PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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Nearly a month later, following a friendly meeting between the Secretary of State and the Afghan president, the secretary‟s office called Warren to Washington. On behalf of the President and government, she applauded the success of PAX in the former war zone and announced the war with Afghanistan was was officially over. She had also arranged a meeting for him to appear before the UN Security Council. They group felt they had been left out of the loop and wanted to meet with Warren to get and give advice on future uses of PAX. Leaving Roger in charge, he flew to New york and took a room near the UN building. The next morning he walked to the meeting and was ushered into the Security Councilor precisely at ten AM. He was surprised and elated by a round of applause from the fifteen members, their associates and secretaries, seated at the round table. Along with the interpreters at a lower table, the chamber occupants numbered nearly a hundred. They made a space for him and invited him to sit. The president made an opening statement lauding the successes of PAX and their guest before launching into business.

“Dr. Peace, we feel we‟ve been remiss in not having you meet with us earlier. After all, our business is the same as yours, to bring peace to the world. The General Council has asked us to meet with you to hopefully form future plans for your miraculous PAX compound. Unfortunately UN methods have not always been successful. But with PAX they just might be. We understand you want to spread PAX

and peace throughout the world. We all agree it‟s a worthy, but extremely daunting task. Eventually it‟s our hope it will come to pass. But perhaps we can convince you to prioritize the use of PAX. We‟re all too well aware, there are areas now under siege from within and without. We hope you can convince you to administer PAX to them as soon as possible.”

Warren rose to speak. “Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your confidence. My dream of world peace was originally only a fantasy, but one I now believe is possible.

Of course you are right. First things first. The success of PAX in Afghanistan has proved its worth. Next we plan to give Iraq and Iran the same treatment. But I am at your disposal to recommend other war torn areas which need attention.”

Hands went up and the council president called on them. Some felt Palestine should be next and others pointed out the horrors of some of the African nations. With Warren‟s early experience in Sierra Leone, he heartily agreed. Someone also suggested North and South Korea as potential trouble spots. Others had suggestions near and dear to their own hearts. As the meeting drew to a close, Warren had a list of about thirty hot spots which could benefit from immediate PAX bombings. The meeting closed with Warren‟s thanks and assurance he would be in touch with the Secretary of State, the Pentagon and others who now had authority over PAX usage.

As he walked back to his hotel, he received a call on his cell from Roger. All was well, but Roger had just received a call from the Pentagon. The joint chiefs wanted to see him. Warren thought it odd, or maybe it was such a coincidence. He needed to talk to the generals about his meeting with the UN Security Council and proposed targets for PAX. They‟d already agreed on Iraq/ what?

He hurried back to his hotel, checked out and took a cab to the air port. The short flight got him into Reagan National in the afternoon and he prepared his notes for the meeting the next day. In the morning he traveled by cab to the Pentagon and was just in time for the scheduled meeting. As he approached the WAF lieutenant seated at the reception desk, she gave him a big smile of recognition.

“Dr. Peace. So good to see you. What brings you to the Pentagon this morning.”

Surprised, Warren replied.

“My meeting with the chiefs is at ten isn‟t it?”

The young lady consulted her schedule and returned, “I don‟t see it here. And most of the generals are out of town. A couple are in Afghanistan to see your PAX victory for themselves. But there‟s no meeting scheduled. I am sorry, Doctor?”

Puzzled, Warren turned and left the building. Damn! he said to himself. Then he remembered he had a standing invitation to lunch with Senator Hargrave anytime he was in town. He called the Senator‟s office on his cell and was assured he‟d be welcome for lunch in the SenateOffice Building at noon. He did have things to talk over with the senator and headed for the taxi stand. On the way he called Roger with the awkward change of plans. As he reached the street a voice called out:

“Dr. Peace! Dr. Peace! Your ride‟s over here!” He turned to see two men in gray suits standing next to a limousine. Now what? He walked over to where the men were standing.

“Sorry guys, But I didn‟t order a limo.”

“No problem, sir,” smiled one of them as the other opened the passenger door.

“The President heard you were in town and sent us to get you. The boss hopes you can join him for lunch.”

But how?! Did the whole town know he was in DC? He shrugged and got into the limo. Might as well take advantage of the President‟s kind offer. He set his attaché‟

case on the seat next to him and didn‟t notice the sound of the door latches locking.

