NEBADOR Book Six: Star Station
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Author: J. Z. Colby
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Pages: 271
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NEBADOR - the incredible journey of five young adults from poverty and oppression to respected citizenship in the wide universe ... Stepping into a new civilization can be very challenging, especially when very few of your new friends look anything like you. Trouble awaits in every hall and balcony of the star station, and each misunderstanding could get you a one-way ticket home. Mati, one decision away from walking again, isn't sure she wants to - the price, for both her and Rini, is unexpectedly high. Kibi fails a test of the heart - to fix it, she must set her feet on a path she's not sure she'll survive. This book includes the short story "Neti's Temptation" by Karen Buchanan, winner of the 2011-12 Nebador Writing Contest.