Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

The arrival of Phan Garshti

Jamce and Dorama watched as the Cornstar Guild burned Fert’s body to ashes with a blue flame and said nothing. Then the Guild members boarded their wagons and tore away from Jamce and Dorama.

“We owe him revenge, Dorama, we owe him that at least,” said Jamce sternly as he looked at Dorama.

“I know, and we will do what has to be done, but not until Saycha is free,” said Dorama blankly as she stared down at the pile of ash that used to be Fert.

“Of course, Fert didn’t deserve that and that Cornstar Guild is gonna find that out someday if I have anything to say about it. Now we should probably get a move on, Saycha needs us now,” said Jamce as he climbed up on the wagon with Dorama right behind.

“I just hope we’re not too late,” said Dorama as she looked out to the horizon.

They took off down the road and went a good half day and then they came to the Doveba Pass. They rode down it and into Stachance.

“This looks familiar, it’s not far to Dlarm’s villa now,” Jamce spoke as if he was writing a poem to himself. “Micavello should still be there if we’re lucky. I just hope he will help us considering it’s not his problem,” said Jamce as he steered the Palant into a small patch of grass.

Dorama looked at Dlarm’s sign that read Dlarm’s world of reservation and then said,” He’s our last hope and Saycha’s only chance. We just have to make him see that.”

Jamce and Dorama walked up the path and Jamce shook the green hand. They continued up to the 2 front doors and as Dorama went to knock a voice said,” Choose a side to enter, your life depends on it,” and the walls on either side of the door opened up and Jamce said happily,” I think we’ll be fine.”

They walked inside and it was dead silent except for a violin playing in another room.

“Well somebody is home, I can hear them playing that violin. Let’s follow the music and see where it leads,” said Jamce then he started walking down a corridor to the right.

The walls of the corridor had 17 pieces of a single painting lining the walls. It was a painting of Dlarm being eaten by a Palant while he sipped a cup of tea. There were also oddly shaped doors every few feet, from one shaped like an S to another shaped like a piece of pie and colored blue. Jamce and Dorama continued on down the hall and then the music abruptly stopped. They heard clapping and they opened the X shaped door at the end of the hall and saw Dlarm and Micavello sitting in red felt chairs. They were watching a small boy play the violin on his back as he floated above the floor.

The room is 30 feet long with a 15 foot drinking glass shaped ceiling that has 2 red felt chairs. Each has thick cushions on them and retractable foot stools beneath them. The room also has a mechanical miniature Palant that is man sized (it can run in a figure 8 around the room when if a green button is pressed between its eyes). There is also an 18 foot wide and 4 foot high glass case on the far wall that has dozens of beautiful staffs and ornate medallions in a row inside. The other 2 walls each have different spells written on a wall covering parchment that numbered in the thousands. The floor is covered with Canigiddy fur (which is a beaver like

creature that sheds its beautiful orange coat every 3 weeks due to its oily skin). The fur can sooth and replenish any skin that touches it.

The boy playing the violin has lavender long hair that is braided on the side to say,” For never.” He is only 5’5” 130 pounds, but has broad shoulders and a large head that makes him look larger than he is. His eyes are amethyst and his nose looks like an orange at the tip. He has on a white robe and a tan under shirt, as well as tan loose fitting cotton trousers.

Jamce walked in and Micavello and Dlarm stopped clapping and the boy asked,” Who are you, you look a little frazzled?”

Micavello stood up and walked over to Jamce and asked,” Its Saycha isn’t it?”

“Yes, Cornerme has taken him and we need your help to get him back. Can you help us?”

asked Jamce anxiously.

“Of course, but this is a very troubling situation because if Cornerme thinks that Saycha is the reincarnation of Blemsink, which I suspect he does , then he’s going to use Saycha to free Drayne,” said Micavello as he put his hand to his mouth and stared at the floor.

“Then that would mean he intends to have Saycha wield the Staff of Wrom…oh no,” said Dlarm as he looked blankly at his collection of staffs.

“Oh no what?” asked Dorama nervously and she walked over to Dlarm and pleaded,”

Please, Dlarm, is Saycha in danger?”

