Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

The Telling of Havermo

The concert went on for 6 hours and the Rafftracks never played the same song twice. Then they unleashed a barrage of different colored smoke animals encased in bubbles, and as they drifted over the crowd people would pop them with sticks and daggers and then the different colored smoke blanketed the crowd. They tossed Worham cotton gloves into the crowd.

The Worham is a 6 legged sheep with a head on the front and back. Its coat is made up of blue cotton that can be sheered every other day. It also has pink eyes that move very slowly in all directions. Their hoofs are more like a man’s foot and have 6 toes.

After the concert everyone made their way back to the wagon. When they got there, a pair of tall rugged Bodifit’s were sitting on the front of the wagon. Krowny saw this and climbed up onto the front of the wagon and said sternly,” Ok, Sons, go ahead and run along fun’s over.”

The Bodifits turned to face him and it was Kameal and his brother Donx.

Donx is 6’5” and has strong features and intense eyes. Around his neck is a collection of his victim’s thumbs on a gold necklace. He also has on a black diamond ring with spikes sticking out from it on his right hand. He is also wearing traditional Bodifit attire. He has long seal black curly hair.

“The fun’s just getting started, Old Man,” snarled Kameal. “I’ve got my vicious brother Donx here to even the score,” said Kameal snidely as he stood up and started staring Krowny in the eyes.

“Oh, Son, I was just toyin’ with ya before. Before we start how ‘bout a kiss,” said Krowny and then he put his hands on Kameal’s shoulders, and head-butted him in the face knocking him back and breaking his nose.

Donx pulled out his 2 foot long dagger and said in his deep voice,” Your tricks won’t work on me. Take a few more breaths for they are your last!”

Jamce put his hand on Krowny’s chest and said boldly,” Please, Krowny, let me have this man’s gizzard. I love a knife fight, gets the blood pumpin’,” said Jamce as he threw his dagger from one hand to the other and smiled.

Donx started slashing his blade wildly as he walked towards Jamce, but Jamce just ducked his blows again and again. Donx tried to stab Jamce in the chest, but Jamce slid sideways and grabbed his wrist with one hand and cut open his face with the other (causing blood to ooze out of Donx’s cheek).

“Someone’s got a booboo, do you need a bandage, Sweety?” asked Jamce snidely and then he did a backflip. He ran at Donx and dodged his blade and sliced his chest open. Jamce asked snidely,” Now look who’s not so brave, where’d all that big talk go?”

Donx looked at Jamce wide eyed and then looked over at Kameal and said nervously,” I don’t want to die here, Kameal.”

“We can take ‘em, just don’t fall for their tricks. Let’s get ‘em!” yelled Kameal as he ran and punched Krowny in the forehead, but Krowny punched him in the ribs at the same time.

Donx ran at Jamce and thrust his blade at his throat, but Jamce blocked it with his forearm and it cut into him a half inch deep gash that started to bleed.

“Ok, Big Boy, now we’re playin’ death games,” said Jamce fiercely then he sliced into Donx’s stomach. Then into his chin as he kicked him in the knee and broke his leg.

Donx screamed out in agony, but somehow stayed on his feet. He started swinging his blade wildly and shouted,” The bringer of death is in my hands!”

Meanwhile Krowny hauled back and punched Kameal in the groin as he grabbed him by the forearm and did a bicycle kick. The blow hit him right in the chin and knocked him out cold.

Kameal fell forward onto the wagon and Krowny hit him in the butt. He collapsed the rest of the way to the ground.

While Donx waved his blade Jamce kept moving too quickly for him and laughing as he did.

Jamce sunk his dagger into Donx’s stomach and twisted it. Donx dropped his blade and blood started oozing out of his mouth and then he said softly,” I was the receiver of death. Why did I start down this…”

Jamce pulled out his blade and grabbed Donx. He ran him the few steps to the side of the wagon and threw him off head first. Donx hit the ground and let out a scream. Jamce said brightly,” You need to let things go, namely grudges with Mospet’s.”

