The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



Mardevar Porgtan was an 86th century fiction writer who wrote a series of 5 books called The Segments of Srapla. The books center on the lead character Loac Four and his journey deep into the cave community of Samma-on his home world of Ation. The books were a huge success and had garnered great praise and great wealth for Mardevar. Dramkick has infinity for the books and never travels without them. So much so is his love for Srapla he decreed all children of 14 years of age spend 16 months studying and dissecting the text. The descendents of Mardevar-and there are hundreds living on Membra-were all given cushy government jobs that require very little actual work. Mastof Porgtan is Dramkick's head of Supreme Festivities (which means he oversees and takes care of Dramkick's yearly birthday party). Today is Dramkick's birthday and it involves massive celebrations in every city under Dramkick's control. There are enormous scripted plays, with gaudy light shows put on by the inhabitants, and beamed into Dramkick's living room. He sits alone and enjoys the spectacle inside Château Quesm.


Château Quesm was built with a mile high bust of Dramkick as its shape. Where his mouth is, there is a 600 yard wide patio that has 500 tables and a cedar dance floor set up. There is also a Punche set up for the guests.


A Punche is an android that will verbally assault the guests until they pummel him (much to their satisfaction).


The room has a Penibody set up as well-which is a winding tunnel you enter at the bottom and are sucked upward through the tube, only to pop out safely at the top. Dramkick loves games, so there are always hundreds of them set up at his château. There is also a banner that reads, "I'll outlive the sun," written in large black letters and displayed prominently.


Mastof walked into the living room and set down a tray of Praem tubes on the table in front of Dramkick. Mastof is barely 5 foot 7 and 160 pounds. He is top heavy with very thin legs like a moose. He has long dark blue hair that is naturally curly. He is 20 years old, but looks like a teenager in the face. His eyes are bulging and round (brilliantly lime green in color). His nose turns up at the end and his mouth is large and crooked like a stick. He is wearing a dark green corduroy suit and has a white scarf dangling from his neck. He also has on a white T-shirt and a pair of brown boots with matching laces.


The living room is 25' x 25' and has gold leaf wallpaper in a Paisley design. There is a pair of red adjoining couches and a small maple table in front of each. There is also a 10 foot monitor hanging down from the ceiling in front of the couches. There is one wall that is entirely a window and faces Dramkick's flower garden outside. The floor is white and red marble and has area rugs under the furniture. There is also a small green tube that extends out from the middle wall and has a dull glow to it.


"Will you need anything else?" Mastof asked as he stood beside the couch.


"Yes, I want to speak to you for a few minutes, Mastof. There are a few questions I need answered," Dramkick said as he tapped the seat cushion next to him and motioned for Mastof to sit down beside him.


"Anything, you can ask me anything," Mastof replied nervously as he sat down beside Dramkick.


"Why are you such a failure? Well, not just you, but your whole family?" Dramkick asked snidely as he leaned forward in his seat. "You see not a one of you was ever written a great book or song or even developed much as an artist. So let's have it," Dramkick said honestly as he put his arm around Mastof.


"Ah I ah…it's hard to say, I guess-"


"No, no guesses, I need to know why your whole family is such a bunch of screwups. Do your brains think anything interesting at all?" Dramkick asked and then he put his hand tightly on Mastof shoulder.


Mastof looked around in shock then said anxiously, "I ah well, it’s not entirely our fault we just didn't get the talent. And I would say that we are intently lazy and we didn't get the genius genes."


"That's what I suspected, you go ahead and run along and take your mediocrity with you. Try not to sniffle on my good rugs though," Dramkick said snidely as he pushed Mastof off the couch and then said firmly, "Actually why don't you stay a while and help me enjoy the festivities."


Mastof picked himself up and said brightly as he sat down, "Of course, it would be my honor, Quadromolan."


Secretly Mastof was feeling terrible that Dramkick wanted him to stay. He knew if he said one wrong thing it would be his head literally. He sat there and waited for Dramkick to say something. He lived 100 years in those few seconds. Several minutes went by and then Dramkick started staring at Mastof with a fierce glare. Mastof tried not to panic, but his hands and forehead started to sweat. Dramkick put his hand around Mastof's neck and said sternly, "Mardevar keeps you alive you little weasel. It's his gift and my fondness for it that keeps me from punching a hole in your neck. Then again maybe you've worn out your welcome."


"Oh my God, don't kill me please, please don't kill me I'm just a fool. A fleck of dust, let me live please," Mastof pleaded as a river of tears raced down his cheeks.

Dramkick started laughing and messed up Mastof's hair and said hopefully, "I mighta thought you'd crack sooner being as weak his you are. Maybe there is some backbone in there after all."


