The Conquered by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 18





In the morning the Debrist Morou left Guglos and rejoined the fleet without incident. Dramkick admired Petimo, but feared he was a fool. They spent the next week avoiding a giant black hole's gravitational pull and charting a course around. They came upon a series of 3 large space stations that had numerous ships flying in and out of them. They are known as the Elonex service ports-and they have a wild assortment of characters going in and out all day (if you hadn't committed a crime you probably weren't there). The stations are shaped like the body of a yacht and they are dark green, red, and the 3rd one is purple. On the topside of each is a statue of Grams Knot-the famous Emperor of Porange which is nearby.


Each statue shows him holding some sort of weapon. Dramkick determines this man has no monster inside. Why would he need a weapon if he is truly ruthless.. Grams in life is a bulbous man of 600 pounds (most of it belly from way too many chunks of meat and cheese). On top of his head is a single tuft of curly black hair. Mela thought it looked ridiculous and laughed to herself. He also has large puffy cheeks and a wide upturned nose. His appearance is comical, but no one dares cross him. He owns Elonex and draws a healthy profit from its many stores and hotel rooms (as well as its top notch brothel). It also has a large gambling parlor with fight for money slot machines-they literally require you to fight an android to collect your winnings.


"What do you say, Gigg, should we drop in for a look at this monstrosity?" Dramkick asked as he did a set of handstand push-ups.


"Wouldn't be good business not too," Gigg replied as he picked up a glass of Toffy coffee and took a drink. Gigg loved being around Dramkick when he was like this. He knew nothing bad could happen to him in these moments.


"I couldn't agree more, bring us into the center space station and we will find out what they do for fun out here," Dramkick said as he got out of the Capt.'s chair and then quickly left the room.


He made his way to the movie screening room known as Lacu's hole. When he arrived he saw Mela, Sasiege, Uaty, and Paut watching Doors of Demac-starring Babenth and Chard Divote.


It is a biopic of the late great singer Demac and his painter wife Dordec-played by Babenth. Demac has 381 hit songs on the Songs of the Minute charts. While his wife has created an entirely new Salop painting known as Sapir Sola-which involves painting people combined with original holograms. After Demac and Dordec moved from Membra to Tortum they used their vast wealth to start the Demac School of Art (and became obsessed with their own mortality). They searched frantically for any way they could postpone the inevitable, death. They hired a team of 30 doctors and scientists to work nonstop for 12 years to try and find a way to immortality. Dr. Verms Pawstep came up with a way to make the body age at a 5th of its normal rate. With his new serum-known as Coalfet-they were able to live to 148 for Demac and 169 for Dordec. Upon Dordec's death she'd written in her will that the serum could be shared with the world. And thus began the age of the "5 lifetimes" as it was called. Later another doctor named Dr. Papsi Balmo created a serum that slowed the aging process to one 15th the normal rate. Thus the Talz, as well as many others, had virtual immortality.


Lacu's hole is 40 feet long and has several brown leather chairs and couches throughout the room. The movie screen covers the far wall. The floor is gently sloping and has a thick plush red carpet on it-the carpet envelops a person's foot when they step on it. The side walls are curved inward and have the side shots of the scenes in the movie (giving you the whole scope of the film). The ceiling has a built-in snack delivery system. Where when you wanted a particular snack you pressed a button on the armrest and it lowered down to you from the ceiling. There is a wide variety of warm and cold snacks as well.


In Doors of Demac it shows Babenth frantically painting a new piece while Chard watches her silently as Demac. Dramkick sees Mela fascinated by the film and stares at her. A slight smile comes across his face. How could she be so interested in fantasy? Mela feels him watching her, turns, and smiles at him. She points to the seat beside her and taps it 3 times with her index finger softly.


Dramkick walks over and sits down beside her and said quietly, "You really seem to be enjoying this one."


"This Babenth is a Revelation, the power behind her eyes is inspiring," Mela replied as she wrapped her arm around Dramkick's bicep. "I would love to meet her someday. I think we would have a lot to talk about," Mela said as she watched the movie.


"Then you shall, I'll arrange it when you and Coup come to visit," suggested Dramkick as he crossed his legs. "You know I've met her and she is very shy, but you can feel her inner confidence," Dramkick said as he peeked over at Mela and then turned to watch the film.


Babenth did 4 quick violent brush strokes and stopped suddenly and asked, "Who is in here with me?"


Chard slowly walked over to her and said, "It' only the man who loves you, nothing more."


Babenth turned to face him and smiled wildly as she disappeared in his eyes. He is wearing only his white trousers and nothing else. While she has on only white shorts and a black T-shirt with specs of paint all over them. She stands up quickly, grabs him around the hips, and pulls him hard against her. She kisses him like she'd never seen him before, but they were madly in love at first sight. He runs one hand through her hair and the other grabs her butt. She pulled away suddenly and asked, "Please tell me that pie I taste, wasn’t the last piece I left in the freezer?"


