The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 8




Dramkick violently worked out with 20,000 pounds-on the Fulltobody press-inside his personal gym. He typically spent 2 hours every morning doing strength and speed training. The Fulltobody press is a machine that you lift with your legs, then press and twist with your arms and torso. This one machine accounted for Dramkick's unbelievable physical strength and blinding speed. The only other exercise he did was to run two 300 meter runs every other day at top speed and up a slight incline. After every workout he consumed 22,000 calories over the course of an hour (without interruption.) He believed that no conversation should take place while he was eating. And he was less than cordial to anyone who tried to speak to him at a meal. After he finished eating, a Praem tube was soon in his hands.


Bree did her normal workout inside the Beyo apparatus-which consisted of a harness you strapped your body into that is attached to resistance coils. You simply laid down inside and spun your entire body in one direction, and then the other, until total exhaustion occurred. She finished her workout and watched Dramkick as he finished his. The gym is a mile long and there is a track in the shape of a figure 8 in the middle-it is surrounded by lush vegetation. The Fulltobody press sits on a raised platform as well as the Beyo apparatus-with an L-shaped black leather couch and refrigerator next to it on the platform. Inside the refrigerator there is a chilled Mosa-a sugary sweet drink high in caffeine and preferred by Dramkick. There is also an Andle pie, which is filled with Hummy berries and topped with never melt ice cream. It tastes like strawberries, blueberries, and apples have been mixed together into one. It also has a delectable aroma and finger lickin’ good taste. There are also 4 small plates with mini steaks surrounded by whipped mashed potatoes and blue Sawt carrots-as well as a honey-like substance in the center.


Dramkick and Bree sat beside each other on the L-shaped couch for a moment as they gathered their breath. Bree gave Dramkick a poke in the arm and said slyly, "Enough rest for you, I want to know what's on your mind and don't say nothing, because I know what nothing looks like."


"Alright, Bree, I will share what is that has grabbed hold of me," Dramkick seemed very serious all of the sudden. "I had a dream last night of the Cra family, have you heard of them?" Dramkick asked as he looked at Bree.


"Of course the family of geniuses, I've heard all about their theories and travails," Bree replied as she rubbed above her eye in a circle with her index finger. "What happened in your dream, Dramkick?" Bree asked to she reached over and rubbed Dramkick's bicep.


"Okay, I must start by saying this was more than just a dream it appears in my mind as a memory, not a dream first off," Dramkick started as his eyes traced the window sill. "I was in a large torch lit room that had statues of the Cra family. I walked up to one and it had a sign on its base that said I needed to find Doga. It said he would have a clue for me," Dramkick said as he looked straight ahead now.


"Clue for what?" Bree asked anxiously as she crossed her legs Indian style and turned to face Dramkick.


"It said there was a Cra hybrid, and that I need to find him and we would then rule the universe together," Dramkick explained as his mind focused on the dream. "Bree, I've had a feeling for some time that there was someone out there that my fate was aligned with. I know now this Doga holds the key to finding him," Dramkick said as he turned and nodded at Bree with a face devoid of history.


"I knew it had to be lonely, friends are hard to come by for someone like you, but I thought Doga had died?"


"Disappeared, not died he just vanished and no one knows where," Dramkick said sternly as his face grew harder with every word. "Bree, I have to find him. To have no one, Bree, no one in the world who is you, is an ache beyond loneliness. And ache beyond remedy and without resolution," Dramkick said as a single tear blinked in and out of his left eye for only a moment before disappearing. "If Doga is alive then I will use all my powers to find him. This Cra hybrid is not a pipe dream. I suspected this for a long time. The hope is, that they are searching this very moment for me and we are hurling ourselves towards each other. It could be a violent fate line," Dramkick disappeared into his hopes and sat in front of Bree as a person she had never seen before.


"You have to find this Cra hybrid, Dramkick, it's your destiny. The question now is where is this Doga?"


"Exactly!" Dramkick came to life slapping his hands together. "And all's I can do is wait for a sign and hope. Obviously if a man doesn't want to be found, then you're bottling sun beams. I don't know, Bree, what else can I do? Then there's the matter of Vield and Poeragard, my focus is going in different directions," Dramkick said as he stood up and squinted his eye at a Vor Me soldier coming towards them from the other side of the gym.


The Vor Me walked briskly up to Bree and Dramkick and said quickly, "Vield's ship has just entered the atmosphere of Eyeso, Quadromolan, and is preparing to land."


"Excellent, let's hope it's a big party. You're dismissed, soldier," Dramkick rubbed his fists together and smiled. He had old friends to see again.


"There is more news, Quadromolan."




"There were 3 tons of explosives found attached to our fuel cell. The detonator was faulty and prevented it from exploding. We believe it was put there before we left Membra, because it would have been impossible to do so in flight, Quadromolan," the Vor Me tightened his muscles and stood ready.


