Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Drayne’s Humble Home

Far beneath the ground just moments after Saycha had cast the vacuum spell Cornerme, Mrecton, Dlarm, Micavello as well as Dorama and Drayne lay on a black pile of ash. Suddenly Dorama was startled awake and looked around nervously.

There was an enormous 3000 mile cavern with thousands of pillars made from human skeletons in every direction, reaching up to the ceiling which was a mile high. There were dozens of red and black jagged edged castles, with odd blue lights shining out of each. There was also dozens of black water pools with Drayne’s disciples bathing and lying on their backs in them.

There were countless black statues of Drayne popping up in every direction. There were also heads on pikes dotting the landscape, as well as a fiery inferno of green flames in the center of the cave that had Drayne’s personal castle raised high above it, with the flames stopping just before a staircase that led to the front door. It smelled of death and the air was heavy and toxic making every breath a labor to do. There were 100,000 charred men in loin clothes hammering away at a huge marble blocks, as they built Drayne a new temple to celebrate his divine right to rule over them.

There were also Bagag birds, which are similar to hawks, but have a head like a basketball with knurling wolf fangs and 12 inch claws on each wing. They are red in color with their eyes being yellow and glowing. The Bagags would pretend to be sleeping and when a person drew near they would pounce and rip them to shreds. On the walls were thousands of various suits of

armor as well as weapons being that Drayne was a collector of such things. All of Drayne’s followers looked miserable and depressed with their shoulders and heads leaning forward and not even a hint of a smile on their faces. There was a low droning song being sung by each of them titled,” Drayne is our greatest gift,” that was Drayne’s favorite and oddly enough he wrote it.

“There is reason to behave nice and good in life, and this is it,” said Dorama softly as she looked around in absolute shock and horror.

Dlarm woke up and looked around and saw Dorama. He walked over to her and said warmly,” It’s ok, Dorama, we won’t be here forever. There are ways to escape we just have to find them.”

“Dlarm, this is what bad gets. I…I don’t,” said Dorama as she fought back tears.

Dlarm hugged her, kissed her on the head and then Drayne said warmly,” Well isn’t that touching. Found a friend have we? I’m your only friend now.”

Dlarm and Dorama felt a chill go down their backs and then they turned to see Drayne standing up with his arms crossed and grinning from ear to ear.

Micavello awoke and looked over at Dlarm and gave him a nod and then said,” This is rock bottom, literally only it feels more like ash.”

“Those are burned human remains. I like a snack now and then, but some of you are too hard to chew for my licking. So we torch the bad ones and use them as a form of carpet. What do you think of it?” asked Drayne snidely and then he picked up Mrecton and said sternly,” Like this fool here who botched my escape. I wonder if you’re a good tasting one or a gamey one?


“Please, Lord Sectis, we did all we could. Let me make it up to you,” pleaded Mrecton as he tried in vain to escape Drayne’s grasp.

Drayne looked over at him, smiled and then gave him a lick. He said brightly,” I’ve got a way you can make it up to me.”

“Yes,” said Mrecton quickly as he looked up at Drayne.

“Good,” said Drayne happily then he bit off Mrecton’s head and shoulders. He started chewing vigorously with a smile on his face and laughed in between chews. He swallowed the rest of him and said happily,” See we’re all a fun bunch down here. And I like to do what I can to make you happy. Now that fella who was here a moment ago I had to rid him of his life, because it’s what I thought would make him happy.”

“He’s the kind of friend I dreamt of having as a boy,” said Micavello sarcastically as he looked at Dlarm and shook his head.

“Remind me not to make any new friends in this neighborhood,” said Dorama jokingly as she looked at Drayne in disgust and her hand trembled.

“Please speak up, I couldn’t hear your fine bit of whimsy, Pretty Lady,” said Drayne as he glared at Dorama and then he clapped his hands, sending a thundering sound through the cave and terrifying Dorama.

“I, I…,” said Dorama nervously as she stared at Drayne tongue tied.

“Leave her alone!” shouted Micavello. He said sternly,” She is weak, your battle is with us, Drayne! So let’s get to it you worthless bully!”

“Then so we shall and I’ll be back to dine with you after my dear,” said Drayne snidely then he stretched his shoulders out.

Micavello smiled and shouted,” Heamik thy death!”

A thousand bird shaped black bricks appeared and flew at Drayne hitting him in the head and dazing him.

Drayne gathered himself and grabbed a truck sized black boulder and threw it at Micavello.

Micavello lifted his staff and shouted,” Escapa wall be seft!”

Suddenly a wall of marble statues appeared in front of him 40 feet long. The boulder came barreling into them and smashed through all but one, causing Drayne to say snidely,” Nice trick, Magician, but tricks won’t be enough to save you.”

“I beg to differ,” said Micavello and then he shouted,” Pasor for taking!”

A blanket of sticky blue goo appeared and fell on top of Drayne. He was hardly able to move.

Dlarm said,” That should buy us some time, but we still need to find a way out of here.”

“That’s true, but we also can’t open up a way for Drayne to escape. Regardless we need a plan of attack,” said Dorama as she scanned around the cave.

Micavello looked around and he saw that there was a tunnel on the right side of the cavern and said boldly,” I see what might be a way out, but we have to get moving. That last spell won’t keep Drayne under wraps indefinitely.”

“Then let’s hurry, any place is better than here,” said Dlarm quickly as he buttoned his shirt.

Then they started running out around Drayne, careful to keep their distance and headed towards the tunnel.

“Go ahead and run, there’s no place to hide my sweets!” shouted Drayne as he struggled to move and then shouted at his minions,” Get me out of this, get some water!”

20 of his minions stopped working on his new castle and started slowly walking over to him.

Drayne shouted,” Hurry or it’s your heads!” and they continued walking slowly and acted as if he hadn’t said a word.

“Why aren’t his followers attacking us?” asked Dorama as she jogged past one within a few feet of her.

“Why would they, when death is far better than living,” said Dlarm as he jumped over a dead body on the ground.

“If we don’t find a way out of here it won’t be long before I fell the same way,” said Micavello as he cast a glance at Dorama.

“I’m with you,” said Dorama with a smile.

