Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

It was a quiet morning in Rutland, Vermont.

People milled around town, and cars drove through the streets. It was business as usual while people made their treks to their places of employment.

All of a sudden, it got dark across the area.

Cars screeched and crashed into each other. They were shocked by the sudden darkness that fell upon their peaceful town.

"The news didn't mention a solar eclipse!" a man said from a sidewalk.

Everybody in Rutland looked up at the sky and saw a solar eclipse.

Part of the sun became visible.

Half of the sun became visible.

It was quiet in Liverpool, England. Everybody stopped and looked at the sky.

They saw three-quarters of the sun.

The whole sun became visible.

It was daylight again.

People's eyes widen. They pointed at the asteroid still visible and watched it move across the sky. Everybody panicked, screamed, and ran around in chaos.

In Rutland, Vermont, people's eyes widened in fear. They pointed at the asteroid while it moved across the sky. Everybody panicked, screamed, and ran around in chaos.

In Moscow, Russia, the Russian President sat at his desk and stared at a small digital display. On the display was "Asteroid 18,203 Miler Per Hour – 330 Miles Away" message. The President tapped his "Launch Missiles" phone and debated in his mind if he should proceed.

In Beijing, China, the Chinese President sat at his desk and stared at a small digital display. On the display was "Asteroid 18,203 Miler Per Hour 329 Miles Away" message. The President tapped his "Launch Missiles" phone and debated in his mind if he should proceed.

Up in space, Todd, Ricky, Lance, Jake, Clint, and Scoota floated around the Magellan capsule.

"It's our Lunar Module from our Apollo 17 Moon mission. After our astronauts lifted off from the Moon, this was to impact the Moon," Clint told Scoota.

"So your planet only traveled to the Moon?" Scoota asked and wasn't impressed. But he already knew that, as they watched Earth many times in the past years. But he did not want to convey that information to the Earthlings.

"Yeah, and that was forty-six years ago," Todd said.

"Very primitive," Scoota said.

Todd, Ricky, Jake, Lance, and Clint nodded in agreement. They looked ashamed they hadn't gone farther in space.

"How did you get our Lunar Module?" Lance asked.

"I bought it at Scrappy's used spacecraft dealership," Scoota said. "Scrappy was great at searching outer space for antique or classic spaceships. He told me he found your Lunar Module floating in space a few years ago," Scoota said.

"Wow," Jake said.

"Okay, but why were you here in our orbit around Earth?" Clint asked.

"I'm a Junior Grade Space Knight back home and took a little vacation. I would come over here and get a glimpse of your," Scoota stopped himself. He realized he should not let them know he was aware of their launch. "A glimpse of your planet," he lied, afraid of telling the truth.

"How do you like our planet so far?" Jake asked.

"It's beautiful, but my craft malfunctioned for unknown reasons," Scoota replied.

"You smacked into our space junk. Then you kept on smacking into them, and now you're grown into a huge asteroid," Lance replied.

Scoota thought about what Lance said. "That explains why my controls won't work, and I slowed down," Scoota said, but he looked bothered. "You Earthlings need to clean up your junk," Scoota scolded.

Jake, Lance, Clint, Todd, and Ricky nodded in agreement and were ashamed.

"We're performing a mission to get this thing out of here. Before it destroys Earth and we become instinct like the dinosaurs. But we can't now," Jake said, then touched the ripped arm of his spacesuit.

Scoota felt bad. "I heard about your dinosaurs," he said, then paused. "I'm responsible for this mess. Can I perform your mission?"

"You can't perform it by yourself," Clint said.

"I can if you tell me what it involves," Scoota replied confidently.

"After we configure the R1D1 robot, we install a control box. Then install cable to the box. Run the cable across the top of the asteroid to the rear. Then install three rocket engines at the rear and connect the cable to them," Clint said.

Scoota thought for a second. "You're right; I can't do that alone," he said. He thought for a second while he glanced at Todd and Ralph. He sized them up in his mind, then smiled. "I have a solution!”

