Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Taginx’s Folklore and the Fate of Drayne

As the sun came up Dorama had the reigns and the journey continued to Marbou. Saycha and Jamce were busy fixing breakfast (fried Cory tongues and Yeha cakes). Saycha went over to the window and took a large breath and then said,” The air’s warm out there already. It’s gonna be a hot one.”

“That should be fine, we’re strong we can take it,” said Jamce as he flipped over a Cory tongue in the pan.

“I know we’re fine, I worry about the Palant though. We’ll have to give her a break at some point,” said Saycha as he took another deep breath.

“I wouldn’t worry about her, she’s strong too. She’ll out last the lot of us.”

Jamce brought a fried Cory tongue to Dorama and also a pair of Yeha cakes. The three of them sat together in the front of the wagon and ate quietly as the Palant dragged them ever onward.

They were in the Rotherville province now and the terrain was far hillier. The hills were covered with Staywe grass (which is black in color and grows ten feet high). The roofs of the huts could barely be seen above the Staywe and an occasional Abaree tree, with a tree house propped up above it. The Staywe could be seen moving in places and you couldn’t tell what was lurking inside.

When they came over a ridge they saw an enormous collection of wagons, over 300

arranged in a circle with a 4 story brown maple building in the center. The building has dumbwaiters going up and down continuously filled with dark brown barrels.

“What do we have here/” asked Jamce rhetorically as he looked over the spectacle.

“Looks like a popular spot, dare to guess what they’re selling?” asked Dorama as she poked Saycha in the ribs.

“It’s some sort of supplies,” said Saycha.

“Booze, Saycha, nothing brings ‘em like booze. This must be the last spot for awhile on this road to get wet,” said Jamce as he took a bite off his Cory tongue.

“Then let’s dive in,” said Saycha excitedly as he mimicked diving into a pool of water.

“Yeah, I’m all for stocking up on some liquid refreshments. We still have the 101 coins, be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity,” said Dorama as she pretended to dive into watery splendor as well.

They steered the Palant into the line of wagons and waited their turn. Wagons were everywhere some 3 stories high, with a few that were little more than mansions on wheels. The one next to Jamce was white wood with black trim and inside had 10 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2

kitchens a shooting gallery, as well as a coin operated Elapo set.

Elapo are a large bear-like creatures who have spotted black and red fur. Their faces are completely flat with yellow pushed in noses. They have eight fingers per hand and each finger had six knuckles. Elapo are incredibly fast swimmers, but could barely outrun a man on land.

The coin operated set had the Elapo run a few steps and then dive into a pool of water. Then the game would reset. A small child could be seen playing the game through a window with her mother.

Jamce steered the Palant into the proper lane and then a wooden panel opened and a man appeared and asked,” What do you want and how much?”

“How much will 101 coin get us?” asked Jamce as he handed the man the burlap sack.

The man counted the money and then said gruffly,” I can give you 3 cases of our finest wine for this.”

“We’ll take it,” said Jamce quickly.

The man yelled out,” 3 of Peddy’s!” And the Dumbwaiters went up and came down with the 3 boxes filled with bottles of Peddy’s wine. Then the man handed the boxes to Saycha and Dorama and then said,” You should try to make these last a bit, the road gets lonely for a distance.”

“We will and thank you,” said Jamce and then he blew the gold whistle and they were off.

Two hours out of Rotherville a rain kicked up and started pummeling the Palant and dripping through the ceiling of the wagon. Inside the kitchen Jamce and Dorama were playing cards, while Saycha was in the living room staring out the window at the rain. He felt a certain rush at watching the occasional lightning strike in the distance. If it was close his heart rate would quicken. Then he remembered the medallion and glanced down at it. Only to see the once shouting Sest Moncry now lying down with his legs crossed and his bare feet up against the wall of the medallion. Sest smiled at Saycha and curled his fingers to wave hello. Saycha waved back.

Sest sighed and covered his eyes and mouth with his hands.

This caused Saycha to laugh even harder. Sest saw this and sighed again and threw up his hands in disgust. Saycha realized he was trying to tell him something, but didn’t know what.

Saycha asked,” What are you trying to say?”

