The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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Two hours later they entered the secluded lagoon; the dolphins nudged the boat along to a small docking area.  Tristan helped everyone out of the boat and they lined up on shore all a bit apprehensively.  The dolphins then turned the boat around and sped off quickly back towards the river pulling the now empty boat behind them. 

Back in the lagoon Rain dove off of B’nal and swam to the shore.  Josh stayed in the water with T’kai receiving his instructions for the children.   After a bit he slid into the water and swam to shore. 

“You’ll find a large adobe building off to the right of the lagoon, stow all your gear in there and orient yourselves to the lagoon and the surrounding area.”  As they turned and headed towards the waterfall area Josh reached out and laid his hand on Sam’s arm.

“Sam, will you come with me, T’kai has something for you.”  She was surprised but followed obediently.  Josh took her around to the side of the waterfall and thru it into a hidden chamber.  T’kai surfaced in the small pool inside and Josh brought her to him.

“He asks permission to speak with you Sam.  He does so telepathically and so cannot enter your mind without your permission.  May he speak to you?”

Samantha was surprised when he called to her at first, and inside fearful that he was going to tell her she couldn’t be a part of this; but she said yes anyway - better to get it over with and be done with the embarrassment. 

“Come here Sam,” Josh said holding out his hand to her.  She hesitantly took his hand, surprised at how strong it felt.  He led her to the pool and stepped in, helping her step down into it along with him.  “Come on don’t be afraid, this is for you, Sam,” he said reassuringly.

T’kai swam over to them and came close to Samantha.  He stared her for some long minutes and then she heard a series of clicks and warbles.  She turned to Josh questioningly as he smiled at her and reached out for her hand.  He grabbed it and placed his other hand on T’kai’s head.  Sam felt a small jolt and then a warm feeling of love and acceptance filled her entire being.  She heard clearly in her mind:

Greetings young one!  We bring you here to be cleansed.  You have an imbalance in your body’s system; it has caused the great weight gain that you have experienced. Because this can only be done with your ‘brother in the sea’, you must undergo the selection before the others.  Will you accept this? 

Sam looked to Josh, eyes wide in surprise, “what should I do Josh?” she asked.

“Sam, this is your choice,” he told her firmly.  “If you have questions, use your mind and discuss this with T’kai.”

Sam turned around and faced the dolphin, concentrating she asked, what do you mean; what exactly do you wish me to accept?

You must face the dolphin candidates and find your ‘partner’; it will not be an easy thing for you to do in your present state. So we must bring you down below, to the initiation pool ourselves. Do you accept?

Sam stared at the dolphin and understood immediately, remembering her last dream she smiled and said; Yes!

Josh came over to her and quickly relayed instructions to her.  They swam out of the waterfall to the center of the lagoon, T’kai pulling Sam along with him.

“Take a deep breathe and hold it Sam, we will take you below to the pool,” urged Josh.  Minutes later they were all in the initiation chamber, its golden walls shining brightly. 

Sam looked about her in stunned silence, “…I dreamt about this place! I saw this in my dreams, and there is a machine that I must pass thru… and… and…”  Sam’s eyes flew wide as the clouds faded away and she now remembered the entire dream.  She turned and faced T’kai smiling.  Yes!  I remember now T’kai!

She took Josh’s hand and he led her to the dolphins waiting at the end of the pool.  As they got closer a silvery gray with a small patch of white in a star shape on her head began to slap the water excitedly. 

Sam smiled and called out, I know you, I remember!  You are T’kul.  Oh you are so much more beautiful than in my dream!  The beautiful dolphin leaped into the air, did a summersault and dove back into the water coming up beside Sam. 

T’kai swam over to them and explained; you must follow your ‘sister’ to the machine and swim inside it.  It will realign your body and balance your systems.  When the machine opens, swim out and take hold of T’kul’s flippers.  You will receive a shock; do not concern yourself with it.  Do not let go of T’kul; you must hold until she releases you, understood?


Sam was extremely excited, as she knew she would be changed somehow.   T’kai swam over to the side and waited with Josh.  The other dolphins clicked and shouted out approval.  Sam slowly followed T’kul around the pool to a side antechamber.  She saw the golden opening to the ancient machine.  Her large weight made it very hard for her to move about but she swam-pulled herself along into the opening.  She was no sooner inside when the doors closed and she heard a humming sound.  There was a series of flashes, and then a bright light scanned her body.  There were more flashes of bright light, and then the door rose up and she swam out of the machine heading towards the waiting dolphin, her mind racing with the possibilities of what was to take place.  

As she reached out and grabbed hold of T’kul’s flippers she felt the electrical jolt, only this time it was much more powerful.  She arched and convulsed and began to sink down into the pool.  But she did not let go of T’kul.  Soon she felt the familiar warmth, and new sensation – connection!  T’kul filled her mind with words of welcome.

At long last we meet my sister.  I am T’kul of the E’lan pod, mate to T’kai.  Long have I waited to join with you and become one.  Because of your strong will, I have been chosen for you; together we will free the seas once again.