They ran past a small castle made form white marble and as they got around to the back they saw 50 half eaten men and women in a large pile. Dorama froze in her tracks and said quickly,” I didn’t need to see that right now.”

“Don’t look, Dorama, but please keep moving it’s very important that we reach the tunnel before Drayne gets free,” said Micavello as he took Dorama’s hand and gave it a gentle tug.

“Ok I’m sorry you’re right, but I pray there aren’t more piles like that or I’m going to lose it,” said Dorama anxiously as she tried not to vomit and then started jogging again beside Micavello.

In the morning at Baesar’s villa

Baesar came down the stairs and found Krowny and Jamce playing Duness. Krowny looked over at him and said brightly,” I thought you were going to bed.”

“I did, it’s morning now have you been playing that all night?” asked Baesar in disbelief as he walked over to the couch and sat down beside an asleep Saycha.

“Apparently so, boy that was a quick piece of time,” said Jamce happily as he grinned and then stretched out his hands.

“Well worth it though, we’ve mastered this Duness like you wouldn’t believe, Baesar,” said Krowny and then he picked up one of 5 empty bottles of wine on the table and took the last sip.

Baesar sat fully dressed in his red robe and black boots as well as his wizard’s cap and red sunglasses.

“Really, well you should have a good chance in the tournament if you’re not too exhausted.

I see you went through most of the wine, don’t worry about it. That’s why I have wine cellar. So there’s plenty more, Krowny, if you get thirsty,” said Baesar as he stood up, walked into the kitchen and opened a secret door behind the icebox and said,” It’s right down these stairs, Krowny.”

Krowny got up and walked over. He smiled and said as he looked in the secret door,” I’ll probably need a little more if I’m gonna be ready for the tournament, nerves and all.” Krowny went down into the wine cellar and a few seconds later he came back with 4 bottles of red wine.

Baesar just shook his head and smiled when he saw Krowny with the wine.

And then Jamce asked,” And when is that tournament anyway?”

“Right at 10 Stones, so I’d take a break and sleep for a couple of hours if I were you,” said Baesar as he walked back over to the couch and sat down.

“If I knock off now I’ll never wake up in time. I think I’ll try a bit of the Krowny breakfast and see if it gives me the courage I need to win the chest of coin loveliness,” said Jamce in a low dry voice then he went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and started drinking.

“What time is it now?” asked Krowny as he looked around for a clock and saw a grandfather clock on the left wall and walked over to it.

“Well I’m usually up at 8 Stones so it must be right around…” said Baesar.

“9 stones 3 quarters it says here,” said Krowny quickly then he turned to look at Baesar.

“I’m sorry my mistake, I must have overslept. You two need to hurry if you’re going to compete. The tournament’s being held at Mechamp Castle on the observation and workout deck.

Just get to that castle we rode under on the way here and you’ll be able to ask someone how to enter the tournament. But wait you need this,” said Baesar as he went to a dresser on the side of the couch and pulled out 2 large gold coins and then he gave them to Jamce,” Entry fees.”

“Thank you, Baesar, and we will see you much later I hope, goodbye,” said Jamce as he and Krowny hurried out the front door and hurried down to the Durions.

Saycha woke up and asked,” Where’d Jamce head off to?”

“The Duness tournament, he and Krowny will be back in a couple of hours if they’re lucky,”

said Baesar.

“Oh that’s right,” said Saycha while he yawned and stretched his arms and then continued,”

I really hope they win that would really be something to see.”

“It would be the funniest thing ever if they beat all the other teams with only one day’s practice. I would be truly shocked. Ok, Saycha, what do you want for breakfast? I’ve got Guros, Xstepys and Palant baby back ribs,” asked Baesar as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

“I’m a rib man, but a Guros would be great too please,” said Saycha as he started playing with the Duness game.

“After breakfast we’ll go up on the roof and start practicing spells. There’s also something I want to show you that you might find interesting,” said Baesar as he took out the 2 racks of ribs and 2 Guros and started cooking them (using a large pan that covered half the stove).

“Sounds great,” said Saycha as he toyed with his Duness warrior.

Tarms Road

Meanwhile Jamce and Krowny were racing down the Tarms Road at lightning speed with Jamce driving the Durion. They came to the Mechamp castle and saw a stream of people going up a staircase into the castle. Jamce said boldly,” This must be it, look at all those people let’s ask one of them.”

“Good idea,” said Krowny quickly.

They climbed down off the Durion and walked up to a white haired Bodifit and Jamce asked,” Which way to the Duness tournament?”

The man turned around and it was Kameal. He looked at Krowny in shock and said nervously,” It’s, it’s up those stairs and to the left.”

“Thanks,” said Jamce with a smile and then he ran up the stairs with Krowny quick behind.

At the top of the stairs they found a small 15 foot long and 8 foot wide room, with a small brown wood desk in the center of the room with 2 identical green haired women sitting behind it.

On the back wall was a painting of Wanrol Cawo bare chested riding a baby Palant bareback with a golden key in his right hand. The other 2 walls were covered in a black fur. The floor was white and black marble and had 3 small rectangular rugs strewn in front of the desk (that had Palants fighting one another sewn onto them in vivid colors).

The women behind the desk were very beautiful and had curvaceous figures. They were wearing matching white flowing cotton dresses and saddle shoes, as well as black diamond necklaces.

“Is this the sign up for the Duness tournament?” asked Jamce as he tried to catch his breath.

“Well, said Bacy as she looked at her timepiece and then said,” I guess we can let one more team in, but I want you to know we just turned away another team cause they were late.”

“I thank you for that, it was nice of you. Here is our entry,” said Jamce as he handed Bacy the 2 gold coins and then asked,” How soon ‘til we get started?”

Bacy took the coins and put them into a large chest that was almost filled and said,” Right now, you better hurry or they’ll disqualify you. You’re in the last row on the right bye.”

“Thank you, I’ll see ya later,” said Jamce and then he and Krowny hurried into the large dining hall where the tournament was set up.

There are 18 rows of tables filled with Duness boards from one end to the other. The walls of the dining hall have a huge mural of Fampur’s battle with Yecky.

