NEBADOR Book Six: Star Station by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 11: Conference

Ilika entered the nearly-dark room with more than a little anxiety. He had been called upon to make many decisions during the previous year and a half of his life, ever since hiding the Manessa Kwi in the swamp near the capital city of a small medieval kingdom on Sonmatia Three.

He knelt and cleared his mind, knowing he had done what he had done, and could not now avoid the consequences of his actions . . . or inactions.

After a few minutes, he felt a presence. The presence slowly took on the form of a fuzzy glowing mist, then the color of a ripe peach. Ilika smiled.

For the next few minutes, as silence continued to fill the room, Ilika opened his mind and let the presence experience everything the young captain had seen, heard, and felt.

Judge yourself, Ilika Imni, the presence said softly without words.

Ilika breathed slowly to center his thoughts. “It was a good mission that taught me more things than I can remember. I made mistakes, as you know, and will again, but hopefully not the same ones.”

Ilika felt a moment of humor radiate from the presence. Judge the five you brought back.

“Rini is as close to perfect as I could want. The other four have weaknesses, and will probably make serious mistakes, but I believe they will be citizens of Nebador someday. I will do everything in my power to help them on that journey.”

Mati needs to spend more time with other sapient creatures, the presence

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asserted, and her surgery and recovery will begin that process. She and Rini will work best together, especially after the surgery.



Boro will always be loyal, but will need help and encouragement developing his mind.

“I was thinking of cross-training him into navigation soon.”

Sata has greater lessons to learn. Be watching for them, but do not interfere unless you must for the safety of others.



Your biggest problem is your steward.

“I . . . sense that.”

Never ask what happened today. You do not want to know. But be comforted — she has stepped onto a path that may bring her to citizenship.

It may take her away from you, at times, but you cannot deny her that path without destroying her.

Ilika swallowed, took a deep breath, and tried to smile.

Overall, I am pleased, Ilika Imni, the presence continued. You have earned the companionship of Manessa Kwi Habishu Glinta, and the task of guiding your chosen five toward citizenship. Your ship and crew are now active on the Nebador Transport Service rolls.

“I am honored,” Ilika said as a flood of warm emotions filled his body and tears of joy threatened to spring from his eyes.

The presence embraced him for a moment, then faded away.

Ilika, still on his knees, let the good feelings of success linger as he felt the cool, sweet air of the star station flow in and out of his lungs. Suddenly his mission bracelet emitted it’s emergency chime. He quickly looked at the little display.

Manessa Kwi — prepare for immediate departure.


Deep Learning Notes

Most people are uncomfortable with another being (of any kind) having complete access to our thoughts and feelings. That is because (the author

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believes) our life experiences have taught us that persons in power cannot be trusted to always treat us with kindness, logic, wisdom, and respect. Political leaders are, often enough, corrupt. Police, often enough, abuse their power.

Judges are, often enough, biased. Those persons in power are all, of course, fellow mortal human beings.

A very few people, who have had direct experience with spiritual beings, and in this story the Nebador citizens like Ilika, can cultivate two different responses to “persons in power”: one for most mortals, and another for those beings (mortal or spiritual) who have proven they will always exercise kindness, logic, wisdom, and respect.

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