Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Stolen Cassits and a broken Rivobream

Micavello gave them the directions to Gerwe and they drove onto a south bound road. The rain refused to let up and was coming down in buckets now. They drove onto the Dolvigs Bridge and saw no other wagons in sight. The Dolvigs Bridge is 30 miles long and is over 5

thousand years old. It had once been used to bring soldiers from the battle of Coorst back to their families at home. Every inch of it is made from green wood and it has places you can pull into and stop every mile. These places are minor towns where some folks live permanently and you can stock up on supplies or play a hand of poker. These folk are known as the Kabii, and rarely ventured off of Dolvigs Bridge. Entire generations were born, lived and died without setting foot on dry land. Though the centuries of inbreeding hadn’t been kind, the Kabii all had various nervous ticks and a shorthand way of speaking known as Gaity talk. If you could take talking to the Kabii for more than 5 minutes, you had a story to tell for the rest of your life.

The Dolvigs Bridge ran the lengthwise over the Bluirt Swamp. The Bluirt Swamp is horrid and vile and is home to dozens of species of lizards (some the size of a wagon). If you fell in and one got a hold of you that was the moment you realized prayer wouldn’t be enough. Many had fallen or been pushed over the railing and into Bluirt Swamp below. Many a drunk traveler who said the wrong thing to a Kabii (who wasn’t in the mood for sarcasm) had tasted that dark green water and felt it burn the back of their throats, and then got eaten alive.

“Hey why don’t we pull over and see what’s cooking?” asked Saycha as he peered into the swamp. “I could use a new dish the Kabii are supposed to have the best steaks,” said Saycha as he grabbed a fork and knife and pretended to be eating.

“Well the Palant is starting to drag. Why don’t you take a look and see what Micavello thinks of us stopping,” said Jamce.

Saycha looked at the medallion and Micavello nodded yes. Saycha said happily,” He says yes, so here come the steaks!”

“The whole world could be coming to an end and you’ve got steaks on the brain. All’s I can say is it better be tasty,” said Jamce as he went up to the front of the wagon to steer the Palant into the next Kabii town. They pulled into the Kabii village of Soopsa and parked the wagon.

They walked up to a curbside diner that had a sign that read,” Steaks, Cakes, and Pies oh my.”

The man behind the counter named Poto said quickly,” A, A, A, what’s it gonna be, be, be?”

He looked like a weasel and was wearing a white fur coat. Poto was bone thin and completely bald. He had the word Ma shaved into his mustache.

The diner was white wood and only the size of a minivan, and had a collection of Canto heads on the roof.

“Alright I’ll have a steak bloody and a Niple pie,” said Saycha.

Jamce walked up to the counter and put three bottles of Peddy’s on the counter and said,” I want a steak cooked right through, but we can only trade you, we haven’t got coin.”

“T-trade, t-trade, ok says me t-trade,” said Poto quickly as he threw two steaks on the grill.

Jamce asked,” Where’s Dorama been all this time? She can’t still be napping can she?”

“No she’s with me and her big nappy has filled her with zeal,” said Prines snidely as he pulled back Dorama’s head by the hair and kissed her.

Jamce and Saycha turned around quickly and saw Prines, Coma, and two other men in black robes. Coma was holding a blade to Dorama’s throat. Saycha said boldly,” Prines, still a heartbeat from Drayne’s doorstep I can see.”

“Always, Child, always,” snapped Prines as he glared at Saycha. “Oh and there’s what we’ve been searching for, the glorious Medallion of Believe. Give it here!” said Prines sternly as he extended his hand.

Jamce started to pull his dagger, but Dorama saw this and nodded her head no. He put it away and said,” Let her go first and we’ll give you what you want.”

Prines looked at Coma (who still had a knife to her neck) and told him to let her go.

He gave her a look and pushed her over to Jamce and Saycha. They threw their arms around her and hugged her tightly.

Prines said sharply,” You have your precious little friend, now give me my Medallion or you’ll be swimming in the Bluirt Swamp.”

While Prines said this the Medallion of Believe pulsed so Saycha quickly put it to his ear.

Micavello said,” This Prines is a subject of Drayne, he’ll kill you to get the medallion. What I want you to do is to jump into the swamp. Don’t worry, I’ll protect all three of you.”

Jamce saw Saycha put the medallion to his ear and they gave each other a nod after. Saycha whispered in Dorama and Jamce’s ears,” We’re jumping stay close.”

Prines saw them whispering and shouted,” What are you scheming you Miscreant?! I’m no longer asking, I’m Telling give it to me! GIVE IT NOW!”