Fampur Bap was a ruthless ruler over the Aram people and he was challenged to a fight for rule by a lowly peasant Yecky Pista. And under the law at the time Fampur had to honor one challenge per year or give over his crown and lose his reign. The 2 men met on an empty green grass field and each took a dagger of their choosing. The last man standing was the victor in a fight to the death. Fampur’s personal assistant fired a flaming arrow into the sky and the battle began. Then Yecky (who was a master of the blade) reared back and threw his dagger at Fampur and caught him right in the center of the chest. After a few gasps Fampur fell to the ground and died. Yecky became the new ruler and as his first act as ruler he divided up his power under several friends and thus, the current system was in place.

“Is this us?” asked Jamce as he pointed to 2 empty seats and looked at an official standing nearby.

“Yes, you’re just in time. Please take your seats,” said Youple, the rules official who was wearing a tan vest and red dress shirt.

“That’s what I like to hear, thank you. Alright, Krowny, remember our strategy and do not deviate,” said Jamce sternly then he shook Krowny’s shoulder.

The 2 men they were playing were Bet and Rapur Glomol (a pair of brothers with Bet being the oldest). Bet has tan skin and red hair as does Rapur, but his hair is long. They were each wearing black sweaters, but Rapur had on a white turtle neck.

“Hi there, Sons, hope to have a good match with you, I’m Krowny and this is Jamce,” said Krowny as he shook Bet’s hand and Rapur’s.

“Nice to meet you I’m Bet and this is Rapur. Do you play much Duness?” asked Bet then he winked at Rapur.

“Oh God yeah, we’ve been playing this game for 10 years. Yeah, we love it and especially playing tournaments. We’ve already won a dozen of these things. How ‘bout you?” asked Jamce with a grin.

“We’ve only been playing for a few months,” said Rapur sadly as he started to sweat.

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that, well good luck,” said Jamce and then he looked at Bet and shrugged his shoulders.

Bet and Rapur looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. The tourney chairman hit a huge set of chimes in the back of the room and shouted,” Go get your gold friends!” and the tournament was started.

Jamce took his warrior and instantly stabbed Bet’s right in the leg and sent him back 2 steps, while Jamce’s black warrior raced into a tunnel with Krowny blocking the tunnel with his warrior.

Bet said defiantly,” You can’t do that it’s bad sportsmanship.”

“So is losing, see ya at the top, Boys,” said Jamce happily as he jumped his warrior into a train car and zoomed up the mountain untouched.

At the bottom of Deabo’s peak Krowny was slashing at Bet and Rapur as fast as he could with his sword, but then Rapur caught him in the head and he fell onto his back. Rapur’s warrior raced by and Rapur said snidely,” Nice try Old Man, but your years are catchin’ up with ya and I’m runnin’ to the top.”

“You little rascal, we will see,” said Krowny smoothly as he got his warrior up on his feet and hurried after Rapur and Bet.

Jamce’s warrior ducked a huge boulder and then jumped out of the train car and side stepped a trap door. Then he lunged at the Cyclops and caught him in the hip. The Cyclops fell back, but swung his chainmail at Jamce and almost took his head off causing Jamce to shout,” No thank you to that you one-eyed weirdo!”

Jamce’s warrior jumped up and sliced the Cyclops left arm off and Jamce yelled,” The end is nigh, one more blow and the coin is ours!”

Rapur’s yellow warrior came running up behind Jamce’s, but didn’t sidestep the trap door and fell back down to the level below and Rapur shouted,” I am cursed!”

Jamce did a swirling sword blow and cut the Cyclops’ torso off and then the top of Deabo’s peak opened up. A dumbwaiter brought the gold coin to the top of the mountain. While the song,” Let’s start and end this quick,” played and all of the trees on the mountain started to spin and light up.

Jamce grabbed the gold coin and shouted,” You should respect your elders young ones,

‘cause you know we were here first my friends, whooaa!”

Bet and Rapur looked at each other and grimaced. The tournament official named Nod Peck came over to Jamce and said,” You are our first round winners. May I please show you to the

winner’s lounge, where you’ll wait until the next round?” asked Nod warmly as he motioned with his hand..

“Yes you may indeed, let’s foot it, Krowny,” said Jamce as he waved the gold coin in Bet’s face. Quickly he followed Nod out of the dining hall and into a lavish living room next door with Krowny right behind.

The living room is 50 feet long and 40 feet wide and has 14 foot ceilings. There are 8 snake shaped couches that are interconnected and run the length of the room (and they sat in the center). There are also Cosplop statues littered around the room.

Cosplop statues are 3 foot high statues that depict different animals standing straight up, with their heads in the air like Palant’s and Canto. They are made by Cosplop Basro, a world renowned artist who is 148 years old, but still vibrant enough to create his masterpieces. He was a lethal swordsman in his youth who had killed over 100 men. He also was well known for his 3

minute d flat which sent shivers down people’s backs again and again.

There are also 30 wind up piano’s against each of the 4 walls that you could either play or they could play themselves. They are made from various different colored woods, marble, copper, gold and even glass. Above them are glass cases set into the wall with all of Wanrol’s favorite pets inside like a Bavelip (which is a tiger ape mix) as well as a Blap bird.

The Blap bird has 4 heads and 2 sets of wings and is typically dark green in color. Its face looks like a dolphin’s, but with green feathers and blue eyes.

“Boy this is the life old, Krowny, my friend. Just look at where we are now, huh,” said Jamce implying a question then he ran up and jumped on the couch butt first.

“Please be careful that couch as well as everything else in this castle, is very expensive and treasured by the Cawo family. Now just wait here and someone will bring you some snacks

while you wait for the other teams to conclude their matches. And now I must leave you,” said Nod and then he went back into the dining hall.

Krowny took a look around and said,” So this is it, if you have money you just buy a lot of weird stuff.”

“That’s the nature of cash it’s meant to be spent. You just settle in, Krowny, we may be here for a while,” said Jamce as he crossed his legs and smiled.

“Give me a minute to take in all this splendor,” said Krowny as he looked around. “An old man like myself doesn’t get a lot of chances to see these sorts of things. Unlike a healthy young lad like yourself who will see them 100 times over, isn’t that beautiful,” said Krowny as he looked at an ornate marble piano and then up above it to see a Blap staring right at him blankly causing him to ask,” Whoaa penny pie, what on Pabstrum is that and how can I get one?”