He called the Senate building to delay his meeting with the senator until later in the afternoon as the vehicle took off and headed south. Warren was familiar with the city and wondered at the direction they were taking. The White House was in the city north of the Pentagon. Still puzzled he was even more so when the car pulled onto a side street. The door locks clicked and suddenly the right side passenger door flew open, and one of the men in gray stood there with a pistol aimed at him.

“We forgot one thing Dr. Peace...before we all get into trouble...your cell phone if you please!”

A cold chill poured through Warren. What was this all about?! It became clear he‟d been kidnapped, but why? Someone out there was after him. First the assassination attempt, and Roger being wounded. Now this. He handed the well dressed, but suddenly sinister driver his cell phone and wondered as the limo door was closed and locked once more. The Al-Qaeda assassin had come close. Would he come out of this alive?


Roger checked his watch. When he was away, Warren usually called in during the afternoon for an update. Just then his phone rang. It was Senator Hargrave to say he‟d expected a visit from Warren that afternoon. Warren had made, then canceled a lunch.

saying the President wanted to see him. but the scientist still hadn‟t shown up. When the senator checked with the White House, they knew of no luncheon meeting .

Something wasn‟t right.

Puzzled, Roger hung up and sat there. He looked at his watch again. Well maybe it was too early to get worried. Just then the phone rang again. He picked up the receiver.


A strange sounding voice came on. It sounded like it was digitally augmented.

“We have Dr. Peace. and we‟re going to keep him. It‟s up to you to see him alive again.”

Roger froze as the voice continued.

“To save his life, you must release the PAX stored in your warehouse and dismantle the plant. In other words No More PAX...OR... No More Dr. Peace.”

Roger took a gasping breath and gathered his shaken wits.

“What have you done to him?! He‟d better still be alive! I want to talk to him....NOW!”

There was some fumbling and suddenly a familiar voice came on the line.

“Roger. It‟s me--Warren.”

“Thank God! Where are you?! Are you okay?! What have they done to you?!”

“I‟m far... uh...You know what to do.” There was some fumbling again and the filtered voice came back on:

“That‟s right Roger. You know what to do. Get rid of the PAX and the factory or we‟‟ll send your boss back in a box. You have one week...and we‟ll be watching!” and the phone hung up.

Roger sat there frozen for a few moments. Trying to gather his thoughts.

Warren had said... You know what to do. What did he mean by that? Was it code?

One thing he did know. Warren wanted PAX to go forward at any cost...but did that include his life? There had to be a way out. I grabbed the phone and checked the cardex. He rang Senator Hargrave‟s office number. Jesus, let him still be there! On the other end the phone rang several times until a woman‟s voice answered. “Senator Hargrave‟s Office.”

“Thank the Lord! Is he there? This is an emergency!”

“May I ask who‟s calling, please.”

“Roger Cooper, Dr. Warren Peace‟s associate.

“Just a moment please.” there was a pause and long moments went by before he heard:

“Roger? This is the senator. What‟s up?

Roger related the gist of the kidnapper‟s call.

“Good heaven, Roger!” the Senator gasped. “This is serious! Let me make some calls and I‟ll get right back to you!”

The senator rang off and Roger sat their holding the dead phone for few moments before hanging up. He had a sinking feeling. If anything happens to Warren...!”

Twenty minutes later, the Senator called back.

“The FBI is on their way. They told me to issue a press release but not give any details. I spoke to the President and he‟s as shocked as I am. He wants to send out an all points bulletin and call in the CIA along with all law enforcement agencies. How we are going to contain the press is another problem. With luck there won‟t be any leaks until we get these guys. We can only hope and pray they don‟t harm Warren. He‟s too valuable to our cause to lose him.”

Somewhat relieved help was on it‟s way. Roger tried to relax but his concern for his friend battered him.

Several hours later a team of FBI investigators arrived and plant security ushered them into Roger and Warren‟s office. They went right to work and set up their surveillance equipment. First they attempted to trace the phone call from the kidnapper.

No luck. They assumed it came from a cell phone. They also set up a hot line to a team near the Pentagon--the last place Warren had been seen. They called around but were only able to trace Warren‟s calls from in front of the Pentagon.

