SHADOWALKER by PorTroyal Smith - HTML preview

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I sat back and stretched. The afternoon had worn into evening. All the while Alicia sat quietly and listened.

“How much do you already know, and how much are you actually learning for the first time?” I asked her.

“Well, being bullet-proof, suspected. The, what, shadow sight? That’s new. We knew you were winning against all odds, just didn’t know how,” she admitted.

I shrugged.

As far as I knew I was the only one like me, and that wasn’t likely to change. Giving up these secrets I had carried with me seemed a small price to pay to get what I wanted.

“But you do admit it’s a ‘we,’ not just you?” I pressed.

“What? Did you expect another beautiful woman to drop in your lap for no reason?” she countered with a smile.

“Yeah, right.” I rolled my eyes in response.

“Sounds like Holly and I have a bit in common.” 

“You two are actually very little alike.”

“I’m better.” She said it with a smile, but also a sense of conviction that convinced me she believed it.

How she could possibly think she knew that, was beyond me.

I didn’t really care what her thoughts were on the subject, but the parallels between my past and present were a bit unnerving. There was one key difference, though. Before, I had been a pawn. A powerful one, but a pawn none the less. I had been a piece on the board of a game I didn’t even know existed. I had been carefully maneuvered and manipulated to achieve someone else’s goals.

Not anymore. I now knew that the game existed. I knew most of the pieces on the board. And I knew the score. The rules were whatever I made them.

Last time, I had not known who I was or what I had wanted to be. Well, I may not have had much choice then, but I did now. And they had made a critical mistake.

They had made me.

I had been molded into the perfect tool for them. But now I was free, and I was going to use everything I had grown to be for my revenge.

And Alicia was going to help. She might be trying to use me for some purpose, but this time I wasn’t just along for the ride. I was driving.

“You look like you’re plotting something.” She was watching me closely.

“The demise of my enemies. And anyone who stands in my way,” I stated.

“Oooh, very convincing.” She pretended to shiver.

“With your help of course.” I smiled at her wickedly.

I was a far cry from the boy I had been.

She shivered for real this time.

“But first. Dinner?” I implored.

“Yeah, I could use some food. I know a really good place.” She jumped up. “But, you are not going out like that.” She gave me a reproachful look.

I was still wearing the same clothes from the bar. They smelled of cigar smoke and cheap liquor.

“I guess not. Don’t really have much else at the moment though,” I said.

She smiled and disappeared into her room, returning a few moments later carrying a pair of slacks, very nice button-up shirt, and a blazer. She held them out, but when I reached for the clothes, she promptly pulled them back.

“Shower first.” She mockingly plugged her nose.


The only shower was in her room. She turned the TV on as I left. Nothing expositional popped on.

I turned the shower on and waited for the water to heat up as I stripped. I glanced at myself in the mirror. My body looked almost the same as when I had first examined myself at the gym years ago. All the scars I’d gathered over the years were internal. Steam began to rise from behind the shower curtain, so I got in, enjoying the feel of the hot water against my skin. I could feel the heat soaking into me, into my muscles.

I washed everywhere using the cheap hotel soap and shampoo. Afterward I felt like a new man. Telling the story of my past, washing away the grit I had been left with, it was refreshing.

I knew the path we were heading would lead to dark places, but for the moment I felt clean. I wanted to enjoy this before continuing.

I changed into the clothes she had provided. They fit perfectly. They felt very comfortable too—must have been expensive. There was also a pair of socks and underwear that fit disturbingly well.

She had even provided a belt and pair of shoes. I checked myself in the mirror. Not bad. The new clothes matched my current mood well, though I knew it wouldn’t last.

“You clean up nice,” Alicia commented as I emerged from her room.

She had also changed. She was wearing a knee-length black dress that complemented her complexion, and short black heels. These were not clothes meant for a dual purpose. She was clearly dressed to impress, but not practically at all. She must have felt more comfortable around me. A small silver necklace and pair of diamond-studded earrings completed the ensemble.

I took her proffered hand and we strode out into the hall together. We must have looked quite the pair.

We made our way out into the early evening. It was cool but not cold; everyone else had on light jackets. The cold didn’t bother us.

