PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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It was nearly nine when Warren woke up. He put on his robe, went to the guest room and found Roger still asleep. He carefully unlocked the headboard end of the hand cuffs and went downstairs. In the kitchen he found his parents preparing the traditional Saturday morning breakfast.

“Is Roger sleeping in this morning? He‟s going to miss your mother‟s fabulous breakfast.”

“I thought it best to let him sleep. Mom, maybe you could fix a little extra we can reheat in the microwave.”

His father took a sip of coffee. “Are you all right after last night‟s little set-to with Roger? I read the story you sent your mother. Certainly a miraculous turn around from the inmate you described.” Charming, amusing, and seems intelligent enough.”

“Roger is very smart and before he got into trouble he completed a master‟s degree in physics at Berkeley. He‟s a unique dude all right. I‟ve only known him for a few weeks but he‟s becoming a real friend. Right now I need someone I can talk to and confide in. Ironically we are also pretty much stuck together legally. Among other things, I‟m his probation officer, I have to keep him around to keep an eye on him. Not bad duty, though. He‟s an amusing fella.”

Olive Peace served the two men in the breakfast nook. “I hope your new charge won‟t get in the way of your romance with Emily. Such a pretty, intelligent girl.”

“I‟m afraid the part of my life is fading away. As fond as I am of Emily, I‟m afraid my obsession with PAX and her own concentration on a medical career have pushed us apart. At our last meeting, I got the impression she wanted to call it quits. Woman troubles, that‟s one of many things Roger and I have in common. And he‟s so easy to talk to. I need someone like that in my life. I can‟t bother you two forever.

“Good morning, folks!” Roger appeared at the kitchen door.

Warren laughed. “Were your ears burning? We were just talking about you.”

“The ol‟ sleep walker?!” Roger laughed waving the handcuff for all to see. “Master, would you be so kind, and unshackle me.”

Warren took took the key out of his robe pocket, removed the handcuffs and handed all to his friend.

Roger added, “Maybe we should put the key on a chain around your neck. Then you can lock me in at night.” gesturing to the food, “Boy, that looks good!”

Olive, rose and patting him on the shoulder, pointed out his place at the table. She went into the kitchen and there was the sound of the microwave as it heated his meal.

Dr. Orville Peace asked, “What are your plans for the day, boys?”

“I really need to get out to the plant and check things out.” Warren offered. “I understand there have been a lot of additions and I‟m curious to see how things are going”

Mrs. Peace returned to the table with Rogers steaming plate. “I was out there Wednesday and it looks like all is moving apace. Subject to your approval, of course.”

“Thanks Mom! Thanks for everything!”


Warren drove the twoof them out of Boston to Bedford a half hour away. The factory had been recently painted, and with a large PAX inc. on the front. it looked pretty impressive to his passenger.

“Wow! Not Bad, Warren! It‟s a lot bigger than I thought it‟d be.”

They drove around the building to the back entrance. The parking lot was loaded with machinery and packing cases.

“Good! It looks like the materials have arrived! Now we can really get moving!”

Warren parked and they walked to the main building. He pressed a buzzer on the entrance door and a man in security uniform answered the summons.

Smiling, the guard opened the door. “Dr.‟re back!”

“Yeah, Charlie! Everything quiet on the home front?”

“Well we had some strange characters hanging around last night, but the boys and I ran em off.”

“Good Show! Looks like you got the weekend shift Charlie. Charlie Parton is head of security, Roger. Charlie, this is Roger Cooper, my new assistant. Everyone should be in Monday and we can really start on the PAX containers. Looks like the parts are here.”

“Roger, Welcome to PAX. The two men shook hands. Then turning to Warren.

Parton added, “I 'vet scheduled myself on weekends and holidays, figuring if there‟s any it trouble might happen then.

“Thanks Charlie. You‟re probably right. Now I want to show Roger the plant.”

“It‟s quite a place, Roger and PAX is quite a worth while project. Enjoy!Warren and Roger continued on into the laboratory. It was large and fitted with all the latest scientific equipment. Roger recognized the uses of some of them.

“What is the next step, boss?” asked the new assistant to the director.

“Now we make bombs.”


“Yes PAX gas bombs. After studying the matter I decided the best way to spread the gas over the earth would be to drop bombs into the atmosphere at specified locations. I‟ve had maps made of the prevailing world wind currents and ....well. Here, let me show you!” Warren led the way to an alcove containing large maps of world areas. They had gold stars scatter ed across their surface. Obviously in areas where the wind currents would move the gas in the desired directions.

Eyes wide open, Roger was fascinated by what he saw as they moved on into the main part of the plant. One huge chamber contained giant pressure tanks lined up like soldiers.

“There‟s the PAX in concentrated form. We next need to add the other ingredients to the mix. The one‟s you and I discussed and you so brilliantly suggested.“

“I‟ve been thinking about another potential complication. Not sure the world is ready to become bisexual.” He glanced at Warren before he continued. I hope you won‟t be offended by my alternate suggestion?”

Warren gave him a concerned smile. “Oh?...mmm...Frankly I‟ve been a little worried about that one, too. Let‟s hear your idea.”

“You‟ve managed to create so many miracles...uh...yours truly being one of them. I was wondering if you could modify the human biology so as not to interfere with the sex drive. but merely limit women‟s ovulations to one or at most two in a lifetime and only during copulation!”

Grinning from ear to ear, Warren clapped his friend on the back and exclaimed,

“Roger, that‟s brilliant! Now who‟s the brains behind this project? I should have thought of that one. We could just add another genetic marker. It wouldn‟t effect this generation, but the next would begin the process. In less than a century it should begin to reverse the world‟s population growth. By then someone should come up with another method if necessary.”

