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Chapter 9


Noah passed the papers to Sean as he sat there silent in the quiet forest grounds. They scribbled away for several hours with intense focus and attention to their pages. They looked up quick as time further passed and until they both settled their pages down and then proceeded to pass each other’s papers to read.


Proud List                                                                       #1

Proud Statements


  1. It’s time to work toward world peace with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song on this planet Earth and I’m proud to understand that. Let’s work toward world peace on a significant scale as human beings on this planet Earth and 2Pac’s “Changes” song can help us do that so all these problems, social issues, and all this starvation and poverty worldwide can finally cease on this planet Earth once and for all and I’m proud to understand that and support significant social change while supporting working toward world peace on a massive scale on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song.
  2. I believe 2Pac’s song “Changes” should be used as an international anthem on the planet Earth to work toward world peace and I’m proud to believe that. Let’s as human beings on the planet Earth heed to the message in 2Pac’s “Changes” song and work toward having world peace for all while striving to help all poor people that are struggling worldwide from poverty and starvation with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song as well and I’m proud to understand that. With the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song it would be great to see significant social change worldwide and inspiration put into the hearts and lives of all people in the struggle worldwide. If your poor, starving, and in the struggle out there in this world then don’t give up hope out there and embrace inspiration in your life through all the pain and suffering, don’t let the world’s problems like poverty, world hunger, oppression towards underrepresented people, starvation, hardship, pain, and suffering out there in the world get to you, continue to stay strong through all the pain, hatred, suffering, and hardship. I respect all nations and countries with laws concerning the LGBTQ, atheist, agnostics, and specific laws concerning women in their respective country and nation on this planet. Countries and nations on this planet Earth can choose to disregard or acknowledge any statements stated in these proud statements below concerning the LGBTQ, atheist, agnostics, and women in their country and nation if they have anti-gay laws and specific laws based around those other categories mentioned that exist in their respective country and nation on this planet. I only hope 2Pac’s “Changes” song helps the world work toward peace, equality, and eventual significant and permanent positive social change on this planet Earth for all humans. If we’re going to live together as human beings on this planet then humanity has to peacefully analyze and settle the issues and oppression surrounding black people, black women, the LGBTQ, women, poor people and other underrepresented and oppressed people in societies worldwide and we can handle these issues if we as humans peacefully help clean up these issues and work toward world peace on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song. Let’s work toward world peace with 2Pac’s song “Changes” one step at a time as a human race before we do something drastic that we can never take back like entering World War III on this planet Earth and I’m sure nobody wants that and I’m proud to understand that. If it is ever possible let’s try to look past our differences with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song as a human race and finally fully attempt to respect and understand each other on this planet Earth. 2Pac’s “Changes” song can help us do that as a human race and bring world peace to this world that we all live in. Let’s do our part to help the community in places worldwide as humans on this planet, if we all do our part as people on this planet then we can change the world together. Let’s use 2Pac’s “Changes” to help do that and help work toward world peace in this world and finally end these issues like poverty, starvation, immorality, famine, war, pain, global warming issues, corruption, fossil fuel issues, greed, suffering, struggle, hardship, and every other issue worldwide and I’m proud to understand that and support 2Pac’s “Changes” song to help work toward world peace and support fixing these issues that reside on this planet Earth. Everybody that is poor and struggling worldwide, don’t worry, never give up and always have hope. Embrace inspiration in your life and always believe in yourself no matter how hard life gets for you and your family, listen to 2Pac’s “Changes” and keep believing in yourself in this hard life always. We can work toward world peace as human beings on this planet Earth if we all work together and use 2Pac’s “Changes” to make a positive difference in the world. I’m proud to understand all that and work toward world peace with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song while inspiring people that are poor and in the struggle worldwide.
  3. It’s time to end homelessness once and for all on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that. Let’s share money and food with all people in the struggle worldwide and I’m proud to understand that too.
