Survival of the Weakest by John Wells - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Bears

Meanwhile, the werebear finds a female and her cubs. It bites the three of them changing them into werebears. They continue going west to Beaver Pond, finding some hikers and sightseers to bite. Making them become werebears.

All the pack fears the original male due to his extra strength and viciousness. Being bears themselves the humans feel there is no point leaving. At this point, they do not know changing is possible.

Twenty werewolves try to take on twenty adult werebears and ten cubs. The mothers fiercely defend their cubs. The other bears defend themselves. Many wolves gang up on the original bear to lose decisively. The beta runs home for more soldiers, leaving the rest to recover.

The bears head south using the Appalachian Trail. The humans within the group realize that they were just attacked by the supposedly mythical werewolves because the worst damaged wolves turned back into humans. With that thought in their heads, a few managed to become human once more.

They stopped following the group and sat to talk. Jessa, a fifteen year old, stated, "if we hide, maybe the werewolves will follow the group. Then, we can go home."

Her sixteen year old boyfriend, Tim, likes that idea. He also is enjoying the view, as he responds, "I'm for that."

The older mother, Cassie, with two bear cubs rubbing up against her, replies, "I am not risking my children. I say we go east away from here.

Tim states, "that way forces us towards the road. West is better."

Cassie speaks once more, "okay west it is." She stands and looks around for a moment, "which way is west."

Tim points in the correct direction and the five start off that way. He holds Jessa's hand as they go west for a couple hours. They stop as the cubs lay down and fall asleep. They shift back into a two year old girl and four year old boy. The three others join them on the ground.

When a wolf shows up, Tim stands and gets between the wolf and the group. The wolf shifts to human. He asks, "just the five of you?"

Tim replies, "yes."

He asks another question, "how many bears were biting people?"

Tim answers, "I saw two bears biting. They arrived with two cubs that napped instead."

He replies, "we will try to help you. Stay put and someone will be back with clothes." He changed form as he flipped direction and ran off.

Cassie states, "I am not trusting a wolf."

Tim laughs, "you are trusting bears here. What difference does a wolf make?"

Jessa cries, "how are we going to have our lives back?"

Cassie states, "given that werewolf, you should just be able to act like nothing happened."

Tim agrees, "don't worry we can be home in a few hours and pretend nothing happened.”