Baesar and Saycha climbed up onto the wagon and they drove away (leaving the 2 Bodifit’s behind). They made it home and everyone went up to bed except for Saycha and Krowny, who went up onto the roof to look at the stars.

“Krowny, how happy are you to be out of that prison cell?” asked Saycha then he looked over at Krowny.

“More than I can explain. The years I spent there were pure madness,” said Krowny sadly as he looked up. “I became a person I don’t even recognize just in order to survive. The debt I owe you, Saycha, is one I can never truly repay,” said Krowny warmly as he looked over at Saycha.

“It’s already paid, Krowny, you’ll never owe me anything again,” said Saycha and then he said happily,” There’s something I want to show you. You might find it interesting follow me.”

Saycha walked over to the statue of Havermo Blemsink and Krowny saw it and asked instantly,” It’s you, I can’t believe it where did that come from?”

“It’s not the actual me it’s who I was in a former life. His name was Havermo Blemsink isn’t it the strangest thing you’ve ever seen?” asked Saycha as he walked over and stood beside the statue and smiled.

“It’s uncanny, so that’s where all the magic comes from,” said Krowny implying a question as he grinned.

“Yes…,” said Saycha before being cut off.

“And no,” said the statue of Havermo as its face glowed blue.

“Whoa,” said Saycha startled as he moved quickly away from the statue and then asked,”

How can you be talking you’re a statue?”

“All statues, paintings, and basically anything that has a wizard’s face on it, has a part of them inside. Fear not, Saycha, what you’re seeing is just a trace of my essence that inhabits this stone. The rest is inside of you,” said the statue plainly.

“How do you know my name?” asked Saycha.

“I chose your mother as the one to carry my soul back to Pabstrum. So as you can gather I would want to know everything about you. Saycha, I must warn you of your journey to the Underworld. There are forces there that will try to corrupt you. When you feel at ease and totally calm in the Underworld that will be the moment you should run from whatever or whoever you are facing! Sometimes a harmless moment of joy can turn into devastation, be mindful!” said the statue sternly then it stopped glowing and returned to the way it was.

“Wait, how will I know?” asked Saycha as he walked over and touched the stone and turned to Krowny and said anxiously,” This terrifies me, Krowny, it makes me think that there is a horrible thing waiting for me and I won’t see it coming”

“You won’t be alone, Saycha, we’ll be there to help you through it I promise you that. The key now is to prepare yourself with a vengeance, because you know now that treachery awaits you, preparation, Saycha, is the key,” said Krowny sternly as he looked at Saycha and tapped his temple.

“You’re right I must take every precaution and master every spell I can. I must be ready and I must be mindful as Havermo said,” said Saycha calmly as he looked at the sand filled pool and thought about Dorama.

Inside the tunnel in the Underworld

Dorama, Dlarm, Micavello and Valvorder were walking briskly towards the darkness half a mile ahead. They walked past the occasional white marble hut, but as they drew nearer the blackness there were fewer and fewer huts to be seen. They walked a bit further and saw 3 pure seal black marble castles that rose 200 yards into a hole in the top of the tunnel.

They were filled with oval windows that had small blue flames lighting each. They had 6

towers on each of them that got thinner as they rose upward (with flat decks on top that had golden suits of armor filled with clothes perched on each). There were cat walks connecting all the towers as well as each of the castles. The main part of each castle was triangle shaped with several staircases going up each side. At the top of each was a round room that had only one window with a red light lighting it. In front of each castle there stood a dozen stone statues of different wizards, but the heads had been lopped off and only their bodies remained. There was

also a sign that read,” Turn around and sing the leaving song this realm is for conjurers only. We will be offended at your visit be certain!” written in human bones and blood.

Dorama read the sign and asked,” Be offended, be certain that’s all I got from that, Valvorder, where does this leave us?”

“Well, it’s bad and it’s just as well. Let’s just say we’re in for some excitement. Ya see this is the hidden resting spot for a number of black wizards. And maybe they love a good dust up, but regardless we need to get beyond these castles or we had might as well forget the idea of leaving. So what say you?” asked Valvorder quickly then he tapped Dorama on the shoulder with his staff.

