Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Too Many spells

Cornerme, Saycha, and Mrecton rode into the Gobsty Grey. There were Larce birds everywhere and a half dozen of them descended upon Cornerme. And as they did he shouted,”

Parnava Goos for seconds!”

Instantly arrows made of blue flames tore through the Larce birds, ripping them to pieces.

They slowed their Durions because the clouds were so thick they could barely see. What they could see were animal carcasses and human remains every few feet.

“Don’t be fearful, Saycha, nothing bad can happen to you as long as you’re with me,” said Cornerme as he looked over at Saycha.

“I hope you’re right, I’d rather die of old age then in this horrible place that’s for sure. Is it much further?” asked Saycha nervously as he looked at a half eaten human carcass and cringed.

“Just a bit, throw worry to the wind. Remember you’re almost free to go home and be with your family. It’s just this small favor and you’re back to your old life right,” said Cornerme warmly as he smiled at Saycha.

“Right,” said Saycha quickly as he looked away.

A pair of Canto came out of the fog and bit into the side of Saycha’s Durion.

Cornerme shouted,” Blood Dreva Nai!”

And the Canto had star shaped rings form over their midsection. The the rings passed through them in a flash and their bodies split into 2 pieces and fell to the ground. Cornerme

smiled and nodded yes to Saycha and then they continued on. They came to a staircase that led to the top of the Nestook.

“We walk from here,” said Cornerme sternly as his Durion knelt down and he got off.

Saycha and Mrecton climbed down off their Durions and followed Cornerme up the stairs.

They climbed for a good 20 minutes and came to the top.

Saycha saw the statue of Shethou and realized where he was and asked,” Is this the Nestook?”

Cornerme looked over at him and said brightly,” Yes, yes it is, but don’t worry the spell you’re going to cast won’t damage it. We just needed the extra height to get the spell to work properly.”

“But why not use a mountain?” asked Saycha as he furrowed his brow and looked at Cornerme in disbelief.

“This was closer than any mountain, but you’re right a mountain, like possibly Mt. Bossli, would have been ideal,” said Cornerme coyly and then he grinned at Saycha like a shoe salesman.

“Ok that makes sense, it’s just a little creepy being up here again after what happened last time,” said Saycha softly as he rubbed his neck.

“I understand completely and it’s not a problem. Well then, Saycha, here’s the staff you’ll need for the spell. The spell is Brakto Dominast do destruct. Just raise the staff high and shout the spell and you can go home!” said Cornerme warmly as he handed Saycha the Staff of Wrom.

Saycha took the staff and was about to say the spell when he asked,” Wait ah minute, what exactly will happen after I cast the spell?”

“Ah, well…our friend will come ah floating down from the sky and we will finally be together again. You don’t have to worry about being injured, it’s totally harmless for you to cast the spell,” said Cornerme nervously as he half smiled.

“Ok just give me a second I want to get it right the first time,” said Saycha as he started to think of the spell in his head.

He tried to remember the spell Krowny had told him.

Inside the Magnex

They were soaring through the Gobsty Grey. They broke through the clouds and saw the Nestook in front of them and Jamce said boldly,” There’s the Nestook, we should be able to find Saycha in a few seconds.”

“I see him he’s on the far end. Set the Magnex down right next to him and we’ll just flat out grab him,” said Dorama sternly as she stood behind Dlarm’s chair and pointed to where Saycha was.

“We’ll do just that I’ll bring it in shallow and try to take out Cornerme. He won’t know what hit him,” said Dlarm happily and then he took a hard right with the Magnex, then a left and aimed its path right for Cornerme.

“Ok I’m ready,” said Saycha as he raised the Staff of Wrom as high as he could and shouted,” Brakto Dominast do destruct!”

Instantly a flaming blood red helmet the size of a car came out of the staff and started flipping end over end as it shot straight up into the sky.

It disappeared and Cornerme shouted,” The die is cast, Saycha, and the beginning is upon us! Remember your world of Pabstrum for it is no more!”

