The Choice by J Barrett - HTML preview

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Josh awoke on deck to the sound of a parrot squawking loudly, it seemed as though it were calling out, “Get up! Get up!”   He lay there for a moment listening to the sound as reality suddenly dawned on him; he sat up with a start and looked about.  He was burning up, his large parka felt like a sauna.  He quickly took off the coat, and rubbing sleep from his eyes stood up.  It took his mind a moment to take in the view.  A lush green jungle was laid out before him, and a large clear blue river stretched off into the distance.  He spied the noisy parrot; he was beautiful, a bright green plumage with a yellow chest, and dark black beak.  He spread his wings and took off and Josh watched the graceful bird fly to another tree and disappear in the green leaves.  He turned about and behind him, far off in the distance he saw the opening to the large cavern they had passed thru during the night; he was stunned.

“Josh!”  Rain’s voice brought him about quickly as his new friend came down the deck, a huge smile on his face.  “We’re here man; this is it, the island in our dreams!”  Both youths walked the entire deck of the ship looking out at the island. 

“Look,” Rain pointed towards the island, “out over there.”  Off in the distance they both spied a something glistening in the sunlight.  “What do you suppose that is?”

Josh cocked his head to the side as if listening, “that, my friend, will keep the adults busy while we are all away training.  T’kai says it is the remains of an ancient temple.  Once they decipher the language, and he has no doubt that they will, it will answer all their questions.”  The two youths looked at each other and burst out laughing as they ran towards the lounge. 

They woke everyone and announced that they had arrived at the island sometime during the night.  There was much jubilation as everyone walked the deck of the ship looking out at the strange land.  Sure enough, just as the Dolphin predicted, the scientists all spoke of mounting an expedition to explore the place.  They took out their binoculars and searched over the jungle, each commenting on the strange plant life.

“Robert, look there,” said Jonas Waite, the archeologist of the group, “something’s shinning brightly out there in the sunlight.  A building perhaps, maybe people live here?”

“I doubt it Jonas,” Robert answered quickly; “They would have come here to see who we were by now.  But, perhaps you’re right; maybe we should explore this place while we are here.  I have a feeling we’re going nowhere for a long time.” 

Ian came down from the bridge and joined them.  He looked around and announced in a voice filled with resignation, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are moored in the middle of a very deep river; sonar gets no ping from the bottom.  And I have to admit that I have no idea how we got here.”  Ian coughed and cleared his throat and then continued, “Sometime during the night I fell asleep at the helm; I give you my word I have never done that before.  When I awoke this morning I was in my cabin.  How I got there is beyond me; my entire crew admits to the same thing.”

Many shouted out “yes, me too!”  And, “I don’t know how I got to my cabin either!”  There was a general sense of mystery.  They looked to Ian for an answer and he had none.

“Calm down and listen for a moment,” he said asking for their attention.  “I don’t think there is enough room to turn the Queen around and get out of here.  I have a feeling we will be here for awhile.   But don’t be alarmed, we have plenty of supplies on board, so we wouldn’t go hungry.”  He waited for all this to sink in and then he continued; “I haven’t seen the Dolphins or the Orcas this morning.  But I don’t think they have abandoned us; I firmly believe they will be back when the time is right.  I think they are letting us get used to our new home.”

The rest of the day was spent in speculation by the scientists that they must mount an expedition and explore the island, much to the protests of the captain.  He believed they should stay on board the ship until the Dolphins and Orcas returned.  After hours of listening to the reasoning’s put forth by the scientists, Ian finally relented and ordered three of their longboats lowered to the water and brought around to the docking platform on the side of the ship.  It was lowered to the water and the boats were tied up there.  It was decided that two groups of scientists would go ashore in the morning and explore a short distance into the island.  But, and he would not relent on this, three of his men would accompany each group with arms.  His philosophy, better safe than sorry, prevailed. 

The evening meal was a boisterous one; at Robert’s insistence the crew joined the passengers in a large feast.  They were all in this together now, and each one knew it.  Friendships were made between each group, and all joined together later singing songs and regaling each other with stories of the sea.  A giant of a man, who was the ship’s engineer, Mr. McMullen, was a favorite of the children.  The fact that he resembled Santa Claus, in looks and personality, might have had something to do with it.  The gathering went on late into the night and finally everyone adjoined to his or her rooms, happy and tired. 

Josh awoke just before first light.  He dressed quickly in shorts and a tee shirt and was stepping on deck just as it was beginning to get light.  He took in a deep breath and swore he could smell something sweet.  He was trying to figure it out when Rain joined him.

