SHEILA by Emerald Lordsfame - HTML preview

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I made some good friends in my high school. Clyde and I went to same elementary but didn‘t last because I was always changing schools, but then we were in same high school, a school I was sure to last in if I kept my promise to my dad. Clyde is one person I love and trust next to Sean. I‘ve always known him since I can remember because our house is next to each other and our parents are friends too. His dad was not always around because his work took him around the world. He was a marine officer before he died, and automatically he became my family‘s other son. I made three other friends, Jade, Boyle and Anoma. They were nice fellows and I loved them.

During break time while I meditated quietly at my desk looking into space, they always came around and we talked about the activities that had happened the previous day.

'Guys, see Sheila,‘ Jade pointed to me.

'What‘s she doing?‘ Boyle asked.

'Her normal thing; meditating,‘ Anoma replied. They walked up to me.

'Sheila, what are you doing?‘ Clyde asked rhetorically with a smile taking a seat beside me, I smiled back.

'Hey,‘ they said with smiles.

'Hey,‘ I smiled back. 

They sat all round me.

'Tell me Sheila, did you see that yesterday‘s program ―who wants to be a millionaire‖?‘

'Yes Jade I sa—‘

'Wait I thought that‘s a Friday program,‘ Clyde furrowed.

Yes it is, but that‘s a rebroadcast of Tuesdays,‘ I explained and faced Jade, 'the first man lost to the 4th question and went home with N250‘000.‘

'Yes and he got the answer after all, not just sure of himself,‘ Jade said sadly.

'And the other one—‘ I was saying.

'Still tried.‘

'Huh uh.‘ 'What was the question the first man failed?‘ Boyle asked.

'What was—‘ 'Sheila did you see the documentary on Bears?‘ Anoma interrupted.

'Allow her to answer my question first Anoma,‘ Boyle snapped.

'She will do that later, you guys are dragging too long on that issue.‘

Clyde smiled at them and looked at me, 'Did your dad get you the PS12 already?‘

'Yes he did yesterday and I played it; you guys should try it‘s so great.‘

'Wow,‘ Clyde said with excitement.

Anoma still wouldn‘t forget her question unless I answered her. 

'Sheila did you see—‘

'— I did Anoma, Bears have large body with stocky legs and shaggy hair but I find them beautiful. They are diurnal but are still active in the night and crepuscular but despite their heavy build and awkward gait they are adept runners, climbers and swimmers.‘

Aren‘t they carnivores?‘ Jade asked.

'They are,‘ Anoma answered. 'But some species are omnivores; did you see the one the bear attacked, I think those people are playing with their lives.‘

'That‘s their job, I only think they should be more careful,‘ I shrugged.

'Did you see the new species of animal they said they found?

'The Girant? I saw it.‘

'What‘s that?‘ Clyde asked.

'It has the body of a Giraffe and the head is like a giant ant,‘ Anoma answered.

'What? How‘s that even possible? Eww,‘ Jade squeezed her face disgustingly.

'You didn‘t see it? And it kinda looks cute,‘ Anoma said.

I looked at her, 'that‘s nothing close to cute.‘ 'Is it carnivore?‘ Clyde asked.

'How can it, when it has a head of an ant?‘ Jade said.

'A giant ant,‘ Anoma pointed out. 'And it doesn‘t have to have a head of a lion before it can hunt humans.‘

'It sucks out human fluid and animals through its stingers. That‘s what it lives on,‘ I told them.

'Jeez! That‘s cruel. More of that in the world will end the world of humans and animals,‘ Boyle joked. They laughed.

'What will they even characterise that as? Animal or ant?

'Aniant,‘ Jade dropped and laughed and they joined in the laughter. 'What‘s that,‘ Boyle was laughing.

'How can they give it that, it sounded ridiculous,‘ Anoma was laughing.

'What? It‘s possible,‘ Jade shrugged, 'after all they named it Girant, Giraffe and ant, that won‘t be strange,‘ she laughed more.

'That‘s sounds like the name Annie, and Annies would be angry,‘ Clyde who‘d been watching them joke said.