Everybody looked at Scoota and wondered what he had in mind.

Scoota whispered in Clint's ear. After a few minutes, Clint looked surprised at Scoota's proposal.

"I don't think you have a choice," Scoota said.

Clint pondered his statement for a few seconds, and then he nodded in agreement.

At the Space Spy Agency Peek A Boo We See You room, Johnson watched his radar screen. On his console, he pressed an "Update Data" button. The radar screen went blank for a second. The updated data showed that the asteroid was "327 Miles From Earth." His eyes widened with concern at this message.

"Wilbur!" he screamed.

Wilbur ran over with his bottle of Maalox.

Johnson pointed at his radar screen. Wilbur saw the updated information on the screen.

"The asteroid is dropping into a lower orbit!" he said, then opened his Maalox bottle and took a swig.

Richard banged his head on top of the table in frustration at the NASA Headquarters. Jennifer and the NASA folks watched and felt his frustration.

On TV on the wall, Lance, Jake, Clint, Todd, and Ricky floated in the Magellan capsule. The astronauts changed out of their white space suits and swore slacks and golf shirts.

Richard quit banging his forehead, and a giant red spot on his forehead formed. "Again, how did you rip your space suits?" Richard asked the astronauts.

"Well, you won't believe it," Lance said while he looked at Jake and Clint and wondered who would spill the beans.

"Try me."

"Well, we ripped it when we tried to rush through the hatch from the Lunar Module simultaneously," Lance said from the TV.

"And why would you have to rush through the hatch of the Lunar Module simultaneously?" Richard asked and looked baffled.

Everybody in the conference room watched while Scoota moved into view on the TV.

"Hi. My name is Scoota, and I'm from the planet Stardonia," Scoota said, then waved from the TV.

"Hello, Scoota. I'm Richard,” he replied, then his eyes widened in fear.

Everybody's eyes widened, and mouth's dropped open in shock. It dawned on them that an alien was up in the Magellan capsule.

A NASA woman screamed, and then the entire room screamed.

It was utter chaos in the conference room while they all ran to the far end of the room and huddled in fear.

Richard dropped to the floor under the table. He peeked above the table, looking at the TV.

On TV, Scoota felt terrible for causing their fear. Todd and Ricky floated into view, and both placed an arm around Scoota's shoulder.

"Don't be afraid; he's friendly," Todd said from the TV.

 On TV, Clint floated over and placed his arm around Scoota.

"He's friendly. Trust me."

Everybody in the room felt safer while they inched back to their seats.

"So we found a friendly alien. That doesn't help us get rid of the asteroid," Richard cried out while getting back in his chair.

On TV, Scoota smiled as he wanted to help his new friends. “Oh, we can do that," Scoota said.

"How?" Richard asked.

“Well, Richard, don't have a cow when you hear this, but it's our only option," Jake said.

"Okay," Richard said and waited a few seconds.

Everybody else in the room walked behind Richard.

I can install your cable and rocket engines to the asteroid," Scoota said from the TV.

"All by yourself ?" Richard asked as he knew that would be an impossible feat, even for an intelligent alien.

“Well, ah, no," Scoota said, then paused. "I will use young Todd and Ricky to assist me," Scoota said.

Richard stared in disbelief at the TV, and then he smiled. He laughed out loud the second he thought it was a joke. Then he looked at the TV, and Jake, Lance, Clint, Todd, Ricky, and Scoota were not laughing. They seemed dead serious with this proposed plan.

Jennifer and the rest of the NASA folks watched while Richard banged his forehead on the tabletop. He stopped, and the red spot on his forehead was more prominent.

"No! We could hurry up and send another Magellan capsule to the asteroid. Bring them new suits," Richard said and felt better.

Jennifer's cell phone rang, and she looked at the viewfinder and frowned. "Ah, no can do. A hurricane is heading to Florida. We won't be able to get the rocket to the pad and launched in time," she said.

