Midnight Sun by Heather Reed - HTML preview

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Renesmee's P.O.V

 When I woke up, I looked at the clock. The clock said it was about 8:00 A.M. Damn I must have been tired if I slept that long. I went downstairs to see if my mom and dad were there. My mom and dad wasn't nowhere in the house, but my grandpa, Charlie was in the kitchen eating something.

 “Morning, Nessie. Are you hungry?” he asked me.

 I was hungry, but not hungry for food. I was more thirsty then hungry for blood. I shook my head no. I went to him and he picked me up. I touched his neck and asked, 'Where's my mommy and daddy at?' he knew about my gift.

 He didn't like me using it on him like I do with everyone else. He wanted me to talk to him. But he answered my question that I asked. “They went up North for a bit.” he shivered when he said 'went up North for a bit.'

 “Is it sunny outside grandpa?” I asked him.

 “No, it's cloudy out. Why, do you want to go outside?”

 I shook my head yes.

 “Okay. Stay close that you can hear me call your name. And be careful, Nessie.” he told me.

 “Okay, I will.” I said and then rolled my eyes. Then smiled and kissed him on his cheek.

 I went outside and it was cloudy out. It looked like it was gonna rain. I looked around me to make sure no one was around to see me. I climbed up grandpa's tree to sit on a branch. I could see the whole block.

 I could see if someone was coming down the street both ends. I wasn't up there long until I seen someone in a red, two door, rabbit. I knew who that was. It was my Jacob, my love. After I turned about 7 months old Jacob and me started getting serious. Everyone knew we loved each other, well our family and our friends did that was it. Until I start high school the humans will know too. I look like I am 15. I grew a lot almost every day. I have 26 chromosomes in me so I am like Jacob and my vampire family. My vampire family has 25 chromosomes and Jacob and his pack has 24 chromosomes. I'm not normal like my human family, they have 23 chromosomes. But I am look like 15 but I am about 7 months old.

 I stayed in the tree when he pulled up. I watched him parked his car and got out of his car rabbit. I even watched him walked up to the house to knock on the door. Before he knocked one the door, I jumped out of the tree on to his shoulders.

 “Jacob!” I yelled.

 He looked up right when I yelled his name. He caught me. “Hi Nessie. What were you doing?”

 I touched his neck. 'I was in the tree.'

 “Why were you in the tree for?” he asked.

 “Because.” I said. I smiled at him and then kissed his cheek. We didn't go anywhere pass that, at least not yet. We wasn't ready for that. We only kissed our cheeks. Like we started going out. But we been going out since I was born, I laugh at that every time, so does he. “Miss you.”

 “Miss you, too. Where's your mother?” he asked.

 Jacob and my mother were still friends. I knew everything about them before I was born and before my mother got married. I even knew that my father left her too, and that Jasper tried to kill her. I knew everything about their past. I knew that Jacob and my mother kissed too. But I still loved Jacob, I didn't care what happen before I was born. I didn't care if they had sex before I was born either. Thank god they didn't I wanted to be his first.

 “My mommy and daddy went hunting. They left me here with grandpa.”

 “Okay.” he laughed, then he smiled at me.

 We went inside the house and my grandpa was on the phone.

 “Thank you Mark. I'll be up there in about 10 minutes.” he told him and hung up the phone.

 “Hi Charlie, what's up?” Jacob said.

 “Hi, well I have to go sweetie. I thought we would be spending time with each other like going fishing. Grandpa has to go to work. Something bad happen down South and they need me.” grandpa told me.

 “Okay.” I told him.

 Sweet that would mean that I could spend time with my Jacob since he's going to work. Thank god my dad wasn't here to hear my head. I was just be laughing in my head if he was here and then he would be asking, 'What is so funny, Renesmee.' then I would have said, 'Oh nothing daddy.' then he would have given me a look and then went on what he was doing.

 “Jacob can you watch her while Bella and Edward is gone?”

 “Yes I can. We can hang out in La Push for a little bit.”

 I smiled at that. 'Yes I can my way. Woo Hoo.' I laughed in my head.

 “Call Bella and tell her.”