Micavello turned to Dorama and said,” It’s worse than danger, if Saycha frees Drayne that’s one thing. If he is actually Havermo then he would be a wizard of enormous power and with the Staff of Wrom in his hands…he could have control over anyone he wants too,” said Micavello sadly as he turned and walked over to the case of staffs.

“Even us, Dear Girl, none of us could stop him,” said Dlarm in a concerned voice.

“But Saycha is good he would never hurt anyone. Trust me he wouldn’t become evil,” said Dorama as she threw up her hands.

Micavello opened the glass case and grabbed a thick green and black stripped staff with the head of Havermo on top. He said sternly,” Don’t kid yourself, Dorama, with a temptation that great a naïve boy like Saycha could be led astray. I understand that’s he’s your brother and you love him, but if he gets a taste for power he may never be the same.”

Dlarm and Micavello looked at each other and nodded. Dlarm got up and walked over to the case and started looking through the staffs.

“I don’t agree with that at all. I’m sorry, Micavello, but Saycha’s just not the power type,”

said Jamce plainly as he stood with his arms folded.

“He will be, as sure as I’m standing here, but if you’re right we still need to find him and find him quickly, because if Drayne gets set free we are all in serious peril,” said Micavello as he walked over to Jamce and Dorama.

“What about my wizardly powers, do you require them?” asked Phan Garshti as he stood up and tossed his violin onto one of the red chairs.

“Everybody this is Phan, and yes we are going to. I wouldn’t have asked because it’s going to be very dangerous,” said Micavello.

“You know me it’s not a big deal, I’m only afraid of my fears,” said Phan with a smile and then he walked over to the glass case and grabbed a blue and yellow checkered staff (with 2 men impaling each other on the top).

“There you are,” said Dlarm excitedly as he grabbed an orange staff that had 13 Palants piled on top of each other on the top and then asked,” Are we driving or flying?”

Micavello smiled and Dlarm said brightly,” I love to fly follow me everyone.”

Micavello walked up to the wall on the right and shouted,” Blu Mev for taken!” and the wall fell forward and turned into a staircase down to where the Magnex was and said slyly,” Maybe you should follow me instead.”

“Always the showman, I liked that wall by the way,” said Dlarm as he let out a sigh.

“It’s a much better staircase, Dlarm, and now you’ve got a view of your garden,” said Micavello jokingly as he started down the stairs.

Everyone followed him down the stairs to the Magnex. They climbed aboard and then Dlarm sat down in one of the 2 recliners. He thrust his staff into a square hole in the floor and said,” let us catch some sky my friends.”

The Magnex lifted into the sky on top of a stream of stars. Everyone sat down on a couch and Micavello sat down beside Dlarm in the other recliner and asked,” Do we think they’re at Fenceghost or already at the Nestook?”

“Good question, I say we try Fenceghost first because they would have had to convince him first. And they would also have had to have him try wielding the Staff of Wrom to see if he was capable. Either of which would take time. I may be wrong, but I wouldn’t bet on it. The question I have for you is, can Saycha be trusted?” asked Dlarm as he glanced over his shoulder at Jamce to see if he had overheard.

Micavello glanced back as well and then said softly,” If he isn’t he’ll have a fun life in the tip of this staff,” said Micavello as he held up the staff he was holding.

“Oh, I see you brought the Painos trapping staff, nice work. When we see the Staff of Wrom we’ll know what his true intentions are. And if they are treachery,” said Dlarm and then he tapped the top of the Painos Trapping Staff.

“A lonely million years, that’s as true as anything I’ve ever spoken,” said Micavello snidely as he smiled like a hungry wolf.

Jamce saw Micavello smiling and Micavello noticed this and stopped. Jamce walked over and sat beside down Dorama and said softly,” Look, we may have to pull something to get Saycha home safe. I’m getting a feeling that Micavello and Dlarm might be planning to do harm to him.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, so if it comes to it and it’s us or them, remember it’s US,” said Jamce sternly and then he pulled up his shirt and showed that he had a dagger.

“You got it, I’ve got a little friend as well,” said Dorama slyly as she reached down and pulled up her dress and showed she had a knife.

