse than anything he ever has.

Roger feels maybe his 2 new friends are troublemakers and they will get him injured. Roger pulls out his wand and taps the red and black wooden wand on his hand. Roger gets ready for anything as he looks behind them and sees Nick bearing down on them.

“Is that boy behind us the one, Thirsty?!” asks Roger frantically as he looks back at Nick and then up at Thirsty.

Thirsty glances back at Nick and he shakes his head as he grits his teeth, as they fly up and into the 3rd floor. They start racing past a wall of 3,000 woman shaped scoop dispensers that even have clothes on.

The scoops go up a spiraling ramp and into a candlelit reading and video game playing room, where several children are sitting around as they play video games. It makes the Pop they are sitting on seem like some sort of flying ship.

The room is so dim that Thirsty knows they can hide in between the different chairs and not be seen.

He banks hard left once they get inside the video game room and then he flies Pop down into a pile of rugs and stops dead.

Nick rides in seconds later and goes right into the middle of the room and looks for them, as Nick uses a spell that shoots flames out of the tip of his wand to illuminate the way. Nick looks at every kid and makes sure no kid goes unturned.

Thirsty, Thomas, and a now frightened Roger peek out at Nick and debate running for it back the way they came.

“Thomas, Roger, listen up close now. We could run back out the way we came from, but if we do, he might have friends waiting for us. I say, and I think you would agree, if we sit here long enough, he might get frustrated and leave. Just think, he doesn’t know we’re still in here, and he looks pretty mad right now. That always makes people give up, always, Thomas, but I’ll leave it up to you two. It’s your

decision, go or stay?” whispers Thirsty as he doesn’t know if they will get caught or not, but he has a feeling if they don’t run they can’t escape later.

Thirsty glares at Nick in the middle of the room and sees him poke some kid in his chair and Thirsty knows that Nick needs a spell cast on him something fierce. Thirsty has to think about Thomas and especially not taking any chances for Darcy’s sake.

Thomas and Roger grimace and look at Nick and then each other. And they nod yes as Thomas and Roger know Thirsty is the good idea man and can be trusted.

“I say yes, Thirsty, and I know, Roger, here still gets his answer. Roger, what is the answer you want us to hear? And don’t say give up, that never works, I’ve tried it,” asks Thomas warmly and quietly as he looks Roger in the eye and pats him on the top of the head. Thomas knows they have one shot to escape and it will take some luck.

Thirsty sits there and feels Pop’s belly and worries it is too shocking for Pop to handle.

Roger grimaces and looks around for the way for them to get away safely, as he worries if he doesn’t get his scoop now he might never get it and the scoop is back the way they came.

“I say yes, I have to say yes, it’s the only way that gets us to safety. Back the way we came! I hope you won’t deprive me of my scoop now, I am hungry and entitled to it and all,” says Roger quietly as he grimaces and blinks his eyes a few times fast. And he does that sort of thing when he’s stressed and this is major stress for him.

Thirsty and Thomas lay there and look at Nick and then each other, and they both know Roger has a good point he has earned his scoop.

Nick rides around and pushes little kids and knocks people out of their chairs. And it makes Thirsty’s blood run cold and his eyes go red, as he doesn’t like anyone doing that to little kids no matter what.

“You’ll get your scoop, but we aren’t letting him harm those kids. Roger, get your wand ready, and I got mine good and ready. Now, we are not hiding here anymore. Let’s go and meet our new friend, as I have a feeling he’ll love one of my new spells,” says Thirsty angrily as he lifts Pop up off the ground and then everyone gets ready. This allows Thirsty to get his own wand ready and burn holes through the back of Nick’s head, as no one in his mind gets to treat a kid like that. Thirsty pulls back on the reins and they shoot towards Nick going out around a pair of chairs. And once Thirsty gets close he slows Pop down and leaps off the side while Roger and Thomas do the same.

“Watch this, Thirsty, I got a spell! Gavatis brown bell!” shouts Roger boldly as he waves his wand and glares at Nick.

Nick spins around to face him and there is a dark blue and red headed baby dragon that tackles him that has come out of the tip of Roger’s wand. The baby dragon wrestles him to the ground and tries to bite his head off.