"I'm sorry it is," Chard replied with a devilish smirk.


"You scoundrel I should've let you die in the Tasto Sea, " Babenth said sternly as she pushes him back from her with both hands.


"No we’d both be dead, remember, I was the only blood match when you had your accident on the Comact colony," Chard declared plainly as he gave her a small shove of the shoulder.


"Fate always laughs in my face even when there isn't a joke in the air. Maybe I should just kill you now and take my chances with this liar called Fate," Babenth said sternly as he pinched Chard's chest and stomach.


"I love you too, but who'd sing your favorite songs if I weren't here?"


"I've got plenty already on file, I could manage."


"Don't kid yourself just the thought of my passing would ruin your life forever," Chard barked as he walked over to her painting and said, "This is truly…Mind blowing. It's so far beyond anything you've done before."


"You think so?" Babenth asked as she folded her arms and looked down at the floor.


"I don't think anymore, but this almost made me," Chard said honestly as the movie screen filled with vibrant colors and then the picture just suddenly ended.


Mela laughed and said boldly, "Oh that was good, I could watch it again right now. How many films has she done total?"


"106 and counting, she's working on a new film as we speak. It's some sort of period piece," Dramkick answered as the tone of his voice had a childlike quality to it. Mela notice this and she liked it. "It should be a fascinating one to watch," Dramkick said as he pressed a button and a Monat chocolate bar came down from the ceiling.


"Well I just can't wait for that one," Mela gushed as she fiddled with her hands. "What brought you down here was it the movie, the candy, or just to say hello?" Mela asked as she got her own Monat chocolate bar and chuckled to herself.


Monat candy bars have 72 small pockets inside them each filled with a different treat like: nuts, Dop berries, or even fried blueberries. They also have 34 different chocolates mixed in to create the secret recipe. They are named after Ofred Monat-the former disgraced politician who had been caught in bed with 5 women (none of which were his wife Marca). After being forced to resign he took whatever money he had left and decided to roll the dice. He set off to make his own candy bar. His tiny initial investment brought him untold riches and also a very affluent life as a playboy (A position he relished more than he ever would have hoped).


"A bit of all 3, but also to tell you we're pulling into a space station for an adventure," Dramkick said using a bright tone of voice before catching himself. He stood up and stretched his arms above his head like he was lifting all the weight of the world.


"A space station, that's great news," Mela said happily as she fussed with her clothes for a few seconds."It will be fun to see some new sights and sounds. And also taste a few new cuisines. I love an adventure," Mela said as she rose from her seat and gave Dramkick a soft punch in the stomach.


He laughed and pretended to be injured as he walked out of Lacu's hole. They stepped out into the hallway and Gigg's face appeared on the monitor. Gigg smiled and said, "We're docking now, Quadromolan."


"Thank you, Gigg, alright then, Mela, let's get into some trouble," Dramkick said gleefully as he put his arm around her. What a life they could’ve had together he thought.


"Don't say trouble, Dramkick, I've had far too much for my liking," Sasiege said nervously as he put his hand to his forehead.


"Don't worry about a thing, we've got reinforcements if things get harry. Besides, you could use a little turmoil a break up the monotony he hee hah," Dramkick said with a laugh.


The Debrist Morou landed and everyone made their way to the exits. The inside of the hangar bay is filled with every kind of space ship imaginable as well as every type of alien life form in existence. Dramkick felt comfortable in a crowd like this because he knew someone would push his buttons. And he knew someone would wish they hadn't. After exiting the ship they found a small transport waiting for them. It is dark blue and looks like a deck of cards lying flat (the juvenile symmetry not lost on Dramkick). It also has 10 seats and voice operated navigation. Dramkick sat down and looked at the list of destinations and asked, "Who's up for dinner and gambling?"


"Oh God yes, I'll eat anything as long as it isn't ship food," Sasiege responded as his stomach growled in an embarrassing fashion.


"You aren't kiddin, I really hope it's not far," Mela muttered as she wiped her forehead off with a towel.


"Distance can always be gotten," Dramkick said smoothly as he hit the button marked Knots casino.