“Good, very good let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” answered Jamce as he watched Dlarm.

“In the meantime play it cool, alright,” said Jamce as he waved his hand slowly up and down.

“Not a problem, I think I’ll start talking up Phan,” said Dorama brightly then she got up and walked over to Phan and sat down beside him.

Inside the Last Whisper Saycha was still eating some of the giant chocolate cookie and thinking about his eventual release. He thought about getting home and hugging Jamce and Dorama. Then of eating an Xstepy (which he knew he loved). Then his thoughts turned to his new magic powers. He thought about how great it would be to show Jamce and Dorama that he was an actual wizard. He knew they would be impressed and this thrilled him. Then he thought about how easy it would be to do the spell for Cornerme and how lucky he had gotten to be able to do it. He whispered softly,” Why do they need me to do the spell? Why doesn’t Cornerme just do it himself? There is something odd about this situation and I can’t figure it out.”

He stood up, reached under his bed and grabbed the Loins. He started playing and as he played his mind went totally blank. He played for a few minutes and said boldly,” Blemsink, Havermo Blemsink I completely forgot. That day in the Magnex they said I looked identical to him and that I could be him reincarnated! It all makes sense I must be Blemsink, but if that is the case then they may be trying to get me to do a spell that could hurt people,” said Saycha and then he set down the Loins and asked,” What am I about to do? Ok Saycha you need to figure this out or you are dead. Let’s face it if I do this for them they’re probably gonna do something terrible to me after. But if I don’t I’m stuck here for the rest of my life,” said Saycha as he looked around at the sickly prisoners and cringed as he saw one man with sores on his back and then said,” I’ll have to do it and then use the Staff as a weapon to try and escape. That’s my only option, then that’s it. Boy I wish Jamce and Dorama were here.”

Then the old man in the cell next to him named Krowny asked,” I’ve got an answer if you want one, do you want it ,Young Son?”

Saycha was startled by his voice and he turned to face him and asked,” Yes can you please?”

“When you get that staff in your hands again, say the words Y Gourpus Sinc be wrought.

And then you’ll be able to escape,” said Krowny as he smiled a 3 toothed grin.

“Y Gourpus Sinc be wrought, Y Gourpus ok, but what will that do if I say it?” asked Saycha as he looked at Krowny intently.

“You’ll see and boy will you see. I got that spell from a blue wizard when I was a free man.

You can thank me someday by getting me out of here. I miss my wife and son awful. Could you do that for me?” asked Krowny honestly as he rubbed his bald head.

“Of course I will, that will be the first thing I do, Sir,” said Saycha as he walked over to the bars between their cells.

“The names Krowny, Son, I heard you say Blemsink is that it?” asked Krowny as he extended his hand.

Saycha grabbed his hand and shook it. ” No, my name’s Saycha, at least I hope it is, Krowny, or things could get a whole lot stranger in the future.”

“Saycha, well I hope that spell is what you needed ‘cause I could really use a bottle of wine and my family around me. More so than you’ll ever know,” said Krowny as he teared up and went and laid on his bed and said,” Thank you, Saycha.”

“For what?” asked Saycha as he looked at Krowny.

“Hope, that’s all a man needs,” said Krowny and he rolled over onto his side with his back to Saycha.

“You’re welcome,” said Saycha softly and then he heard the main cell door to the Last Whisper open. He felt a rush of nerves so he laid down on the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

Cornerme and Mrecton came down the hallway and stopped at Saycha’s cell and lightly rapped on the bars in an effort to wake him up.

Saycha slowly opened his eyes and sat up on the side of the bed and said,” Hello there, I must have dosed off.”

Cornerme unlocked the door and said brightly,” No matter, every man needs his rest for his days work to get done. Are you ready to take our voyage, Saycha?” asked Cornerme as he walked inside the cell and smiled.

“I certainly am, Cornerme, I am ready to go,” said Saycha as he pretended to yawn.

“Excellent, then let us be off and shall you never see this cell again. I am certain you will shed no tears,” said Cornerme warmly then he exited the cell and stood outside and waited for Saycha with a smile on his face.

Saycha laughed and said quickly,” That is an enormous understatement.” Saycha walked out of the cell and looked over at Krowny and said,” I’ll see you later, Krowny.”

