Midnight Sun by Heather Reed - HTML preview

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Edward's P.O.V

 Bella, Renesmee, and I went to our little cottage to get packed up. We didn't run when passed the river. Bella hold Renesmee hand and I hold her other hand. We swung her back and fourth. We were having family hun time. Renesmee was having fun, she was laughing the whole time. So was me and Bella.

 When we got to our cottage we stop swinging her. I picked her up in my arms like a little baby again. I was rocking her back and fourth and plus I was saying. 'Rock a by baby, in the tree top, when the wind blows, the cradle will fall, and the baby in all.'

 “Daddy, you silly.” Renesmee giggled.

 “Yes, he is. But mommy loves him very much.” Bella said.

 “Yea so are you. That's why daddy loves both of you guys.” I said.

 Bella looked at me with the most beautiful look ever, god if I were human still I could have melted in her arms.

 “I love you.” Bella said. She took the words right out of my mouth.

 “I love you, too Bella.” I said. “So, Ummm...... can I ask you something?” I asked when we walked into our room. I put Renesmee down and she went to our bed and sat down on it.

 “Yea you can.”

 “Would your father mind if I come along too?” I asked.

 “Ummm..... no he wouldn't mind. Your my husband silly. Why would you ask something like that?”

 “Oh I don't know. It just came up.” I said. “Oh pick out that baby blue and baby pink dress that Alice got you for Christmas.”

 “Okay, I will.” she said. “Do you know how long we will be there?”

 “I don't know. A few weeks tops.” I guessed.

 “Alright then.”

 “Why you ask Bella?” I asked her.

 “To make sure I have enough clothes for Renesmee.” she said to me.

 “Bring at least 10 outfits, for all of us.” I said.

 She nodded. “Okay, love.”

 She went to our closet and got her some clothes and when she was done with hers, she went into Renesmee's room and got some clothes for her. She packed them into a suitcases and then put them by the door.

 When she did that, I packed my clothes and put them into a suitcase. When I was done I put my suitcase by the door. I walked back into the bedroom and Renesmee was laying on out bed playing with her necklace. I walked toward her and put my hand under her chin.

 Renesmee looked at me and smiled. “Love you daddy all my heart.”

 “As much as I love you.” I kissed her on her forehead. “And oh Renesmee while we are gone I talked to aunty Alice, aunty Rosalie, grandma Esme, and uncle Emmett into redoing my old room for you so you can stay in there. Okay, they know what you like and what you don't like. You will like that won't you, since you like to spend a lot of time up there when we are at the house.”

 “Yes, daddy. I over heard aunty Alice and mommy talking about it.”

 “Edward, are you ready to go.” Bella came into the room and asked.

 “Yes, honey. I'm ready when you are.”

 “Alright then, Renesmee are you ready to go see grandpa.” Bella asked our daughter.

 “Yes I am, momma.” Renesmee jumped up and she went to the door waiting for us.

 I laughed. And Bella looked at me. “Whats so funny baby?”


 “What she say.”

 “She said, 'come on guys.' Well she thought of it.” I was still laughing. Bella join me.

 “Lets, go.” Bella said and grabbed my hand.

 We grabbed our bags and we flew to the other house. We didn't go inside, we went straight into the garage. I went to my Volvo and pop the trunk and I put our bags in the trunk.

 “I hope y'all aren't leaving without saying goodbye, are you?” it was Alice saying that to Renesmee.

 “No, Alice. We weren't leaving before we said goodbye. Do you think I'm stupid, Alice?” Bella reply to Alice.

 It took Alice a second to think about that. “No, I don't, Bella.”

 “Bella, why don't you take Renesmee inside to say goodbye and I'll pull the car up front.” I said to Bella.

 “Okay.” she kissed me before she went inside with Alice and Renesmee.

 Alice looked at me before I got into the car. 'Be careful Edward. We don't know who or what this is. I'll call you or Bella if I see anything.' she thought. Then she went in the house.

 I started the car and drove out of the garage and pulled up front of the house. When I pulled up Bella and Renesmee was coming up front.

 “i love you, Renesmee.” Rosalie said. “Call me when you want to talk to me, okay.”