Saycha looked at him in horror and then asked,” What did I just do?”

The Magnex came barreling in and headed straight for Cornerme and Mrecton. Cornerme saw this and shouted,” Adamina be steady!”

A large blue bubble formed in front of him and the Magnex smashed into it. They were covered in the blue goo and came to an abrupt stop.

Dlarm shouted,” That’s Pablod in that bubble, it will melt right through the Magnex, everyone get off the ship immediately or we’re done for!”

They ran to the back door on the Magnex and escaped the Pablod which was swallowing the Magnex.

Jamce and Dorama ran over to Saycha and hugged him.

Jamce said warmly,” I’m glad to see you’re still kickin’, Saycha, we missed you terribly.

“I did a terrible thing,” said Saycha sadly as he stared blankly at Jamce.

“What are you talking about everything is fine?” asked Dorama as she kissed Saycha on the cheek.

“I think…I may have destroyed the Nestook without realizing it,” said Saycha nervously and then he pointed up to the sky and said,” It went up in the sky after I cast the spell.”

Jamce and Dorama looked at Saycha perplexed.

Meanwhile Dlarm, Phan, and Micavello were confronting Cornerme and Mrecton.

“You’re not going to live through this one, Cornerme,” said Micavello coldly as he glared at Cornerme.

“You, Fool, your lives mean nothing now. In a few moments Drayne will be here to settle more than a few scores,” said Cornerme snidely while he pointed up to the sky and then said coldly,” Go ahead and see for yourself.”

Dlarm, Micavello, and Phan looked up in the sky and saw a football sized red flaming mask hurling downward at incredible speed. It was headed towards the opposite end of the Nestook that they were on.

Dlarm said softly,” It’s Havermo and it’s a big problem.”

The flaming mask smashed into the Nestook and sent everyone onto their knees with the force of the blow. It blew an enormous tunnel straight through to the Underworld.

Cornerme ran over to the hole and shouted snidely,” He’s on his way fools! I see his dark shadow coming your way!”

“What do we do now?” asked Dlarm as he looked at Micavello in shock.

Micavello stood motionless and said nothing.

Phan spoke in a suffering voice,” What if Saycha casted the ultimate death spell?” and then he took in a deep breath and said,” It’s something, it would at least bye us some time.”

“You’re right, but it’s still going to take more than that. Ok let’s have Saycha cast the spell when Drayne reaches the top of the Nestook,” said Micavello as he raced over to Saycha and said calmly,” Ok, Saycha, this is what we need you to do. When Drayne pops his head out of the Underworld cast this spell, Bumpin Tidre be thus ok?”

“Bumpin Tidre be thus, I’ve got it and I’ll do it. Will that send him back?” asked Saycha sheepishly as he looked at the hole in the Nestook.

“It won’t, but it will buy us some time. Let’s just hope we can think of a spell that will get us out of this mess,” said Micavello quickly as he racked his brain for the correct spell.

Inside the hole in the Nestook Drayne was rapidly climbing up from the Underworld, and as he did he was humming to himself and then he shouted,” The sun feels good on my eyes! I’m coming with a kiss for you all!”

Cornerme smiled and said snidely,” There is no more life for you fools. There is only pain a million years worth of pain.”

Drayne reached his giant scaly hands out of the hole and pulled his smiling face out.

“Now, Saycha!” shouted Dlarm.

Saycha raised the Staff of Wrom and shouted,” Bumpin Tidre be thus!”

A swirling house sized hammer of steel and orange flames appeared. When Saycha thrust the Staff of Wrom in a forward motion the enormous hammer crashed down upon the head of Drayne. This sent him spiraling down the tunnel towards the Underworld.

Drayne shouted as he fell,” I’ll be back, Fools!”

“It worked, but it only gives us a little time,” said Micavello.

“How dare you, I’ll kill you myself. Porti Bola me done!” shouted Cornerme as he waved his white staff.

A white liquid creature (that looked like a polar bear with an orange for a nose) came out of the sky and started running towards Micavello.