  4. It’s time to end poverty once and for all on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that. Let’s share money and food with all people in the struggle worldwide and I’m proud to understand that too.
  5. It’s time to end starvation and famine once and for all on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that. Let’s share money and food with all people in the struggle worldwide and I’m proud to understand that too.
  6. It’s time to end all social issues once and for all on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that.
  7. If you’re tired of being poor and starving in this world then it’s time to stand up and let the world know your tired of all these problems out here and being poor and starving on this planet Earth! March the streets peacefully and scream “Thug Life! Thug Life! Thug Life!” while blasting 2Pac's music since 2Pac made Thug Life for all underdogs and underrepresented people on this planet and you'll see me write more about that in the twelfth proud statement below. Let's use 2Pac's "Changes" song because it's time to make a difference out here in this world because people are tired of being oppressed and tired of being poor and starving out here in this hard world. So peacefully protest and march the streets blasting Pac's music and screaming Thug Life if you’re a poor, starving, and a underrepresented person on this planet Earth and I'm proud to say that and empower all oppressed people, homeless people, the underrepresented, underdogs, and poor people worldwide and I’m proud to empower all underdogs and underrepresented people mentioned in the twelfth proud statement.
  8. Listen to 2Pac’s “Changes” song and always try to leave the violence to our fiction and music if you can since promoting peace in this world is a huge reason why 2Pac made his “Changes” song in the first place. 2Pac died for social change and peace so let’s respect his death for social change and peace and listen to his “Changes” song and try to promote peace in the world like Pac says in his “Changes” song and I’m proud to recommend that with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song.
  9. We have to save all the poor people, black people, homeless people, niggas, gangsters, thugs, the have nots, minorities, people currently in poverty, the starving children and homeless children, the starving and homeless people worldwide of all races and ethnicities, and all people struggling worldwide on this planet while striving for peace all with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song. It’s time to listen to 2Pac’s song “Changes” and try to end all fighting, end wars, try to end conflicts, stop the violence, put down the guns, weapons, and end the violence while instead trying to leave all forms of violence to our fiction and music if we can worldwide. Let’s leave the violence to our fiction and music and not partake in violence in real life if possible so we can end all this pain and suffering worldwide and finally live in peace with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song. The entire human race should start donating and sharing money with the poor people in the struggle worldwide and I’m proud to understand that. We need to save all poor people and homeless people worldwide of all races and we can only do that if we all pitch in and do our part and start consistently donating, sharing our money, and giving a portion of our money away to those that are in need and to those who have less out there in this world consumed by poverty, hunger, and famine. Let’s work together as a human race on this planet to end poverty worldwide with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that.
  10. I respect all nations and countries laws on this planet and any country and nation on this planet Earth with anti-gay laws, anti-atheist and agnostic laws, that do not favor the LGBTQ, and have specific laws concerning women in their respective country and nation along other people and categories on this planet Earth, those countries and nations can choose to ignore or acknowledge the following proud statements written below that concern and relate to the LGBTQ, atheist, agnostics, and women in their respective country or nation on this planet Earth.
  11. It's time to end world hunger, homelessness, and starvation on this planet Earth once for all and I'm proud to understand that. Let's feed every human being on this planet Earth, especially the ones that are poor, homeless, and struggling and let's give them money and homes to sleep in on this planet Earth and I'm proud to understand that. Let's use 2Pac's "Changes" song to help end homelessness, poverty, and starvation worldwide while working for world peace and I'm proud to say that too.