 Renesmee smiled at her and then flew to the car and got in.

 “I'll have her call you Rose, don't worry.” Bella said.

 “Its not like your not gonna see them again, god Rose.” Emmett yelled from inside.

 “Shut up, Emmett.” Rosalie hissed.

 Bell and I laughed. Bella got in the car. Rosalie blew Renesmee a kiss before she went inside.

 We drove off on to the freeway. I looked in the mirror and seen Renesmee just sitting there listening to her Iphone. She was listening to a song called, 'Just A Kiss' Bella said it was a good song for her to remember us at night.

 Bella seen me looking at our daughter. She grabs my hand and kissed it. When she put our hands down, I shook my head. She looked at me and was about to say something. I stopped her by leaning over and kissing her lips.

 I mouthed, 'I love you' to her, and she smiled and said, “I will always love you.”

 I thought, Renesmee was “too busy” listening to her song, she was laughing at Bella for what she said.

 “What's so funny, Renesmee.” I asked.

 “Mommy.” she laughed again.

 “Oh, I'm funny, huh?” Bella asked.

 “Yea. Both of you guys are.” she said.

 “Well, we always will love you, Renesmee.” Bella told her. And kissed her on her forehead.

 Bella turned around, looked at me and smiled and then looked forward. Renesmee continue listening to her Iphone.

 About 30 minutes later, we were almost to Charlie's house when Bella's phone vibrated. She took her phone out of she pocket and answered it.


 “Hi Bella, it's Mike Newton. Jessica's boyfriend.” he said.

 “Oh hi. You guys got back together?” she asked.

 “Who is it mommy?” Renesmee asked.

 “A friend of mommy's baby. Go back to listening to your music.” Bella told her.

 “Mommy? You have a kid?” he asked. “When was this?”

 Bella looked at me, scared. “Well, Ummm...... Edward's brother and his wife got into a car crash and died but she lived thru it so me and him kept her for about 5 or 6 months now. She's about 2 or 3 years old. We treat like she's our daughter.”

 “Oh, that was sweet of you guys. What's her name?” Mike asked.

 “Her name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen.” Bella said.

 “Oh, cool. That's a nice name.”

 “Yea, well I got to go I'm on my way over my dad's house Mike. I'll talk to yea later. Tell Jess I said 'hi' for me, will you.”

 “Okay, I will. Bye.”

 “Bye.” she hung up the phone. “God that was close.”

 “Yea.” I said.

 We were quiet the rest of the ride to Charlie's, the only thing you could hear was Renesmee's Iphone. Charlie's cruiser was done so he must have been at work. So, we parked on the curb behind Bella's old Chevy truck and got out.

 We got our bags and went to the house. Bella open the door and we went to Bella's old room and put our bags in there for right now.

 “Should you call him and tell him that we are here, Bella.” I asked.

 “Yea, I should. Honey, why don't you go watch TV in the living room.” Bella said.

 “Okay.” she reply. She flew downstairs.

 Bella and I went downstairs as well. We went into the kitchen, and Bella use the phone in there. She dialed the phone and someone answer the phone on the 4th ring.

 “Deputy Mark, Forks Police Department. How can I help you?”

 “Hi Mark, it's Bella. Is Charlie there?”

 “Oh, hi Bella. How are you and your new husband. Was it Edward.” Deputy Mark asked.

 “Yea, Edward is good. He's right here next to me. Is my dad there.” Bella asked again.

 “Ummm..... Let me see if he's is.”


 On the other live, it was quiet. Bella pulled me over to her started playing with me.

 “Don't start something, when you can't finch Bella.” I laughed.

 “Don't hold on that.” she kissed me.

 “Bella, your dad is gone so I guess he is on his way home.”

 “Okay, thanks. I guess I'll make something good for him for dinner. Talk to you later Mark.”

 “You too, Bella.”

 Bella hung up the phone and started looking at all the food. She took out some chicken. I sat at the kitchen table, watching her cook. About half an hour later Charlie showed up and his dinner was done. She put his dinner in the oven and we went into the other room.

 “Baby, be quiet. We gonna surprise grandpa, okay.” Bella told Renesmee.