"Really, that is troubling, but not worth worry at this point. Set the explosives adrift in an escape pod as there could be a sound detonator as well. Good work, Soldier," Dramkick motioned with his hands for him to leave and then said, "Bree, I have business to attend to, but I would love to see you after and continue our conversation."


"I would love to, Dramkick."


"For later, Bree," Dramkick said and then quickly made for the War room.


When he arrived he immediately sat down in the Capt.'s chair and watched on the monitor as Vield's ship landed. He laughed to himself and said firmly, "Let's give him a couple minutes to get cozy then we'll drop by for a snack."


"You got it, Quadromolan, I'll take care of it," Gigg said smoothly as he gave the fleet the order to hold the positions.


Dramkick sat and smiled a sinister, satisfying, and devious smile as he watched Vield and Poeragard exit their ship and greet Benbre Larbell with an embrace. The 3 men went into a blue stone castle that is all of 3 miles long and a half mile high and wide. There are 4 large crows nests in the front with gun turrets on each. There is also a crystal cube that stretches high out of the center of the castle-it stands 500 feet around with a round table, 2 dozen chairs on the roof, and a full armament of guards. The walls are draped in murals of sunsets and sunrises without even the slightest mention of people or wildlife. There is an unbroken line of large trees that encircle the castle and have tree houses in each-with wooden steps leading up to them. On the left side, is a meandering stream that disappears into a mountain cave behind the castle. There are no other structures for 30 miles in every direction except a small stone hut on top of the mountain.


"It feels like now, Gigg, let's steal some champagne," Dramkick said snidely as he nodded firmly Gigg. "They tell us it isn't sunny when we feel the sun in our eyes."


"Done, Quadromolan, sending in the ground siege now," Gigg replied plainly as he electronically keyed in the assault orders.


50 Lando fighters descended upon the Castle. The Lando has the shape of a C lying flat with a glass domed center. It is 70 feet high and 100 feet long and 80 feet wide. It has 2 large Jets that burn completely flameless-only producing a dull red glow. They are black in color and have 6 tinted red windows across the front. Inside there is enough storage capacity for 800 soldiers and several ground assault vehicles-as well as ammunition and supplies for lengthy occupations.


The Landos land and the Vor Me soldiers come flooding out securing the perimeter of the castle. Two Vor Me place an explosive charge on the front door and quickly move back from it. The explosives vaporize the door by scrambling its molecules and left only a puff of smoke in its stead. The Vor Me throw in a Rian grenade-which would cause anyone within 30 feet to have their muscles go completely numb.


Dramkick watched all the action from retinal implants in the Vor Me. He sat and smiled as the action unfolded and felt a surge of revenge inside him. The Vor Me burst into the castle and could see 3 guards and Poeragard lying helpless on the floor. Dramkick saw this and said sarcastically, "Someone help that dear friend of mine he's lost his balance he he ha."


The lead Vor Me continued onward by throwing Rian grenades into each room before they entered. The next room they encountered is a huge lavish living room with 5 large brown leather couches in the center situated back to back. And on the walls are leather chairs every 5 feet with helpless Benbres sitting motionless in each-including Vield and Larbell.


"Don't get up, really, we hate to intrude," Dramkick says sarcastically as he started laughing at the mere sight of Vield in his chair.


"They sure look cozy," Gigg said proudly as he glanced down at the monitor.


"They do indeed, Gigg, almost tranquil yet bordering on PA-thetic," Dramkick said as he sat forward in his seat and smiled.


The Vor Me continued securing all the Benbres and carting them back to the Landos in energy shackles. One by one they were carried out of the castle. One of the Vor Me-a Novice Blade as he was called for his lack of experience-named Dragto noticed this sunken crease in the carpet. Dragto grabbed hold of it and pulled it up. Beneath there is a solid silver door with a gold latch causing the soldier to ask, "Quadromolan, do you wish me to pry it up, or just focus on the Benbres?"


"By all means let's see what lies beneath," Dramkick said as he pretended to kick the door with the heel of his boot.


Dragto grabbed the latch and pulled it up. The door swung open revealing a spiral staircase that disappeared into darkness. Dramkick saw this and said sternly, "I can't do it myself, Dragto, so get me down those stairs."


Dragto hesitated for a second and then said quickly, "Absolutely, Quadromolan."


Dragto walked down the stairs and soon he was covered in blackness. He pressed the luminescent disc on his chest plate and could see stairs in front of them, but not much else. He neared the bottom and could see there was a dim light. He continued towards it. At the bottom of the stairs there was a room lit by torches and filled with hundreds of old and new robots. Some were humanoid, others animal-like, and they ranged from very large to the size of a penny. In the middle of the room there was a man wearing a silky tan robe that covered his entire body. He was sitting with his back to Dragto humming.


"Identify yourself!" Dragto ordered as he raised his weapon.


The man sat, didn't move for several seconds, then he whispered as he stood and turned to Dragto, "I'm an old friend of your father's."


"Identify yourself or I will kill you as you stand!" Dragto shouted as the inched closer to the man.