“Do you smell it?” Rain asked, “I’ve been up here for a half hour trying to figure out what it is.  Look at all the flowers hanging off all those trees.”  Rain was dressed in shorts and a tee shirt also, accentuating his pale skin.  “I don’t know what they are Josh, but they smell so sweet, it’s almost overpowering.”

“I agree, maybe they’re orchids of some kind.  My mom would know what they are.”  Josh looked about the ship.  Both boys heard the sound of splashing in the water.  They ran to the railing and looked below. 

Rain shouted out, “Let’s tell the others they’re back!” 

“Wait a minute,” Josh said suddenly stopping.  “Not yet Rain, T’kai says that we have a task to complete,” Josh looked at Rain and smiled, “you must meet and connect with your ‘brother’.”

Rain’s eyes lit up as his face broke into a giant smile.  “Once connected, as I am to T’kai, we must then draw up a list of all the children; naming and describing them all.  Being connected to us, they will then know the children as we do.”  Josh looked at Rain to make sure he understood.

“I understand Josh,” he said nodding his head; “they will need to know how to pair up each one with his counterpart in the sea.  Well come on, let’s go and do this,” he said excitedly.

Both boys went to the railing and undid the clasp that held the stairway leading down to the platform.  As they ran down the steps they saw the Orca and the Dolphin waiting below.  Both boys stepped onto the platform and knelt down.

Josh asked, what do you want us to do T’kai?

T’kai clicked several times and then Josh heard, explain to your friend what to expect, and tell him the shock will be larger.  Then tell him he must remove his clothing and enter the water. Their connection must be made in the water. 

Josh explained all this to Rain, who listened to every word without comment.  Rain stood up and began to remove his clothes, all the while staring intently at the great Orca. 

“He says to dive into the water and swim to the Orca, he says to follow your instincts Rain; you’ll know what to do.” Josh patted Rain on the back.  “You can do this.”

Rain backed up three steps; then he ran forward and dove into the water swimming straight for the Orca.  The huge mammal leaped into the air and dove below coming up under Rain.  Rain looked about and then took a deep breath and dove below.  The Orca was lying on its back, flippers extended towards Rain.  He swam to just above the great beast and reached out with both hands and grabbed hold of his flippers.  He immediately felt an electric jolt so strong that all the air was forced out of his lungs, “aaiee…!” he screamed, arching his back, never letting go of the flippers.  The Orca propelled himself along and shot out of the water rising high into the air with Rain still holding onto his flippers, bracing himself against the large beast with his feet.  The Orca spun in the air and dove below again. 

This time he settled in the water vertically and Rain heard clearly in his mind the deep resonating voice; I am B’nal, leader of the Z’ndi pod; we are the Soldiers of the Sea.  You are my rider; I was chosen for you and you were chosen for me. Together we shall free the seas once again. 

Every fiber of Rain’s being was suddenly filled with something he had never known in his short life; pure unconditional love, total acceptance.  His spirit rose in ecstasy as contact took place and their minds merged; he would never be alone again.  Tears filled his eyes in happiness as they shot out of the water as one.  Rain propelled himself off the great Orca and dove into the water with him. 

This time as they swam below a bright light engulfed them both and he began to feel changes taking place in his body.  His legs and arms became more muscular, his lungs changed and he found he didn’t need to rush to the surface for air.  As the light dimmed he looked at his newfound friend, and love filled his heart.  Knowledge flowed quickly to his mind and now he understood his purpose. 

They came up out of the water together and spiraled into the air and arcing backwards entering the water again.  As they surfaced Rain swam to the platform.  His face was glowing with happiness as he approached.  Josh reached down to offer him a hand but Rain instead propelled himself out of the water and stood on the platform facing Josh.  Water dripping off his now muscular body, he smiled at his friend.

“Josh, you didn’t tell me how wonderful this was!”  He said in a deep masculine voice.  I feel so fantastic, so complete; I’ll never be alone again,” he shouted with joy.  He was totally oblivious to the changes in his body and the effect it was having on Josh, who stood staring at him in wonder.

The Orca swam to the platform and raised himself out of the water resting on its edge.  Your leader must also complete the ritual of bonding.  Tell him he must do the same.

Rain looked at Josh, “his name is B’nal, and he’s a solider of the sea.  He says that you have to complete the ritual of bonding; you have to do what I just did.”

Josh turned around and sought out T’kai.  He saw him waiting for him about 20 feet out, in the center of the river, yes young one; we must finish what was started days ago. Come join me so we may be complete.

