PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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After a week of often entertaining camaraderie, Dr. Peace decided it was time to take the next step. He called the warden and made an appointment to retest Roger.

They also discussed some sort of permanent freedom for the prisoner. The two made a trip to the institution and Roger again passed his tests with flying colors. Warren, the warden, Dr. Baxter and their subject were elated to find the cure was apparently permanent.

“Our major goal at CMI is rehabilitation and to see such an extraordinary success is really rewarding. Dr. Peace, you‟re welcome to use our prisoners for guinea pigs anytime.”

Roger made an o ink, oink sound and they all laughed.

Dr. Baxter joined them in the warden‟s office and they discussed Roger Cooper‟s future.

“I‟ve spoken to our lawyer about your wish to free Roger, Dr. Peace. He‟s standing by and there‟s a judge who‟s amenable. This won‟t be the first time we‟ve released one of our inmates to the outside world. I certainly believe Roger is one of the major successes. However, you must realize this is a big responsibility. When the judge signs the papers you become liable for all Rogers actions, and may be held accountable for any illegal acts he may commit.”

“I understand and I‟m willing to take the chance.” Warren replied

“Sounds kinda like an adoption.” Roger laughed.

“It‟s a bit more than that. Dr. Peace becomes your legal guardian as well as parole officer. No offense, Roger” added Dr. Baxter, “but we are all counting on you to behave yourself.”

“I‟m so grateful to Warren for rescuing me, I‟ll be forever in his debt. You can depend on me!”

The warden handed Warren some papers.

“Then here is the tentative prison release and our lawyer‟s card. Call him and he‟ll set up a private hearing with the judge. I see no problems.”

Warren thanked the warden and MD, took the paperwork and the two left the medical facility. As they walked back to the rental, Roger clapped Warren on the back.

“Thanks, pal!” he said his voice choked with emotion. He longed to take the scientist in his arms, but that was against the rules. Instead, he told one of his jokes and their laughter broke the silence.


The next week sped by as they contacted the lawyer who quickly arranged a meeting at a judge‟s office where they put the final stamp of approval on Roger Cooper‟s freedom. This was followed in quick succession by packing up their gear, making plane reservations for Boston and driving into San Francisco to turn in the rental car. They spent the night at an airport motel and took off for Warren‟s home the next morning. After an uneventful flight they arrived at Logan International Airport in Boston.

A cab drove them quickly to Warren‟s parents home in Cambridge near the Harvard University Campus.

The duo was greeted by the scientist‟s mother. Olive Peace was delighted to have her son home again, and welcomed his new friend. Warren had e-mailed her Rogers story and she put on her most tolerant smile as she served tea. The young former felon seemed to be as amiable as her son had stated, but aware of his violent history, she could only hope PAX had truly done a permanent fix on him. Time would tell.

She listened, fascinated as Roger Cooper related his story and how her son had rescued him from the California Medical Institution. He added a few jokes about his life, education and hope for the future, which had mother and son amused throughout his monolog.

At four o‟clock, Dr. Orville Peace came home from work and they all gathered for cocktails at five. Roger hit it off with Warren‟s father. and they talked about the future and the hopes for PAX , while Mrs. Peace prepared dinner.

It had been a full day for all and they retired early--with Roger to sleep in the guest room.

As quiet settled over the house, sleep took them all. Hours passed until around midnight Warren woke up. Someone was in his room. He could see a silhouette against the window. It was Roger. Warren wasn‟t sure if he was dreaming at first, until he determined Roger was looking out the window and standing very still.

“Roger?” Warren called softly. The silhouette remained as still as a statue, staring out at the street.

“Roger!” he called a little louder. Still no response. Despite the old myth it‟s dangerous to wake a sleep walker, Warren got out of bed and went to his nocturnal visitor. He was unsure of the somnambulist's reaction.

“Roger!” this time he reached out, gripped Cooper by the shoulders, and shook him gently.

The sleepwalker whirled around, and growling in fury, pushed Warren away, sending him crashing onto the bed. His head struck the headboard and he saw stars.

Without warning, Roger was on top of him, his strong hands encircling his neck, tightening on his larynx. Chocking, Warren struggled to regain the advantage. The pair battled for long minutes, until at last, Warren , using all his athletic strength against the crazed attacker, managed to subdue him. and pinned him to the bed. Awakened by the noise, his parents hurried into the room and turned on the light. Surprised by its glare and their entrance the somnambulist was at last wide awake. Realizing where he was, he looked around, shocked and embarrassed. Recognizing his friend, he groaned.

“Oh, no, walking in my sleep again?! Warren, Are you all right? Of all the people in the world it had to be you. I had a a couple of these attacks back in the place... ended up in a padded cell. Fortunately I walked into your room and not your parents. I am so sorry. Does this mean I‟ve had a relapse...the PAX didn‟t take?” Turning to Warren‟s parents he apologized. “Sorry about this, folks.”

“Warren, are you OK?” came his mother‟s concerned voice.

“Well, I was warned this might happen. I‟m a little bruised, but okay! However, Roger, I‟m not disappointed in your cure. You merely reacted to what you thought was a threat to your safety. PAX doesn‟t eliminate the drive for self protection. It‟s supposed to eliminate the need for it. You‟re living proof PAX really works!” smiling he assured his parents all was well and turned to his friend. Come on, Roger. Let‟s get you back to bed.” He took Roger by the elbow and led him back to the guest room. Roger turned on the light and rummaged in his suitcase until he found a pair of hand cuffs.

“Here, better use these. I‟m embarrassed enough. We don‟t need a repeat performance. At least while I‟m in your folks‟ home.” He got in bed, handcuffed himself to the headboard and handed Warren the key.

“It‟s a little like being back in prison, but I trust you to release me for breakfast?” he chuckled.