The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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For the next three days they followed the Orcas through the Bering Sea.  They passed thru an area with a lot of debris in the water and many signs of ships that sank.  There were many bodies floating in the water.  They kept the younger children in the lounge not wanting them to see this sight.  They made their way past the Bering Straits into the Chukchi Sea without further incident.  There was still no sign of the Dolphins. 

The weather became frigid overnight and most couldn’t stand being outside for short periods of time.  The wind blew constantly, and frostbite was an ever-present worry.  Yet, each day Rain would bundle up and go out to the bow of the large ship where he would scan the water below for the large Orca.  Josh joined him many times and began to notice that Rain was becoming distant, lost in his thoughts.  Guessing what his friend was thinking, Rain explained that he was trying to communicate with the large mammal telepathically.  Josh could see the sense in this and decided to leave him alone and let him continue trying.  And then one morning he looked out and saw his friend standing on the bow without a coat, or any shoes on his feet.  He rushed out in a panic calling to him.

“Rain… Rain, have you gone mad?  You’ll catch your death out here.”  Josh rushed to his friend and threw a blanket around him.  Rain looked at him and threw his head back and laughed like a madman.  Then he grabbed him about the shoulders shaking him. 

“I can’t figure it out Josh.  Why won’t he talk to me?  I’ve done everything I can think of; nothing works.  He won’t talk to me.”  He began to cry, great heart wrenching sobs as he crumbled into his friends arms.  “What am I doing wrong, doesn’t he like me?”  Josh held him and let him cry it out.  Then he took him below to his room and tucked him in.

“Get some sleep Rain, I’ll find out, I’ll get your answer.”  Rain looked up at him and knew he would.  He had been up for days and now let his body go.  He slipped into a deep sleep knowing his friend would find the answer.

Josh went above and cornered TJ and Ruby in the dining room.  He took them to a table at the back and explained what had happened.  He wanted to know what they knew.

Ruby answered him a little frightened, “He has to make physical contact first; they have to touch each other Josh.  That can’t happen until we’re at the island.”

“Yeah, well that won’t happen if the damn Dolphins don’t show up pretty soon!” he snapped at her.

“The Dolphins will be here in the morning Josh,” TJ quickly added.  “They had some trouble getting here.  Something came up from the deep ocean; it was trying to stop them.”  TJ’s eyes filled with tears, “Many Orcas died so they could make it here; so don’t get all uppity on us!

Josh sat back and for the first time noted their somber faces, “I’m sorry kids, I didn’t know,” he said softly.  Both of the little ones reached for him and hugged him telling him they were scared too; not sure of all they were feeling and seeing.  Josh calmed them down and then went out on deck himself.

Overwhelmed by all that was happening he shouted into the wind, “You wanted us here, we’re here; you said jump, we jumped!”  Josh turned about on the deck, his arms wide, “You sent the dreams, you warned us,” he angrily shouted into the wind.  “Well, we’re here!  If you want me to lead, you’re going to have to tell me something, soon.”

The next morning the sea was filled with Dolphins.  They were leaping out of the water as if to exclaim, “Look at me!  Look at me!”  They gathered together and made a visible arrow in the water, pointing the way for the great ship to follow. 

Josh woke Rain and told him the good news.  “And the other question, Josh, did you find out the answer?” he asked quickly.

“Yes, Rain,” Josh smiled, “you have to touch each other first.  And, I am told, that can’t happen until we arrive at the island.  Now that the Dolphins are here, that will be very soon.”

“Best news I’ve heard in days.  Man, I am starving!  Let me get dressed and we can go get something to eat.”  Rain was up, showered and dressed in a half hour.

As they entered the dining room the other students, who had automatically accepted by both boys as leaders, greeted them warmly.  They filled their plates from the buffet and were sitting at a table finishing up when Robert and Amanda came into the room.  They asked them to join them and were soon deep in conversation.

Some time later on the bridge, the radar man shakily called the captain over.  “Sir, I’m picking up something headed this way.  In… in the air sir, fo… four no, fi…five of them,” his voice cracked as he continued, “I… I don’t think they’re planes sir.”

Below in the lounge Ruby and TJ burst into the room shouting, “the dragons are coming!”

Above the captain quickly asked the radar man, “how far away are they?”

“An hour, hour and a half at the most, sir,” he answered in obvious alarm.

“God in heaven,” the captain yelled as he ran for the PA system and all heard his voice booming out a warning: “Dragons are headed this way; radar is picking up five of them!  If any of you have a solution you’d better get your asses up here damn quick!”

Robert, Josh and Rain, rushed for the bridge with TJ and Ruby in tow.  They burst onto the bridge and were greeted with the terrified stares of the crew on duty.  They headed towards the helm where the Ian was standing.

Ruby immediately ran to him tugging on his coat, “Captain Ian, you have a door down below that opens to the sea; it’s just a couple feet above the waterline.  Can you open it for us?”

“Yes little one, but why?  He asked in bewilderment.

Ruby grabbed Josh by the arm and dragging him made for the door, “please have them open it now,” she shouted.  “Rain, you come with us too!”  TJ grabbed his arm and off they went.

