SHADOWALKER by PorTroyal Smith - HTML preview

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A Night to Remember

The overhead lights came on, and the music cut out abruptly. The change jarred me from her spell. We had literally danced the night away. I had no idea what time it was. I felt I could have gone on forever. My heart was racing in my chest. I could feel hers as well, her body pressed so close to mine.

A slight push, a gentle nudge in one direction or the other would decide my night. If I’m being dramatic, the next few seconds would decide the fate of my entire future… and the fates of those closest to me.

I saw Tom through the mass of bodies flowing towards the door. A firm stream pressing endlessly against us. Holly held my arm tightly. We stood like two stones in the rapids.

He saw me and waved; I moved to let Holly go and make my way to him. I merged with the crowd, back to the safety of the known, back to community college in a sleepy, suburban town. Back to what was comfortable, normal. I felt resistance. Holly still held on, pulling me back. She whispered in my ear, a promise, the night was not over for us. I went with her.

We arrived at her place. It was a decent-sized apartment not far from where we had been. A far enough walk for the ringing in my ears to have dulled, but not so far as for my head to have cleared from her enchantment. Not far enough for me to second guess my decision. The music still echoed in my mind, the memory of her body pressed to mine. And now, in her two-bedroom place, I could smell her everywhere It was intoxicating.

Maybe if I had been more observant, less under her spell, I would have noticed the apartment was too barren to really be lived in. The lack of personal touches and very little decor for someone as elegant and refined as Holly. Maybe. But I had never truly been with a woman before.

She pulled me in to her room. I felt her hands, deftly pulling at my shirt. Undoing all my hard work to attempt to fit in with the current fashion trends. Her hands slid over my bare chest, around my arms, to my back. Feeling every curve and ripple of muscle under skin.

This was not the body I had grown up with. Not the body I had been too afraid to share with anyone. This body was new to both of us. She marveled at it, while secretly I did too. I would have thought it wasn’t even mine if I couldn’t so unmistakably feel her every caress.

I tried to look like I knew what I was doing, to match her dexterity. But I was still not familiar with my own body, let alone sharing it with another person. I meant to undress her slowly, but instead ripped her clothes apart, revealing perfection underneath. She was very lightly tanned, only apparent by the paler flesh of her breasts.

She gasped as I lifted her off her feet and onto the bed. Her hands went from tender and wandering to almost vicious. We barely separated to relieve ourselves of the remainder of our clothes before we were back together.

She was hot and soft against me. All thoughts of conversation quickly fled as our mouths came together. We gasped for breath as we could between battling bodies and entangled tongues.

I don’t know how long this dance lasted. Certainly less than our marathon at the club. But we were both spent by the end.

We slept deeply in each other’s arms. I held her and thought to myself I would never let go. I had only had her for a night, but I knew deep down she now had me forever.