“Why are you asking me?” asked Dorama as she looked at Valvorder in disbelief.

Valvorder tapped her with his staff again and asked,” What say you?”

“Yes, I say yes let’s do it,” said Dorama quickly as she looked at Valvorder wide eyed.

“Good I only ask because you are the only non-wizard and well…we can take care of ourselves, but your life will be in jeopardy. Didn’t want to make up your mind for you ya see.

Then let us get to it, we’ll go right up to the front door and walk right in like we own the place,”

said Valvorder as he started walking towards the large black wood t shaped door.

“You’ve got an odd way of putting things and I really like it. Makes a gal feel inferior and not so much an equal, thank you for that, Valvorder, you’re a first class swordsman,” said Dorama sarcastically as she walked next to Valvorder.

“I do what I can, now,” said Valvorder as he grabbed the square door handle and twisted it and walked in and shouted,” I think black magic is childish!”

Inside the castle door there was a long room with a 20 foot ceiling that had an f shaped swimming pool (with a small inlet in the center that had a round brown wood table and 9 green

leather chairs on top of it). There is also 2 red leather couches one either side of the pool with long rectangular silver tables in front of each, as well as an ashtray filled with cigar butts and chewing gum on the left side. On the right table there is 9 staffs strewn about and an 8 person chess board with wizards as the pieces (that is already in progress with the white side winning).

There is also a small blue plate with a half eaten piece of strawberry pie on it. Behind the couch on the left there is a staircase that spirals into the floor. And behind the one on the right there is a golden statue of a naked woman reading a book of spells titled,” Tricks to play on mom when she’s asleep”. The far wall has a stain glass window that is a depiction of the fall of the Nestook and the day the black wizards will take over Pabstrum. There is also a staircase that leads up to a landing on the left side of the room (that has thousands of books on shelves filling most of it).

At the table sat 7 black wizards and in the pool was another. Asleep on the couch there was another still. When they saw Valvorder come in, they instantly scampered for their staffs.

“Missing something are we?” asked Valvorder snidely and then he shouted,” Isla benma be Mine!”

A fiery rope grabbed the staffs on the table and brought them to Valvorder who then said sternly,” We only want passage nothing more, but if we have to destroy you we shall! Finish your dinner Gentlemen we just need to use your bridge.”

The wizards stared at Valvorder and then the green haired one on the couch woke up and shouted as he raised his staff,” Grom bufa now mine!”

The staffs that Valvorder was holding flew over to him. He threw them to the other black wizards and then rolled over and went back to sleep.

“That was unlucky,” said Dlarm and then he raised his staff and shouted,” Timva taketh!”

A cube of blue fire encased the black wizards and Valvorder said sternly,” We must hurry that won’t hold them for long.”

Valvorder ran for the spiral staircase as he clutched Dorama’s hand tightly. They got to the stairs a red arm made of lightning comes out of the blue cube of fire. It grabs hold of Dorama and it started to lift her off the ground. Micavello saw this and shouted,” Brakoo now!”

A large orange steel axe appeared and slashed the red lightning arm in two, but half of it still held Dorama even though she was now on the ground.

Dlarm shouted,” Bathin Porol be thine!”

A million silver insects attacked the arm and devoured it entirely. Everyone ran down the stairs and came to a long square stone brick hallway. It had paintings every 4 feet of each of the black wizard’s faces, with the eyes moving from side to side and the mouths chewing. The floor was covered with a thick red and black paisley rug that ran the length of it. It was lit by torches every few feet.

Valvorder led the way running down the hallway with Dorama right beside him. Dlarm and Micavello were right behind. They ran for 29 yards and then they heard a rumbling and turned to see a fireball heading right for their heads.

“Duck!” shouted Micavello as he ducked and everyone else did a second later.

The fireball flew over their heads and continued on to the end of the straightaway and hit where the tunnel turned to the left.

Micavello said sternly,” Keep moving I’ll catch up.”