 Renesmee touched her to tell her, that she understood. Bell kissed her forehead. We sat still in the living room listening for Charlie to com inside. He unlocked the door and came in and hung his coat, keys, and gun belt.

 After he did that he walked into the kitchen. We heard him sniff the air like he took a deep breathe and hum, 'Mm'.

 He walked into the living room where we were hiding and he turn on the light. That's when he seen us.

 “Oh my god, you guys scared the hell out of me.” Charlie said.

 “Sorry, Charlie. It was Bella's idea to hide and surprise you.” I said.

 “Well thanks Edward. Thanks a lot.” Bella remarked.

 Renesmee laughed. “Hi grandpa.” Renesmee went to him and he picked her up.

 “Your very welcome, sweetheart.” I kissed her forehead.

 “Somethings smells good what is it?” Charlie asked.

 “Mommy, cooked you dinner. It's in the oven to stay warm.” Renesmee.

 “You did? How did you know I was on my way home?” he asked.

 “I called your station and Mark said you just left. I wanted to surprise you.”

 “Grandpa,” Renesmee was about to say.

 “Sweetie, wait until grandpa is done eating okay.” I told her.

 “Okay, daddy.” she said.

 Charlie put her down and we went into the kitchen. Bell got Charlie's dinner out and put it out on the table.

 “Your favorite, fried chicken.” Bella said. “Do you want some Nessie?”

 “Yes, momma.” she reply to Bella.

 Bella made Nessie's and Charlie's plates. Bella sat down on one of the chairs. I just stood next to her.

 “This is good, momma.” she said. “I didn't know you could cook.”

 “Yea. Your mother can cook. She's just like grandma, Renee.” Charlie said.

 “It also smells good too, momma.”

 “Well, thank you sweetie.” Bella said.

 I put my hands on Bella's shoulders and she looked up at me and smiled. She even put one of her hands on mine hand and rubbed it. I was watching Renesmee eat when she thought, 'Daddy', to me. I looked at her and she went on, when she saw me look at her. 'Can I ask him now?' she thought. I shook my head yes.

 “Grandpa, Ummm.....” she started to say.

 “Yes, honey.” Charlie said.

 “Mommy, daddy, and I, Ummm......” she said and looked at Bella then me. Then went on. “Are gonna stay with you for a little bit okay.”

 Charlie looked confused. All I heard from him was, 'What is she talking about.' then he looked at Bella. “Do you mind telling me what's going on here?”

 “Dad, Charlie well Renesmee wanted to see you and I asked Edward about us staying her for a little bit. Nothing is going on.” she told him. “Well, there's someone here visiting and we don't know who or what it is okay, Charlie.” I added. “Carlisle wanted us or Jake to do it, but Renesmee asked Bella and me if we could stay here with you.”

 Charlie didn't say anything, and I read what was going thru his head. He was still confused that was all he was thinking.

 Bella put her hand on his and said. “Charlie, don't worry. I will keep you safe. Trust me.” she said to him. “I love you too much to lose you.” she choked on that sentence, but mostly on lose.

 Renesmee looked at her mommy and got up and walked to her. “Mommy, don't worry either we will keep grandpa safe. Won't we daddy?”

 “Yes, we will honey. Bella she's right, don't worry we will keep him safe.” I told her.

 “Bella, you guys can stay here.” he told her.

 “Thank you dad.”


 “Yea, dad.”

 “I love you.”

 “I love you too, dad.” she got up and walked over to Charlie and hugged him.

 They hugged for about 5 minutes. Until Bella's phone started vibrating. She didn't answer it. I was gonna answer it but Renesmee got it.


 “Where's your mommy.” I heard on the other end, it was Alice. I put my hand out toward her.

 “Right here, but daddy wants to talk to you.”

 “Okay. Put him on the phone.”

 She handed me the phone. “Hello Alice?”

 “Why didn't Bella answer the phone? Is she okay?” Alice asked.

 “Yes, she's fine. She's talking to her dad. They are having a father daughter moment right now. What do you need.” I asked.

 “I will tell you guys later.”

 “Okay, then.”


 “Bye. Oh tell cal that Charlie knows and understands.”

 “Okay.” she said.

 I clicked “end” and put the phone on the table.