  12. Tupac Shakur defined his Thug Life tattoo as an acronym that meant The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody, T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. defined by Tupac Shakur himself, which he created for all underdogs and underrepresented people on the planet Earth. Tupac Shakur made his Thug Life acronym to not only empower black people, thugs, gangsters, niggas, and poor and homeless people but also to empower all underdogs and underrepresented people in this world as well and to show society that the hate and oppression toward underrepresented people screws everyone in society as a whole in this world. I’m here to also show the world that this acronym applies to all oppressed people and underrepresented people on this planet Earth and showcase that it applies to people in categories that society worldwide wouldn’t normally expect initially because all the categories I’m about to mention are underrepresented people that have been oppressed and have received hate by society worldwide which further validates Tupac Shakur’s The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody, T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. acronym on this planet Earth because all of these categories I’m about to mention have a place on this planet Earth and giving hate to them screws all of society worldwide on this planet Earth and that’s what 2Pac’s The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody, T.H.U.G.LI.F.E. is all about. Tupac Shakur stated his Thug Life acronym is for the empowerment of all underdogs and underrepresented people in this world and these oppressed and underrepresented people comprise: black people, poor people, thugs, gangsters, niggas, homeless people, black women, women, LGBTQ people, impoverished people, introverts, black introverts, fans of adult animation and teen animation, gamers, manga and anime fans, comic book fans, nerds and geeks, cartoon fans, oppressed people, handicapped people, struggling people, atheist, agnostics, starving people, non-emotional females and emotional males, old people, the mentally ill, underrepresented people, minorities, and all other underrepresented people in this world. So basically 2Pac says Thug Life means Underdog Life and you can confirm this yourself by looking up Thug Life explained online on the internet, you’ll find it from a scene of his Tupac: Resurrection documentary when he mentions the person who overcomes and succeeds is a thug because he overcame all obstacles, the dictionary, and the person who has nothing still has his head up high and is being strong through all the adversity and hardships of life. That pretty much paraphrases the exact scene right there for you word for word that Tupac said about Thug Life for you to easily look up online, Tupac, the Outlawz, and Thug Life members, and speakers in documentaries have all talked about T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. and its acronym and definition in multiple documentaries on Tupac and interviews as well online for people to access and research and I’m adding my understanding of T.H.UG.L.I.F.E. as well since I researched it and understood myself its meaning for this planet Earth with me showing its meaning here now in this story. With the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song all this hate needs to stop if we all want to live in peace on this planet, we need to respect oppressed and underrepresented people listed above with 2Pac’s “Changes” song because all these problems won’t go away on this planet if we don’t as human beings on this planet Earth. 2Pac’s “Changes” song can help humanity as a whole in this world because each of these categories has a place in this world and deserve support, respect, and help. All the categories mentioned above represent a different underdog and underrepresented person that has received hate that in turn screws society as a whole with Tupac Shakur’s Thug Life acronym understanding, 2Pac’s “Changes” can help humanity end all this hatred by simply heeding to its message before it’s too late and we go extinct on this planet Earth without making it to or close to world peace in some fashion in this world. Therefore, if humanity wishes to live in peace and end all these problems and social issues then we should work with 2Pac’s “Changes” song as a human race and work toward world peace the best we can and use 2Pac’s “Changes” song to help try to respect our differences on this planet. I also briefly wanted to mention that 2Pac wrote the songs “Shorty Wanna Be a Thug” and “Young Niggaz” for kids, children, and teenagers so that they won’t do things like drop out of school and all that, so for all the parents out there reading this I ask that you please relax and not come at me with criticism for allegedly causing your child to drop out of school through the content of my story. 