“Ok my friend but be careful,” said Dlarm as he looked at Micavello and then ran down the hallway after Dorama and Valvorder.

Micavello turned and then saw the black wizards running towards him. He shouted as he raised his staff,” Pon blood is for taking!”

A wall of Palant’s blood formed in front of him and it tore at the black wizards at incredible speed.

Meanwhile Micavello turned and ran full speed after the others. The black wizards saw the wave of blood, but were frozen in place. Then the yellow haired one in the front said sadly,” I don’t have a spell for this.”

The wall of blood crashed into them and knocked them around and onto the rug (itcarried them back down the hallway for several hundred feet).

Up ahead Valvorder, Dorama and Dlarm had come to the left hand turn in the hallway and when they turned the corner they almost ran full speed into a gorge in front of them. Luckily Valvorder was able to stop himself, but only barely from falling in. On the other side of the gorge there was the continuation of the hallway, but there didn’t appear to be a way across

“Now what?” Dlarm asked as he looked down.

“I’m thinking, give me a moment and I will find a spell,” said Valvorder sternly as he put his fingers to his forehead.

Dorama looked around and then asked,” What’s this?” And then she grabbed a small handle on the wall next to her and pulled it.

They heard a distant rumbling that got louder and louder and then Valvorder said nervously,” That sounds like bad news, even for a wizard.”

A 20 foot wide bridge flew up out of the gorge and stopped perfectly in front of Valvorder (and extended to the other side).

“It always takes a woman to find a solution. I’ve said it a million times,” said Dorama slyly as she walked out onto the bridge.

“Wait, it could be a trap!” said Valvorder sternly.

“It’s fine, let’s go,” said Dorama as she walked across.

“The optimism of a woman has filled many a pine box, but never with prudence,” said Valvorder snidely as he stepped gingerly out onto the bridge and then sighed and hurried out to Dorama.

Dlarm walked out onto the bridge and just then Micavello came running around the corner and out onto the bridge. He asked,” How did I catch you so fast?”

“Don’t ask, but if you must know this bridge was a gorge a few moments ago,” said Dlarm as he grinned at Micavello.

“I’m all for changes,” said Micavello loudly as he ran.

Then as they were almost across the black wizards reached the bridge and the green haired one smiled and pulled the handle. The bridge fell straight down into the gorge. Micavello was caught off guard and instinctively jumped for the ledge as did Dlarm, with Dorama and Valvorder already across.

Valvorder reached down and took Micavello’s and Dlarm’s staffs and he shouted,” Roil heese by thrust!”

Instantly a pair of white wings formed on Dlarm’s and Micavello’s shoulders, and they flew up to the ledge and into the hallway. Then they heard the distant rumbling and knew they had to hurry. They dashed into the hallway and around a right turn.

“Thanks for saving us, Valvorder,” said Micavello as he ran.

“No thanks necessary, but you can always buy me a bottle of wine when this is over,” said Valvorder warmly as he smiled.

“Make it 2, I’m a little thirsty myself and why should you have all the fun?” asked Micavello as he grinned wildly.

They turned the corner and they came to a white and black sand desert that had dozens of tan clay buildings (as well as 2 large green castles in the distance). There were also hundreds of Paslack trees coming out of the sand.

Paslack trees are dark brown 110 foot wide trees that have red leafs and are usually filled with hundreds of animals that burrow into their bark (as well as there are treehouses around and inside them).

“Let’s hide behind one of those trees and see if we can trick them,” said Valvorder as he ran towards a Paslack tree.

“You got it, they’re large enough to give us cover,” said Dlarm as he followed Valvorder.

They ran behind the tree and Dorama peaked out from behind one of the branches and saw the black wizards come running out, but then they took a look around for a minute and went back into the hallway.

“I think we’re safe they seem to have left. That was a hairy situation,” said Dorama as she turned to take a look around and then asked,” Where do we go now?”

“That pair of green castles is our destination. There may be someone there who can help us get back to Pabstrum. All’s we have to do now is get across this desert without getting killed by the inhabitants,” said Valvorder while he started walking around a sand dune and towards the green castles.