Mastof didn't know what to think as his eyes looked around the room frantically and his brain fumbled for the right thing to say. Dramkick watched him in dismay and smiled as he sucked down a Praem tube (and put his feet in Mastof's lap).


"Do you mind if I have some Praem?" Mastof asked sheepishly as he peeked over at Dramkick and looked away quickly when their eyes met.


"Sure, Mastof, you are my guest, but I want to show you something after you're finished."


Mastof swallowed the Praem and as he did Dramkick stood up and walked over to the window. Mastof got up and followed Dramkick over. His mind was racing, the Praem wasn't enough he thought. He stood beside Dramkick looking out at the beautiful flower garden.


"This garden is a testament to the generations of Reign's and our dynasty," Dramkick said warmly as he gave Mastof''s ear a good yank. "A man like yourself can certainly appreciate the passion it takes to succeed. Hey, let's play game I know you're gonna love it," Dramkick said hollowly as he stretched out his arms. "Stand back from the window a few feet and let me grab your ankles this'll be a hoot," Dramkick said hollowly as he grabbed onto Mastof's ankles and then said joyfully, "Boy we're going to have fun watch this!"


Dramkick started to lift Mastof up in the air and swing him around in a circle. First slowly and then faster and faster like a rollercoaster. Mastof shouted, "I feel sick, slow down please it hurts!"


Dramkick spun around even faster than before and was spinning like an Olympic discus thrower. Dramkick squeezed Mastof's ankles so tight that they snapped off from his legs and his body went flying through the window. It sent glass crashing into the stone walls below. Mastof died upon impact and his crumpled body lay 40 stories down in a rose.


"Isn't this fun Old Pal!" Dramkick shouted sarcastically as he started to dance around in a circle.


He looked out the window at Mastof's body and shook his head with a wry smile. He walked over and lay down on the couch. A moment later Gigg came rushing into the room, out of breath, and said quickly, "Benbres Vield and Poeragard have been sprung from the containment by their combined armies. They've taken Bree and Doga hostage. They said that if you chase them they will kill them both!"


"WHAT?!" The sound of Dramkick's voice was beyond irritated, it was sinister. "Those derelicts think they can take me ON! I will personally assure you they will suffer and I will destroy them without reservation!" Dramkick shouted as he stood, started to pace back and forth, and then asked, "Please tell me their masks were completed, Gigg."


"I'm sorry we didn't have time. They were to be the next ones in line," Gigg said nervously as he looked at Dramkick with hopeless eyes.


Dramkick grabbed the small table in front of the couch and threw it through the wall and said boldly, "Forget my birthday IT'S CANCELED! I want every ship to track them down and bring their lying souls to my feet. And if they harm Bree or Doga…there are levels of pain, Gigg, levels and they will experience them all."


"Yes, Quadromolan, we have every soldier trying to track them down now as we speak."


"Good, very good let's hope there were a few holes in their escape plan. Was there anything else, Gigg?"Dramkick asked knowingly as he frowned at Gigg.


Gigg hesitated, fussed with a shirt and then said, "This month's Praem shipment was stolen on route and it appears to be a separate incident. The men used Vor Me uniforms to steal the Praem at the changeover station. I need to know what you want me to do about this month's Praem?" Gigg asked as he folded his arms.


"We can't encourage these thieves or others like them," barked Dramkick as he stretched out his fists. "I want only an 8th of the monthly supply to go out. When the natives get restless, let them know that one of their own caused them this hardship. That will ferret out the guilty party faster than we certainly could. I need to take a journey now and see about an old friend, walk with me to the shuttle bay," Dramkick said as he walked towards the door.


Gigg nodded yes and walked out into the courtyard-it was 50 yards long. It had Gusgo's statues lining either side. The Gusgo are a half man half bird like creature that has one vacant eye on the right side of its face. It also has a huge sloping nose with a bulb at the end. Its hands are jointless and it's fingers numbered 3 per hand. It's body is hairless and has a thin torso with outstretched wings from the shoulders. It's legs are long and bulbous and very muscular with toeless feet.


There are also bushes in between each of the hulking statues. The walkway is covered with marble murals of the Densiden 8.


The Densiden 8 were a group of 8 friends who made a pact to only speak with and interact with each other for the length of their lives. They used their combined wealth to build a lavish compound with: 3 large houses, 2 swimming pools, a garden and a field for livestock, as well as a large art studio. After 10 years 2 groups of 4 formed and had months of spirited arguments to give their lives excitement. Those initial play arguments led to a rift between the 2 groups. For the next 2 years they avoided each other. Then it was decided that the 2 sides would have a fight to the death war and the victor would get all their possessions. The 2 sides armed themselves and took opposite sides of the compound. A 6 hour gun battle ensued. After the battle only 2 people remained alive, a man and a woman from opposite sides. They lived the rest of their days as man and wife and spawned 9 children (and never left the walls of the compound). The youngest child-Vaim-left the compound on the 16th birthday and shared the story of the Densiden 8 with the people of Membra only this past year.