“Besat Johaz for taken!” shouted Micavello and instantly a wall of a hundred black spears appeared in front of him. He nodded and they shot forward into the oncoming creature, slicing into its flesh and killing it.

“Nice work, Micavello, now it’s my turn. Gaghost Meshamy dust!” shouted Dlarm and a pair of green stone hands came out of the ground and grabbed Cornerme and Mrecton. It held them so tight that they were trapped inside.

Drayne shouted,” This time I’m coming up to stay Fools!”

This sent a shiver down everyone’s spine and they frantically tried to think of what to do.

Suddenly Drayne threw himself out of the tunnel and high into the air, and he stood before them on the Nestook.

He stood 400 feet high and with huge bulging muscles. He has enormous hands and snow shoe feet. He was wearing a black leather kilt that has actual peoples skeletons affixed as a belt around his waist (with a golden belt buckle that has a swirling vortex inside it). Around each of his ankles are black bracelets with spikes coming out of them, but are also piercing his own flesh. Around his neck there is an emerald necklace that has huge star shaped emerald and diamond stones around it.

“Hello, Slaves, you’ll do my bidding now and for all time. Don’t think your worthless spells will do much to me now that I have tasted the sun and air. We were enemies, now you are whatever I say you are. Ha, haa, if you don’t like my rule over you then dig a hole and climb in for perish you soon will regardless! So why not speed up the process,” said Drayne snidely and then he grinned, clenched his fist and punched the ground breaking open a huge hole.

Everyone stared at him in shock except for Phan who had a mischievous look on his face.

“What about a vacuum spell?” asked Phan as he touched Micavello’s shoulder.

“There’s no one powerful enough to…wait ah minute Saycha, or should I say Havermo.

Saycha walk up next to Drayne and shout Lulblast Neridian Pieces and see what happens,” said Micavello brightly.

“Are you crazy? I’m not going near him he’ll crush me to death!” said Saycha as he looked at Micavello in shock.

“Don’t worry about a thing. Trust me, Saycha, it will be completely fine. All’s you do is walk right over to him and cast the spell,” said Micavello calmly as he looked Saycha in the eye.

Saycha looked at Micavello as he watched Drayne’s snarling face and said,” Fine, I have to do it and that’s it.” Saycha he walked calmly over to Drayne and shouted,” Lulblast Neridian Pieces!”

Momentarily a swirling vortex appeared under Drayne and lifted him into the air. Cornerme and Mrecton were sucked in as well as Dlarm, Micavello and then lastly Dorama was sucked in.

Saycha shouted,” Dorama, no!”

And then they were all hurled down the tunnel into the Nestook, while solid spell cast stone filled in behind them.

Jamce shouted,” What just happened, where did Dorama go?!”

“They all are now in the Underworld and I…I don’t know what we can do to save them.

That’s Drayne’s realm,” said Phan in disbelief as he looked at the solid stone where the hole had been.

The statue of Baesar in Jamce’s pocket started shaking violently. It glowed and then it tore through his pocket. It exploded and Baesar himself rose from the ashes and stood there before them.

He is 5’8 and very well built, with large muscular shoulders and forearms. He has long purple hair that is curly for the first 3 inches and then perfectly straight (and it has dark green tips). His eyes are orange and look like he is very thoughtful. He has a skinny nose with a bulbous tip. He also has high cheekbones and a prominent chin. He is wearing a pair of purple sunglasses with silver frames that have an X shaped layer of green glass over the purple ones. He also has on a flowing green robe with a white dress shirt underneath. He is also wearing a pair of tan leather boots with several potions strapped to the sides of them in multi-colored bottles. He also has on a white cloth necklace with the words,” I tried I quit I tried to quit I started anew,”

written on it in off white lettering. He also has on a single silver thumb ring with the image of himself engraved on it.

“Hello, greetings take time, but time is futile. Hi I am Baesar and I can help you get your friends back,” said Baesar as he extended his hand to Saycha.