Josh began to remove his clothing quickly.  He stood at the edge of the platform and looked back at Rain once more, marveling at the changes in him.  Anyone looking would have seen a smile play its way across his face as he dove headlong into the water. 

As Josh reach T’kai, the other Dolphins now rose to the surface forming a circle around them.  Josh reached out and grabbed T’kai’s dorsal fin and they began to turn in a circle spinning at a rapid rate.  A blue white light began to surround them as they both rose out of the water still spinning.

I am T’kai, Ancient of the Sea from the beginning.  You have been chosen for me as leader, and I have been chosen for you as teacher. Together with our brothers, the soldiers of the sea, we will destroy the menace that has risen from the depths and restore order once again.

Knowledge began to flow into Josh’s mind at a rapid pace.  He flung his head back and spread his arms wide and received it willingly.  As he was suspended in mid air, both he and the dolphin began to change physically.  The dolphin grew larger, more muscular, almost matching the size of the Orca.  And Josh too felt his body change as his legs, torso, and arms were filled out.  He was no longer a boy, what appeared now was a young man filled with a sense of purpose.  They were slowly lowered back into the sea as the light dimmed and disappeared. 

The dolphins surrounded them; all leaping into the air shouting out a chorus of clicks and warbles.  Josh found he understood what they were saying, Hail to T’kai, Hail to the Ancient’s return!

As Josh turned and swam for the platform, he looked above and saw that everyone was at the railing looking down at him.  They had all seen what had taken place and were, for the moment, stunned.  As he reached the platform he simply leapt out of the water as Rain had done; it seemed so natural.  He turned and looked out at T’kai. 

Go and prepare your lists of the children. Include all your knowledge of each one. You now know what you must tell the adults, prepare them for tomorrow’s leaving.  With that T’kai turned and sped off down the river with the other dolphins in hot pursuit.

Josh grabbed his clothing and put on his shirt and pants.  His mind was racing, and as if guessing his thoughts, Rain said, “We’ll have a devil of a time explaining all this to the adults.”

Josh smiled, “In case you haven’t noticed Rain, we’re the adults now too.” 

Rain looked at his friend strangely, and then was visibly startled as he suddenly realized the changes that had taken pace in him.  He reached out his hand to touch Josh’s shoulder and suddenly noticed the difference in its size and shape.  He stared at his arms and legs, and looked up at Josh.  “How,” he asked as the knowledge began to flow.

“All part of the process my friend.  Search your new memory, your answer is there.” 

Josh finished dressing and proceeded to climb up the stairway, Rain was right behind him.

As they both stepped onto the deck, the entire group was standing there in stunned silence.  Robert and Amanda came forward; eyes wide as they stared at their son.

“Josh?’ Amanda asked hesitantly, bending her head and looking into his eyes.

“Yes mother, it’s still me,” he answered in a deep voice, surprising himself.

Amanda reached out and touched her son’s face and looked deep into his eyes, “Yes, yes, it is you!  My God, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed…”  She was shaking her head back and forth trying to deny what she had just seen.

Robert put his hand on his now 6’ tall son’s shoulder.  “Son, what is all this?  I saw… but… how?”

Josh answered in a calm confident voice, “It is the blending with the Dolphins, or Orcas.  It’s what happens when we join as one.  Our bodies, minds, and spirits are brought to perfection.  It is the only way we will able to do the things that we must do to save the seas.  Without the seas, all life will end.  We have been chosen father, and I for one take it very seriously.”

Robert looked at the young man before him and felt a sense of pride in his son. 

“Yes, you have been chosen.  Everything your mother and I did in raising you and your brother has led to this point in time; I can see that now, quite clearly.”  Tears in his eyes, Robert looked at his son with pride and said softly, “I am proud of you son.”  He held him close for a moment and then let him go.

Amanda touched her son’s arm, “Josh?  Your brother, TJ, will the same happen to him?”

She looked at all the children who were now staring at her, “and all the other children, them too?” 

“Yes mother, if they choose to become a part of this.”  He watched as her face changed, she was horrified at the thought.  “Mother, this is war; a war for survival, and we are not the only ones involved here.  There are countless others going thru the same thing; preparing to fight a battle for our very existence.  Evil is running rampant over the whole world.”  He took her hand and led her to the railing as the others gathered around. 