“Bye,” said Krowny softly as he raised his left hand slightly.

“I see you’ve made a new friend. I am glad to see it, shows you have character and that is a good thing to have, Saycha,” said Cornerme as he ushered Saycha down the corridor.

“My brother said the same thing to me once. I appreciate you saying that,” said Saycha as he started walking down the corridor in front of Cornerme and Mrecton.

“I meant it sincerely and you are welcome. This will all be over soon, Saycha, so fear not,”

said Cornerme warmly as he patted Saycha on the shoulder.

They made their way out of The Last Whisper and into a brief stone arched hallway.

Mrecton opened a rectangular cast iron door that revealed the BBO River (with a 40 foot brown wood boat on it tied to a wooden stump). Above the river there was a white cloth canopy that went for half a mile.

The boat looked like a banana in shape, but had a thousand large wooden gears on the deck, as well as below. There are 2 captain’s chairs made of wood covered in black leather cushions.

They each have bicycle pedals and a pair of steering wheels in front of them. There is also a round pit in the center that has a brown leather couch that goes along the inside. On the front of the boat there are 2 dozen crossbows aimed outward, that are connected to a swivel stand. On the back of the boat there are 4 catapults that are loaded with cast iron balls that weigh 50 pounds each. There is a retractable hand the size of an elephant on the right side of the boat that is controlled by a joystick in the captain’s chair, it can punch holes through other vessels and crush would be attackers. On the side of the ship there are the words,” We dine on your death,” written in black and yellow letters.

“Cornerme walked down the set of stairs to the river and asked,” What do you think of my mistress?”

“What do you mean, I just see a ship?” asked Saycha as he turned to look at Cornerme.

“Exactly, please come aboard her and we’ll set off for our fate,” said Cornerme as he walked onto the ship and over to the captain’s chair and sat down like he’d been carrying a wagon.

Saycha followed him with Mrecton right beside him.

Mrecton said sternly,” Don’t be afraid, Havermo, we’re almost there.”

“Why did you call me Havermo?” asked Saycha as he turned to Mrecton with a furrowed brow.

“Just a joke you wouldn’t get,” said Mrecton coldly with a slight grin and then he patted Saycha on the shoulder.

Back at the Magnex

They were nearing Fenceghost. Jamce was up front with Dlarm and Micavello, while Dorama was sitting with Phan and talking him up.

“Phan, aren’t you a little young to be a wizard?” asked Dorama as she crossed her legs.

“I may look young, but I am wise beyond my years. I have been trained to be a wizard since I was only 2. And it is thought that someday I could be the most powerful among the wizard community,” said Phan as he interlocked his fingers and smiled.

“That is truly fascinating, Phan, you’re a good man to have around in a jam,” said Dorama and then she scratched her left cheek.

“Very good if you must know I am capable of virtually all known spells with only a few exceptions,” said Phan proudly as he grinned from ear to ear and then put his hands behind his head.

“We’re nearing Fenceghost Everybody!” shouted Jamce as he turned to face Dorama.

“You might just get your chance, Phan,” said Dorama quickly as she stood up and walked up to the front of the ship where Jamce was standing.

Fenceghost is a towering castle that has hundreds of spires that almost reached the clouds. It has a donut like shape around its base with 8 large pyramid shaped towers rising up around the base. In the center there is a lightbulb shaped massive section that has hundreds of windows, as well as small decks extended beneath them with triangle shaped doors leading out of them. It is made from a green stone and has Cornerme’s face carved into every corner of the castle.

There is a moot surrounding it that leads to the Goldma River on the left side. There are also dozens of small brown wood castles around the perimeter that Cornerme used as ornaments.

There are also hundreds of Siglus bushes and tall towering Mecmec trees that have crow’s nests cut into them at the top (with Cornerme’s men inside them). There are 3 cherry red spotlights that go straight up into the air from the center of the castle. It is over a mile wide and goes another mile into the ground.

“It’s gigantic, how are we supposed to find him in there?” asked Dorama as she looked at the enormous castle.

