PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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A convincing and charismatic orator, now supported by the new video presentation, he was a smashing success. The flow of funds went from a trickle to a flood. With it he leased a large deserted factory closed by the economy crunch. In Bedford near Boston, he had it modified for his current as well as future needs. At the moment he was hard at work in the large well equipped laboratory. Instead of working alone, he now he had enthusiastic assistants to aid him. First he needed to purify THC and remove any potentially dangerous chemicals from the compound. Leaving only it‟s positive formula.

Earlier, as he‟d worked on creating PAX, he determined world peace would bring with it, other complications. Without wars and such to kill off surplus humanity, what to do about over population? He decided he‟d have to put some sort of birth control into his concoction. Mass sterilization was out of the question. Finally he came upon the ideal solution. By combining certain chemicals and adding them to the mix he could push a large percentage of the population toward bisexuality. They would still have a choice, but statistically. there should be less births. Fearing he might be effected by the compound he decided to save that ingredient for the final product.

For once he had a selfish motive. Since he was still involved romantically and sexually with Emily, he didn‟t want to do anything to jeopardize his own love life. There was also the question of the animal kingdom including mammals, birds, insects and aquatic life. If as he hoped, PAX pacified all living things. it could eliminated the survival of the fittest drive from the world. Carnivores would cease their decimation of the animal kingdom. This of course created another problem. If animals ceased to kill one another for food, the world could be overrun by starving creatures. What to do? The carnivores would have to be redesigned to become scavengers and herbivores. Lions, and tigers and bears, would be given the duties of cleaning up those who died of natural causes.

and would, out of necessity, become herbivores to fill out their diet. But what about meat eating humanity? They would have to become vegetarian, and hunters, fisherman and butchers would need to find employment elsewhere. Deciding to let the animal kingdom well enough alone, he added a genetic marker to leave animals to their age old habits.