Thirsty, Roger, and Thomas laugh at how Nick nervously tries to squirm away, as they know he is all talk and doesn’t have the backbone he is pretending to have. Thomas looks and sees that Nick’s Pop is heading for them with an enraged look in his eyes, and he knows enough to tap Thirsty on the arm and Thirsty stops smiling and looks at the charging Pop.

“Duck, Thomas, Roger, there’s no time!” yells Thirsty frantically as he pulls down on the arms of Roger and Thomas. And they duck just in time before the angry Pop crashes into them. They hide their heads underneath the chair and wait for a chance to send a spell at Nick’s Pop.

Nick kicks the baby dragon in the stomach and then slides out from under it. He scans the area for any signs of Thirsty, Thomas, or Roger, but they are hiding beneath the chair and he can’t see them from his vantage point.

Roger sees the baby dragon start to growl and moan like it is in pain. He knows then that his spell is disintegrating. He knows they need another spell and fast.

Thirsty sees this out of the corner of his eye and he rises instantly to his feet and sees the Pop turn around and head back towards them. He sees Nick out of the corner of his eye and the 2 boy’s eyes meet and they both glare at one another. Nick knows this is the person he most wants to unleash a spell on and Thirsty has the same feeling about him.

“You tried, but I survived! Now, clap off and wrap off the ends!” shouts Nick snidely as he glares at Thirsty and waves his wand in a semi circle. This causes a cauldron of purple flames to shoot out of his eyes and head towards Thirsty, but Thirsty puts up his wand and deflects the flames and sends them into a bookcase on the left wall. The flames light a whole host of books on fire and scare the other children in the room, as Thirsty knows that will only help for a few seconds.

Thomas sees Nick about to try another spell and he sprints up the chair in front of them and leaps through the air taking Nick out. Nick and Thomas land in a heap on the carpet and Thirsty and Roger race over and pile on top of Nick, as they know they have to hold him down until they can get the right spell to hold him.

Nick fights as hard as he can to free himself, but Thomas has him in a 2 handed headlock and he isn’t letting go anytime soon.

“You’re not going anywhere so don’t bother! I got that head, and I’m not letting go! Thirsty, didn’t I do good taking him out, didn’t I?!” asks Thomas happily as he squeezes Nick’s head and giggles as he does, as he knows he may be small, but he has a big strong heart and courage in him that people don’t know about.

Thirsty snatches the wand away from Nick as he goes to cast a spell. Then he hands it to Roger and he tucks it away in his back pocket.

Nick knows then he is defenseless except for a mini-bomb he has in his shirt pocket, that if he throws to the ground it will blow them all back from him 10 feet. He also knows if Thirsty casts another spell on him he is a goner for sure. He fights as hard as he can to get to that shirt pocket.

Thomas notices him as he goes for something in his pocket. He snatches his hand and holds it and then Thomas says nervously,” He’s got another weapon, Thirsty, serious!”

“Really, well then we won’t let him go ‘til we get it, Thomas. Good work, hold him for a second and I’ll warm up a nice spell for him. How ‘bout…yeah I’ve got it. Glifidius fish eyes!” shouts Thirsty boldly as he raises his wand and then taps Nick on the forehead. And within seconds Nick’s eyes turn into blinking fish eyes and he starts to turn into a fish from the waist up. His hands turn into fins and he is unable to grab much of anything let alone his bomb.

Thirsty, Thomas, and Roger see this and they all giggle and smile happily at Nick. And they know he won’t be of much harm to anyone anytime soon.

Nick tries as hard as he can to snatch his wand out of Roger’s back pocket, but his fins can’t overpower Roger’s strong hands.

“Thirsty, Roger, that spell makes me wanna laugh and swim. It just does, and I think this new fish person feels the same way. Hmm, you’d like to swim wouldn’t ya, Fish Man? I think he nodded yes and blinked his fish eyes twice, that’s yes and double yes thank you. Well, maybe we should find him a pond to swimmy in?” jokes Thomas he taps his chest.

“I think a pond is in order,” kids Thirsty as he loves how cute Thomas is being.