They raced below and were led to the open door by one of the crew.  Outside, they could see a large pod of Dolphins waiting. 

“No time to explain right now guys,” said an apologetic TJ, “just do as Ruby asks.”  

“Rain, you have to hold on to Josh.” Ruby was very excited, “Grab him round the legs and don’t let him fall into the water.  Can you do that?”

“Yes, but,” he knelt down and wrapped his arms around Josh’s legs and held on.

“Josh, listen to me,” Ruby seemed terrified but she continued anyway, “you have to reach out and touch the leader of the pod.  He will come to you, do you understand?”  

Josh shook his head in acknowledgement.

“OK,” she took a deep breath and continued in a shaky voice, “when you touch him you will feel a bit of a shock, and then you will feel him in your mind.  You will be able to communicate with him, Josh.  You must tell him what is happening and ask for his help.  Can you do that?”

Josh shook his head quickly and looked out to the sea.  He saw the Dolphins lined up; then as he watched they rose out of the water in unison.  A rather large one slowly made his way towards the door, then rose out of the water and stared at Josh for a moment.  Josh felt a chill go up his back and he shivered involuntarily.  He knew with certainty that everything would change after this; there would be no going back.  He watched as the Dolphin came closer and closer to the doorway. 

As Josh was hanging half out of the doorway extending his hand and stretching as far as he possibly could, the Dolphin swam up and leaned into his hand with his head.  Josh felt a jolt go right thru him.

“Aaargh!” he screamed as he arched his back.  

Rain held on tightly as Josh thrashed about for a moment.  Then just as suddenly, he quieted.

Josh felt that first jolt and for a split second thought he was dead.  Then he felt the soothing waters around him and he wasn’t afraid any more.  Josh was filled with a joy he had never known; he could feel the love emanating from the creature before him, wrapping itself about him. 

A strong male voice filled his mind.

I am T’kai of the E’lan Pod.  You are my rider and I am your teacher. Why do you break protocol?

The Dolphin’s strong voice brought him out of his reverie; he knew he had to warn the Dolphins of the impending arrival.  He concentrated and began to tell him what was happening.

There are five dragons headed this way, he began.  We have about an hour before they reach us.  What can we do?

Almost immediately all the other Dolphins began jumping in and out of the water.  Even the great Orcas leaped into the air, as if confirming this.  T’kai rose up out of the water and relayed to Josh:

Young one, there is a great iceberg not far from here. We have been preparing it for you for a long time. It has a large opening and your ship will pass thru it easily. It will shield your ship from the burning devils.  We will lead you, but you must go very fast.

With that he leapt into the air and was off towards the bow of the ship.  Rain pulled Josh into the ship and they made a mad dash up the stairs towards the bridge.  They burst in with Josh shouting at the captain. 

“Follow the Dolphins Uncle Ian, as fast as your ship can go.  They knew the dragons would be coming, they have a place carved out for us beneath a large iceberg.”

Without even questioning Josh, Ian moved his speed to ‘full ahead’ and called down to the engine room.  “All the speed you can give man, and be ready to cut the engines off when I give the word.” 

Rain pulled Josh aside.  “What was it like Josh, what did it feel like?” Rain asked.

“Like nothing you can ever imagine.” Josh’s face was shinning at the memory.  “We’ll talk later,” he said intently gripping Rain by the shoulder, “after we get to safety,” then he smiled.

Both boys stood on the bridge of the Queen, each lost in their own thoughts as they followed the long line of Dolphins.  The Captain scanned the sea ahead and was at a loss when suddenly the giant berg began to make its presence known; like a great mountain rising out of the thick mist that enveloped it.  It was like a floating country of its own; the height and length of the berg could only be guessed at.  As they got closer he saw the Dolphins head around to the right side of the huge mass where he made out an opening of some kind.  He followed quickly and sailed straight for it.  He called down to the engine room just as he was about to come to the opening. 

“Cut the engines!” he barked out as the Glacier Queen slowed and coasted into the opening with room to spare.  Hmm…Ian thought to himself, they planned well. 

Everyone came out onto the deck of the ship and stood silently watching as the great ship glided silently into the large cavern.  Up ahead it looked like the opening went on for miles thru the large berg.  The blue white lighting within the cavern gave it an eerie glow.  The glistening walls of ice rose way up and arched over them to the other side. 

Josh and Rain looked back towards the bow and saw the large pod of Orcas stop at the opening.  They began leaping out of the water and crashing down creating huge plumes of water that cascaded around in giant splashes.  In his mind Josh heard T’kai telling him that they were erasing the ship’s wake, so the dragons would not detect their presence in the area.

The captain noticed that the ‘trail’ began to curve towards the right and he quickly took the helm and steered the ship ever so gently and continued to follow the dolphins. 

His mind was racing also, this berg has to be enormous, but the dolphins show no sign of stopping, they’re still pointing the way.  I guess we’ll find out soon enough, he mused. Funny, I don’t remember any of this in my dreams. In fact all I remember is the island and a golden ship. It seems a higher hand than mine is guiding us.  I think I’ll just sail along with the current and see what happens.