"We don't have a choice; we must use the boys and Scoota," Lance said from the TV.

"Are you sure the alien's, I mean Scoota's space suits, will work on the boys?"

"We're the same size, no problem, and we have a built- in air supply. We're quite an advanced planet," Scoota said from the TV.

"We'll follow and monitor them from the Magellan capsule," Jake said from the TV.

"How will you communicate?" Richard asked.

"Our suits can tap into your communication systems. We have a universal connection system," Scoota said from the TV.

Richard looked trapped with no other alternatives. "The news media will have a field day with this, but we don't have a choice," he said.

Richard's cell phone rang. He looked at it and knew this call wouldn't be good news.

"Richard," he answered his call.

"Wilbur here. We got updated information. The asteroid dropped twenty feet closer to Earth," he said from Richard's cell phone.

"Twenty feet? Are you sure?" he asked.

"We're positive."

"Thanks," Richard and disconnected the call. He made another phone call.

"Hello, Mister President, I have some news that's not so good," he said.

“I’m listening, replied President Barnaby.

It was later that night. President Barnaby stared at his wall of TVs from behind his desk in the Oval Office. He didn't want this discussion.

"You now have little boys saving Earth with some alien?" the German Chancellor said from his TV.

"US of A plan stink! We should nuke!" the Chinese President said from his TV. A Chinese General behind the President nodded in agreement with a smile.

"I agree. Nuke it! After all, it is now three hundred and twenty-five miles from Earth," the Russian President said from his TV.

"My HariAnne rocket will be ready in a couple of days. We can't take a chance on that alien coming down to Earth," the French President said from his TV. He paused and looked scared. "I don't want to become a Crepe Suzette to some alien monster," he added.

"I say go with HariAnne. It's our only hope," the South Korean President said from his TV.

"Don't worry. I've been assured this alien is friendly and offered to help us," President Barnaby addressed the TVs.

"I say let Sam's boys try it," the Prime Minister from England said from his TV.

All the TVs, except for Prime Ministers of England, turned off.

President Barnaby sank lower in his chair and got depressed.

From the TV, the Prime Minister of England felt sorry for Barnaby. But he would support him as his country always had in the past.

Later that night, Biff sat behind his news desk in the Channel 9 newsroom with cameras on him.

“We have breaking news. The astronauts in the Magellan capsule have ripped their spacesuits. They cannot perform their mission. But, they discovered a friendly alien inside the old Lunar Module. The alien's name is Scoota from the planet Stardonia. Scoota offered to perform the mission to get this asteroid away from Earth. But the kicker to this story; Scoota needs the help of our stowaway boys, Todd and Ricky. The young boys will use his space suits to perform this historic mission. The astronauts will monitor from their Magellan capsule," Biff reported.

Everybody working in the newsroom stared at Biff in shock over the news they had heard.

In Todd's home, Tater and Louie faced each other, mad. Lilly and Rose faced each other, and they were all mad.

"It's Ricky's fault for getting Todd stuck in space. And now Todd will be eaten by an alien!" Tater said while he got in Louie's face.

"No. It's Little Tater's fault for getting my Ricky stuck in space. And soon, he will be eaten by an alien," Louie said while he moved closer to Tater's face.

Tater pushed Louie, who pushed back. Tater jumped on Louie. They rolled on the floor, throwing punches.

Lilly pushed Rose, who grabbed Lilly's hair. Lilly grabbed Rose's hair. They rolled around the floor, pulling each other’s hair.

Christina entered the room with her face and arms full of red welts. She saw the adults fighting and rolling around the living room. She loved this sight.

In Lucy's home, Lucy watched Biff from Channel 9 News from the edge of her couch. She stared in shock after hearing the news, and she looked worried about Todd.

In the Bully's tree house, Rocky and Buster had a small battery-operated TV. They finished watching Biff on Channel 9 News. They had huge grins on their faces as they liked the news they heard.

"The nerds will be gone forever!" Buster sang out, then high-fived each other.