“What inhabitants?” asked Dorama anxiously as she stopped dead right in her tracks.

“The Corshaw people, they live above, but mostly below the sand and they are a group of cannibals that would love to take all 4 of us to a late lunch. So you best be careful not to look one in the eye and stay close to my side. If they take you I won’t be able to save you,” said Valvorder sternly as he looked at Dorama and then continued walking with his eyes on the sand around him.

“Well that’s a load off and I was starting to worry,” said Dorama sarcastically then she saw a Corshaw man and woman come out of the sand 20 feet ahead of her. She instantly looked away.

They had black skin and tan hair as well as long heads (with 12 tufts of hair on each of their heads braided into a triangle). They were each very wide through the shoulders and the man was 6’0” tall and the woman 5’10”. All Corshaw men grew thick and long chin beards that they tied into a gold box at the end. The box has intricate carvings on it as well as jewels around the edges and they call them the Barosk. They believe it gives them God’s ear and is a bringer of good fortune. All the men wear red silk t-shirts and black loose fitting cotton trousers (that have the word Fremape sewn into them in orange thread).

Fremape was the first Corshaw and was known to have spawned the race.

The men wore only green sandals on their feet and they also wore red goggles over their eyes to keep the sand out of them. The women wore tight red spandex body suits and red goggles as well. They also wore black ankle high boots that had no laces and slipped on.

“I think we’re in trouble, Valvorder, they’re coming this way,” said Dorama loudly as she stared into the sand.

“We’re fine keep moving forward and don’t look them in the eyes no matter what!” said Valvorder fiercely as he started walking faster.

The Corshaw man named Jinx walked over to Valvorder and bumped shoulders with him.

The Corshaw woman named Pola walked up to Dlarm and put her arm around his shoulder and walked beside him staring at his face.

“The situation is changing, Valvorder, at what point do we attack?” asked Dlarm as he looked dead ahead at Micavello’s back.

“We don’t or every one of them will come out of the sand and out of those huts and we’ll all be dinner. Relax everyone, once we get a little further they should leave us be,” said Valvorder calmly as Jinx started poking his face with his finger.

Then 3 more Corshaw men came out of a hut and walked over to Micavello and shouted,”

Why you so ugly?! Why so dumb?! We think you are yum, yum, yum!”

Micavello kept moving quickly forward and refused to look any of them in the eye. Then one of them punched him in the arm hard and he still refused to look over. He shouted,” Why don’t we take our chances with a battle?! I think we could cripple the lot of them with the right spells!”

“There are 3 wizards here and thousands of Corshaw waiting for a snack. Keep moving and we will be fine!” shouted Valvorder as he started to run.

Pola who was next to Dorama slapped her face and shouted,” Look my way beautiful lady!

Look into my beautiful eyes!”

Dorama shook the woman’s arm off of her and started to sprint after Valvorder. Dlarm saw her run by out of the corner of his eye and sprinted after her at full speed. Micavello started to sprint, but the Corshaw men were trying to hold onto him.

He broke free and said boldly,” This situation is starting to disintegrate quickly!

Then a dozen Corshaw came out of the sand to the left and right of Dorama. There was one right under Dlarm’s foot that lifted him up off the sand, but he kept running full speed. Then even more came out of the sand and the huts that numbered a hundred. Valvorder could feel their numbers, but didn’t dare look.

Suddenly Dorama was punched in the face and shouted,” Why am I here!”

The End

Thank you for reading here are some other titles from this author. Website Quadromolan Series The Conquered The Vindijan Line Eposical and the Trapapition Thieves coming soon!

Medallion of Believe Series

Saycha and The Underworld of Drayne Sectis

The Yellow Plague coming soon!

Pabstrum’s Reckoning coming soon!


The Floating Man Wars Chum a drama/comedy sci-fi adventure in future Hollywood Short Stories for the Long Haul is a collection of 10 short stories. Dear Camy, the Lost Letters is a children’s book 7 and up.

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