The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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Rain woke early full of energy and feeling great.  He dressed quietly not wanting to wake Ruby, who had slept in the same room with him since she was a small toddler.  He tiptoed out the door and went to Josh’s room and woke him.  Both young men went above to the lounge for breakfast.  They filled their plates with fruit, grabbed a large OJ, and went and sat down.  They spoke to each other in hushed tones.  Anyone listening would remark that they almost resembled clicks and warbles.

They didn’t notice Ian McGregor sitting in the corner, sipping his morning tea, intently studying them.  In all his years at sea, he had seen some pretty strange things, but never anything like the two young men seated across the room.  The change in them was nothing short of phenomenal.  If he had not witnessed the entire event with his own eyes, he never would have believed it.  Yet here he sat, staring at two young men who just yesterday morning were two 16 yr old boys. 

And now the damn dreams informed him he couldn’t leave here for a long time; suggested he make himself at home and enjoy the chance to explore with the scientists.  Well, this was just getting out of hand.  He had no intention of going with them; he would remain on his ship. And if he felt like leaving by thunder he would!

The two young men stood up and were headed towards the buffet table when they spotted him.  Josh smiled and greeted him warmly, “good morning Uncle Ian,” he said with a nod of his head.  “Quite a bit of excitement around here isn’t there.  I hope you will consider joining my parents on the expedition.  T’kai tells me you of all people will be able to read the ancient sea charts they will find in the great city.”

“Charts you say,” Ian McGregor snapped up his head, his interest peaked. 

Josh nodded and continued, “Yes sir, and I understand there are also plans of some kind of great ship they built and used against the monster from below.”

“A ship?” Suddenly Ian found himself eager to go. “Well,” he began clearing his throat, “I planned on joining them for awhile anyway; thought it would help pass the time.” 

Josh and Rain bade him good day and left the lounge smiling slyly. 

Ian’s mind was racing, making plans.  He would speak to Mr. McMullen; yes, he would be perfect to leave in charge of the ship.  He knew the Queen would be safe with him.  As Robert and Amanda came into the lounge Ian rose and greeted them warmly, inquiring about their expedition.

After breakfast, the children all gathered on deck and waited for Josh and Rain.  As they approached questions were thrown at them from many.

“Are we to leave today?”

“How are we going?”

“Should we get all our gear?”

“Easy, easy, we have plenty of time,” Josh told them laughing, “there’s no rush.  Tristan, would you be so kind as to go below and retrieve the duffel bag Rain told me about?”

Tristan looked to Rain questioningly.

Rain laughed, “Don’t look to me for approval, he’s our leader now, go!”

Tristan ran below and was back in five minutes with the large duffel bag.  He sat it on the deck and then joined the others.

“Thank you Tristan,” Josh said in a firm voice as he turned and faced everyone.  “Today begins a new life for all of us.  But,” he began holding up a finger, “and I stress this, you must chose of your own free will.  You will not be forced to accept this; it must be your decision.

The Dolphins will return shortly; when they do we will use only one of the longboats below.”

“What’s it going to be like Josh,” asked Chloe. 

“They’ll be taking us to a place of training; once there we will all be instructed in the ancient history of this planet.  Apparently there is a whole lot more than you could possibly guess.  We will be trained to fight in the seas in the ancient way.  When they feel we are ready - we will be paired with our brothers.”  He turned around and looked out at the river before continuing. 

“This is no game people; this is real.  If you chose to continue it will be all or nothing.  Some of us could die before all this is over.”  Josh turned around slowly and faced them, “what say you?”

They stood there in silence, each going over what Josh had just said.  Little Ruby came forward with TJ right behind her. 

“You can count on me Josh,” she said brightly.

“Me too!” echoed TJ excitedly.

“I’m in all the way,” said Tristan in an emotionless voice.

“We are with you,” said Espy. 

“Yes,” whispered Sophia quickly.

 They all stepped forward one at a time, and each accepted what Josh had told them.  Each agreed, some a little more hesitant than the others, but in the end they all agreed.

“Good,” said Josh with obvious pride.  “If any of you want to say good bye to anyone, now is the time.  I want everybody back here in 15 minutes.”  They quickly scattered and headed below or for the lounge.

“Is there anything you need to take with you Rain?”  Josh asked as he headed towards the lounge.

“No,” Rain answered softly, “there’s nothing here I want; I’ll wait for you here.”