"I am Doga and my life isn't worth a lunatic's opinion. So feel free to disperse my molecules," Doga said nonchalantly as he threw off his robe and revealed he was wearing black shorts and sandals underneath-as well as a spade shaped red emerald pendent.


"The Vor Me dropped his weapon and lost his equilibrium for a moment. He started breathing heavy upon seeing Doga in the flesh. This was not something you could understand. Not something he ever would.


Dramkick felt his heart skip a beat and he stood up and walked closer to the monitor. He whispered, "It is not a dream, my path is assured."


Doga walked slowly over to Dragto and put his hand on the shoulder and said softly, "Don't feel overcome, Son, there are too many joyful things in the world."


"But you were feared dead my…there are so many questions I have. So much thanks I want to give you-"


"The answers are in your silence and thanks is not desired by me. I give what I know for the future's sake, and never wanted more than that," Doga replied and then he walked over and put on a pair of black dress pants, a black sweater, and a wrap around his shoulders and chest with the number 11 sewn onto the shoulder sleeve.


"We're not here to disturb you we're here-"


"No matter, you are here nonetheless. Whatever your business here I would like an audience with your leader. I feel we need speak to one another," Doga slipped on a pair of black dress shoes with a yellow flower emblazoned on each toe.


Dramkick watched and listened with an overwhelming excitement. He hadn't felt a thrill like this since his youth when he first found his spiritual self and discovered Doga. He sat and remembered those days as he looked upon Doga with a soft glee.


"Of course, I'll take you there immediately, Doga," Dragto said nervously as he looked at Doga like a brilliant shimmering light.


Doga smiled, nodded, and then the 2 climbed the staircase. When they got to the top everyone stopped what they were doing when they saw Doga. Even the Benbres were speechless and their jaws dropped to the floor. Poeragard swallowed hard and closed his eyes as he started muttering to himself.


Doga looked at each of them for a moment and gave them a slight smile and a nod as he walked by. Dramkick watched this carefully and said smoothly, "I am on my way to the study, see that they find me there, Gigg."


"Yes, Quadromolan, they will be there by God," Gigg answered as he stood up and headed for the docking bay.


"I know they will, Gigg," Dramkick answered as he hurried out the door and slapped the side of his leg with his right palm.


The remaining Benbres were transported up from the surface and put into holding cells. Doga was greeted by Gigg at the docking bay and brought immediately to Dramkick's study. Just before they entered Dramkick sucked down a Praem tube and got down on one knee and waited. The doors opened, and in walked Doga with Gigg and Doga said hopefully, "You must be Dramkick the Quadromolan if I am correct."


"Yes, Doga," Dramkick stood and walked over to meet Doga and said firmly, "I need to speak with you most urgently about a pressing matter of supreme importance. Please leave us, Gigg."


Gigg exited the room and the door closed behind them. Dramkick led Doga over to a silk covered pair of tan chairs that faced out into space and the two sat down beside each other. The oval shaped windows are in front of them and the walls of the room are off white-with a full accompaniment of 12 racks of books built into them. There is also a Penchi warrior's suit of armor on either side of the window. The Penchi warriors are a long extinct race that shunned modern technology and their history consisted of only one age. Their civilization was eventually destroyed by an asteroid leaving their world of Tae Pos a lifeless ruin. The floor of the room is covered in memory carpet that adjusts to each individual's feet as they walk.


"Tell me what you require, Dramkick, and it will be given without hesitation, " Doga said sincerely as he gazed out the window.


"I had a dream that carried with it a message and that message is this… I was told to seek you out, and you would be able to help me find this Cra Hybrid. And then he and I would rule the universe together," Dramkick explained as his hands trembled. "Doga, do you know of what I speak?" Dramkick asked as he rubbed the top of his head.


Doga stared out the window for several seconds and then turned to Dramkick and spoke softly, "Yes, here is what I must tell you and it is all I can say. There is a world that lives under the T sun called Sras Oblique. The ruler of Sras Oblique is named Peastro. And he has enormous powers beyond anything you are very seen in your galaxies. This man, this Peastro, he is ruthless as well as kind. You ask Cra Hybrid? He is IT, Dramkick!"


"Peastro yes…there is a poetry and a power to his name. The T sun?" Dramkick spoke with a hope in his voice it had never known before. "I have never heard of this T sun, how far is it from here?" Dramkick asked in a dry tone as he looked out the window. He thought of lonely days on the lake as a child.


"It is very far, a year's journey at full speed and through many hostile galaxies," Doga said as he thought of the T sun’s oppressive heat. "I would dissuade you from going, but I see in your eyes you have already left. When you go, Dramkick, bring more than supplies, bring the breadth of your armies for you will need them for certain," Doga said coldly as he looked Dramkick dead in the eyes.


Dramkick smiled and said, "I would never go anywhere without my armies these days," He paused and tapped his temple. "I am only planning now I still have many things to do before I leave. This situation with the Benbres will take looking after. Before too long I'll seek out my brother and hope he greets me with a smile."