 “I will and I'll leave a note too if she don't answer.”

 “'Kay. Love you sweetie.” he kissed my head.

 He head out the with his gun and coat in his hand. Jacob went to the phone and called my mom.

 “You have reached Bella, please leave a message and I'll get back with you.” 'Beep'

 He hung up the phone and got a pen and paper and wrote down.

 'Bella, Renesmee is with me. Your dad had to go to work. Well we will be in La Push for a little bit. I'll bring her back home before dark.
 Love Jacob & Renesmee
 P.S. I love you mommy & daddy. :P'

 Jake laughed at me when I put the smiley face on there. We walked outside. When Jake open the door someone was at the door.

 “Hello, can I help you?”

 “Hi, Jessica Stanley, Bella's best friend is she home? She told me she was staying here for a while.”

 “No, she is out. I just got here to pick up Bella's daughter up. Charlie had to go to work.”

 “Oh okay. Do you know when she'll be back.” she asked.

 “Nope.” Jacob told her.

 “Do you know when your mother will be home?” she asked me.

 I looked at her, then at Jake then back at her. I shook my head no. “No, I was asleep when she and my daddy was left.”

 “Okay, well tell her that I came by okay.”

 “Okay.” Jacob said. “Hey is it Jessica right?”

 “Yea.” Jessica said.

 “How did you know that Bella had a daughter and she was hers.”

 “Well Bella told my boyfriend, Mike Newton, and he told me Bella and Edward adopted her as one of theirs. And you said you came here to pick up Bella's daughter so, I figure she was Bella's.” Jessica answered his questions. “She sure looks like Bella and Edward. I mean she has Bella's eyes and she has Edward's hair color.”

 “Oh okay.”

 “I got to go, bye.” she waved at me.

 I waved back and she got in her car and left. Jacob looked at me and I looked up at him. “What? Why are you looking at me like that for?”

 “I was just thinking. Let's go.”

 I looked both sides of me to make sure no one was around and then I flew to the Rabbit. Jacob ran, well try to run, to the car.

 “Your no fair. Do you know that.”

 I shrug my shoulders at him then stuck my tongue out at him. I put my seat belt on and he started the car and took off. I was use of my mom and dad driving fast. He drove fast but not as fast as them.

 Thru the whole trip to La Push, I looked out the side window. We got off the highway and about 5 minutes. Later we showed up at La Push beach.

 He parked the car and we got out of the car. We walk on to the beach. We walk hand in hand on the beach just walking. Then someone yelled out Jacob's name out of nowhere.

 “Hey Jacob!” someone yelled.

 We stopped and turn around until we saw who it was.

 “Jacob!” It was Quil waving us down.

 “Quil, what are you doing here?” Jacob asked when he got closer to us.

 Quil had a little girl with him. I never saw her before. I tugged on Jacob's arm. He knew what I wanted. He bent down to my height and I touched his neck. I was looked at her, while I did that.

 “That's Claire. Emily Young's niece.” he answered my question. “Quil watches her for her mom and Emily.”

 “Hey guys. You babysitting too.” Quil said.

 I hissed under my breath and gave him an ugly look. I touched Jacob's neck again.

 “Well, yes and no. Nessie doesn't like the word babysitting when I am with her. Bella and Edward is out hunting, and Charlie went to work. So Charlie asked me to watch her. Well we are hanging out you can call it. She likes to hang out with me a lot since we took out relationship a little more serious.” Jacob explain to Quil.

 “Oh, sorry Nessie.” Quil said to me. “Claire why don't you say 'Hi' to Nessie?”

 “Hi, Nasty.” Claire said and waved.

 Quil laughed, “No, Nessie. Say Ness then, ie.”

 “Ness – ie, Ness – ie, Nessie.” Claire said.

 I waved back. I looked at Jacob. “Put me down please.”

 “So what's up Jake?” Quil asked.

 I was walking toward the ocean. I stopped when the water came toward my feet. I took off my shoes and touched the water with my toes. The water felt warm to me, but not as warm Jake was to me.

 I was in some shorts and a tank top. It was better than pants and a long sleeve shirt or just in my underwear or even naked. I looked back toward where Jacob and Quil was. Claire was playing in the sand.

