Midnight Sun by Heather Reed - HTML preview

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Old Days. Old Memories.

 Bella's P.O.V

 Edward and I went to the cottage after Jacob kicked us out of Renesmee's room. He thought 'we should talk about this in the morning.' Edward agreed with him about it too.

 I was quiet thru the whole walk to our cottage. I was remembering this night what happen with Renesmee for mine. The day that Jacob kissed me and Edward wanted to kill him.

 I feel like my life is happening over again but with her life. When we reached the cottage Edward looked at me when I open the door. I always looked at Edward when I open the door.

 “Bella, what are you thinking?” he asked.

 I didn't answer him until we got to our room.

 “Bella, tell me before I go crazy.” he warn me.

 He always go crazy when I didn't tell him what I was thinking. So I sat down on the bed and he stood there looking at me. I looked up at him and I started telling him everything.

 “Edward, don't this make you remember about us. When Jacob kissed me and you wanted to kill him.” I told him.

 “And you broke your hand. And asked your dad if he had a ball bat so you could hit Jacob in the head. Yes, I remember it. Why you ask?”

 “Well because, Nahuel kissed Renesmee and Jacob wants to kill him and she almost hit him until you grabbed her. Don't it make since.”

 “At least she didn't break her hand.” he tried to laugh about it.

 It took me a moment to think about that. And then I started to laugh about it too.

 “Well thank god for that.” I laughed.

 “Yea. We don't know if she heals.” Edward still laughing about it.

 I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me. He let out a warm sound out of his throat. We started kissing.

 “Your over ruled by your horn moans.” he said when he lift his head to kiss my neck.

 “At least I can control them.” I said, as I was taking his shirt off of him.

 He let out another warm sound out again, when he took off my blouse. After that it just got crazy.

 About 6 o'clock in the morning, we were just finishing. I got off of him and rolled on my back. We were trying to slow our breathing.

 Our little bird outside our little window was singing our song. I looked at him and smiled. Then I turn on my side to kiss him and I got up. I went to our closet and was looking for something to wear. When I got up without my blanket he whistled at me. If I could blush I would have big time.

 “God Damn, Bella.” he said and did a sexy growl at me. “You are so God Damn Sexy.”

 I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He got up off the bed and walked over to where I was and started kissing my neck. I turned around and put my hands on his face and kissed him.

 “Now, can I get dress?” I asked.

 “I don't know.” he teased.

 “God, Edward.” I said laughing and pushed him on the bed.

 I found something to wear. I grabbed my red and white strapless top and my blue skinny jeans. And also grabbed my red high heel boots that go up to my knee. I put them on the bed and I started looking for my strapless red bra and my red thong. The bra and thong were both lace and sexy.

 I put on everything that I picked out. I was tying my boots when Edward was finish getting dressed. I went into the bathroom and picked out my hair and turn on my straighter and started putting on my make-up.

 I put on my red lipstick that won't come off and some sparkly red and pink eye shadow and then my straighter was warmed up. It took me about 5 minutes to straighten my hair. When I was done, I walked into the bedroom. The sun was starting to come up.

 “Damn, you look kinda hot.” Edward said. “Who are you? Am I married to you?”

 “Yes. You are so silly and thank you.” I said and kissed him.

 We ran to the house and I went into the kitchen and started cooking Renesmee and Jacob something to eat.

 Renesmee P.O.V

 When I woke up it was about 8:00 A.M. Jacob was still asleep. He was snoring in my ear. I got up slowly and walked into the bathroom. I took a hot shower to relax me. When I got out I turn on my curler. I still had on my towel on, so I flew into my room and grabbed me some clothes.

 I took my clothes and went back into my bathroom. I got dressed and then I brushed my teeth, and picked my hair. I put moose and gel in my hair, then I grabbed my curler and started putting curls in my hair. I put at least 4 curls in my hair and left the rest of my hair alone. I was gonna let it be wavy.

 When I was done I cleaned my mess up and walked back into my room. When I walked into my room, Jacob was up.

 “Good morning, sleepy head.” I said.

 “Good morning.” he said yawning.

 I giggled. “Yea it is a good morning.” I said and kissed him on the lips.

 “You look cute.” he said.

 “Well thank you.”

 “Your welcome. I think you mom made us breakfast.” he said.

 “Yea, I know. I smelled it when I got up.”

 “Well, lets go eat.” he said grabbing my hand. I started giggling when we ran downstairs.

 Bella's P.O.V

 “Well, don't you look cute.” Alice said when I was putting Renesmee and Jacob's food on their plates.

 “Thanks Alice.” I said.

 “No, she looks hot.” Edward said.

 He was in the front room watching the news.

 “Shut up and watch your news.” I said laughing.

 “Good morning, daddy.” she said to Edward. “Good morning, Aunt Alice.”

 “Good morning to you too. What's a matter to this family.” Alice said. “Why are you guys all dressed up.”

 Alice was looking at me then at Renesmee.

 “Because I can Aunt Alice. You do it all the time.” she said when she was walking into the kitchen. “Good morning mommy.” she said. “Wow, now I know what Aunt Alice is talking about. You look cute momma.”

 “Thank you, sweetie and so do you.”

 “No, she hot.” Edward and Jacob both said.

 I threw a fork at both at Edward and Jacob. Edward caught his but the one that I threw at Jacob hit him.

 “Ow.... that hurt.” Jacob said.

 Renesmee started laughing. “Nice throw mommy. And nice catch daddy.”

 “Thanks.” we both said.

 “What was that for.” Jacob asked.

 “That was for calling my daughter hot.”

