PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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On his return to the PAX plant, Warren found Air Force Major Robert Larson and his assistant, Airman John Poole, waiting in his office. After introductions and over coffee, the three got down to business. The air force duo seemed enthusiastic and eager to participate in the PAX mission, and were full of ideas and information. The two had looked over the plant and having seen Warren‟s video, had a pretty good idea of what was expected of them.

The air force was offering the use of five super bombers B-52Hs for the mission.

Each had a capacity of seventy thousand pounds. Having already thoroughly checked out the size and weight of the PAX bomb casings, It was decided each plane should carry ten bombs. Filled with condensed gas, instead of explosives, the PAX bombs weighed about one third as much as a two-tousand pound blockbuster. Also, the self destructing bomb casings were fabricated from a rugged, but much lighter material than conventional bombs. This would mean less midair refuelings during their flight nearly half way around the world.

After completing their calculations the major phoned them to the Pentagon and was told to report to nearby Hanscom Air Force base to work out the details with the base commander.

Warren excused himself for a few moments to called the hospital in Washington, and speak to Roger.

“Hey, mon ami, How are you doing?”

Rogers voice on the phone sounded stronger than their last meeting.

“I‟m doing okay, How‟re things going with the air force?”

“These guys are really into our project. They‟ve figured out the logistics and we‟re headed for the base to make final arrangements for next week‟s flight. Hauling the bombs to Hanscom is the next big chore.” Warren paused and chuckled, “Glad the air force is showing more enthusiasm than those Pentagon chiefs.”

“I just wish I was there to see the take off. Looks like I‟m stuck here for another week or so.”

“Just take it easy and get well. That‟s the main thing.” I‟ll try to get back as soon as the bombers take off next week.”

“Good luck, Warren!”

“Take care,“Warren replied, signing off.

The visit to the nearby air force base also proved to be encouraging as the base commander ordered the motor pool to send heavy trucks the plant. It would take a couple of days to deliver the fifty PAX bombs before the B-52H landed and loaded up.


After numerous trips back and forth between the air force base and the PAX plant, the bombs were delivered. Right on time five B-52Hs arrived and under Warren‟s supervision they were loaded into the planes. Two days were spent in orientation of the pilots and crew as Major Larson and Dr. Peace instructed them in the goals of the mission. All were experienced in the deployment of normal bombs, but PAX bombs were different. For maximum effectiveness they must be dropped in very specific zones and at recommended altitudes. Each gas bomb was designed to disintegrate at two thousand feet and spread the gas over a large area as it settled. Though invisible and odorless PAX was slightly heavier than air and each bomb could cover a wide area.

Wind currents were also instrumental in its coverage and had to be carefully considered. During the orientations, the airmen were attentive and showed great interest in the potential outcome of their mission. When Warren completed the two day course, all applauded and wished him and themselves good luck.

Late one night that same week Warren, Major Larson, Airman Poole, Warren, and the ground crews watched as the big planes roared into the sky. Then they turned and smiled at one another.

“Well, Doctor Peace,” said the major encouragingly, “If all goes well, we should have some results in a week or so. And if...uh... when the Afghanistan reports are positive, we can count on future missions.”

The PAX bombers were scheduled to drop their load in two days. The departure time was kept a guarded secret and the B-52 would be joined by a fighter escort in Eastern Europe. With luck there would be no interference from the enemy.


After a day at the plant giving the workers an update and pep talk, he left them to continue their work and hurried to Washington to check on Rogers progress. His wounded friend was doing well and was anxious to leave the hospital. Warren talked the hospital staff into letting him camp out there and he spent most of his time in Roger‟s room. They talked and watched television for reports from Afghanistan.

Warren took and made a few phone calls to his senate and Pentagon contacts.

Finally the news stories started filtering in. B-52Hs had been spotted over Afghanistan. and some sort of mysterious bombs had been dropped. They caused no damage and a day later the news media revealed the bombs were PAX gas containers.

Headlines blared: AFGHANISTAN PAXED! with details of the mission. Lolling in the hospital room. Warren and Roger waited with the rest of the world hear what reaction PAX would bring to the war torn country.

Less than a week later TV, radio and the print media begin to respond with positive reports. A minor border incident occurred, but there were no fatalities. The brief battle indicated PAX still encouraged humans to protect themselves and their homes. In spite of the minor trouble, Al-Qaeda and other Afghan war lords came out of hiding and marched into the villages with smiles on their faces as they greeted the crowds of cheering people. The Afghan president called a meeting of all concerned and the assembly, smiling and convivial, declared a peaceful end to hostilities. News coverage showed only happy faces throughout the land. Warren gave Roger a gentle but brotherly hug as they laughed at the apparent success of the mission. The worlds press congratulated the U.S. and Dr. Warren Peace on a job well done.

But would it last? Warren and Roger were confident, but the government withheld its judgment for several weeks. During their wait, Roger was released from the hospital.

Though his wound was still uncomfortable, he was pronounced fit to return to active life.

They dismissed their guards with thanks as Warren helped Roger to the plane. They flew back to Boston for a brief stop to visit Warren‟s parents, before returning to their apartment to await word from Washington. The two had barely settled in before the Air force Chief of Staff called to inform him the President had authorized a hit on Iraq and Iran. In addition , there was a surprise request from OSHA. The safety organization suggested: Would it be possible to add something to the PAX mix. An ingredient to reduce or eliminate the world‟s growing addiction to so called recreational drugs. Roger laughed, then moaned and held his chest as his laughter gave his old wound a twinge.

“Great idea, Warren! Is possible?”

“Is definitely possible, and I should have thought of it. Drugs are one of the main causes of crime everywhere. Though PAX should eventually wipe violent crime from the face of the earth, we‟ll still be troubled by those who crave the bad stuff. I think I‟ve pretty much grasped the formula for pacifying the public with PAX, the safe and sane drug. Why not eliminate the bad drugs with an additive to PAX...the good one?”

“Warren, you are amazing!” Roger exclaimed, giving his friend a hug. Warren blushed and pushed him gently away.