Spirit Story by Shane - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


The sun’s glare shone strong and bright with a basking radiance in the evergreen woodlands and forestry. Sean and Noah walked forward together through the snapping sticks and leaves, treading further away from the campsite of the shaman village behind them. They kept treading along the murky earth until they discovered a small area of logs and old campfire twigs all housed in one neat spot. They huddled around the dead campfire and sat down on neighboring logs while placing their half-filled bowls by each of their sides. Noah dusted off his jacket while sitting down while Sean with his hand rested on his neck began to crack it in and around several directions. They adjusted their composures and then looked at each other both in the eye and smiled both for a brief moment until Noah began to speak.

“Well, alright then. So where should we start?” Noah said.

Sean huddled himself on a neighboring log and took a casual look to the ground.

“Alright, so we need some interesting topics to discuss, right?” Sean responded.

“Yeah,” Noah nodded.

“Well let’s just start talking about social issues then. Social issues and all the problems in the world both on the planet Earth and Other Earth here. Life in general you know like social issues, morality and humanity as a whole, things like that. That seems simple enough, right?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

Sean gave off a contemplated facial expression and for a brief moment put his fingers to his chin. “So I think the first thing is we should start talking about social issues in society and why human beings aren’t morally in check as a whole. And this isn’t politics, we’re interested in talking about morality and social issues on that scale, there’s a big distinction between the two. Humanity likes to group the two together when they are completely two different things.”

“Ok, then,” Noah waved his hand to him with light gesture, “so elaborate on what you want to talk about exactly.”

“Well, personally I think human beings have been on this planet too long to be still so immoral to each other and when I say on this planet I mean back on Earth and here on Other Earth, so keep that in mind when I refer to that.” Sean laid his body back down on the ground and looked up toward the sky with his hands behind his head while shooting a casual stoic facial expression.

“Ok, I will keep that in mind then. Feel free to continue,” Noah said as he reached in his jacket pocket while lighting a cigarette.

“So yeah, I think all these problems like racism and sexism still being here are simply ridiculous and should stop once and for all, you know? All this racism, sexism, or anything like that and discrimination of any sort should cease finally, and of course I respect all nations and countries laws concerning the LGBTQ if it’s illegal to be LGBTQ in their country and nation back on Earth but homophobia needs to be dealt with as well, you know? I think we should finally progress as human beings and stop being so hateful to each other,” Sean said while still gazing at the sky.

“Yeah, yeah. I hear you. That’s what the organization I’m with centers around, helping and supporting the welfare and wellbeing of all people and trying to end all forms of discrimination one step at a time,” Noah said.

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that,” Sean said looking over at him, “what’s that place called again? I noticed seeing those letters on your coat.”

“It’s called the PHD Department, or at least that’s the casual and colloquial way the citizens refer to it as. It stands simply for Philanthropy Department, the extra department in the name for the acronym is there only to refer to it easier when you say it that way but basically that’s the name of our organization. We are a human rights nonprofit organization collaborated solely to promote and develop human welfare worldwide. We’re around to help people in anyway, protest, hand out food to the poor and homeless, give donations, pump up rallies, and any other social activity you can think of,” Noah said while blowing a plethora of smoke in the air.

“Wow, that sounds pretty cool. I should check it out sometime.”

“Yeah, we got our main headquarters in the central area of Main City. Stop on by whenever you need help with anything because we have a counseling department, or you can just come by simply to say hello, which is fine as long as I’m not in a meeting.”

“Ok, that sounds pretty good,” Sean said looking back to the sky.

“Well, so back on topic. What are your methods for advocating for positive and peaceful change? Because our methods should seem obvious to you, we go around and protests peacefully, build rallies, schedule speeches, etc. But I was interested if you had any plans of your own to promote change in a significant way if you had any,” Noah said while hovering his cigarette up.

“Oh, yeah I was going to get to that. So I don’t think I have told you yet how much a certain person’s influence has been on my life, well I guess I’m dead now since I’m in the afterlife but you get what I mean,” Sean said looking over to him laughing. The person’s name is 2Pac, Tupac Amaru Shakur being his full name,” Sean said.

Noah closed his eyes and took a few nods. “Yes, yes. I am familiar with him and his music. He really did a lot for social change with his music during his lifetime and career.”

“Right!” Sean said with excitement. “You really feel his music! I’m such a big fan of him and in my opinion his music is like an instruction manual on how to change the world. His music really stands out like that from the rest, at least in my opinion.”