Jamce turned around, looked and said calmly,” Oh that’s just one of those Blap birds.

They’ll peck your eyes out if you’re not careful.”

In came 2 men named Bonavic Shiel and Pradom. Beatsh, Bonavic is 6’0 180 pounds and has sandy blonde long hair. He also has dark purple eyes and is very handsome. He is wearing a black leather trench coat and a black pair of jeans, as well as a red flowing silk shirt and tan shoes that have Musa charms on them.

Musa charms are tiny silver statues of the keeper of the entrance to Boksoa (or the depot between the 4 afterlife’s, the Underworld, the Shining Sky, Corvrit, and the Great Gautral where only a select few earned entrance. They are meant to shield you from bad karma fluxes and hateful thoughts.

Pradom Beatsh is 6’2 186 pounds. He has short silver hair with gold streaks running through it that is parted to the side and frozen in place. He has a triangular jaw and large white teeth. His

eyes are serious and orange in color. He has on a dark green robe and a blue diamond necklace (that had the letters G.A.M. carved into the center diamond). He also has on a pair of red leather boots with a dagger attached to the side of the left boot.

“Hello, Gents, I’m Jamce and this is Krowny welcome to my home,” said Jamce slyly as he waved his right arm in a circle.

“This is your place it’s an absolute wonder. Then you must be Wanrol’s son,” said Bonavic as he walked over and extended his hand and then said,” I’m Bonavic and this is Pradom. Ya know it’s a nice gesture to greet the winners individually. I think that is the right way to do it.”

“Well, Bonavic, we felt it was the least we could do. Oh and thank you for the compliment on our castle it means a lot. So, Bonavic, how long have you been playing Duness?” asked Jamce warmly and then he patted the seat next to him and Bonavic nodded and sat down.

“About 5 years now, Pradom and I have never lost a match as a team. I hate to say it, but the other teams don’t really have a chance at beating us,” said Bonavic proudly as he smiled and looked down at his hands.

“Really why’s that?” asked Krowny as he sat down on the other side of Bonavic.

“We have this move where we flip over one of the train cars as we run by and trap the other players behind it, while I race to the top. It’s just, if they knew we were going to do it they would just climb the right ladder and probably beat me to the top. Since they don’t…they don’t have enough time to back track through the tunnel and get to the ladder before I’ve already beaten them. It’s an unbeatable move I must say,” said Bonavic smoothly as he smiled.

Jamce smiled and looked over at Krowny and then Bonavic and said,” Well all’s fair in battle. I’m glad to see you developed a strategy. And as it sounds an unbeatable one at that.”

In strode Nod and he had a tray of Canto finger sandwiches and set them down on the golden piano and said brightly,” There is plenty of food here for all of you. And I’d like to tell you that your match will be starting soon. So I’d start preparing yourselves.”

“Great, but who will we be playing we’re the only team here?” asked Bonavic as he walked over and grabbed a finger sandwich and took a bite.

“Jamce and Krowny of course,” said Nod as he pointed to Jamce who was grinning on the couch and looking at Bonavic.

Bonavic looked at Jamce angrily and then said sternly,” You tricked us.”

“It was just part of our strategy, but go ahead and use your unbeatable trick ‘cause I promise I won’t try the ladder,” said Jamce slyly as he stood up and walked over to the piano. He grabbed 2 finger sandwiches and devoured them and then asked,” Boy I can’t wait for our match, how

‘bout you?”

Bonavic glared at Jamce who was smiling from ear to ear.

Bonavic pointed to Pradom and said sternly,” We have to talk, follow me.”

Bonavic left the room with Pradom right behind.

Nod said firmly,” Ok you need to take your seats at your table your match starts in 2


“What happens if they don’t get there in time?” asked Krowny as he grabbed a sandwich and ate it.

“Disqualified of course, so please hurry you’re the last one on the right,” said Nod.

Jamce and Krowny hurried to their table and sat down.

Meanwhile Bonavic and Pradom were in the hallway talking.

“I’ve got an idea alright…we use the same strategy we were going to. If we’re lucky they won’t be smart enough to stop us ok,” said Bonavic as he grinned at Pradom.

“I’m with you, let’s wipe the floor with ‘em,” said Pradom boldly then he patted Bonavic on the shoulders and nodded in agreement.

Bonavic and Pradom walked back into the living room and saw that Jamce and Krowny were gone and only Nod was there.

Nod turned to them and said,” You’d better hurry or you’ll lose your match.”

“Oh no c’mon, Pradom!” said Bonavic nervously as he grabbed Pradom’s arm and started running through the living room and then into the dining hall.

Bonavic scanned the room frantically and then he spotted Jamce. Jamce smiled at him and tapped his wrist. Bonavic ran full speed over to where Jamce was and sat down in his spot quickly (with Pradom sitting down a second later).

“You just made it, Gentlemen. Now let’s have ourselves a match,” said Jamce smoothly as he grabbed his joystick.

Krowny grabbed his as did Bonavic and Pradom. An auburn haired female official named Kata said sternly,” Start…now!”

Bonavic’s warrior shot for the train car, but Jamce saw this and went right for the ladder.

Meanwhile Krowny’s warrior followed Bonavic and exchanged sword blows with Pradom.

Bonavic got to the train car and used his sword to get it to derail and then said snidely,” Your Larce is cooked now, better days of luck tomorrow.”

“I wouldn’t count on it,” said Jamce as his warrior ducked a pair of swinging tree logs and continued up the ladder.

Bonavic’s warrior ran full speed through the train tunnel while Krowny and Pradom exchanged blows behind the derailed train car. Krowny sliced off Pradom’s warrior’s leg and sent him to the ground. Bonavic side-stepped the trapdoor and ducked a saw blade. He came out of the tunnel and said snidely,” Look who’s on top of the mountain.”

Jamce’s warrior climbed the last rung and appeared in front of Bonavic. Jamce said snidely,” Look who else is on top of the mountain.” Jamce’s warrior sliced at Bonavic’s hitting him in the shoulder and cutting off his left arm. Jamce said snidely,” How ‘bout a handshake, Old Buddy.”

