SHEILA by Emerald Lordsfame - HTML preview

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Washington DC, USA.


It was a quiet day in Washington DC. The weather was cool like it was going to rain. A black Toyota drove into a street and stopped in front of a tall white building. Jack Romanoff rushed down and into the building.

Gilbert, a middle aged man with a grey hair, slim built and smart looking was sitting at his table looking worried just as Jack barged in and Gilbert startled. 'God Jack what is it!‘ he spat out.

'This is getting serious and to think that I just lied to the people.‘

'Relax Jack, we are all worried and you just did what is best for the public. Remember, this is not only America we are talking about but the whole world, and we don‘t want the world going berserk. So before the information gets into the world somehow catastrophic, we had to do this. So relax,‘ Gilbert consoled.

Sullivan, a slim sexy Irish lady and Jane, a black handsome guy entered. Jack looked back and forth and sighed. 

'Tell me you found out something else… something positive this time—in a good way,‘ he pointed out looking at Gilbert.

 'Nothing Romanoff, except that the substance is getting more— larger,‘ Jane stirred in. 'And closer,‘ Sullivan added.

'Jack squeezed his face, 'what do you mean closer; closer to what?‘

'We noticed that the film protected object is getting closer to meet,‘ Jane stared at them, 'enveloping the earth.‘

'What? That was not in the report you gave to me,‘ Jack complained.

'And you were going to give that to the people if it was?‘ Sullivan inquired raising her brows at him.  Jack looked at his askance.  'I thought so,‘ Sullivan nodded.

'We got that just some minutes back, new evidences are cropping up by the minute,‘ Jane stated. 'At what rate?‘ Gilbert asked in fright.

'At the rate it‘s going, we might have 36 months  or less.‘

'And what happens when they meet?‘ Jack asked calmly with fear written in his eyes.

Sullivan stared at them shaking her head slowly,  'don‘t know. The guys are preparing for the space trip, so I hope we‘ll know when they come back.‘ They all stared at each other. Jack looked a bit scared with his widened eyes. The door opened distracting them. 

A lady peeped in.

'He‘s here.‘

'Okay, let him in. Thanks Sash,‘ Gilbert nodded at her and she left closing the door.

They all stared at each other in silence, with fear and confusion written all over their faces.