Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 8: Manchester

Kam left a few days after his installation as alpha. He took one soldier, Jim, with him that had guarded him his whole life. They arrived in Bow at the pack lands on the southwest corner of town. The town is between Concord and Manchester.

The alpha provided adjoining rooms in his house for the two of them. They spent some time unpacking before having lunch with the family. Afterwards, Cindi gave Kam a tour of the land and introduced him to her friends and those on the council. Jim and Cindi's guard, Rissa, followed behind.

Cindi's friends ranged from fifteen to twenty. While she was turning eighteen on their wedding day. All of the council were in their forties like Cindi's parents.

The introductions took the entire afternoon so dinner was ready on their return. Afterwards, they headed to Manchester for clubbing. Not something Kam had ever done before.

At the club, he noticed a man that looked familiar appearing to run the place. It took a bit, but Kam recognized the father of the girl he saved. He had lost a lot of weight and added plenty of muscle in four months. The weird thing was the look of fear on employee's faces as he approached.

Kam and Cindi switched clubs later on in the evening. The same man showed up at this club with the same fear in employees and power of running the place. The bouncers at both clubs seemed similar in condition.

A drunk started a fight with a neighbor, giving Kam a next to the action view to see the bouncers perform their job. The white area of the eyes shrunk as the one facing Kam approached. Positive proof of the animal inside taking charge. Two of them lifted a person up each and carried them out of the building. Definitely, more strength than most for their size. He went to the door to watch more. The drunk was sent on his way. The neighbor was warned to behave and allowed back inside. Both fighters had fear in their eyes as they moved away.

Kam texted Chris the details, asking him to check ownership of buildings and businesses. A few werewolves in the state worked in all the key jobs so police records and other city, town, and state records were easily accessed. He also asked to see the reports on the girl plus, if the dog had been reported. Figuring he might as well cover all of his bases.

By the time Kam and Cindi returned to her home after midnight, he had full copies of the reports and company details. They had their first kiss outside her bedroom and it easily blew the passion of Jane's last kiss out the window. It was not until he returned to his room, that the comparison entered his mind with grief. He cried as he read the emailed documents and not because of their content.

The father, Stuart, refused the medical attention to the daughter who was awake, when found by him. Their home address is in Manchester.

The companies are both owned by a holding company similar to how his pack is run. Both acquired two months ago. The holding company is three months old. In that time, it has bought many small businesses and all of the clubs. Definitely too much money way too quick for a honest business.