“All fish love ponds, because the fishermen usually only swim in lakes. So, Fish Boy, would you like us to drop you pond side? I think when he flaps his fins that means yes. Well I like to help the fish, and they have been good dinner buddies for a long time. So, Fish Boy, let’s go find that pesky pond, and then you’ll know not to bully kids with wands, yeah we got some. Because you really shouldn’t bully us kids,

because we know spells, huh, Fish Boy, you smell me now don’t ya? The kinda sweet spells make people who do bad things, turn fishy. I love you, Fish Boy, just because you don’t say much, and I know you don’t eat much more than slippery soup. Roger, let’s go find that scoop we owe you. Then if everything goes well, we can start back on our trip. Thirsty, you sure are a laughing head right now, why so laughing head?” asks Thomas happily as he grins slightly and gets up then heads over and sits down on Mr. Pop, as he thinks Thirsty is having too much fun and they need to focus on the task at hand.

“I think, Used To Be Boy, here would like us to put him face down in the gutter? Well, Used To Be Boy, pipe up or its gutter,” says Thirsty sarcastically as he stands there with his arms folded and he rocks gently from side to side. He glares at Nick as Thomas and Roger laugh loudly.

Thomas thinks Thirsty is really being jokes are my real language boy and he likes it.

“OH, Thirsty, major funny now, Major! Used To Be Boy is not laughing, makes it funnier! Whoa, my necky hurts from laughing head, Thomas The Laughing Not Used To Be Boy! Roger, poke Used To Be Boy and see if he’s secretly mado at us. Oh, why are you so laughing head hyena brain, Thirsty, let me know?” asks Thomas happily as he laughs loudly and pushes Used To Be Boy Nick back onto the chair.

Roger laughs and knows if Used To Be Boy ever gets away and gets his wand he is going to chase them down and kill them.

Thomas starts shaking Used To Be Boy’s hand and taps him on the shoulder inexplicably.

Thirsty can’t believe Thomas is acting so friendly and nonchalant with Nick, as he knows Nick will turn them all into rats if he gets the chance. And in Thirsty’s mind that means he won’t let Nick have any sympathy.

Nick thinks once he gets out of this spell he is going to track down Thirsty, and especially Thomas, and destroy them both. And he has never had someone treat him with such disrespect making him fuming underneath.

Roger grins and gets on Mr. Pop and then shrugs his shoulders at Thirsty and lets him know he is ready to go if he is.

“I am a laughing head, because Used To Be Boy would have killed us all. Maybe we don’t do him any favors, and leave him here to find his own way home? Because, Thomas, there are good people, and there are people who don’t like them being good. This kid here is a bad person, and I bet he tries something else someday, but I hope he doesn’t. Roger, let’s go get that scoop, and thank you for helping as much as you did,” says Thirsty warmly as he gets onto Pop and then lifts him up into the air. And they all look back at Nick as he flaps around and it is very comical to them.

Then Thirsty flies them back out to the ramp leading in and over to the scoops where Roger can pick the scoop he wants the most.

“This looks like scoop lovers paradise, if they had free scoopdiddy money. It makes me wonder, Roger, are you going to eat the whole scoop? Or maybe baby, you feel bad for old Thomas, and his lack of scoop? I know you feel bad, but I won’t tell you what you should do. So, are you giving me half your scoop? I swear I won’t ask for any for Thirsty. He’s the type of kid don’t need scoop all the time, just when he has money. Roger, I think you laugh too much, maybe offer scoop more?” asks Thomas coyly as he isn’t going to outright ask for the scoop, because he knows then he won’t get to taste the sweet scoop flavor. Instead he has to get Roger to think it is his own idea, that way he might feel generous and hand over the elusive half scoop.

Thirsty grins at this and tries not laugh, but he knows Thomas is being sneaky and it is very funny to him. They ride up the row of scoops and Roger keeps looking for the perfect one, as he has his left eye closed and his nose smelling constantly, as that is Roger’s secret to find the perfect scoop.

