PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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In spite of his success with mice, rats and one chimpanzee, he realized there was a pressing need to test PAX on human beings. During his last days at Harvard, he contacted the California Medical Institute in Vacaville California, a prison notorious for it psychotic inmates. After reading Warren‟s letters of recommendation from the Harvard graduate school and a treatise outlining his goals and need for a human guinea pig, the warden sent an invitation. Encouraged, Warren packed his gear, bid his parents farewell and flew to San Francisco. He rented a car and drove to the nearby town of Vacaville, and a small house he‟d sublet near the prison. He then called the warden to confirm their meeting the next day.

The facility was less than a mile from his rental and the next morning he elected to walk over. At the steel gates he pushed the bell and was greeted by two guards in uniform. When he presented the warden‟s letter, they ushered him in, and he was escorted him to the main office.

When the receptionist announced him a stocky gentleman rose from behind the desk, and came around to greet him with a wide smile:

“Dr. Peace! This is a pleasure, sir! I was just re-reading the materials you sent us and your credentials from Harvard. Very impressive and your proposal looks promising. We have a large collection of incorrigibles, and your plan to pacify at least one of them is certainly welcome. Too bad you can‟t use...uh...PAX, is that what you call your compound? Can‟t PAX the entire prison population. Your info sheet mentions the procedure is safe and hopefully beneficial. We‟re grateful for anything you can do.”

The two men shook hands, “Warden Silvers, I‟m the one who‟s grateful. My plan really hinges on whether or not my formula works on the most hardened psychotic criminals.”

“Well, you‟ve certainly come to the right place. I‟m sure you know we house some of the worst in the country. I know you‟re as anxious to get started, and we are hoping to see some results. How may I help you!”

Taking a seat in the chair indicated by the warden, Warren began.: “First I‟ll need to look at files on some of your worst cases. I‟d like time to study them, and with your input we can select the prime example.”

The warden reached across his desk and picked up a heavy pile of manila folders.

“ We‟ve already put together rap sheets on the best of the worst. You may take your time studying them. I‟m sure someone with your psychological credentials will find them interesting

“Oh, here he is.” the warden smiled as a short man in a white medical jacket entered the office. “Dr. Peace, meet Dr. Barker. our medical supervisor. He‟ll represent the medical staff during your experiments. You may need him to tranquilize a violent inmate.

“A pleasure Doctor! I hope your assistance won‟t be needed. The reason I‟m here is to tranquilize whoever we select.”

“Good to meet you Dr. Peace. I‟ve been informed your visit may aid our own treatment. I hope you‟ll forgive my skepticism. “A Peace Gas?!”

“Yes, I call it PAX. Maybe I should outline my plans.

The trio sat down and Warren told him about PAX and his plans to bring peace to the world. He also touched on the horrors he‟d witnessed in Africa and his hope to make changes.

Both listeners were impressed with the idea and his PAX philosophy, but Dr. Baxter remained skeptical.

“A truly admirable ambition. But to pacify the entire world. Is that possible?”

Warren responded. “It won‟t be easy, but I have many financial backers and my presentation has convinced them I‟m on the right track. I‟ve experimented with rats and monkeys, and I‟m sure PAX is safe enough for animals, even beneficial. Now I need to try it out on at lease one really violent human being. If we can pacify even one crazed human psyche, we should be able to do the same for the rest of the world.”

The MD smiled and extended his hand. “Well, PAX sound s miraculous. I‟m sure the warden is as enthusiastic about the possibilities for our inmates as I am. IF...only, it works. How do you plan to administer this...uh.. PAX gas?

“It‟s too bad your prison doesn‟t have a gas chamber, but I brought something that may work as well.” Warren reached down and picked up a large attaché case.“It‟s a sort of personal gas chamber,” he chuckled as he removed what looked like a gas mask with several tubes attached to it. “It‟s my own design. I‟ve used it to pacify a psychotic chimpanzee, but now I hope it will work as well on one of your sociopaths. It‟s designed to allow the subject to breath PAX into his lungs, but when he breathes out, the air, including any residual PAX, goes into another container. This experiment is only for your violent felon. Observers are not part of the test.”

“Sounds promising,” smiled Doctor Baxter. “However, I suspect your victim may need a shot to tranquilize him long enough to install the mask. I can stand by to administer the shot as needed.”

“Thank you doctor. Now all I have to do is study these diagnoses this evening and make my selection?”

