Stowaway Boys by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

It was the following morning in Chicago, Illinois.

People gathered out in front of a TV store watching TV. The Disaster Channel was on the TV showing the recorded video from the Magellan capsule.

On the TVs were Ricky, Ralph, Lance, Jake, and Clint in the Magellan capsule. The "Stowaway Boys Will Save Earth" graphic appeared at the bottom of the screen.

The people looked scared to death, as they didn't have much faith in Todd, Ricky, and an alien saving their lives.

One man ran away screaming, “An alien will eat us!”

It was daytime in London, England, and out in front of a TV store. People gathered at the windows and watched the TVs. The Disaster Channel was on the TV showing the recorded video from the Magellan capsule.

On the TVs were Ricky, Ralph, Lance, Jake, and Clint in the Magellan capsule. The "Stowaway Boys Will Save Earth" graphic appeared at the bottom of the screen.

The people looked scared to death, as they didn't have much faith in Todd and Ricky saving their lives.

A woman ran away screaming, “We’ll be alien food!”

It was morning in Sidney, Australia, and people gathered out in front of a TV store. The Disaster Channel was on the TV showing the recorded video from the Magellan capsule.

On the TVs were Ricky, Ralph, Lance, Jake, and Clint in the Magellan capsule. The "Stowaway Boys Will Save Earth" graphic appeared at the bottom of the screen.

The people looked scared to death, as they didn't have much faith in Todd, Ricky, and an alien saving their lives.

A man ran away screaming, “Aliens will eat us!”

On the TV, Jake, Clint, and Lance gave Scoota a detailed briefing on their mission.

While the briefing was in progress, Todd and Ricky were inside the Lunar Module.

Inside the Lunar Module, Todd and Ricky looked out one of the windows, which showed a view of Earth. They saw a piece of space junk that zoomed by the module, and both looked nervous.

"I can't believe we got ourselves into this situation," Todd said.

"I know, and I'm terrified of heights," Ricky said.

"I'm not sure I'm cut out to be an astronaut," Todd said.

"Me too. Me too," Ricky added.

They continued to stare out the window and longed to

be back down at Earth while thinking about their lives. Todd had flashbacks while glancing down at Earth. In Todd's flashback…

Tater mowed a customer's front yard with his riding mower and had Todd, then six years old, between his legs. Todd had a blast while he helped Tater steer the mower. Tater let Todd steer then Todd ran over some flowers.

Todd, then seven years old, waited at the kitchen table. He got a huge smile when Lilly brought him a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream. He was in heaven while he took a massive bite of ice cream.

Tater and Todd, then eight years old, were in his fishing boat. Tater sat with a fishing rod in hand and his line in the water. T odd cast his fishing line, lost his grip on the rod, and it splashed into the water. Tater looked disappointed with his son.

In their backyard, Tater threw Todd, then ten years old, a baseball. Todd missed it, and it bounced off his forehead. Tater looked disappointed with his son.

In his classroom from two months ago, Todd stared at Lucy with love in his eyes.

Ricky had flashbacks while he looked down at Earth.

Ricky's flashback…

Louie worked on another patient in his dentist's office. Six-year-old Ricky watched with interest in a nearby chair.

Seven-year-old Ricky sat at his kitchen table. He had a massive smile on his face.

Rose brought him a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of ice-cold chocolate milk.

Ricky snatched a cookie and dunked it into his milk.

Louie worked on another patient in his dentist's office. Ten-year-old Ricky was bored sitting in a nearby chair. He read a book on space travel.

In his bedroom four months ago, Todd and Ricky looked happy assembling model rockets at his desk.

In his classroom two months ago, Ricky glanced over at Betty.

He had a crush on her but was afraid to make a move. He didn't want his butt beaten.

Back to reality in the Lunar Module, Todd and Ricky got heroic looks on their faces.

"I don't want to miss out on a life full of good times," Todd said.

"Me neither," Ricky added.

Todd got curious and floated over to a locked door. He opened up the door and saw three orange futuristic spacesuits. They had four straps on the front and back of the suit and six orange gloves. Near them hung three fishbowl types of glass helmets with a small port in the front.

"Here's our chance to have finally become astronauts," Todd said.

"Yeah, astronauts, but on a dangerous mission to save Earth," Ricky sang.

Todd and Ricky raised a hand, and they locked pinkies.

 "Friends!" they cried out in unison.

They floated back to the windows and stared back at Earth.

