PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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The next morning the two met in the kitchen for breakfast. Both were relatively quiet, as they finished off the eggs, toast, and coffee. Finally Warren broke the silence.

“How are you doing this morning.”

“Slept well and came to the conclusion that I‟d have to control the emotions we talked about last night. I‟m kinda embarrassed at how I threw myself at you. It won‟t happen again.

“Good. I really don‟t want anything to get in the way of what I believe is the beginning of a great friendship!” smiled Warren. “My tests and our good time yesterday only confirmed what I had already suspected. You‟re not only an outgoing, amusing dude, but a damned intelligent one. I‟ve been looking for an assistant for my project and you just might be the one.

“Hey, I‟d like that!”

“Only one problem stands in the‟re legal status. I spoke with the warden and he‟s pretty sure we can have you legalized. You didn‟t really commit a crime. Only attempted one. Unfortunately your behavior was serious enough to put you in the California Medical facility. The court was afraid you might cause some real damage if left on the outside. Let‟s just hang around here for a few days and make sure the treatment took. And I don‟t have to give you a booster. I‟ll be on the phone and internet most of the time. Gotta keep things moving. Meanwhile we can outline my plans for our partnership.

Roger laughed at his good fortune. Not only out of prison, but offered the possibility of a career with someone he considered extra special. He frowned at the memory of their meeting last night. He didn‟t want to go back to prison, and now that his future looking so bright, he was determined to suppress his feelings for his new friend.

Warren called the warden and Dr. Baxter with a positive report on his charge‟s progress, then opened his lap top and motioned for Cooper to join him on the couch.

Feeling he could trust Roger with his secrets, he opened the PAX project files to his guest and asked him to study them. Any questions.--just ask. Warren saw immediately his student was computer literate.

The former CMI inmate spent several hours eagerly pouring over the scientific jargon Surprisingly, he understood much of it and only asked a few questions. As he scanned the extraordinary information he occasionally exclaimed. “Whoa...fantastic!”

Meanwhile, Warren spent his time on the phone, checking in with the factory and his financial director. All was well. Money was again pouring into the PAX coffers and improvements were continuing on the PAX fabrication plant. He checked in with his parents and was assured all was going according to plan. His mom was watching out for his interests and he relied on her to keep everyone honest.

The two finished their activities at about the same time and with a relieved breath Roger set the laptop on sleep, and placed it back on the table. He smiled at Warren who had just hung up the phone. “Well, I was right!” he laughed.

“‟s that?!”

“You really are a most extraordinary human being,. From personal experience I‟ve found your PAX is a miracle. Now to see it all in writing it‟s confirmed. And most of it so clear even I could understand it. Knowing all this stuffola, I‟d say Peace on Earth is certainly possible.”


For the next week, Warren conducted an improvised classroom to familiarize Roger Cooper with his plans and the many facets of PAX and PAX BI. The scientist was delighted with his student. The former inmate of CMI was a fast learner. He‟d quickly absorbed Warren‟s ideas and was enthusiastic about the possibilities.

One morning after breakfast, Roger interrupted the lesson with some of his own thoughts on the PAX subject.

“This morning, I woke up around five, my mind PAXed out and with a few ideas of my own. From personal experience I know PAX is a miracle. It cured me, and I firmly believe it can cure the world.”

“Let‟s hope so,‟ Warren said. “And if you have some ideas of your own. I‟d like to hear them.”

“Okay, Boss,” Roger replied consulting his clipboard notes. I made a short list of issues you may already have addressed, or you might want to work on before the release date. Number Uno. To control the birth rate you‟ve decided to redesign the human race to be bisexual. Great idea. However, with all the free choice and free love going on. there could be an escalation of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, syphilis, etc. Is there any way to add something to the mix that would control disease?”

“Roger! Great Idea, As soon as we get back to the lab, I‟ll set to work on it.

Anything else?”

“Well, let‟s see, I went down the list of the ten basic commandments and it looks like PAX should cover most of them . Greed, Jealousy, murder of course etc. I was just wondering about Prejudice. People might appear to be immune to it, but still harbor some feelings against their fellow man. The old race, color creed, thing. Anti Semites and such? And how about that prejudice against sexual choice other than the so called normal heterosexuals. Since apparently PAX-BI is going to create a lot of same-sex relationships. It would be nice if that was universally acceptable.

“Lordy, Roge. A super idea! One would hope PAX itself would do the job, but you may be right. A little of this and that added to the formula, could make the difference.”