Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 21: Planning

Tom speaks up, "we hit them with everything we got."

Mike argues, "I do not like that cost. Shoot silver bullets at them and wear bullet proof vests, in case they shoot back."

Chris chimes in, "That could cost worst. They may not know normal bullets are useless. Letting them know about our silver reaction, could spell our downfall. They likely are better shots than we are."

Kam states, "we have an address for the leader. If it is current, I suggest we collect him. We also know were he is evenings."

Two more alphas walk in. The first is from Bethlehem, while the other was from Holderness. They both started talking at the same time obviously with the same question. The Holderness alpha, being more senior, finished it, "what are we going to do?"

Kam states, "we are still placing options on the table, if you have suggestions, so far we have attack with all our soldiers, attack with silver bullets, and collect the head bear. All are risky as a single real bear turned werebear, with limited intelligence, killed five of my pack's best soldiers. I fought it three times losing each fight. My friend, that killed it with a silver knife, died doing it. There are at least twenty human turned werebear that know we exist and are actively hunting us. They control the drug trade in Manchester so were hardened criminals prior to becoming werebears."

Both alphas sat while Kam was talking. Neither tried saying anything, after he finished.

He continued, "I suggest two soldiers spy out the leader. One do the actual spying. The other to stay away watching the spy to report back. By now, they know werewolf scent so downwind at a distance, for both. We know he spends time, at each of the clubs they own. We have an address for his house before he was turned. His daughter is the werebear that turned him, as she was carried off by the original bear. His wife is likely one also.

"I can't go as they will have seen me on video, at both the clubs and stores prior to the drug bust. Not to mention, I am one of three who actually knows this location. I suggest the two we send be our fastest runners, decent fighters, and single volunteers, in different packs so they are willing to lose the other to bring results back.

"They get dropped off in the city with burners. The spy calls the backup that three ways with us here. While werebears can max out at a slightly faster top speed, they can't maintain it as long or as far as we can so out running them is the best choice. Not to mention, our soldiers train to run and drug dealers do not.”