"Now, Gigg, will we find these thieves and I want public executions for all," Dramkick said angrily as his eyes drifted from side to side. "Should also be enough of a deterrent for any others who try the same. Now, they are going to need a place to house the stolen Praem. You can't just put it in a closet, Gigg. So I want all the old factories checked and also any large homes in the area," Dramkick ordered as he walked briskly along.


"I'll take care of it trust me, Quadromolan, they will be brought to justice," Gigg said as he sent a message to the Vor Me Sgt. Dracs with the orders from Dramkick-using his hand communicator.


"Yes, I feel a meal's worth of vengeance is soon to be mine. Vield and Poeragard will come to know that very fact," Dramkick spoke in a voice more sinister than anything Gigg had experienced before. Dramkick clenched fist and then blew into it as he quickly spread his fingers.


The 2 came to the end of the courtyard and stepped into the elevator-it rose upwards at a 45° angle. They stepped out of the elevator and into the shuttle bay at the top. Two shuttles sat beside one another with their massive noses pointing out a large opening.


The shuttles are egg shaped and have a blue circular wall that runs completely around them. They also have a pair of braces extending down to the ground holding them in place. They are light green in color and 30 feet high and 35 feet wide at their base. Inside there is a modest kitchen area and sleeping quarters on the first level. On the 2nd there is a pair of laser cannons that can deploy if they are attacked. On the 3rd level there is a cockpit and it has 8 leather recliners in a circle facing out the window (with instrumentation in front of each).


The shuttle Bay itself is 60 feet tall and has smooth black walls that have rounded corners and black floors-with jet pits below each shuttle.


"Gigg, stay on top of this I will be back in a few days and I expect progress. You won't be able to contact me so use your devious heart if need be," Dramkick said as he walked through the shuttle wall-its molecules were scattered by the mechanism inside the wall.


"I will, Quadromolan," Gigg replied boldly then he watched the shuttle take off into the air.


Inside the shuttle Dramkick took his seat in the cockpit. While the pilot and a Vor Me handled the navigation. Dramkick started to type in his security clearance on the keyboard in front of him. He typed A6b7go and a small drawer popped out. Inside there was a Hormaro tongue compressor.


The Hormaro is placed on the tip of your tongue and all you have to do is hum your words and the message will be sent to the other person.


Dramkick's started to hum, "Poida, I am coming your way. The situation is serious and I will need all the help you can give me. Be assured dearest Poida, that it will require the Rue and Taliop. Meet me at the East entrance and do not speak of my coming, Dramkick."


Dramkick removed the Hormaro and placed it back in the drawer and closed it quickly. He stared out the window and thought of Poida the last time he had seen her. He remembered their fierce argument, and could still feel her anger even now. He hoped she'd forgiven him and she could help. He thought of her beauty and her beautiful violet eyes.


The shuttle passed over the last of the city, soaring over the lush farmland of Pinc Township. The rolling hills covered in 20 foot high Okam stalks. The Okam is a purple vegetable that has a fish shape and tastes extraordinarily sweet. So much so it is wise to only take small bites (but few did).


There are giant windmills and Y shaped farm houses on every hill. In the valleys, there are livestock and crystal blue ponds. They traveled far and fast until they came over a hilltop. Dramkick said as he saw a large home, "There she is, how magnificent."


To the left was the Gobe bridge-it was a bridge that was formed when 2 Gobes crashed their horned heads into each other's, killing them both instantly. Their lifeless bodies fell into a giant gorge beside them. And their dead bodies formed a bridge, with the top their heads as the path.


The bridge led up to a giant H shaped home made from maple. It has 4 stories with large and small square windows placed randomly throughout. Each level is painted a different color with the first being black, the 2nd red, and the 3rd blue with the top level white. The front door is shaped like a plus sign and has a silver door knocker in the shape of a Whyzi.


Whyzis are a half man half cow like creature that has large legs and bulging torsos. They also have disproportionately large heads compared to their bodies, with a long human nose on a cow's face. Whyzis are notorious for eating large quantities of Okam stalks and snoring very loudly when they sleep.


The walkway leading up to the house has thick Pummy trees that grew over it-creating a tunnel of trees up to the front steps. The Pummy tree has large leaves and yellow bark as well as small lavender flower pedals at the tips shaped like shamrocks.


"I'll put us down at the end of the Gobe Bridge, Quadromolan," Tiotio said plainly as he pressed the landing control's engage switch.


"Excellent, I hope she's home," Dramkick said vacantly as he stared out the window.


The shuttle landed on the Gobe Bridge and Dramkick exited quickly. He started across the bridge when he heard, "Just in time I made Kookyes," Poida announced as she walked down the walkway towards Dramkick. She was carrying a bright red square pie with tan flaky crust. Dramkick noticed.