“Cornerme’s got a prison beneath it, I think that’s our best bet for finding Saycha,” said Dlarm as he steered the Magnex over the first set of crow’s nests.

Cornerme’s men fired crossbows at the Magnex, but they only stuck in the side and the ship continued onward. They flew over the canopy covered Goldma River and Jamce asked,” Why

would you cover a river like that? It doesn’t make a bit of common sense as far as I’m concerned.”

“That does seem like a dumb thing to do. For all we know Saycha is hidden beneath it,” said Dorama jokingly as she smiled.

“That would be hilarious if it were true, but wouldn’t make much sense to keep him on the river it’d be too easy to spring him,” said Jamce as he laughed to himself.

“I wouldn’t worry Saycha will be right where we think he is, you’ll see,” said Dlarm as he flew the Magnex towards the center of the castle.

Dlarm landed on the roof near some stairs and Micavello said sternly,” Be ready, be careful and be vicious. We can’t be timid now we must have our wits about us.”

As that was happening Cornerme was riding down the BBO River and heading at incredible speed towards the Nestook. Cornerme asked,” Are you thirsty, Saycha, I’ve got some syrupy nectar below deck if you’re interested?”

“Thank you, I would love some. I’ll be right back,” said Saycha as he went over to the stairs.

“Bring the whole bottle, it’s the blue one. I could use a sip myself,” said Cornerme as he steered the ship under some overhanging trees.

“You got it, I will,” said Saycha as he descended the stairs.

At the bottom there was a painting of Cornerme and his wife Desibell kissing each other’s hands while standing at the top of a waterfall (it was inside a brown leather picture frame). To the left there was the galley with a small icebox, stove, 4 large brown cupboards and a statue of Catab Beo.

Catab Beo is Drayne Sectis’ right hand man in the underworld. He is known to personally carry out his wishes. Catab is a former black wizard who was destroyed by Havermo Blemsink

over a rumored affair Catab had with his wife Porchance. Catab vowed vengeance on Havermo and said that if he ever tasted air again then he would lay siege to every, and all of his descendents.

Catab is a hulking 6’8” tall and over 500 pounds, with dark red hair with blonde tips that are braided into stars. He has menacing red eyes and a long bulbous nose. He has 6 fingers on his left hand and 4 on his right. He always wears his blood red sport coat and black shirt underneath, as well as tan corduroy pants and black leather boots with small totems attached to the laces.

The floor is covered with a dense green carpet that has the 6 Memory moons sewn into it.

The walls are dark brown wood with Cornerme’s favorite spells written on them in yellow.

Saycha looked at the statue of Catab and felt a chill go down his spine. And as he looked at the eyes he saw one move and he asked shocked,” Did you just wink at me?”

The statue didn’t move or respond so he punched it in the stomach and went over to the white icebox and opened it. Inside there were 7 bottles of all different colors including the blue one and Saycha grabbed it and said,” I am thirsty for only you.” He took a swig and said brightly,” You really were worth the trip.”

He walked past the statue of Catab and peered at it intently, but it didn’t move. Happily he went back up the stairs. And as he climbed he could slightly hear talking, but as he stepped on a board that creaked the talking instantly stopped. Saycha walked up onto the deck and Cornerme said warmly,” Oh I see you found it that is excellent news. Have a drink, Saycha, then pass it to me.”

“Alright,” said Saycha and then he took a large gulp and passed it to Cornerme and asked,”

Do we have much further to go?”

Cornerme took a drink and said,” Yes, we have many hours before we arrive, but don’t worry about that, just enjoy this beautiful day. Isn’t it wonderful?” asked Cornerme as he waved his arm towards the sun.

“It’s a spectacular day, it feels good to see the sun again,” said Saycha as he looked at the horizon.

Inside Fenceghost everyone was running down the spiral staircase as fast as they could on their way to the Last Whisper. A pair of Cornerme’s guards came through a doorway and the green haired one asked,” What are you doing here? This is off limits to all guests.”

Micavello shouted,” Panka Dond for sleep!” Instantly the ceiling opened up above the guards and daggers made of fire rained down upon them. They sliced into their flesh and ripped them to shreds. They fell to the floor and died a fool’s death.