Jamce, Saycha, and Dorama inched back to the railing. Saycha smiled and said snidely,”

Never, Lord Wines, we’re leaving this party.”

The three of them jumped over the railing and embraced as they fell the 150 feet to the swamp below. Just before they pierced the swamp’s surface a green globe started emanating from the medallion and surrounded them completely. Then as they plunged into the murky water they were not harmed, they were able to run underwater inside the globe and move rapidly through the swamp in any direction.

“Come back here you Fools!” shouted Prines as he looked down at the swamp.

“What be thy bidding my Lord?” asked Coma as he bowed his head.

Prines put his hand on his shoulder and said,” Drag the swamp for as long as it takes. We are not going back without the medallion. We know what would happen if we did, don’t we, Coma?”

“Yes, Lord Prines, we do and thy bidding will be done,” said Coma as he pointed to the other men to drag the swamp.

“2 steaks steaky 2, who wants 2 steaks?” asked Poto brightly as he held up the steaks.

Prines looked at him, nodded no and Poto grabbed the 2 steaks quickly and put them back on the rack.

Beneath the swamp the three Mospet siblings were laughing and marveling at the odd creatures in the Bluirt swamp.

“If I knew all this was down here I never would have come within a hundred miles,” said Jamce as he watched a giant Noip (which was part lizard and part fish) swim by. Noip have rainbow colored scales and necks like giraffes.

Then as they started moving faster through the muck and moss they saw dozens of skeletons of the unlucky ones who had tasted the Bluirt swamp personally. Piles of the faithful departed some only half eaten.

“I don’t know where we are and it’s too dark to tell. I’ve got to be honest we could be going in a circle for all I know,” said Jamce nervously as he tried to see a way out.

“What do you think we should do?” asked Dorama anxiously.

“I really don’t know. I mean…there’s no way to know where…” said Jamce as he looked upward.

“Wait, I’ll ask Micavello he might be able to help,” said Saycha quickly as he put the medallion to his ear.

“You’re dead, Kid, you’re gonna die down here! I can’t help you at all! I’m sorry tough luck I wish we could of thought this through,” said Micavello frantically.

“What, we’re Dead!” said Saycha nervously as he looked anxiously at Micavello in the medallion.

Suddenly Micavello was laughing uncontrollably and then pretended to be suffocating.

Saycha was horrified as he saw Micavello point to his ear. Saycha put the medallion to his ear again. Jamce and Dorama looked at Saycha with concern streaming down their faces.

“I was just kidding ya. I couldn’t resist you’ll have to forgive me I’ve been in here a long time. We’re not gonna die down here, at least I’m not…again kidding, lighten up life’s a carousel. Here’s what ya do, follow the blinking light and we’ll find a way through,” said Micavello and then he pointed with his right hand.

“What’s up?” asked Jamce nervously.

Saycha looked where Micavello was pointing and saw a blinking light in the swamp in front of him and said,” That’s what’s up, follow that light.”

In front of the green capsule they was a red blinking light there to guide them. Jamce said enthusiastically,” We’ve got a compass let’s run double time!”

“Get me out of this god forsaken filth,” said Dorama as she started running as fast as she could.

They travelled 7 miles and the blinking light brought them into a mountain cave. After they were safely inside, the light went away and all three collapsed and lay on the cave’s dirt floor.

The cave had a pair of marble statues of lions at the entryway to a staircase. The walls were filled with specs of gold embedded in the rocks that sparkled as a ray of light came through a hole in the cave’s ceiling. The three caught their breath for a minute then Saycha said,” That was fun, exhausting but fun. Who’s up for log rolling?”

Dorama rolled her eyes and Jamce let out a sigh.

Jamce said,” What we need to do is find out what’s up those stairs. Maybe we’ll get those steaks after all.”

“Alright steaks, let’s climb some stairs,” said Saycha as he stood up and walked over to the staircase.

Jamce and Dorama were right behind. They climbed the stairs for a flight and came to a brown wood door in the shape of a circle. Above the door was a wooden gargoyle with one eye winking and had a smirk on its face. The door handle was made from copper and had a V on it.

Saycha tried the handle but it wouldn’t open and said sadly,” Great now what.”

“Ask your friend, he brought us here,” said Dorama as she crossed her arms and sighed.

Saycha put the medallion to his ear and Micavello said,” Push the gargoyles left eye in and see what happens.”