The radar man called to the captain, his voice calmer now, “Sir, come see, sir,” he said pointing to the blips on his screen.  Ian came over and watched as the radar swept around, “that’s them; they’re not but 15 minutes away.  We got in here just in time,” he said nervously.

“Indeed we did young man, indeed we did!” 

Ian McGregor went over and sat heavily in the Captains Chair overlooking the helm.  He knew when he was in over his head.  He raised his eyes and stared at the two youths standing there looking out over the ship, they both seemed elated.  “What’s next,” he wearily asked.  They both turned around and stared at him with those infernal smiles on their faces he thought.

“Why, we follow them till they say stop,” answered Josh quickly.  Josh suddenly reached out and grabbed Rain’s shoulder, “it’s happening, it’s all coming true!” 

“I have a feeling this is only the beginning,” Ian said quickly under his breath.

Both boys went out on deck and watched silently as they drifted along.  Rain turned to Josh and asked, “So, what happened?  I want to know everything.”

Josh looked at his new friend and knew what he was referring to immediately.  “I was scared, but somehow elated too.  All through my body, there was a tingling of sorts, and then a deep electrical shock.  Thought I was dead there for a minute.  And then,” Josh smiled at the memory, “a warm sensation, and a feeling of … of… peace, and acceptance, and then overwhelming love.  I can’t explain it Rain; you just have to feel it.  He was in my mind and I was in his.  It was so powerful!”  Josh stared off into the distance.

Rain envied him every bit of it.

Josh turned and saw the look on Rain’s face.  “Don’t worry Rain; you’ll get your chance.  You’ll see and feel what I’m talking about.  Of that I am sure.”

Two hours later the Glacier Queen was still coasting gracefully along.  The cavern, with its tightly packed icy walls, caused every sound to reverberate and echo about it.  A slight scraping on the deck sounded like a loud screeching.  The lounge door slammed shut and the whole ship shook from the loud retort.  The Dolphins sent word thru Josh and asked that they be quieter, Ian just chuckled.

Most returned to the lounge and a small lunch was prepared.  Conversations were going on between bites of sandwiches.  The youngsters were all elated and discussed the different aspects of their dreams.  Putting them all together gave them a clearer picture of what was waiting ahead for them.

The adults, being scientists, stayed on deck and tried to chart their way.  Having no point of reference to go by, they were forced to simply enjoy the ride.  As they went along they began to notice that the walls of the ice held a picture show of sorts of the earths evolution.  All along their path, embedded in the ice were creatures long dead.  Frozen for all time, a splendid view of this planet’s evolution thru the centuries.   Various marine life long extinct, were displayed to the delight of the oceanographers.  Further along, they spied a hideous creature, similar to a T-Rex, but smaller.  Its mouth open and rows of white glistening teeth left no doubt that this was a dangerous predator.  They stood at the railings waiting breathlessly for the next ‘treasure’ the icy walls held.  Still further down the way, a small mammoth, which no doubt fell thru the ice on one of its long treks across the tundra, was perfectly preserved; they all studied it in fascination. 

And then Amanda let out a scream and jumped backwards.  Before them, perfectly preserved, embedded in the ice for thousands of years no doubt, was their enemy.  Huge beyond belief, it’s black form captured with wings outspread, head reared back as if in the process of flaming some unknown target, hideous and frightening even in death.  The sight left them all in a somber mood.

On and on they continued, by all accounts they had come miles, and yet the view up ahead showed no sign of ending.  They went to the bridge and asked the captain if radar or sonar could pick up anything.  He told them that their screens ceased working after they were about a mile into the gigantic cavern.

During this time Josh and Rain took turns standing at the bow and the stern of the large ship. 

Rain kept his sights on the large Orca trailing the ship.  Every now and then it would leap high out of the water as if to say, ‘Here I am, I am watching you!’  Each time, Rain was filled with elation at the sight.  He also noted that it felt like it was getting warmer.

Josh on the other hand was in contact with the Dolphin leader.  Simple images were being relayed to his mind.  Finally he could stand it no longer and summoning his courage he concentrated and asked; what do you wish us to do?  Can we be of any help?

He heard a series of clicks in his mind and then he heard loud and clear; your help is not needed at this time, simply enjoy the ride to the island.  Your future will appear soon enough, young one.

On thru the day and into the night they continued their trek.  The only instructions the Dolphins gave was that they were not to turn on the lights of the ship when darkness came.  Ian stayed at the helm and found that there was just enough light for him to navigate in the dark.  Throughout the night, one by one, his crew fell into a deep sleep.  Grumbling about the ineptness of his men he continued along.  Sometime during the night, he too could no longer fight the urge and he slipped into a deep sleep. 

The Glacier Queen continued on its way thru the iceberg passing many mysterious sights imprisoned in the ice.   All thru the night and into the long day, a ghostly vision gliding along, the great ship continued, silently following the Dolphins.  

All aboard were deep asleep as the large ship passed thru the force field effectively cutting them off with the rest of the world.  During the early mornings light of the third day, she silently glided out of the great cavern and entered the warm aqua blue waters of the island.  Slowly she came to a stop in the middle of a large, very deep river.  There she rested, waiting for her passengers to awake to a new world.