“Nice trick, I’ve got to learn me some magic,” said Jamce slyly as he smiled at Micavello.

“I wish it were that easy,” said Micavello quickly as he stepped over the dead guards and continued down the stairs.

They all hurried down the stairs for another 2 flights and came to the large steel door to the Last Whisper and Dlarm said boldly,” I’ve got this one, stand back!” He raised his staff above his head and shouted,” Tasket Podup be shattered!”

The steel door turned into a mass of Larce birds and they flew past everyone, up the staircase and Jamce said slyly,” Now that would come in handy. Dlarm, you’re my new hero, sorry, Micavello, but that was awesome.”

“Thank you, Jamce, but we must hurry,” said Dlarm as he ran into Last Whisper and then said sternly,” We’ll have to spread out and shout until we find him.”

Everyone started running through the cellblock shouting Saycha’s name. Then a tall rugged blonde haired guard named Havo came out from behind a partition and shouted at Jamce,” You won’t escape!”

Jamce pulled his dagger out of his pants and said snidely,” I don’t need too.

Havo pulled a long sword from his sheath and said snidely,” Don’t be so sure.”

Havo raised his sword high above his head and did a twisting sword blow just missing Jamce’s head. Jamce did a forward roll right through his legs and then stood up behind him. He stabbed Havo in his back, getting him right below the shoulder blades with a deep stabbing blow.

Jamce said snidely,” I’m pure positive My Friend.”

Jamce pulled his dagger out of his back and watched Havo fall face forward to the ground.

Jamce shouted,” Saycha, where are you?!”

“I know Saycha!” shouted Krowny as he ran to the cell bars.

“You do, where is he?” asked Jamce anxiously as he turned to see Krowny standing there.

“They took him away a little while ago,” said Krowny as he nodded yes.

“Who took him, where?” asked Jamce as he looked around the cell block.

“Cornerme and Mrecton, they took him to do magic. That’s what I heard and Saycha said he would come back and free me,” said Krowny as he reached out and grabbed Jamce’s forearm.

Dorama walked up and asked,” Does this man know where Saycha is?”

“It’s too late, Cornerme took him to the Nestook. Wait…maybe we can beat them there. Go round up Dlarm and Micavello,” said Jamce sternly then he started looking at the bars on Krowny’s cell.

“Aren’t you coming?” asked Dorama as she squinted at Jamce.

“This man was a friend of Saycha’s and I’m not leaving without him. I think I can pick this lock with my dagger if I do this,” said Jamce as he slid the tip of the dagger into the lock and started moving it up and down. He flipped it sideways and the door sprung open. He said sternly,” Come quick I can get you to safety!”

Krowny hopped over the doorway and said happily,” You saved me I can’t believe it! My name is Krowny.”

“We’ll do our introductions later, Krowny, right now we’ve got to get moving,” said Jamce as his eyes darted around looking for Dlarm and Micavello and then he saw them and shouted,”

Dlarm, I found Saycha, hurry!”

Dlarm and Micavello sprinted to where Jamce was and Micavello asked breathlessly,”

Where is he?”

“Cornerme, he took him and they’re on their way to the Nestook. We must hurry back to the Magnex,” said Jamce boldly and then he said,” And Krowny here is coming with us, he’s Saycha’s friend.”

“I gave him a spell to do when he escapes,” said Krowny proudly as he smiled.

“Great, Krowny, what spell was it?” asked Dlarm anxiously.

“Y Gourpus Sinc, it will save him,” said Krowny with a wink of his left eye.

“I’ve never heard that spell before, but there is no time to debate. Everyone please hurry!”

urged Dlarm and then he sprinted out of the Last Whisper with everyone close behind.

They made their way to the Magnex.

Meanwhile Cornerme was docking his boat and said,” This is as far as we go on water, Saycha, we’ll take my Durion stallions from here on.”

Durion stallions are 10 feet tall seal black horses that can run up to 50 miles per hour (because of their long strides). They have pure white manes and yellow eyes that show no expression. They will knell down instinctively as a rider approaches them so they can be mounted. They all have a tuft of orange hair that comes out of either side that is usually braided into squares.