 “Well she is.” I was about to throw another one at him. “Okay, okay. She's cute then.”

 “Thank you.” I said.

 “Awww, my poor Jake. Here I'll kiss it for yea.” Renesmee said.

 Edward looked at them and at me. Rosalie was coming down from her room. She had to say something.

 “Eww.... get a life mutt.” I threw a fork at her but she moved her head and the fork went into the wall.

 “Throwing forks are we Bella.” Jasper said coming into the kitchen.

 “Yes, she is. She threw one at me and hit me and threw one at Edward but he caught his.” Jake said. “Lucky son of bitch.” he murmured under his breathe.

 Edward looked at him and smiled.

 “Come eat Renesmee and Jacob.” I said.

 “Morning Aunt Rosalie.” Renesmee kissed Rosalie on the cheek.

 “You look so cute. I like the way you did your hair.” Rosalie said.

 “Thank you.”

 “Ummm.... Edward can you come in here please. And Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett can you guys leave the kitchen. Edward and I would like to talk to Jacob and Renesmee alone.”

 “Sure Bella.” Alice said. Her and Jasper went out the window to their tree.

 “Yea, Bella.” Emmett said. Emmett and Rosalie went out to the garage.

 “Is this about last night?” Nessie asked me.

 “Yes baby. But before you say anything, I have to tell you something.”

 She nodded and Edward came in here and sat down. Jacob started eating when he sat down.

 “Nessie, before you were born and before me and your father got married. This happen to me.” I started to say.

 “What do you mean this happen to you?” she asked me.

 “You know about me and Jake were real good friends right. Well your father let me and him see each other until I became a vampire. Well Jacob kissed me and I hit him. I broke my hand when I did that. Well he took me back to my house and your father came and got into Jacob's face.” I said.

 “I told Jacob I would kill him if he did it again without your mother telling him he could.” Edward told her.

 “Then your mom asked grandpa Charlie if he had a ball bat or something hard to hit me with.” Jacob told her.

 “Yes, I did. I wanted to hit him because he kissed me and made me break my hand. Your father took me here to have grandpa Carlisle to fix my hand.” I said. “Do you remember the story that I told you about the newborns wanted to kill me.”

 “Yes, that's when daddy asked you to marry him.” she said.

 “Yes, he did.” I smiled at him.

 “I heard your mom and dad talking about it. I was mad about it. Then your mother ran after me and I told her I was gonna have myself killed.” Jacob told her.

 “What!?” she yelled.

 “Hold on baby. When he said that I begged Jacob to kiss me.” I told her.

 “Did y'all kiss?” she asked.

 “Yes, we did. And I was glad that your mother told me to kiss her. I loved your mother so much Nessie until she had you.” he said. “I have never met anyone like you and your mother ever before. Nessie you are my world now. I love you so much.”

 “When I heard from Jacob's head that they kissed I was so mad but when I heard that your mother told him to, I was hurt but, I was okay with it.” Edward told her.

 “I love both your father and Jacob. But I married your father. So now I know what you are going thru. I know what you meant from last night.” I told her.

 “You are just like your mother. The temper and the behavior, and everything. But if you have anything to talk about, anything sweetie you can talk about it with me or your mother. We are here for you.”

 “But if you don't want to tell me or your father you can go talk to grandpa and grandma, aunty Rosalie and Alice, and uncle Emmett and Jasper.” I told her.

 Renesmee P.O.V

 “Okay, well you said last night 'you knew we kiss' why didn't you tell me you knew.” I asked.

 “Renesmee, I wanted you to tell me, your mother, or even Jacob since you love him.”

 “Okay and one more thing. Why didn't you hear me thinking about it. But you heard him and not me.”

 “I was wondering that too. But I think it was because you were sitting on your mother's lap.”

 “What did I do?” my mother asked.

 “Because of your shield Bella. She was sitting in your lap and I was outside of your shield. I can hear your thought or anyone else if I am inside your shield.”

 “Oh okay. Is there anything else you want to talk about Nessie.”

 “What did he say last night when me and Jake went upstairs.”

 “Well he told me the whole thing what happen. He said you were swimming with Jacob and that he was calling your name and you swam all the way to him. He said that you kissed him too.” my mother said.

 “I didn't kiss him. He kissed me, I can show you.”

 “That's where I come in. I read his mind. He kissed you, but he said that he missed you so much. And his aunt Huilen caught y'all kissing.” my father said.

 “Nessie, I don't care if you guys become friends but if he kissed you tell me or your parents. I really love you and care about you. That's why I didn't leave you last night.” Jacob told me.

 'Jacob did love me and care about me. That's why I love him so much. I wish we were like my parents being married, with kids, but I didn't know if I could have kids since I'm a half breed.' I thought.

 'And speaking of half breeds.' that's when it hit me.

 “And oh don't call him a half breed again or I kick your ass myself.” I told him.

 “Renesmee Carlie Cullen watch your mouth young lady.” my mother said. “You are still a little young cussing like that.”

 “Yes, mama.” I said. “But still Jacob.”

 “I am sorry, Nessie.” he said then he lean over to kiss me. “Love you.”

 “Love you too.”

 'So my mother and my Jacob had a thing when I wasn't born nor thought of. How rude.' I thought. 'Thank god he's mine now. That means if Nahuel kisses me again, he has to watch for Jacob.' I thought. 'Ha Nahuel and Jacob fighting for me. Jacob would kick his sorry ass.'

 My dad cleared his throat. I guess he heard me. 'Damnit, mom. Keep your shield up.' I smiled at him and went back to eating.