'Oh no,‘ Jade waved him away, 'they won‘t, after all dogs are named after humans.‘

'Oh shit true! how about that?‘ Boyle laughed looking at Clyde and others laughed. 

Clyde smiled faintly at that.

I watched them as they talked and joked and laughed.

'They are still working on it and we will have more info about it when they are certain to give it out.‘

They all stopped laughing and looked at me.

'Who saw the movie yesterday, it was so—‘ Boyle interrupted.

'I saw it, it was very interesting but the part the guy had to die— that was stupid,‘ I shook my head, 'it was obvious he was going to anyway.‘

'Yes that was the part that got me pissed; but wait, how was it obvious?‘ Boyle asked in frowns.

'Of course it was. The way the movie was going, it was very,‘ I stared at him.

Boyle looked confused, 'that movie was suspense filled and no one in my family knew he would die.‘ I shrugged. 'You must have missed something,‘ Anoma said.

Boyle looked at Anoma in thoughts and then he shrugged and dismissed whatever thoughts and laughed.

'You‘re right, might be the case.‘ 

Boyle suddenly frowned again and looked at me,  'Sheila, I thought the ―who wants to be a millionaire?‖ and the movie were shown at the same time, how did you—?‘ Boyle shook his head in confusion.

'I was changing channels.‘

'And you still got the messages perfectly?‘ 'She‘s Sheila remember?‘ Jade smiled.

'Yeeah,‘ Boyle stressed. 'But one thing I don‘t understand is why you are not the top of the school?‘ Everyone was silent at that. 

I felt so awkward at his statement but I guess Anoma noticed and jumped right in to save the situation. Thanks to her.

'Tell us the story,‘ Anoma jumped in. We all looked at her and she corrected with a smile, 'I mean summarise.‘

Okay any questions again before I start,‘ Boyle looked at us all.


'Okay,‘ Boyle continued.

'Wait,‘ Jade interrupted, 'Sheila, just a suggestion; don‘t you think you should try the ―Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?‖ I know you will win.‘

Boyle laughed, 'they are already a millionaire Jade, why would she want to try it?‘

Jade squeezed her face at him, 'Common Boyle, I know that; not for the money but just for fun. It would be fun seeing her play on TV. And I‘m sure she would love it too.‘

Anoma dragged in, 'we-ell, she‘s right, I support Jade, it would be fun seeing you on TV, you should try it Sheila.‘

'My parents won‘t allow that,‘ I said regretfully.

'Ouch,‘ they all said sadly.

'That‘s harsh, they should let you. Any parent would be glad to have you as their child,‘ Jade said.

I looked at Clyde, 'you know my parents Clyde, please tell them.‘ 'Yes guys, her parents will never let that happen,‘ Clyde confirmed.

'But they should allow you to make good use of your brilliant brain,‘ Anoma said bitterly.

'Yes,‘ Jade said.

'If my parents have a child like her or if I happen by chance to have her brain my parents would be so—‘ Boyle was saying.

'—mine too. I can‘t imagine how pampered I would be—‘

'My parents would be the happiest in the world.‘ 'Yes and I—‘

I listened in silence as they talked with different emotions. Clyde smiled watching them, just then Sean walked in toward us.

'Your brother is coming,‘ Boyle announced. 

I jumped to my feet and rushed to him happily.

'How are you today?‘ he asked holding me.

I‘m fine; I brought your food and chocolates.‘

He was so happy at the mentioning of food. He definitely knew what it could be on a Wednesday and he‘s always happy because it‘s his favourite. 

'Where is it?‘

We walked back to my seat and my friends greeted him while I brought his things out of my bag. I gave him the food and chocolate and walked him to the door.

'Sean, tell mommy you don‘t want to stay in the hostel no more.‘


'I‘m missing you at home and since they won‘t let me stay in the hostel—‘

'Don‘t worry I will tell her; you know I‘m missing you too right?‘ he asked looking at me and I nodded. 'So don‘t worry, I will tell her. Let me go eat before the break is over, I‘m so hungry,‘ he smiled. 

I nodded and we bid ourselves goodbye and I walked back to my seat.