They sped away at casual speed. They lifted into a tunnel that has water encased in plasma as its walls and ceiling. The look of the tunnel alone gave everyone awe. What was holding this tunnel together they all collectively thought. It gave everyone a very tranquil feeling to say the least. Suddenly the tunnel went hard left, then hard right, and up slightly and down sharply. It ended inside Gram Knots trophy room and in front of the casino's front doors. There are several hundred racing trophies and hand to hand combat trophies in the cases-he had won them over several years of competition. The largest of which is the Mitker-which entails thousands of duels and martial arts matches every 3 years. It is on a mining colony and is the most feared competition because it is fight to the death. The only prize for the runners up is a fighter's chance in heaven. It took place over 6 days and each contestant had to have a valid will and a death wish to compete. The trophy itself is 13 feet tall. It looks like a polar bear with a leopard's face. It also has the words, "you could've played it safe, huh," engraved on the Mitker's brow.


The doors to the casino are only an optical illusion and fool almost every person into stopping short of them. They are actually only a hologram of 2 large blue doors with jagged edges.


Dramkick and Mela climbed out of the transport and walked up to the holographic doors and right through them without hesitation. Sasiege just smiled, ran full out, and jumped through the doors.


Inside there are 3 saucers of slot machines hovering 10 feet above the poker room's first floor. There are 800 green poker tables and over 1500 gold and silver slot machines-as well as androids protecting every machine's winnings. Above each machine is Gram Knots smiling face with one eye winking and the other staring you in the face. The ceiling is covered in paisley carpet as well as the floors. To get to the slot machines you have to step on a controlled air jet-it lifts you softly up to the hovering saucers 2 at a time and lowers you down when you've finished playing. The walls of the room have thousands of hand held weapons like: swords, clubs, and daggers from all over the galaxy on them.


Dramkick walked in, looked around, and said, "Mela, I feel like gambling, maybe you and the others should go and eat without me."


"Alright, we'll swing by in an hour and help you carry out all your winnings. Do you think we should bring 2 bags or 4?" Mela asked sarcastically as she smirked to Dramkick.


"Bring the ship," Dramkick fired back as he peered over at Mela. He was only half kidding.


Mela laughed and then said, "Done, see you in a little bit."


Mela left with everyone as Dramkick walked over to the air jet and stepped on it. He rose up to the saucer above and giggled as he did. There was just something about gambling that always struck him as odd. He couldn't figure out why it was so easy. He walked past several machines and androids as he searched for lady luck. He stopped cold as he saw a beautiful woman sitting at one machine with an empty seat beside her. She looked up at him and smiled and Dramkick asked, "May I sit here?"


"Certainly I would love it, I'm Nalista. Who are you?" She asked as if she already knew him and offered him her cheek.


Nalista is a few inches shorter than Dramkick (and very leggy). Her fake breasts are large and round with very pointed nipples. Her hair is red with blonde streaks and filled with tiny braids and charms. She has sensual eyes (they are a dark blue that Dramkick has never seen before or even conceived of). She has a long nose that almost didn't seem real in its symmetry. She is wearing a white lace dress with several tiny yellow birds sewn into it. Her white lace choker drives all the men crazy.


"I thank you my name is Dramkick. What is this is extraordinary music that I hear playing?" Dramkick asked as he sat down.


"It's a Trollope's concerto, it's a rare piece," Nalista explained as she slowly rubbed her thigh. "It was written by Bonsto Yorke. I absolutely love his work. He passed away not long ago unfortunately," Nalista said as she picked up her glass of red soda and took a sip.


"Bonsto Yorke, I've never heard of him or his music until now. It finds my minds imagination," Dramkick said as he waved a wage stick in front of the slot machine. He pulled the human looking arm and waited.


"I couldn't agree more he was ahead of his time," Nalista agreed and then she saw Dramkick's slot line show 8 Casats and said excitedly, "YOU'VE WON! You've won the grand prize! Get ready you have to fight that android for your winnings."


"What, really, okay let's go, Pal," Dramkick said as he got up awkwardly. He was happy about the winnings, but a lot happier he was going to get to destroy this android.


A large red android came out of the compartment in the slot machine and glared at Dramkick. A second later he kicked Dramkick in the gut. Dramkick grabbed his foot and tossed him onto his back, but the android caught himself with his fingertips and through his body back up straight. The android punched Dramkick in the chest, but Dramkick was able to grab its fist. He ripped its arm from its socket and handed it to Nalista and asked, "Could you be a dear and hold this for a second?"


Nalista laughed, took the arm, and said, "Fine with me."


The android regrouped and did a roundhouse kick hitting Dramkick in the head. Lucky for Dramkick it was only a glancing blow. Dramkick kicked his foot right through the android’s waist. This caused sparks to shoot out and a small fire to start in the hole. Dramkick's foot was stuck inside the android. He tried to shake it loose, but he was stuck but good. He punched the android so hard it sent the android onto its back and Dramkick's leg broke free. The android exploded into flames a few seconds later and Dramkick stood up quickly. All the other gamblers cheered and Dramkick walked up to his machine to collect his winnings. He looked at the video screen that read, "You cheated, YOU forfeit all winnings."