“Is it far from here?” asked Saycha as he looked at the Durion stallions with a worried face.

“Only an hour or 2 we’ll have to see how the Durions are feeling. But, if you’re hungry I brought along a sack of Xstepys and Cory tongues, as well as Seso pies. Does that sound to your liking?” asked Cornerme warmly as he handed Saycha the tan leather sack with his face sewn onto the side.

“Yes it does, I am dying for an Xstepy. I also am dying for a Cory tongue boy will this hit the spot,” said Saycha happily as he looked in the sack and then reached in and pulled out a Xstepy, bit into it and let out a sigh and said happily,” Now I feel good, Xstepy good! Thank you, Cornerme, that was really nice of you.”

“Glad to hear, now we must mount our Durions and head down that road there. I want you to be in between Mrecton’s and my Durion at all times, Saycha, so as you don’t get lost, ok?,”

said Cornerme implying a question as he mounted the Durion and smiled.

“Of course, I’ll do whatever you ask,” said Saycha in between bites as he walked over to his Durion and said softly,” Hi there, beautiful, we’re going for a ride together and if you’re good I’ll give you a Cory tongue ok,” said Saycha as he rubbed the Durion’s forehead and then the Durion licked his face.

Saycha climbed on and put his sack into the riding saddle bag on the right. He rode the Durion in between Cornerme and Mrecton and they tore down the road towards the Nestook in

the far off distance. They went for 30 minutes at blazing speed and then came to an overturned black wood, 2 story wagon that was blocking the road. There was a black haired older man in a pair of tan overhauls and red leather boots sitting on a rock beside it crying. And when the man saw Saycha he jumped up and pleaded,” Could you please help me?! My son is pinned under the wagon! Please your horses could pull the wagon off him. If you don’t I fear he is a goner for sure, please help us.”

Saycha looked at the man named Theather in shock and then glanced over at Cornerme and asked,” Can we please help this man, Cornerme, he needs us?”

Cornerme looked at Mrecton and then at the man and said sternly,” I would like to help you, but I fear your son is already dead and it would be a fool’s errand.”

“No, he’s not dead, you can still see him breathing come look for yourself,” pleaded Theather as he pointed to his wagon.

Cornerme threw an unhappy glance at Mrecton and then said sternly,” Fine, I don’t need to see your dying boy. Get some ropes and we’ll pull the wagon off of him. Please be swift, Sir, or I may change my mind.”

“Thank you, thank you,” said Theather and then he ran and got a long thick rope out of his wagon.

He returned with the rope and then Cornerme said sternly,” Give it to me and take the other end and tie it to the wagon, then stand clear.”

Cornerme tied it around his Durions neck and Theather tied it to the wagon and shouted,”

It’s ready when you are!”

“Fine, this boy had better be breathing or you won’t be, Sir,” said Cornerme snidely then he kicked the sides of his Durion and it started tugging the 2 story wagon up off the boy.

Then Theather grabbed his son and pulled him out from under the wagon. He took him to safety and spoke with gratitude,” Oh my dear, Son, you are safe. It’s a miracle most high.”

Cornerme let the wagon fall back to the ground when he had it almost upright.

Cornerme said coldly,” I hope you have a long and happy life, Son. Maybe you can learn to drive a wagon with skill so your father won’t fall out of his mind. Now let us leave this terror, follow me,” said Cornerme sternly then he rode out around the wagons with Mrecton and Saycha right beside.

Saycha looked at the boy as he rode past him and mouthed the words,” I’m sorry.”

Inside the Magnex everyone was eyeing the countryside looking for Saycha.

Dorama asked,” If they wanted to get there the fastest which route would they take?”

“It’s hard to say, if they went by boat they would be far on their way to the Nestook. But if they took horses they would be about half as far along,” answered Dlarm as he looked at Dorama.

“What if they took both, meaning they took the boat down river ‘til they met up with a couple of horses. Where would that put them?” asked Jamce as he looked out the window and then at Dlarm.

“Well, if Krowny was telling the truth, and they left when he said, then by that route they would be very close to the Gobsty Grey right now. And it’s not much to get to the Nestook from there,” said Micavello as he sipped a glass of wine.