“Scoop, hungry for scoop! Where’s the scoop, tasty scoop, scoop! Hmm, I said scoop, and I meant tasty oh tasty!” sings Thomas quietly and coyly as he tries to trick Roger into giving him the scoop outright using subliminal messages.

“Nice singing, Thomas, is that a barn cleaning song? I love it either way,” says Roger warmly and coyly as he knows Thomas is trying to trick him somehow, but he doesn’t take offense to it, as he has a faint smile dance from one side of his mouth to the other and then disappear.

“So, the album is coming, it’s called I’ll take that scoop! And its part singing and mostly starving so.

Hmmm, I don’t know what I’ll do in meantime. Ohh, my back hurts! Ohh, my mouth hurts for saying my back hurts! Ohh, my eye hurts! I guess I’m near dead and wishing for anything, even a delicious lick of scoop,” says Thomas coyly as he sits there and acts like he is dying by pushing his contorted head back into Roger’s chest.

Thomas feels Roger tap him on the shoulder a few times fast and Roger asks loudly,” Can we stop please?! Thank you, Thirsty, for stopping, I have a certain smell filling my nostrils right now. I think this is the one right here, Red lightning strawberry center goo, hmm, funny name. Well then, I’ll take this one, Thirsty, and thanks again for the scoop,” says Roger happily as he steps off the side of Pop and eyes the scoop.

A cute seal black haired young woman comes over quickly and takes the money from Thirsty. Then the woman (whose name is Kim Hannah) goes and gets his cone and scoop ready. And Roger is chomping at the bit to taste the delicious ice cream.

Thomas sits there still holding out hope the bottom and most important half of the scoop is coming his way, as he sits there whistling and looking around like nothing is up. Thirsty knows that whistle and he knows that ploy and it makes him chuckle.

Kim smiles and says brightly,” Here’s your Red Lightning Strawberry Center Goo! This one is always my favorite, and I know you’ll love it! What’s your name little boy? You sure are a handsome little lad,” asks Kim warmly as she goes over and puts her arm around Thomas and smiles at him. She can’t put her finger on it, but Thomas has some special quality she likes and wants to know more about.

Thomas raises one eyebrow and smirks back at her, as he thinks she is really cute and the kind of girl he would love a smooch from, but he also wonders if she will give him a free sample of the delicious ice cream. And his belly needs to feel that lovely taste again, as Thirsty grins and Roger grins too at Thomas getting Kim’s arm around him.

Roger wishes that Kim was rubbing his arm and back as he needs to know Thomas’ secret.

“Yeah, they call me Thomas still, and I like it. OH, yeah thanks for the good compliment, I could really use it. I’m thankful for the hug, I’ve been lonely and needing one for awhile now, so thanks. I guess it must be hard when you’re hungry, whatever you name is, to not eat the scoops huh? Only answer if it doesn’t get you in trouble, or it’s not a secret. Because I don’t have the brain room for any new secrets, so yeah there’s that,” says Thomas smoothly as he grins ever so slightly and looks deep into Kim’s eyes. He can tell she is a nice person and does lots of good things for people. Secretly he hopes he might get a free scoop, but he isn’t sure if she calls the scoop shots.

Kim smiles and she is not exactly sure why, as she rubs Thomas around the back and neck as she knows he is just so cute and cuddly that she can’t take it.

Thirsty sits there and grins as he clears his throat a couple of times. He wants to kid with Thomas a bit as he knows the trick to get a free scoop is in effect.

Roger grimaces and feels bad he hasn’t offered Thomas some of his scoop, as he knows he must be very hungry to try and get one from Kim.

“Kim, my name is Kim, Thomas, and I like giving you a hug if it helps you. Hmm, well oh right, you asked me a question. I totally forgot it as I was looking at you, because make me happy for some reason.

Do I steal the scoops?”

“Yeah,” says Thomas softly as he gazes at Kim.

“No I don’t have to. See my dad Charles allows me all I want, if I agree to work here. Ya know, I could get you each a free scoop, if you can hurry and pick one. Do you want a free scoop, Thomas?” asks Kim hopefully as she hugs Thomas and rubs her cheek against his.

This makes him purr and shake his torso playfully in her arms. Thomas really likes Kim and thinks she is the best girl he’s ever met, as not one of the other girls had scoop control. He grabs her around the face and looks deep into her eyes.