Saycha pulled the medallion from his ear and reached up and pushed in the gargoyle’s left eye. The door swung open violently and revealed a large room with a fountain in the center that had two hundred fish statues shooting water from their eyes. It has 5 paintings of shoes placed at

odd angles on each of its walls. There are 3 small tables that each have a crystal flask filled with scotch, and four small crystal cups around them. There is a fireplace, but it is filled with brown jackets and dark brown trousers. On the floor there is a painting of the sun devouring the planet with an evil grin on its face. On the far wall there is a table with a pair of Palant’s tusks lying side by side.

The three of them entered the room and took a look around. The medallion pulsed and Saycha put it to his ear.

“What do you think of my home? This is only the sitting room of course,” said Micavello who was prideful.

“Hey Guys, this is Micavello’s home,” said Saycha quickly.

Jamce and Dorama looked at Saycha with wide eyes.

Jamce said,” Really, then that means we’re in Gerwe. Talk about an odd way around.”

“This is a beautiful place you have here, Micavello, but is there anything to eat I’m starving?” asked Dorama as she rubbed her belly.

Saycha put the medallion to his ear and said,” He says there is a pantry upstairs where he has some jars of jams and pickled eggs.”

“Alright, how do we get upstairs?” asked Dorama as she looked around the room.

Saycha put the medallion to his ear again and then said,” Micavello says to move the painting in the far corner in a circle, and a passageway will open up.”

“Alright then let’s see if he’s right,” said Jamce as he walked over to the painting.

Dorama and Saycha were fast behind. Jamce grabbed the painting with both hands by its base and moved it in a circle. He heard it click and the entire wall swung open and there was a concrete ramp behind it covered with a navy blue rug that led upwards around the corner. The

walls inside the passageway were painted with the number 6 in different sizes and colors. The ceiling was tan wood and had silver chimes hanging from it.

The three walked up the ramp as fast as they could too hungry to talk. At the top of the passageway there was a 3 foot wide black steel door with no handle. Jamce took one look at it and lowered his shoulder and popped the door open. The opposite side of the door was a marble statue of Micavello lying naked on a hammock. The door opened into a room in the shape of a crown (Micavello had built himself). It was a modest room with wall to wall carpeting and several large cabinets on either wall, as well as in the center of the room (the ones in the center were in a T shape).

Jamce shot right for the cabinets in the center and threw open the doors. Inside he saw dozens of large jars filled with jam, pickled eggs and even miniature Heybea heads (Heybea were similar to pigs in appearance, but their noses turned sideways instead of up). Jamce saw the Heybea heads and his mouth started to water. They tasted like honey dipped chicken with a bit more of a salty taste.

Jamce grabbed the jar and asked as he opened it,” We’ve found the good stuff, whose hungry, Dorama, Saycha?”

Jamce grabbed a Heybea head and started chewing it and then handed Dorama the jar. She grabbed one and ate while Saycha ate one as well. They devoured the Heybea heads one after another until they were full. The medallion glowed and Saycha watched as a yellow beam came out and shot up into the top of the crown ceiling. A black staff with a red jeweled orb on its peak floated down from the rafters on the yellow beam of light. Saycha grabbed the staff and as he did it shot a thunderbolt through the ceiling, tearing a hole in the roof. The sky above turned red and

pulsed with electricity. The staff filled Saycha’s body with warmth and the tips of his fingers turned red.

“What just happened?” asked Saycha as he looked down at Micavello who was grinning from ear to ear.

He put the medallion to his ear and Micavello said sternly,” You broke the Rivobream, which is the seal or spell I placed on the staff to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. That staff that you’re holding possesses tremendous power. So be careful how you wield it. Fear not young, Saycha, that staff can save your life someday be sure. Now, you need to go upstairs and get my Cassits in my bedroom dresser, hurry now.”

Saycha looked at Jamce and Dorama (who were in shock at what they had seen) and said slyly, “Don’t worry we just broke the Rivobream,” then he paused for a second and spoke sternly,” We need to go upstairs and get Micavello’s Cassits, there’s no time to waste.”

“Wait ah minute, what’s a Rivobream?” asked Dorama.

“I don’t know exactly…a spell or something,” said Saycha.

“What’s a Cassit?” asked Jamce.

“We’ll have to find out together, he said they’re in his bedroom dresser upstairs,” said Saycha as he walked over to the staircase. The three raced up the stairs and into the bedroom.

The bedroom was small and only had a small bed and a dresser. They could see outside through the window that a storm was starting to brew. Saycha took a look out the four pane square window and felt thrilled at the power of the storm. He went to the dresser and opened all the drawers and they were completely empty. He pulled out all the drawers and still found nothing.