“I’m not defeated yet, taste my sword,” said Bonavic as he stabbed Jamce’s warrior in the chest and sent him onto his back and then said,” Ha, ha you’ll be my victim in a moment.”

Bonavic’s warrior raced at Jamce’s and tried to cut hid head off, but Jamce moved him out of the way at the last second as he rolled to the left. Jamce’s warrior stood up and ran a half circle around Bonavic’s. Bonavic was surprised and didn’t know what to do and he shouted,”

Stop running in a circle you Lunatic!”

Jamce’s kept running and Jamce himself was laughing. Then Jamce’s warrior did a jumping blow and cut off Bonavic’s warrior’s other arm. Jamce shouted,” Now I will feast on your defeat!”

He sliced off Bonavic’s warrior’s legs and torso and the head fell to the ground helplessly and Bonavic shouted,” All is lost!”

“Now it’s just me and the Cyclops. I must be brave and swift and do my ultimate rage to defeat my foe,” said Jamce as he inched closer to the Cyclops. He sliced at the leg of the Cyclops, but the Cyclops blocked his blow with its chainmail.

“Ha, ha, ha, now what are you going to do?” asked Bonavic happily.

“Just a little secret maneuver,” replied Jamce as he grinned. “Ya see his chainmail is wrapped around my sword, so all’s I have to do is back up,” said Jamce as he backed his warrior up quickly and pulled the Cyclops’ chainmail off right along with his right arm. Jamce said calmly,” Now the hard part is over and me and my one eyed chum will only fight a short bit longer.”

The Cyclops ran at Jamce and tackled him. This knocked his warrior to the ground. The Cyclops started pummeling Jamce’s warrior but Jamce started frantically moving his joystick in every direction in an effort to break free. Then he accidentally hit his sword thrust button and it split the Cyclops in half, but its top half kept fighting.

Jamce started hitting his sword button over and over and finally he hit the Cyclops in the head and was able to break free. Jamce stood up and thundered,” There is a God and he owes me one large gold coin!”

Everyone in the room looked over at him in shock and Jamce just waved, smiled and then sat back down. The gold coin came out of the top of the mountain and Krowny grabbed it and pretended to bite it hard. Krowny said,” Yeah, that’s winner’s gold.”

Meanwhile back at Baesar’s villa

Saycha and Baesar were up on the roof practicing spells next to the pool.

“OK, Saycha, to create a dozen diamond blades and hurl them you shout what?” asked Baesar as he stood to the right of Saycha.

“Blivin Domicu to motion!” shouted Saycha and instantly the dozen diamond blades appeared and Saycha shot them straight up into the sky.

“Good, very good now if you want the ground beneath Drayne to turn to quicksand then what?” asked Baesar as he put his hand to his mouth.

“Cromple ground be loose!” shouted Saycha as he aimed the spell at the pool and it filled with quicksand.

“Good spell, you’re starting to commit them to memory. We won’t be swimming any time soon, but it’s too chilly this time of day anyway. Ok one more then we’ll take a break. If you want to create a swirling bottle filled with a 1000 pound stone and drop it on Drayne, what do you whisper?” asked Baesar softly as he glanced at Saycha.

Saycha thought for a second and then said softly,” Halum done very.”

A 16 inch red bottle appeared above the side of the house and broke open. Suddenly a thousand pound stone fell into the garden below.

“Ahh not my black roses, well…gardens come and go, but nice work you’re learning your spells very quickly that bodes well. Now we’ll take a break and I have something I want to show you that you might find interesting. It’s right over here,” said Baesar warmly then he walked over to the far end of the pool with Saycha walking right beside him.

Saycha saw the statue of Havermo Blemsink and his jaw dropped and he asked stunned,”

He’s a dead ringer for me, is that Havermo?”

“It is indeed your intuition serves you well. This was you one day, now you know where you came from. Havermo was the best of us, Saycha, and I believe that you are too,” said Baesar honestly as he put his hand on Saycha’s shoulder.

“It’s a strange thing to think that all this is possible, but I can’t deny it anymore. I mean look at this statue the only difference is he has bigger ears and a mustache and that is it,” said Saycha

as he reached out and touched the nose of the statue and then said,” Amazing, truly amazing, Baesar.”

“Ok, Saycha, why don’t we go grab a snack and then get back to work on your spells. We’ve got a lot done, but we still have a long way to go before you’re ready,” said Baesar brightly then he started towards the stairs.

“We’ll get there, I just pray it’s in time,” said Saycha as he turned and took one last look at the statue of Havermo and smiled.

Back in the Underworld

Dorama, Micavello, and Dlarm were finally at the tunnel. The tunnel is perfectly round and 70 feet high. It has hundreds of burrowed out holes on the sides and there are also marble huts every few feet that are 20 feet tall and shaped like churches. They have black marble statues of all the great wizards from all time in front of each of them (2 per hut). The ground of the cave was black marble and had nary an imperfection to be seen. The tunnel was lit by red torches on the front of each hut, but it turned completely black about a mile in the distance.

“This looks like an improvement that’s for certain,” said Dorama as she jogged into the cave and then said,” I need to take a break my legs are giving out.”

“Mine too, we’ll have to walk from here at least for a little while,” said Dlarm as he put his hands on his hips and stopped jogging.

“Well then we’ll just have to periodically look over our shoulders and watch out for Drayne.

I don’t know what this is, but it doesn’t look like it would be a place for Drayne to spend much time in,” said Micavello as he walked beside Dorama and Dlarm looked around.

“No, it really doesn’t look like he’s been in here at all. How could that be?” asked Dorama as he looked around at the marble huts.

“I don’t know, but there has to be a reason. Let’s just keep moving forward and hope that Drayne keeps his distance. There’s something odd about this tunnel I can’t put my finger on it,”

said Micavello as he looked around perplexed.

Then large Hairums came scurrying out of the holes in the tunnel walls.

Hairums’ are blue wolf like creatures, but they have 3 sets of yellow teeth and glowing yellow eyes. They also have 5 inch claws and are the size of a small car. They have a spiked spine that comes out of their backs. They have a long black tail with a hardened flesh hammer like knob at the end (that could take your head off if it hit you).