“Kim, person I just met and really like a lot, I love me some scoops. And, if I had to say, I can pick right now, I want that one Roger has. So, I guess I get a scoop, and for that I say like, ya know the biggest of thanks, Kim. You can count on me in the future to always be nice to you, honest. So, yup I guess you can get my scoop ready if you wanna. Now Thirsty’s and Roger’s scoops, they better choose quick, that’s all I can say. Thirsty, Kim won’t wait for long, needs answer, Good Buddy. Roger, heed, heed the warning, scoop might fade a-way. Just saying, don’t make, Lonely and Nice Kim, wait long,” says Thomas as he bobs his head from side to side and grins at Kim who smiles and giggles, as he knows she has something special about her he hasn’t seen before. He really doesn’t want to let go of her, because her hands are making his back and shoulder feel good.

Kim jumps up and down a few times and then she hugs Thomas good and hard. This makes him smile and pat her on the cheek, as he knows she is trying to say she likes him.

Kim starts to prepare Thomas’s large scoop and he sees the large cone and his eyes grow wide. He knows his belly will be good and full happy.

Thirsty looks at Thomas with a wry grin, and they both know Thomas has pulled quite a good caper this time and Thirsty is thankful.

Roger starts to look at the different cones and scoops, as he wants to try a new one. Thirsty knows that isn’t wise and it might cost him the scoop.

“Thomas, your delicious scoop is coming soon!! That means not long in the future! Here comes the scoop!!” says Kim playfully as she finishes putting the ice cream on the cone and smiles at Thomas as she does.

He grins and chuckles for a few seconds, as she is so wacky and fun that it makes him like her more.

Thirsty and Roger wait anxiously to tell Kim their choices. Thirsty doesn’t want to go with the same scoop as Thomas, but Roger wants one in the back called Dust and Other Tasty Stuff Scoop. He hopes the funny title makes it taste really good and fills his belly with joy and happiness.

Kim walks briskly over to Thomas and smiles as she hands him the scoop.

“Kim, did I ever tell you that you’re the greatest scoop girl ever? Because I would not say, if I did not mean it. So, Kim, oh I think this scoop will really fill my tummy. Kim, do you like telling jokes and laughing with people?” asks Thomas warmly while he eats his scoop and has to shake his head from side to side and then he nods happily as it just tastes so good and so free. \ Kim smiles and puts her hands on Thomas’s shoulders and squeezes, as she has never met such a special person as Thomas. She loves how he eats and looks her in the eye at the same time.

Thirsty clears his throat and grimaces, as he wants his scoop, but he doesn’t want to be rude.

Kim is so enthralled with Thomas she doesn’t even hear him. Roger stands there and looks down at his feet and fidgets with his hands. He wants to ask for his scoop, but he doesn’t want to make Kim mad at him. He walks past Kim and Thomas like he is going to check out a different scoop. He brushes up against the shoulder of Kim and it snaps her out of her love with Thomas.

“Thomas, thank you for the compliments, and I love laughing with people. I think I may be the laughing king for all my life. Thomas, I want to rub your shoulders ok but your brother and Roger want their scoops. Maybe though you could smile at me while I make theirs, maybe?” asks Kim hopefully as

she looks at Thomas with wide eyes and grins mischievously. She hopes Thomas will keep looking at her, because it makes her feel warm and gushy inside.

Thomas looks down and wonders if he can enjoy the scoop and look at Kim at the same time. He figures as long as he doesn’t take too many bites at one time he can.

He nods his head yes and then winks at Kim out of the corner of his eye. This makes her giggle and rush over to him but then she goes and gets the large cones for Thirsty and Roger. She loves her some Thomas as he is just the sort of little boy that understands little girls. She knows Thomas would never hurt her feelings so she likes him even more for it.

“Thomas, how’s that missing leg of yours doing, and the bird bite on your bum? Just thought this was a GOOD time to bring it up,” asks Thirsty coyly as he knows this will get under Thomas’s skin, but he doesn’t know Thomas is brokering a secret deal for more scoops.