2Pac wrote “Shorty Wanna Be a Thug” and “Young Niggaz” so that kids would stay in school, get jobs, and raise a family like everybody, so because 2Pac wrote “Shorty Wanna Be a Thug” and “Young Niggaz” I felt I should carry on his message in those songs and I’m sure 2Pac, the Outlawz, and the Thug Life group would want me to do that too. I'm not an actual thug like 2Pac was but regardless of me not being an actual thug like Pac was I still connect to Thug Life because I'm black and I'm an underdog and underrepresented person in society just like a lot of people are of all nationalities, cultures, races, genders, and social groups are in this world. Thug Life connects to people of all cultures, races, genders, and ethnicities because it represents all people in the struggle and all people that received hate from the richer, wealthier, and the overrepresented in society that constantly oppresses the poor and underrepresented. But as we all know now The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody which is what 2Pac said Thug Life meant and embodies since all that hatred against the underrepresented screws all of society and eventually the people will peacefully revolt and fight for their rights, freedom, wealth, and liberation. So I love Thug Life and Tupac Shakur for those reasons and so many more even if I'm not an actual thug in my life, I'll always connect to Thug Life and identify with it and all underdogs and underrepresented people should too so they can be proud of who they are and happy to live this life as an underdog and underrepresented person in this world and I'm proud to say all that. Everybody on the planet Earth needs to take a minute and give their respect and condolences to Tupac Amaru Shakur and everything that he did for this planet along with his amazing crew the Outlawz, and the Thug Life group. They put their lives on the line to change the world and they put passion, emotion, and hard work into everything that they did for this world and all I’m saying here now is each and every one of them needs and deserves recognition, respect, and gratitude for everything that they did for this planet Earth. Tupac especially put a lot of effort and hard work into everything that he did for social change and so I felt it’d disrespectful to not give that respect and condolences to him for all that he did for this world, so I ask please for every human being on the planet Earth to acknowledge and respect Tupac Shakur and everything that he did for this world along with the Outlawz and the Thug Life group as well and I’m proud to say all that from the bottom of my heart. Rest in peace Tupac and all the other Outlawz and Thug Life members that may have passed away while I’m writing this today and in future time periods and thank you so much for everything that you guys did for this world.
  13. Always remember Thug Life basically means Underdog Life along with the Thug Life acronym meaning The Hate U Gave Little Infants Fucks Everybody, T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E because all hate given to the underrepresented screws all of society in this world. And always remember T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. applies to people of these categories on this planet Earth: black people, poor people, thugs, gangsters, niggas, homeless people, black women, women, LGBTQ people, impoverished people, introverts, black introverts, fans of adult animation and teen animation, gamers, manga and anime fans, comic book fans, nerds and geeks, cartoon fans, oppressed people, starving people, non-emotional females and emotional males, struggling people, atheist, agnostics, handicapped people, old people, the mentally ill, underrepresented people, minorities, and all other underrepresented people in this world and I’m proud to understand that.
  14. If you’re tired of being poor and starving out here in this world and of these problems against underdogs and underrepresented people in this world then stand up and march the streets peacefully and revolt in this world! March the streets peacefully and scream “Thug Life! Thug Life! Thug Life! Thug Life!” at the top of your lungs if you’re an underrepresented person that’s received hate and oppression in this world and if you’re tired of being poor, homeless, and starving in this world! Tupac Shakur said you’re a thug if you’re an underdog and underrepresented person in society on this planet Earth which means 2Pac said Thug Life means Underdog Life which he made for all underrepresented and oppressed people in this world. If you’re one of these underdogs and underrepresented people: black people, poor people, thugs, gangsters, niggas, homeless people, black women, women, LGBTQ people, impoverished people, introverts, black introverts, fans of adult animation and teen animation, gamers, manga and anime fans, comic book fans, nerds and geeks, cartoon fans, oppressed people, starving people, non-emotional females and emotional males, struggling people, atheists, agnostics, handicapped people, old people, the mentally ill, underrepresented people, minorities, along with other underrepresented people in this world, and if you’re tired of being poor and starving in this world then stand up and protest peacefully and march the streets peacefully worldwide screaming “Thug Life! Thug Life!” while blasting 2Pac’s music to end all this oppression and poverty in this world for all people on this planet Earth and I’m proud to say that and empower all oppressed and poor people in this world!
  15. Like with the message for peace in 2Pac’s “Changes” song, all forms of protest should be peaceful and non-violent in this world and I’m proud to say that with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song.