 Charlie did the dishes and Bella and I were upstairs putting things away. Renesmee was downstairs watching TV.

 “I'm gonna give Renesmee my bed.” Bella told me.

 I nodded. “Okay.”

 Bella made the bed and I put our clothes in the closet and Renesmee clothes in the dresser. Bella also put some of her books that she like to read to Renesmee on her desk next to her laptop.

 While we were doing all that someone came over because we both heard Renesmee say, 'Hi'. Bella and I looked at each other and flew downstairs. When we went downstairs we saw it was Sue, Billy, and Emily that came in.

 “Bella? Oh my god, Bella. You look good. I mean as a vampire and married.” Emily said to Bella.

 “Thanks, Emily. I heard about you and Sam is getting married in a few months.”

 “Yea. And guess who's the flower girl?”

 “Let's see, your niece, Claire?”

 “Yup. She's almost four. And she's getting big too.” Emily laughed.

 We all laughed but Renesmee. She got up off the couch and went to Bella.

 “Mommy.” she whisper and pulled on Bella's arm.

 Bella picked her up. And Renesmee put her hand on Bella's neck. Renesmee still doesn't like speaking out loud when there's a lot of people around but me and Bella and her family.

 “This is mommy's friend, baby.” Bella told her. “Her name is Emily. This is uncle Sams soon-to-be-wife.”

 “Mommy? Wait she's your baby?”

 “Yea. You didn't know?”

 “I knew you had a kid. Jacob told me. But I didn't know she was this big. How old is she?” Emily asked.

 “She's only about 5 or 6 months old. But she looks like a 3 or 4 year old. She can talk, read, write, play the piano, and everything else. But she like to show you thins instead of talking.”

 “Wow. What's your name sweetie?” Emily asked Renesmee.

 She touched Bella's neck again. And Bella nodded. “Renesmee Carlie Cullen but you can call me Nessie. I don't care.”

 “Awww, she is so cute.”

 “Thank you, Emily.”

 “Baby, why don't you go watch TV.”

 Renesmee shook her head yes and Bella put her down. Renesmee went into the living room and started watching TV.

 “Hi, Billy. Nice to see you out of the house.” Bella laughed.

 “Nice to see you too. You too, Edward.” Billy said.

 “Thanks Billy.” I said. “I'm gonna go watch TV with Renesmee.” I told her. “Love you.”

 “Love you, too. And okay.” she kissed me.

 I went into the living room to watch some cartoons with Renesmee while Bella, Emily, and the others talked in the kitchen. Renesmee fell asleep on the couch while a new show of “Life on Deck with Zach and Cody.” I got up off the couch and picked her up and walked toward the stairs until Emily said something.

 “Edward, hold on.” she said.

 I stopped and turned around.

 “She is so cute when she is sleeping. And the only parents that don't sleep and she does.” Emily laughed and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight sweetie.”

 “Well, we got to go. I told Jake I'll be back soon. Nice talking to you again Bella.” Billy said.

 “Yea, me too.” Bella said. “Nice seeing you again Sue, Emily, and Billy. Be careful on the way back.”

 “We will. Sues the one driving.” Billy tried to joke around.

 “Here, I'll walk y'all out.” Charlie said.

 “Okay.” Sue said.

 “Well we gonna put her in bed. Emily call me some time.”

 “Okay.” Emily said.

 Renesmee snoring lightly in my arms, Emily smiled. Bella and I went upstairs to her bedroom. I put her in the bed softly. And Bella covered her up and kissed her goodnight. We went back downstairs into the kitchen where Charlie was.

 “Hey kids, you guys can have my room okay. I'll sleep down here.”

 “No, dad. You can have your room. We don't sleep. All we be doing is watch TV and cuddle with each other.”

 “Are you sure? You can have it.”

 “Yes, I am sure.” Bella told her dad. “Go to bed, you look dead tried.”

 “I am. And okay. Goodnight kids.”

 “Good night Charlie.” I said.

 “Good night dad and love you.”

 “You too.”

 Charlie went upstairs to his room. We went into the front room to see if anything was on. We did what Bella told Charlie. So just in case he came downstairs to check on us. All we did was kissed and cuddle.