"Do you think we'll save our planet?" Ricky asked.

Scoota floated over and placed an arm around Todd, then his other arm around Ricky.

"We'll give it our best shot," Scoota said to comfort them.

Meanwhile, down on Earth, Chinese soldiers worked on missiles with wrenches and screwdrivers. They prepared them for launch in the middle of a field in China.

There were tents in the field two hundred feet away from their camp. The helicopter was long gone and back at the military base.

In a secret military base in Russia, workers worked for over twelve hours. They prepared the nuclear missiles in silos for launch.

In French Guiana, inside a vast building not too far from the launchpad. France's HariAnne rocket was ready for launch on its mobile platform. An extended access platform provided access to the capsule.

Workers walked the robot with a French beret on that platform to an open hatch. They placed the robot inside the capsule. They closed the hatch and walked back down the platform.

Up in space inside the Lunar Module, Todd and Ricky continued to stare out the window at Earth.

Clint floated into the module through the hatch and stopped once he got inside.

"Boys, the President would like to say a few words," Clint said.

Todd and Ricky's eyes lit up. ”The President?" they both cried out in unison.

"Yes, the President of the United States," Clint replied. He floated back through the capsule.

Todd and Ricky floated through the hatch.

Todd and Ricky floated over to Jake, Lance, Clint, and Scoota. They looked across the capsule where a small monitor was below a camera.

"We're all here," Clint addressed the camera.

Scoota, Todd, Ricky, Jake, and Lance all huddled together.

President Barnaby appeared on the small monitor, and he sat behind his desk in his Oval Office.

"Hello up there in space," President Barnaby said from the monitor.

“Hello, Mister President," Clint responded.

"Is that the alien I see?" President Barnaby asked.

Scoota moved out in front of everybody. "Hello. I'm Scoota from the planet Stardonia," Scoota said.

"Scoota, I'm President Barnaby of the United States of America," President Barnaby said from the monitor. "I don't know how you got involved in all this mess, but I heard how you offered to help us. And for that, I thank you," President Barnaby said.

"It's all my pleasure," Scoota replied.

"Now, I see we have Todd and Ricky present," President Barnaby said.

Todd and Ricky floated out in front of everybody and saluted.

From the monitor, President Barnaby returned a salute. “Well, boys, you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Are you up for this historic mission?" President Barnaby asked.

Todd and Ricky looked at each other, then back at the monitor. "We are," Todd replied, but deep down, he was unsure he could handle the task, and Ricky felt the same.

"Good, now, I wish you luck. I know our astronauts will be watching over you, so you'll be safe," President Barnaby said from the monitor.

The monitor went blank.

Todd, Ricky, Scoota, Lance, Clint, and Jake all looked at each other.

“Well, guys, tomorrow is the big day. Let's get some rest," Clint said.

Everybody else nodded in agreement.

Todd and Ricky looked very nervous.

In a galaxy far, far away, the Stardonia Spacecraft Tow Ship zipped through space. It passed by exotic and weird- looking planets.

Inside the Stardonia Spacecraft Tow Ship, Biggka and Redka relaxed in their seats.

Biggka reached up and pressed a button in their OSPS.

"You are nine hundred and forty-eight trillion miles from your destination," said the female voice from the OSPS.

"Ready for a movie?" Biggka asked Redka.

 "You bet," he responded.

Biggka reached back up and pressed another button on the console. A 3-foot by 3-foot platform slid out of the side of the console. The platform was a "Hologram Video Device,” or called an HVD. Biggka pressed another button on the platform, and a movie appeared.

First, a 3-D hologram of the "Aliens Attack" credits appeared. The Aliens Attack was a movie about Earth- looking creatures attacking Stardonia.

The first scene appeared, and it was a 3-D hologram of the countryside in Stardonia.

Then above the countryside, a massive spaceship appeared in the sky.

Then more miniature fighter spaceships flew out of the more massive spaceship.

Redka pressed another button on the console. A small door opened, and a panel with hundreds of buttons appeared. He pressed a button and another door opened on the console. Two bags of snacks appeared; snacks that looked like popcorn but were a light shade of purple.

Redka grabbed the bags and handed one to Biggka.

They kicked back and watched their hologram movie. In the movie, Earth spaceships attacked a Stardonia city.

Inside the Magellan capsule, Todd and Ricky slept in the beds built into the capsule. They tossed and floated all night long, nervous yet excited about being in space.