Saycha looked at the hand and then shook it and said,” Hi, I am Saycha and this is Jamce, Krowny and Phan. How can you help us?” asked Saycha then he looked at Baesar quizzically.

“Well, Saycha, I watched everything that just unfolded and I know that you are indeed Havermo Blemsink reincarnated. The Problem is, for you to save your friends and get them out of the Underworld alive. It’s going to take a mastery of all known spells by you,” said Baesar as he stretched out his chin.

“Why all spells why not just the one that gets them back?” asked Jamce as he put his hands on his hips.

“Because the Underworld has its own set of rules and yes I can get you there, but without total command of your magic, Drayne would have his way with you and then he would use you to free him. And all would be lost,” said Baesar and then he looked around and smiled.

“Why are you smiling?” asked Phan.

“I spent so many years being inside a self-imposed exile that I forgot the feeling of size.

Look, Saycha, I’m not going to lie to you, it will take a few weeks minimum to train you, but if you think of the pain your friends are going through, then you’ll know it has to be done,” said Baesar calmly.

“I’ll do it, but why are you helping us this isn’t your problem?” asked Saycha as he looked at Jamce and then Baesar.

“Yeah really, why help us at all?” asked Jamce defiantly.

“Because Havermo… was a friend of mine in a lot of ways and I know from all I’ve read and experienced that you’ll do what’s right. Not because you’re asked, because things don’t do themselves. I believe in what’s just,” explained Baesar as he took in a deeper breath. “I couldn’t breathe an easy breath in Pabstrum if I thought there was even a chance, Drayne could rule over it. So there it is,” said Baesar warmly.

“Ok then we won’t doubt you again,” said Jamce with his thoughts heavy on Dorama..

“How do you plan on getting to the Underworld after I’m trained? We can’t open another tunnel or Drayne could escape,” asked Saycha.

“The Microfic portals, My Friend,” replied Baesar as he grabbed Saycha by the shoulders.

“They are a series of 500 doorways that can take you to places all over Pabstrum as well as the Underworld. And I am one of the few who know how to get to them one, and use them 2. So, what we need to do now is get to my villa, we’ll be safe there I assure you,” said Baesar warmly with a smile and a nod.

“Do you have any good bread there? I haven’t tasted bread in 5 years,” asked Krowny as he rubbed his belly.

“Krowny, what about your family, don’t you want to go see them?” asked Saycha as he looked at Krowny.

“I do and I will, but not now, not while you need my help. I couldn’t live with myself if I left. Trust me they can wait a little longer I know they’ll understand,” said Krowny as he nodded and pursed his lips.

“Ok then, and yes, Krowny, I can get you as much bread as you can eat that is not a problem. What is a problem…is how do we get to my villa in Marbou?” asked Baesar as he looked at Saycha.

“Marbou, we could walk there if we had to. It’s only 30 miles from here,” said Krowny quickly as he pointed to the west.

“Wait, the Durions I rode here on should still be down on the ground,” said Saycha brightly as he started for the stairs.

“Great, that will make life a lot easier,” said Jamce as he patted Saycha on the back and then said warmly,” It’s good to have you back, Saycha, I was really worried about you.”

“It’s good to be back, Jamce, I can’t tell you how happy I was to see you after what I’d been through,” said Saycha as he gave Jamce a hug.

“I’m just glad I’ve got someone to talk too who isn’t myself. ‘Cause those types of conversations rarely ever lead anywhere,” said Krowny sadly as he followed Saycha and Jamce.

They made their way down the stairs and found that one of the Durions had been eaten.

Saycha asked,” Well I guess we’re doubling up. Why don’t you ride with me, Jamce?”

“You got it, but I’m drivin’,” said Jamce quickly as he climbed aboard the Durion.

“Then I guess it’s us 2, Krowny, how about you drive since you know the way and all,” said Baesar.

“Sounds good to me, I could use a good Durion ride,” said Krowny happily and then he stepped up onto the Durion.