 I walked into the water, when I got to my waist I dived under water. I can hold my breath as long as I can until I need to come up for another good breath. I swam all the way to the bottom, to see all the colorful fishes.

 I seen blue, red, and yellow ones. I even seen a seahorse and a starfish. i swam back up to get some air. I was under about 5 minutes. I looked back toward Jacob, he was still talking to Quil. Claire was where my shoes was. She waved when she seen me pop up. She even laughed too.

 When she laughed Jacob and Quil looked our way. I went back under the water. I went back to the bottom where they couldn't see me but I could see them.

 I heard Quil say to Claire. “What do you think your doing little lady?”

 “Where's Nessie?” Jacob said to Claire.

 She pointed toward the water and when she did that I went our further then I was.

 I heard Jacob yell my name. “Renesmee!”

 “She not gonna hear you under water just wait for her to come back up.” Quil said.

 I laughed at Quil when he said that 'just wait for her to come back up.' I was under water for I don't know about 10 minutes.

 “Can she breath under water?” Quil asked. “Shes been under water about I don't know about 15 minutes.”

 “I don't know.” Jacob said.

 I saw him take his shirt and shoes off. God he was hot. I wish we could do more than just kiss but I'm still a little too young. 'He is so sexy.' I thought. He walked into the water and drove under water.

 I smiled when I saw him do that. 'Sweet we are gonna have some fun.' I swam up to him a little bit so he could see me. When I saw him real good I waved at him.

 He swam toward me. We swam a little bit and when he was almost out of breath he was about to swim up to get air. I grabbed his arm and I put my hands on his face and I put my mouth on his and blew air into his mouth.

 We swam a little more out then we swam up. We were a little out but we could still see Quil.

 “What are you guys doing? Are you guys crazy or what?” Quil asked.

 “No we are not. We are having fun.” I yelled out.

 Jacob looked at me and laughed. “Yea, what she said.”

 'Renesmee Carlie Cullen what do you think your doing!' it felt like someone called my name. I looked everywhere. I didn't see anyone yelling my name.

 “What's the matter Nessie.” Jake asked.

 I swam toward him and touched his neck.

 “No, I didn't hear anyone call your name.” he said.

 'Nessie!' there it went again. I thought I saw someone by the woods. A guy or some what. I tried to smell the air but all I could smell was wolf and salt water.

 “Jacob look toward the woods, do you see a person over there.”

 He looked and said, “No, I don't. Why do you?”

 “Yes, like someone I know.” I said.

 I drove under water before he said anything. I used all of that I got to swim real fast over to where I saw him. I was about half way there. I went up for one more breath. I looked back toward where Jacob was he was on the beach now.

 I heard Jacob calling my name but I didn't turn. I drove back under and kept going. I reached the edge of the woods I jumped up in the air and touched the ground.

 “Come forward, Nessie.” the voice was calling.

 I flew forward until I saw him. It was Nahuel, Huilen's nephew, he was the one calling my name.

 “Nahuel is that you?” I asked.

 “Yes it is. Hi Renesmee.” Nahuel said.

 “What are you doing here?” I asked.

 “I wanted to see you. Why were you swimming with your wolf friend for?” Nahuel asked.

 When he asked me that I was about to go off on him but I told myself, not to lose my temper. “Because I can. And he's watching me while my parents were on their hunt. We are staying at my mom's dad's place.” I told him.

 “Why are you staying there for?” he asked.

 “Because their was someone here that the wolfs didn't know who it was. We thought it was Aro and them or one of Carlisle's friends. But I guess it was you all along huh?” I said.

 “Oh yea it was me.” he said.

 “Thank god it was you and not Aro. Where's your Aunt Huilen?” I asked.

 “She's here with me too.” he told me. “God, I missed you so much Renesmee. I'm so glad to see you.” he walked toward me and hugged me.

 I hugged him back. “I got to get back. Why don't you come? I'll have Jacob take us back to where Carlisle lives.”

 “Hold on.” he said. “I want to see you first.”