  16. It’s time for us to help poor people of all races struggling worldwide on this planet Earth. Let’s help all poor people and love and support each other as a community worldwide and always share money continuously so people can get out of poverty and starvation worldwide and I’m proud to understand that with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song. Donate and share money with the person next to you whether they’re rich or poor, share money always with those in need, and continue to do this on a constant basis so we can end this poverty, starvation, and homelessness issue together as a human race on this planet with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to support that and recommend this sharing money mentality and idea with all people and poor and homeless people of all races on this planet Earth with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song.
  17. I’m tired of seeing no results of social change in this world and just seeing movies, hearing music, watching music videos, reading books, and watching speeches about the struggles of being poor and starving on this planet with all these problems still here! It’s time to see some results on this planet! If your poor and starving on this planet Earth and fed up and tired of it, Use 2Pac’s songs like “Changes” and get up and march the streets peacefully and let the world know your tired of starving and being in poverty out here! Scream “Thug Life! Thug Life Thug Life! Thug Life!” if you’re tired of being poor and starving out here and if you’re an underdog and underrepresented person in this world because people are tired of being poor and struggling out here in this world! 2Pac was right, its real dirty out here and somebody’s gotta help all these poor and homeless people and underrepresented people so let’s clean up this mess like 2Pac said and get all these poor and homeless people worldwide some money, housing, and food with the help of 2Pac’s music and “Changes” song. I can’t relax and watch movies, play video games, read manga, and hang with my friends and all that until all these homeless people and poor people get some help out here, I wanna enjoy my life on this planet just like everybody else but I can’t do that until these problems go away and all these poor and homeless people get some food in their stomachs and some money in their pockets out here. So peacefully march the streets if your poor and starving and tired of struggling and being homeless out here and use 2Pac’s “Changes” song and music to help you and I’m proud to understand that and empower poor and homeless people worldwide.
  18. If you ever wanted to know why people act and behave different in this world, it’s because of something called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. People of all cultures, races, genders, and ethnicities have either one of the sixteen personality types based on the Myers-Briggs apart of them and I’ll mention the sixteen personality types in the next sentence. ESTJ, ESTP, ISTJ, ISTP, ESFJ, ESFP, ISFJ, ISFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ, INFP, ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ, and INTP are the sixteen personality types you can be, there are eight extroverted personalities and eight introverted personalities that are listed above a part of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, you can’t change your personality type because of multiple factors like functions being used by each personality type and all that. It’s the most popular and accurate personality assessment in the world and it helps explain why people are different in this world. So now you know, now you know why people of all cultures, races, genders, and ethnicities act and behave differently. You the reader can research it and analyze it on your own time, I’m just writing it here to raise awareness on it so people and families can know why they act and behave differently in this world. Both extroverts and introverts live with each other in this world so understanding the Myers-Briggs and using 2Pac’s song “Changes” will help all of humanity better understand each other in this world. Each of the extroverts and introverts in this world based on the Myers-Briggs use different functions primarily, secondary, and so on but you’ll learn more about that if you better research the Myers-Briggs and Myers-Briggs functions online so you’ll know what I’m talking about here. I’m just here to better explain and raise awareness on all this, once you start reading and researching yourself the Myers Briggs stuff if you’re interested then everything will become clear to you the reader reading this now. Just search online “Myers Briggs” and “MBTI functions” and everything will become clear on what I’m talking about and you’ll better understand why people around you act and behave differently and better understand yourself as well which is a positive as well for all people in this world. You can take the personality assessment but whether you do or not you can read the descriptions online and confirm your personality type. A lot of people also mistype themselves when they answer certain questions wrong and all that so reading the descriptions of each type online or wherever until you find the one that fits you the best is usually best method whether you take the assessment or not. Anyways that’s all, now you know why people act different in this world, there are sixteen personality types in this world, with eight of them being extroverts and the other eight being introverts and I’m proud to understand that finally on this planet Earth.