“Hairums!” shouted Dlarm as he saw the Hairums coming out of the walls by the hundreds.

Micavello shouted,” I’ve got this Corkted Dremifix for taking!”

A large green bubble the size of a house formed around all the 3 of them. When the Hairums ran into the bubble they burst into flames. The ones that didn’t ran off screaming a high pitched scream.

“Nice work, but how long will this spell last?” Dlarm asked as he looked at Micavello concerned.

“Not long enough,” said Micavello as he watched dozens of Hairums hit the green bubble and burst into flames.

“Why don’t we make for that hut? It looks like it’s close enough,” said Dorama anxiously as she looked at Micavello.

Micavello looked at the hut and said sternly,” There’s a good chance we can make it, but we’ll have to run for it at the exact moment this spell wears off, which will be any second, so let’s get moving!”

Micavello, Dorama and Dlarm ran full speed towards the hut and the edge of the bubble.

And just as they got close to the edge of the bubble it disappeared.

“Hold my hand, Dorama, I can protect you!” shouted Dlarm as he took hold of her hand.

They ran around 2 flaming Hairum carcasses and past a burning live one that tried to bite Dorama, but missed barely. As they ran up the front steps a Hairum jumped down in front of them and Dlarm shouted,” Portepeco be death!”

A black steel vice appeared and locked onto the sides of the Hairum and crushed it flat. This sent blood and guts shooting out the sides. They ran around the vice and up to the dark brown c shaped door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Micavello turned and saw 3 Hairums closing in and he shouted,” Ccoub missed to take!”

A lime green truck sized Palant appeared and started stomping and running into the Hairums. Dlarm looked at the door and shouted,” The keys be Corulm!”

The door turned into a pain of blue glass and Dlarm smashed it with his staff. Then he lifted up Dorama and carried her over the broken glass and into the hut.

Micavello came running in after them and turned to face the doorway and shouted,” Ironis by Devot!”

There where the door had been a huge 3 foot thick steel door appeared and kept them safe (for the moment). Inside the hut there was only a dim red light in the corner illuminating the room.

Dlarm shouted,” For light I ask!”

The hut was filled with a brilliant white light. The room had 4 carved dark wood chairs made to look like people sitting down (in a row facing the front door). There was also a perfectly round 6 foot wide crystal table in front of the chairs that had a book, a bottle of bourbon, and a dozen different colored 3 foot long staffs lined up in a row. The book was titled,” The Waning Years,” and was a biographical story of the great red wizard Valvorder Picks (who was the last wizard of any color to have visited Corvrit and returned).

Corvrit is a phase of life just after death where you stayed and enjoyed every pleasure you had been denied in life, for as many years as it took for you to feel whole again.

Valvorder had used a combination of 3 spells and the mix thrust him through to Corvrit. He stayed there for the equivalent of 8 summers on Pabstrum, but upon his return he said it felt more like a month. Upon returning he went the rest of his life with a slight smile on his face. And when asked about it he said simply,” Your urges are still your wants, mine are only my needs.”

There is also a pair of triangle shaped safes next to each other on the right wall, with a flat piece of ivory connecting the 2 points to form a table that has 3 cigars lying in a row on top. Next to the entrance there is a pile of different colored robes on one side and a pile of books containing various spells on the other. The floor has a thick white cashmere rug on it with small silver Canto statues at the ends of the rug holding it in place. On the walls there are petrified birds of over 3 dozen species lined up in a row.

“This is a drastic improvement. And it doesn’t look like Drayne has spent much time here,”

said Dorama as she walked over and sat down in one of the chairs.

As she did the chair turned into Valvorder and he asked,” Are we comfy, My Sweet?”

Valvorder Picks has long flowing bright yellow hair, with several pendants tied into the hair to form a star. He also has light orange, curly beard that has a dark blue diamond attached to it on

his chin. His nose is long and thick and looks like a baseball bat. On his left cheek is a tattoo of a Larce bird with its beak stabbed into the side of a Palant head. He is 6’4” and very thin, but has large thick feet and hands. He is wearing a pentagon shaped red emerald pendant around his neck, as well as several large gold and silver rings on both hands. He also has on a flowing white silk robe and a pair of brown leather boots that have a painting of him smiling on each of their tips.

Dorama jumped up quickly off of his lap and let out a shriek. She hurried over to Micavello and Dlarm.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” asked Micavello sternly as he stared at Valvorder.

Valvorder stood up and smiled. He shouted,” Pensy cic dommel!”

A pair of large fiery snakes appeared and headed for Micavello who saw this and shouted,”

Binn pove naw!”\

A dozen machetes appeared and made quick work of the snakes slicing them to pieces one at a time.

“Nice spell, well you’re not a group of total idiots. I am Valvorder and this is my home and sanctuary, so please watch the rugs. Now I must ask what you are doing here and why is my door now made of steel?” asked Valvorder warmly as he walked over and tapped the steel door and sighed.

“I am sorry about that we were trying to escape those horrible creatures that came out of the cave walls,” said Dlarm plainly as he looked at Valvorder puzzled by his appearance.

“Oh the Hairum’s, yes they can be treacherous, but all you have to do is use the horrible scream spell which is…ah, yes Abano Poto belaver. And then a sound that only they can hear

will send them running for their lives. Still I’ll ask again what on Pabstrum are you doing here, does it involve Drayne that would be my guess?” asked Valvorder as he walked over and poured a glass of Bourbon. He calmly sat down in a chair on the left side of the room.

“Well that is the right guess, what happened was a vacuum spell was used to vanquish Drayne and myself and my 2 friends were sucked in as well. And now we’re trying frantically to find a way back to Pabstrum before Drayne does us in,” said Micavello as he walked over and sat down beside Valvorder.

“Fascinating, your own spell backfired on you. I can’t tell you how many times that very thing has happened to me over the years. Still, it is to be expected with a vacuum spell why were you so careless?” asked Valvorder then he took a drink from his bourbon.

“It wasn’t I who cast it, it was a friend of ours Saycha who is the reincarnation of Havermo Blemsink,” said Micavello as he looked at Valvorder.