The restaurant she had chosen was a mere two blocks away from her hotel. It had dark tables with white linens, low lighting, and tinted glass windows. It looked like the type of place where celebrities might go to eat in peace. I imagined there was a long wait list. Whoever was backing her seemed to have no cares about what frivolities she spent their money on.

We were seated at a corner table after a very short wait. They addressed us as Mr. And Ms. Anderson. This was far different from the clandestine life I was used to.

Maybe this was her way of keeping me on my toes, by bringing me to places outside my comfort zone. Or maybe I was reading too much into it. Maybe this was merely what she found relaxing.

She sat across from me with a faint smile on her lips.

“You know, every single person in here checked us out,” she whispered. “They must be wondering who we are, where they’ve seen us before,” she said with a conspiratorial smile.

I glanced around the room. I had missed it, too focused on her.

I really needed to get back on top of my game if I was going to accomplish what needed to be done. Whether she had planned it or not, this place had thrown me off.

She was like that, this Alicia. I couldn’t get a good read on her. I couldn’t tell what her angle was, or what she was trying to accomplish. She had all the advantages. I needed to find a way to turn the tables.

“Did you have a moment to review the menu?” Our server had returned.

He turned to me, “Can I start you with a glass of water? Or perhaps a scotch? We have quite the selection.”

He turned over the elegant menu with a white-gloved hand.

“The Glenmorangie please. Eighteen year,” I decided after a brief contemplation.

Alicia was paying, after all. Besides, maybe a little liquor would help me get out of my own head.

“Of course, and for you madam?” he turned to Alicia.

She ordered a bottle of wine. I didn’t know much about wines, but judging by the price tag, it must be excellent.

“Try to order something with pasta, it will pair best,” she told me after he had left.

I nodded and tried to relax. The clothes helped a little. A set of armor all their own. They allowed someone like me to fit in at a place like this.

“Do try to relax. We’re just here for a nice meal and a few drinks. No need to think about the past right now,” she spoke in a hushed tone.

Her husky voice perfectly matched the atmosphere of the restaurant. This was her world. She smiled at me in a way that made me think she might be able to read my mind.

I glanced around the room but didn’t see anyone I recognized. I also didn’t see anyone give off any tell-tale signs that they were like us. No one was too smooth, too fluid in their movements. Too gentle with the delicate glassware. All the little things that caused people like us to move carefully through the world, as if we might break it.

“So, care to tell me any more about yourself?” I turned my attention back to her and truly observed her for the first time that night.

She was stunning.

Silky black hair streaming down the back of her graceful neck. The cut of her dress showed off her elegant collar bone and lightly muscled shoulders. I knew she was far stronger than she appeared and nowhere near as fragile. Just a touch of cleavage tempted my eyes to wander lower than they should. I tried to pull my focus higher, which didn’t help the affect she had. Small ears and a perfectly curved jawline framed her face. Her lips were full and inviting. Her nose was slender and tear-drop shaped. Eyes of amber, far lighter than they should have been given what I guessed to be Asian heritage.

Staring into those amber eyes snapped me out of my trance. Were they lit up like mine? Was she more like me than them? I couldn’t quite tell.

“I, too, like to peruse the dessert menu before dinner,” she said in a low, purring voice.

Our waiter returned with our drinks and a basket of fancy bread. He took a moment to open Alicia’s bottle of wine, presenting the cork to her. She gave a nod of approval and he poured her a small glass, but I waved away his offer. The scotch would do for me.

The butter was impeccably shaped but perfectly impractical, as it was cold and hard as a rock. Impossible to spread over the soft bread. After a brief struggle I gave up trying to spread it over my bread, much to Alicia’s amusement.

The scotch was good though. It burned brightly at first and left an aftertaste of orange and oak. The second sip barely tingled. I would need some more of this.

“So, you were going to tell me more about you. Since I’ve been sharing so much.” I turned my attention back to her.

“Oh, was I?” she asked all too innocently.

“I don’t seem to recall agreeing to this,” she stated with a smile.

I just waited patiently. The silence suited me anyway. Far less likely to get in trouble if I didn’t say anything at all.

“You’re no fun,” she said, breaking the silence.

I allowed myself a small moment of celebration for my success. I knew I couldn’t keep up with her in a verbal fencing match, even just a friendly one. That was not my specialty.

