The Abnormal Life of Al Norm by Cody Knox - HTML preview

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Third Full Moon of Spring

The wedding was a rocking success! But what happened afterwards... well, I won't get too far ahead of myself here. I'll begin at the beginning then go from there.

There must have been at least a thousand people there, and all of them seemed to have a good time. My suit was superb, Ruby's dress was beautiful.

The guests arrived at the main gates at around 5 PM, all of them greeted by Daybreak and a variety of his fairy friends. Nearly all fairies tend to stay away from humans, so this was pretty special all in itself.

The fairies sprinkled every guest with fairy dust,filling the guests with a sense of happiness and joy.

As the guests approached the front door, a cadre of witches, both male and female, led by Dawn, handed out magical sparkly potions that were safe for mortal consumption.

These potions would make people sparkle, just like vampires don't. Some liked the potions, some didn't. But the effects were only temporary, so it wasn't a big deal or anything.

The guests would then be shown to their seats by a group of very friendly vampires, headed by Vlad, all dressed up in traditional Victorian garb.

Then, finally, Ruby and I would approach the wedding arch thingy whatever the heck it's called and the priest bloke would say stuff. The full moon rose behind us, and Ruby took on her wolfy form, with a chorus of howls from Ruby's fellow werewolves. The howling was loud and lasted for several minutes.

Ruby and I then took our vows, exchanged rings, and we were declared husband and wife. This was followed by a long, drawn-out sloppy kiss.

This was the weirdest wedding I'd ever been to, and on top of all that, it was my own wedding that was this weird. But I still had this nagging thought at the back of my mind.

There was something... missing. Something that was normally here was not here. What was it? It suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Where's Grim?” I asked, all of a sudden feeling quite panicked.

“Darling, are you alright?” Ruby asked.

“I just realised we haven't seen Grim all day,” I said.

“Maybe he's busy reaping or something. Just calm down,” Ruby said.

“No. Something is very, very wrong here. Grim should be here. The fact that he isn't... I need to find out where he is,” I said, and ran off the altar and into the task force building. Vlad and Dawn came in after me.

“Al, buddy, when you've just dedicated your life to the person you care about the most, you don't just run away like that,” Vlad said.

“I just... I feel like something bad is about to happen. Grim should be here,” I said.

“The spires haven't started glowing. I don't think anything is going to happen,” Dawn said.

“Seriously, you're not the first guy to have second thoughts at the wedding altar. Although usually it's right before you get married,” Vlad said.

“That's not it. I've got to find Grim,” I said. I ran off.

I entered Grim's section of the house. I entered the lounge. The room was as silent as the grave. I approached Grim's favourite reading chair from behind with a sense of trepidation.

I then came to be in front of Grim's chair, and, lo and behold, Grim was on this chair, but he wasn't moving. He looked like he was frozen solid. Almost like he was dead. Can a grim reaper even die?

“He's not dead,” came a voice from behind me. I turned around. It was Gordon Johnson.

“What have you done to him? Why?” I asked.

“I froze his time stream. Every creature has a time stream, even reapers. If he weren't frozen, he might have tried to warn you of what's about to happen,” Gordon said.

Before I could ask Gordon what he meant by that, there was a huge explosion upstairs. I instinctively ran to the door, but Gordon pulled out a large remote and zapped me with it. I found myself frozen, unable to move. Clearly Gordon had frozen my 'time stream' or whatever. But still, I could see and hear everything happening in normal time all around me. I just couldn't move.

“I have put way too much planning into this to have anybody mucking this up now. Are you wondering why those spires haven't gone off yet? Because they only detect supernatural attacks, and that explosion wasn't supernatural.

Who do you think it was that has been behind almost nearly every one of these supernatural attacks over the past year?

I got a variety of supernatural freaks to work for me, in exchange for quite handsome sums of money. I got a witch to summon the clown poltergeist. I made Chase and his band of werewolves agree to work for me. I gave that gang of vampires a collection of garlic bombs. I sneaked a potion into the drink of that middle-aged woman, giving her the ability to turn everything she touched to gold. All this to drive public opinion away from the weird and supernatural. But then, these accursed supernatural leaders created their so-called 'supernatural task-force', as a way to stop supernatural attacks from happening.

For a while, I thought this supernatural task-force might actually succeed, and cause a future where the supernatural are allowed to co-exist with normal humans! But no, the events that I have caused tonight will change all of that, and will change the future into what it ought to be. A normal future! A future without change!

Let me tell you what is going to happen now. The supernatural taskforce building is now on fire. It will kill every supernatural leader, along with countless werewolves, fairies, vampires and witches. Of course, a large amount of mortals will die too, but they must be sacrificed for a greater cause.

The fire will spread to the nearby forest, where the fairies live. A rumour will begin that this was a deliberate attack on the fairies, and the fairies will retaliate on the mortals, creating the nastiest supernatural attack the town of Normal has ever seen. And then there will be no hiding. Everyone will know about the supernatural, and everyone will know that they are a threat.

Of course, we believe in freedom for everyone, so the supernatural will be given a choice – get out of our towns or die. We will make Normal a safe and truly normal place, a place without anything weird or out-of-the-ordinary. It will be the most normal utopia! I know this because, in the future, I rule over Normal!

You're probably thinking right now that I'm some kind of cruel monster, for killing your friends and wife. You're probably thinking of coming up with some idea to stop me and make the future one where the weird and the normal co-exist. You have let yourself be brainwashed by these supernatural freaks. You don't understand that normal is good. When you see what Normal looks like when everyone is normal, you will understand that the ends justify the means,” Gordon said. He then grabbed my hand, pushed a button on his remote, and the whole room began spinning like crazy.