“Thank you, Thirsty, go talk to all your friend now! Boy, did you know ole Thirsty here got put in a sack by the Gilley boy’s and thrown into a pig feeder, full pig feeder to be exact. Boy the disgusting food dripping off his head, ha haa, hee. Oh my side hurts from laughing so hard at ole Thirsty!” says Thomas jokingly as he smirks and taps Kim on the forehead with the bottom of his cone. He suspects Thirsty has completely blown it and embarrassed the family so many times that there really isn’t much he can say to him.

Thomas continues to eat his scoop and looks right into the warm smiling eyes of Kim, as he likes her plain and simple ways as well as the nice way she treats people like him. He only wishes she had a plume for Pop to eat, because Pop needs some food to feel his best.

Pop moves around and hums a song Thirsty had taught him called,” Sugar Is Better With Pie.”

Thomas can hear Pop as he hums and he wants to look over, but he can’t take his eyes off of Kim for anything.

“So, Kim, you sure seem to be the scoop queen, I like that. If you were my girlfriend, I would probably have to ask for many scoops. Although I wouldn’t mind if you could not give, Kim. It’s not fair to ask for many scoops, when it’s your gal’s job is to try and sell you some. Now if this boy here, me Thomas had all the money in the world. I’d blow it, on scoops, hats for me and you and I know you need a good Pop to hang out with. Do you have a Pop, Kim, you would like them if you did?” asks Thomas warmly as he keeps his eyes on Kim’s smiling face as she prepares the scoops for Thirsty and Roger.

Thomas knows Kim is just different and he hopes he will see her again someday. Kim smiles and finishes off Roger’s and then Thirsty’s scoops. She hands them theirs and she walks over to Thomas and does a spin. This makes Thomas giggle and snuggle his head up against hers once she is close enough.

Thirsty looks at this and he can only shake his head, as he wonders why Thomas is so smooth with the ladies and he isn’t.

Roger looks around and doesn’t know if he dares ask Thirsty and Thomas for a ride, but he really doesn’t have a way home, as he fidgets with his hands and looks at the ground.

“I don’t have one, my dad Brent won’t get me one, because he says Pops laze around too much. I really want one, so maybe someday he will change his mind. I have to ask is your Pop lazy jeans? I know he looks like no, but I was just wondering,” asks Kim warmly as she rubs her forehead against Thomas’s and smiles at him, as she worries without a Pop of her own she might never see Thomas again. She suspects he is not a boy that lives very close to her home.

Thomas and Thirsty chuckle and rub Mr. Pop’s belly, as they know Pop can be lazy sometimes, but most the time they can’t keep him from running around. Roger continues to fidget with his hands and feels sad he doesn’t have a way home.

Kim smiles at Thomas and Thirsty laughs, as she worries they are laughing at her, but she knows Thomas won’t do that to her.

“Thomas, your neck’s falling off, serious! Thomas, your head just fell off, honest I swears it! Hey, Thomas, you clothes make me think you sleep in the gutter, why is that?” asks Thirsty sarcastically as he pushes Thomas around by the head gently and the 2 boys laugh.

“He’s not a gutter boy, Thirsty, he will live in our castle with me AND my 10 cats. That’s the kind of rich living he’ll be getting. And Mr. Pop will have his own couch and stay inside all the time,” says Kim brightly as she smiles warmly and starts to sway forward and back with a bright smile on her face.

“Kim, Mr. Pop is the kind of Pop that flies all over the place, most of the time. He does though laze on my bed when I’m sleeping sometimes. So you could say he’s kinda laze, but I wouldn’t say all the way lazy. Maybe you’ll get that Pop, and maybe you can come visit me someday? I live in Maine, and you just have to follow the skyway ‘til you get to a road called Skinny Neck road. Then just look for Pop, or for me and Thirsty, playing. I swear, if you come visiting I would make sure you had the best time,” says Thomas as he licks his scoop.