“In joining with T’kai, I received a lot of knowledge I wasn’t privy to before.  This is an age- old battle mom; last fought thousands of years ago.  After the last battle, man was given a chance to go it alone, to see how he would evolve.  I’d say we messed it up quite badly, wouldn’t you?”  Josh looked around at everyone gathered there.  “Look at what our world had become,” he began again, the passion showing in his voice.  “There are people blowing each other up in the name of a religion?  Genocide taking place on the African continent; wars everywhere you look; it’s surprising that we haven’t blown ourselves up by now.  Somehow we have all lost our way.  There is nothing but war and hatred in the world.  I don’t think that that was how it was supposed to go.”  

“I agree with you on that,” Rain added somberly, “and believe me; we’ve seen first hand just how low man has really sunk.  Every one of us here has been touched in one way or another by man’s ‘generosity’,” he spat out the last words with contempt.

“That’s enough Rain,” Josh raised his voice, “don’t let hatred enter your soul and cloud your mind.  Would you have all we are striving for here be destroyed by the very thing we are trying to end?  There is no room for hatred in the new world we will help create.  Search your new memories; you will see it all there.”

“I’m sorry Josh, my temper got the best of me,” apologized Rain.  “I think I’ll take a walk to clear my head.  If you’ll excuse me,” he said as he passed thru the crowd and headed towards the bow of the ship.

“Rain wait,” shouted little Ruby as she called after him.

“It’s all right Ruby, let him go,” Josh called to her, “he has a lot of thinking to do.”

Josh now turned to the young children gathered there.  “Tomorrow the dolphins will return to take all who are ready with them to the teaching grounds.  This is what we have all been dreaming about, but the choice is still yours.” 

Turning around he faced the adults again, he raised his hand and pointed out to the island while he told them, “There is an entire island over there for you all to explore.  Three miles from here is the remains of an ancient city.  There is a large pyramid there in the center of the city; it holds the answers to all your questions.  There is nothing on the island that can harm you.  You will find plenty of fresh fruit, and dates, and nuts.  T’kai warns of only one thing; do not go beyond the jungle to the far mountain range.  And don’t worry about us; we will all return when our training is finished.”

“Josh, you must realize that we can’t just let you all go off,” Amanda was just now realizing what Josh was proposing.  “You’re just children for God’s sake; we have a responsibility to keep you all safe.”

“Mother, I love your noble thought, and I thank you for your concern,” Josh began gently.  “But as you can see, I am no longer a child.  And when the rest us bond to our prospective brothers in the sea; well, you get the idea.”

“Oh this is all happening too fast.  Robert, do you approve of all this?”  Amanda looked to Robert to back her up, but was dismayed when he refused to join her in her concern.

“I’m sorry to disagree with you dear, but Josh is right.  They will be perfectly safe with the Dolphins and Orcas.”  Amanda started to say something but was cut off by Robert as he continued.  “Amanda, we just stood on the deck and watched as Rain joined with that huge Orca.   Did you already forget the look of joy on his face as he stepped back onto the platform?  Have you already forgotten what we all saw with our own eyes happen to Josh?  You saw the look on Josh’s’ face, he was ecstatic.”

Amanda looked at Robert with unbelief.  “Robert, it is our duty to protect…”

Robert came to her side and put his arm around her.  “Amanda my love, it is time to let them go.  We all had the dreams; we all knew this would happen sooner or later.  As Josh said, it is a new world, and they are an important part of it.  Besides, we will have plenty to keep us occupied.  Think of it, Amanda, a whole ancient civilization to explore; we will be the first people to step foot on these shores in what, thousands of years!”

“Well, if you put it that way, I guess I’m just being a tad over-protective,” Amanda replied.

“A tad, duh!” shouted TJ loudly as everyone burst out laughing.

In the end, it was decided that none of the adults would interfere with the children leaving.  There were things at play here that all agreed were out of their hands.  Each remembered the bright light, and the changes that took place in Josh and Rain before their eyes.  Being scientists, they decided to take Josh’s advice and explore the island.  They all returned to the lounge and began to plan their expedition ashore.

Josh asked all the children to remain on deck.  Then he sat them all down and began to explain to them what was about to take place.  He related what they would feel when first contact was made.  He explained, as best he could, the feeling of total love that would engulf them.  He explained that they were going to be part of a new world, and their task was to protect the seas.  The children were all mesmerized and sat in rapt attention, listening in awe as Josh continued to tell them of the new life that awaited them. 

When he was finished Sam came up to him and asked softly, “Uh Josh…,” unsure she forged hesitantly ahead, “am… am I included in this too?”

Josh guessed what she wanted to know and answered reassuringly, “Only if you want to be Sam, it’s entirely up to you.”  He smiled as he watched her face light up in joy.