He put the medallion to his ear and Micavello said coldly,” They’ve been stolen we were too slow. No matter we still have the staff, next stop Stachance.”

Chapter 6

Dlarm’s obsession with Haverse

Out in front of Micavello’s castle Saycha, Dorama, and Jamce were climbing into Micavello’s pedal power mobile known as a Ceesa. It is 20 feet long and made form lightweight white wood. It looks like a peanut in shape and has four wheels and is very aerodynamic. Inside the Ceesa there are four seats and each seat has a pair of pedals. All the occupants of the car have to pedal and then the Ceesa would thrust forward rapidly. Beneath the fuselage were thousands of gears working in unison.

“I’ve never driven one of these before, this should be fun,” said Jamce enthusiastically.

“You aren’t kiddin’ let’s roll,” said Saycha as he and Dorama started to pedal.

They drove down the castle’s winding driveway and out to a dirt road that snaked through fields of Sighis bushes.

Sighis are a green and purple stripped fruit and have the aroma of melted sugar. The bushes grow 5 feet high and are abundant in the region. Where there are Sighis there are always Canto close by.

Jamce knew this and was worried at the prospect of an attack. He was pedaling especially fast and the Ceesa was really moving (a good 40 miles per hour).

“Whoowee, we are really movin’!” shouted Saycha as he threw his arms in the air.

Dorama laughed and replied,” This baby hums!”

“She sure does, we’ll be in Stachance in a couple of hours,” said Jamce as the Ceesa jumped over a bump in the road. They drove for an hour through the Sighis fields and then into a

Mecmec forest. Mecmec’s are half mile high trees and are filled with tree houses as well. The residents of said houses are known as the Qytoe.

The Qytoe are more lion than person, with the torso and head of a man, but the body of a large lion. The Qytoe are a peaceable folk and mostly keep to themselves accept at night. That’s when they can be seen and heard singing and rejoicing over the days kill. They hunt Canto primarily and also eat the bark from the Mecmec trees. Their king Quosy, believes they should live separate from all others and has a distrust for outsiders. He forbade all Qytoe from having a friendship with anyone of another race.

The road led up to a gate with two Qytoe on either side with spears in their hands. They crossed their spears in front of the gate as the Ceesa rolled to a stop.

“This could be trouble, let’s kill em’ with kindness,” said Saycha as he covered the medallion with his shirt.

“That’s right, so let’s ask nicely for the use of their road,” said Dorama.

The two Qytoe guards didn’t move an inch, they remained stolid. Then a Qytoe descended on a rope onto the hood of the Ceesa and said firmly,” You’ll go no further! This transport of yours is not welcome on our road! You will turn around and not glance back, or suffer the consequences!”

This Qytoe named Bada, had beads in his hair with blue and red face paint. Around his neck there was a blue pearl necklace that glowed as he spoke.

Everyone was scared and trembling as they looked at each other as if to say, let’s cut our losses and go. Just then the medallion pulsed and Saycha quickly put it to his ear.

Micavello said,” Tell him that Quosy likes a many handed friend and that Cama is hidden from Flalic.”

Saycha looked at Jamce and then at Bada on the hood and said,” Quosy likes a many handed friend and Cama is hidden from Flalic.”

The Qytoe looked perplexed at first and then smiles washed across their faces Bada said,” If you are friends of Micavello, then we will treat you as one of our own. Open the gate immediately!”

The two Qytoe with spears hurried and opened the gate and Bada jumped off the hood and shook his finger at Saycha and smiled. Jamce and Dorama looked at Saycha in shock. They started pedaling as fast as they could. After they were through the gate Jamce asked,” What did you say to him?”

“I don’t know, I’ll ask Micavello,” said Saycha as he put the medallion to his ear.

“I told him you were a thief and that his beard was down to your knees. It’s an old joke between me and Quosy. He’s sure to smile when he gets wind of it. A little advice before you leave me…don’t stare at the Qytoe women’s bare breasts or it could get messy. Try to remember that, Saycha,” said Micavello with a slight laugh.

Saycha laughed as he looked at Jamce and said as he grimaced,” You don’t wanna know, a little wizard humor. But he did say not to stare at the Qytoe women’s bare breasts. Apparently that’s a major offense.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Shouldn’t be hard considering we’d end up dinner if we did,” said Jamce half jokingly as he steered around a group of 3 Qytoe who were walking on the side of the road.