“Sorry for the skepticism , but we‟re hopeful and looking forward to your worthy experiment Dr. Peace. I imagine you‟re anxious to get started. Take the files and study them, while we to get back to running this...uh...nut house.” the warden smiled. “Let us know when you‟re ready to make the final pick.”

Warren rose, took the folders and shook hands with the warden.

“You‟ll find some really extreme cases in that pile.” Dr, Baxter added shaking Warren‟s hand. “I tried pick our worst inmates.”

Warren left the doctor and warden a to returned to his rental. There, he cleared the dining table and sat down to go over the case studies. The day went by as he became fascinated with the various stories. He forgot about dinner as he read detailed reports of the horrendous crimes committed by the subjects. Finally, by midnight he‟d selected three examples. He took a shower and went to bed. He‟d get some sort of final decision from the warden and Dr. Baxter the next day.


“Roger Cooper?!” exclaimed the Warden. “Well Doctor, you certainly know how to pick „em. He‟s a tough nut all right, dangerous and totally insane. He tried to strangle his girl friend and was sent here in chains. We‟ve been unable to reach him or help him shake off his schizoid narcissism.”

“Perfect for my purposes, warden. Though your reports are quite complete I‟d like to see for myself. If I could use your equipment I want to test him myself.”

“We normally have to sedate him to get anything out of h im. We could give him a shot after lunch and maybe you could do the exam an hour later.”

“Thanks warden, but no sedation. I need to see the raw truth...the real Roger Cooper.

“It could be dangerous. Hopefully we can contain his violent temper>”

The warden walked Warren to a special room that housed the equipment for testing inmates. His guest sat down at an electronic devise similar to a lie detector. He studied it for a few moments to familiarize himself with it‟s workings. It was like those he‟d worked with at Harvard‟s psychological department. Turning to the warden he announced.

“Yes, I think this will do nicely, Can we see Mr. Cooper now?”

“Yes, I‟ve sent a small squad to get him. but you might want to stand off to the side when he enters. He can be extremely violent.”

Warren rose from the chair and went to stand next to the warden. Dr. Baxter joined them. They waited a few moments before there came the sound of a commotion from the hall outside. Suddenly the door burst open and a squirming mass of humanity forced its way into the room. Warren could make out four husky guards and one average sized man who was heavily manacled and handcuffed. There seemed to be good reason for his chains. He was kicking and wriggling so powerfully the four guards had trouble containing him He was also wearing a mask similar to those worn by goalies in a hockey game. From the grill that covered the struggling prisoner‟s mouth came a loud stream of the most awesome profanity he‟d ever heard. As the guards tried to avoid being injured by the mad man, they managed to seat him in what resembled an electric chair. Warren, aware this was a necessary precaution, watched as they applied wrist and ankle straps and larger belts around his waist and chest.

Finally they pulled his head against the headrest and fastened a clamp around his head.

With the prisoner immobilized they shook themselves and released sighs of relief as they inspected their own damage. All the while being regaled by foul language.

“Is the mask necessary?” Warren asked

“He bites!” came the warden‟s reply. “I hope you‟ve had your rabies shots.”

While they spoke, a technician applied and attached probes to various part of the squirming, cursing inmate. Sensors were placed on his forehead, arms, hands, and ankles in preparation for the exam.

The technician, motioned for Warren to return to the test equipment. “It should be safe now, Dr. Peace. You may begin your examination.”

“If we could remove the mask, I think I‟ll get a better reading. Surely he‟s secure enough to be safe.”

The warden motioned to one of the guards to remove the mask. “But be careful, He‟s a wild son of a gun.”

The guard hesitated for a moment. He looked anxious. Then going behind the bound and chained man, he carefully removed the mask, being careful to keep his hands clear of the gnashing jaws. The mask removed revealed an angry face, contorted beyond recognition. The bound man continued his tirade of profanity.

“Who the hell is this?!” he growled as he fixed Warren with a menacing look.

“Roger, meet Dr. Peace. He‟s here to help you.” The warden offered in a pacifying tone of voice.

“Bull shit!” exploded Roger Cooper “Nothing‟s gonna help me. Sure as hell, not his dude!”

“I hope you‟re wrong,” offered Warren. “I hope all this will not only help you, but cure whatever it is that‟s troubling you!” Warren withdrew a sheet of paper from his jacket pocket, then turned to the technician. and nodded. The equipment began to whirr and the prisoner quit his raving for a moment to stare at the flashing lights and dials as Warren continued. “I‟m going to ask you a series of questions. It would be helpful if you would answer them truthfully. However, in this go around verbal answers will not be necessary. The probes will measure your body language and respond for you. Let‟s begin. How are you feeling?