The medallion pulsed and hummed loudly. Saycha smirked and said,” Wait, you can hear me.”

The medallion pulsed again and he could see Sest cheering inside. Sest stopped and put his hand to his ear.

“But I can’t hear you,” said Saycha as he held the medallion up to his face.

Sest sighed and shook his head yes and then he pressed his ear against the medallion’s wall.

Saycha thought for a moment and then he realized he had to put the medallion to his ear. He raised it to his ear and as did it sucked hard to his ear lobe and then he heard Sest yell,” Thank you for god’s sake! I’ve been trying for two days to make this happen! Now listen up and listen good!”

“Wait, you have to stop shouting. You’re hurting my eardrum,” said Saycha frantically.

“I’m sorry, but I am a little frustrated and there isn’t much time. My name is not Sest Moncry it is actually Micavello Taginx and I am the last of the Norndred wizards. One week from today the Emperor of the Underworld, Drayne Sectis, and the controller of all evil magic and evil souls that exist. Will break through the Nestook barrier, which is the wall God put between the living, the evil, and the dead and destroy every soul that draws breath!” said Micavello sternly as he paved back and forth. “It is of dire importance that you bring this medallion to a wizard of the Crimson Way. I am the only wizard who can stop Drayne Sectis before he carries out his demolition of Pabstrum. Saycha time is of the essence, we must alter our course immediately!” said Micavello sternly.

“Wait ah minute, how do I know you’re telling the truth? For all I know you’re Drayne Sectis and you’re using me,” said Saycha pointedly as he looked at the medallion.

Micavello sighed and motioned for him to put the medallion back to his ear. Saycha did and Micavello said,” If I wanted you dead I could have let that Canto eat you in the forest or that man’s blade slice your throat. Let me explain who I am. The Norndred wizards have been the protectors of the Nestook barrier since the beginning of life on Pabstrum. God gave us a gift and the burden of protecting the world he created form the afterlife and Emperor Sectis,” explained Micavello as he put his hands to his forehead and then continued,” My father was murdered by Count Cornerme five years ago. After his death his men tracked me down and with the help of a green wizard imprisoned me in this medallion. So for the past 5 years Drayne Sectis has been chipping away slowly but surely at the Nestook barrier. Look, if you can’t believe me, then I’m jewelry around your neck for another week and then all is lost. But, If you’ll help me there’s still enough time to stop Drayne.”

“Alright, I believe you. What do we need to do now?”

“We need to go to Stachance, there is an old wizard of the Crimson Way Dlarm, he can help us. But before we do that we’ll need to stop at my home in Gerwe and get my staff. I’ll need that once I’m out of this prison to rebuild the Nestook. Oh, thank you, Saycha, the world will know your name.”

Saycha put the medallion in his hand and said,” Don’t give it a thought, Micavello. I can be counted upon when it matters.” Saycha raced to the front of the wagon where Jamce and Dorama were sitting playing cards and said quickly,” Jamce, we have to change our course. We need to go to Stachance there’s no time to waste!”

“What are you talking about? I thought we needed to go to Marbou and talk with Fert Anvey,” asked Jamce.

Saycha sat down at the table beside Jamce and Dorama and said,” I was able to talk with Sest Moncry, whose real name is Micavello Taginx. He is a member of the Norndred wizards.”

“There the protectors of the Nestook barrier,” said Dorama quickly.

Jamce looked at Dorama and asked stunned,” How do you know that?”

“I read books, have you heard of them?”

“That’s right and he needs our help to stop the Emperor of the Underworld Drayne Sectis from breaching the barrier. And he said we only have a week before all is lost,” said Saycha quickly.

“I believe you but how did you talk to him?” asked Jamce as he set down the playing cards he was holding.

“I put the medallion to my ear and I was able to hear him like this,” said Saycha as he put the medallion to his ear and then said,” He says we need to get on the Doveba pass to get to Stachance, but first we need to go to his home in Gerwe and get his staff. He says he’ll need it to repair the Nestook once we release him from the medallion.”

“Alright then we’re off to Gerwe and then Stachance and Fert Anvey will trouble us no more,” said Jamce as he smiled.