There were so many Mecmec trees that you couldn’t see more than twenty feet in any direction. Along the side of the road were wooden sculptures carved by the Qytoe. Most were of animals like Palants or eagles, but others were of Qytoe families sitting beside one another.

Some were of mothers and fathers with small Qytoe children in their arms. It was a tradition among the Qytoe to be expert carvers of wood. It was taught from early youth and was practiced until perfection. They are also sometime users of black magic (or the missing light as it is called).

While they drove through the Mecmec forest everyone’s eyes were wide at the Qytoe cities high above the ground (thousands upon thousands of homes and buildings woven together between the trees and painted in all the colors of the rainbow). Quosy’s visage was displayed proudly all over every hut and building causing Dorama to remark,” Must be nice to be king, if for no other reason than the loyal subjects.”

“The subjects and the kingdom,” replied Jamce as he rubbed his eyes. “God, look at this wonderland it’s immense. It must have taken a thousand years to build all of this,” said Jamce in awe.

“Give a man a hammer and wait. Didn’t Lord Beba say that about building a civilization?”

asked Saycha as he pretended to be hammering.

“He did, but he also said give a man a shovel and he’ll dig his own grave, so you never know. I say give me a sunset I can see, these trees are getting tiresome,” said Jamce as he let out a sigh.

The medallion hummed and Saycha gave it a listen. Micavello said sternly,” Note to self, no more notes to self.” Saycha quickly looked at Micavello who was laughing. He listened again and Micavello said,” When we get out of the Mecmec forest take the Doveba pass. That will take us right into the heart of Stachance and get us to Dlarm’s villa. He’s a bit of a night owl, so we should be able to catch him this evening.”

“Understood, ok when we get out of the forest take the Doveba Pass. That will get us to Dlarm,” said Saycha as he threw his hair back.

“It shouldn’t be far now,” said Dorama as she felt the breeze with her hand.

They came out of the Mecmec forest and Dorama turned to watch the Qytoe wave goodbye and lock the gate behind them. She smiled when she saw this and felt a warm feeling for the Qytoe for letting them see their world. She wondered if she’d ever see them again, she hoped so.

Saycha was thinking that he prayed they’d get Micavello out in time to save the Nestook barrier. He was also thinking that the world was a bigger place than he knew. He wondered what else was out there waiting to be discovered. He wanted to find out if he could.

They hurled themselves through the Doveba Pass and coasted into the center of Stachance. It is a lavish town with very few huts and far too many castles and villas crammed side by side off the main road. In front of each is a golden sign with the occupants name and likeness engraved on it. Stachance is primarily a community of wizards. They went to great lengths to outdo one another and it was becoming ever harder to keep up with the Joneses. Castle upon castle stretching to the sky, with enormous botanical gardens that were filled with every odd flower and plant you could imagine. From Aaz ferns (that grew 30 feet high) to rare gold leaf roses that have no thorns and were soft to the touch.

Cornerme’s lair in Fenceghost

Cornerme was planning a surprise for Saycha. He stood on a silver pedestal in a darkened room and had his henchmen sitting before him in red velvet chairs in the darkness. Cornerme has a sliver mask over his face that has the visage of Luckster. He is also wearing silver gloves and a black and red flowing robe. He is a towering man of 6’6” and has a large muscular physique.

He clenched his fist and then Cornerme shouted,” This Saycha he is not wise, he is but a fool! And that medallion around his neck had might as well be a noose, for all the good it will do him! And Micavello…if he is the fool me thinks he is, then he will bring the medallion to a wizard of the Crimson Way. And soon after he is sprung, he will be racing to the Nestook, where we will be waiting to banish him once again!” thundered Cornerme as he swung his staff wildly and then said angrily, “His companions will be a feast for my pet Canto before long. They’re dying for a feast!” Everyone cheered and then Cornerme said sternly,” Emperor Sectis has given me every confidence that we will all be a part of his new world. So fear not, the time for rejoicing as at hand my Friends. Let us raise our chalices and be merry!” said Cornerme snidely and then he grabbed his chalice and took a large drink and everyone yelled out in celebration.

Back at Stachance

The four of them were searching for Dlarm’s villa. They were driving slowly and stopping to read every sign. Suddenly Jamce shouted,” Dlarm’s world of reservation! Right here, I just read the sign! Let’s pull off the main road and see if he’s home.”

They parked on a small patch of green grass in front and climbed out of the Ceesa. The front gate of his home had a box with a green outstretched hand inside of it and it said above it,” You first or you can’t come in.”