“Like shit! whadayathink?” Roger Copper spit out.

“How did you do in school?”

“Hated school! a waste if time! I was smarter than the dunce teachers”

Dr. Peace continued asking questions for about an hour and received a similar string of negative answers. Meanwhile the warden, Dr. Baxter and the guards stood by.

When the test was over, Warren asked to see the read out. He analyzed it and nodded.

“Very good, Roger! A perfect candidate for PAX.

“PAX! What the hell is PAX?!

“PAX could be the miracle that will change your life. At least I hope so.” turning to the warden and Dr. Baxter, he asked, “Unfortunately, it looks like we may need that hypodermic, Doctor.”

Cooper exploded. ”Hypodermic! Now wait a minute! You‟re not gonna stick any needles in me.” Terrified the prisoner struggled against his bonds at the doctor approached with his right hand extended, exposing the needle. The guards quickly grabbed and bared an arm for the doctor. Even in his bound state, he tried to kick and gnashed his teeth as he released a flood of abusive curses. The guards finally held the prisoner long enough for the doctor to administer the sedative.

“Dr. Peace, you picked the right man. As violent as he seems he hasn‟t really done any serious physical harm to anyone. He‟s here because his frustrated love for a conniving woman had taken him to the point of murder. A neighbor heard the woman‟s screams and called the police. When they arrived they found him strangling the woman.

From then on, he‟s been as you see him. Bitter and vicious to the point it takes four strong men to subdue him.”

“Yes, thank you warden. From his tests I was able to see his potential for violence. He‟s right in the ball park of the extreme behavior I hope to reach with my experiments.” As he watched the guards struggle with their charge, he only wished he make this Roger Cooper understand they were trying to do; find a safe way to administer PAX while avoiding injury. After a few minutes the subject went limp and only his bonds kept him from falling out of the chair. Doctor Baxter nodded to Warren, who came forward with the case containing his device. Quickly he removed the gas mask and placed it over Roger Cooper‟s face. After carefully checking his connections, he turned a small valve and there was the sound of gas escaping. The subject in the chair was breathing easily--inhaling the PAX from a small canister while exhaling into another container.

After about a half hour of inhaling the gas, the young man took a deep sighing breath. Warren closed the valves on the device and removed the mask. The face which had been contorted in hate and anger had relaxed and taken on a peaceful expression.

He opened his eyes and suddenly his face broke into a broad smile. His blue eyes sparkled and his lips parted to reveal straight white teeth To the institution staff it was the first time since his incarceration he actually looked happy. Those gathered in the room heard him giggle as the THC mixture coursed through his system. The guards stood by, ready to quell any outburst from the criminal. They were surprised when he gave them his full cooperation. Dr. Peace was delighted. The prisoner giggled a bit as they reattached the detector‟s sensors and probes.

“Hey fellas, have you heard the one about....?!”

Jaws dropped all around. Incredibly, one of the asylum‟s most difficult inmates. the one who usually only opened his mouth to utter abuse and curse them. now offered to entertain them with a joke. All stood spellbound as he related the amusing tale. It was not only clean but contained no sacrilegious or ethnic slurs, and was so hilarious and expertly told they roared with laughter. Though it seemed he was no longer a threat, prison protocol dictated he must be manacled and fettered which he patiently allowed, as the guards still chuckled over the joke.

Then, Dr. Peace took him through

another series of test questions, which he answered promptly and intelligently. When all the questions had been addressed, Warren took a few moments to evaluate the results. With a triumphant hoot he proclaimed the PAX had apparently pulled the dangerous sociopath back to sanity.

The grateful former maniac joined the positive round of applause. Exhausted by the events of the day, he turned to his captors and announced:

“Thank you Dr. Peace, Warden, Dr. Baxter.... Now if you don‟t mind. Could you take me back to my padded cell for my afternoon nap?”

Though the astonished guards removed the test chair restraints, they still followed the rules, as they handcuffed and reapplied ankle fetters. Foregoing the protective mask, they led him from the room. As they moved down the hall...the guards were again heard laughing merrily at another Roger Coopers joke as they led the former mad man back to his cell.

Feeling triumphant at the positive results Warren asked the warden if he might visit Roger again the next day.