Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence by David Gold - HTML preview

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Current Time, Cyalola – Omeinn

“I real y miss Priya, I hope she’s doing well against all those monsters, ' Eric thought as he rubbed his arm. The apartment was neatly arranged, and so he strode out towards the refrigerator. “I guess breakfast is my thing, and then I'l probably have to become a monster myself”. The boyfriend rustled through the contents, looking for the right flavor of jam. A delicacy he savored. The crackers were on the table and so they were ready for their spreading. If only he could find the right one. Eric moved his face up and down the shelves, bathed in refrigerator light. He was plenty excited to be sure. When all of a sudden he realized something, “Ah, yes.

Al the jams are Echo Realm variety”. He facepalmed his cheek in exasperation. “I just want a normal jam … give me one!” he yelled, “Tulips in buttercream after the first night in April jam, Mango pudding from the streets of Jupiter jam, Hippopotamus and the way he mushes his bananas in his mouth jam, Apple dropped from a five story building jam, Persimmon waterfall from the everglades jam, Timecurrent’s patented time travel orange peel jam, The glass jar is more impressive than the flavor jam, We paid Ashley to pretend she was a pineapple, then glazed her feathers in syrup jam”. Eric had absolutely enough of it and plopped back down onto the chair. In anger he tossed a cracker into his mouth and munched it. “You think you’ve won Priya? I’m getting that jam! Even if it takes me all day! Let me get dressed and go into the city, I saw a store on third avenue”. And so Eric put on his fuzzy red sweater that a jock would wear even in summer and headed out. The weather was nice so he took the long route into the city.

At the world of Cyalola, the sky-nest city of Omeinn was bustling that day. Those pesky peacock feathers were fluttering everyone but he real y didn’t know what to do about it. Eric’s heart hurt as he thought of his girl, and how he could have been spending time with her if not for all of this misadventure. “Fickle Capricious Jams, this is it ' he realized, and stood at the entrance in front of a sign with good lettering that beckoned. A drop of sweat traced down his brow. For a moment he pleaded with himself not to go in and just return to the apartment and pass the day by doing boring chores. But Priya had made this happen, and he couldn’t let it slide. Not for the

jam. That was personal. The bell rang to announce a new customer, and he found himself smiling in a well stocked store of hundreds of jars. Eric rifled through the contents, finding more and more normal varieties, but nothing quite … normal. He went up to the front to speak to the girl. “If there’s nothing you like here, you can go to the Office Of Jam, it's a government department here on Cyalola. Take a left on fifth and it’s up the road”. It was a longer walk but he made it there. The brick was painted like amber had melted on the side of the building. Eric exerted himself up a long staircase to the top. In the room there was a girl who seemed to be very fond of jam, at a table with a clipboard. She had a kawaii outfit that made him blush. “Nice to meet you … Rebecca Lemonsqueeze at your service”. “I'm glad to final y be here. I tried to have breakfast but I had a hard time finding a jam that I liked. Can you help me with that?”.

“Certainly sir, we have an almost endless variety here. I’ve had people come from overseas just to meet me. I know people’s palates. That’s what I do”. “Good then. I’m actual y from out of town. I … the place I come from has very … simple jams”. “Ah yes, like a clumsy mouth watering melon that fell down the stairs jam?”. “I don’t think you understand … sigh … let me tell you the truth. I’m actually from the upper world. I’m down here just for a visit. Now … try to visualize this. In the upper world, all the jams are very plain. The flavors are plain like …

strawberry, or grape”. “Why didn’t you say that sooner. We have a strawberry circus clown that got drunk one night after a bad performance with vodka and passed out jam”. “Just the strawberry … not the clown”. “Oh, please forgive me. Let me try again. Simple … Here we go.

Cream danish from the princess but its only crumbs that fell from her cheek when she tried to eat it jam”. Eric munched on a cracker since he was famished. “I swear I'm going to squeeze the lemon juice out of you if you don’t give me my jam” he thought privately to himself. “No, not even close. It's like each jam is made from one fruit. Like blueberry jam is made from blueberries”. “Honey, you're going to love this. I’l be right back”. As the woman opened the back door he peeked in and saw thousands of stock on rows. She was back in a jiffy. The jar said

“cucumber jam” and when he opened it there were little cucumber slice sandwiches fil ed with cucumber jam. Eric got up to leave but Rebecca ran around the desk and grabbed his arm,

“Wait just a second sir. I know you came here for jam, and I'm not going to let you leave until I’ve helped you”. “Then what do you suggest? I’ve got a feeling that I won’t like any Echo Realm jams at all. I want something from home”. Mrs. Lemonsqueeze hopped up on her feet, and directed him to a new room where there were even more lovely ladies. They sat him down and then encircled him with a cameras and photography and a video camera. “What are you trying to do, make me a male model?” Eric final y asked as one of the girls combed his hair just so. “I know you're a little flustered but let me explain. Here at the Office of Jam we have a technique for finding the right jam for even the most difficult people”, she laughed a second behind her hand and looked to the other girls, then continued, “in order to find the flavor that matches you, we are going to ask you a series of questions. The right jam should go with your personality”. “I see now … go right ahead”. In the room they got to know him on a deeper level by asking relevant questions. The time passed and it was more than two hours and thirty minutes. Finally Rebecca asked the obvious question. “So tell me Eric, what’s your favorite jam. Think real y hard. It can be something that made you happy one day, or just something that surprised you”.