Still smiling at his guest, Warren led the way though the rest of the plant. In another area were large conveyor belts and other equipment. “Monday the whole crew will be here to begin fabricating the bombs to hold the gas. We‟ll eventually need thousands of containers of PAX to make it universally effective. Thank the lord my backers have been so generous, Now If I can just convince the government to loan me the Air Force to carry them to the world. I have feelers out and should hear from them soon.

Otherwise I‟m going to have to lead another fund drive to get enough to rent cargo jets.”

“You are amazing, Dr. Peace. How can anyone resist your ideas?”

“Oh, Some of them will give us trouble. Inventing and producing the gas may turn out to be the easiest part of this plan. Convincing the powers World Peace is in everyone's best interest, may be damned daunting. No time to worry about that now!”

the scientist growled turning to his friend. “Come on to the office, I need to check the e-mail”

In the front part of giant plant was a large office complex. In one room there were many cubicles that Roger could see were in use on work days. There were only a couple of stenographers on duty at the moment as Warren led the way to his own office.

“Good Morning Dr. Peace!” They were greeted by a cheerful looking woman of middle age who sat at the desk outside a door marked Private.

“Madeline, so good of you to come in this morning. sure to put in for the overtime.” Warren added with a smile. “This is Roger Cooper, he‟ll be helping me get things going on Monday.”

“Welcome, Roger. You‟re indeed lucky to be a part of PAX. This is such a worthwhile cause I feel guilty about being paid at all. But thanks for the overtime, Doctor. There are some critical messages on your desk. A couple should be of particular interest. And we‟re working on the financial report. I should have that for you shortly.”

“Money, Money Money! Wouldn‟t it be great if we didn‟t have to worry about it?!”

“Well, Doctor, maybe after PAX changes the world you can work on that!”

They all laughed and Warren led Roger into his large, modestly furnished office.

“Take a seat while I check out these messages. We‟ll have to get you a desk in here. As my assistant director, we‟ll need to work together,” smiled Warren.

“Assistant Director? wow!” Roger responded sitting down and leaning forward expectantly “Are you sure? Do you trust me that much?”

“Listen,” added the young scientist. “I‟ve known you for less than a month, but I‟ve learned you„re a pretty smart fella...capable of most anything. Since I‟m more or less your legal guardian, and have to keep you around anyway, why not put you to work? In the next week or so I‟m pretty sure you can learn the operation. Now‟s a critical time. If I‟m called away or something happens to me, I need someone I can trust to carry on.

I‟m gambling PAX will bring the world to order. The least I can do is trust it‟s also brought you the same.” He paused for a moment staring hard at the e-mail copy in his hand.

“Uh it is. Looks like they‟ve caught up with me.” he added handing the single sheet to Roger who had taken a seat opposite the desk.

Roger read the note quickly and groaned, “A Senate committee hearing? Oh, brother!

“Yes. I‟ve been expecting it. This may be our greatest challenge and my toughest sell to date. It means I‟ll have to go to Washington next week and do my PAX show and tell for the government. I can only hope they‟ll see the benefits of PAX and let us go ahead with it.” Warren laughed as he continued. “The big question is, should I take you along to show off my prize guinea pig or leave you here to supervise the work.”

“You‟re the boss. I‟m ready and willing to do your bidding.”

“Okay, guess this is as good a time as any to teach you the practical side of the biz.

Let‟s start over here.” Warren led the way to a large table spread with blue prints and diagrams. The scientist had Roger‟s full attention as he spread them out one at a time and explained the workings of the plant in detail, and his ultimate plans for the project.

The listener was already familiar with much of the operation from their first week together, But now he needed to know nearly as much as Warren to take on his new position of authority. He quickly memorized, absorbed and collated the information.

Occasionally punctuating his observations with admiring exclamations at the brilliance of his mentor.

After lunch they continued with only a short break to study the completed financial report brought in by the secretary.

“We‟re in good condition financially. That‟s a plus in our favor. Even if the government fails us, we‟ll have enough to move the operation somewhere we can continue.”

“Then you‟re determined to let nothing stand in the way of PAX?”

“I feel it‟s my duty and goal in life to rid the world of mans cruelties at all costs.”

“You‟re a wonder! A living breathing wonder! It‟s no wonder I feel such admiration for you. ”

Warren gave him a warning glance and he dropped the subject. No time for that now.

The world needed what they were doing and he was proud to be a part of it.


The two continued to pour over the diagrams and took another walk through the plant where Warren translated the equipment sketches they‟d studied into their practical uses. After five they called it quits and with farewells to the staff and security, promised to return the next day. Warren insisted the office workers take Sunday off and he‟d see them on Monday.

As they drove out of the factory gate Roger looked back at PAX Incorporated and the company‟s new Assistant Director exclaimed:

“Whoa! an amazing day, boss! I feel like my ol‟ brain has finally kicked in after those two years at the institution. I‟m sure you know I‟m grateful for this new chance.”

“I hope you won‟t read anything into what I‟m about to say, but I believe PAX needs you. Not only because you‟re it‟s primo success story, but because the boss needs a friend around to keep him on course.”

Roger didn‟t reply, His heart was too full of gratitude...and other things.

Warren drove them to a nearby apartment complex and led the way to a modest but comfortable condo.

“Here‟s my place.” he stated unlocking the door. “The drive from the folk‟s home often took up too much creative time, and at twenty-five I need a place of my my own.

He took his friend‟s small suitcase as they walked to the back of the apartment. At the end of a short hall, he paused.

“Here‟s your bathroom and the guest room. I‟m up front. Let‟s clean up and I‟ll take you out to dinner.”