“I don’t get it, do what first?” asked Dorama as she inspected the hand.

Saycha walked calmly up to the hand and reached in and shook it.

The hand shook back startling Saycha, but it let go abruptly and then the gate disappeared into the ground. A lighted path appeared before them that led up to the villa.

“I’m on a roll,” said Saycha proudly as he started up the path.

Jamce and Dorama just shook their heads and smiled. Dlarm’s villa is made from circular blocks. The front has the appearance of a smiling face with windows for eyes, nose, and mouth.

The front door is in the shape of a star and is flanked by 2 bronze statues of Dlarm himself. As Saycha went to knock on the door the walls of the entryway opened up and a voice said gravely,”

Choose a side to enter, your life depends on it.”

“Don’t get any ideas Saycha. Hold on a second before you move an inch. Why don’t you ask Micavello what he thinks,” said Dorama as she put her hand on Saycha’s shoulder.

Saycha looked down at Micavello, but he just threw his hands up in the air. Saycha said anxiously,” He doesn’t know…so let’s just take our chances. I say we go right.”

“I feel it’s left,” said Dorama as she walked over to the left door.

“I’m with her,” said Jamce as he walked over to Dorama.

“Fine, see you inside I hope,” said Saycha nervously as he walked into the door on the right.

They went into the 2 doors together and as they did lights started flashing and then it became dark. A large light lit up the room and revealed that both doors led to the same place. They looked at each other and smiled at Dlarm’s rouse.

The room was filled with suits of armor and fish tanks. There were the small black playing cards on the floor in front of them. When Saycha reached down to grab one it burst into flames and Dlarm’s body formed from the billowing smoke. There he stood in front of them, all 4’4” of him. His hair is blood red and his beard was thick and long (down to his knees). His eyes are black with white dots and looked wild and crazy. He is a bulbous man and resembled a bowling pin. He has enormous hands and feet (far too big for his body). He is wearing a waist length black jacket with spirals of red all over it. He has on dark green velvet trousers with triangles sewn into every inch of them. His shoes are beige in color and have pointed toes that curled up

slightly. He has a blue crystal medallion around his neck that radiates blue light. In his hand there was a 5 foot tall red staff (with a claw at its apex).

He raised his arms high and yelled,” Scorch the Devils home!” And a cauldron of fire surrounded him and he could barely be seen.

Everyone froze in utter amazement and used their hands to shield them from the flames. The flames stopped suddenly and Dlarm asked plainly,” So what do you need?”

Jamce smiled and said,” The wizard Micavello is locked inside the Medallion of Believe and it is imperative that he be released. Can you help us?” asked Jamce as he looked intently at Dlarm.

“Where is the Medallion?” asked Dlarm.

Saycha stepped forward and said,” I have it here around my neck.”

Dlarm walked over to Saycha and picked up the medallion in his hand and said,” Oh, Micavello, what a terrible fate Dear Friend. Don’t worry I will release you, but it won’t be easy.

This crystal is not of this world. If my father were here he would laugh at the simplicity of cracking this crystal. He would also scowl at each of you and make a point to peel away your confidence,” said Dlarm as he inspected the Medallion. “Haverse is looking down at us all and mocking our every move. If we are not swift he will conjure, make no mistake he will conjure.

Stand back!”

Everyone moved quickly away from Saycha. Dlarm raised his staff high and shouted,”

Coarse blood and broken pride, destroy the walls that hide!”

Suddenly a ball of blue flames shot at the crystal and only slightly cracked it. Saycha’s face was slightly sunburned by the blast and asked anxiously,” Is that it, I hope?”

Dlarm shook his head no then shouted as he raised his staff,” Dying souls, lost talons of lust be gone!”

This time a ball of tiny blades and yellow light flew at and into the Medallion, shattering it into a million pieces. A red blaze of fire and light filled the room and the suits of armor were thrown violently against the walls. Jamce and Dorama were blown back onto their butts. Dlarm and Saycha were tied together by a black flame rope that held them fast where they were standing. Saycha screamed,” I can’t take it, it’s too much!”

“Stand fast, Young One!” screamed Dlarm as he remained still. Then a thousand fist size diamonds fell from the ceiling and hit the floor hard. The diamonds started to shake. Then a red blaze stopped suddenly and the room fell silent.

Everyone was startled then Saycha asked,” Where’s Micavello?”

“I’m afraid he didn’t make it. He wasn’t strong enough. He will be missed,” said Dlarm sadly and then he sighed.