“Havermo Blemsink! That scourge of the world, that worthless egocentric pompous Palant Excrement! How dare he come back and draw breath! After all his dirty tricks that sent many a wizard to a premature afterlife he has the nerve to come back for a second helping! This infuriates me to no end where is this Wretch Right Now?!” asked Valvorder as he glared at the wall in front of him and clenched his fist tightly.

“Calm down, please he is in Pabstrum and the person we know Saycha is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. It’s not what you think, really,” said Micavello calmly as he looked at Valvorder.

“Saycha is it, well you know what I say, I say I’ll personally help you escape the Underworld, but if I do I am really going to have to meet this Saycha,” said Valvorder warmly as he half smiled at everyone.

“But you were just furious that Havermo had come back 2 seconds ago,” said Dorama as she looked at Valvorder in disbelief.

“Oh don’t mind that I was just taken aback. Ya see Havermo and I were friends once and I’d buried him in my mind years ago, so his reincarnation came as a bit of a shock needless to say.

But let’s not worry about that we need to get you back to Pabstrum and there might be a way to do it,” said Valvorder happily and then he stood up and walked over to his 2 safes and shouted,”

Arondo be open!” Then both safes opened and he grabbed a red leather 13 inch book as well as 2

dozen Cassit’s.

A Cassit is a precast spells locked inside different colored hard and smooth glass balls, that when you threw them at a person or a thing they would cast the spell inside them on that person or thing. Cassit’s are difficult to make, because of the precision of capturing a spell in the glass the instant before they are unleashed.

Valvorder reached into the back of the safe and opened a secret compartment. He pulled out a 2 inch black staff with 3 Larce birds attacking a Palant at its peak and a red crystal inside. He took the staff and kissed it and then whispered to it,” Konpento valarium be thus.”

Instantly the staff increased in size to 6 feet long in his hand. He started for the door.

“Where are you going?” asked Dorama quickly.

“We have a long journey ahead of us if you ever want to get back to Pabstrum now would be the time to start wouldn’t you say?” asked Valvorder as he looked at Dorama with a grin.

Micavello stood up and said,” You are absolutely right, the sooner the better, but I need a drink before I travel.” Micavello picked up the bottle of bourbon and drank all of its contents and then said,” And let there be swift travel and also good fortune.”

“Well put, but what about Drayne?” asked Dlarm as he patted Dorama on the shoulder and looked over at Valvorder.

“No worry he’s terrified of the Hairum’s, if he came after us it would be a first,” said Valvorder and as he turned and then shouted,” Cears salap shatter me fist!”

A swirling circle of fists appeared and then started to punch the steel door repeatedly, causing it to bend inward so much so that it fell forward.

It made a thunderous sound and then Dorama said,” It pays to knock.”

Everyone went outside and started down the tunnel when the Hairums started to come out of their holes.

Valvorder shouted,” Abano poto belaver!”

The Hairums stopped in their tracks and started to shake. They turned and ran back into their holes. Valvorder pointed down the tunnel and said coldly,” That darkness is where we’re heading, so be ready.”

They started down the tunnel as fast as they could walk.

Back at the Duness tournament

Jamce and Krowny had just found out who they’d be facing in the finals. They sat in the living room and waited for their match to start.

“So it’s those 2 geezers, well I’m not impressed, Krowny, not in the least little old bit,” said Jamce as he sat on the couch and folded his arms. He looked down the couch at Papso and Cernic Ways (their opponents in the finals).

Papso Ways is 5’4” 135 pounds and has a bald square in the center of his head of white hair.

He also has thick red eyebrows that are curly. His eyes are pure white and his teeth are green and

crooked. He also has a j shaped nose that moves when he talks. His hands are filled with broken fingers from all of his bar fighting years. He is wearing a blue long sleeved shirt that has 5 little pockets (with the heads of wizard’s dolls popping out of them). He also has on a pair of red cotton shorts that have no pockets. He has on black chess shoes and red socks.

Cernic Ways (Papso’s wife) is 5’8” 158 pounds and has dark black hair with a star shaped emerald braided into her hair in the front. She also has the lightest of blue eyes and thick red pouty lips. Her nose looks like a cat’s and gives her a unique countenance that is warm and friendly. She is very fit and has a nice figure. She is wearing a black cashmere sweater that she has sewn herself and it has the words,” I only love this man forever and then I’m single,” sewn into the right sleeve with white thread. She also has on a knee high white flowing dress and a pair of brown leather boots (as well as green diamond earrings and a black lace choker).

“Careful, Jamce, the older the honey the richer the taste,” said Krowny as he perused their opponents. “If my guess is right then they’ve been practicing for decades and that spells trouble.

Like big trouble for us,” said Krowny as he scratched his forearm.

“It’s time, Jamce, and, Krowny, please follow,” said Nod then he started walking towards the dining hall.

“Well, we’ll find out won’t we my, Dear Friend. Remember our strategy and we might win this yet,” said Jamce as he stood up and took one last glance at Papso and Cernic.

“Well our chances our 50/50, so we’ve got that at least,” said Krowny slyly as he walked out of the room beside Jamce.

They entered the dining hall and there was a single table in the center that was perched on top of a large platform (with all the other competitors surrounding it who cheered when Jamce and Krowny came in, but only for a few seconds then stopped abruptly).

Jamce and Krowny climbed a set of boxes up to their seats and sat down. Then in came Papso and Cernic and the room exploded with applause and Jamce said,” A bit of a home town crowd I can see. We’re gonna need to be ready for anything, Krowny.”

“Don’t worry about me I’m too old to get nervous,” said Krowny slyly then he cracked his knuckles and yelled,” Wheee buddie!”

Jamce just looked over at him, rolled his eyes and smiled. Then Papso and Cernic sat down and the applause stopped and Papso asked snidely,” You wanna just quit now and save a little time?”

“Sure, right after we get the gold coin. How’s that sound, Geezer?” asked Jamce jokingly as he grinned at Papso.

“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, Sonny,” said Cernic as she looked at Jamce and grimaced.

“I think it involves a chest of gold beyond that who cares, Granny,” said Jamce smoothly then he pretended to hold his breath.

