Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: Hunt

He checks upriver a little where the main Pemi River meets it's east branch. Almost nobody uses the Abenaki name for the river, just its four letter short form. He repeats the process for each of the tiny brooks along the way.

Eventually, he was rewarded were a scent trail near White Birch Estates. He follow it to Mount Cilley, a hill really with no trails climbing it. There on the northern slope he found the bear asleep. However, it was not in bear form, but human.

Kam shifted to human form himself, to try to talk to the werebear, but its English was almost non-existent. It seemed to be confused to be able to talk and kept looking at it's body expecting to see something else, bear most likely. Kam decided the bear was likely a natural bear that became werebear from eating the werewolf baby.

He shifted and attacked, since talking was useless. The bear evaded with ease and shifted. It fought well and was much stronger so Kam did not have much luck. A few minutes later the bear headed northwest leaving a battered, bleeding, and unconscious Kameron behind.

A hour later, Kam's body was repaired enough to follow once more. He watched from the woods as the bear grabbed a tiny dog on leash from it's owner in the Lost River Valley Campground. It started straight at Kam before catching his scent so started running west away still within the campground sites. Kam followed at a distance, until they were away from the campground.

Kam pounced on the bear as it sat down to enjoy its snack. He cleanly got its neck, but it was too thick to inflict much damage. The dog ran off as they fought. Once more, Kam lost the fight.

This time he knew one werewolf could not kill a werebear no matter how lucky his attack might get. He headed home to admit his defeat now, while other could help.

He ran the quick way home along the highway sneaking into the woods, when a car approached. Of course, with no woods to use near both town centers, he had to skirt around them. Once on the other side, it was easy to reach the pack home hidden in vacation properties near Loon Mountain.

He was teased by the pack soldiers entering pack land without the bear head as trophy. He ignored them and hunts down his father, finding him with his council.

Kam shifts to human and states, "alpha," which is against pack rules during a council session. He should have stayed quiet until recognized.

His father and the council all give him dirty looks for the interruption. But, at least his father acknowledges his presence immediately. "Yes, son."

"The bear has become a werebear and is too powerful for me. I have lost to it twice. Time to let the pack attack it."

Nobody in the room believes the werebear statement, but they are happy the day is not wasted. The beta, Chris, leaves immediately to organize the hunt.

"Leave, we will discuss this later."

Kam goes as requested knowing he is in for the lecture of his life. He tells Chris and soldiers where he last saw the bear. He wants to join them, but as a child without a kill, it is impossible.