“That can’t be, he was our only hope! There’s has to be something we can do,” said Dorama as she stood up and hurried over to Dlarm.

Jamce got up and pleaded,” Please, Dlarm, try another spell, something anything please!”

Dlarm shook his head no and started to tear up. Dorama put her hand over her mouth and started crying.

Saycha was in shock, he stared at Dlarm hoping that this wasn’t happening. Jamce held his head in his hands and felt completely desperate.

Then the floor began to shake and a swirling vortex started sucking in all of the diamonds.

The diamonds started adhering to one another and made the outline of a man. A geyser of green light shot through the diamonds and there stood Micavello.

Chapter 7

The Blemsink Prophecy

Micavello is 3 hands taller than Saycha. With flowing seal black hair that has a shine to it you noticed. His eyebrows are also black and look like the letter S lying on its side. His eyes are dark brown and lacked any hint of seriousness. His nose gently slopes from top to bottom. He is lean, but muscular and has a large chest and back. He is wearing a black silk sweater with a turtle neck that has a silver zipper with a human tooth at the end of it. He has on white denim jeans with the word Zame written in blue continuously from side to side and top to bottom. His shoes are black on black and have silver pointed tips. On his neck in the front is a tattoo of his late father Veril

He stands with his hands outstretched. He has a small white orb in his right hand. He smiled and said sternly,” Not just yet will I pass from this life. Now…we must continue onto the Nestook.”

“You want us to come with you?” asked Dorama sheepishly.

“Need more than want, Cornerme and his men will inevitably try to stop me and I trust that all of you could help if things got dangerous. So what do you say, are you in?” asked Micavello as he held out the hand with the white orb in it facing up.

Dlarm put his hand on the orb and said,” My loyalty is with you, always.”

“Ours too,” said Saycha as he put his hand on the orb.

Jamce and Dorama put their hands on the orb and smiled. The orb burst into a puff of smoke and left a thin white powder on everyone’s hands.

Jamce asked,” The Ceesa won’t hold us all, how will we travel?”

“I’ve got something that’s a good fit for us all, I assure you,” said Dlarm as he smiled from ear to ear and then said,” let’s take a walk together.”

Dlarm walked over to a large grandfather clock in the next room (it had a jester’s face and magic wands to mark the time) everyone followed close behind. He inserted the top of his staff into the jester’s eye and twisted it to the right. Half of the castle opened up and revealed a gigantic flying machine, (it looked like a Palant’s head with wings, with long purple wings attached to a black and green fuselage). It has green emerald windows in the front that look like a pair of sinister eyes. There is also a gold design of an eagle on either side swooping in on its prey. It has no propellers and no jet engines. It also has a domed glass compartment on the top of the plane as well as on the rear. In the front there is a large tusk protruding from between the emerald windows (with a silver ring wrapped around its center).

“What do you think of her?” asked Dlarm with a smile.

“It’s beautiful, but where’s the propulsion? I mean, how does she fly?” asked Dorama as she looked at the craft.

“The Magnex fly’s on magic, pure magic. Don’t worry about her flying, she’ll soar. So let’s see what I mean, follow me,” said Dlarm as he walked up to the side of the Magnex.

He tapped the side of the Magnex with his staff and the wall collapsed inward revealing a staircase. Everyone climbed the ivory stairs and walked playfully into a large room. It had 5

Palant hide couches arranged in a circle in the center of the room (with silver square tables in front of each of them). Behind the couches there was a 6 foot diamond statue of Dlarm looking imposing with a scowl on his face and a bird in its mouth. The walls are filled with thousands of 6 inch paintings of everywhere Dlarm has ever been (painted by Dlarm of course). The far wall

has 2 emerald windows and a pair of black leather recliners facing out. The floors are covered with a thick blue rug that has the design of a octagon on it (with a pair of eyes in the center).

“Nice digs, Dlarm, your style is impeccable as always,” said Micavello as he looked around the room.

“Thank you, Micavello, beauty is in the details.”

“Well there’s a lot of fascinating details then, wow what a room,” said Jamce as he sat down on one of the couches.

Dlarm walked up to one of the black recliners and sat down. He grinned and said,” We chant dilly dally,” then he put his staff into a hole in the floor between the recliners and said boldly,” Let’s catch us some sky.”

Suddenly a stream of stars came cascading out of the bottom of the Magnex and it lifted high into the sky. They soared at tremendous speed and then Jamce said,” This is too much, what a way to travel!”

“It’s awe inspiring to be up here! We can see all of creation, outstanding,” said Dorama as she stared out the window.