Nod shouted,” Be ready, be just for the start is upon us!”

All the lights in the room except the candles on the platform went out. Jamce and Krowny grabbed their joysticks as did Papso and Cernic and started the Duness match. Jamce’s warrior ran towards the train car and as he got there he stabbed the wheels, it flipped over blocking the tunnel with everyone stuck behind it.

Papso said,” Hey that’s cheating he can’t do that.”

“There is no cheating in Duness,” said Nod as he shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s ok you just didn’t know what you were getting yourself into, Gramps,” said Jamce smoothly as he tried not to laugh.

Jamce’s warrior hurried up the mountain tunnel while Papso and Cernic tried to move the train car with their sword thrusts.

Meanwhile Krowny was behind them trying to slice them in half. Papso hit the train just hard enough where he could sneak by, but Krowny sliced off his left arm. Cernic sliced off Krowny’s leg and his warrior fell onto its side and Krowny said sadly,” You’re on your own, Jamce.”

“No matter I can still win it,” said Jamce as his warrior ran and ducked a large boulder that came out of the hidden hole. He then ducked a crossbow’s arrows and shouted,” Whoa that was close I am rollin’ now!”

Meanwhile Papso was running up the tunnel a ways back and dodged a large hammer that came out of the wall. He shouted,” This old ticker is beatin’ now. You better hurry, Young One!”

Jamce’s warrior jumped over the trap door and ran up to the summit. When he ran at the Cyclops it nearly killed him with a sword thrust. Then the Cyclops swung its chainmail at Jamce’s legs and Jamce jumped over it and sliced off its arm that had the chainmail. The Cyclops ran at him, but Jamce’s warrior started running in a circle. He sliced off the Cyclops’ other arm and laughed loudly.

Papso’s warrior came running out of the tunnel and just barely missed an arrow. Jamce saw him and said,” Thanks for joining the party.”

Jamce sliced off Papso’s warrior’s other arm and Papso shouted,” How could you do that!

You are a cruel player!” And then he said frantically,” Cernic, please hurry or we’ve lost!”

“Take your time,” said Jamce as he jumped onto the Cyclops’s chest and sliced him down the middle into 2 halves.

Jamce yelled triumphantly,” ‘Cause the winners are already here!”

The Cyclops fell and the mountain opened up and the song,” Let’s start and end this quick,”

started to play as the gold coin rose to the top. Jamce grabbed the coin and started dancing in a circle and laughing like a lunatic (this while no one in the crowd clapped at all). Then Nod came over with the huge chest of gold coins as well as all the prize winning pies and a case of bourbon, and set them down in front of Jamce and Krowny.

Nod said firmly,” I’d be careful leaving the crowd looks restless.”

Jamce looked at all the angry faces and said,” You’ve got a good point there. I think we’ll do just that, Kind Sir.”

Up walked Saycha and Baesar and Saycha smiled and asked,” I just got here, how’d you do?”

“Saycha, Baesar, well to put it bluntly, we destroyed, devastated, and humiliated every player in the tournament,” said Jamce as he shrugged his shoulders.

“So you won then, great I’ll never hear the end of this one that’s for sure,” said Saycha as he smiled and hugged Jamce.

“That’s for certain, I thought you were practicing spells what happened with that?” asked Jamce as he patted the chest of gold and picked up one of the pies and took a bite.

“We got through a hundred and we’ll try another hundred tomorrow. Try chewing, Jamce, you’re eating like a Canto,” said Saycha as he watched Jamce eat ravenously.

“Chewing’s for fools, it ends up in the same place regardless. You’ve got to try one of these pies,” said Jamce as he danced happily.

“I’m not hungry, but thanks,” said Saycha.

“What’s on our plate for this evening?” asked Jamce while he ate like a starving man.

“There’s a band playing at the Hortabetty Trough. We wanted to see if you were up for it?”

asked Baesar as he smiled at Jamce’s dancing.

“Always, what’s the band’s moniker?” asked Jamce as he smiled and danced around the chest.

“The Rafftracks they’re supposed to be exceptional. How ‘bout you, Krowny, are you up for it?” asked Baesar as he looked at Krowny.

“As happy as I am right now you better believe I’m ready to party. When are we going?”

asked Krowny.

“Right now, the show is in 30 minutes. You need any help with that chest?” asked Saycha.

“What this chest filled with gold coins that we just won!” shouted Jamce and then he said softly,” Yeah it’s a bit heavy.”

“Done deal,” said Saycha as he grabbed hold of one side.

Jamce grabbed the other side and started to carry it out of the castle, while Krowny carried the bourbon and Baesar the pies. They loaded everything into Baesar’s white wood, 2 story 50

foot long wagon and headed back to his villa.

His wagon has hundreds of faces carved into the wood and the front of the wagon is shaped like a Greyhound’s nose (with 4 leather chairs lined up in a row in the center). The sides of the wagon are filled with dozens of b shaped windows.

They dropped off the gold chest, the pies, and most of the bourbon and headed to the Hortabetty Trough on the west side of town. When they arrived there were dozens of wagons and even more horses and Durions scattered around.

The Hortabetty Trough has a sunken stage with a bowl of seats around it. There are hundreds of leather chairs and torches every ten feet to light the crowd area. The stage itself is

shaped like the head of Wanrol. There are torches around the outside of it lighting the stage.

There are also food vendors set up around the audience in small white wood huts that have everything from Cory tongues to bottles of wine and bourbon.

The Rafftracks came out onto the stage and the crowd cheered. Then they started to yell loudly when the lead singer set up his voice projecting box and said into it,” Have you ever seen the low side of the high time! Well I have and it was the depths of high livin’!”

“This guy’s great, what a showmen. I can’t wait to hear the music,” said Jamce happily as he walked down the aisle and then said,” Hey, here’s some seats let’s take ‘em’”

“You got it,” said Saycha as he followed Jamce into the row.

Jamce sat down and Saycha, Krowny, and Baesar sat down too, with Krowny on the end.

The lead singer started doing spinning flips while singing and then his band started to play the song,” Your directions led me nowhere,” and the crowd started to sing along loudly.

“I told ya this guy’s a pure natural,” said Jamce as he sipped on a bottle of bourbon.