A bright light began to form around them as T’kul and Sam connected and knowledge began to flow.  T’kul began to spin around.  As she increased their speed they began to rise out of the pool.  Sam was filled with anticipation at what was happening.  She felt her entire body begin to tingle, and felt something more.  T’kul was with her in this, she was helping her to accept this change.  She felt pain in her legs and arms, but it was a different kind of pain.  She felt her torso stretch and contract, and then a bright light filled her mind and she could think of nothing else except how beautiful it was.  She let go and allowed it fill her completely.  Suspended in the air, both human and dolphin began to change.

Watching from below Josh raised his hand to shield his eyes from the bright light.  He could not see what was taking place, but his link to T’kai explained everything to him.  Sam was being physically changed; she and T’kul were being brought to ‘perfection’, as T’kai called it.  After a bit T’kai urged Josh to open his eyes and watch what was taking place.  Ever so slowly Josh opened his eyes allowing himself to become adjusted to the bright light.  He immediately noticed that they appeared to be wrapped in a cocoon of some sort.  Sam’s large body was shrinking; her legs were becoming shapely and long.  Her body itself was becoming slim and quite curvy.  Her tummy was flat and her breasts were firm and ample.  He watched in growing excitement as her arms and legs became more muscular and firm.  Her hair was long and flowing, shining brightly in the light, framing her beautiful face.  Her face was still Sam, only more mature; her features quite appealing.  What appeared before him was a lovely young woman in her early twenties.

Josh realized that he was very attracted to her, so much so that his body was showing it.  This was something new to him; he had never felt the sexual urge before and was at a loss as to how he could control it.  T’kai eased his mind telling him it was a natural reaction; he showed Josh how to control his physical emotions, and soon Josh had his body back to normal.

As the light dimmed Sam and T’kul were lowered back into the pool.  Sam was spent, but still excited.  T’kul eased over to her and she leaned on her new life long friend for support.  They made their way to the stairs that led from the landing down into the pool.  Sam rested on a step and looked about her.  Josh swam over to her, as T’kai swam to T’kul.

“Sam,” Josh said breathlessly, “my God Sam, you’re beautiful!  I always knew there was a beautiful person inside, but I never could imagine this!”

Sam looked at him and smiled, she stood up and climbed the stairs out of the pool.  Totally oblivious to her nakedness, she inspected her new body with growing disbelief.  She cupped her breasts with her hands, and grinning, raised her head and looked at Josh. 

The effect on Josh was instantaneous; he came up out of the pool and went to her.  Taking her hands he held her at arms length and surveyed her body with great appreciation. 

“Josh, look at me...” she squealed.

"Yes...I see..." said a slightly aroused Josh.

“Oh my, this is so wonderful!  I’m not big fat ugly Samantha anymore.  Wait till the others see me; they’re not going to believe this,” she whispered, eyes shinning brightly.

Josh went to one of the nearby stone boxes and opened it and removed a long white robe.  He handed it to Sam and she wrapped herself in it, spinning around in a circle.  Her happiness was catching; the Dolphins in the pool were spinning in time with her. 

Josh watched her as she danced around the pool in elation.  The golden light of the pool played its way across her face and body illuminating her every curve and making her appear almost ethereal.  Josh eyed her in fascination and growing excitement. 

T’kai’s strong voice brought him back to reality.  Now is not the time my friend.  She must come to the awareness of her attraction to you before any mating may take place.  Give her time to revel in her joy.

They stayed in the underground pool for another hour, exploring the several alcoves that led off of the pool area.  It was a huge underground habitat complete with living quarters. Josh and Sam discussed this and with their new found knowledge realized that this was where the ancient beings lived long, long ago.  They found an area with many of the stone boxes and opened them one at a time.  Some contained clothing, but most contained weapons of varying degrees.  Two of the boxes contained Trident shaped spears.  Both realized that these were used in underwater battles. 

T’kai called to them and told them they must return to the surface.  They were to say nothing of the boxes to the others just yet.  Sam went to the box with the clothing and chose a body suit of some material that seemed to glow an iridescent green.  It fit quite well, much to Josh’s delight, and she said it felt like it was a second skin against her body.  They returned to the pool and swam to their dolphins.  Taking a deep breath, they swam down and out of the pool surfacing in the dark lagoon.  The day had passed while they were below. 

T’kai, it is night already? We were only down there for a couple of hours. Josh said in disbelief.

No Josh, time passed quickly here above, the day is over. In time you will get used to this happening.  B’nal has kept R’an informed of all that took place.  He has all the young ones in the initiate’s temple. Go and show them what they can expect to happen to them all.

Josh and Sam swam to the landing and propelled themselves out of the water as naturally as climbing a stair.  They stood there for a moment grinning at each other in the bright moonlight.  Sam grabbed Josh in a hug and whispered, “Thank you Josh, so much!”

Taken aback by the feel of her so close to him Josh uttered a weak, “its ok Sam, I’m happy for you.  Hey, that’s why we are here right?”  He disentangled himself from her embrace and smiled, “let’s go show them your miracle.”  He took her hand in his and they headed off towards the temple.

The children were all sitting around a large stone table when they entered the temple.  Rain rose to greet them and was visibly stunned at the change in Sam.  The rest of the children all rose and ran towards them flinging questions wildly.  Josh calmed them all down and explained all that had happened.