“Well, there’s really not much to tell,” she continued. “At least nothing that would concern you at the moment. Or maybe it would concern you, scare you off.” The look in her eyes made me believe her.

“Very well. Simple questions then. Where are you from?” I countered.

“My parents were from Vietnam,” she stated.

“When did you come to the US?” I asked.

“Recently,” she acknowledged.

“Did you come here because of me?”

“Depends what you mean, exactly,” she said with a smile.

Of course she had to play hard-to-get.

“Do you mean this country? Then no. This restaurant? Then yes,” she continued.

“What about the bar, yesterday?” I asked accusingly.

“I suppose I was in the area on the off chance you were as well,” she replied nonchalantly.

I sighed.

“It’s not what you think,” she said.

“You have no idea what I think,” I countered.

“You sure about that?” She tapped the side of her head with a wink.

I took another long sip of scotch.

The waiter arrived to take our orders. I ordered steak (despite Alicia’s advice) and another glass of scotch. She ordered a seafood pasta.

He left us and we spent another moment in silence with our respective drinks.

“Do you miss her?” she asked after a sip.


I thought back to my time with Holly. We’d had our ups and downs, and it certainly hadn’t ended on a good note for us, but I would never forget her.

“I’m sorry.” She did actually sound remorseful.

“Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“I really appreciate you sharing all this with me,” Alicia said more urgently. She seemed sincere. Maybe it was the wine talking.

No, she hadn’t had enough, and I knew our tolerances were higher than average.

“I know it’s hard for you, but I hope you can trust me when I say that this is necessary,” she continued.

“Necessary for whom?” I asked.

“Me,” she replied.

“And I just have to trust you on faith?” I retorted.

“I already promised to help you. This is for… personal reasons,” she admitted carefully. 

I didn’t know what game she was playing, but if she did help me, then telling her about my past was a small price to pay. And in a way it was therapeutic.

Whether it would continue to be so remained to be seen.

Our food arrived, and we ate quietly. The soft clinking of silverware on plates, light conversation drifting around us, and occasionally the heavy thump of a glass on the table were all the company we needed. We kept the rest of the conversation to small talk about the food. We both declined dessert, finished our drinks, and Alicia paid in cash. Afterwards, we retreated back to the hotel.

We said goodnight and she withdrew to her room, but returned shortly.

“I have a few things for you,” she handed me a hefty bag.

It was filled with more new clothes. I had no doubt they fit.

“Thanks,” I said as I peered into the bag.

I glanced up, but she was already back to her room, door closing behind her. I found some suitable nightwear in the bag and laid down on the couch. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but I’d slept on worse.

I turned on the TV and found ESPN. I hoped for some sports news or anything that made me feel normal again. Instead it was figureheads bemoaning some new drama about a player’s personal life.

I turned to an old sitcom instead. Rather watch reruns than that garbage. I fell asleep to the sounds of canned laughter.

The next morning, I awoke up to a faint rustling from Alicia’s room. She was just getting up.

I instinctively tried to check the time, but realized I had no means to do so. It felt early.

Still, I was happy she wasn’t able to sneak past me again.

“Oh, you’re actually up this morning?” She stood in the bedroom doorway.

I smiled sheepishly.

“Would you like to go out to get breakfast with me?” she asked.

I nodded and the door closed. I assumed she was getting ready herself. I took the time to change quickly.

I rummaged through the clothes she had bought and found a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt. Though the T-shirt had some fancy design on it and the jeans fit far closer than any pair I had ever bought for myself. Once again, everything was comfortable and fitted. Maybe she had a supernatural talent for sizing people up from a look.

I chuckled to myself.

She exited the room wearing similarly casual clothes, and we departed.

The breakfast place was not far. Based on their menu, it looked as if this was where she had come yesterday.

We both ordered far more food than we should and headed back to the hotel. We settled back onto the couch after eating and sipped coffee.

“Are you ready to continue?” Alicia asked.

“Yes. I suppose so. We might as well get this over with.” I took a deep breath.

“So, I had just found out the girl who had previously seemed so interested in me had actually been recruiting me for her own nefarious purposes…” I stared at Alicia.

“Sounds fascinating, do go on.” she leaned forward suggestively while gesturing for me to resume with a devious smile.

I obliged.