  19. Always support and help people in the struggle that are poor, starving, and struggling worldwide anyway you can with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud to understand that and support sharing money with poor, starving, and struggling people worldwide. Let’s help the community as human beings worldwide and help all these poor people, have-nots, and starving people out here. We can only do this if all humans listen to 2Pac’s “Changes” song and help people that are poor and in the struggle worldwide, so let’s do this and help change the world and help poor people, starving people, people in the struggle, and homeless people worldwide with the help of 2Pac’s “Changes” song and I’m proud support all that and support helping people that are poor, starving, and in the struggle worldwide.
  20. Always share money with the poor and homeless consistently with the help 2Pac's "Changes" song in all time periods and I'm proud to understand that.
  21. Always share food with the poor and homeless consistently with the help 2Pac's "Changes" song in all time periods and I'm proud to understand that.
  22. Always try to share money with anybody poor or not if you can in this world and I’m proud to understand that.
  23. When you see a homeless person on the street or with a sign, stop and give them some money if you can and do this consistently to each homeless and poor person you meet in your life.
  24. I’m Christian and I’m proud.
  25. I’m Muslim and I’m proud.
  26. I’m Jewish and I’m proud.
  27. I’m Buddhist and I’m proud.
  28. I’m Hindu and I’m proud.
  29. I’m Taoist and I’m proud.
  30. I respect all nations and countries on this planet and their laws concerning atheism and agnosticism, if it is disfavored or illegal to be atheist or agnostic in your respective country or nation on this planet then those countries and nations have the choice to either ignore or acknowledge the following statements and sentences written after this sentence. With that being said and while respecting those nations and countries on this planet Earth, I will write the following statement and sentence primarily for nations and countries with atheist where it is legal to be agnostic and atheist and those countries and nations where it is not legal to be atheist or agnostic can disregard the following statement and sentence if they so choose. I’m atheist and I’m proud.
  31. I respect all nations and countries on this planet and their laws concerning atheism and agnosticism, if it is disfavored or illegal to be atheist or agnostic in your respective country or nation on this planet then those countries and nations have the choice to either ignore or acknowledge the following statements and sentences written after this sentence. With that being said and while respecting those nations and countries on this planet Earth, I will write the following statement and sentence primarily for nations and countries with agnostics where it is legal to be agnostic and atheist and those countries and nations where it is not legal to be atheist or agnostic can disregard the following statement and sentence if they so choose. I’m agnostic and I’m proud.
  32. I respect all nations and countries on this planet and their laws concerning atheism and agnosticism, if it is disfavored or illegal to be atheist or agnostic in your respective country or nation on this planet then those countries and nations have the choice to either ignore or acknowledge the following statements and sentences written after this sentence. With that being said and while respecting those nations and countries on this planet Earth, I will write the following statement and sentence primarily for nations and countries with agnostics where it is legal to be agnostic and atheist and those countries and nations where it is not legal to be atheist or agnostic can disregard the following statement and sentence if they so choose. I’m non-religious and I’m proud.
  33. I respect all nations and countries on this planet and their laws concerning atheism and agnosticism, if it is disfavored or illegal to be atheist or agnostic in your respective country or nation on this planet then those countries and nations have the choice to either ignore or acknowledge the following statements and sentences written after this sentence. With that being said and while respecting those nations and countries on this planet Earth, I will write the following statement and sentence primarily for nations and countries with agnostics where it is legal to be agnostic and atheist and those countries and nations where it is not legal to be atheist or agnostic can disregard the following statement and sentence if they so choose. If religious people, atheists, agnostics, and non-religious people are going to live together on this planet Earth then we as humans need to listen to 2Pac's "Changes" song to help love and respect each other regardless of each other's personal religious beliefs on this planet and I'm proud to believe that with the help of 2Pac's "Changes" song.
  34. I’m religious/spiritual and I’m proud.
  35. It’s time for education to change for the better worldwide and I’m proud to believe that. We need to