Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 22: Spying

By morning, all the packs had safely arrived and the alphas agreed to Kam's plan. The two volunteers were found and instructed in the plan for their spying task.

Chris, Kam's beta and one of the three in the know, took them in a van sealed up like the buses so passengers can not see where they are. He dropped them off downwind from the suspected home address ten blocks away. From there, he dropped off their luggage at the hotel for them before he headed back to the mountains, with a circle around Lake Winnipesaukee to be sure nobody followed him.

Jeff and Rob got out of the van and wandered their separate ways. Jeff was to stay four blocks back, while Rob went to two blocks. Rob found a good mount point for a battery operated WiFi camera aimed at the house, in a hedge. His phone service came with free WiFi hot spot so he could control and view the camera. He zoomed in on the house so the driveway, sidewalk, and front door was visible, as he hides around the corner. He calls Jeff who joins the call, with the one he made to the alphas. He stores the recording on an inserted micro SD card.

Jeff was instructed to say something every two seconds, once the call is in place. Rob will also chime in.

Jeff states, "hello, sirs. The camera is in place with good driveway, front door, and sidewalk view."

Rob repeats, "good," for the entire call.

Jeff repeats, "nothing," for the next few hours.

Shortly after five in the afternoon, as the sun sets for the day, a car parks in the driveway and a woman and young girl get out. Jeff texts a screenshot to Rob. "Picture two," he states going back to nothing.

Rob forwards the picture to the alphas. He changes the next "good" to "forward."

Kam states, "wife and girl." Letting the spies know that they found the minor two targets. They have their phone on mute so they can talk quietly, without tying up the line.

Around seven in the evening, a man exits the house for the car. Once more, the picture is sent to the alphas, with a "picture one." Given the darkness, it is hard to tell especially with the light behind the man. Kam plays with the picture to crop out just the face and enhance it. After a few minutes later, he states, "boss."

The fact the man is alone leaving the house, gives them a good chance to grab him. The question becomes is seven a normal time or not.

After a few minutes discussion, Kam gets back on the line, "be back in place, at five tomorrow afternoon."

Everyone hangs up their phones. Jeff grabs the camera and joins Rob. They head to the planned hotel for the night. They each use a business credit card to check in for the week. This is tied to one of the foreign companies held by the wolves.