Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



So who is this frustrated person, you may think. Sometimes I myself wonder! But what I do know about myself is that I am a man in my late thirties, and I feel reasonably sure that I am heterosexual. At least I have never tried, or been interested in, anything else, but one never knows these days. I suppose I have lived a rather mundane life with a wife and a job. No kids, though, but all of this is now history...

The story I am about to tell is anything but mundane, however, and may appear unbelievable to most people. Already at this stage I shall reveal a bit of what happened to me. Hang on tight, - not only have I been fortunate enough to visit the future, but there I also got to talk for a while with our friends from other civilizations!

It all started on that morning when I felt so frustrated and just had to get out of my apartment in the huge city where I live. After driving for some miles, I parked my car and decided to go for one of my long walks in nature. I shall do my best to relate what subsequently happened.

I walked for quite a while and then sat down to rest at a place on a mountain plateau where I had a beautiful view and could glimpse the far-away ocean. I was entirely alone up there. The walk had been good for me and my mind was calmer. I was actually in a good mood, a rare thing these days. The weather was glorious and the sun warmed me. How wonderful it was to feel the sunshine! It is rather incredible that an object many millions of miles away can give light and warmth here! Not only that, but of course the sun gives life and energy to our planet.

It is all rather magical, I reflected gratefully as I lay there.

Some distance below me and on my left there was a beautiful small lake and a river that meandered by. The lovely chirping of birds could be heard in the distance as I gradually became more and more relaxed. I was actually no longer sitting, but had lain down on a small grassy area shadowed by trees and had closed my eyes. I was, after all, rather tired after the ascent and had not slept well the previous night. In fact, I felt quite comfortable lying there... Suddenly I heard a low humming sound and was seized by a weird feeling that I was being watched. It felt odd, and I opened my eyes and looked around, but there was nothing unusual to be seen. I closed my eyes again, and the feeling of wellbeing returned. I felt I was in a daze, not asleep but not awake either. Then, after a while, things started to happen...