Josh entered the lounge and looked around, everything was surprisingly calm; there were no loud hysterics.  He saw the parents of the children calmly wishing them well; several were hugging; they were all basically accepting the choices their children had made.  Josh sought out his mother and caught a glimpse of her hugging TJ tightly.  He was scanning the room for his father when he suddenly felt a strong hand on his shoulder.  Josh turned around quickly and his father stood before him smiling.

“I guess this is it then,” Robert said as he stared into his son’s face searching for the young boy he was so familiar with.  “Son, this is all very strange, but I accept it, mainly because you accept it.  I saw it happen with my own eyes, I watched you change, and I understand now that you are destined for something totally out of my understanding.”  He hesitated for a moment and then said in a shaky voice filled with emotion, “I am very proud of you Josh, very proud.” He put his arms around Josh and hugged him.

“Thanks Dad, it means a lot.”  Josh held onto his father and his mind was suddenly flooded with scenes of his childhood: riding on his Dad’s shoulder, racing along a sandy beach, studying a giant beetle in the Amazon rainforest; roasting marshmallows at a campfire in the Ural Mountains.  His father had taken him with him on all his expeditions.  He had taken the time to teach him, at a very early age, everything he knew.  He had exposed him to the other scientists as well; and Josh drank up their knowledge.  He was so grateful, grateful for all the knowledge he now possessed.

“I love you Dad, more than you could possibly understand.  Thank you for being such a good father to me and TJ.” Josh’s voice cracked with emotion.

Amanda came over to Josh and took him in her arms.  “I love you son, and I am proud of you.  You watch out for your little brother, you hear?  We’ll be right here when you’re finished, waiting.”  Amanda looked about, “where’s Rain, Josh.  Didn’t he come in with you?” 

“He’s on deck Mom,” Josh told her, “waiting for us.  He has no connection with anyone – he thinks.”  Amanda smiled at her son and turned and headed to the lounge door while Josh smiled behind her.

Rain was standing at the railing when he heard someone coming.  He turned around and was visibly surprised when he saw Amanda approaching.  “Mrs. H, is something wrong?”

“Do you really think I would let you go without a hug and a farewell young man?”  Amanda came forward and slipped her arms around Rain and pulled him to her. 

“I have enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you, Rain, you are one of a kind.  I love your intelligence, and the gentle way you care for the children.  I think you are an exceptional human being.”  She held him out for a moment and then kissed his cheek and embraced him again.  “Watch over my sons please, and the others as well,” she whispered softly in his ear.

Rain was in total shock; he didn’t know what to do.  He stammered out a “thank-you,” and “I like you too Mrs. H,” and disengaged himself.  Never having received any warmth growing up, Rain found it a difficult and awkward situation.  Josh stepped on deck and saved him.

“Jeez Mom, give a guy a break; you’re going to embarrass him!”  Josh grabbed his mother and swung her around and then hugged her.  Amanda responded by pulling her eldest son to her tightly.  Josh nestled his head in her hair and whispered in her ear, “thanks Mom, he won’t say it but it meant a lot to Rain that you cared.  I love you Mom.”

Both Rain and Josh suddenly looked at each other and said simultaneously, “they’re on their way!”

"We’ll send messages to keep you informed; though I have a feeling you guys are going to be very preoccupied.” Josh told his mother.

The children came up on the deck and Rain unclamped the railing lock, lifted the bar and led them all down to the platform where the boat was tied.  The climbed in, stored their gear, and took their seats, hardly filling the boat.  They placed Sam in the center of the boat.

Rain then instructed Tristan about the ropes, explaining that he wanted him to see to it that the ropes were looped about the three dolphins properly.  They would be pulling the boat down the river.   “But you must not touch them in any way Tris, no skin on skin contact.  Do you understand?”  Tristan nodded and told him not to worry.

Rain looked above and called to Josh, “they’re almost here Josh, better get down here.”

Josh said a final farewell and jauntily hopped down the stairs to the landing.  As T’kai came into the river area he shouted a greeting to Josh, who dove into the water and swam to him. 

The large Orca surfaced and called to Rain; in minutes he was on his back.  Three large dolphins swam to the boat and slowly nudged it away from the platform.  They carried it to the center of the river and turned it around; they then positioned themselves in front of the boat and waited.  Tristan guessed that they wanted the loops of the ropes placed about them.  He quickly took the ropes and placed them in the water and watched as the dolphins went below and surfaced in the center of the loops swimming a short distance to better position them about their bodies.  Slowly the dolphins began to swim off, pulling the boat along with them.