The boyfriend was glad they were putting so much thought into this, and closed his eyes, thinking of all the flavors he had ever tasted. Eric leaned back in his chair, and ran his fingers through that darling brown hair. The burden of thought gripped him, but in the end it wasn’t so hard to confess that flavor which was closest to his heart. “Rebecca … I think my favorite is mint jam”. Al the girls in the room rushed to each other and fell over laughing. They turned away from him. There was some sort of inside joke but he didn’t get it. Perhaps one of those quirky cultural traits of the realm. Rebecca pointed to the girl holding the video camera and she came in close, “Um … Eric dear, can you say that on camera please, and let me record you saying it, but like … you know … say it very enthusiastical y, and introduce yourself”. “Sure why not.

Hello, there. My name is Eric and my flavor is mint jam”. Rebecca gasped. “Did you get that

Connie?”. The camerawoman nodded her head and came in for a closeup, “and why is that then?”. “I don’t know … just quite fond of mint jam” Eric admitted, knowing the girls would continue to snicker. The girl who had done his hair almost fainted onto a red puffy chair. At long last Rebecca silenced them and drew close to him. “Eric honey … if you real y like mint jam, I know just the person you should meet. Her name is Sybil Eater of Mint Jam. Yes, you heard that right. She’s all about that mint jam so … why don’t you write down these directions. I’l give you her address”. Into the open air once again, the man allowed himself a moment of pause. The people made brisk movements down the street. The traffic refused to freeze for even a second.

It was the heart of the metropolis and he knew it had to ceaselessly move. He took a bus to a pleasant mansion and pressed the doorbell. A paper given to the servant granted him access, and he was led around frescos and columns to a verdant room filled with jars of mint jam. There the maiden was busy arranging them on the shelves. “Hi, my name is Sybil. Tell me … were you sent here for some reason?” she asked from behind the oak of the shelves. Eric could see a few strands of green hair but nothing more. “Actual y, mam, I have a paper from the Office Of Jam instructing me to come here. I was hoping you would be so kind as to give me one jar of my favorite … mint jam” he implored. It was one of those days, and luckily Eric had found himself in a room with one of the most beautiful faces in the galaxy. Sybil walked out from behind the oak and saw his face. She smiled a pinch, knowing she had discovered another one. The feminine maiden was clothed in a dainty outfit, with white puffy sleeves. Her hair was the color of green crayon. And her face … Eric almost lost his sense of balance. It was youthful and cinematic in all the right ways. Eric had to open his collar to let in a little air. This woman’s body was like a world unto itself. And her skin had obviously been washed that morning … in a soothing bubble bath that he could only dream of being in. Eric took a step back because he didn’t know what was going on. “Don’t worry sir … trust me I get this alot. If you're interested in the mint jam let me show you” Sybil assured him. “Alright Sybil, I trust your judgment. I see all the mint jam you’ve made” he answered, arriving beside her. Sybil laughed and patted Eric on the shoulder,

“Yes, and this is a special variety”. From the top shelf she pul ed a rather hefty jar down and scooped out a good dollop onto a silver spoon. Green hair flourished as she spun in place.

Giddily Sybil leant over and raised the spoon, “Alright sir, please open your mouth and I'l give you a taste”. “Mmmmmmmmmm” Eric moaned as the cool mint hit his tongue. He removed the last bit from the side of his mouth with a thumb. “Wow Sybil, that’s amazing. The best mint jam I’ve ever had” Eric gasped. Sybil rolled her eyes, “Oh … so you actually like mint jam huh? Not a lot of guys do”. The servant walked out of the room hearing the que. “Yes, I'l have one jar if you don’t mind”. She was chirpier now and led him out into the garden, where there was a white stone path that circled around the mansion. When they were done, Sybil offered him a ride home. She got on her cell and made a brief call. They stood there for a few minutes, discussing a few more topics. Then a peacock rolled in on a unicycle and Eric didn’t know what the flip was going on. “Haha … Eric! You’re so funny. This is our ride. Haven’t you ever ridden on one of these before?” Sybil inquired playfully. “Mam … are you doing a practical joke or something?”

Eric blushed. It was not every day that a goddess asked him to ride on a peacock unicycle.

“Don’t worry. This is a common way to travel here. It’s just a bike, hop on” the maiden promised, and with all that goodness how could he refuse? Sybil pushed him up onto the seat and jumped up after him. Eric felt the curves of the maiden and her gentle breast push against his back.

Arms daintily wrapped around his chest. Yet moments later, the wheel turned and propelled them down the road. The speed increased and the unicycle weaved between cars like a racer.

Eric could feel her tighter against his back. More of her body. It was like being one of those guys on a motorcycle with a leather jacketed girlfriend. The wind rushed hard against his face but he didn’t care. Eric closed his eyes and focused all his attention on Sybil and her soft body clinging onto him. When they arrived in Omeinn, the two jumped off. She spun around and thanked him once more, then grabbed a black marker from her pocket and scrawled her number on his arm, so that he could call her to get another jar of mint jam. She returned to the seat and vanished

into the distance. Eric stood there and glanced down at the digits on his arm. It was hard to tell but … he wondered aloud, “Did I just get a girl’s phone number?”. That Rebecca Lemonsqueeze really knew how to squeeze the lemon juice out of a guy.