Kookyes is a meat pie that is often served in the afternoon as a pre-dinner snack. It tastes similar to filet mignon and blueberry pie combined.


Poida is 5 foot 8 inches tall and very curvaceous. She has long wavy dirty blonde hair that has a silver hair clasp on top. She has violet carefree eyes and pouty red lips as well as a button nose. She has on a silver teardrop earring and a silver rope necklace. She is also wearing a dark blue tight fitting velvet dress and silk black slippers (the slippers have the crest of Lies Eventu on each).


Lies Eventu is the radical psychiatrist who invented the Totalk scream therapy. This is a process where you scream at your patients about all their problems for hours of the time. Then you forced them to go out in public and shout their faults and problems to total strangers. It was meant to shame them into recovery. He had a 50% recovery rate, but was banned from practicing in urban areas, because he was deemed a nuisance.


Dramkick walked up to Poida and grabbed her around the waist and gave her a kiss, dipping her slightly and said boldly, "All my dreams end in you."


Poida smiled a mischievous smile and asked, "What do they start with?"


Dramkick laughed and said, "Us, always us."


"My darling Dramkick, it is always a joy to see you. Let us go to the house and talk in earnest."


Dramkick nodded politely and walked hand-in-hand with her up to the house. They walked through the doorway and came into a room with 3 levels: a den on one level with 2 shelves of books in the armrest of the snake shaped couch with various clippings on the wall, the 2nd level has a living room with a sunken brown leather couch and a glass table in front of 20 or so photographs of Poida-the photographs of Poida were strewn across the table and stuffed inside a Whyzi's heads on the wall, on the 3rd level there are mirrors and several different colored lights being refracted into different shapes on the walls-there is a large waterfall in the center of it all.


"Let's grab a seat in the living room, I need to know what is troubling you," Poida said as she grabbed Dramkick's bicep.


They sat on the couch and Dramkick said honestly, "I've got a million problems right now and the horrible truth is, I don't care about any of them."


"Really?" Poida was puzzled and her brow quickly furrowed.


"Yes, my mind is on different things than it should be. But there nonetheless."


"What sort of things?" Poida asked as she lit up a cigarette and offered Dramkick one (Dramkick refused the cigarette, but accepted the gesture).


"It has come to my attention that there is another like me. His name Peastro and I'm convinced that if he knew of my existence he would find his way here," Dramkick explained as his voice nearly cracked. "This Peastro and I are brothers, and friends already, but we had never met, Poida," Dramkick explained as he allowed Poida to see him vulnerable for the first time. "I need your guidance on this matter."


"What do you want to do?" asked Poida as she took a drag from her cigarette and then set it down in the crystal ashtray built into the table.


"What I want to do is leave tomorrow with the bulk of my army and seek out this Peastro," Dramkick confessed as he rubbed his sore shoulder "The problem is…it is a long journey and my empire could and probably would be in pieces upon my return. But…I know that this man would seek me out if he could do so. I am torn, what advice can you give me considering you know how long I've waited for a true friend?" Dramkick asked sincerely as he looked Poida in the eye. He picked up her cigarette, took a drag and then said, "An equal to converse with, what I wouldn't give for a moment of that."


"What I can tell you is this, if he is like you, Dramkick, then he would want you to take care of your problems and your empire first. Then when you've finished leave with a full heart and a clear mind," Poida caressed the back of Dramkick's head. "In the meantime, a messenger could be sent to let Peastro. Then he would know of you and your wishes to speak with him," Poida said warmly and she took her cigarette back from Dramkick and took a long pronounced drag.


"You are wise, Poida, that is a right path to take," Dramkick said softly as he put his hands on his knees. "Sending a messenger would be a sufficient solution and then possibly he would seek me out. At least he would know of my existence. Yes that it would be enough for now," Dramkick said as he glared over at Poida with humanity in eyes.


"Exactly, it starts a dialogue and possibly he would travel here. While the messenger is sent you're taking care of more pressing concerns," Poida felt the air get heavy. "You've got to keep positive momentum going forward or it's another dark building time," Poida spoke in a way that always made Dramkick feel inspired and alive. It softened is ruthless heart just a bit see her. She took his hand in hers.


"Then that is it, I thank you for seeing me, Poida. You were always a treasured love of mine and never far from my memories," Dramkick said honestly as he gave her a kiss.


"That means a lot to me, Dramkick, we were a supernova together we just ran out of air," Poida said as she started to tear up and covered her mouth her hand.


"The truth is what destroys us all, lies are only pauses in a longer conversation. Love, Poida, love is what we always were," Dramkick said passionately as he brushed across her lips with his hand and then her cheeks with his thumb.