 He stood there in front of me, staring at me. He put his hand on the side of my face. He took one step forward, and put his other hand on my face and began to kiss me. I let him kiss me until his Aunt came to us.

 “Nahuel!” Huilen said.

 We stopped kissing. And he turned around and looked at her.

 “Renesmee?” Huilen asked.

 “Hi.” I said.

 “What are you doing here and wet?” she asked.

 “I was swimming with my wolf friend until, Nahuel yelled my name. Then I swam my way over here.” I said.

 “Oh. Why were you kissing her for, Nahuel?”

 “Because I can. And I missed her so much.” he told her.

 “She's too young for you, tho.” she said.

 “I'm only six months old, but I look like a six or seven year older, maybe even older than that.” I said. “Maybe we should go to the beach and tell my wolf friend to take us to Carlisle's house and then we can talk about all of this.”

 “She's right. They know someone is here visiting but they don't know it's us.” Nahuel said.


 “Come follow.”

 It took us about 5 minutes. To get to Jacob and Quil.

 Claire was the one that saw. “Nessie!”

 Jacob and Quil looked. And Jacob spoke. “Oh my god, Nessie don't scare me like that.”

 “I'm sorry Jake.” I said.

 Then he saw Nahuel and his Aunt Huilen.

 “Hey, your the half human, half vampire child.” Quil said. “Why you guys here.”

 “Passing thru.” Huilen said.

 “So you guys are the ones we been smelling. So your visitors.” Quil said.

 “Yea.” Nahuel said.

 “But wait do you guys drink human blood or animal blood?” Jacob asked.

 “We drink animal blood why?” Huilen asked.

 “Then there's someone else here then. Because Charlie got called in this morning. Something happen down South.” Jacob said.

 “Well that could mean a lot of things silly wolf.” Huilen rolled her eyes.

 I laughed when she said, 'silly wolf'. So did Claire and Quil. Jacob hit Quil in the head.

 “Hey, what was that for?” Quil asked.

 “Your a wolf too stupid.” Jacob told him.

 “Can you take us to Carlisle's place, wolf or not.” Nahuel asked.

 “Yea, I guess. I have no choice, because your on our turf.” he told him. “My ride is over there. I'll talk to you later Quil. Tell Sam okay.”

 “Okay.” Quil said. “Bye Nessie.” he rubbed my head.

 “Race yea.” Nahuel said.

 “Hey, I got shot gun.” Huilen said. “Do you mind?” she asked Jacob.

 “No, I don't.” Jacob said.

 I beat Nahuel to the car. We got into the back seats while Jacob and Huilen walked over to the car. When they got to the car, Jacob started the car and backed the car, honked the horn at Quil and hit the gas.

 About 20 minutes later we showed up at my grandpa Carlisle's house. I told them to stay outside for a minute.

 “Nahuel, Huilen stay out here for a little bit so I can fill them in.” I said.

 “Okay.” Nahuel said.

 “Jacob, stay out here with then okay.”

 “Alright.” he said.

 I flew inside the house and Emmett, in the armchair, watching TV. Alice was on the couch with Jasper, in her lap, sat up quick when I flew in the room.

 “Renesmee, what's wrong?” Jasper asked.

 “Nothing.” I said to him. “Carlisle!” I yelled. “Alice call my mom and dad.”

 he flew down the stairs with Esme and Rosalie right behind him. Alice was on the phone with my mom and dad.

 “Tell them to get here now.” I told Alice.

 She nodded. And went into the other room to talk.

 “Hey, Renesmee. What's wrong.” Carlisle asked.

 “Well, we have a visitor all right,” Emmett jumped up out of his seat and was about to say something. “But, it's not who you think it is.” o told them. “Jacob, bring them in.”

 Jasper's eye went narrow on 'them'. Nahuel, Huilen, and Jacob came in the room.

 “Bella and Edward is on their way in about 10 minutes.” Alice said then she seen Nahuel and Huilen.

 “Hi, Carlisle, everybody.” Huilen said.

 “Huilen, Nahuel what brings you here?” Carlisle asked them.

 “We are just passing thru.” Huilen said.

 “Oh, okay. So how's it been since the last time we talk.” Carlisle asked.