Saycha and Jamce looked out the window as well, but Dlarm was staring at Saycha, studying his face. Saycha felt his gaze and turned to catch him staring and asked,” What is it?”

Dlarm continued to stare at Saycha and then said quietly,” I know I’ve seen your face before we met, but I…I’ve got it!”

“Got what?” asked Saycha nervously as he fidgeted.

Micavello (who’d been sitting on one of the couches) walked over and asked,” Yes, Dlarm, is it important?”

Dlarm smiled and said proudly,” Blemsink, glorious Blemsink, this boy is a dead ringer for Blemsink, it’s astonishing!”

Micavello started looking intently at Saycha and then said boldly,” Yes, my God I see it, Havermo Blemsink in the flesh.”

Saycha smiled slightly and asked,” Who’s Havermo Blemsink?”

“Yeah I’ve never heard that name before, do tell,” said Jamce as he stood beside Saycha and glanced at him.

“I’ll tell you who Havermo Blemsink is or was to be accurate. Blemsink was a yellow wizard from the Datrain period who was murdered because he refused to help the Cornstar guild,” started Micavello as he walked back and forth and then continued,” Who were a group of black wizards that overthrew King Pesis. King Pesis refused to allow black wizards to live in his province you see. But before Blemsink perished he vowed to be reincarnated a thousand years to the day and rid the world of black magic,” said Micavello as he put his hand to his chin.

“But how long had it been since he died?” asked Dorama intently as she walked over to Micavello.

“There is no way to tell exactly because there wasn’t always a record of time, or years, that had passed. My, wouldn’t that be fascinating if you were him and didn’t even know it ‘til now.

You know Blemsink was considered a wizard of enormous power, it was said he could wield the staff of Wrom. There aren’t any wizards who could even dream of that now,” said Dlarm.

“That’s right, the staff of Wrom is supposed to be capable of all forms of magic and with only a thought by the one who wields it. I wouldn’t worry about it, Saycha, it’s probably just a coincidence,” said Micavello as he put his hand on Saycha’s shoulder.

“Blemsink, I knew all along you weren’t a Mospet. The truth has finally come out and not a minute too soon if you ask me,” said Jamce sarcastically as he messed up Saycha’s hair.

Saycha smiled and pulled away and said dryly,” I should be so lucky.”

“WE should be so lucky,” said Jamce and Dorama with a smile and a moment later they were laughing.

Saycha rolled his eyes and asked,” Micavello, how long ‘til we reach the Nestook?”

“You should ask Dlarm that, it’s his ship,” said Micavello.

Dlarm scanned his charts and said quickly,” Well, at this rate and barring any obstacles, we could be there within the hour. But once we’re there, and to get there we’ll have to enter the Gobsty Grey, we’ll still have some serious work ahead of us.”

The Gobsty Grey is an all encompassing grey cloud that serves as a buffer between Pabstrum and the Nestook. It is filled with Larce birds and Manonks. Larce birds are like vultures but with enormous heads that are gaudy and menacing. They have piercing yellow eyes and black teeth that grow when they are attacked to twice their size. Their skin is red and coarse with spikes that run every inch of them. They would violently attack anyone or anything that got too close. Manonks are land dwellers that have round torsos and are brown in color. They have 3

blue eyes bunched close together that never blink and tiny square mouths. They are 6 feet in diameter and are constantly digging holes and avoiding the Larce birds.

Micavello sat down and spoke softly,” That’s right, Cornerme will be waiting with all of his treachery. And if we can get by him and his men, there’s no guarantee the Nestook can be repaired. I worry we won’t get there in time, it troubles me.”

Jamce then said,” Don’t give up hope, we’ve come this far. We just have to use all of our will to triumph over Drayne and Cornerme.”

Micavello nodded and closed his eyes. He knew that Jamce was right, but he also knew they had a mountain to climb. Saycha was uneasy as well, he didn’t know if he was up for the challenge ahead.

Dorama sensed that everyone was a little down so she jumped up on one of the tables and shouted,” We don’t give up, we don’t give in! We’re all gonna fight ‘cause this is our task and this is our power!”

Everyone looked at her and felt invigorated.

Dlarm shouted,” We’ll bring a fight with us that has no end and no escape for our enemies!”

Jamce jumped up on a table and bellowed,” Fools are against us, she’s right and you’re right!”

Micavello and Saycha jumped up onto the couches and Micavello said boldly,” You’re all right, our cause is a just one be warned Sectis! We’re fighting ‘til our blood runs cold!”