Noah took his cigarette in, inhaled and then exhaled another wad of smoke. He rested his nerves while contemplating to himself for a brief moment.

“Well, I think most people would actually agree with you on that, anyone that’s familiar with his music especially I mean. He was a natural activist shooting for change during his career.”

Sean shot his body up in excitement facing him crossed legged with a big smirk on his face. “Yeah, he was wasn’t he! I remember liking several interviews on him I’ve seen online. He has quite a few let me think…Oh, so like he had one interview where he talked about sharing money with the poor and how it’s a shame there can be so many rich people when there’s people starving and homeless in the streets. He was very real in the interview and even pointed at the screen and expressed how all races and people need to understand each other to survive and have equality.”

“Yeah, it is a shame to have so much money circulating everywhere worldwide and we got so many homeless and poor people with less or without almost anything of their own. That’s what my department is trying to fix one step at a time. We can’t stay like this with people having all this wealth and riches while so many people worldwide are poor and struggling,” Noah said.

“Yeah, I agree. But I also think it’s not necessarily a bad thing if you enjoy your wealth, you know? I think enjoying your wealth and money is fine, especially since its human instinct. But I also think we should share more often with the poor, you know. People should be open to giving some of their money out consistently to those in need more often in this life.” Sean face gave a perplexed look as he closed his eyes in slow.

“I think if we gave like even say a dollar or so…Yeah so if every human on earth gave at least a dollar to a ghetto community or low income area and we did that everywhere then we would be alright more or less, being the poor and struggling I mean,” Sean said.

“Yes, I agree if we did something as simple like that things would be better…but…unfortunately things aren’t the case or anything like that because of things like greed and power,” Noah said while taking in another wad of smoke as he blew it out.

“Yeah…that sucks…I know. If people took one moment to stop being greedy for once and one moment they’d realize how much these people worldwide need help. Especially black people need help out here, you know? There like the poorest race out here and they really need help in the struggle out here in this world. Like I said before though enjoying your wealth is fine, but’s there’s still no excuse to not try to help at all or sometimes when you can, you know?” Sean said laying back down looking up at the sky.

“Yeah, I hear you. It’s a damn shame the way the world works with all this corruption and poverty in the world.”

“And speaking of that, with you saying the way the world works and all that. I don’t really understand something, it’s been bugging me for a while now even with most of my time on Earth before I died and came here.”

“What’s that?”

“Why are so many human beings immoral to each other?” Sean said looking at him with a perplexed face.

Noah took a moment to take a deep breath and reposition himself while leveling his cigarette. “Well, tell me what exactly is on your mind on the subject.”

“Yeah, ok so I mean like why are we still on this planet after being here so long and we still have to deal with all these problems and everything?”

Noah stood there silent as the wind blew soft strokes surrounding them. The air pressure felt as if it stopped at a halt, forcing the grass and leaves to stride in swift, sharp motion across the bedrock earth.

“I’m saying why do these problems still exist today? What’s up with that?”

Noah looked at the ground for a brief moment and proceeded then to speak. “Well, probably the same answer as like before. With greed and power comes immorality and disrespect.”

“I see, well I don’t understand it really. I’m not a very mannerly person but I don’t see why it’s so hard to treat black people and other races equally and to be respectful to women. And like I said I respect countries and nations anti-gay laws but what about gays and lesbians, and all the other members of the LGBTQ categories? Where’s their respect? Why aren’t they being treated equally?” Sean asked perplexed more.

Noah began to nod his head even more to his words with his cigarette in hand. “Yes, yes. I hear you. The equality isn’t there completely; we still have so much to work for. As I keep saying that’s what my department is about, human welfare of all types and progress for humanity. But back to the topic, yes I think women should be treated with respect along with the other social groups you mentioned before. Black people, women, and LGBTQ people have been going through too much oppression through the years. Especially with black women with them having to deal with racism and sexism at the same time. That double oppression must be hard to deal with so black women should be treated with respect and equally as well to be more specific.”

“Yeah and there’s so many other social groups besides those mentioned before that are being oppressed every day, like introverts. Introverts are oppressed in societies worldwide every day. Oh, I was meaning to ask you Noah before, are you an introvert yourself?”

Noah took another swab of his cigarette to blow in the air. “Yes, I am one. How’d you figure it out?”

“Well, I just noticed you’re a pretty chill guy. I just kind of got the vibe while meeting you but I just wasn’t too sure yet, until now upon asking you,” Sean said.