“Like you would be laughing, all the time, and snuggling as much as you want. Then we could play games and walk around, it would be fun let me tell ya. So, just think about the Pop, it could be the best thing ever! That’s what Mr. Pop makes us think all the time. He smiles and he snuggles, and he hums songs Thirsty writes. Oh, you can ride him too, and go WAY fast! I’m not a Pop salesman, but if I were I’d sell you one cheap, because I know you need it. Kim, I will see you again, I just know it. And when I do, can I get a snuggle and smooch? I could use it,” asks Thomas as he continues to eat his scoop and smile at Kim with wide eyes, as he loves talking with her and thinks she is just the best person ever.

Kim smiles and looks deep into Thomas’s eyes to make sure he is telling the truth. She can see he is and it makes her so happy she wants to burst.

“Well, isn’t that a fine idea, so fine it makes me want to snuggle you all day. Thomas, do you like always being snuggled? ‘Cause I don’t mind, I actually like it,” asks Kim brightly as she rubs Thomas’

back and winks at him twice.

“OH yeah, back to the rub me. I love it! Hey, Kim, are there scoops and more delicious scoops, where you come from? I need my scoops or my arms might fall off and I’ll smell like Thirsty, like real bad. So ahh, yeah, what’s the scoop situation?” asks Thomas as he grins and rubs Kim’s cheek in a circle with his left hand as she giggles.

Thirsty looks around with a grin on his face and he sees Roger sulking and it makes him worry. He knows Roger is a bit of a glum kid anyway and now this.

Roger looks up at Thirsty and he goes to say something and then stops abruptly, as he doesn’t have the courage to ask Thirsty or Thomas for a ride.

“Roger, what’s wrong my friend, are you sick?” asks Thirsty intently as he squints at Roger and waves him over. This as Thirsty thinks he must have had too much of his scoop and is sick to his stomach.

Thomas looks over at Roger and he sees he is glum and he worries about him. And Kim worries her ice cream has gone bad and is making Roger sick to his stomach, as she looks at Roger with concern on her face.

“No I just don’t know how to say this. I don’t have a ride home. I have a Pop, but The Tinkle Brigade isn’t here. So…I’m stuck her until someone gives me a ride, Thirsty. I hate to ask, but can you give me a ride home? It’s not far, but I can’t walk due to it’s not safe. I swear, I am not trying to con you in any way, I just don’t have any friends to ask,” asks Roger sadly as he folds his arms and looks around nervously. He is unable to look Thirsty or Thomas in the eye, as Roger is embarrassed that he had to ask for a ride. Thirsty and Thomas look at Roger quizzically and are unsure what to say.

Kim knows Roger is a poor boy and he is tricking Thomas and Thirsty so he can steal their Pop.

“Roger, we don’t have the time to take you home, but…if you want to come with us on our way to New York Pashal and help us out. Then I can drop you off on the way back. Now it won’t be all scoops and playing around when we get there, it’s an important trip, Roger. I will tell you though, this is the only way I can drive you home. So it’s up to you, do you want the ride or don’t you?” asks Thirsty firmly as he knows that if Roger is trying to trick them he would never want to go to New York Pashal, because then he can’t spring his trap on Thirsty and Thomas.

Thomas hears this deal and he quite likes it, because Roger is good with a wand and he isn’t as bad a person to talk to as you can find. Roger looks around as a faint smile creeps across his face, and he figures why not it might be a really fun trip. He knows there isn’t anything fun waiting for him at home. Roger smiles and nods yes.

Chapter 6

“Thirsty, Thomas, I really want to go! So, when are we hitting the road I hope soon?!” says Roger excitedly as he smiles from ear to ear and walks over and slaps high fives with Thirsty and Thomas. They all smile and get on the back of Mr. Pop as they get ready to go.

Kim grins and eyes Roger as she waits to see if he’ll crack, but he just keeps right on smiling and she knows he must be telling the truth.

“Well then, Kim, I’m sorry for ya, I won’t be here to gab you up some more. Although, I can see us gabbing again someday, I just know it will happen. So maybe since it might be awhile, I could get..,” asks Thomas warmly, but before he can ask for a kiss from Kim she kisses him and rubs his back. She isn’t going to let a nice boy like Thomas just walk away and not get his kiss. Thomas quite frankly doesn’t mind that way of thinking one bit, as he loves getting the smooch from Kim and he doesn’t want it to end.

