Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 9: Drugs

The following morning he went back to Manchester to visit many of the shops the holding company owned. He did not tell Jim that it was happening, which he expects to get a lot of trouble over. It did not reveal why those companies were bought. But, they were in the seedier part of town. Homeless people camped out in the alleys. Drug or alcohol abusers passed out there too.

Obvious drug deals happening on the corners. He sat in his car and watched the dealer, while pretending to be on his phone. Shortly after, the dealer made a phone call. A few minutes later, a bouncer from one of the clubs showed up with more product. Kam laughs thinking, 'drugs bring in the money to support the werebears and, owning the businesses, keeps the trafficking quiet.'

He takes pictures of some of the deals and the resupply. Afterwards, he moves his car to another location to do the same with the next dealer. Followed, by a third set of pictures on another corner dealer. He sends the pictures to his beta. Who sends them to a state police werewolf.

He heads back the Bow pack house. Getting there, he calls Cindi and asks her to run with him. She comes out of the house as a wolf, as he removes the last of his clothes. He shifts and they run into the woods. They let their wolves play nipping and pouncing as they chase or dodge around Nottingcook Forest. They avoid the trails so they should not be seen.

After a couple hours, they ran back to his car, where they both shifted back to human. They make-out and explore each others bodies. Their wolves want to have sex, while their minds are looking to take all the time in the world. They have their entire life to look forward to so, why rush to the main event, instead of savoring the firsts.

Eventually, it got to the point of sex in front of the house or walk apart. Therefore, she headed inside to dress, while he dressed by his car. Wolves tend to end up naked without warning, as they go through puberty, with random shifts to and from each form so, by sexual maturity, you are used to being seen that way.

He walked into the house and entered the kitchen to grab a snack. Cindi joined him for the same purpose. They flirted with each other as they hunted. She slip a grape into his mouth. He slip a chunk of cheese into hers. A kiss here or there, a cherry or chip. They snacked, played, kissed, and danced. All of it was fun, new, and something never done before by either.

Before leaving the kitchen, he showed the pictures he took to Cindi. She pointed out the first bouncer saying, "he worked the second club." She also recognized the bouncer from the first club.