“Well you hit it right on the money. I’m a natural introvert. I manage to do my best at work and organize and administer social events and speeches to the best of my ability. But it is a lot of work and I get drained at the end of the day, especially if I’ve been around a lot of people that particular day,” Noah said.

“I see.”

“So yes, I would say I am an introvert but I’m not particular shy all that much, at least most of the time. Those are two different things which is a common misconception between people. Introverts come in all shapes and sizes. There are introverts among every race in this world. Extroverts and introverts both live in this world together alike.”

“Right, right. I’m an extrovert so that’s why I asked. So that’s cool to know and confirm but alright back on subject again so. After discussing I think I just came up with an idea to fix all these problems finally in the world!” Sean said.

“Really, what’s that?” Noah said.

“Proud statements! Proud statements and Thug Life that is, along with 2Pac’s “Changes” song of course as well.”

“Ok, explain further what you mean by that.”

“Alright, cool so yeah Tupac Shakur made Thug Life into an acronym that meant The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody. It’s an acronym that means that the hate that you gave underdogs, the oppressed, and underrepresented people screws everyone and all of society. This acronym connects to thugs, gangsters, and niggas since their oppressed in society in the world but also it connects and relates to people in other categories like black people, women, and so on that are oppressed, hated on, detested by society worldwide. And like I said what’s great about this acronym is that it applies to all underdogs and underrepresented people so even like introverts, black introverts, poor people, LGBTQ people, the have-nots, starving people, manga and anime fans, comic book fans, gamers, impoverished people, old people, homeless people and so on can also relate to this T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. acronym. That’s what’s great about Thug Life.” Sean said.

“I see, that’s very interesting. I can see why so many could relate to that as well,” Noah said.

“Right? So yeah, Thug Life is for all underdogs and underrepresented people. Pac defined his definition of a thug as an underdog in society who struggle and finally overcomes hardships and succeeds in life because he overcame all obstacles in his Tupac: Resurrection, so that’s why thugs, gangsters, and niggas can relate to it along with all those other types of people in some of those other categories I mentioned before can relate to it as well in life. So basically Pac’s definition of Thug Life is Underdog Life and he’s trying to empower all underdogs in society that are hated on and oppressed by the overrepresented and richer people in society in the world,” Sean said.

“That sounds really relatable, for sure. I’m glad 2Pac made Thug Life in that way for all underrepresented people like that. There’s a lot of people that aren’t white male’s or overrepresented people and rich in society, so that acronym really can relate to a lot of people in the struggle in this world,” Noah said.

“Yeah and the next thing is the proud statement idea. So I came up with a simple and amazing idea of making a list of statements saying things like I’m black and I’m proud and so on! That’s it! I’ve figured out how to fix all these problems and clean up all these social issues with this! And it can apply to all underrepresented people in this world,” Sean said proudly.

“I see, that is a great idea. You can empower the underdogs and underrepresented people with idea, it’s spectacular for sure,” Noah said.

“Yeah, it is isn’t it? And I can even expand it and make other statements and things to say through the proud statement concept and idea. This is getting really exciting to just think about right now, man I can’t wait to get started on it!” Sean said with an ecstatic face.

“I’m sure you can’t wait. Do you need pieces of paper and writing utensils to work with?”

“Oh yeah, most definitely. We’re gonna need that to get started and get this going. Do you have any on you?” Sean asked.

“Yeah, give me one moment.” Noah held his hand out and a load of materials materialized in front of him. “We can use these right here, I summoned a number of papers and pencils for us to work with here,” Noah said while taking another wad of smoke and blowing it out.

“Wow, I didn’t know you could do that kind of thing in this world. Can you teach me how to do that sometime?”

“Yes, I’ll tell you more about it later but let’s get started on the work now that you mentioned it so passionately to me here today.”

“Oh, yeah sure. So basically we’ll spend a few hours working on these sheets of paper and write together a list of proud statements out to fix and change the world and all its problems and issues. We can use 2Pac’s “Changes” songs to fix all these problems and social issues mostly so we’re probably going to be using and mentioning that song here in these statements quite a lot. So be ready to do that mostly while we’re working,” Sean said.

“Ok, that sounds perfect. If there’s not anything else to say then let’s get started right away then,” Noah said.

“Nope, I’ve said everything I’ve had too. Let’s hop right in and get this movement going already!” Sean said.

 “Alright, understood,” Noah said.

“Now, let’s get started then,” Sean said.

“Alright,” Noah said.