Roger and Thirsty grin as they look at each other and shake their heads, as Thirsty mouths the words,” happens all the time.” Roger can only shake his head and grin from ear to ear, as he wishes it would happen for him a little more often.

“Thomas, ah hem, the smooches are embarrassing. We have to go, now just stop smooching! Boy if those lips of yours aren’t happy yet, I don’t know what,” says Thirsty playfully as he sits there and giggles with Roger as they watch Kim and Thomas kiss. They both think Thomas is quite the lucky boy for the girls to like him so much.

Thomas can’t hear them, because he has smooch and snuggle on his mind, but Kim hears them and stops kissing Thomas as she rubs their 2 noses together. They both giggle at this and Thomas is in love, as he has never had an Eskimo kiss and he really likes her rubbing his nose. This causes him to grin and stroke her hair on the left side of her face.

“Thomas, your fly’s unzipped! Look how slipping and falling on watermelon pulp embarrassing that is!” says Thirsty sarcastically as he points to Thomas’s crotch and tries not to grin, as Roger laughs.

“Thomas, watch out the SCOOP MACHINE’S ABOUT TO FALL!! LOOK OUT!” yells Roger sarcastically as he grins and acts like its falling, but Thomas doesn’t flinch and shakes his head.

“Kim, I don’t know why they are so rude, but I loved me some Kim kissing. Maybe the best kiss ever, maybe is what I have to say to be fair. Kim, woo, I think I’ll be thinking about you forevers, like a long time of thinking. That sort of thing I don’t say lightly, but it doesn’t actually weigh anything, so. Ok then, Kim, I’ll let you get back to your delicious scoops. Thirsty, Roger, you got your wish. Let’s roll down the roady. Thirsty, can we go slow so I can eat my scoops better? I ask, because the scoop wanted me to, honest,” asks Thomas coyly as he just wants Thirsty to ride slow so he can look back at Kim and wave to her. Thomas puts his head beside Thirsty’s and taps him softly on the forehead with his hand.

This makes everyone laugh and Thirsty acts like he is in pain, but he loves the attention Thomas is showing him.

Kim spins around and hurries over and gets a scoop of,” There’s Magic in Wood,” ice cream. She hurries back over to Thomas as he is leaving.

“Thomas, I don’t want you starving on your trip. So here’s one more scoop, I know you’ll love it, My Darling. Now, you’d better go before I get in trouble, I hope you’ll miss me!” says Kim sadly as she hands Thomas the large scoop and rubs his cheek with her free hand. She grimaces and feels a giddiness come over her that she can’t stop, as she jumps up and down and waves to Thomas as they leave.

“I already do bye, My Kim, you’re the best! I hope you miss me too!” says Thomas warmly as he spins his head around and eyes Kim with a slight grin and the scoop in his hand. He knows she needs some Thomas boyfriend in her life, but he just lives so far away is the problem.

Thirsty and Roger groan at the young love, as they want to vomit at how sappy it is getting.

Kim nearly bursts when Thomas says this.

“I’ll miss you all day, and all night! I hope that’s enough, Sweetie Pie! Hey, be sure to stop back in on your way home. I need to talk to you about something ok?” asks Kim quickly as she runs down the ramp and smiles brightly at Thomas as he rides away. She hopes he’ll come back and they can talk about serious stuff.

“YES! That day is coming so soon, Kim, wait and see! I know I’ll never forget you, honest, Darling!

Woo, woo, I thought you knew!” yells Thomas smoothly as he blows Kim a couple kisses and then they turn the corner and she can’t see him anymore.

Thirsty sits there and shakes his head as he knows that Thomas just has that thing girl’s love. He secretly wishes he can ask Thomas for pointers, but he feels embarrassed about having to ask his younger brother for that kind of advice.

Kim is back at the scoops as she dances around and sings a happy song. She misses him already and wishes he would come back in like 5 minutes.

Thomas looks back and sees she is gone and his heart aches. He turns around and grimaces as he looks at his scoop, as he knows he will miss Kim awful. He also knows Mr. Pop needs the scoop for fuel.