Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence by David Gold - HTML preview

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Second Age, Echo Realm

Snow was feeling naughty that day so she went into town and did some shopping. In a certain jewelry store, she found something that made her curious. A nice ring, and so she purchased it at the counter and walked out. Her feminine side was in full force that day, and the long lengths of her albino hair were stunning. She was in high heels, and a small layer of ice marked every step. Snow held up her hand to look at the new find and admired it. Behind her the day was supple and blue. Then something … unusual happened. Activating, the ring upon her hand transformed. It seemed to be … futuristic. In seconds it projected a hologram of the rings of Saturn a few inches around her finger. Snow was lost for words as to the meaning of this, and just stood there gazing at it. Behind her the city skyline hugged the sky. From hyperspace a Saturn-like planet appeared and everyone could witness it through the atmosphere. They ran in all directions haphazardly. Snow just sort of stood there and smiled giddily at the ring, thinking it could impress somebody. Finally she turned around, and was in awe at the descent of the planet. It began revolving, and it became so fast that the features on its surface were indistinguishable. Then the ring of the Saturn- like planet shot off, and hurled headlong towards the planet. Snow watched in petrified amazement as the city skyline was carved in half by the ring and its cosmic energy. solid buildings were sliced effortlessly. It sank into the ground, releasing a spray of earth and rock up to the sky. “What the! I have to get out of here!” she bellowed, and ran as fast as possible to the spaceport. Finding an abandoned personal vehicle, she took possession of it and slid into the captain’s chair. Thrusters of blue energy fired in the little pod, and she zoomed off into the beyond. After that day, Snow was stalked by Saturn-like planets that shot rings at her for several weeks, having to escape a variety of planets and space stations that were carved in half. Finally she came to a world that Priya had instructed her to come to. At a scientific building Priya sat her down on a chair and tried as many spells as she could to pull the ring off. A sentry ran into the building and instructed the empress to venture

outside. Priya did so, finding throughout the horizon a league of them arriving from hyperspace.

Now they completely filled up the blue in every direction. They were so fucked that Priya just sort of had to stand there and make a joke about it. She cocked her head and smiled, saying,

“Oh hey, good to see you”, then walked back into the scientific building to try one last spel . As it was equipped with a mechanical sunroof, the ceiling of the scientific building opened up and they could see it all. Priya amassed her magic for one final try and stared deep into Snow’s eyes. Above, the Saturn planets began to whirl in unison. The attack would be joined together and enough to transform the entire world into dust. Priya cupped her hands around the ring. The hand of Snow was infused by sorcery that was potent with red iridescence. Celestial rings unlike any that had been before plummeted through the sky, approaching the building. And at the last second, Priya tore off the ring, spun around and held it outright on her palm. It absorbed all the magic of the attack, releasing only vapor that rose like a fire that had just been extinguished.

Priya took Snow’s hand and brought her outside. The world was stil intact which was definitely nice. “Now Snow … please don’t go buying strange jewelry from those shops downtown anymore, okay. You don’t know if there are spel s on them”. And she got the message.