A bit later the Pentagon FBI team called to say they had spoken to a driver at the Pentagon taxi stand who remembered seeing Dr. Peace get into a limo. He‟d watched them out of sight and swore they turned south--away from the city. The FBI then contacted their office in DC and advised a helicopter search for an unknown limousine.

somewhere south of the city. Not much hope there, but they‟d been instructed to do everything possible to find the missing scientist.

Several days went by with no search results. The morning after the disappearance headlines blared across the nation: DR. PEACE KIDNAPPED--PAX THREATENED!

There was great consternation and speculation, but no real details.

Meanwhile Roger fretted. The voice on the phone had been extremely threatening and he needed to do something. He gave instructions at the plant for workers to fake removing parts and machinery and then make a big show of filling and releasing compressed air from one of the empty PAX tanks. Hopefully whoever was watching would send their cohorts a positive report. That might delay any serious action. Roger could only hope it would fool Warren‟s captors.

Toward the end of the week, Roger received another call from the mysterious voice.

“We know you‟re fakin‟ it...Mr. Cooper... We‟re watching and your game won‟t play.

You have only two days left. Our demands must be met or we kill Dr. Peace.”

The FBI team at the PAX office and near the Pentagon jumped on tracing the call and quickly determined the cell tower was in Montclair about thirty miles south of the Pentagon. This time the FBI and a SWAT team descended into the area, keeping as low a profile as possible. Investigating every house in the area seemed an impossible task.; but they had to try while still avoiding any kind of show. That might force the kidnappers hand to harm their captive.

Only two days left. Would they make it in time? Roger worried, thankful his PAXed system prevented him from going into panic. He hadn‟t slept in days and was just going through the motions of running the plant.

Meanwhile the teams in Montclair were moving quickly. Early on the seventh day, he received word the investigators had found the limo parked in a deserted shed. They must be getting close and Roger kept his fingers crossed as the teams scoured the area nearby.

The day dragged on and finally ended. Roger had a horrendous empty feeling. The kidnappers scheduled time was up. He could only hope the perpetrators were lying about the deadline.

Then late the next afternoon, he received a call from the search team. They‟d interviewed the neighbors in the area and finally someone had seen suspicious action at an empty house. The swat team had been successful in storming the house But the kidnappers had flown. The FBI agent cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

“I‟m sorry, Mr. Cooper, we were too late. We found Dr. Peace. I‟m afraid he‟s gone...uh... been killed.”

The shock of the news was more than even his cool mind could cope with. He lost hold of the phone receiver and it crashed to the floor. His whole being began to shake as he tried to retrieve it. Finally he struggled with himself and was able to respond, his voice shaking.

“Are you still there?” he gasped.

“Sorry for your loss, Mr, Cooper.”

“How?... Oh, God! ...They didn‟t torture him, did they?”

“There was no pain. I realize it‟s little consolation, but it looks like they made it quick.”

Crushed by news his worst fears had been realized, Roger suddenly felt totally cold and empty. It was as if his reason for living had been taken from him. His friend, mentor and the one being in the world he loved had been killed. How would he live without Warren? He only wished he was again the one shot down.

“I need to see him.” he choked out. “Where is he now?”

“They‟ve taken the body to our FBI morgue in D.C. for autopsy. The perps cleaned up here pretty well, but we‟re scouring the premises for evidence and clues. We also have the limousine. They were here for a while. There‟s sure to be DNA and prints somewhere. We‟ll get „em, Mr. Cooper. You can count on it!”

The FBI officer‟s assurance did little to comfort Roger. He thanked the officer and hung up, tears streaming down his cheeks. He sat still and in pain for a while before he managed to pull himself together. It finally sank in--Warren‟s words You know what to do meant he was now in charge of the PAX project. He took a deep breath as his new responsibilities sank in. First he called Senator Hargrave. The Senator had heard the tragic news and was also desolated. He invited Roger to come to the capitol for a meeting. The President had been informed and also sent his condolences. The guard around the PAX plant would be doubled and Roger was again given personal security guards including a body guard. A Billy Gordon was assigned the task. Before heading for Washington, Roger conferred with the PAX staff and gave them the go ahead on the PAX bombs for the Iraq/Iran mission. For security reasons, the government sent a private plane to nearby Hanscom AFB to transport him and his guard to the Capitol.

His appreciation was tempered by his need to say a final farewell to his friend. He also assumed the government would continue their plans for PAX and might need his help.