 “Aunt Rose can you go get me some clothes I'm all wet.” I said.

 “Why you wet?” Alice and Rosalie asked.

 “Swimming with Jake in La Push. That's where I found them.”

 “Y'all were in La Push? Why were you guys in La Push for?” Alice asked.

 “Like I said, 'passing bye.'” Huilen said again.

 I followed Rosalie to my dad's old room which was different it had a bed for me and my clothes. Rosalie got me some clothes for me to change into. When I was done we went back downstairs, my mom and dad was there on the couch talking to Nahuel and Huilen.

 When I walked into view Nahuel looked at me. I was wearing a baby pink shirt and blue jeans. I was wondering what ha was thinking, while my dad was sitting there next to him.

 I smiled at him and went to my momma and I kissed my dad's cheek on the ways.

 “Hi mommy.” I sung to her.

 “Hi sweetie.” she said. “What you been doing Huilen and Nahuel?”

 while my mom and them were talking I was thinking of earlier when Nahuel kissed me in the woods before his aunt came and saw us. I wonder what Jacob would have done if he saw. I looked at Nahuel and he seen me staring at him. He smiled and I looked away blushing. He kept staring at me. I looked at him again and he winked at me that made me blush even more.

 I was wondering how the room felt right now to my uncle Jasper. I looked for my uncle Jasper and he looked when I turn to look at him. He gave me a look like he was wondering what I was staring at him for. I shook my head at him.

 I looked away from Jasper and looked at my Jacob. Jacob seen that I was looking at him. I moved my eyes toward the stairs and he looked and shooked his head.

 I got up off my mom's lap. She looked at me and Jake but didn't say anything. I was a big girl now. Well not really. I was only like 6 or 7 months old but I look like I was at least in my teens. The way I was growing.

 Since I was getting older, my dad gave me his room and a new phone too. Alice and Rosalie re-did the room. They repainted the walls, put a bed in there, got a new radio, a computer, a shelf to put all my books and CD's o, and they even took out a wall to add on a walk in closet space. Alice and Rosalie went all out buying me new clothes and everything.

 I even had my own bathroom. My bathroom and closet was just like Alice's and Rosalie's. When Jacob and I got to my room, we went to my bed. Jacob closed the door when we came in. We layed on the bed together for about ten minutes without saying anything. We just cuddled with each other.

 Jake was the first one to say something. “So when did you get this room?”

 “My dad told me while we were gone that Alice, Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett was gonna work on his old room to make it mine since I was getting older. That means you can sleep in here with me from now on. And if I'm not here you can still sleep in here. I have my own bathroom too.” I told him.

 “Cool. So, when are you starting high school?”

 “I'm gonna start next school year. My mom and dad is gonna put me in Forks High School, and put me in 9th grade. I'm skipping some grades.” I laughed.

 “Your gonna be a freshman wow. You better study a lot.” he said. “What are you gonna tell them if they ask why you are starting school now.”

 “Well, dad was gonna tell them that him, mom and grandpa Carlisle home school me until now.” I told him.

 “Oh, if you need help I'll help you. I'll be a Jr. next year.”

 “I know smarty pants.” I laughed.

 He joined me. “Yea, so what are you gonna do about it.”

 I thought about that and I got on top of him and started kissing him. We never really went this far. Well we kissed but not like this. I t was always a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead. He did not push me when I was kissing him. He put his hands on my face. This was like step 2 or 3.

 Everyone knew we were together, well our family and friends knew. We stop to catch our breathe. Then he said something.

 “I love you, Ness.” Jake said.

 “I love you too, Jake.” I told him.

 “I'm so glad your mind, Jakey.”

 “Me too, Nessie.” he said.

 While he was kissing me my new phone was going off. I hissed and he growled. Then we laughed. I got off of Jake and went to my nightstand. I grabbed my new phone and answered it.


 “Hi Renesmee, it's Sam. Is Jake there?” he said.

 “Oh hi Sam. How did you get my number?” I looked at Jake when I said his name.

 Jacob looked at me and shook his head yes and handed out his hand for the phone.

 “Your mom gave it too me.” he said.