"What!" Dramkick shouted as he punched the machine. "What kind of scam is this! I want my money or heads are gonna roll!" Dramkick shouted as he shook the machine violently. He thought about snapping it in two and taking what was his. If he were on Membra he would've done just that.


The casino manager Rot Dodds walked up and stood beside Dramkick nervously. He is wearing a white jumpsuit, black belt, and round black hat. He taps Dramkick on the shoulder and asked, "Is there a problem, Sir?"


"You know there is," Dramkick barked it Rot like he was a little child. "This machine is malfunctioning and won't give me my winnings," Dramkick said sharply as he looked down at the much shorter Rot.


"Well you see, Sir, you destroyed the android. You were supposed to only use non-destructive blows in your battle and since you didn't, you forfeit all winnings," Rot said brightly as his lip quivered and his face sweat like a gym class sock. "I am sorry is there anything else I can assist you with?" Rot asked firmly as he put his hands behind his back. The gesture was intended to show Dramkick he had no fear, but Dramkick wasn't an idiot.


"You know there is," Dramkick said condescendingly as he grabbed hold of his slot machine and ripped it out of its slot. He turned and threw it into 2 other slot machines, smashing all 3, and then asked politely, "I think I might need a new machine, could that be arranged?"


Rot looked wide eyed at Dramkick and said nervously, "Yes, yes I can…I can make that happen. I will also make sure your winnings are delivered to you immediately."


"Thank you for being so helpful," Dramkick answered as he gave Rot a good embarrassment you in public shove.


Rot hurried away and Dramkick moved over to the machine on the other side of Nalista and sat down. Nalista looked at him and said, "That was a nice trick, I have a feeling I don't need to worry about being attacked with you as a friend."


"There aren't a lot of people I'm truly afraid of, so yes. And since you're being so nice to me I'm going to give you a share my winnings," Dramkick said honestly as he waved his wage stick and bought a glass of scotch.


"That's not necessary," Nalista replied as she gently rubbed Dramkick's shoulder with the back her fingers.


"Please, I really want to. You're very good company I appreciate that," Dramkick spoke as if he known her for forever. He stretched out his right punching arm and said, "Now let's see how long it takes for that little weasel to return."


Dramkick fell a tap on his shoulder, turned, and got cold cocked in the mouth by a very pissed Gram Knots. The blow knocked Dramkick into Nalista's lap. He looked up at her and then gathered himself. Dramkick was not amused and that meant he was pissed. Gram shouted, "YOU think you can destroy my property and get away with it! HUH, you think you can intimidate my casino staff you little pile of bones, HUH! I'm gonna bash your skull in!!"


Dramkick smiled a sinister smile. He knew there were people like Gram that existed and he wasn't scared. He knew full well though they would be if they saw him though. Dramkick grabbed onto Gram's legs and lifted him off the floor. The group of people that had gathered around them gasped at this tremendous display of physical strength. They couldn't believe anyone could be that strong. Dramkick started spinning around and around at a slow speed and still holding onto Gram's legs. He spun him faster and faster and faster still. Dramkick started to laugh like he was stealing the last piece of pie. He threw the enormous body of Gram 35 feet into a row of slot machines. This caused parts and piles of gold coins to go flying into the air. Dramkick said snidely, "YES!"


Gram's left arm was broken as was his left leg, but he was able to crawl to his feet. He yelled to his casino staff, "Get me the Carbsha!"


The Carbsha is a 9,000 year old forged steel sword that is completely unbreakable. It has a black steel handle with the engraving, "To take is my charge in life." The blade itself has the first chapter of the Sinkya guidebook written on it-the Sinkya is an ancient book with 300,000 techniques for taking a person's life written in its pages. The Carbsha is four feet long and 5 inches wide. The blade is so sharp you can touch it with leather gloves on and still get cut. Gram stole it from the king of a neighboring planet after killing him at a poker game.


Rot grabbed the Carbsha off the bracket on the right wall and threw it to Knots. Gram swung the blade a few times quickly in front of his face and said snidely, "Your life is a few grains of sand ‘til its ending. Tell my mother I love her when you die."


Gram sprinted at Dramkick as he twirled the blade in front of him. Dramkick wondered if he would actually cut himself with such a fast rate of speed. Dramkick stood calmly and waited for him as he drew close. Dramkick grabbed the chair he had been sitting on and tore it from its mount. Gram raised his blade and Dramkick threw the chair at him, but Gram sliced it in half with a single blow. Dramkick smiled and grabbed another slot machine. Gram swung the Carbsha at Dramkick, but he blocked it with a slot machine. The slot machine nearly split in half and gave Dramkick just a seconds worth of fear.