'Clyde, will you join my family, my dad is taking us out this weekend and I want you to join us.‘ I looked at him hoping he would say yes. I always enjoyed his company and since my brother was not around, it made me get closer to him. I guessed he sensed my hope, judging from the stare he gave me before answering.

'Alright. I will tell my mom.‘

I was so happy, don‘t know if they saw it in me because I really have a hard way showing my feelings to people; or should I say I show it to them but they find it so difficult to see it, no matter how hard I tried. But I guess Clyde saw it because he smiled at me, looking into my eyes after he agreed. He always bragged of how well he knew me more than myself. 'Won‘t you invite us too?‘ Jade teased but I didn‘t see it.

'You are invited but you know Clyde is my  neighbour and you guys live very far away.‘ 'Common I know, I was just pulling your legs,‘ she laughed.

They all laughed but I guess they didn‘t see mine because it was a very silent one. Who said all laughter can be seen?

Everyone else thought I was a jerk but these people were the only one that understood me or maybe they didn‘t care about my actions because they loved me too much to see my flaws, whether I laughed at their joke or not, and I loved them too. I grew all the years loving them more and more and I got used to them. They were like family. For years, I

longed for friends and I had them and I was not about to lose them for anything. Clyde, Jade, Anoma and Boyle were my family, my brothers and sisters from another mister.  

I sigh and pick my glass of water to drink. Then I remove my glasses to rub my eyes and put it back, close my notepad and quietly walk out of the room.

My mom and dad are in the living room watching TV, and I walk to them.

'My baby, common sit with me,‘ mom says with a big smile on her face, 'thought you slept already.‘ 'No mom, tidying up some things,‘ I sit with her. She wraps her arms around my neck. 'So tell me, what were you tidying up?‘

I give her a look and she understands. She always wants to know everything about me. It‘s a miracle she hasn‘t found out about my notepad till now. Well, I‘ve been too careful too or she would say one thing or the other about it. Who knows what she would say about it? 

She smiles at me.

'Alright baby, I just want to be your mom that‘s all.‘

'You are.‘


'Thelma let her be,‘ dad saves me. She tilts her head and shrugs, 'okay.‘ We chuckle at her.

'So tell me Sheila, you okay? dad asks.

'Yes dad, never better; but I missed you when you travelled.‘

'You‘ll always miss me when I travel.‘

'Hmmm— guess you are right; I might as well get used to it.‘

'You will never get used to it my love.‘

'Dad that‘s unfair,‘ I say in singsongy and they laugh.

'So what are you seeing?‘ I asked looking at the TV. It‘s news. 'News again?‘ They are always fond of watching news; any other program is not aired for them.

 'So what‘s happening in the country now?‘ I asked resting my back on the couch.

'Same news every day,‘ dad says nonchalantly. Just then a reporter announced.  

Female reporter-Science has found a strange object just at the edge of the planet orb; they say it‟s no threat but they are still investigating what it could be. But from a source, they say it could be just some cloud catching fun; weird right? Let‟s listen to the scientist, Jack Romanoff.”

JACK ROMANOFF – “it is not a threat to us, it‟s just a cloud. We are working on it, so be relaxed.”  

'How can they say it‘s no threat when they don‘t even know what it is?‘ mom questions.

'You should have known by now how stupid they are, thinking they are fooling us,‘ dad hisses. 

I squint at the TV, there‘s a strange expression in Jack Romanoff‘s eyes. He‘s not even sure of the statement he‘d just made. There sure is something he‘s keeping back or maybe I‘m just being paranoid, after all it‘s one of our sicknesses. When you know too much, have a high IQ like I do, you tend to see everything and everything that‘s not even there, you tend to have a sixth sense about everything, even seventh sense, go paranoid.  I dust the thought off and stand up.

'Goodnight mom,‘ I peck her on the cheek. 

'Goodnight baby.‘

I go to dad, 'goodnight dad,‘ and give him a peck on the cheek too.

'Goodnight my love,‘ dad smiles.

'Sleep tight honey,‘ mom says.  I start to walk in, 'you too.‘