 “Oh and yes, he's here.” I told him.

 “Can I talk to him.”

 “Yea. Here he is.” I handed him the phone/

 “Hey Sam, what's up?”

 Thank god I had good hearing. “Well, we are having a bomb fire this Saturday and I wanted to know if you were in for it.”

 He looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go. “Nessie, do you wanna come to the bomb fire?”

 “Yea, I don't care. I'll have to ask my mother.” I said.

 “Sam, we'll be there. Just save us some food.” Jake told Sam.

 “I'll try too.” Sam said.

 “Alright. Talk to you later.”

 “Okay. Bye.”

 Jacob hung up the phone and put it on the table. I was standing with my arms crossed looking out the window. Jacob walked over to me and put his arms around me, started kissing my neck.

 “So we have plans Saturday?” I asked.

 “Yea, I guess we do.” he said.

 The bomb fire was in 3 days, and I wonder if everyone was gonna be there.

 “What's the matter, Nessie.” he asked me. “You were in a horny as mood and now your not.”

 “Nothing is wrong Jake. Can't I just think.” I told him. I wanted to tell him about what happen with Nahuel.

 “What are you thinking?” he asked.

 “Your gonna be mad if I tell you.” I looked at him. He crossed his arms. “Okay I warned you. When I swam to the woods and found Nahuel and Huilen. Nahuel kissed me.”

 “What!?” he shouted. He ran downstairs.

 “Jacob!” I yelled. I ran downstairs too.

 When we came into view everyone looked at us. Then Jacob just started going off on Nahuel.

 “If you ever kiss her again I swear I'll kill you.”

 Emmett jumped up and walked over and put himself in front of Jacob.

 Then my mom said. “What the hell is going on?”

 “That half breed kissed my Nessie.”

 “Your Nessie.” Nahuel smirked. “Ha she didn't stop me when I kissed her.”

 “I was shocked that you kissed me. What was I suppose to do, hit you. Your hard as rock we all are, but if that's what you want I'll do it now.”

 I flew into his face until my dad grabbed me. “Let me go!” I yelled.

 “Stop this now. Renesmee go to your room now.” my mother told me.

 “What? Why I didn't do anything.”

 “Just do what your mother says.” my father said. “Jacob go with her or leave.”

 “As for you Nahuel – ” my mother was saying when me and Jacob went upstairs.

 “Jake, I'm sorry.” I said as I went to my bed.

 I put my knees up and I put my head on them. I started crying. Jacob sat on the bed and pulled me close to him. He let me cry myself to sleep.

 “No, I'm glad you told me, sweetie.” he told me.

 We were laying down on my bed. Jacob was holding me while he let me cry myself to sleep. He did love me very much, after what I did to him and he still loves me. About 5 or 10 minutes of crying I did fall asleep.

 I heard my mother and father come into the room but Jake told them I was asleep.

 “Renesmee we need to talk –” my mother started to say but Jake stopped her.

 “Bella she's asleep. She cried herself to sleep. Your gonna have to talk to her tomorrow morning.” he told her.

 “Okay, but Jake don't ever do that again. Please not in front of her. At least please.” my mother told him.

 “Anything for you. Edward I'm sorry.”

 “I already knew about this I just didn't say anything. He was thinking about it the whole time she was down there before you guys went upstairs the first time.” he said.

 So he knew about the whole kiss thing and he didn't bother say anything to me about it. How rude of him and hes my father.

 “Can we talk about this in the morning, please.” Jacob told them.

 “Yes, we will.” my father said.

 My mother and father kissed me on my forehead and left the room. Jacob started to get up until I said something.

 “Jacob,” I whispered.

 “Yes, sweetie.”

 “Stay with me please.” I told him.

 “Okay, sweetie. I'll stay with you.” he said and kissed me on my lips.

 “Thank you, Jake. I love you.”

 “I love you too. Now go back to sleep.”

 And I did fall back to sleep.

 Question: This is for the readers.

 Do you think Jacob and Renesmee will stay together after what happen with Renesmee and Nahuel?

 Comment on my page or on the book.

 Yes or No and Why they should or shouldn't?

 And thank you for reading my books.